Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Jan 31, 2023


Billy had to get home to help his dad with some things, so made a pretty quick exit after his session with Eric and a shower. They promised to hang out again soon, and Eric thought his parents might let him drive to the small city where Billy lived sometime. Billy drove home thinking about the awesome sex, but more about how his super stud jock friend Eric had been changed so much by jail. By all outward appearances he was still the sports star and scholar and popular guy in school he had been, but he obviously had a much darker hangover from jail than did Billy or Evan.

After Billy finished his chores with his dad, he and Evan went to a movie and then to get some tacos. He told Evan about how screwed up Eric was, and the stuff they had done. Evan remembered Eric's kindness to him and how he was just such a genuinely good guy, and then got a bone imagining Billy and the hot stud Eric getting up to some hard core jail sex. The two boys went back to Billy's place and watched DVDs. Early in the summer, Billy parent's had let him move into a tiny apartment over their garage. Billy and Evan had spent a weekend cleaning and painting it, and trolled the second hand stores and craigslist for furniture for it. It was great. They had privacy and their own little place. They had been spending more time at Billy's as a result because it was even more private than Evan's room which was located on the opposite end of the house from where the rest of his family slept.

Billy thought about Max. He was really the only person he was close to in jail that he hadn't seen. He was surprised, because before jail he used to run into Max regularly, but that was usually at parties, where kids from the two highschools in the small city mixed. Billy felt really bad for not trying to contact him and also wondered why Max hadn't contacted him. Max wasn't in his cellphone, so he looked up his parent's number in the phone book. There were a couple listings with Max' last name with addresses roughly in the right part of the south end of town. Billy couldn't remember Max' parents names, so he started calling down the list. On the second try when he asked for Max the woman on the other end, probably his mom, said to try him on his cell. Billy took down the number and called.

Max answered, unsure who it was, and was silent when Billy said his name. They chatted about nothing for a while, what they had been up to that summer, etc. Max was working at a pool club near Billy's house that summer, and agreed to stop by the next day after work at 530. Billy hadn't thought about Max in a while and was really excited to see him. When Max arrived the next day, the two boys hung out in Billy's apartment talking. "Why didn't we meet up sooner?" Max said.

"I dunno," Billy replied, "I was thinking about that today. I guess I thought you'd call me when you got out, if you wanted to."

"I thought YOU'D call me when I got out!" Max said laughing. With that out of the way, the boys started catching up. Billy asked how the rest of his time in jail had been. They had left Max in punishment for two weeks. He and Billy had only overlapped in punishment for a couple of days, the first day was the rodeo, and the other few days the boys had been on lockdown quite a bit when not getting fucked by the guards. Max' time in punishment had improved after his first brutal fucking by the huge dicked weirdo with the tattoos and piercings in his cock. Max' asshole hadn't improved much after that brutal fuck, given the nature of punishment and how much it was getting used. He had been cellies with Chris, Billy had forgotten that, and the way he talked about Chris, it seemed like there had been something more there.

Billy told him that it had taken his butt quite a while to get back to normal. Max said his had too, but he hadn't had anything like what Billy had been subjected to. Max said his last month plus back in gen pop was fine. Chris was on his wing and they just hung together. He said he still saw a lot of Chris, as he only lived a couple miles from Max, in one of the small towns that ringed the city. Billy apologized for fucking Max that first morning he was in punishment. Max told him not to worry about it for a second, he appreciated the concern, and without it, he would have probably been badly injured by his first fucks. "In fact," Max said, "I've been thinking all day about thanking you for helping me out."

With that, Max slide off his chair onto his knees in front of Billy. Both boys were shirtless as it was hot up in the apartment, which didn't have AC. Max was just wearing red nylon shorts over the speedo he wore lifeguarding at the pool, and Billy had just thrown on some old soccer shorts after he showered after work. Billy lifted his butt when Max tugged at his shorts. His already semi-hard dong flopped up from where it had been held down around his nuts. Max tried to catch it with his mouth, but failed. He licked around the bouncing dick, and finally got it into his mouth. He blew Billy for a while, and then said he needed the same kind of help Billy had given him before, with a wink. Billy, hard as a rock, couldn't wait to get back up inside his former best friend. His ass was so small and cute, and he wanted to see the state of his hole.

Billy pulled down Max' shorts and speedo, and was again surprised at the size of the dick that popped up. When they were younger, Max always had a tiny penis, and now he had this smooth perfect long dick. It was bigger by far than Billy's when soft, and longer by a bit when hard. Billy now was the jealous one. He went in to eat out Max. His hole was clean and smelled of chlorine. The asshole was far from the invisible slit it had been when he arrived in punishment, but looked fine and normal, nothing that anyone would notice. Billy could tell as soon as he poked his tongue and then finger inside that Max was getting plenty of loving from somewhere, probably from Chris. Most guys, even if they've been fucked in the past, will flinch a bit when you touch their asshole. Even a guy who wants it will tense up a bit before relaxing and allowing access. Max' asshole just swallowed Billy's finger, and he could feel the generously proportioned anal tube was wide enough to accommodate a nice sized penis...like Chris'.

Billy didn't waste time in slicking up Max' hole with his tongue and then lining up his big cock for the fuck. He didn't put on any of the lube he kept next to his bed, and pushed into the boys quivering butthole insistently. Not the gentle sympathetic entry he had made back in punishment when he popped Max' cherry secretly and in a hurry to prepare him for the guards' onslaught. Max trembled at the entry. Although his regular fuckbuddy Chris' dick was a little longer, Billy's prick had a huge head, bigger girth, and an upward curve that pushed the head hard against one side of his passage as it traveled up him. With all the horridness that had happened in punishment, he had been unable to specifically remember that first fuck Billy had given him. He had been terrified at the time, and it was the first time anything that size had been up his butt. Maybe that was why he had remembered Billy's dick as being so filling, large, and hard.

Billy gave Max a long sensual fuck. The younger Max moaned and howled as Billy methodically traveled his ass, owning the entire cave. Max felt Billy's penis and body twitch, like he had once before, and then a flood of what felt like scalding cum splash his innards. Billy pulled out and Max reflexively cleaned his dick of his own juices and Billy's cum. The two boys lay back on the bed, talking and poking eachother. They talked about the old days when they were in middle school and spent all their time together, and how much had changed since then, and since jail.

Billy took the opportunity to compliment Max on his big dick. "Man, that thing used to be a little shrimp. You used to be so embarrassed about it," Billy said.

"Yeah, yours always looked so big. I never thought I would catch up!" said Max.

"We let me see how this thing works," Billy said, reaching for Max' semi-hard schlong. Max' dick immediately got hard with the attention it was getting and because Max was turned on by Billy remembering his anxiety about his penis and making sure to compliment him. Billy rolled over on his stomach and pulled his knees up under himself. "OK man, your turn. Give it to me." Max jumped behind his older friend and went in for his hole. Billy's hole yielded to his tongue, and he lapped away at the silky insides he could reach. He pulled away and spat on the anus, just like they'd done in punishment. Billy couldn't believe how fat the cock had grown by the time it pushed into him. He actually felt it pushing at his butt tube walls, something he hadn't felt much since Evan started fucking him regularly. Max' dick couldn't be as wide as Evan's, perhaps it had a different shape or bend to it, Billy thought.

Max quickly reached bottom in Billy and stayed there a moment. Billy smiled to himself. There was still about two inches way up in there that belonged to Evan. Max was flexible and had great stomach muscles from his summer of swimming. The boy who had been so pale in jail was bronzed and god- like as he plowed into his friend. Max loved the feeling of entry, and every other stroke or so would pull all the way out for a second before plunging back into the bottom of Billy's hole. Evan usually only entered Billy once. The dozens and dozens of penetrations were really working Billy up. Feeling that big piece of cock meat leave him completely and then plow back into him was exhilarating, and his dick was rock hard again, swinging and leaking between his legs.

Max had a strong hold on Billy's hip and with his other hand rubbed Billy's muscular smooth back. Billy hadn't had all these muscles back in jail, Max thought, the construction work must really be buffing him up. Max would playfully pull Billy's now-longish blond hair, and reach under him to grab and twist his nip. His hand came down to rest on Billy's small tight stomach, feeling if he could feel his dick through the thin layer separating his ass canal from his skin. Max moved his hand lower to find Billy's cock. He grabbed it, surprised at how hard it was, and reached the tip to find a big glob of pre hanging there. Smearing it around the head, he jerked the skin back once, and was surprised again when Billy let out a yelp and began cumming all over his bed sheets.

The powerful jerking of Billy's anal muscles tipped Max over the edge and he began spewing his built- up load far up Billy's backside. He pulled the long softening piece out of Billy slowly, and Billy automatically turned around for cleanup. Max didn't want things to end so he slid himself underneath Billy and got him to squat on his face. Max locked his lips onto Billy's still tender and slightly-open hole, and sucked like was trying to get a pea through a straw. The two boys lay on the bed entangled, talking a little bit, but mostly just cuddling. They didn't say it, but knew they'd rekindle their friendship and being seeing more of one another. Max eventually had to get going, his parents still had him on a curfew.

Next: Chapter 38

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