Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Sep 20, 2023


Thank you all for the good comments and encouragement. I actually have tons of chapters that I wrote in January, it is just a question of editing and submitting, and I have been traveling for work for some time now, and have not had a chance. I will try to get a few chapters posted per week now.


Billy turned around and faced the man he figured was the captain. He looked like a hard ass, like some drill sergeant from the movies. He was probably in his late 30s, a bit older than the other COs, and was taller than Billy's six feet with a stern looking face and a very muscular body. "Gunderson, get the fuck over here."

Billy snapped back into reality and walked over to the man, almost losing his balance on the first step. He had been standing on the line for a half hour or so, and still hadn't gotten used to walking with his hands cuffed, which made balancing tricky. "Aren't you quite the rebel? I can't remember the last time we had a perp go straight into punishment," the captain said patronizingly.

"In here you'll learn that there are consequences to breaking rules. How long are you in for? Three weeks was it? You better mind yourself or you'll do the whole stretch in here. Or, we can write you up for some violations and you can spend some more time in here. The judge never refuses an administrative sentence increase for violations. Billy swallowed hard. He thought he would be in punishment just for a day or something. He hadn't asked anyone how long they were in.

"You had your first lesson last night, now you get your second. You'll learn you need to obey. We are the masters here, you are nobody, a criminal." The captain strolled leading Billy by one of his cuffs around to the other side of the line so he was facing the boys. "These boys will fill you in on how to get along here. I suggest you listen to what they say. Do yourself a favor." "Now get on your knees fuckface."

Billy immediately sank to his knees unsteadily, almost losing his balance again. The captain stepped in front of him and pushed his crotch into Billy's face. Billy could feel a semi hard dick through the uniform material. He tried to hold his breath, but eventually he had to breath. The captain had grabbed a hold of Billy's head and was mashing his dick around Billy's mouth. He let him go and undid his belt and pants, letting them fall to the floor. He kicked his shoes off and stepped out of the pants, returning to Billy with a large bulge in his boxer briefs that he pushed back into Billy's face. "Work it with your mouth bitch," the captain growled.

Billy wasn't sure what to do, so he just stuck out his tongue and gently touched it to the now-obvious dick. "Get it wet, kiss it." Billy took the tip of the big cock into his mouth, the cotton feeling weird on his tongue. He couldn't fit much into his mouth, particularly since the boxers held it tight and to the side. "Get it out." Billy immediately tried to lift his hands, forgetting they were cuffed, and making a rattling noise that got a little laugh out of the captain.

Billy was confused for a second and then realized he was supposed to somehow get the dick out with his mouth. He tried to open the fly, with his tongue, but it didn't really work. He tried to mouth the fly over to the side so he could try to get the head through, but that didn't work either. The captain was obviously amused at his attempts, but seemed to be getting impatient and finally pushed down the underwear and stepped out of them. "Now, get on that dick."

Billy wasn't sure where to begin, so he craned his neck out and began to gingerly lick around the head. It really was a big dick, a good inch or so longer than his own, arrow straight, and very thick for the whole length. Billy tried to get the tip into his mouth, but it was hard to open that wide, and the precum he could see and taste was making him ill. The captain grabbed Billy's head again and forced a bit more into his mouth. Billy could still see about half of it in front of him, but could feel the head hitting the back of his mouth.

The big dick was sliding in and out of his mouth now, dragging over his tongue. It was hitting the back of his mouth a little harder now, and Billy was gagging a bit. "Ok time to take it." With that, the captain really put some pressure on the back of Billy's head and the dick was pressing harder at Billy's throat. He started to gag even harder, and with his coughs and gags the dick started to slide into his throat. Billy was horrified. He felt like he was suffocating, and could actually feel the cock pressing his throat tube in all directions.

The captain pulled out a bit and Billy gasped in some air. The big dick immediately thrust back in and right down his throat. Billy opened his eyes and could only see pubes that were pressed right onto his nose. He could feel the nutsack on his chin. Billy wondered how long this could last. The captain throat fucked him about ten more times, and then abruptly pulled his dick out of Billy's mouth. Billy could see his mucus and saliva on the big dick that was almost hitting his forehead now. "Get up fuckface," the captain said. Billy got up wobbly.

"On the sofa," the captain said. Billy walked over and sat on the sofa. "Not like that asshole," the captain yelled at him. He grabbed Billy's legs and pulled them over the arm of the sofa so Billy was basically laying on the couch. He dragged Billy by the ankles further down the sofa so that his butt was up on the arm. He was stroking his cock and pushing Billy's legs back. Billy was terrified of what was about to happen, especially seeing the other boys earlier. What had he done to deserve this?

He watched as the captain lets a long string of spit out of his mouth the slowly dropped until Billy felt it hit his asshole. "You need to learn how to treat your bosses, asswipe. You're losing your manhood now because you didn't obey your superiors. I always like to watch a boy's face when he gets his cherry popped. That's one thing you can never undo. The rest of your life you'll know you're not the man you were." The captain was almost teasing in his language, and Billy wanted to cry. He admired the kid's ass. Not a hair on it or on his balls, very small and clean little butthole, no real wrinkles unless you looked very closely, more of a small slit. The captain got a little stiffer anticipating seeing that little butthole stretched around his dick. He loved popping boy cherries, especially on a fine specimen like this. Usually one of the other COs or an inmate got to boys before he did, but this kid getting himself thrown into punishment on his first day made this a fortunate prize. He was going to fuck this kid hard.

He pressed his dick harder onto the hole, but it didn't yield. Maybe he should use some more lube, or press a finger in there. Nah, the captain thought. He lifted Billy's big balls out of the way and pressed hard with his finger on that spot below the nutsack to maybe make his hole relax a bit. Billy was very uncomfortable, his ass kinda hurt from the pressure. The captain was about to move to plan B, when he pushed a little harder, and all of a sudden his dick slid in a few inches.

Billy felt like he had been shot, the pain was unbearable. The captain pulled his dick almost all the way out and pushed back in hard, getting an additional inch or two in. Billy was very flushed, and was biting his lower lip in pain. The captain wished he'd open his eyes, but the look on his face was enough. The assault on Billy's ass continued and the captain had all but the last inch in. Something was preventing him from going further. It didn't feel like a turd, but something was keeping him from getting all the way in. He thrust harder and harder, and finally, felt his dick slide in all the way. Billy felt the dick slide through something in his ass that he could actually feel stretching. It hurt like hell, felt like he was being ripped up. But once Billy felt the pubes on his balls, he knew that whole thick nine or nine and a half inches were inside him.

Billy was defeated and humiliated. Here he was in front of all these guys getting fucked, hard. The captain had moved into a fast paced deep dicking. Pulling almost all the way out and then plunging all the way in till he hit bottom. Sometimes he would pull out, and just as Billy was feeling a tiny bit of relief, would push in hard again and travel all the way to bottom. Billy could feel the big dick moving all the way inside him. He could feel his ass tube stretched around the cock, just like he felt it in his throat.

Billy was only halfway conscious as the relentless pounding his ass was getting continued for what seemed like days but was only around 15 minutes. His ass was on fire, how much longer could this last!? Then the worst thing happened. The captain had slowed down a bit and was pulling almost all the way out before a quick thrust back in, followed by a little jab when he was bottomed out that created a sharp pain each time for Billy.

Billy was mortified when his dick started to get hard. He felt it twitch, and then the familiar feeling of it growing along his belly like it had done countless times when he lay in bed in the morning. The captain was picking up the pace again, and breathing hard. Billy could really feel him slamming it in there now.

Billy's knees had been pressed back onto his chest, but the captain let them go and they sort of fell against his chest. He grabbed Billy's thighs and started pulling himself in, harder than before, and faster. Billy felt the dick inside him twitch and get even harder and as the captain made a low growling sound, he felt the first of around nine shots of cum squirt deep inside him. He was surprised at how hot it felt, he could feel it slopping around behind his belly button as the big dick continued to plow into him and deliver more sperm deep in his hole.

Once the dick had stopped throbbing inside him, Billy felt it pull out quickly. The captain wiped the underside of his dick on Billy's leg and said sharply "knees!" Billy was in a strange position and had to sort of roll off the sofa onto the floor, and then get up on his knees. "Clean it bitch," the captain said flatly. Billy looked at the still hard dick that had tortured his rear for the past half hour in disgust. It had cum around the tip and sides, some yellowish-colored slime on it, and to Billy's disgust, some streaks of blood on it. Billy started to lick the head of the big dong, wanting to puke.

The captain again got impatient and shoved the first half of his pecker into Billy's mouth. After a few thrusts he pulled out and held it to the side so Billy could lick the base of it. "Balls too." Billy meekly dove in under the dick and started licking the damp slimy balls, getting hair in his mouth and an awful taste of cum and ass. Billy stole a glance around the room and saw that more of the boys were being fucked in various places on various tables and horses. Unreal, he thought to himself.

Next: Chapter 5

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