Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Feb 11, 2023


Billy's dad insisted on driving Billy to college as his father had done him. Evan's parents weren't as enthusiastic and Billy's dad agreed to take Evan and his stuff along in their U Haul. The drive was cramped but fun, the two long boys sitting on the bench seat while Billy's dad drove most of the time. The boys would take turns teasing each other out of sight of Billy's dad. Billy would put his hand between their two legs and then sneak it up the leg of Evan's shorts until he grabbed his dick and rubbed the boy hard, forcing him to hide his enormous boner from Billy's dad. To get him back, Evan reached behind Billy and forced his hand underneath the boy inside his undies. Billy couldn't say anything or move too much so he had to sit there helplessly as Evan penetrated him with one, then two, then three fingers. Billy grabbed at the fingers with his ass muscles and wiggled as much as he could, but was soon hard as a rock and hiding his own boner from his dad.

They stopped at a motel in Ohio and the boys had to share a bed. There was no messing around except for when Billy's dad went out to pick up food from Chilis and the horny Evan quickly mounted and fucked Billy on the edge of the bed. Billy ate dinner with Evan's load squidging around inside him and leaking into his b-briefs. At the end of another long day of driving, they arrived at campus. Parking was difficult, and Billy's dad was flustered. They found the student center, got their key, and found the dorm. The two had requested to live with each other of course. The moved all the stuff inside as it was getting dark, and Billy's dad left for the suburban motel he had reserved. Once they got inside, they started unpacking boxes until Billy, still wanting to get Evan back for the night before, bent him over the built-in desk and fucked him like he paid for it. Billy had just extracted his dick from Evan's cummy hole when they heard someone calling out in their common room. The boys pulled up their shorts quickly and went out to meet their neighbors.

The first few weeks of college were a blur with parties, meeting hundreds of new people, and getting settled in to classes. The work was tough for the boys, but they were keeping up. They were fending off girls left and right, but had taken a few of them back to their room, one time them each boning a girl in their beds, which were only four feet apart. They were popular around campus because of their unbelievable good looks and their Midwestern kindness and genuineness. They had almost forgotten about the whole thing when the doctor called and said they had to go to DC the following Friday morning. They were very nervous about it, but soon reservation printouts and a couple prepaid credit cards arrived by fedex. They didn't speak much on the early flight to DC, and were surprised when the doctor met them at arrivals at Reagan.

The day would be busy, the doctor said, but he had bought them changeable tickets and he hoped they'd spend the weekend with him in DC when they were done. Their first meeting had been arranged by the senator personally and was with a deputy attorney general. Specific investigations were below his pay grade, but you do whatever a committee member says. As the boys told their story, however, the deputy felt ill and outraged. He excused himself and made a few phone calls, and soon they were joined by some other men. They included a senior FBI official, a member of the task force on public misconduct, and several others. The deputy told them at the conclusion that if one more boy was hurt because their investigation took a day longer than necessary, he would find that unacceptable.

The boys' next meeting was with the investigative team and a member of the senator's staff. They had detected internet chatter about Pine Creek and were preparing the undercover operation while doing discreet investigations of all the staff. The boys filled them in on how the place ran, about punishment block, and about the generally sadistic manner in which it was run. They told of some of the punishments they had received and that they had seen done to others, and few of those in the room believed them. The doctor then showed them the photos he had in his briefcase of Reiner's asshole and they gasped. The doctor then reminded them that the photo was taken nine or ten months after the punishment had been administered. The lead investigator all of a sudden snapped the Styrofoam coffee cup he was drinking out of, spilling coffee all over the table. "I'll be there when we take them all down," he said. I hope one of them even twitches, I will fucking shoot him in the face."

The lead investigator was not to be disappointed. At the conclusion of the investigation, a massive raid was conducted at Pine Creek and all staff were arrested. Other officers tried to simultaneously arrest the Pine Creek employees who were not on duty, but of course some were not at home and could not be located. A few days later, the lead investigator was one of only a few officers trying to track down the remaining fugitives and when they went to the house of one, whom the investigator knew was one of the most depraved and sadistic from his case file, he was just leaving his house. When they tried to arrest him, he resisted, and at one point got free and made for his car where he started reaching under the seat. The investigator, not even remembering his outburst at the meeting a year before, calmly drew his weapon and hit the perverted CO with two .40 caliber rounds: once in the nose and again in the left cheek.

Back at the meeting, the investigators said that their background research on the staff at Pine Creek had turned up some unsettling facts. The first was the educational and professional backgrounds of many of the guards. It just did not make sense that they would go work at a boys' jail for minimum wage. Secondly were many of their financial affairs. Most had bought lots of things from redflagged websites, using prepaid credit cards bought mostly at one convenience store near Pine Creek.

Next, they brought in the sailors who were going in to Pine Creek undercover. They were only going to send two or three out of the six boys they brought in. Billy and Evan perked up as the boys, even younger than they, came in and stood at attention, their bulges showing almost lewdly through their thin white pants. The investigator said that the boys were to tell them how things worked in jail, and what kind of boys were singled out for abuse. Also, what they had to do to make sure nothing too bad happened to them. Billy and Evan took turns spelling out the unwritten rules of the place. The bigger picked on the smaller and the guards picked on all. There was no way to avoid getting fucked if you were hot, they explained, making the sailor boys look around nervously.

They then explained punishment, which at least one of the boys in front of them would have to undergo. The sailors all looked ill at the end of it, but all wanted to honor their commitment to the mission, even when told they could leave and return to their units. They were a hot bunch of sailors, Billy thought. He told the investigator that the guards really went for guys like Evan and he, blond, athletic, cocky. The kind of guys who would have least been victimized in the outside world. The lead investigator understood immediately and wrote some notes. Billy suggested that it might be useful for them to spend some more time with the sailors and teach them about the culture of the jail a bit more. The investigator thought it was a great idea and had the three sailors who had cell phones write down their numbers for Billy.

The meeting concluded, and the doctor took them outside where his town car was waiting. They went to his hotel, one of the best in town the boys would learn many years later, and up to the suite he had gotten in hopes they would stay the weekend. The hotel was sumptuous and the boys felt like royalty. The doctor poured them all a drink and told them that they were having dinner with the senator. The boys were nervous, but happy to see the doctor again and curious to meet the senator. They went into their room off the suite and took off their suits to shower. They had some time and it had been quite a day recounting all the awful details of their abuse with more clarity and detail than they had ever to anyone. They fell onto the bed in embrace, 69ing for a while before giving eachother gentle but powerful love in turn. They showered together, each boy feeling the other's load drip out of him and down the drain. They put their suits back on and went out to meet the doctor for another drink before dinner.

They arrived first to the restaurant, one of those Capitol Hill steakhouses without a sign outside. It was dark and plush inside, neither of the boys had been to a restaurant like this. The only fancy meals they'd ever had had been in Chicago with the doctor: the best restaurant in their town was Olive Garden. The senator arrived about 15 minutes later, as they were all beginning a glass of wine. They all stood up and greeted him, he called the boys by name and said how glad he was to meet them. He had a staff member with him who looked dismayed that there were only four seats. The senator thanked him and he left. He told the boys how much he had heard about them and how they were just the finest young men around. He told them if they ever wanted to work in DC during college or even after, just to call him personally. He said he had heard enough generally about the boys' adversity, he didn't want to spoil dinner; he would read the FBI reports. He asked them how they were settling into life at his alma mater. Embarrassingly, later after more drinks, he and the doctor sang the school song, which the boys hadn't even learned yet.

The dinner was fun and exhilarating for the boys. They had never met someone so important and powerful, and he was very friendly and solicitous of them. For his part, he couldn't take his eyes off the boys. They were so warm and glowing and beautiful. He could only imagine what he would have thought or done had they lived in his freshman dorm hallway. He could imagine the looks that some shy boys like he once was must make when they were in the shower with them. The doctor had told him about their 'equipment', it must be quite the buzz in their dorm. The senator pledged that whatever had happened in the past was in the past, they should leave the identification and punishment of their tormentors to him and focus only on the future. The boys felt good after dinner, they had enjoyed their time with the senator and doctor.

Back at their hotel, the doctor, slightly drunk, wanted to watch them make love. Charged up from the evening, even though a little buzzed themselves, the boys obliged. Evan this time made rough exaggerated sex to Billy's hole, tantalizing the doctor, whom Billy stroked off to completion as Evan finished in his butt. The next day they did the sights of DC courtesy of the senator, who assigned a junior staffer to them, easing their way into the White House, Pentagon, Capitol, and other generally off limits attractions. Billy and Evan felt like movie stars, being ushered past crowds into buildings with people taking their pictures like they were important.

Next: Chapter 43

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