Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Mar 6, 2011


With a loud buzz, the door to the wing opened and around a half dozen COs walked in briskly. "All right dickheads, line up," one of them barked. Billy moved with the other boys onto a yellow painted line on the floor. The COs moved towards the boys from behind, Billy could hear their shoes squeaking on the painted floor and could feel eyes on him. Billy felt a hand on his elbow and a slight pull, but he kept his feet planted where they were. Just as suddenly a voice said "Not that one Jones, the captain is coming down in a few for that new meat." Billy felt some relief at his reprieve, short lived as it was.

Billy watched as one CO grabbed a boy out of line and marched him across the room. He hadn't noticed this boy before, and would later find out he was David Johnson, from the next county over. David was smaller and looked younger than most of the boys. He was probably around 5'7, quite skinny, but also pretty fit looking. Billy found out later he swam for his high school JV team, and would probably make varsity next year when he was a sophomore. Maybe he had swum against Billy's brother. David was low cuffed too, and the chain around his little waist with his hands at his sides framed a very little butt. One of those butts you see on skinny boys that looks a little too high up, with cheeks so small that you can often see their butthole when they are standing or walking. The CO led David over to one of the pommel horses and unceremoniously pushed him over it. David's upper body hung limply over the padded bar while the CO bent down and attached Velcro straps to his ankles, holding his legs apart. Uncomfortably far apart, Billy thought.

The CO left David there and walked over to the boy on the table. Billy couldn't see much of the boy on the table, but from what he could see he was your standard type for the area, blond, Scandinavian- looking and pretty fit. Billy couldn't tell what his body was like, he could have been the type who was ripped from farm work, or perhaps from sports. He looked like a soccer player, but Billy would have known him if that was the case, since his school played all the others in the whole area. His hair was longish like Billy's. He suddenly noticed most of the others had short military-type haircuts. Probably from having their hair cut here in jail, he reasoned. The CO pulled his trousers down a ways and his fairly large and apparently half-hard cock came into view. The boy on the table, Per, swallowed hard. Billy could see his adam's apple go down and up. The CO took a small step towards Per and with a quick motion grabbed his dick and sort of rubbed it around Per's nose and upper lip. The guard then took his hands away, and Billy could see Per's tongue roaming around the head of the dick.

The guard was getting visibly harder, and Billy could see more of his cock moving in and out of Per's mouth. After a minute or two, the CO had built up a rhythm and was pulling his now rock hard dick almost all the way out of Per's mouth before pushing it back in roughly. Billy estimated the CO's dick was about the length of his own eight and a half incher, but was quite a bit fatter and circumcised. The CO was pushing all the way into Per's mouth, so that when he was in, Per's head was mostly obscured by his thigh and pubes. Billy tried to imagine where that whole dick was going when the CO's balls were mashed into Per's nose and eyes. How big is a guy's mouth, Billy wondered. That dick couldn't possibly all fit in there. Was it going down his throat?

There was an eerie silence in the room. The only noises were some barely audible moans from the CO, and an occasional gurgling sound from Per when the CO really mashed his dick in there. All of a sudden, the CO pulled his dick out and grabbing the waist of his pants with one hand, walked back over the where David was still slung over the bar, looking lifeless and resigned. On the floor nearby was one of those half gallon tubs of KY jelly that are familiar to anyone who has taken a military physical. The CO stooped over and ran two fingers through the tub, bringing a big glob out that he smeared onto his dick, already shiny from Per's throat juices.

The CO moved in behind David, and gave him a hard slap on the ass that echoed in the room and made Billy jump. Billy could see David's back heaving with breathing, he looked nervous. With his legs held apart and bent over as he was, David's butt was grossly displayed. Still, Billy could barely locate his butthole, it must be very small and was obviously the same color as the rest of his crack. The CO lined his dick up on his target and grabbing David's hips, plunged it steadily but quickly into him. All the way in. A low moan escaped David, the kind of painful moan you make when you hit your head or get the wind knocked out of you.

Meanwhile, a few other COs had also pulled boys out of line. One of them was Chris, and another boy Billy hadn't met yet. Chris was thrown on his back on one of the tables against the wall. The guard lifted one of his legs into the air and attached a Velcro cuff around his ankle, attached to a rope coming out of the top of the wall. Once Chris' other leg was similarly attached, his butt was raised up off of the table slightly and all Billy could see was his asshole and balls hanging down almost to it. The CO quickly pushed his pants down to his ankles and scooped some lube from another tub. The guard put his hands around Chris' thighs and used that leverage to force his dick into Chris' bung.

The guard immediately picked up the pace, Billy could see the ropes holding his legs bouncing every time the CO drilled into him. The other boy, a good looking kid with freckles here and there all over his body, was attached to the same horse type thing as David, and the CO had moved around in front of him and was jamming his dick into the kid's mouth. After a minute or two, he moved back behind him. Billy could see a few tufts of dark blond hair in the kid's buttcrack, and the CO leaned over and spit a big loogey right onto the kid's hole. With that, and without any further lube than the kid had supplied, the CO began to work his shorter but very fat and crooked dick into the kid's ass. From the angle that this was all happening, Billy could see more than on the previous two. When the CO pulled all the way out, he could see the kid's hole hang open for a second, and then the dick push back in. The guard's dick was probably 7 inches or a little less, but it was so fat, especially in the middle, that it looked round or oval, and appeared to be shorter. The head wasn't very big, but Billy couldn't imagine it felt very good to have that fat middle section stuffed up your rear.

Another kid was pulled out of line by several COs. This kid was black, the only non-northern European in the wing. Billy later learned that this kid, Damon, was singled out by the guards for extra fucking because he was so good at resisting it, they loved the challenge, and enjoyed making him take it when they finally got inside. Damon had very muscular legs and a big hard butt, and was able to resist most efforts at taking his ass. Eric told Billy later that when they first tried to fuck Damon, it had taken guards holding his legs, another holding his cheeks apart, and a baton to get inside him.

Even though Damon didn't resist as hard now, realizing the futility, the COs still liked to loosen him up with a baton first, to remind him that they'd won and his ass was now a two-way street that belonged to the guards. Damon was one of the inmates who took out what the guards did to him on other prisoners. His current visit to punishment was for beating up a younger kid who wouldn't let him fuck him. Most inmates were intimidated by Damon's enormous cock, but most knew it was a bad idea to try to resist him and just took it. A few had been injured when Damon got too carried away and his 11 inch monster with a head like an apple did some damage to their ass. None had been too serious.

The guards dragged Damon over to a table but didn't strap him down or ties his legs up in the air. "You want the stick or the dick?" one of the guards asked him loudly. Damon was quiet. "Ok, I guess it's the stick then. We know you love it." Two of the guards held his legs up and back while the third one dipped the large baton he was holding into the lube tub, but just a little. With one swift motion, he had the baton at Damons asshole, and was trying to push it in. "Ah, resisting again are we?" With that, one of the guards holding his legs gave Damon a hard punch to the side. Damon gasped, and obviously lost his muscle tension for a second because the baton slid about six inches into him. The guards laughed.

Within a minute or so the baton was much further inside Damon. Billy could scarcely believe how deep it was and thought he was mistaken as to how long it was before it disappeared into Damon's butthole. The guard was moving it in and out at a pretty good clip, and really working it around. The guard who had been holding Damons buttcheeks apart now had a baton in his hand too. He pressed it around his hole, and then reached his finger in alongside the other baton and pulled the hole open further, sliding the baton in alongside his finger until it was sliding into Damon alongside the first baton. Damon let out a low groan, and the two batons went to work on him. Sometimes they would pull the handles apart a bit, making the batons into levers pulling Damon's hole wider.

After they had used the batons on him for 10 or so minutes, one of the COs lowered his pants revealing a large hard cock. He was obviously aroused from the treatment Damon had been getting. At this point, the CO who had been fucking David this whole time made a couple short grunts and was obviously shooting his load. He pulled out of David's ass, his cock shiny and still hard. He walked back over to Per on the table and roughly shoved his dick into his mouth. "Clean up aisle 7, asshole," he said to Per. Per was working his tongue over the dick as quickly as he could, and making his lips tight to clean it off. The CO gave him a little slap, pulled his dick out, and pulled up his pants. He walked over to where the CO had already gotten balls-deep in Damon, and was fucking him as roughly as he could. The COs holding his legs were holding them back painfully far. Damon was helpless and getting fucked brutally.

The door buzzed and opened again, and Billy could hear footsteps coming in behind him. "Morning captain," one of the guards said. "Gunderson! Get your ass over here." Billy felt his stomach drop and slowly turned around.

Next: Chapter 4

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