Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 17, 2023


The warden again addressed the crowd. "As many of you know, the surrounding counties' juvenile justice system is very strict to try to deter youth crime. What would merit a fine or community service in other places usually brings a custodial sentence here. These boys attend the same school..." Billy knew they were in trouble... "and, a quick google search revealed were co-captains of their JV basketball team last year." They had been. Billy had had to give up basketball because the varsity soccer and track seasons went longer than the JV ones did, so basketball got squeezed out of the middle. Evan was taller than Billy, around 6'3, and would continue playing basketball. He had the very lean tall muscular frame you see on white guys who are good high school and college players. He had blond hair that he wore on a longish curly style, with darker sides where it was a bit shorter. Billy had always admired him as another one of the hot guys in school, and he was very smart and definitely college-bound. He had a baby face though, and could only grow one or two little whiskers, which the guys teased him about. Billy remembered his dick being pretty big in the locker room, but had never seen it hard. He had no body hair, barely any pubes, and only a light dusting on the lower calves. The basketball team used to tease him asking if he was actually on the swim team and had shaved his body.

"Boys like these helped egg each other on into the trouble that landed them here, and they will have to help each other stay out of trouble when they leave here. They will no longer be the cocky boys they were, because they learned respect. They will help each other because they witnessed each other submit to legitimate authority. Every time they see eachother in the school halls or at a party, they will remember what happens when they break the law. We consider this a way of internalizing the reform and discipline these boys receive here. We mean to control their future behavior based on their own acts with eachother." Billy didn't like the sound of this at all. While the warden kept extolling his bullshit, a couple COs dragged Billy over to what looked like a set of pull up bars. The COs attached some straps hanging from the bars under Billy's arms and connected them tightly. They next simultaneously lifted Billy's legs far out to the sides. Billy dropped a few inches until the straps caught him and held him aloft. The guards attached Billy ankles to cuffs coming from the upright bars making Billy almost in the 'splits' position with his ass about three feet off the ground.

A few COs dragged Evan over toward Billy. Billy couldn't imagine what the setup was for, but knew with the crowd and what had happened so far in the rodeo, it wouldn't be good. The CO barked at Evan to strip, which he did, but not quickly enough for the CO who smacked the side of his head. The crowd filtered around Evan and began admiring and touching his beautiful lean smooth body. Billy saw Evan's dick amble out of the pink panties as he shucked them. It was bigger than he remembered it. Billy thought Evan must be terrified, he couldn't have been in here more than a few days, Billy had seen him at school a day or two before his own court date. While Billy was watching Evan's embarrassing strip show, he felt someone unlocking his plug chain. The CO came around to his front and unlocked it there and yanked the chain out from the metal loop on the plug base.

The COs layed the naked Evan on the floor underneath Billy with his face directly below Billy's legs. Peering down as far as he could Billy could make eye contact with Evan, who looked terrified. Billy's position was painful, his legs were stretched out as far as a gymnast's, and the muscle tension in his crotch was making his asshole tight around the plug, which was painful. The CO told Evan to "get the plug out of that bitch." Evan reached up and grabbed the base of the plug with his long thin arm. Billy could feel him pull on it a little bit, he obviously had no idea how much force it took to get one of these things out. Billy had been plugged nearly 24 hours, and could feel a bellyful of shit rumbling around atop the invading rubber. The CO gave Evan a kick in the side, and Billy immediately felt more downward pressure on the plug. He could feel what he remembered as the widest part nearing the entrance, or in this case exit, to his ass, and had to push out a bit to avoid injury. As soon as the plug came out with a slurping noise, Billy could feel a cascade of crap falling out behing it. He tried to tense his asshole, but it was no use. The plug had expanded his ass tube and O ring so much that it was a losing battle. He could only hear and smell what must have been an awful poop shower for Evan.

They left the two there for about 5 minutes as the built up shit dribbled out. The guards then nastily told Evan to lick his lips and thank his friend for feeding him the type of food he deserves as a perp. Billy heard a muffled thank you, and felt bad for Evan. The COs then tried to rile him up saying didn't he want to get back at Billy. Evan didn't say anything, but when they told him that he had to fuck Billy, his head dropped. Billy could see Evan stand up and move around behind him. There was a minute's wait, and then one of the COs directed another boy to come over and suck Evan, apparently he couldn't get hard. It must have worked, because Billy soon felt the tip of a dick probing around his shitty and stretched out hole. He couldn't even tell when it actually entered him because of the damage the plug had done. Evan pumped his dick only a ways into Billy, trying to be as gentle as possible. This angered the COs who teased him and told him to fuck Billy harder, after all he had shit on his face. Evan knew that he wasn't getting out of this and started to fuck deeper and harder. His dick penetrated up into the areas of Billy's ass that the plug hadn't touched, and within a minute or two Billy felt the hard tube reaching the parts of his ass tube that had only been reached by the biggest dick to fuck him.

Evan's hands were on Billy's abs as he tried to gain more force into the suspended boy. Billy felt Evan's dick twitch inside him and was relieved this was almost over. Evan grunted and dumped what felt like a large load into Billy's ass. Soon after, the COs released Billy's sore legs onto the ground again where he stood in his own shit. Once the chest strap was undone, he and Evan were led to the suck table which was vacant, Billy saw the boy who had occupied it chained to a nearby wall. He and Evan were made to lie on their sides head to toe. Guards tightly wound straps around each boys waist and the other boys shoulder blades and cinched them tight. Billy found his face mashed into Evans cock, which stunk with Billy's shit and was slimy and cummy from the fuck he'd just delivered inside Billy. "You know what to do boys" the CO said. Billy immediately took the semi-hard dick into his mouth and began working it. A few seconds later he felt Evan's mouth fumbling around his own cock. Billy's cock sprang to life, and began to harden in Evan's mouth. Billy tried to back up his ass to keep too much of his cock from going into Evan, but the straps were too tight. "C'mon, put your heart into it," Billy heard one of the COs say as he felt a hand press his ass forward and another push Evans head into his crotch.

The smell of Billy's shit was overpowering, and he could feel Evan gagging on his cock. Billy had taken Evan's giant meat into his throat, and was in a holding pattern trying to cum as fast as he could to give Evan a break. Billy could hear the captain's voice nearby, telling the CO that he was going to take the cherry, and that some of the guests wanted the stinky. Billy could hear some commotion behind him and all of a sudden a dick pierced into his sloppy ass. Around the same time, he could hear a yell and feel the same yell on his penis as the captain presumably sank his meat into Evan. Billy empathized with Evan, the captain was a tough one to lose your cherry to, and Evan had had no warning or preparation. He had no idea what was happening when he was taken from his cell a half hour previously and brought down to punishment.

The two boys lay mouth-to-cock on the narrow table while the captain reamed out Evans virgin hole, and a series of guests fucked Billy's sloppy hole. The guests must have been so worked up by the sights they'd seen it was taking them an average of only a few minutes to dump their loads up Billy. Most of them had decent sized pricks from what Billy could tell, but none of them reached as deep as Evan had. The captain took his sadistic time with Evan, working his hole in every way he could. Because of the setup, with the guy fucking having to hold the boy's leg up as he was tied onto his side, there was no way to get much force, and thankfully the captain wasn't able to give Evan as brutal a fuck as he had given Billy on the sofa. Billy used all his concentration and was able to cum right down Evan's throat. Good, he was done. The guards wouldn't even notice, and anyway they couldn't exactly make him get hard again right away. Evan just kept the soft cock in his mouth, and Billy worked on his meat as good as he could. Billy wanted him to get off quickly too to prevent any chance of him getting in trouble for not cumming. It didn't seem to matter much, the main event was now the boys' asses anyway.

Finally with a grunt the captain unloaded into Evan and gave his ass a series of smacks. Whomever was inside Billy finished up quickly and pulled out. Billy had lost count of how many loads had been sprayed up him in the last 45 minutes. Billy almost immediately felt a plug being stuffed back in his hole. He'd be keeping what was probably a pint of cum in him for who knew how long. The COs untied the boys and dragged them to the shower where a couple trustees washed them at the same time. For a minute they faced eachother, but Evan kept his eyes low, and neither felt like speaking with all the people around. As soon as they were cleaned and dried, the COs made Evan put on his sweats and he was marched out. It was probably part of the mindfuck, they would even let them talk. Billy was mad, but also glad that Evan didn't have to spend any more time in punishment than necessary. As Evan bent over to pull up his panties, Billy could see his red butthole hanging about an inch open. Billy on the other hand was put on the floor on his back in the corner near the grate with his ankles shackled to the wall, and his neck held in place by a loop attached through the grating. Billy could only imagine what this was for.

Next: Chapter 16

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