Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 30, 2023


Billy was tired and went into the cell to lay down. Soon, Evan came and lay with him. Within a minute, the two boys were poking eachother with their elbows and horsing around under the blanket, at least as much as two tightly cuffed boys can horse around. Evan climbed on top of Billy and kissed him, pausing before sticking his tongue deep and actively into Billy's mouth. The two kissed for a while before Evan broke off and began to kiss his way down Billy's taught smooth body. He licked between his pecs, then moved to each nipple which he nibbled before licking. Down the small valley between Billy's eight pack stomach muscles he licked until he came to Billy's faint blond treasure trail a couple inches above his belly button. He licked out the belly button and then chewed on and licked the sharp-pointed abs. He returned to Billy's belly button and then followed the wispy hairs down to the wide base of the boy's hardening cock. He licked out the length of it, swirled his tongue around the tip and into the larger-than average piss slit, and then down the underside. He scooted further down the bed until he was mostly off the end and his head was between Billy's parted legs. He began to kiss and lick on Billy's large soft stretchy ballsac. He took each of the eggs in his mouth and rolled them around with his tongue. Telling Billy to lift his legs he kept nibbling on the sac and licking underneath it. By this time Billy had pulled his knees to his chest, exposing his hole to the air and to Evan.

Remembering what Eric had done to him, he licked up and down Billy's crack and then stuck his tongue into the loose asshole. He could taste some of the cum from Billy's last fuck, but it wasn't an unpleasant taste. He couldn't believe he was eating another boy's ass out and loving it. Evan's tongue, like everything else on him, was long and he soon had four inches of tongue snaking up Billy's chute. Billy was moaning like a bitch from the caring attention his butthole was receiving. Feeling incredibly horny despite cumming a ton in Evan's mouth just the night before, Billy felt naughty and rolled over underneath Evan. Evan thought Billy just wanted him to have better access, and went back to munching and sucking out the boy's asshole which was now hanging open more than an inch with a saliva trail across it. But when Billy asked Evan to fuck him, he didn't need to say it twice. "Let me get you wet." Billy said, prompting Evan to get off the bed and stick his now fully hard dick into the boy's mouth. Getting it nice and wet with spit, Billy pulled off and put his face into the pillow. Evan got back on top of Billy and began to work his fat monster cock up the boy's behind.

Billy was again in heaven feeling his jock friend's massive dick inching its way up his rear. There was a special place about 10 inches up Billy's asstube that belonged to Evan. That area had never been touched by anyone, not even the captain. It was as if Billy was saving the virginity of that part of his ass for Evan. When he fucked Billy at the rodeo he either wasn't erect enough, or wasn't getting deep enough but Billy knew from slurping on that cock that it could reach further into him than any had. Billy felt the huge head of Evans cock stretching out his ass tube in the place that Eric had. The dick slid in further and Billy and Evan felt it hit something and stop. Was it a bend in his asstube? His second sphincter? Evan pulled back and pushed forward again. Billy could feel his anal canal being pulled and stretching, and then it was if Evan's dick had pried open a new hole. Evan felt his dick sink into something like play-dough and then felt it yield tightly around his dick. Billy almost shot right there. This huge dick was deeper into him than anything had been before. He could actually feel the nerve endings in his asstube and could feel the tight pipe pressed hard and stretched in every direction around Evan's massive tool.

Evan pulled out about eight inches and then rushed back in, forcing through the tight spot without slowing. This was going to be some fuck. Billy tried to work his ass muscles around the invading dick, but he was too stretched out, and the deepness of the fuck had rendered his ass muscles like putty. He felt like a condom around the huge meat. He felt his whole body was just wrapped around Evan's dick. Evan was getting going like a pro. He was fucking fast and deep, pulling all but the tip out of Billy's wrecked hole, and then going in all the way. When he bottomed out he'd give a little thrust and push another half inch in, making Billy groan each time. The horny teen kept it up as long as he could, but after about 15 minutes, he nailed Billy hard and deeper than he had yet, and then let out a volley of eight or ten cumshots just about a foot inside Billy. Evan left his tube buried inside Billy. Both boys were out of breath and sweating.

They lay like that for a few minutes, until Evan started to slowly pull his dick out of Billy. It seemed to take a while, and Billy could feel the monster sliding out, letting his ass tube relax from the taughtness it had had from the wide diameter invader. With some rustling around, Evan replaced Billy as the one laying on the bed, and motioned for Billy to get over him in a sort of 69 position. He nudge Billy's knees forward so that Billy was basically kneeling over his chest with his smooth as straight in Evan's face. Evan dove into Billy's ass at the same time as Billy took the semi-hard but still at least nine inch dick into his mouth. Both boys were tasting Evan's cum, and large amounts of ass mucus from Billy. Its wasn't shit and had no real taste, it was the anal lining that Evan had dislodged way up inside Billy. He had literally cleaned his pipes. Evan immediately got rock hard again, and Billy did more than clean his dick, making him cum in ten minutes. While eating and sucking hard on Billy's hole, Evan felt Billy's hard dick poking him between the pecs. Motioning to Billy to raise his ass up, Evan was able to catch Billy's cock with his mouth. The odd angle meant the pole was pointing right down his throat, and that's where Evan let it go. Within a couple minutes more, Billy was gushing down Evan's throat.

Later that day, the boys were in the main room chatting and playing cards. Damon had awoken and was wandering around, unhappy to be naked and cuffed again in punishment. He came over to where Billy and Evan were sitting. "Sup," Damon mumbled.

"How are you doing man?" Billy asked with concern.

"You know. Alright. These fuckin' pigs."

"Its alright man, its not your fault, you know that," Billy said. "They have it out for you, you know that. Plus, messing with the younger boys in gen pop doesn't help things for you."

"What the fuck!?" Damon shot back. "Fuck that. These racist ass rapists can tap my ass whenever they want and I can't get none!? I am in here for two years, whats I'm supposed to do?"

"Hurting other kids doesn't make it any better," Evan said. Looking down between Damon's legs he continued, "with that joint on you, you could probably find it without raping anybody."

Having always been the basketball star, Evan was more comfortable around black guys than Billy or most of the others in the jail. Billy understood but was a bit jealous when Evan and Damon went in their cell to 'talk'. Evan told Damon how he had to try to be better than all this, rise up above it all. Did he want to be in jail off and on again for the rest of his life? What were his plans for when he got out? Damon finally opened up with tears. He had gotten in with a bad crowd, but was the only one who had gotten in trouble, he thought because he was black. Evan shut down that line of thought: it may or may not be because he was black, but what had happened had happened, and it was up to Damon to make his future better. Damon began to cry again, nobody had ever shown him the slightest bit of concern since he had been here, everyone either hater him or was scared of him. He also found himself strangely aroused by this big hot white boy with a dick at least as big as his own. He wanted to thank Evan, and being punishment, he started to thank him the only way he knew how, bending his head over until it made contact with Evan's enormous cock sitting over the side of his thigh.

Damon had been forced to suck enough CO dick and had shoved his own massive prick into enough throats to know the mechanics of getting a giant cock log into the throat. The boys hadn't been showered after fucking Damon, and so Damon could taste his own ass and multiple boys' cum on Evan's dick. He worked Evan's huge cock with skill that he had never shown a CO. Every minute or two he would reach down with his mouth and work the lime-sized nuts that hung loosely in Evan's thin ballsac. This whiteboy's dick was enormous, Damon had never felt a dickhead that deep in his throat, and his lips weren't even touching pubes. He remembered this one now particularly. When all the boys had been made to fuck him earlier, one dick reached into areas of his hole that only the guards' nightsticks had touched. A while later, with a moan, Evan deposited a huge load directly into Damon's belly.

The two boys lounged back on Evan's bed and chatted some more. Evan, suddenly realizing that Damon has never cum throughout his ordeal, kissed him on the lips before moving down his nipples and rippled stomach to his large black cock and pendulous nuts. "You don't gotta do that man," Damon said, trailing off as Evan worked the hardening prick into his throat. Evan slowly and lovingly worked Damon's massive pole for a long time until the black boy couldn't stand it anymore and heaved a big load into Evan's throat and mouth.

Next: Chapter 21

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