Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 13, 2023


The lights went up and the buzzer sounded right at 0430 again. Reiner woke up as Billy did and gave him a smile. That wouldn't last. Billy and Eric went to shit and clean themselves. Reiner obviously couldn't because of the oversized rubber pyramid lodged in his rear. Billy marveled again at how natural it seemed after 24 hours to be openly shitting with other boys, standing right over them as they dropped their turds, smelling all the usually personal smells, and seeing young and generally large cocks and balls flopping around all over the place. Billy and Eric didn't talk much during their shits and clean out, they were both privately worrying about Reiner.

It would be different if he was some jerk or predator among the inmates, but this was a normal kid, the type who could have been either of their friends or teammates on the outside, and he was in for a world of hurt. Billy took a lot more water out of the steel dick than the day before, and he and Eric squatted together and gurgled out their guts over the grate together.

Everyone in punishment knew what was coming except for Reiner. The early fuck was over pretty quickly and uneventfully, since most of the COs were more interested in the rest of the day's activities. Billy got nailed in a position he hadn't seen yet. The CO put him on a low table in the corner on his tummy, and then using ropes coming out from the wall cinched his legs painfully apart so that his hole was gaping open and undefended. He never saw this CO's dick cause he just lubed it and jammed it into him, but since there wasn't any pain he figured it wasn't as huge as yesterday's or else his ass was turning into a pussy. He remembered yesterday's late fuck where Eric was taking a brutal fuck from a huge dick. It didn't seem to hurt him or upset him that much, he just took it. Maybe it gets like that Billy thought.

Once the early fuck was done, some COs wheeled in some odd equipment, some of which Eric had described. Billy immediately recognized the Christmas tree. It was a mean looking giant black dildo with a rounded but pointy top, and then series of ever-widening ridges. The top pyramid was probably only two inches in diameter, going down to an inch below the ridge, but the next one looked to be at least an inch bigger, with the narrower parts under the ridges getting successively bigger as well. The bottom rung had to be six or seven inches diameter. It was mounted on a high stool that was on some sort of stand that looked to have adjustable foot pads.

There was also a cart like you see in restaurants with trays at various levels. All during the early fuck the CO's had made Reiner repeatedly sit on a chair, stand up, then sit again. It looked awfully painful with each sitting working the huge plug around in his stuffed hole. Billy felt bad for him, and wondered when the last time Reiner must have shit was. That would be awful to be doing those exercises with an assfull. Reiner's legs were still jumpy and weak, so many of his attempts at sitting were little more than falling into the chair, which made him grimace.

Next, Reiner was made to do crunches on a small pad on the floor. One of the COs counted and he had to do as many as they said or else. Being fit, Reiner was able to keep up for the first ten or fifteen minutes, even though he was weak from being hogtied, and was still high-cuffed. Finally, he didn't make his allotment. One of the CO's snapped a hook with a rope and handle onto the eyelet of the plug, and dragged Reiner around the floor by the plug.

It looked awful. You could see his anus stretching and bending with the force of his body being dragged. The force was trying to pull the plug out of his hole, but instead of popping out, it just lewdly stretched his ass ring. The guard dragged him onto the mat again and he had to carry on. After a few more draggings and a lot more crunches, Reiner looked exhausted. It must have been nearly impossible to do crunches with the thing inside him, and the straining and bending required would only make the plug stretch his hole more. At that point, more COs started to filter into the room.

Reiner was told to stand and moved over by the grate. A CO took out a key and undid the locks on the plug chain and roughly pulled it through the metal ring. The CO put on a rubber glove, and without a word yanked the plug out with the rope attached for dragging. Reiner doubled over in pain, but the CO still looked angry about something. He gave Reiner a pretty sharp punch to the gut, and it became clear what he wanted. Reiner started to almost convulse shit, some of which came out in globs on the floor and the rest this kind of dribbled down his thighs. He probably hadn't had a shit in a couple days until then, plus all the crunches and the dragging around with the plug. A trustee was there who took Reiner into the shower and washed him off, using a brush to clean his legs and in his crack.

Now was time for what the COs had come in for. Reiner was led over to the stool and told to climb up onto the foot pads. He did so, and then with two COs guiding him by his waist, was brought on top of the Christmas tree and pulled down a few inches. The COs explained to Reiner what he had to do. There were marbles on the lower tray of the cart. Reiner had to pick them up one at a time, and put them on the upper tray. They were about 16 inches apart. With his hands high cuffed, it was hard enough to grab the marbles, but since his hands only had about 3 inches of movement with the cuffs, it meant that he had to travel up and down the Christmas tree to move them between trays. They further explained that he had to move 75 marbles in an hour, or else they would lower the foot pads and the shelves, so he would be doing the same task, but on a lower and larger part of the tree.

Reiner looked terrified. Reiner extended his hands as far as he could now that the trays were in position, and found that from where he was, with just several inches of the tree in his ass, he could just barely reach the top tray. He shuddered to think how far down he'd have to go to reach the bottom tray, but would soon find out. More lube was poured onto the monstrous dildo, and Reiner was blindfolded. The foot pads were to the sides of the stool, almost behind a little, and quite wide, making it an awkward and difficult motion to raise and lower oneself. Billy thought to himself that if your legs gave out, you would basically have your whole body weight pulling you down onto the Christmas tree. Jesus.

The clock started and Reiner began in earnest. He knew the first few marbles would be the hardest, he could make up time later. He wiggled his rear, pushed out like he was taking a huge dump, and began his travels down the tree. The first few rungs were not too difficult after the battering his shit chute had taken with the plug, and there was a small relief each time he passed one of the ridges and the plug lost an inch or more of diameter, allowing his pummeled assring to close a little. He still hadn't gotten low enough to grab a marble, and he was having a difficult time passing this ring. He wiggled and wiggled, but finally made a few little bounces and pushed out as hard as he could. In an instant, he dropped about two inches, passing the large ring, probably five inches in diameter, and getting a small ways onto the next one. He bore down a little harder, and his battered ring opened a bit more, allowing him to descend the final inch he needed to get a marble. He was pleased he hadn't had to pass the next ring in order to reach.

Going back up was more difficult actually than going down. Because the ridges were not as sloped as they were on the downward journey, it really pulled at his sphincter to get past them. Still, with the diameter getting smaller as he went, they were small battles, and he was soon up to the top tray where he delivered his first marble. Down he went again, a little bit faster, but still carefully. All the boys were watching him with pity and gladness that it wasn't them up there. "He's got a nasty surprise coming," Eric whispered to Billy.

Indeed, a few minutes later, a CO walked quietly up behind Reiner, pulled out his taser, and gave him a contact shot at the small of his back. Reiner jerked wildly and yelled out. He had been on his upward journey, but now fell down the tree, further than he had been before. Billy thought his assring must have ripped. It was wantonly cruel, but the COs had learned from experience that the shock of a punch, and especially a jolt from a taser disrupts the muscle tension a boy on the tree maintains, and allows significant slackening of the anal muscles, allowing for much greater stretching. Reiner luckily hadn't dropped his marble, and just when Billy thought he would start bawling, he soldiered on and delivered the marble.

Reiner finished his 75 marbles in the hour, and was hoisted off the tree. Wobbling, he walked towards a chair, but was steered away by a CO. For his 'break' Reiner was lifted onto a table sort of stand with a metal frame extending above the tabletop on one end. Extending sideways from this frame was a smooth metal bar with a round knob on the end. Placing Reiner on his back on the long table, his feet were near the frame, and the metal bar about 4 feet long. The two COs turned a crank and the table lifted until the pole was between Reiner's legs about four inches off the table The COs then grabbed his legs, and began pulling him down within a couple inches the bar jabbed into Reiner's nuts, which the guards roughly pushed out of the way. The ball on the end of the pole was lined up with Reiner's hole, which was now a sloppy open mess shiny with lube that you could see way into.

Once the ball was stuck somewhere inside the slimy crater that once was Reiner's tight little ass slit, the guards pulled him down nearly a foot, the pole traveling up his brutalized ass chute. With the crank, they then lowered the table about 6 inches. The back of Reiner's knees were on the edge of the table, and his head and shoulders were on the table top. But his whole midsection was held aloft by the metal pole planted deep inside him. All the boys could imagine what that felt like, stretching your shit tube in the deepest places, and with much of the pressure on the entrance to the hole. You could keep most of your body weight off by taking it with your legs and shoulders, but no one could keep an arched position like that for very long. Reiner tried, but after a few minutes, the boys saw him slump, and another howl escaped his lips.

Every few minutes, the guards would pull Reiner up about an inch, so the pole was that much less deep in him. At the end of the hour, basically just the ball was still in his hole, supporting nearly all his body weight just by his assring. Billy had estimated Reiner to be about 5'10 and 140 or so...slim kid but still a lot of weight to hold up with your asshole.

After his 'break', it was back on the Christmas tree for Reiner. Billy didn't think he could watch any more, but wanted to be as supportive as he could. This time, the guard gave him a good long jolt with the taser, and Reiner fell onto the last rung of the tree. His ass didn't quite get around that last biggest rung, but everyone could tell it was excruciating. Billy expected him to pass out or start bleeding at any moment, but he never did. Somehow, Reiner managed to get the marbles up again. For this break, Reiner was hoisted onto a smooth round pyramidal dildo on a very high stool. The diameter was slightly less that the tree, but the stool was so high that his feet came nowhere near to touching the floor. Once the guards got him onto it, the limp boy just slid down slowly, the black plastic just disappearing into his gigantic asshole. His ass held though, and he actually stopped about three inches from the bottom. Luckily for Reiner, the stool was next to a wall, so he could rest his head and shoulders against it. After a few minutes though, he coughed, and lurched down the rest of the dildo. There was nothing more to resist, it was planted in him. With his buttocks on the stool he could actually rest a little, but the giant mound of rubber was slowly expanding his anal tube.

Reiner had to do four rounds on the tree and looked half dead when he finally was allowed off the last time. With no ceremony the COs told the trustee who was still there to clean him up. Once he was washed off, they let him sit at one of the tables, where they gave him his first food in a day, his new diet for the next week. The shakes, as Eric had explained, were diuretic and stool-softening. The point being to make a constant uncontrollable and humiliating stream of wet poo leak out of the poor victim's destroyed ass. Billy and Eric could barely stand to look at him. When he was in the shower they could see his destroyed cavity from across the room. It looked like the punishment had actually moved his buttocks apart. Where there used to be an asshole, there was a six inch wide hole. With his pale skin, the dark red of the anal lining, normally hidden from view, stood out in contrast. You could see far into his butthole, it looked as if the hole kept the same diameter way far into his digestive tract.

Within an hour the shit would begin dribbling down his legs, and Reiner would be laughed at and teased in gen pop. There wasn't the camaraderie there that develops among the boys stuck in punishment where they help each other out, its everyone for himself. No one would help him clean himself up, or help him do anything. He would be high-cuffed for the week so he couldn't do anything for himself. If any of the sicker perverts wanted to degrade him further, they could savage his battered hole, not that he'd feel it. Eric and Billy felt really bad for him.

Next: Chapter 12

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