Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Jan 29, 2023


Billy slept at home that night and saw Evan early when he picked him up. Billy in the passenger seat wanted to doze on the way to the jobsite but knew that Evan, who hadn't cum since before Billy's soccer game the day before, was dying to get off. Billy opened Evan's work pants and hauled his cock and balls out of his briefs. He worked the dick with care and strength as always, and Evan was shooting ropes of cum into his mouth a minute before they pulled into the construction site.

The next few weeks flew by and it was late August. The boys had laid all their plans for making the trip to Chicago. All three of them had been talking up a camping trip in the far corner of their state where there were some hills and lakes and good camping in the national forest. Billy double confirmed with the doctor in Chicago, everything was set. In the meantime, Billy had been thinking about his former cellie in punishment, Eric. He was such a normal good guy, and Billy had really been wondering what happened with him. He should have gotten out in the spring, and Billy felt bad that he hadn't tried at least to get in touch.

Billy remembered back to his first day in jail, and Eric saying his name was Olafson. Pretty common name around this part of the state, but with any luck, Billy would be able to find him. On facebook Billy found several possible, and narrowed it down based on soccer and location and a few other things. All of a sudden he saw Eric's picture. He was just as gorgeous as Billy remembered. What a hot jock stud. Billy messaged him and waited a day or two for a response. Eric was thrilled to hear from him and wanted to know when they could meet up.

Billy told him they should go for a run and throw the Frisbee that Saturday at a park outside the town Eric lived in. Eric agreed and they met there at 11 on Saturday. Eric was looking as hot as he had in jail, which was a funny thing to think because he was of course looking much hotter than that. Billy was confusing jail with being naked. Eric wore a stylish t-shirt and hip nylon shorts. Not the sports or old navy or college nylon shorts most of the boys wore around, but some flashy form hugging hot shorts. Eric smiled huge when he saw Billy get out of the car, and the two had a big hug when they finally met. "Remember when I almost broke my wrist to give you a back rub?" Eric laughed, trying to make light of their time cuffed.

Billy was dying to know how Eric was making out since getting out of jail. Eric seemed in good spirits and talked about struggling to catch up in school after barely even reading a thing for a year. Some of his best friends had been really supportive and helpful, but he of course had fallen out of friendship with a number of people over the year he had been locked up. He had fallen back to the grade behind where he had been, so was surrounded by all new faces. Eric was doing his best at his school work, but when he went to jail he had failed the courses he was forced to leave and his GPA and class ranking had tumbled from the top. Eric had been working his ass off to get back on track academically and was looking forward to the start of soccer practice the following week.

The boys talked as they ran around the park. They were both just wearing nylon shorts, but Eric had come freeballing, while Billy had worn his soccer jock to hold his big nuts while he ran. They talked about school and girls and the upcoming soccer season when Billy would be captain of his school's team. After three loops of the park, about four miles, they stopped, their torsos glistening in the sun. As the boys stretched they checked eachother out. Eric could see the strap lines of Billy's jock through the wet and semi-translucent white nylon, and of course the big jock pouch bulge. Billy could see Eric's junk up the leg of his shorts when he stretched his legs out in front of him. Both boys got a bit stiff. "So, do you ever do any of the stuff we did back in our cell?" Eric finally asked. Billy had been waiting for this question. In the few days they had been cellies, Billy's life had revolved around Eric as his mentor and protector and the sex they had shared was Billy's first consensual sex with a guy and was seared in his memory.

"Well you know," Billy began, "a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do."

"With you it was different than with other guys in there you know," Eric said. "I mean I was in there a year. I had sex with a lot of guys. Most of the time it was just to get off. Like with my cellie. He was a hot younger dude and all, and I did him all the time, but you could tell he wasn't into it, like he never asked me to suck him off, never tried to suck me off unless I told him to, you know."

Billy did know. He had actually fallen in love with Eric during their short time together. The beautiful blond boy with the huge dick, though not quite as big as Evan's, had been his universe those first few days in jail. By now, Billy could see Eric's massive dick with the big wrinkly extended foreskin snaking out the leg of his shorts. Billy was hard as steel too, but it was encased in his jock. "You never fucked me Billy, remember, we were plugged. I always wanted you to, and thought about it the whole rest of the time in jail."

"I would have liked that too," Billy replied. "Do you get off with dudes now?"

"Its hard outside man, you know that. There is a younger dude I used to fool around with sometimes before I went to jail. I see him all the time and we have fun, but its nothing like in there. Plus, his dick isn't very big!" Eric said laughing. "I have told him some about what happened inside, not about punishment, but just about the hard fucking and stuff. He really just likes to fool around, mostly BJs. He'll fuck me if I ask him, but he doesn't usually want to get fucked. The one time I tried to give him a punishment-style fuck, he freaked out."

Billy hadn't been planning on it, but told Eric all about him and Evan. Eric was jealous and immediately crest-fallen. He had been hoping this reunion would lead to him and Billy getting together somehow, even though they lived nearly an hour apart and Eric's parents were still pretty strict with his comings and goings. Billy explained that they each dated girls, but were committed to eachother. Eric stammered out the question of whether they could still have some fun together. Billy laughed and got a big smile on his face. "I love you man, why do you think I drove all the way out here, we have unfinished business. I've been thinking about that big dick of yours since you got dragged out of punishment!"

The boys threw the Frisbee for a while, but their hard dicks were uncomfortable and their minds were elsewhere. Eric had planned well. Billy had wanted to meet the Sunday before after his soccer game, which was close to Eric's town, but Eric had made him come on the next Saturday because his parents were a few hours away visiting his aunt who was sick. The boys walked to Billy's car and put Eric's bike in the trunk hanging out. The two sweaty boys climbed in and started into town. As soon as they were driving, Eric leaned over and pulled Billy's big hard dick out of his jock and gave it a long lick. He worked his tongue into the foreskin like he knew drove Billy wild, and found it a bit looser than he remembered it. This kid had been getting some action!

Billy kind of pushed him away, worried that someone might see. In a few minutes they arrived at Eric's house and went inside. Before the door even clicked shut, Eric had Billy's shorts on the ground and had his dick out of his jock pouch. Giving him a wild bj, he lusted after the beautiful boy, holding onto his ass cheeks like he was afraid he'd get away. Eric turned Billy around, and he instinctively bent over. Eric examined the asshole he had cared for when Billy first arrived in punishment. "Looks ok back here man, your ass is back to normal. And you say Evan has been running that huge sausage up here!?"

"Ha yeah," Billy replied, "I am lucky, you should see Reiner, his ass is so messed up. I was too when I first got out. They really fucked me over before I got out of punishment." Billy didn't mention it was Evan's savage assault that had done the most damage. "Even didn't fuck me for months till my hole was back in shape."

"Man that sucks," Eric said, "I knew those fucking COs had it out for you." Eric buried his face in the hot jock's asscrack again. After a few minutes they moved to his bedroom in the basement when he went back to work on Billy's sweaty crack and big dripping dick.

Billy wanted some too. He finally wrestled free of Eric, and went to work on his dick, paying special attention to the big knobby skin hanging off the end of his dick, even when it was stone hard. Billy remembered the feeling of that skin knot rubbing around in his throat, and replicated it as soon as he could. He pushed Eric's legs up to his chest and dove into the hole. It wasn't stretched and open as it had been when they were in punishment, but was a nice tight rosebud of an ass, as if he had never been in jail. Billy worked to get his tongue inside, somewhat more challenging than it had been back in their cell! Once he had the boy's hole slick and winking, Billy moved up off him and got ready to push in. Eric reached over for some lube he had on the floor, and gave it to Billy. Billy squirted some on the tip of his dick and ran a bead down the top of his shaft.

After what Eric had been saying, Billy knew he wanted it hard....punishment style. Billy rammed into the tight asshole causing Eric to expel a long breath. Eric didn't make a noise...something Billy hadn't seen since jail. Billy hammered the upturned butthole for all he was worth. After about 20 minutes, both boys were breathless and sweating. Eric lowered his legs, and Billy pulled out, confused. "I didn't want to show you this, I thought it would freak you out, but you seem into it," Eric said. He went to his closet and returned with a homemade set of low cuffs. Billy couldn't believe it. All he had wanted the whole time he was cuffed was to be free, to be able to touch himself, and his buddies. Eric pulled the chain tight around his waist and secured it with a lock. Two handcuffs dangled off the sides under Eric's hot abs. "You cool?" he asked Billy. Billy nodded and reached out to secure his friend to the two cuffs.

Eric had bought the handcuffs off the internet and hacksawed through the middle chain link, attaching each half to the waist chain with several cable ties. He had never been able to wear it because his hook up buddy was freaked out, and he could not lock himself into it, and certainly not unlock himself from it. He often wore the waist chain to bed with one of his hands cuffed, but it just wasn't the same. Once he was locked into the low cuffs, he stood with his face to the wall. Billy understood what he was getting at and walked over, pulled the boy's waist out so he took a step back, and bent forward so his forehead was touching the wall. Billy kicked his legs apart and slapped his ass.

Although Billy generally tried not to think about punishment, and he and Evan never talked about it anymore, his dick was hard and leaking. Still shiny with lube and Eric's ass juices, it bobbed around in front of him. Billy roughly grabbed Eric by the back of the waist chain at his ass cleft and dragged him toward the bed. He bent him over the end of the bed and plunged his dick into the still-open hole. Billy fucked him hard and mean, trying to stretch and hurt the boy's ass. Eric was in heaven feeling the big dick rocketing in and out of him. He hadn't had a fuck like this since punishment.

After 45 minutes of the brutal rape, Billy shot his load deep into Eric's helpless rear. Eric had grown his blond wavy hair long in a fashionable way and Billy grabbed a handful to drag the boy's head around for cleanup. Eric worshipped and cleaned the authoritarian penis that had just rooted and expanded his asshole. Without a butt washing, there was more on Billy's dick than there ever was on any COs dick, but Eric cleaned the big cock with happiness and pride, on the verge of cumming himself. Billy gave him a slap, and punched him in the kidney. Billy left his hard cock wedged into Eric's throat. Remembering Eric's last day, Billy let a little, and then a lot of pee out of his dick, surprising but gratifying Eric. Billy let his meat hang in Eric's mouth until it was soft.

He looked at Eric. He was even more beautiful than he remembered from jail. Blond, lean, ripped muscles, narrow waist and hips, with those understated but visible abs and the subtle V of his stomach visible under his light and sparse pubes. And that dick. Huge, warm and alive. He felt kinda bad that Eric was so wrapped up in the stuff from jail, but he had found fucking the cuffed boy pretty fuckin hot. He imagined it would be hard for Eric. Billy had only been in jail three weeks and it had rearranged his life. Eric had been in there a year and gone to punishment twice, once for two weeks. Billy thought again about how much he owed this beautiful boy who had saved him when he was cast into punishment. And still Eric had never fucked him. Billy crawled into the center of the bed and lay on his tummy with his legs spread.

"Give it to me," he commanded Eric, "I need that dick." This was kind of messing up Eric's little role play because a CO would never ask to be fucked. Maybe they did eachother, but no boy ever fucked a CO. Still, Eric wanted that hot jock ass that he had cared for when it was injured back in jail, and he wanted to lay a hard fuck on a boy. The kind of hard fuck his regular buddy would never take, the hot, animal, aggressive, masculine type fucks he had obviously become addicted to in jail. Eric dove back into Billy's ass, getting his long tongue way up the spongy jock hole. He needed Billy to lube him up, and had trouble getting into position. After all he hadn't been cuffed apart from a few times for transport for six months. It was hard to remember the little tricks the boys used in punishment to keep their balance and make little movements while cuffed.

Eric plunged his cock into Billy and reached bottom on the first push. Apparently Evan was keeping this pipe pretty well unblocked! After a good pounding, he asked Billy to flip over, and got Billy's feet on his shoulders as he launched back into the jock's anal canal. He loved looking at Billy's pretty friendly face while fucking him. The jock's eyes were open, staring at him, and his mouth was screwed into pleasure as the big cock moved quickly in and out of him. Eric had a big dick, but there was still that inch or two way up inside Billy's ass that belonged only to Evan. Eric fired off a huge built up load he had been saving for this day. Billy could feel the force of the cumshots fire the spooge even deeper than the cock had been. He must have been skinned back when he shot, thought Billy. Eric pulled out and made a vacuum over Billy's ass with his mouth, sucking his load out with such force that Billy could feel it way up in him.

Next: Chapter 37

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