Juvenile Delinquents

By moc.gnirpsdnim@idpams

Published on Aug 31, 2023


Juvenile Delinquents, Part 2 (authoritarian)

by stimle

The following story may or may not be true. If it really happened, the names have been changed to protect the unfortunate. It's been a long time since I've written a new story, so please let me know what you think by shooting an email to smapdi@mindspring.com More of my stories can be found at http://home.mindspring.com/~smapdi/

"Ungghhh... mmmm.... ohhhh yeahhhh.. That's it, baby... oooohhh..." I moaned dreamily, as a finger gently prodded my dick through my briefs, stirring me from my sleep. The single finger was soon joined by another and then another, until finally the entire hand and palm began to work my cock and nuts, kneading and squeezing like a pro, teasing my dick to a full erection. I began to slowly thrust and grind my hips in perfect countermeasures.

"Ooooh baby," a voice - not Brooke's - mimicked. It was followed by a chorus of giggles which, like a slap to the back of my head, jolted my muddled brain fully awake and back to the reality of my situation. Back to my personal hell.

My eyes snapped open. It was morning and I was in my own bed. In my condo. I moved to sit up but my arms were pulled over my head, my wrists tied to my headboard with a tie. I don't own any tie worth less than $100 and these fuckers had used one to truss me up like a fucking Thanksgiving turkey. I was also gagged with something that felt like a horses bit.

The boys were sitting at the edge of the bed looking back at me, my movements having alerted them that I was awake. They laughed, obviously amused at the site of me bound and gagged, helpless and at their mercy.

"Mmmpphhh...." I shouted into the gag, lifting my head and shooting them my best menacing look which, I'm sure, looked ridiculous, considering my predicament. The laptop was sitting open between them and Joel's hand was still methodically palming my dick. I could see a picture of me on the screen, briefs down to mid-thigh and cock hard, a goofy look on my face. It appeared to be one in a series because another similar picture slid onto the screen over it.

"It's about time you woke up," Tony said, a smirk on his face.

I glanced at my bedside clock. It was 10:45 a.m. The last thing I remember was the flash of a camera blinding me and then... Well, things start to get fuzzy after that, but I think Tony told the guys to get me back to his room. Then he and Joel had grabbed me by the arms. I could hardly stand on my own, much less walk, and my briefs at my ankles didn't help matters much. My legs felt like rubber and kept sliding out from under me as the boys hustled me down the hall. But my cock, I seem to remember, was having no such problem. I wonder if they slipped me some Viagra, because it bobbed up an down the whole way, slapping my stomach and spraying droplets of pre-cum everywhere. I must've passed out once we reached the room because that's the last thing I remember. Until now.

Tony crawled up next to me and repositioned me so I was sitting up. He placed the laptop on my stomach. "Look at this," he said, hitting a button. A window opened and video began to play. In the movie I was being led, stumbling, out of Tony's house and around his front yard dressed in my jeans and shirt. I was barefoot and my shirt was unbuttoned and hanging half-way off my shoulders. My jeans were slung low on my hips, showing a couple inches of my briefs. My zipper was wide open and the light from the streetlights reflected off the white of my briefs and it looked like my waist and crotch was glowing. I looked blitzed... totally shit-canned. By my count I nearly fell a half dozen times. It was surreal to watch myself, drugged out of my mind on roofies, being paraded around like a sideshow. As I stared open mouthed at the screen, snippets of memory began to come back to me. I remember there were people out on their sidewalks, obviously Tony's neighbors, watching. Some were yelling at us to keep the racket down while others were hooting and laughing at me. I also remember Tony talking to them... telling them I was his uncle and that I had drank too much.

Tony pressed another button and a new window opened and a second video began to play. Here I was slouched in the back seat of my own car, my eyes glazed and unfocused. My wrists were tethered to the hand straps over either door, my jeans were down at my knees and my briefs had been pulled down to mid-thigh. My cock, ramrod straight, was pointing at my chest. One of Joel's hands was twisting at my nipples while his other was fiercely jerking my cock as the camera zoomed in and out and panned up and down. His hand danced over my prick tip and the pre-cum was flowing freely over his fingers... which he then put to my mouth! I watched in sickening horror as my tongue actually flicked out and fucking licked at his fingers! What the hell? Was this really me I was looking at? I mean, it was me... but was it? Had I been given any other kind of drug? Something to make me act so queer? I mean, I just fucking lapped up a pool of my own cum that had formed in the palm of his hand! As the camera panned down and over my swollen and reddened tits I heard Tony's voice in the video taunting.

"Oh yeah, papi... you like that shit, don't you?" he teased. "Fuckin' puta."

I closed my eyes and turned my head away.

"Come on, Jason," Tony said now, taking me by the chin and turning my face back toward the computer. "There's more. Come on."

The third video showed me staggering through the parking garage of my building in just my underwear. I was pitching wildly back and forth between the guys, barely able to walk. My legs kept getting tangled in each other as the boys pushed me along toward the elevator. It reminded me of those nature documentaries, the ones that show newborn animals trying to walk for the first time. The camera seemed to focus on my ass as I staggered about.

He clicked another button and a final video opened. There was Tony, naked, sitting in the recliner in my living room, legs spread wide, with a head buried in his crotch. I didn't have to wonder who it was.

He traced a finger along the mouse pad and turned up the volume. "Oh yeah," he was crooning on video, his body arching. "Suck it good, bitch." Oh shit! That was ME sucking his cock!! No fucking way! As the camera circled around to the back of the recliner, an arm entered the frame and grabbed my head by the hair and yanked it up. You could hear a loud 'pop' as Tony's cock slipped from my mouth. There was a sheen on my face which, upon closer inspection, was obviously cum. It was dripping from my nose and the side of my mouth. Unable to watch, I turned my head and closed my eyes, my teeth clenching down on the gag in my mouth.

"Not so soon, buddy," Tony said, grabbing my chin and pointing it back at the screen. "There's more... look."

Morbidly curious, I opened my eyes. The camera had panned back and showed it was Ricky who was holding me by my hair. He was naked, too, and his dick, which looked to be a good eight inches, was less than a foot from my face. His other hand encircled his cock and began to furiously pump at it. I knew what was coming but I couldn't look away from the screen. The cameraman zoomed in, framing my head and his cock up close. I looked completely hammered and totally out of it. My eyes were glassy and my jaw was slack. I could hear the boys' voices on the computer laughing and mocking me. For what seemed like a minute Ricky jacked himself off and then, I swear the tip of his cock expanded to twice its size, and a geyser of thick white cum suddenly erupted from it, blasting me squarely in the face. I was about to turn away again when something in the video something I did stopped me cold. I was licking Ricky's cum off my face! I scrunched my eyes shut and turned away. The sound of laughter, both on the computer and in the room, filled my ears.

The video ended and the laptop was closed. I was pissed. I started to shout and curse into my gag and began to struggle against my bonds. My mind was racing. Last night I had a faint suspicion that Tony had participated reluctantly, having succumbed to peer pressure. If I could isolate him from the other boys maybe I could talk some sense into him. But all thoughts of that scenario flew out the window when he now held an 8'x10' photo in front of my face. It was a picture of me posed to look like I was fucking Joel up the ass. Joel looked all of 13 years old in the picture and had a mask of sheer terror on his face.

"Are you gonna be quiet if I take out the gag?" Tony asked, firmly holding my chin. There was something in his voice, a tone... an edge... I knew he was beyond reason... I nodded my head.

"That's a good boy," he chuckled, reaching behind my head to unstrap the gag. He popped the bar gag of my mouth with one hand and fondled my dick with the other.

"Stop it..." I whispered.

"Stop?" he asked. "Are you sure? Last night you were begging someone to fuck you. Now you want me to stop?" He took my chin in his hand again and turned my face upward. "What are you, some kind of cock tease?"

I begged him? I tried to ignore the comment and the mere thought of it, but he pressed his lips pressed against my ear and spoke, his voice low and husky. "Oh come on... you looked so sexy last night chowin' down on my cock. Don't you want another taste?" His hands were twisting and pinching at both my nipples.

I wanted to turn my head away but was too distracted by his hands working my now erect tits and the tongue flicking in and out of my ear. "Unnn... mmmm..."

"Now you remember, don't you?" He rubbed my hardening cock. "See, your dick's even getting ready to bust outta your tightie whities, you're so hot for it."

"I think this bad boy needs to be managed," Joel suggested, his index finger stroking the length of my hard cock. He pulled the waistband of my briefs out a few inches and my hard dick popped out. He eased the elastic back, pinning my dick to my stomach, leaving the head and a few inches exposed. He ran the tip of his index finger over my sensitive prick tip and smiled as I gasped and twitched.

"I think I wanna see him beg," Tony said as he began to tickle my ribs. "Again."

"I...I...h...h...have to go to the bathroom," I choked out, stifling back a chuckle. I didn't realize until now just how bad I needed to piss. "I'm gonna wet myself," I panted.

Tony sat back. "Okay," he said slowly. "But I don't want you pissing on me or anything, okay?"

I nodded my head frantically. Anything to get relief. My wrists were loosed from the headboard and retied behind my back. Tony and Joel helped me off the bed and across the room to the master bath. I stood at the toilet waiting for somebody to help me. "Uh, guys?" I asked, red-faced.

Joel pulled the front of my briefs down and tucked them under my nuts. He grasped my cock and aimed it at the bowl. I was so embarrassed at both my boner and the fact that some punk teenager was holding it, that it took me several seconds before I could finally piss. When I was finished Joel gave my cock a few tugs and then shook it off. He was about to pull my underwear back up when Ricky stuck his head inside the door. He was dangling a fresh pair of white Calvin Klein briefs on his finger. "Can't go around in dirty undies," he snickered. Man, I would've loved to pop him one in the face!

Joel took the briefs and set them on the counter. Then he slowly lowered the underwear I wearing, letting his hands roam all over my body, and prodded me to step out of them once they hit the floor. Before he slipped the new pair on, he stood close behind me and reached around to fondle my dick with one hand and let the index finger of his other hand lazily run up and down my ass crack. I was humiliated that my cock was hard and twitching at his touch and dropped my head in disgust as he played with my dick and ass. Finally he pulled the new briefs on, stuffed my cock in and patted me on the butt. "Come on," he said as he turned to leave.

Now was my chance. I had to escape! I didn't care if I was in just my underwear. I wasn't gonna let this band of teenage faggots have their way with me anymore. I spun quickly and slammed into Joel as hard as I could. He careened into Tony who tumbled into the tub.

"What the fuck...?!" Tony cried out and he crashed into the tub. "Get him!!!"

I bolted out of the bathroom and ran through my bedroom to the hallway and right into Ricky. His fist slammed into my gut and I sank to my knees.

"Ooommmphh..." I wheezed as the air was knocked out of me and I pitched forward. With my hands tied behind my back I had no way to brace my fall. Ricky grabbed me by the shoulders just before I hit the ground and eased me into a kneeling position.

I fought to get to my feet and was about to scream out at the top of my lungs when Tony's hand clamped tightly over my mouth. "Mmmpphhh...." I screamed, my voice muffled by his big paw. "MMMMPPHHHH!!!!!"

Although my hands were bound behind my back I still put up a fight. I bit down on Tony's hand and then twisted my body until I got up on one knee. Ricky was standing between me and the front door and I knew if I could just get by him I would be free. Gritting my teeth, I lowered my head and barreled into him as hard as I could with my left shoulder in an attempt to knock him out of my way.

I underestimated his strength, though, and he easily knocked me off balance and onto my butt. Before I could gather myself, Ricky dropped to his knees and grabbed my ankles. At the same time Tony grabbed me from behind, his left arm reaching around my waist and holding me tight while his right hand clamped over my mouth once again.

I struggled and kicked out and tried to bite Tony's hand again. Joel jumped over us and knelt down in front of me. He was holding a washcloth over a small upturned brown bottle. The label read 'Pig Sweat.' What the fuck? He pressed the cloth over my nose.

I tried to hold my breath but Tony crunched my nuts with his knee and I sucked in my breath, along with the fumes from the bottle, in a huge gasp. My mind felt like a flare went off or something as a warm heat coursed quickly through my body and then to my crotch where it seemed to linger before spreading back to my limbs.

"Wha...?" I moaned as I began to feel light-headed and giddy. "Ohhhh... nnnggghhh..." What the hell just happened?

"Yeah, that's it, Jason," Joel said. He let the washcloth drop and put the bottle up to my right nostril, his thumb pushing my other nostril shut. I instinctively gulped in, but instead of the fresh air I was hoping for and needed, I got another nose full of fumes from the bottle. A feeling like an explosion of fireworks overwhelmed me and my face felt all flushed. I slumped backward into Tony's waiting arms.

"Now another one," Joel urged, as he moved the bottle to my other nostril. "That's it, Jason... nice deep breath," he coaxed. In my dazed state I did as he instructed and another warm sensation coursed through my body. Whatever was in that bottle totally mind-fucked me.

"Aww... shit..." I moaned out loud as the fumes worked their way to my brain, sending me into a warm fuzzy haze. I felt a hand work my cock and balls through my briefs but I did nothing to stop it.

Joel moved the bottle from nostril to nostril and I was forced to inhale the aroma until I was higher than a kite. I was then hauled to my feet and shuffled down the hall and back into my bedroom. They eased me back onto my bed and let me fall over onto my side, my ass pointing up.

Joel opened his backpack and pulled out its contents: a tripod for the video camera, a tube of KY, rope, two more little brown bottles and what looked like a dildo! He set up the tripod and attached the digital camera to it.

Ricky rolled me onto my back and, between dosing me with hits of the sniffy stuff (I think they were calling it "poppers"), he and Tony began to grope and fondle me. Despite my best efforts, I found myself once again submitting to their manipulations, moaning and thrusting my hips as my briefs began to bulge out.

"I think you need a good spanking," Ricky said, as he and Tony flipped me over onto my stomach. I felt them slowly peel my briefs down over my ass and waited for the first blow, cringing.

"But first we need to shave you," Joel intervened. I looked up to see him holding a can of shaving cream and a razor, an evil smile on his face.

I gulped. I'm not a hairy guy by any means, but the thought of being denuded held no appeal. Tony flipped me back over and he and Ricky tied me spread-eagle to the bed. They propped my head up on my pillows as Joel snapped a few pictures. Ricky jabbed his index finger into my ribs and got me to smile just as the camera flashed again. He and Tony placed towels under my body and lathered up my chest with shaving cream. Joel came back to the bed holding a bowl filled with water.

Ricky lifted my head and put the poppers to my nose. "Breathe in, asshole," he instructed. The cold look in his eyes told me he meant business and I obeyed, inhaling deeply.

My head felt all swimmy from the aroma and the hands massaging the shaving cream onto my body began to feel good and enticing. I was softly moaning and arching my back.

"Look," Ricky guffawed, "the stupid faggot's gettin' off on it!"

Joel dipped the razor into the water and began to shave my chest, using short strokes and frequently rinsing the blade. "See Tony," he instructed, "just go nice and slow and make sure you get it all. It's easy."

As my mind began to clear I tensed up and pulled against my bonds. "Easy Jason," Joel said quietly, "you don't wanna get nicked now, do you? If you don't behave I'm gonna have Ricky give you more poppers. You want that?"

I shook my head no. I felt so fucking helpless! Here I was, a 38-year old man... a successful professional... stripped nearly naked and tied to my own bed, forced to submit to three teenage horndogs. The humiliation was almost unbearable and I squeezed my eyes shut.

There were hands at the waistband of my briefs and I felt them being slowly lowered. "Okay," Joel said. "It's your turn now."

I opened my eyes and saw him hand Tony the razor. Joel tugged my briefs down to mid-thigh and slicked up my turgid dick and fat balls with the foam.

"Don't... please..." I whimpered, my voice rising, as Tony began a slow erotic shave of my pubic area.

"Easy there," Ricky said, waving the little brown bottle in front of my face. "You don't want Tony to slip and make you a eunuch now, do you?"

I shook my head but still struggled. Ricky uncapped the poppers and shoved them to my left nostril. Joel covered my right nostril and mouth. I held out as long as I could, but I knew it was a losing battle. The fumes from the bottle found there way to my brain and set it buzzing.

"Ahhhnnn..." my muffled moan slipped through Joel's fingers. He removed his hand from my mouth and I continued to moan more loudly.

"Shhh..." he whispered, placing a finger to my lips while his other hand mauled my nipples. "Your windows are open... Do you want your neighbors to hear you getting made like the little cock whore you are?" He slipped two fingers between my lips and slid them in and out of my mouth slowly. For some reason I sucked on them.

"Oh yeah..." he squealed. "That's good, you little cock slut. You're learning. Pretty soon we'll give you the real thing to nurse on. Again."

Tony finished his shaving and Joel lifted my head so I could see. My crotch was completely bare and my cock looked enormous! He started to masturbate me and soon I could feel my balls constrict. As I arched my back he suddenly pulled back, letting go of my drooling cock at the same time Joel took his fingers from my mouth.

"Uhhnnn... nooo..." I moaned, whining, thrusting my hips and pushing out my chest.

"Yeah, that's it," Ricky taunted. "Beg for it... come on, fag boy... You know what you want... come on."

I tried to regain my composure and shook my head violently. "Fuck you!" I snarled.

"That's pretty rough language for a sissy-boy," Tony retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He shoved the bit-shaped gag into my mouth and fastened the strap.

"Yeah, you're gonna have to be punished for that now," Joel said. He was holding a bottle or rubbing alcohol. He must've gotten it from my medicine cabinet. He opened the bottle and poured it onto my newly shaved crotch.

"Ahhh!!! Mmmmmppphhh!!!" I screamed into the gag as the stinging became unbearable.

"I told you," Joel snickered. He bent down and lightly blew on my reddening groin area, causing the stinging sensation to heighten. He then poured the rubbing alcohol onto my chest and patted it. The same stinging sensation coursed through me and I cried out again.

As I struggled against my bonds, Tony took my left leg and pulled it up to my chest. He took a length of rope and tied it to the headboard just above the rope binding my left wrist. He did the same to my other leg. My legs were now spread out in a V shape over my head, my naked ass fully exposed. My dick was only six inches or so from my mouth. Ricky stuck a couch cushion under my ass to prop me up.

Tony took the shaving cream and rubbed it onto my ass, slowly working it into a foamy lather. He massaged my ass cheeks and tickled my twitching pucker, working his finger in up to the second knuckle.

"Mmmpphhh!!!" I screamed into my gag as his finger invaded my asshole. I couldn't believe what was happening to me! Here I was, tied and trussed, getting finger-banged at the same time my ass was being shaved! I tried to keep it together as the razor scraped the hair off my ass, doing my best not to buck from the sensations in my ass and cause the blade to nick me.

"Huh... huh... huh... huh..." I panted into the gag as Tony forced a second finger into my ass, twisting them about as he shaved my ass smooth.

He finally finished shaving and pulled his fingers from my spasming ass. I let my head drop back to the pillow and closed my eyes in relief.

Before I knew it, Joel had coated his hands with the rubbing alcohol and started spanking my ass for all it was worth. I howled and screamed into my gag as the boys laughed and hooted.

"Look how red it is," Ricky laughed, reaching down to give it another whack.

Tony picked up a long, slender dildo, squirted some lube into his palm, and slicked up the tool. He held it up to my face. My eyes widened in fear, both at the site of the dildo and at the malevolent leer on his face. The dildo was a good eight inches long, and although it was fairly thin, it was studded top to bottom with tiny bumps. He flipped a switch on the base and it began to hum and vibrate.

"Nooo... noo..." I pleaded through the gag, my voice getting higher and louder, but Tony just chuckled and waved the dildo in my face. He then held up the underwear I had worn yesterday and nodded for Joel to take the gag from my mouth.

"Please... please stop," I pleaded, my voice a hoarse rasp. Tony smiled wickedly and shoved the soiled briefs into my mouth.

"Mmmpphhh.... unnnhhh huhhhh..." I grunted, tasting the dried cum on the briefs as he slid the churning dildo into my tight hole.

"Aieee!!!" I cried out as the vibrating wand pulsed against my chute. "Noooo... mmmnnnn... pleeeaassseee....!"

Tony laughed and pushed the briefs further into my mouth, muffling the sounds of my cries and moans. He continued to slide the dildo in until it hit my prostate. My dick twitched and jumped and my moans became more gutteral. There was something about the sensation that was almost enjoyable... well, maybe not enjoyable, but certainly not painful. It almost felt good in a way. My jaw went slack and my eyes rolled upward into my head. Tony began to work the vibrator back and forth in a circular motion as he slowly pumped it in and out of me, buzzing my sensitive nut, and driving me to a frenzy. My dick was burping pre-cum in a steady flow now and it ran down my cock and over my newly shaved scrotum like lava from a volcano.

Tony continued the manual fucking. He must've seen my face twist up in a combination of pain and pleasure because he suddenly quickened his pace and watched as my pumping hips sped up and my breathing increased. Just as I reached orgasm and my dick was about to burst, Ricky reached in and yanked the underwear from my mouth and held it open. At the same time Tony grabbed my cock and aimed it directly at my face. He gave it a few jerks and stream after stream of my hot sticky crud shot into my mouth. Eight hard bursts filled my mouth and dribbled down over my chin and onto my neck and chest. When my orgasm finally subsided (after what seemed an eternity) I just stared straight ahead, dazed and eyes glazed, as Tony stroked my throat, causing me to swallow my own spooge while Joel snapped more pictures.

I collapsed, spent, the buzzing dildo still lodged in my ass. My sweat-covered chest heaved as my heartbeat and breathing eventually returned to normal. "Awww... fuck..." I moaned. "Nnnngghhhh..." I closed my eyes, letting my mind and body luxuriate in the fading feeling.

When I opened my eyes I saw Joel walking into the room with three shot glasses and a bottle of Rock Hill Farm's whiskey. I'd bought that bottle back when I joined the firm and was saving it for when I made partner. He cracked open the seal and filled the three glasses.

"What about Jason?" Ricky asked.

"Oh, I got him covered," Joel replied. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a box and set it next to the whisky. The label on the box read: 'Colt Anal Douche.' What?!! A douche?

"What the hell is that?" Tony asked, opening the box.

"It's an enema," he replied, his eyes twinkling. "Gotta flush him out."

He pulled the enema kit out of the box and handed it to Ricky. "Fill this up to the black line with warm water," he instructed.

Ricky went into the bathroom and I heard the water run. He came back moments later and handed the enema back to Joel, who then poured two shot of the whisky into it. He looked at me and smiled.

"Did you know that alcohol delivered by an enema is absorbed rapidly through the walls of the intestine and directly into the blood stream making you drunk a hell of a lot faster than if you drank it?" Joel stated, looking me directly in the eyes as he yanked the briefs from my mouth. An evil smile played across his lips.

Shit! An alcohol enema! "No... you can't..." I panted. I looked around to the other guys. They were both smiling and rubbing their cocks through their shorts

"Let's get him to the bathroom, boys."

I knew it was pointless, but I began to buck and struggle once again. Joel apparently anticipated this and flipped the bottle of poppers to Ricky who promptly thrust them under my left nostril. He had me in a headlock, my mouth and right nostril clamped shut.

I did my best to hold my breath but it was useless. Within seconds I inhaled the aroma and felt my body shudder as my mind exploded into another warm fuzzy haze.

I moaned softly as I slumped into Ricky's arms. I could feel somebody untying my arms and legs. "Fuck...."

"Oh yeah, don't worry about that," Joel said as Ricky put the poppers to my other nostril. "That's coming, too."

"Again," Ricky coaxed. In a daze now, I obeyed, taking another deep breath. "And again." I was now inhaling willingly and deeply. When Ricky could tell I was completely buzzed he set the poppers aside and the boys pulled me to my feet. I swooned and pitched as they jumbled me toward the bathroom, my body in a drug-induced spin.

When I finally began to emerge from my daze, I realized I was in my shower, naked and on my hands and knees. Ricky had the bottle of poppers ready and close as Joel shook the alcohol enema to mix the contents. He entered the shower and got behind me.

I felt something being inserted up my ass and knew it was the anal douche. I felt a flood of warm liquid shoot up inside me. Within seconds a buzzing, throbbing sensation began to overtake me and I knew I was on my way to being drunk. Probably more drunk than I've been in a long time. What the fuck else were Tony and his friends planning for me?

It's been a few years since I've really been drunk. Sure, I've had a few too many on a couple of occasions, but the last time I got really hammered was on my 35th birthday. I was on a guys weekend with some buddies in Tahoe and ended up getting royally ripped. I used to party a lot in college but slowed down once I got this job. This weekend though, for some reason, I decided to just cut loose. My 35th birthday is memorable not because I don't remember most of it, but because there is so much embarrassing evidence, most of it captured in living color, to commemorate it.

We stayed at Harrah's in South Lake Tahoe and the night of my birthday the guys took me to a comedy club and then to one of the bars in the casino. They were buying me shot after shot and I don't really remember too much after that.

The morning after the party, as I nursed a massive hangover, my buddy Mark started going on about how I'd given him the best blow job he'd ever had. He was grabbing his crotch and laughing and the other guys soon joined in, agreeing with him. At the time I took it as a joke because everybody was just laughing and carrying on, but now, considering everything that had happened to me in the last twelve hours... well, I wonder if maybe the guys maybe hadn't taken advantage of me in my drunken condition that night. They showed me a couple of pictures they'd taken and I also remember a snippet of a video... me down on my hands and knees, giggling and obviously drunk off my ass, in nothing but my white 2xist boxer briefs, eyes glazed and mouth open. There was something that looked like drool and slobber on my lower lip and chin... The guys said they were just goofing on me because I got drunk, but thinking back now to how they had acted the next day and the funky taste in my mouth... oh shit... had I been drugged? Had my best buddies set me up and used me for a fucking cum dump? What else had they done to me that night?

A firm slap to my cheek brought me back to my present predicament. I was feeling drunk now... really, really drunk, and I began to giggle.

The guys pulled me out of the shower and cleaned me up. In my extremely drunken condition they must've figured I was no longer a physical threat because they untied my hands but re-gagged me with a red ball gag. They helped me get my briefs back on and watched and laughed as I stumbled around.

"Come on Jason," Tony said, taking me by the hand. I don't know why I didn't resist him. Maybe Joel had added something to the alcohol enema or maybe it was the poppers... I don't know. Anyway, I was so drunk I could hardly walk and I leaned heavily on him as we went out of the bathroom and down the hall, the guys grabbing at my bulging crotch and goosing my ass as they led me to my guest room where I kept a set of weights.

They made me kneel on a leather ottoman they'd brought in from the front room. They bent me over and rested my hands on a low table they'd pulled over from the other side of the room. They had raised the weight bench and maneuvered it so my bent body would be supported crossways by it as I knelt on my hands and knees. My body was about eighteen inches off the ground, my ass raised a few inches higher than my head. They spread my legs and I could feel a finger tracing my ass crack through my briefs. Someone smacked my ass hard and I yelped as the briefs were yanked down and off.

Tony knelt down behind me and spread my ass cheeks. "No..." I grunted lowly, bracing myself for a rough anal assault. It didn't come, but I felt something soft and warm on my butt and realized he was blowing directly at my asshole. What the fuck? Then something moist touched me and I knew it was a tongue. It began to flick and flutter at my hole, gently and then more insistently as it tried to work its way in.

"Ngghh... mmmnnnnggghhh.." I moaned as Tony began to full on suck my ass, slurping hard, and forcing his tongue deep inside me. My pucker was beginning to twitch and spasm as he teased and plied with his tongue. Ricky put the poppers to my nose and forced me to take a hit. Almost instantly I felt flushed and warm and then, against everything in me, I felt myself pushing my ass back into his tongue. Holy shit, but it felt good! In my drunken stupor I heard myself groaning in pleasure as Tony's tongue persistently stabbed, flicked and sucked at my asshole.

I'm 38 years old and believe me, I've been around, but I've never felt anything like this! I had no idea my own dick - hell, my own body - could betray me so blatantly, so completely, but there I was, grunting and squealing into my gag as I pushed my ass back toward Tony's tongue. Another dose of the poppers and I was practically begging, frantically wiggling my ass and thrusting my hips.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Tony's tongue withdrew from my now spit-slicked ass and I saw Ricky hand him something.

"Ribbed... for YOUR pleasure," Tony said, as he tore open a condom package and held it up to my face. He unrolled the latex sheath onto his hard dick. He was going to fuck me!

"No!" I muffed through my gag, but it was too late. Tony gripped my waist with both hands and plunched his dick into my ass. Yeah, plunched... combination of plunged and punched. I squealed in pain as his cock invaded my virgin ass.

He began to slowly pull his cock out, stopping only when the bulbous head remained. I was waiting for him to withdraw completely when he suddenly slammed it fully back into me. I screamed and grunted through my gag, my back arching. The ribbed condom he was wearing raked over my sensitive prostate, sending ripples coursing through my body. At the same time I was given another hit of the poppers. The aroma of the poppers and the feeling of getting fucked combined to create sensations I'd never known before. I tried to ignore what I was feeling, but it was so powerful. So... so... pleasant almost! "Unngghh!" I groaned aloud. More poppers were shoved home and my head seemed to float away.

The sensations in my ass were overwhelming and even Tony's rapid, piston-like fucking did little to assuage the fire. The closet doors in the guest room were covered with mirrors and I glanced at them, catching my reflection. There was Tony, slightly bent over, hands gripping my hips, his teenage cock sluicing rapidly in and out of my raped asshole. And there was me, my eyes more or less vacant and my jaw slack. No resistance.

"Oh yeah, Jason, you love my cock up your ass, don't you?" he said almost mechanically as he slowed his pace and began to long dick me. Another dose of poppers led to yet another series of mind-explosions and I moaned. "Yeah... that's it," he continued. "Mmmm... you love a nice hard cock in that pussy of yours, don't you?"

It sounded as if he was trying to convince me... to indoctrinate me... and in my drunken and drugged condition, I couldn't be sure if maybe he wasn't right!

"Nooo..." I finally managed to say and the gag was pulled from my mouth. It was an effort to speak, what with the foreign, but not unenjoyable, feelings assaulting me, keeping me distracted.

"I'd have never taken you for a cockhound, Jason," he said as he reached up and roughly twisted my left nipple. I grunted at his touch, unconsciously thrusting my chest out to meet his invading fingers.

"Give it to him," Tony said as I felt his dick once again thrust deep inside me. Before I knew it the bottle of poppers was at my nostrils again. I no longer resisted the now familiar fumes, knowing full well their seductive properties.

"Yeah, snort that shit and take my cock up your pussy," Tony droned on, his voice almost hypnotic. "Feels so good, doesn't it?"

Suddenly Ricky's cock was right in front of my face, dripping its spooge on my lips. "You like what you see?" he asked as he lazily ran his dick over my cheeks and lips, coating them with his slime before slipping it into my mouth. "You do, don't you Jason... You've been eyein' this bad boy all weekend, haven't you?" he softly cooed as he put one hand on the back of my head and moved himself closer to me. "Mmmm.... yeah, that's it. Good bitch." I could smell his muskiness as my nose got buried in his pubic hair. Somehow his cock easily lodged deep in my throat and between his and Tony's thrusts, my body was being rocked in an elliptical, almost rhythmical dance. I grunted and groaned in a mixture of protest and pleasure as Tony's dick assaulted my anal canal, pushing me forward and down on Ricky's hard cock that seemed to fit so perfectly in my mouth.

All the while Joel was quietly filming the debauchery taking place in my own home, chronicling my rape on his digital camcorder, no doubt for some future perversion. He smiled when I caught his eye, winking at me and blowing me a silent kiss. I tried to spit Ricky's cock out of my mouth, but when the poppers were pushed under my nose once again Ricky's dick seemed to find its way back, burying itself deeper, his slimy pre-cum flowing freely down my throat.

My balls were hot and churning and I felt another cum boiling inside me. Joel must've sensed this because he shifted the camera to focus on my throbbing cock.

"Just tell us what we want to hear and we'll make it all better," Ricky whispered in my ear, his voice an evil seduction.

"Come on, Jason," Tony encouraged between thrusts. Coaxing. "Just say it and everything will stop."

"Unnggh... I... I'm..."

"What's that, Jason? What did you say?"

Ricky grabbed me by my hair and gently pulled my head up. My eyes were rolled back in my head and I moaned as his cocked slipped from my mouth with an audible pop.

"Fuckin' A," Ricky mumbled, bending down to look me in the face as a river of spit drooled from my slack jaw. "He's totally gettin' off on this!"

Exhausted, I dropped my head, a string of drool stretching from my half-open mouth to the wood floor beneath me. It matched almost exactly the thin string of cum oozing from my cock and puddling to the floor.

Ricky pulled my head up again and I found myself staring into the lens of Joel's video camera. Just beyond the camera I could see my reflection in the mirrored closet door. My eyes were heavy-lidded and glassy and I was panting, my mouth open. My thick dark hair was damp with cum and rivulets of perspiration were rolling down over my forehead. And I was groaning... a low, gutteral and primal moan.

"Say it," Tony hissed, repositioning his body and ramming himself even deeper inside me. He regripped my hips with his big hands and continued violently pistoning his shaft in and out ass until I felt his hands tighten and knew he was about to cum. "Say it!"

"Unngghhh...!!" I grunted, as the tremor of Tony's orgasm reverberated through my own body, starting in my ass and then quickly traveling up and down my spine. I don't know what possessed me... why I said it... but I blurted it out, "I love it up the ass..."

At the instant my cock erupted into another huge cum, blasting its wet, hot, sticky load up my chest and onto my chin.

THE END Comments to smapdi@mindspring.com

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