Juvenile Reformation

By Midw Stud

Published on Nov 12, 2023


The door buzzed and the boys all got on the line for afternoon fuck. There were fewer COs than there had been that morning. Word was that there was a big storm starting and they probably all wanted to get home instead of staying for their usual recreation after their shift. The hour or so they spent in there was fairly routine if it could be called that. The COs grabbed boys they wanted and got on with their business.

Because they were all standing in line together, Billy, Eric, Chris, and Conrad all got taken around the same time to nearly adjacent tables. Billy felt very vulnerable when his legs were attached to the ropes and hoisted over his head, but the other boys had had that done plenty before. Billy could feel the cold air on his hole, and shuddered at the cold and his anxiety over what would happen to him this time.

The CO who had grabbed Billy was tall and looked younger than the rest, maybe in his early 20s. He didn't say anything as he strapped Billy up and then took off his pants. He seemed a little uncomfortable, and Billy hopefully thought that maybe he wasn't as into it as the others, and would go easy on him. Billy was encouraged when not only did the CO put a heaping handful of lube onto his quite large dick, but also rubbed some around his hole and even worked some in with a finger, surprisingly gently. He worked his dick into Billy carefully, not shoving it in too fast, and seemingly waiting for Billy to get used to it.

It was probably the biggest dick Billy had had in him, but it didn't hurt much at all given his care. He got into a nice slow rhythm and Billy laid back. He looked over at Eric, who was on the table next to him and Eric looked back at him. Another CO, who looked mean and appeared to have a big long fat dick, was slamming Eric's ass mercilessly. He had a tight grip on Eric's legs and was forcing his whole length into the boy's hole at a rapid clip. Billy watched Eric's big dick sliding around on his tight stomach. The force of the fuck was shaking it back and forth. Still, Eric smiled at him, and Billy thought he could see a little life in his dick. Billy sucked his teeth and re-tasted some of Eric's load.

Billy looked over the other way and saw a CO pounding into Conrad's butt. This CO hadn't put Conrad on his back with legs in the air like the others had Billy and Eric, instead he was made to kneel on the low table and put his forehead on the table, basically tucking his knees tightly up under his chest. The CO had put a strap under the table and over Conrad's back and cinched it tight, trapping Conrad in the compact and uncomfortable position. The CO was really pounding his ass. Since Conrad didn't have a waist chain for him to grab onto, he had a tight grip on Conrad's hips and was using his considerable upper body strength to propel his dick harder and faster up Conrad's rear.

Every once in a while, he'd slow down and take some short strokes while reaching under Conrad and pulling his balls out hard enough that Billy could see them in the CO's hand quite a bit further behind Conrad than they belonged. About a half hour had passed when the CO up Billy's behind quickened his pace and soon after shot his load deep up Billy's rear. He walked to the side of the table and shoved his greasy cock into Billy's mouth. Billy cleaned it up, and the CO whispered quietly, "thanks kid" before unhooking his legs and walking off. Billy returned to the line like they had to in case they were needed again, but tonight there were actually fewer COs than boys in punishment, so almost nobody got fucked twice.

Billy watched Eric, who was still getting pounded by the sadistic CO. The guard finally looked like he was cumming, but a few minutes later was still inside Eric's ass motionless. He finally pulled out after a minute more and walked over for Eric to clean him up. He then unhooked Eric's ankles and left. Eric walked over to the grate and squatted down for a bit before going to the butt washer and rinsing out his crack. He then returned to the line just as the last COs were leaving. Just as Billy was about to ask, Eric said "that fucker pissed in my ass. It was a lot too."

Nobody was very talkative, and Eric and Billy went into their cell to get ready for bed. The door buzzed and two COs came in and walked over to Reiner. They unlocked the cuffs attaching the wrist cuffs to the ankle cuffs, and then took off each pair. Reiner's legs and arms just fell limp when released from the torturous position they'd been in all day. The COs didn't give him much time for recovery, immediately ordering him onto his feet and locking a neck chain on him, then attaching his wrists to the cuffs hanging off the sides of it.

One of the COs produced a big black thing that Billy didn't recognize, until the CO dipped it in a nearby tub of lube and roughly worked it into Reiner's ass. The thing looked huge to Billy, he wasn't sure how it was going to go in, and Reiner was obviously in discomfort. Finally, the big bulbed end started to disappear between the boy's small buttocks until it go to the widest part, where the CO, with some apparent force, jammed it past the boy's rudely stretched sphincter. The buttplug narrowed down to about two inches diameter at its base, and the end part meant to stay outside the hole had a little metal ring in it as Eric had described.

The guards then tightly locked a waist chain around Reiner, and looped a separate chain through the base of the buttplug, and locked it tightly to the waist chain with two small padlocks. It looked very tight and uncomfortable, Billy could see where the plug chain was pulling the waist chain down. The guards grabbed Reiner and walked him towards Billy. He left the window and went and sat on his bed. When the guards appeared, they pushed Reiner in and threw a blanket on the floor. "He can take the floor in here," one said.

Billy and Eric immediately went to Reiner and guided him to the bed. Reiner winced when he sat on the plug. With the plug sticking out of his hole and the high-cuffs, both boys figured he'd be better off on his side and eased him into a laying position. Reiner looked totally out of it, and Billy and Eric started asking him if he was ok, and if they could do anything. Reiner just said "my balls" and then "water." Eric got up and retrieved a styrofoam cup from the sink and filled it halfway.

Meanwhile, Billy went down to examine Reiner's balls to see what he was talking about. It was obvious. The plug chain had them twisted and pressed tight to his body, one above the other, with the chain running over both eggs and crushing them. Billy maneuvered so he could use one of his hands to try to sort it out. After a little prodding and pulling, he got the balls back in a semi-normal position with the chain moved off to the side of his sac. After his drink of water, Reiner seemed to perk up.

"Man you know you're in some shit, don't you?" Eric said.

"Yeah, I know, fuck it." Reiner replied.

"How long have you been in here, and why the heck did you hit that guard?"

"Not too long," Reiner replied, "I was on probation since last summer for bringing some vodka to a party. I skipped school this fall and the school called the court, and I got hauled in here for probation violation. That was like a month ago. Anyway, that fucking guard. He started bothering me right away when I got here. Always giving me shit and trying to get me in trouble. Then he started coming to my cell. At first he just wanted blowjobs, but then he started fucking me all the time."

"Then he got nasty, making me do weird stuff. He always made my cellie, who's younger, watch as he fucked me. Then last night he made me suck my cellie off, but then he told the kid to shit in my mouth, can you fucking believe that? I told him hell no, no way, and he got all mad and started slapping me and then was choking me. I thought he was going to kill me so I punched him. He got out of the cell, but then a bunch of COs came and told me to come out. When I didn't they came in with their clubs and shit, and here I am."

"Dude that sucks, I am sorry," Eric said with as much concern as he could convey.

"Well I am exhausted," Reiner said, "You can have your bed back, I need to get some sleep for whatever this thing is they have for me tomorrow."

"Nonsense, we can share," Billy said. He helped Reiner ease over towards the wall, and moved in beside him, pulling the sheet and thin blanket up. Eric thought about telling the poor kid about how awful butt buster was, but decided it wouldn't change the inevitable, and probably just keep him up all night. Billy looked over at Reiner, who had already closed his eyes. Despite the shiner, he was a very good looking guy, with sharp features, and dirty blond hair that probably looked pretty cool when he wasn't in jail. Reiner had a good body, he obviously played sports or worked out a lot. He had the same pronounced double or triple abs that Eric had, and a nice lean build. Billy hadn't seen him hard, but his dick looked to be a good size, and his pubes were oddly quite darker than his head.

Billy felt bad for the kid, and turned on his side facing toward him. He worked his hand toward the boy's middle, and nestled up toward him to keep him warm and try to reassure him a bit. Billy's hand rubbed the waist chain a bit, and he rubbed the boy's ab a little bit, as much as he could reach. Billy continued rubbing Reiner in a friendly manner while he drifted off to sleep. After a while, he felt a hard cock grow across the waist chain and bump his hand. Good, at least he was enjoying himself.

Next: Chapter 11

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