Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Jan 14, 2023


On Billy's last night in lockup, Conrad made Devin go sleep in Billy's cell and convinced Billy to sleep with him. (What Devin did to Billy's cellie is a different story). Conrad begged Billy to fuck him which Billy did, long, hard, and deep. A while later, Conrad sucked Billy off as he dozed, and spent the night curled up between Billy's legs with the beautiful jock's cock in his mouth. Conrad loved looking at Billy. The perfect smooth chest, the perfect pecs and nipples, the washboard 8 pack, the abs with their smaller indentations below, the second and third abs. His legs, long and lean and smooth, apart from the calves. The V of his lower stomach, that he recalled mostly bisected by the waist chain. And his penis, his lovely big penis. Hanging down jiggling, with that turtleneck of skin on the tip. Above those big balls in the huge loose sac that let you see the entire outline of the nut itself. What a beautiful god, and Conrad had gotten to enjoy him.

Release time was 4pm, and Conrad worked Billy's dick till the end. As the time approached, they said so long and promised to look eachother up in a few weeks when they were both out. Billy went to wait in his cell for the COs to come get him. His cellmate had missed him over the past day and immediately went to his cock and began to work on it. Billy had just blown his load in the kids mouth a last time when the door buzzed and two COs same in. They came in to Billy's cell and he recognized them as two of the COs who had been the most enthusiastic about fucking him when he was in punishment. Apparently there was no time, because they looks in their eyes told Billy they would have fucked him senseless given the chance. One of them pulled Billy sweats down and pushed him over the bed. He felt up Billy's hole and laughed. "Yeah, this one got what was coming to him. Kids should obey the law." The COs cuffed Billy behind his back and marched him out of the wing.

As Billy went through outprocessing, he began to miss Evan and Eric, Max and Conrad. It had been a surreal three weeks and he was glad to be getting out of there, but would miss his new friends and the friends he'd become closer with. As Billy pulled on his own boxer briefs and the suit he wore to court and retrieved his cell phone and wallet from the shrink wrap they had put them in, he almost began to cry. He felt bad for himself, sure, but also a bit glad at what he'd gotten to experience with his friends. Billy walked outside where his dad was waiting in his SUV. They didn't say a word on the way home, but his mom had made his favorite dinner, lasagna.

Billy's parents were very cool over the next week. They had been outraged at the sentence he got, everyone in the community knew about the crooked judges and prosecutors who were all investors in the new private juvenile lockup. Billy felt like he was in a dream the first week out. He went to school and worked out and talked with his friends. But the freedom, and all the stimulation, was a bit too much. He began to think incessantly about the times he had with Eric and Evan, and even Conrad and his cellie. Towards the end he had become a bit annoyed with Conrad's clinginess and his total obedience and submission to him. Billy realized he preferred a man who gave as good as he took, a big jock stud like Evan or Eric.

At the end of the second week he was out, Billy spied Evan at the end of the school hallway. He raced to him. He wanted to throw his arms around him and kiss him, but knew better. "Hey buddy, hows it going," he said instead.

"Good man, good to see you," Evan replied.

"We gotta go somewhere," Billy said quietly. They both cut class and headed for the nearby Starbucks. Billy was dying to hear how Evan had made out in the rest of his time.

Without having to ask, Evan began. "Man, it got worse in there after you left. Those guys really had it out for me. I was getting fucked like seven, eight times a day, and they always had something worse for me. Like one time, they tied this bucket to my cock and made all the guys piss in it till I thought it was going to rip my dick off. While the bucket hung there like three COs fucked me. They kept me in there nine days, I didn't think I was going to make it without you." Billy almost started crying. The two jocks walked silently for a while and got into the starbucks. The cashiers smiled at them like women always do at tall pretty blond jockboys.

When they sat down Evan asked about the rest of Billy's time. "Was no sweat, Conrad was on my wing," was all Billy said. Evan told him about more of the horrible and depraved things they'd done to him in punishment. One day, all the boys had to line up after morning fuck and fuck Evan. By the time they'd gotten through the line, they'd start over. Evan's ass was fucked straight for about 6 hours. They'd also given him Viagra again and made him fuck the 13 year old in punishment. Evan was worried he'd hurt him and tried to go easy on him, but the COs kept whipping him with a strap until his was pounding the boy's hole as hard as he could. Evan also apologized for the last horrible two hour fuck he'd been made to give to Billy. Billy told him not to worry, it wasn't his fault, it was the evil COs.

Evan started to cry. "I love you man," he said. Billy couldn't tell if it was the type of BS jocks say to eachother, or something else. Evan said he had to see Billy's hole to make sure he was ok. They both went into the bathroom, making sure no one saw them. Billy dropped his skinny jeans and b-briefs and bent over for Evan to take a look. His ass was remarkably normal looking, a bit large, but ok looking. Nothing anyone would notice in the gym showers unless they had been staring at Billy asshole before he went to jail. "Man I am sorry," Evan said again. The two hugged, the first time they'd been able to lay hands on eachother. Billy looked at Evan and then went for his lips. They kissed deep and hard for a few seconds and then broke off.

"We better get out of here," Billy said.

Next: Chapter 29

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