Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Feb 8, 2023


The beginning of school was a blur, and Billy and Evan couldn't see as much of eachother as they liked because of the punishing soccer schedule and their class loads. They only had one class together this semester, so even though they studied together frequently, it was mostly self-study. Billy was so worn out after practice that he wasn't always up for sex afterwards, even though he often let Evan fuck him without getting off himself. Weekends were different, and the boys fooled around and did activities like before, usually leading to their favorite activity...hard sex. They took a few trips to various colleges around the state, including the University where they partied like they never had before with some guys from the basketball team who were freshmen.

For a week or two after they returned from Chicago, Billy or Evan or both would have to drive to Reiner's town and change his bandages and tape for him every two days. It wasn't as often as ideal, but all they could manage. Once or twice Reiner was able to get the car and came to Billy's. By the last time they saw Reiner, his ass looked perfectly normal and even. There was a very faint scarline where the doctor had made the incision to put in the clamps, but it was only two inches long and inside the ass crack. Unless you looked at is closely in full light, you would never see it, and how often do you examine a boys ass crack in full light with his cheeks pried apart? His asslips looked normal enough. Some guys have kind of rough skin there anyway, rather than a perfectly symmetrical pleated hole. Reiner said he could run fast again without discomfort, pooping was ok, and he wasn't afraid of taking showers at school.

Billy talked to the doctor once in a while, and they finally went to see the psychiatrist one Sunday at his house. Reiner was able to come too. The shrink just asked them questions. They didn't know how much he knew from the doctor. They opened up and talked about some things, and how they'd felt since jail, without going into specifics. They made the doctor promise everything said was confidential, and agreed to see him again in a few weeks.

Billy also talked to the doctor about college. The admissions director would be in Chicago in a week and a half, could Billy and Evan come. They told their parents, who were skeptical. It was tough to convince them without talking about the doctor that it was a viable option. Their parent relented and called the school to tell them Billy and Evan would be absent one day. They got transcripts from the school office, and prepared their trip. Billy's father refused to let him drive saying only crazy people drive in Chicago. He wanted to drive the boys to the state capitol and put them on a train to Chicago. Billy checked out the schedule and discovered it would take them three days total, given the unhelpful Amtrak schedule. Billy's dad relented, and the two took off after school the day before, with Billy getting out of the last half of soccer practice.

They were of course staying with the doctor after telling their parents the name of the motel they had stayed at before. Both their parents wanted them to call when they got to the outskirts of Chicago, and again when they were in their motel with the door locked. Ha, if only they knew that Billy was going to pull straight into a garage on Lakeshore Drive. The boys talked excitedly during the drive, at least when Billy's dick wasn't buried in Evan's throat. Six cum loads and eight Dr Peppers later, the boys arrived at the doctor's house. Even though it had only been six weeks or so, he was overjoyed to see them. Somehow, they looked even hotter than they had before. The doctor almost keeled over when he saw Billy get out of the car in his soccer uniform. The practice uniform was clinging and tight white nylon that hugged Billy's body in all the right places. Because of budgets, the school hadn't purchased much new equipment for years, so only new players got new uniforms. Billy had been wearing this practice jersey and shorts since sophomore year, and had outgrown it. What would the doctor's neighbors think if they saw these boys going in his house!?

The three of them had a late dinner on the deck, it was almost 10. The doctor explained about what would happen tomorrow. The admissions director had been a classmate of the doctors at their University, and was a friend. Most of the interviews were taking place at various schools around Chicago, mostly the better private schools, over two days. There would also be a session at a hotel for students from other schools, and that's where the boys would meet with him. They would also have an opportunity to talk with him at the doctor's, since he was staying an extra night with him once his official duties ended. The boys thanked him over and over, but he said it was his pleasure. The boys headed to bed to get their rest with the doctor warning them not to horse around, but to go to sleep. Billy had cum so many times that day he couldn't have cared less, but Evan was worked up and Billy was more than happy to yield his hole. Evan gave him a short enthusiastic fuck and came with a groan, as the doctor came with a groan right outside their door. The nanny cam he had put in their room was downloading the same onto his laptop.

For how good the boys looked naked, they looked just as good in suits. The doctor couldn't help but stare as they walked into the kitchen for breakfast. They went over some of the things that the interviewer might ask one last time, and they all set off in the car, the doctor admonishing them to floss and brush their teeth again after breakfast. The driver dropped the doctor at his office and carried on downtown to the hotel. The boys thanked the driver, and walked in, heading for the small meeting room on the conference level they had been told to report to.

The interviewer smiled and brought them both in. He gave them a twenty minute run down of the school, its high rank, the admission process, and etc before answering the boys' many questions. He then sent Evan out of the room to wait while he talked with Billy. They talked about Billy's academics, with Billy showing him his near-perfect transcript and top class ranking. They talked about soccer, which the interviewer already knew quite a bit about, having made the university soccer coach look up Billy's prep record online. He asked Billy some questions about where he saw himself in the future. Then he asked Billy to tell him about a difficult situation he had overcome. Billy thought for a second and began. "Well Sir, there is really only one big setback I have had. I hope it doesn't affect things, but I was in some trouble with the law last year. Nothing big, I just got caught with alcohol, which is a pretty big deal in our town. Anyway, it really messed me up. I was depressed and down on myself. With Evan's help, I got right back into things at school, improved my class rank, got in better shape, did extracurriculars, and just generally improved myself."

"That's great. Most young people I talk to make up some fatuous story about some vague adversity they faced and how they overcame it. Yours was real and I appreciate it." The admissions director cut to the chase. "Billy, you are a remarkable young man with a big heart. Clive (the doctor) told me about another young man you helped even while you yourself were facing your own problems. You are genuine, mature, and a top scholar and athlete. I want to tell you here and now that we want you at our university, and we do not want you to worry about how to get yourself there, consider it taken care of. We will figure out the finances, there are plenty of options between athletic scholarships, academic scholarships, and benefactors who will provide scholarships for outstanding young people." He extended his hand and Billy took it. He wanted to cry, but just said thank you as he pumped the man's hand.

Billy's mind was racing as he waited for Evan. He finally emerged, beaming. He had had the same good news. The admissions director insisted that the two boys have lunch with him in the hotel. They had a nice meal while he regaled them with all the wonders, academic and mostly social, that awaited them in New England. The boys were rapt. The man said he didn't want to put down their town, but that they were obviously special young men who had outgrown it. They had to learn at the best institution they could in order to be able to make their greatest contribution to society. The boys hung on his words. He had a couple more interviews and told them to be back in the lobby at 3, when the doctor's driver would come.

The boys poked around the loop, happy as could be, bouncing in their steps. They were back at the hotel just in time to see the director emerge and the big black BMW pull into the portico. They stopped by the doctor's office and he got into the passenger seat of the car. He smiled as he looked back and saw his old friend and lover sandwiched between the two best boys he had ever met. They had a wonderful and festive dinner, saluting the boys and their accomplishments and futures with a series of toasts. The director had believed the doctor about these boys' gifts and beauty, but was still surprised when he saw them at the hotel. Now, as the boys gleefully shucked their nylon shorts and t- shirts to go to the hot tub as the doctor suggested, he could scarcely believe his eyes. He worked on a campus teeming with hot boys and travelled the country interviewing boys all day most days, but these two were special, and in a league of their own. Angelic, yet masculine and hard.

The director drooled on himself and his cock drooled as he followed the boys up the narrow stairs to the roof. Not only were their asses perfectly shaped and muscled, he could see the heads of both their cocks hanging below their enormous ballbags. In Evan's case he could see the head and a fair piece of shaft hanging below. In the hot tub they relaxed and talked more. Finally the doctor said in a low voice: "we are all friends here. If you boys want to, show our friend here what you showed me." Evan wasted no time in perching his tight buns on the edge of the tub. His big dick was semi from Billy's teasing him underwater. Billy grabbed the huge missile and stroked and kissed it, taking away the director's breath as it approached its impossibly large hard size. Billy dove onto the cock, taking it all the way down, but also letting it all the way out for the benefit of his audience.

Evan came with a shout, flooding Billy's mouth. Billy pulled off an inch so that the two older men could watch jet after jet leave Evan's missile and fly into Billy's mouth. The boys hopped out of the tub and pulled the sun lounger to where the men could have a good view. Billy was raging hard, and after letting a few wads of spit onto Evan's wet hole, plunged in. He gave him a hard athletic fuck just feet from the two men. When he climaxed, Billy shot a few loads deep into Evan's ass and then theatrically pulled his dick out, shooting the remainder onto Evan's smooth muscled back and onto his right cheek, which dribbled into his crack. Billy immediately started sucking out Evan's hole until Evan broke contact and came around for cleanup. The two men were stroking eachother underwater and came at the same time.

The rest of the evening was short. Billy and Evan had only been able to stay the night because of storms between their home and Chicago, and they had to leave very early. Their parents of course worried about every little thing, whether they had enough money for another night in the motel, to whether they were being careful about potential robbers. They said thank you and so long to the director and the doctor, and went to pack up their few things and go to bed. The valet awoke them only a few hours later, and they arrived at school for third period. The day was a drag, they were both exhausted, and Billy barely made it through soccer practice.

Next: Chapter 41

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