Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Sep 20, 2023


After Billy cleaned the captain's cock and nuts for a few minutes, he abruptly walked away without a word went over to where his clothes were by the line and got dressed. He said something to one of the COs who walked over to Billy and jerked him up by the elbow. Without a word he marched Billy over to one of the horses, roughly bent him across it, and went to work tying his legs apart. Billy couldn't believe it, was he about to be raped again? From where he was he could see Eric on one of the other sofas, sort of straddling the arm with his face pushed into the top of the cushions. The CO fucking him was bucking wildly and really giving it to him hard. He felt bad for Eric before remembering what he had just been through. This place was hell.

The CO behind Billy never said a word and Billy had almost forgotten about him until he felt a cock poke into him and travel deep on the first thrust. When he felt the pubes on his butt the head of the cock didn't feel quite as deep as had the captain's, but this one was thicker, and he could feel his butt tube being stretched in new places. The CO got right into rhythm and was fucking Billy fairly hard and at a good pace. Every 30 seconds or so Billy would feel one of his hands leave his hips and deliver a hard smack on one of his ass cheeks.

The chain around his waist was beginning to hurt him just above his pubes where it was pressed into the horse. The CO fucking Eric was going fast now and really slamming into him. Billy could see Eric's body jerking with the force of the fuck. The CO obviously came and pulled out of Eric. He could see Eric just laying there as the CO walked towards where Billy was. He had a big dick, bigger than the captain's. Where did they find these guys? Billy had always thought he had a big dick at just over 8 inches, but most of these guys were all hung bigger than he.

The CO walked right over to Billy and stopped when his dick was almost touching Billy's face. Billy just opened his mouth. The CO slid his slimy greasy cock into Billy's mouth. At least Eric was lucky this guy had used a lot of lube. Billy figured he just wanted it cleaned, so started licking around the penis. The CO had other plans in mind, and as soon as he was fully hard again, began a real assault on Billy's mouth and throat. He didn't gag as bad as he did the first time with the captain. Billy just took it, not even caring anymore when the big head slipped into his throat and thrust deeper and deeper before pulling back out and letting him breathe.

The CO behind him carried on with the deep fucking he was giving Billy. There was still pain, but not like before. After ten or so more minutes, the cock in his mouth stiffened up and shot four big gobs of cum into the back of Billy's mouth. He was surprised and didn't know what to do, after gagging a little bit, the penis slid out of his mouth, and Billy choked down the sperm. Probably horny from seeing his colleague bust a load in Billy's straight-until-that-morning virgin mouth, he grabbed Billy's thighs hard, thrust really hard and deep several times, and shot his load deep into Billy's rear end.

The CO pulled his joint out of Billy's battered ass and walked around the horse where he nonchalantly displayed his dick in front of Billy's nose. It was covered in cum and ass juice, but most worryingly to Billy, there was more streaks of blood on it than there had been on the captain's dick. He opened his mouth and cleaned the third dick he had that day. With that, the COs all left.

Billy looked around and saw all the other boys were on the line, as soon as the door closed, they spread out around the room, most, including Eric, coming over to where Billy was. "Sorry man, they really gave it to you," Eric said sympathetically.

Billy wanted to cry, but remembered his warning. "What happens now?" Billy asked.

"Well, that was the night shift, I am not sure why the captain was here so early. We have to clean up the wing and shower now. You'll get a break. They don't usually mess with us much for most of the day, although any day shift CO can come in here and fuck one of us if he wants. Or use the suck table. But most of them get off on doing it in groups, so we are usually pretty safe till day shift ends at dinner."

"Why'd they leave me tied up?" Billy asked.

"You're fresh meat," Eric replied, "they want us all to fuck you so they left you strapped down. We don't do that in here, it's bad enough as it is. General population is a different story. Lots of guys mess with the younger and smaller guys there."

Eric motioned for another guy to come over to where they were. He was a nice looking boy of about 16 or 17, with longish fashionable hair and a tight smooth body. He looked like a cross country runner, or maybe a swimmer like David. "Hey Conrad, help him out," Eric said. Billy then understood why he had called him over. Since Eric was low-cuffed like Billy, he could not undo the Velcro leg-spreaders on the floor. Conrad got down on his knees, then flat on his belly on the floor and shifted to where he could reach the Velcro ankle restraints. It took a while to shift himself to get at each one, but within a minute Billy was free. Billy was unsteady on his feet, but Eric sort of let him lean into him. Just then the door buzzed and a CO appeared with two boys one pushing a mop bucket, the other a trash can with cleaning supplies.

"Who are they?" Billy asked. Those are trustees from gen pop, they come in to shower us.

Eric waited until the door closed and the CO was out of sight and went over to one of the kids and asked for a sponge. He took it over to the butt washer and got it wet and went back over to Billy. "Turn around man," Eric said, "let me clean you up a bit, your ass is a mess." Billy then realized he had cum leaking down the inside of his legs and god knows what else. Eric gingerly sponged out around his crack and hole, and squatted down a bit so that he could reach Billy's inner thighs to try to get some of the cum off from there.

"Thanks man." Billy said when he was finished.

"No prob buddy," Eric replied, "it doesn't look too bad, but there's still some blood, hold on." Eric walked into their cell and came back with a little piece of fabric from the bedsheet. He balled it up and motioned for Billy to bend forward. "This will help," Eric said as he gently pushed the wad of fabric into his bruised butthole. Billy's hole was a mess, the formerly invisible ass lips were swollen and discolored, and even now 20 minutes after his last fuck, Billy's hole hung open about an inch. "We have to go out and exercise later on. They make us wear undies, and the guards and gen pop love it when they see a blood stain on your tighty whities. This will keep that from happening. It's just more mind fucking from the guards."

By this time some boys were in the shower. One of the trustees had taken off his uniform, which at Pine Creek was sweatpants and a t-shirt, blue for trustees, white for the rest. He was naked under the shower washing each boy off as it was his turn.

It was very quick. The boy stepped into the shower and the trustee squirted soap all over him and then used a cloth to scrub him from top to bottom quickly. Then the boy got about 15 seconds to rinse, and walked out to where they other trustee toweled him off, threw a pair of tighty whities on the floor, pulling them up once the boy stepped into the leg holes. The shower just came out of the wall where the grating was and the sloping floor directed the water down the grate where the boys pooped out their enema water in the morning. Eric and Billy got in line and were soon showered off. Billy couldn't believe the underwear he got. They were the size and type had had when he was ten years old and were so tight they were crushing his nuts.

Just then the door buzzed and in walked four COs in riot gear, carrying a boy between them. They dropped him on the floor in the middle of the room. The boy was pale, and was hogtied. The COs left again, leaving the boy on his stomach, legs chains to his handcuffed wrists. A murmur went up in the room with boys wondering who he was and what he had done. The trustees seemed to know. He had apparently refused to come out of his cell, and when the COs went in to get him, he fought them, actually getting some good punches in on one of them.

Inevitably, he had been beaten and tased, and was now in punishment. Eric looked at him and then in a serious whisper told Billy: "that's bad. Hitting a CO is the worst thing you can do in here. They'll make an example of him. He's gonna get the butt buster for sure.

One of the boys rolled the chained boy over on his side. He had a black eye, and some good baton bruises coming out on his back and legs. "Whats your name dude?" one of the boys asked him. The boy was very good looking despite his injuries, and had the type of haircut usually preppy jocks had at Billy's school.

"Reiner," he mumbled.

"Man you're in shit," one of the boys told him. "Have you ever been in here before?"

"No man," Reiner replied, "I only got in here last week, and was supposed to get out yesterday, that's why I got into it with those asshole COs. I was on probation for a school prank, and broke it when I got pulled over driving after curfew."

Eric spoke to Billy. "Poor guy. A curfew violation, shit. Now he's in for it. They're going to fuck him good. A fighter like that, only in here a week. No way he's gotten fucked in gen pop. The guards love to bust a cherry, especially a feisty one like that. Then they're going to put him on the butt buster. Poor fuck." Billy wanted to know what the butt buster was. "They do it every once in a while to make an example to the whole place. I've only seen one, and I've been in Pine Creek for eight months. Everyone in here knows what goes on here in punishment. Most boys joke about it, until they get sent here, which almost everyone eventually does. Unless you're fat or ugly or something."

Eric laughed a little. "That's why they rotate all the trustees through here, so they can tell gen pop about this place. That's why they have their fun with the blood on the underwear and seeing us out in the yard in only these stupid undies. But the butt buster takes the smile off of their faces, only the sickest person doesn't feel bad for the person it happened to, but that's what the guards want."

"Well what the hell is it," Billy wanted to know.

"Well, it takes a day with this huge nasty dildo called the Christmas tree. And they do stuff to you and make you do things and exercises and stuff. It's awful. The point of it though is to stretch your butthole out so that it basically is never the same, and you remember your time in punishment every time you crap for years. They always put you back in gen pop after the butt buster, but you can't wear any clothes and they feed you these milkshakes so that your shit is soup and just runs down your legs for everyone to see. They also make it known that anyone can fuck a dude who's been butt busted, although not too many guys do cause they pity them, and who wants to fuck a huge loose shitty ass anyway." Billy was blown away. How could something so awful and evil and illegal exist in their peaceful corner of the state?

He thought of something else to ask Eric. "How come all these guards have, you know, such big..." "Cocks?" Eric added. "Well, this place is pretty famous among a certain type of guy. I've overheard a guard saying they have a waiting list of a couple thousand guys who want to work here. They're from all over, you can tell by their accents. And now you know why they all want to work here, sick fucks. Some of them used to be lawyers and big shot businessmen, and gave it up to come here, make minimum wage and fuck boys." Eric had quite a bit of the story, but he didn't know just how many men around the country had heard of Pine Creek through word of mouth. It was true, the place received hundreds of applications but the warden only hired men who were personally recommended by his friends and who passed all kinds of tests he administered for perversion, sadism, and loyalty.

Next: Chapter 6

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