Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 28, 2023


Evan was trying to calm himself down, and remembered Billy's warning not to cry under any circumstance. A few minutes later, Evan was horrified to see one of the guy's who had tried to rape him back in gen pop walking across the room. The guy was big, not as tall as Evan, but muscular and built with a body that made Evan think of football players and wrestlers he'd seen in the locker room. The kid had a trustee's tell tale blue t-shirt, and was carrying a stack of breakfast trays. He put the trays down, and looked at Evan with a mean smile. He came over to where Evan was still helplessly tied up and without saying a word, hauled a fat dick out of his sweats, lined it up with Evan's leaking hole, and shoved it in to the base. Evan winced as the boy began a hard fast fuck. His dick was wider than any Evan had had up him before, and was stretching his ass tube painfully. He had one of those dicks shaped like a football. Small head, but with a shaft that is fattest in the middle. Evan could feel the wide part of the cock travelling up him at a good speed, and the tip of the thing probing up his guts. It didn't reach as far as the first dick he'd taken from the captain, and certainly not as far as the baton that had just been far up his butt. Being a teenager who hadn't cum in four or five days, the trustee lasted no longer than ten minutes before blasting a huge load of hot cum into the cute boy he'd wanted to fuck since he first saw him on his wing. Having learned from the guards, he moved around and shoved his dick into Evan's mouth for cleanup.

Billy, watching all this from his place on the yellow line to which he'd returned after being released from the leg stretchers, felt awful for Evan without even knowing that this was one of his tormentors who had landed him in punishment fucking him. The boys all hated it when trustees used their holes. It was a breach of the code for prisoners to do that to eachother in this awful place. It was humiliating to have an age-mate doing the same degrading acts to them as the COs did. The trustee who had just helped himself to Evan's helpless ass and mouth stuffed his deflating junk into his sweats and continued collecting breakfast trays. The boys were showered and put into their tighty whities. Billy immediately brought Evan into his cell to talk to him and try to cheer him up. Eric came in and the three of them talked for a couple hours. Eric then suggested that they check Evan out to make sure he was ok. Evan stood as the two boys maneuvered his tighty whities down under his ample ballsac. Eric went behind Evan and got the tight briefs partway down over his smooth muscled buttocks with the waistband suspended over the boy's wide ass valley, Eric was able to skillfully hook his chin over it and pull them a bit further down, bringing his face right in line with the boy's dripping hole.

Getting Evan to band forward slightly, Eric examined the hole. It was red and puffy as was expected, and no sign of blood, good. Eric explained the healing powers of saliva as he had to Billy, and began to moisturize Evan's hole. The hole was still hanging slightly open with an open area maybe a half-inch wide that Eric soon had his tongue wedged into. As Evan relaxed, Eric was able to get his whole tongue into the boy's chute. Eric was amazed at how much sperm was inside Evan. Just from two fucks, he thought to himself. He didn't know about Billy's loosening session yet, and didn't realize how much pent up sperm the guard and the trustee had pumped inside him. Plus, the guards' baton rape of Evan had pushed his and Billy's cum way up inside him, so it was long in leaking out. Billy, sitting on the bed facing Evan, noticed that big dick in front of him was raising up from its usual position dangling below the big balls. He asked Evan to let him make him feel better, and seeing Evan close his eyes and give a little nod, took the zucchini-sized flesh tube into his mouth.

Even though Billy had had Evan's dick in his mouth for most of an hour during the rodeo, he had never seemed to get that hard, and his dick certainly wasn't as thick as it was now. Billy had a little trouble at first even fitting his mouth around the thing. Evan was now as hard as steel, and Billy had to hunch down a bit to keep the angle right. The huge nuts were pressed tight into their sac because of the upward pressure of the briefs waistband, making them look as big as tennis balls. Billy wished he weren't cuffed so he could play with those big nuts. Evan was moaning now as the two jocks worked on either side of his crotch. Billy, with some trouble, had gotten the huge head of the dick into his throat hole, and Evan now was enjoying the feeling of his dick completely filling and stretching Billy's throat tube. Billy had to come off the pole for air once in a while and then would push back down, feeling the head pop through the entrance to his throat and then travel down about six inches. Billy thought the big dick must be all the way down his neck.

With Eric's long tongue pushing up his abused hole and the sensations of his dick traveling down Billy's throat while his tongue played on the cum tube on the bottom of his dick, Evan couldn't hold back much longer. With a whole body spasm, he dumped the first of nine shots in the bottom of Billy's throat. Billy pulled off the huge piece of meat so that the massive head was resting on his tongue while it delivered the rest of the giant load. Christ thought Billy, this must be three times what he shot in my mouth at the rodeo, and that seemed like a lot. When the gusher stopped, Billy licked around the circumcised head to get the remaining drops off while Eric looked on. The dick, now softening, still had to be ten inches. Billy was jealous of his buddy's eleven inch dick, but proud at the same time that he'd taken it and made him feel so good. He must've not been fully erect at the rodeo, Billy now decided, that dick was at least an inch or more longer than the captain's and he had fucked Billy pretty hard that day.

The three sat back down in an awkward silence that Billy finally broke by complimenting Evan's huge dick and massive cum load. "Well thanks guys, I guess I needed that." Evan said. "Billy, I didn't know you were bi."

"I am not," Billy shot back, "or I wasn't." "This place fucks you up and we have to do what we can to make each other feel better." Billy thought about what he had said. Was he bi now? He stared at boys' bodies all day, and looked forward to sucking and being sucked by Eric and Conrad. He had really enjoyed his 'training' of Max and Evan, the feeling of his penis deep inside another boy. He had really enjoyed sucking Eric and Evan, it was pleasurable when you weren't tied down having your throat raped. Billy was really good friends now with Eric, he felt the same about him as he did Max, and now Evan. He would definitely see Evan and probably Max when he got out, would he see Eric, several towns away? What would they do if they weren't in here? Would they even be friends? For that matter, would he even be able to look at Max or Evan? Or they he? Billy felt confused and fearful. Billy wasn't sure now if he was bi or gay or what. After the last few days, and especially his times with other boys, he wasn't sure he could go back to girls who basically annoyed him. The few times he'd gotten to fuck his old girlfriend she laid there stiff as a board while he worked his penis into her. She wouldn't let him put the whole thing in and barely moved as he worked half his dick in and out of her and finally came in the rubber. It wasn't the hot aggressive animalistic sex he had with boys in here, and the guards had with him against his will. Would he still want to do these things with boys when he got out?

At evening fuck Evan and Billy were by luck next to eachother on fuck platforms, their feet almost touching from where they were hoisted by the ropes. They looked at each other while the guards savaged their holes and filled them with sperm. Eric had been strapped into one of the leg spreaders and Billy glanced at him from time to time seeing only his back, head and outstretched legs while the CO behind him pounded away with a serious look on his face. Billy was horrified when after the guard came in Eric, he quickly unshackled him from the spreader and then unlocked his wrists and waist chain. The guard threw him panties, sweats and a t-shirt. Eric looked intently at Billy as he dressed. The CO pushed him up against a wall and stuck his hand down the back of Eric's sweats. Jamming two fingers into his sticky hole he brought out a scoop of cum and ass juice and held it to Eric's mouth. "Something to remember this place by," he said as he stuck the fingers in Eric's mouth and then held them for Eric to clean off. With that, Eric was cuffed and led out of the punishment block. Billy was devastated that he didn't get to say goodbye to Eric, or maybe even make plans to meet up when he got out. Maybe he would be in the same wing as Eric if he ever got out of punishment. Hopefully he was on facebook.

Billy didn't even notice the last ten minutes of his fuck, even though the CO was really pounding him and obviously trying to hurt him. The guard came as deep as he could in Billy, finishing with a few hard jolts that moved Billy back on the platform. The guard came around for cleanup as the CO next to him fucking Evan came too. Back in line, Billy told Evan he should move into his cell, to which Evan agreed. There didn't seem to be any problem with which cell the boys were in, no one ever checked.

"You and Eric were friends?" Evan asked.

"Yeah, we met in here, he really helped me out," Billy answered.

"Did you guys, uh, do the stuff we did earlier together?" Evan asked.

"Well, yeah, I guess. It started out like that, I mean when I first got in here. I was pretty messed up after they first fucked me. I had never had anything up there, and was bleeding and stuff. Eric helped me out like he helped you out, and then gave me a blowjob to try to cheer me up like I did for you." Evan was watching Billy intently. Billy saw the huge dick hanging over the side of the thin mattress and down the width of the frame. It looked to be getting a little stiffer. "We did it a few times, I mean you know this place, its so awful what they do to us, its nice to have a little pleasure if you can. It actually is great to cum with another boy when you both are doing it for pleasure and its not a rape like those guards do. There was another guy I did it with too, but he's gone now." Evan looked at him still intently.

"Yeah that makes sense," he said, "you always had a girlfriend, I didn't think you did that stuff back in school. But man, that beej you gave me was awesome, I have never been so hard or come so big, I almost passed out. I wanna do you, is that ok?"

"Only if you're sure," Billy said, "this place screws with your head, I don't want you to do anything you don't want to." Evan didn't reply and switch from the bed to kneeling between Billy's knees. Billy's cock gave a little jump but was still soft. Evan leaned over and licked the top of the dick from tip to base, and then leaned further to grab the soft skin at the tip with his mouth. The now-hardening dick pulsed in his mouth. Evan eagerly moved his head back and forth on the now-hard dick, feeling the head travel along his tongue and the roof of his mouth. He let the dick out so he could look at it. He'd seen uncircumcised penises in the locker-room showers of course, but had never seen one close. He tried to poke his tongue under the skin, but it lay too tightly on the pink head. He grabbed the skin near the end with his lips and pushed it back on the hard dick. The skin rolled back, revealing the large bell-shaped head which Evan then wrapped his mouth around.

He knew he had to take Billy's whole dick and leaned forward until he felt the head at his throat opening. Every time up until now the cock had simply been forced down his throat, making him gag and puke. Now he concentrated on letting the penis slide down his gullet. He could feel Billy's big dick filling his throat hole, and he pushed forward more, feeling the head inch down his throat tube, filling it completely and stretching it. Alternating between throat and mouth work, Evan gave Billy great head, at least for a guy giving his first voluntary BJ. Finally, Billy couldn't stand his beautiful former co- captain's ministrations, and he heaved a big load into the kneeling boys mouth. Evan held it all in his mouth and then opened wide for a breath of air as Billy's cock slipped out, showing off Billy's huge load to the satisfied boy. "Man, that was great, thanks man," said Billy. Then, "could you imagine if any of the guys at school saw this. They wouldn't believe it. Well, they wouldn't believe this place either."

Evan took a deep breath. "I can't believe any of it," he said, "I never imagined that I would want to suck a dude's dick and would love it. It was so hot feeling your dick in my mouth, and when it went down my throat, I felt like I had all of you in my. It was so fucking horny man, I've never felt anything like that before, it was so tight in my throat. And when you came, it was so powerful, I could feel your body shaking and your dick getting all hard and swelling. It was like that feeling you get when you lift your max benchpress, or make a dunk. Man, that was awesome."

Thankfully, just before lights out, a CO came in and took off Evan's high cuffs, replacing them with much more comfortable low cuffs. None of the boys understood the rhyme or reason between who was low and high cuffed. The two boys went to sleep on Billy's bed facing eachother. Billy tickled Evan's long soft penis, which he could just reach with his middle finger, and poked the big soft ballsac. The two soon fell asleep and snoozed right until the 0430 wake up buzzer. The two boys managed to get the two toilet bowls at the same time, and chatted about this and that while pooping, just like they had done over the stall walls in the lockerroom before basketball practice two years ago.

Next: Chapter 19

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