Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 14, 2023


With everyone thinking about Reiner, exercise and the late fuck passed without anyone much knowing or caring. Even the COs seemed to have gotten their jollies watching butt buster, they weren't very aggressive in their fucking, and it was mostly done in 20 minutes. Back in their cell, Billy and Eric were talking about Reiner. It was just so awful to have to watch, neither boy thought they'd ever be able to put it out of their heads. Billy went over and sat on Eric's bed while he lay down. Eric reached out and rubbed his fingers on the back of Billy's waist chain, and let them dawdle around the cleft of his ass.

Billy, as always when Eric touched him, got immediately stiff. He felt guilty that he could after what they had seen Reiner go through, but he looked back and Eric's big dick was stiff against his belly. "Scoot up here," Eric said. "Get on my chest." Unsure of what to do, Billy stood up and awkwardly threw one leg over the prone by and kind of squatted down on him, keeping on his knees. His dick lay between Eric's smooth and well-shaped pecs, with the leaking head jammed up under his chin. Eric bent his head down and tried to get the boy dick in his mouth. Billy leaned back and scooted up a bit, causing his dick to jam directly into Eric's mouth a few inches.

Billy was hard as a nail and loving the feelings Eric was giving him. He could feel his heavy balls resting on Eric's collar bone, and it gave him a start once in a while when Eric's chin would press down on them. With the angle they were at, it was tough to get into Eric's throat, but he successfully got the big slab of dick lodged in there where the sensitive tip rubbed on the rough throat tube wall, almost making Billy shoot right there. After a while, Eric pulled his mouth off of Billy's meat and said simply, "do me." Eric sort of shuffled around letting Billy know to get off of him. Billy got off the bed, and Eric lifted his legs into the air. Billy understood what to do, and got in the bed below Eric, letting his legs rest on his shoulders as he scooted under them.

With all of their hands cuffed, it was a little difficult to get into position, and Billy had never fucked a boy or girl in the ass. He had certainly seen enough sodomy over the past two days to understand how it worked. He looked down and saw Eric's big dick laying slightly to the side on his tummy. Visible just below the big droopy nuts was the little line that runs from the sac to the hole, pointing right at Eric's butthole. Now Billy wondered what Eric's and his own holes looked like before they were in this place.

He had seen boys' holes when they bent over in the shower or locker room, but never paid much attention. Some had that wrinkly skin around them and others were just little holes or slits barely noticeable. Eric's was round with skin around it that was a little different color than the rest of his ass valley. It was red and kind of puffy, and the skin was smoothish, like it would normally be wrinkled but was smooth now because it was swollen, or maybe because all the pleats had been stretched out of it. He had after all been fucked just a little while before.

Billy's dick was painfully hard and standing up, so it was a little difficult to position the head at Eric's entrance. He finally got the tip on target, and let a big gob of spit drop onto the head of his dick. Eric flexed his ass a little bit, and Billy pushed forward. There was already a lot of either lube or cum up in Eric's passage, so Billy was surprised that with one thrust, he was almost all the way inside Eric. Billy couldn't help himself, the heat and the feeling were too much. Eric's heart was beating quickly, Billy could feel his pulse with his dick. Billy started giving him long deep strokes. Not mean hurtful ones like the guards used on them, but passionate powerful fucking. Eric was moaning softly and Billy bent down, with Eric's legs over his shoulders, to give him a kiss. As the two boys' lips met, it seemed like they were far away from punishment. Both only wished they weren't cuffed so they could embrace.

With Eric's legs pushed all the way down to his chest, the contortion changed the shape of his ass tube, making it tight like a vise on the end of Billy's dick. He pumped his friend harder and faster, and within a few minutes was shooting more cum than he thought possible three quarters of a foot up his buddy's rear end. He finally pulled out and got up off the bed, letting Eric's legs fall back flat. He walked up the bed and turned so he could stroke Eric's hair with his hand. Eric reached his mouth over and gave Billy's dick good clean up.

The boys' post coital tenderness was interrupted by the door buzzing. "Shit!" Eric said, "I forgot, plugs." Both boys went out of the cell onto the line. A couple trustees and one or two COs had two boxes of plugs and chains. With factory-like precision they moved down the line of boys. When they would stop behind a boy, he would silently bend over and spread his legs. The CO or trustee would dip the plug in lube, and quickly but not too roughly work it into the boys well-used hole until it passed its widest part and slid down to the narrower base.

These butt plugs looked huge to Billy, but were actually not quite as large as the one they had forced up Reiner. These maxed out at probably around five inches or so diameter, though the narrow part resting at the sphincter was still about two inches. The CO who moved in behind Eric either didn't notice or didn't care about the cum running down the back of his balls and his inner thigh. Strangely Eric got a little sense of happiness that Billy's sperm would be locked inside him until at least the next day.

Billy found the plug really uncomfortable, and winced when another CO strung the chain through the loop and cinched it tightly to the boy's waist chain. There was nothing to do but go to bed. Eric and Chris explained that not much happened in punishment on the weekends, and that it was a good time to rest up. Billy woke up often that night, whenever the big plug shifted a little and pressed at a new region of his distended ass tube. When the lights came back up in the morning, he momentarily felt like he needed a huge shit, then remembered the plug. Actually he realized, he did need a huge shit. He could feel it gurgling around in him, but higher up his guts than usual. After breakfast, the boys were mostly sitting around talking. They didn't have exercise on weekends, so they did not have to put on their briefs.

Billy found himself scoping out all the boys in the room. He wondered how he had become so fascinated with other boys bodies, and especially their cocks and asses in such a short time. Chris was leaned over a table talking with some of the guys, using his hands to support himself a bit. He had his legs parted a bit, and Billy was staring. You could just made out between his taut melons the head of the plug, and the tight chain running through his asscrack held his ballsac a bit to the left where they dangled low between his legs. Chris' dick, which Billy had admired that first morning, was long enough soft to show its head hanging below even the low nuts.

By noon, Billy's could really feel the shit traveling around inside him and the plug was really making his hole ache. Just then, the door buzzed and a CO walked in leading a boy whom Billy immediately recognized. The boy held his head sort of down and to the side, but Billy could tell from any angle that it was his former neighbor and friend Max. The two had been inseparable through childhood, until at the end of eight grade Max' family moved to another neighborhood that was in the catchment area for the other high school in town, South. He had seen Max only at soccer games and at the occasional party since he moved, but still considered him a good friend.

Max had been the cuter one when they were in middle school, before Billy had grown and become the stunner he was then. Max had dark hair, and had twinkling light blue eyes that were much larger in proportion than his small thin lipped mouth or button nose. Even Max' ears were tiny, something Billy used to tease him about. What Billy hadn't seen since Max moved away was his dick. Max, although in good shape from soccer and swimming and just horsing around was skinnier than Billy. He had one of those long smooth boyish stomachs which even though he had little abs, didn't really have definition, even though it was tight and muscled. His smooth pale stomach arched down to his almost black pubes below which hung a perfectly tubular, unveined, smooth pale log of a dick. Jesus though Billy, if that thing even grew an inch it would be as big as mine! Being a year younger and less advanced, Max had always had smaller equipment than Billy, and it caused him jealousy when the two boys changed for swimming or sleepovers or whatever.

Max was low-cuffed and as the guard released his, raised his head and looked around, immediately spying Billy, bringing a big smile across his face. Once the CO had left, Max made his way over to where Billy and Eric were. "Hey man," he said, "whats up? How the hell did you get in here?"

"I should ask you that," Billy said. "This place is awful."

Max was looking around at all the naked boys, all cuffed like he was, apart from the few that were high-cuffed. He then noticed the plug chains on the boys, and saw that Billy had one too. He looked around the back of Billy and saw the black rubber head and metal ring it was attached to. "What the fuck is on your ass!?" he asked.

"They plug us during the weekend," Billy explained, now the expert, "it hurts, but not as bad as the fuckings. They don't fuck us as much during the weekend."

Max looked like he'd seen a ghost. "What do you mean fucking? I mean I know some of the dudes in gen pop do that, and I've heard about the guards, but I haven't seen anything like that in the week I've been here."

"Well don't worry buddy," Billy said trying to be reassuring with a smile, "You have today and tomorrow to chill, and they didn't even plug you yet, maybe they won't." Max seemed relieved. "How the hell did you get in here?" Billy asked again. "Oh this is my buddy Eric, we're cellmates." Eric and Max greeted eachother.

Max explained. "Well you know that country club I worked at, yeah, my asshole boss docked my wages when some clubs went missing. I didn't take them, the guy probably got drunk and left them on top of his trunk when he drove out. Anyway, I was pissed and so when the proshop was getting rid of a bunch of stuff, I took it to sell secondhand to make up for my wages. I mean they were going to throw all this stuff away, it was just last season's balls and gloves and stuff. They found out and pressed charges.

I just had court last week and they gave me eight weeks. I don't know how the fuck I ended up here in punishment. Some dude in gen pop took my sweats while I was showering. I found out who it was and went to get them back. Nothing even happened, I just took them from him and gave him a shove when he tried to grab them back. Next thing I know I am in here."

Next: Chapter 13

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