Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 16, 2023


There was quiet and a sense of dread among the boys because no one knew what was going to happen. Max looked terrified. They didn't have long to anxiously wait, as the door soon buzzed open and a large crew of COs and others came in. The boys instinctively lined up. The warden appeared and addressed them saying this rodeo was a rare treat, and that he hoped the boys would enjoy it as much as his officers and guests. Fat chance. The warden spoke softly to the group of men there that weren't in uniform, they must be the guests. The warden then announced the first event, and the group clapped. He said they were fortunate to have fresh meet on the wing. Billy swallowed hard. The warden went on: "this gorgeous lad is USDA prime boyflesh, never been touched. His intake exam showed his bung hole to be as tight as a steam whistle. We made sure he wasn't plugged today with the other boys to make this more special. Bring him over." One of the COs grabbed Max roughly and dragged him out in front of the crowd. "Present" he said. Max look confused until the CO roughly bent him over.

Billy closed his eyes in fear. When he opened them, he saw not the red widened asshole he had left an hour before, but the same little slit as before, perhaps a bit reddish, but certainly not hanging open. He breathed a sigh of relief. If he had ruined the warden's party there would be hell to pay, probably butt buster. The warden was rubbing Max' buttocks and playing with his ample pale cock. "Tight as a whistle, I say," the warden said as he reached between Max's taught small cheeks. Suddenly the CO grabbed his arm "Sir, I wouldn't. He hasn't been cleaned and Lord knows how long its been since he crapped." "Very well then," the warden said, "we'll make it part of the event." With that two COs dragged Max over to the butt washer, made him straddle it, and lowered him until the steel dildo/nozzle made contact with his little hole. The crowd gathered round as the guards pushed Max deeper onto the nozzle, eventually burying the whole five inches inside him. Keep their hands on his shoulders, the COs watched as the warden pressed the water pedal. He was speaking to his guests as he held the pedal, and probably didn't realize he kept the water on for at least 45 seconds. Max looked panicky and Billy was very worried.

When the COs lifted Max off the butt washer, all the boys could see his normally perfectly flat tummy distended with water. Billy felt terrible, but realized this would mask the evidence of his invasion of the warden's prized butthole. Max looked like he could barely walk, and brown water was running down his legs. When he got to the grate and squatted, reverse direction from usual so the crowd could see, a fountain of yellow brown water and chunks flew out, some missing the grate entirely. It took Max quite a while to get rid of all the water, even with the CO prodding and poking him in his sides and belly. Some trustees were in the room and one of them stripped off quickly and dragged Max into the shower. He washed him more carefully than usual, and then dried him.

The COs took Max over to a small stand that had a triangular shape. He was pushed over it at the waist so his upper body leaned down the padded incline, and his legs reached down to the floor, pushing his ass up in a prominent way. The COs attached his ankles wide to cuffs coming from bars extending out from the legs of the thing on the floor. They then attached two straps from under the incline over the nervous boy's back and neck. Max was held motionless, the only thing he could move were his fingers, dangling from where his hands were uselessly cuffed next to his helpless ass. The warden walked over to him, and caressed his small sinewy butt cheeks. Billy could see the muscles alongside Max' spine twitching at the point where they met his ass in that little triangle, he looked nervous and uncomfortable.

"We take pride," the warden began, "in teaching new inmates, what the prisoners call fresh meat, how life is different inside Pine Creek. They used to be menaces to society, thinking only of themselves with no regard for authority or others. In here they learn that they are not the most important thing in the world and that they have to bend for others." The last remark caused some chuckles among the guests. The warden's finger moved around in Max' butt crevice. "A boy like this is accustomed to doing whatever he pleases. Now, he is constantly cuffed, so everything he does must be very deliberate and thought out. He can no longer swagger around. Here he is, strapped down in place. He has probably never been absolutely still in his life. He is not here for his own agenda, he is here because authority says he should be, and he will be here until that authority says he can go. Sometimes I will take a boy like this and leave him in position for hours, just to let him know that in here, his schedule doesn't matter, it is his masters' schedule that is of importance. Had these boys not broken the law, they could have continued with their school, sports, girlfriends whatever. But they were sent to me, and my job is to make them submit completely to authority, so they do not molest society when they leave here."

The warden explained some more of his 'reform' theory. "A boy can do a lot of thinking when kept motionless. He will think about what he has done, and what he must not do in the future. Sometimes I will leave a stick of chalk or a carrot stick from his lunch dangling in his anus for hours so he knows what is coming. A boys ass is not just for other's pleasure, the reason we make sure these boy's anuses are so publicly displayed all the time is for their own good. A boy's rear end is his most private place. Many boys' assholes have never been seen by anyone. It is part of the psychology to prove to them that they can hide nothing from us, and that society's authority extends to their whole being." Bullshit many of the boys thought, these sickos just like to mess up boys' buttholes.

"I won't keep you waiting for hours," the warden said with a laugh, "we all have more important and fun things to get onto." With that the warden turned his attention to Max and began rubbing his crack. The warden was more of a boylover than a sadist like the men he had hired, and loved the act of making love to a boy rather than just hurting him. The captain had brought this particular boy to his attention when he came into Pine Creek, a beautiful, perfectly proportioned, smooth, and likeable boy. He was definitely a jock of some type, probably the most popular boy in his school, with girls swarming him. The guards had made sure no one messed with him until they could find a pretext to bring him to punishment. Looking at the little asshole before him, the warden knew that this boy never would have had anything up there had he not come here, that he would have led a probably charmed life of the beautiful and smart and friendly. The warden didn't know about Max' cousin or Billy's taking of his cherry, so continued blissfully ignorant. The little asshole barely yielded to his finger, and was still wet from the cleanout. The warden suddenly thought maybe they should use a real enema bag for special boys like this, that nozzle would have stretched the boy a little. Still, he kept after his prize, and worked in an inch of his finger. The warden them leaned over, to the surprise of the boys, and gave the length of Max' crack a long slow lick. He then dove into the little asshole slurping, thrashing his head around, and pecking at it with his tongue. Billy thought the warden might have more luck than he had, given that Max was a bit more loosened up. The warden worked himself into a frenzy chowing on Max' ass.

The warden stopped and stood up, kicking off his shoes and shucking his pants. The boys had never seen the warden fuck anyone before, presumably he did most of his activities in private. His dick bobbed in front of him, but wasn't that big, at least compared to the COs and most of the boys on punishment. He took a little dollop of lube and put it right on the tip of his penis and approached Max. The warden began his fuck of Max surprisingly gently, the boys couldn't remember a punishment fuck that didn't begin like a rape. Billy smiled to himself. The warden's dick was an inch or two shorter than his and thinner and he was going gently on Max, he'd be fine. The warden kept up his assault on Max' immobilized ass. One of his hands was rubbing Max' back, and the other was invisible in front of him. Was he getting Max off?

The warden finished up rather quickly, probably in consideration of his watching guests. He made a few high pitched grunts, and dumped what looked like a big load in Max. The warden pulled his clothes back on without making Max clean him up, which would have been difficult anyway with his head almost to the floor. The warden then introduced his close friend and associate, who with just a bow and no words, began to undress. He looked like a pro wrestler or something. Shaved head, huge and muscular, tattoos. It wasn't until he pulled off his jockstrap that the boys' eyes widened. His cock was enormous, probably eight inches soft. It wasn't the size though that caught the boys' attention. There were all kinds of metal rings and other shapes sticking out of the head, top, sides everywhere on his dick. He even had tattoos on his dick. The man walked over to where Conrad was strapped to the wall, grabbed his hair and gave him a loud slap on the face. He began to stick his dick in Conrad's mouth. From where Billy was he couldn't see how much the man was putting in, but with all that stuff on his dick, there was no way he could get it too far in. The man didn't seem interested in taking Conrad's throat though. He kept pulling his dick out of Conrad's mouth and smacking him on the face with it. Then he'd slap him and stick his dick back in his mouth. By the time the man turned away from Conrad, the dick was enormous, Billy estimated it had to be more than a foot, it looked noticeably bigger than Damon's 11 incher, and was fat the whole length, never mind all that metal shit in it.

As the man walked over toward where Max was strapped helplessly with some of the warden's cum leaking down his ballsac, Billy shuddered when he saw what was going to happen. The man approached Max and without barely pausing, thrust his dick right at the target. A little shriek came from Max as the first three or four inches of the massive cock, including some of the rings and studs, was suddenly inside him. The man's giant hands pried Max' little buttcheeks apart, and he growled as he struggled to force more and more of the huge log inside the boy. From somewhere he produced a little leather strap which he began to periodically thrash Max' sides and back with. Maybe he thought that he's lessen resistance to his dick that way. Max was quiet now as the man worked more and more of his prick into the skinny helpless boy.

Max was panicking. He thought the fuck Billy had given him was rough and painful, but this was something else. It felt as if his asshole was being sawn apart. It now felt to Max that this cock stuffed up him was rooting out new territory that Billy hadn't reached. It really hurt. He could feel the end of the dick pushing at something in his shit tube that was stretching it. After a minute of this battery, he felt whatever small opening was blocking the dick yield and stretch around the invading cock. He could feel the dick vibrating his spine what felt like halfway up his back. This dick was going to kill him! Finally, after what seemed like hours, Max felt pubes mash into his asscrack. At least there was no more left! The man fucking him, whom Max still had not seen from his awkward bent over position, began now to fuck him for real. He could feel that massive dick slide almost all the way out of him and then race back in. The first few times the dick found some resistance at various places, but just battered through, causing Max pain. He could actually feel his asshole being stretched and pulled as the dick rushed back into him. After a while, it actually got a bit better as Max' ass tube straightened out and widened for the invading dick. The man, probably told by the warden to keep it short, seemed to be racing towards orgasm. He starting thrashing Max with his little leather strap again, and increasing the pace of his fuck.

Just then, the dick pulled all the way out of Max, and for a second he thought it was over. A CO came and quickly unstrapped him from the platform, only to roughly toss him onto a nearby sofa in a sitting position. Now he saw the man who had been fucking him approaching. What a monster, he thought, and look at that crazy dick. Its huge, and whats all that metal shit!? Staring right at him the man grabbed Max' ankles and roughly shoved them in the air turning Max' ass upwards. He aimed his dick at Max' now-opened hole and shoved forward. The man then leaned in, pegging Max' legs to his face, and wrapped his arms around the boy. He lifted him up in a single motion with his arms wrapped tightly around the boy's back. Max could feel a good bit of his body weight being supported by the cock in his ass. The man heaved him up a bit so Max could feel the cock slide a ways out of his hole, then basically let his weight fall, making Max' own weight fuck himself down on the gnarly cock. Max wrapped his legs around the man's but to try to hold some of the weight. Some of the crowd came over, and were watching from a close distance. Max could feel hands working between his legs to grab his balls and dick. Others probed around his hole, feeling the huge cock sliding in and out of him. Others twisted his nipples and another tickled his feet. Meanwhile the man was lifting Max higher, so that very little of his cock remained. Once Max had quickly slid back down, impaling himself, the man held him tightly, gave him a little push down, and thrust his dick, giving Max a painful hard blow at the very deepest point in his ass.

The pace was quickening, but this type of fucking could only go so fast. The man walked with Max impaled on his dick over to the mat where Reiner had done his crunches. He squatted down, pulled Max off the gigantic dick, and layed him on his back. Max had no time to relax, the man pushed his legs painfully back so his ankles were by his ears and plunged balls-deep back into the boy. Now he was fucking as fast as he could and with purpose. It only took a few minutes before the man let out a huge yell and Max felt the nasty dick swell inside him deep and belch out hot cum. Without pausing after the ninth or tenth volley of sperm, the man roughly ripped his dick out of Max and looked down to examine it. He seemed disappointed, and Billy was overjoyed to see that there was no obvious blood on it. Thankfully, the man let Max lay there and went over to the sucktable for his cleanoff. The boy on the suck table hadn't been able to see any of Max' fuck, and was horrified when the giant shiny cock with the rings and studs in it appeared before him. He could barely fit his mouth around it as the man fed it to him steadily, and the ring at the end caught on his tongue and some of the larger studs rattled across his teeth. The dick hit the back of his mouth and entered his throat. Luckily, with his head dangling off the table it was a straight shot. The boy felt the dick travel down his throat further than he had ever felt, it actually got easier in these deeper reaches where the throat widens again. The man didn't seem to interested and only thrust a few times before withdrawing from the boy's mouth and hefting his balls onto the kid's face for cleaning.

Members of the crowd approached Max and flipped him over so they could look at and prod his destroyed asshole. Billy could see it was hanging open, red and bruised, but could still not see blood. Billy was savoring his subversion of the warden's plans when he felt someone grab his elbow. The CO turned him around where he came face to face with Evan Christensen. They were classmates and friends, although they moved in somewhat different circles this year. Evan was wearing a gen pop uniform and Billy immediately worried that he was being brought to punishment and would suffer like he and Max had. Billy alternated his glance from Evan to Max, his two friends now in here with him. He didn't even know those guys were in trouble. The crowd moved away from Max and a CO walked over and quickly shoved a plug in him with what looked like considerable force.

Next: Chapter 15

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