Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Dec 5, 2023


The next day when the cellie went to the cell for any reason during free time, they would follow him in. Conrad would tell him he owed him for his 9 days in punishment and was going to pay for it the way boys did in punishment. He knew they couldn't leave any marks on him, but they could run their own miniature punishment on him right there in the wing. Billy at first tried to talk Conrad out of it, but agreed to help his only friend in gen pop. Conrad's cellie, Devin, was one of those sort of shifty- looking skinny kids, a few inches shorter than Conrad. He talked a lot in the day room, but nobody much liked him. He wasn't bad looking, apart from the look on his face.

The next day Billy and Conrad followed Devin up to the cell when he went up to get something or take a piss. They followed him in and shut the door. "What the fuck do you want," Devin asked with a sneer.

It was the first words Conrad and Devin had exchanged since Conrad came back from punishment. "You know," Conrad said. "You fucking snitched on me when it was you who broke that sprinkler. I had to go to punishment for 9 days, you have no idea, despite what you may have heard, how awful that place is. I could never do to you what you did to me, but you are going to pay."

"Fuck you and your homo friend," Devin spat back. "Go ahead, punch me. I'll just tell the guards and you two will be right back in punishment."

Conrad looked down at him with hate. "You just don't get it you little rat. If you had just told the truth you probably wouldn't have gone to punishment. I went because they thought I had lied about it. Plus, I don't think you'll be telling the COs anything. I made a friend with one of the trustees. He has a blade hidden in his mop. One word from me, or if I go back to punishment, and that thing will turn up in your stuff one day while you're out at exercise." Although Conrad was making this up, the look on Devin's face changed. All the boys knew where was no graver offense than having a weapon. It was on par with hitting a CO. Even Devin knew what butt buster was, even if he had never personally seen a boy after the treatment.

"So whaddaya want?" Devin sneered.

"We're going to show you little bit of what punishment is like." With that, Billy punched Devin hard in the stomach, doubling him over. Conrad yanked the boy's sweats and panties down and pushed him over the side of the bed. He pulled the clothes off the boy's skinny ankles and pried his legs apart, revealing a little dark-colored little pucker of an asshole. Conrad got between the boy's legs, holding them apart with his own. He hauled his junk out, already hard, and let some drool fall on his dick. He spat a couple times on Devin's little clenched hole and started to force his dick in. Conrad's large dickhead completely obscured the little hole and Devin was fighting him with all his anal strength. "Its not wise to fight it bitch, it only makes it hurt more and cause more damage. Make like you're taking a shit. This is what the first day in punishment is like." Conrad, exerting great pressure on Devin's hole, felt the boy sigh and give up. With a great deal of friction, the anal ring yielded and Conrad dropped four inches into Devin's butthole. The boy let out a little scream, so Billy wadded up his panties and shoved them in his mouth. Conrad hate fucked the boy violently, working his whole length into him in just a few seconds. It didn't take too long. Conrad's hate mixed with hormones and got him going strong. He fucked the boy as hard as he physically could for about 15 minutes and then dumped a huge load of his wrongly-accused sperm into the sobbing boy's fucked-out hole.

Without missing a step Conrad yanked his now-filthy cock out of Devin's hole and pulled the boy up. "Clean it," he snarled. Devin reached for the dick like he was going to wipe it off, before Conrad smacked him and told him to open his mouth. Conrad's dick was covered in cum and shit, and had a few little specks of blood on it, which made Conrad happy, apart from that there wasn't more of it. As soon as Conrad was clean, Billy pushed Devin down on the bed and yanked his legs into the air, pushing his knees back to his chest. Billy aimed his giant weapon at the still-open hole and forced in hard. He made it about seven inches on the first thrust, and got the last almost two inches on the second. Devin, gag back in, was sobbing uncontrollably. Pussy. Billy gave Devin a hard fuck, making sure to go all the way in and almost all the way out each time. Every ten or so strokes, he pulled all the way out and then blasted back in through the damaged anal ring. Billy lasted about 15 minutes also before dumping a big load up the snitch's banged out hole. When Billy withdrew his meat, there was more shit and cum caked on it, but also some more substantial streaks of blood. After he'd gotten cleaned up, Billy and Conrad left the boy on his bed.

Later, Conrad told Devin he had to be at the cell at 10 and 4 during free time each day. They both fucked him each time and Billy made him learn how to deepthroat his almost-nine-inch cock. Devin was no longer the braggart and loudmouth in the day room. He stayed by himself and watched the clock on the wall waiting for his next appointment with his tormentors. Conrad was right, he never should have snitched him out. After a few days of this, Conrad moved the plan along. He had kept some small apples from lunches, even though this was forbidden, it was a minor offense and most of the boys kept snacks. He pushed a hole through the core with a pencil and then ripped the hem off a bed sheet. He tied a large knot in one end before feeding the other end through the hole in the apple. That afternoon after Billy had dumped a huge load into Devin, Conrad brought out the apple. Devin looked confused until Conrad explained. "This is a buttplugg. In punishment all boys are plugged from Friday till Monday. Some boys get plugged other times for up to four days. We'll go easy on you, you'll only be plugged for two. Conrad bent Devin over and started trying to shove the apple into the boy's bruised and open hole. It wasn't as easy as a plug because of the shape and lack of handle, but with brute force, Conrad got the apple in, knot-end first. The string hung about six inches out of Devin's hole. "Don't you dare take that thing out. Keep the end of the string just hanging over your waistband so that we can check it any time. You might want to hide the end up in you when you shower."

For the next two days, Billy and Conrad laughed whenever they saw Devin walking gingerly around the day room. He got more and more uncomfortable as the shit piled up on top of the apple. Conrad had ulterior motives. Their days of fucking Devin twice a day had limited their own contact to just a few blowjobs, although he had talked Billy into fucking him one afternoon saying it would make him last longer in Devin. Each time one of them walked past Devin, they would lift the back of his t-shirt to make sure the string saw still there. One time Conrad caught him on the stairs and reached into the back of his sweats, poking a finger up the kid's ass till he felt the apple. He brought the fragrant finger back out and stuck it in Devin's mouth. Conrad wished they could cuff Devin, beat him, do all the things that were done to them in punishment, but their means were limited.

Next: Chapter 25

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