Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 29, 2023


The day was mostly uneventful, the boys got fucked as usual, and two new boys were dragged into punishment. One of the boys was a cute red head with freckles all over his body. He was medium height, maybe 5'8, and was pretty built like he worked out a lot. The other kid was small and skinny, he didn't even look like he'd been through puberty. He had that smooth soft baby fat layer that made his muscles invisible, even though you could tell he was a fit kid. He had a small little uncut dick and one of those firm round little ballsacs that you couldn't even make out the balls in. The guards stripped and low cuffed the two of them and pushed the red-head into Conrad's old cell. The other one they dragged across to the sofa and put him in a sitting position. One of the COs took off his trousers revealing an already-hard dick. He scooped some lube onto it and grabbed the kids ankles. Pushing the boys feet up over his face, the guard placed his dick at the tiny opening and pushed in.

Billy thought to himself that the captain probably would have wanted that one for himself, but the guard was definitely popping that cherry. Maybe he had already been fucked in gen pop, who knows. The guard wasn't just popping the kid's cherry, he was smashing it. After about 15 minutes, the guard flooded the kids' guts, pulled out, shoved his shit and cum-covered dick in the kid's mouth, then dragged him to a cell. After the COs left, the boys made sure the two new kids were ok, and then went back to chatting. Billy asked Evan to help him piss. Like Billy had been when Eric asked him the same thing, Evan looked confused. Billy explained, and Evan walked with him to the grate. Billy told him it wasn't something cut guys thought about much, but then how often were teen boys cuffed 24 hours a day. Billy wasn't entirely truthful. His skin was short and he didn't strictly speaking need to skin it back to pee, it actually generally worked fine without him doing anything. But he wanted to share this with Evan. Evan gently pulled the skin back revealing Billy's moist pink head. Billy peed for almost a minute and Evan let go. "You gotta drip it man," Billy told him. Evan remembered all the guys he'd seen at urinals who looked like they were wanking, and worked Billy's skin back and forth for another minute, not knowing how long he should do it for. Billy got a semi from the attention, and the two returned to the group they were talking with.

At that moment, the door buzzed and four Cos in riot gear came in dragging Damon. Damon had a split lip and eye, and was fighting the guards every step of the way, even though his hands and ankles were cuffed. The guards were jabbing at Damon with their fists and sticks as he came into punishment. The boys didn't know what to make of it, Damon had gotten out of punishment only a couple days previously. The guards roughly dragged Damon over to one of the tables and threw him onto it. One guard took two pairs of handcuffs and attached Damon's neck at the edge of the table, using the eyelets under the table that were usually used for straps. The other guards quickly attached one of Damon's wrists into the straps, uncuffed him, and did the other. For his legs they used straps from the ceiling, pulling his legs crudely apart and lifting his ass and lower back off the table.

Damon's eyes were closed, resigned to his fate. Still, he thought, fuck these CO pigs. Why make it easy when the same result was going to happen. With Damon strapped and helpless, the guards approached him with smirks. One guard, still with his truncheon in hand, gave the backs of Damon's thighs a few hard whacks and then brought one down on his midsection, causing a grunt from the trussed boy. Another guard approached and with his hand gave a pretty hard smack to Damon's dangling balls. Another guard approached Damon's mouth with his cock already out of his pants and said threateningly: "listen boy, you're gonna suck this, and any teeth or funny business and I will choke you out and you will spend the rest of your time here." Laying his nightstick over Damon's throat with both hands, Damon knew he meant business.

The guards had all had experience with Damon's misbehavior and willful ways, and were all prepared to cause him hurt. One of the guards approached Damon, grabbing his massive nuts in his hand and squeezing, while sort of slapping and punching the huge dick that lay over his hip. The other two guards moved in with their truncheons, not giving Damon the comfort of any lube beyond a couple loogeys directed onto their sticks or onto Damon's upturned anus. The first guard stabbed into Damon's hole with his stick like he was carving a pumpkin. Despite Damon's muscular ass and sphincter, there was no defense. The stick raped him brutally, with Damon thrashing around as best he could given his bindings. Another guard forcefully worked his stick in with the first, prying Damon's ass in all directions. After a whisper from a third guard, they withdrew their truncheons, only to have the new guard poke three ping pong balls into Damon's gaping hole, and gently work them deep with the stick. One of the original guards worked his stick back in alongside the new one, and inevitably, the third guard worked his nightstick in as well. Damon felt like he was being killed, he had three long hard slick pieces of wood independently and together destroying his hole.

The guard fucking Damon's mouth tensed up and shot cum on his tonsils, pulling out to shoot more on his tongue so he'd taste it, and then more onto his gums and lips. This got the guards poling Damon's ass with their sticks horned up, and they pulled the three truncheons out from where they had been lodged more than a foot inside Damon's colon. Damon knew better than to think it was over. The guards shifted places and as a new cock was shoved into his mouth, Damon felt a rather large dick penetrate him fully. Damon lay back with his eyes closed as the four guards shot a total of seven loads into his various holes.

When the guards were done, Damon along with the boys watching with sympathy and schadenfreude thought it was over. These particular guards, who didn't have much access to punishment and the boyfucking opportunities there, had bigger plans. Unable to cum anymore themselves, they ordered all the boys in punishment to fuck Damon. There was a rule however. They had to cum with proof within three minutes, or they would be in line for extra punishment themselves. The boys all lined up, each one of them looking at Damon's heaving chest and his stretched out bunghole. For the boys it was nerve-wracking: they had to cum in under three minutes. For Damon, it was a blur. Thankfully, no boy missed the time limit, but each had to fuck Damon as hard as he could to achieve that. When all the 20 or so boys were finished, Damon was passed out, his asshole gaping wide open, and at least a pint of cum on the edge of the table and dripping onto the floor.

The only other thing that happened was that the shit-loving CO same back for Patrick. Billy had remembered Eric talking about the CO who liked to plug boys at random and then pull their plug out and fuck them two or four days later. This kid Patrick, a ripped, tough talking Irish kid with dark hair and a pug nose, was cute, but mean looking. It wasn't hard to imagine what he had done to get into Pine Creek then into punishment. The CO hadn't plugged Patrick himself, he had just made sure he wasn't unplugged over the weekend, or on Monday morning when the rest of the boys were unplugged and allowed to shit. Patrick had been in misery. After the weekend, the CO had had the trustees who bring the food make sure that Patrick got extra helpings, and a huge pile of peanut butter with every meal. As the boys were required to clean their whole tray of food, Patrick had really been putting it away. The other boys tried to sneak food off Patrick's tray to help him out, but the CO had the trustee watching him pretty closely.

When the CO came in that afternoon, he went straight for Patrick. He locked Patrick onto a fuck platform and hoisted his legs into the ceiling cuffs. He took the plug chain off of Patrick and then took his own clothes off. The boys watch as the guard got his hard dick right near Patrick's ass, and then with one practiced motion, ripped the huge plug from Patrick's ass and replaced it almost simultaneously with his big dick. Patrick let out a scream. The boys could see a small stream of ass drool leaking off the platform and onto the floor. One time when the CO pulled out a little too far, a small log fell out of Patrick's ass onto the floor. The smell was overpowering, nauseating the boys on the other side of the room. The CO was fucking fast, obviously turned on by Patrick's pain, and the feeling of pushing into his hole against the pounds of firm peanut butter turds lodged all the way up Patrick's chute.

The CO came loudly but kept inside Patrick. After a minute or so he pulled his dick out and walked around so he could stick it in Patrick's mouth. The dick was absolutely filthy and Patrick had to suck it for a long time to get it even a little bit clean. Meanwhile, the CO was plunging his fingers into Patrick's gaping asshole and dirtying them so he could rub lines onto Patrick's smooth chest, almost like finger painting. Patrick's ass was still coughing out logs minutes later, although the pace had slowed. The pile of crap on the floor beneath him was like something you would see in a cowfield or at the zoo. A massive pile of shit, all of which had been inside his ass tube a few minutes before, held in by the plug and then by eight inches of sicko CO dick. When the CO left, he did not untie Patrick and the boys dared not do it. Patrick lay on the platform, legs ripped apart, his asshole filthy, hanging open about two inches, and still leaking brown juices. Half an hour later the CO returned, pulled his semi through his fly, pushed it into Patrick halfway, and with a plug in his hand, took about a minute's piss up the kid's hole, quickly replacing his dick with the plug. He went to Patrick for cleanup, and then unfastened the boy from the fuck platform. Once a wobbly Patrick stood up, the CO tightly locked his plug chain back into place. Patrick wanted to cry, he was plugged again, and had no way of knowing when the thing would come out again.

The only saving grace for Patrick was that he wasn't fucked of course while he had the plug in. He was high-cuffed the next morning and spent the day on the suck table, but not too many COs came by to use him. The next day, COs came for Patrick, unchained him, made him get dressed, and took him back to gen pop. They didn't unlock his waist chain or plug chain, and so underneath his sweats, Patrick still carried the big plug around in him. The boys had never heard of this, usually when a boy was plugged when he left punishment, he was deplugged and shitted before dressing. Patrick was horrified to be back on his wing with the big plug up inside him. It wasn't like in punishment where everyone was sympathetic because they had had the same thing. He peed in the small sink in his cell rather than risking someone seeing his waist or plug chain. He was careful walking so his chains didn't make noise. And he just took the pain when sitting at a table playing cards or at meals. To sit at a sideways angle like the boys in punishment did when they were plugged would cause questions.

When the CO finally came to Patrick's cell late one night after he had been plugged for four and a half days, he didn't say a word. Patrick's cell mate was wide eyed in the adjacent bed as the CO ripped off Patrick's orange nylon sleeping shorts and unlocked the plug chain. The CO slipped into Patrick as soon as the plug cleared his sphincter and pounded the young ass down into the bed. Putting Patrick into a full nelson-like hold, he hammered away at the boys gunk-filled hole. The smell of Patrick's backed- up crap filled the cell. To Patrick's self-disgust, he grew a hard boner as his cock was smashed into and rubbed against the mattress. The CO finished his brutal fuck, and blasted off inside Patrick. The CO moved around for cleanup, then quickly unlocked Patrick's waist chain pulling it from under his smooth thin torso face-down on the mattress. He left, taking the plug chain with him but leaving the plug. Patrick was able to hold in all but a little crap since he was on his stomach and could clench his cheeks, unlike when he was trussed up with his legs splayed apart. Patrick knew he couldn't hold the crap in all night, and there was no way he could shit into the tiny sink in the cell. With resignation, and in an act of total submission, Patrick reached onto the floor for the shitty plug, and re-inserted it into himself in front of his disbelieving cellie. Still hard as a rock, Patrick, who hadn't cum since before being sent to punishment two weeks before, stroked himself off to a huge and quick orgasm.

Next: Chapter 20

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