Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Dec 2, 2023


Thank you to those readers who have written to me. I appreciate feedback on the story, and especially like hearing about my readers. Please do write if you like the story and tell me a bit about yourself. This is my first time writing for Nifty, and it helps to hear from you. I have also enjoyed the ideas for future chapters. I have many written already, but have worked some reader ideas into them. I cannot work with every idea, but please do make suggestions. Thanks again for the emails.

The next morning, right after the boys had cleaned themselves out, Billy and Evan were chatting with Max. Two CO's came in, grabbed Evan, and put him on the suck table. Billy was confused, because Evan was still low-cuffed and usually the suckboy was high-cuffed, but nothing in here surprised him anymore. Patrick, who had been re-plugged the day before, was that day's suckboy, he was made to do his duty on the low stool that Conrad had been on during the rodeo, where his whole body weight rested on the plug which constantly shifted around in his rectum causing excruciating pain while he tried to concentrate on sucking. The guards strapped Evan's stomach, chest, and neck to the table using nylon straps, and secured his ankles to the corners of the table, spreading his legs somewhat. It turns out the captain, warden, and the COs were fascinated by Evan's huge dick, and wanted to see what it could do. So they had organized a competition of sorts. Each boy in turn had a half hour to get Evan to cum into a cup. The guards specified that they'd be 'sorry' if they failed, but the punishment was unclear, and the boys knew they better succeed. The first boy was called over, and the guard uncuffed his right hand from his waist chain. He immediately started jerking Evan's big dick as fast as he could, and Billy could see the fat meat start to inflate. It only took the boy about five minutes as Evan erupted with seven big spurts of cum that the boy caught in a Styrofoam cup. Luckily, Evan had 25 minutes to rest as the boy was recuffed and sent to the line to await a fuck.

The boys endured the morning fuck, all the while Evan was jerked off by one boy or another. The first four boys had success in getting a cumload out of Evan, even though it was taking longer each time. The boys had taken to spitting on Evan's huge dick to try to make it feel better for him and coax out the load they needed to avoid punishment. Evan's dick was bright red and looked like it was chafing, and he looked in pain. The fifth boy worked Evan's dick hard for about 5 minutes and couldn't get it even stiff. Looking worried, he bent over and took the monster into his mouth and worked it like a pro. Using his free hand to massage Evan's giant but emptying nuts, he managed to get a load out after a little while, well within his half hour. He pulled his mouth off the giant penis, and stroked it a few times aiming it into the cup.

The next few boys came right down to the wire. They didn't even bother trying to stroke a load out of Evan, but went right to the sucking. They were furiously working his dick with their mouths while their free hand tried to stroke the shaft when it came out of their mouths, work his balls or nipples, or press on the sweet spot between his nuts and asshole. Getting towards the tenth boy, the remaining boys who hadn't had their turn yet developed a plan. Before each half hour period started, they each found a boy and sucked him off right before the period started and held his load in their cheek. Even if some slipped down their throat while they were pretending to jerk or suck Evan, it didn't matter because his loads had become pretty small anyways. The one who was chosen began working on Evan while holding another boy's sperm in his mouth. The others just swallowed what they had and worked on arranging another boy to blow before the next period. At the tenth boy, the COs gave Evan some water from a sippy cup and a few little snacks. Little did anyone know that the small cookies they gave Evan had four crushed up Viagra in them.

By the twelfth boy, Evan's dick was as big as Billy had ever seen it, bigger even than when he sucked him the night before or when Evan fucked him. It looked an even foot long. It was obviously in pain, bright red with chafe marks all over it. The twelfth boy couldn't get the swollen massive prick into his throat no matter how hard he tried. The angle was just wrong. So he did the best he could with the top four inches of the huge tool. Carefully keeping the sperm he had hidden in his cheek in place, the boy put on a good show for the COs who were watching. When he felt like he had done enough, he bobbed his head to make it look like Evan was cumming and then pulled his mouth of the prick and stroked it like the others had. He spit what he had left into the cup, and the CO came over to look. Luckily, some of the sperm had stayed on Evan's dick when the kid pulled off, so it looked like it had leaked out. Plus, with Evan's still-large amount of pre, the whole head looked slimy. The CO was satisfied, but the remaining few boys were nervous. Max had had his turn early, so Billy cautiously pulled him into his cell and sank to his knees. They didn't need to say anything. Soon Max was carefully dumping a load onto Billy's tongue that he secreted down in his lower lip.

The thirteenth boy knew he needed something innovative. When his 30 minutes began, he immediately climbed on top of Evan, who was still securely fastened motionless to the table. Evan hadn't met this boy yet, but it was Billy's friend and former soccer rival Loren perched atop him. The Viagra had given Evan such a painful hardon, he found it difficult to even feel what Loren was doing to him, but he could feel the boy's lips on his pubes and ballsac, meaning he had the whole thing down his throat like Billy had done. He opened his eyes and looked at the sight before him. His entire field of vision was the boy's ass and upper thighs, rhythmically moving back and forth as he worked Evan's gigantic rod. He could see the small veins on the boy's nutsack, which held two large oval orbs that swung the sac back and forth like a pendulum. Hanging even lower than the sac was the boy's plump long penis, which dragged back and forth on Evan's smooth chest, leaving a trail of precum. Wow, this boy was turned on by this! Evan stared at the boys hole. It was perfectly round and centered in his crack. A few long blond hairs grew from the bottom of the kid's otherwise smooth ballsac towards his hole, as if pointing the way. The boy's hole was open about a half inch, and slowly winked open wider before returning to that state of openness, probably a result of the morning's fucking or residual stretching from the plugging.

Evan started to think of Billy as he watched the hypnotic swaying balls, and the butthole in front of his face. He wanted to reach up and lick it, but his head was strapped down. He noticed how the boy's hole had wide big asslips around it. He had seen guys in the showers who had assholes like that, with wrinkly pleated folds of skin in a circle around the opening. This kid's had the skin, but no pleats, and the skin was smooth and uneven, as if the pleats had been smoothed out. Evan supposed that was possible from the treatment they received in here. Loren on the other hand was freaking out. On one of his big deep throat moves, he had choked a little and the sperm he was holding in his mouth had slipped down his throat. He doubled his efforts, lowering his butt to better line up with the monster dick. He didn't even notice that his hole had made contact with Evan's face, and didn't much care, he had to make this boy cum or else.

Evan's face was smothered by the muscled smooth jock ass. He imagined it was Billy's ass that he had eaten twice that day. A few days ago he would never have touched an asshole, girl or boy, but now he was transfixed by buttholes, especially the one he had been staring at for 25 minutes. Evan stuck his tongue out, and it slipped easily three inches into the hole attached to his face. Loren jerked a little at the surprise, but kept at his work. "Two minutes," the guard said with glee. Loren worked Evan's balls gently alternating with stroking the base of the big shaft when it emerged from his desperate mouth. Certain that the guard was going to call time any second, Loren was relieved when he felt the big dick swell in the bottom of his throat. He pulled off of it as fast as he could and jerked the huge shiny cock. He realized with alarm that the cup was on the floor, so he pulled the massive missle-shaped dick horizontal to Evan's belly, and jerked just the head with his one free hand. As the dick began to erupt, he shifted so his palm was underneath the piss slit. Working the ridge of the huge head with his thumb and pinky, Loren coaxed four little dribbles of cum out into his hand. Only when he got off the table to scrape the cum off with the Styrofoam cup's rim did he realize his own cock was hard as a rock and that Evan's chest was shiny and wet with his pre. Loren wasn't embarrassed a bit, just glad that he didn't fail.

Billy was the only one who hadn't yet been made to make Evan cum. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to do it, and had taken two loads in his mouth to try to have some cum left. While he was waiting to be summoned, instead he was grabbed by two COs who shoved something in his mouth, making him swallow the sperm. What they shoved in and locked in place with a tight Velcro strap around billy's head was a hollow penis shaped rubber piece about five inches long that filled Billy's mouth and opened his throat hole depending on how he held his head. Billy was then trussed up to the same pull up bar device he had been put into when he was deplugged over Evan at the rodeo. With his legs pulled painfully out to the sides, Billy's quivering hole was at perfect fucking height. Evan was released from the table and told that he had to fuck Billy and cum. By this time the warden, captain, and others were in the room. They had obviously liked the previous show.

Evan's dick was so hard and full of blood it felt like it was ripping off from its base. He walked over to where Billy was painfully suspended from the ceiling and looked at the CO. "Get on with it," he said. The pressure of Billy's legs being spread had opened his hole at least an inch, and it winked desperately. Evan had hoped they'd let him lube up, his dick was burning from the hours of abuse. Evan tried to work his dick into Billy, but the massive head was just pushing Billy's anus inward. Risking anger, he withdrew his dick and leant over so he could tongue his now best friend's hole. Far from being angry, it aroused the warden and guards that the boy would do this on his own rather than just force into the other boy. "So you two fags are boyfriends now?" the guard sneered. "We know what you've been doing in that cell." Did they, thought both panicked boys? How could they. There had been no door buzzers during any of their sessions. They were bullshitting. Once Evan had slicked up Billy's chute, he pushed in again. He got a few inches up the boy's shitter and then his head found some slippery moisture. It must be the cum left over from Billy's early fuck, what good luck. Within a few minutes, Evan was all the way inside Billy, who could feel the pubes smashed up into his crack above his hole.

When Evan made his first thrust, Billy could swear he felt the dick an inch deeper in him than last night. The Viagra-stoked cock was wider, longer, and harder that either its owner, or the boy impaled by it thought possible. Evan concentrated and tried to cum as quickly as he could. He thrust wildly into Billy, knowing that in the end, the faster he came the better for everybody. Billy's guts were being re- arranged by the brutal anal assault. Even though it was his friend whose cock he had enjoyed last night, being on display and being fucked for others' enjoyment was awful. Still, the feeling of that red hot cock a foot up his butt tube was driving Billy crazy. Evan got hold of Billy's hip bones, protruding from where his legs were cruelly stretched outward. With this contact, Evan was able to thrust harder and even deeper into Billy. Once the end of Evan's cock found a spot deeper than anything had ever been up Billy, he cried out and shot a load on the floor. Some of the cum dribbled down Billys dick and balls and onto Evan's pistoning cock, where it provided a little much-needed lube.

Evan felt no closer to cumming than he had 45 minutes before. He kept pounding away at Billy's hole, but was unable to keep up the pace he had started with. Evan pulled out of Billy, and licked his hole some more, then walked around to Billy's front side and poked his dick around underneath Billy's balls until he found the wide open hole, which he pushed into. Evan pummeled away at Billy's sore and pooched-out hole for another 30 minutes. His cock aching, Evan struggled with each thrust. Exhausted, he buried his head on Billy's shoulder. Billy leaned his head over onto Evan's for a minute, and then turned his head and licked his ear. Evan felt his dick tingle. Not caring anymore, he pulled back and tried to plant a kiss onto Billy, forgetting about the mouth dildo he had strapped in, and settling for kissing his cheek. Evan then worked down to his nipples which he nibbled and sucked. Billy's dick expanded to full length, poking Evan in the belly as he thrust into the helplessly suspended boy.

Evan regained some stamina and began reaming Billy's hole again as fast as he could. He was bashing Billy's hard dick with his stomach on every upthrust. Billy was leaking pre like a faucet now, this had turned from torture into a hot fuck. Evan's cock was now sliding more easily into Billy's hole. Either his ass tube had stretched out, Evan's dick was sweating, Billy's ass was self-lubricating, or all three. Evan held tightly onto Billy's hip bones and went for a wild minute of fucking. Thinking of nothing but cumming, he only thought about Billy and his fine ass wrapped around his dick slab as he fucked in and out of the hanging boy like an animal. With one last savage thrust, which lifted Billy a few inches in the air, Evan began cumming way up inside his buddy. Feeling the huge dick go deeper than it had yet, twitch, expand and start releasing its sperm, Billy, who was nearly passed out, began to cum too, shooting all over Evan's stomach.

Evan stayed inside Billy for a minute, and then began to withdraw his still rigid cock from the pulsating hole. As he dragged the near foot of it out of Billy, Billy's ass was shocked by the emptiness it felt. His tube had been stretched around the massive log for nearly two hours, and now felt saggy and empty, not to mention painful. Some of the COs were so turned on they had grabbed some of the boys surrounding Evan and Billy, and were fucking them senseless. Most had not even bothered to strap them into fucking positions, just bent them over in the middle of the room. While Billy was still nearly passed out from the fuck he had endured, a CO came over and started poking around in his battered hole. "No cum!" he cried, "the fucker faked it!" Only Billy and Evan knew that this was not true. Billy strained his ass muscles with all the strength he could muster, making himself cough a little. He had felt the hot load shoot deep into him and was trying to force some out. Evan had shot so deep inside him, the cum could be in any cranny of his colon. But just then a drop and then a bigger glob of cum fell out of the boy onto the floor. "Shit, I guess he did it," the CO said.

Billy didn't even notice when the COs lowered his legs to the floor and unhitched the chest harness. He was still in a daze when they led him to the table Evan had been strapped to and secured his chest, neck and head to the table. All the boys were made to line up and piss into the hollow opening of his mouth dildo. The end sticking out of Billy's mouth was slightly funneled, so it was easier to aim. "A little goodbye present for you," one of the guards whispered to Billy. Billy didn't know what to think. What would he do without Evan? Without Max? The punishment block had become normal to him. He was relieved to be leaving, but what would he do? One by one the boys began pissing in Billy's mouth. Transfixed by the awesome and brutal fuck Billy had endured over the past two hours, few had taken a bathroom break and had very full bladders. The mouth dildo was large enough that the piss was basically flowing right into Billy's throat, which was fine with him. At one point, about five boys in, Billy puked and because of the mouth dildo, the piss was forced painfully out his nostrils, along with some of the six loads he had swallowed trying to prepare for his turn with Evan.

Next: Chapter 22

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