Juvenile Delinquents

By moc.gnirpsdnim@idpams

Published on Aug 31, 2023


Juvenile Delinquents, Part 1 (authoritarion)

by stimle

The following story may or may not be true. If it really happened, the names have been changed to protect the unfortunate. It's been a long time since I've written a new story, so please let me know what you think by shooting an email to smapdi@mindspring.com More of my stories can be found at http://home.mindspring.com/~smapdi/

Juvenile Delinquents - Part 1

How the hell did this happen?

A few months back I gave my secretary a spa weekend package for two for her birthday. She finally got around to making reservations for this past weekend but at the last minute her jerk of an ex-husband bailed on promise to watch her son. Not that he needs a babysitter; Tony is 17 and a senior in high school. However, just after school got out this past Spring he got into some legal trouble and spent the better part of the Summer in Juvenile Hall. He's not a bad kid, but Carmen's really tightened the screws on him since he got out. Growing up Tony was a always a good kid but since his parents' divorce three years ago he's been running with a bad crowd and turning into some kind of punk. Carmen was about to cancel her weekend plans when I offered to stay with Tony. Carmen's been my secretary since I started with the firm as a cocky, fresh-out-of-law school attorney thirteen years ago. She showed me the ropes, covered my ass when I screwed up, and has been instrumental in my current success. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be where I am: a senior associate in a nationally known firm on the verge of being made a full partner. Helping her out of this jam was the least I can do. I'd been to her home many times over the years and knew her son and ex-husband fairly well. In fact, when Tony got busted I made it a point to spend a few hours with him every week, kind of like the Big Brother program.

After work Friday I hit the gym and met my girlfriend for dinner. Brooke's 30, about 5'10, has long reddish hair and brown eyes, and legs that go on for miles. Oh yeah, and she's stacked. I'm 38, 6'2, weigh around 190, with thick dark hair and deep brown eyes. I'm a pretty handsome guy and in great shape for my age.

Anyway, after dinner I headed over to the Sanchez's house. It was 8:00 p.m. when I pulled into their driveway. I was getting my overnight bag out of the back of my new Range Rover Sport when Tony appeared at the front door.

"Jason!" he bellowed, holding the door for me, a big smile on his face. "Nice ride." He was wearing cargo shorts and no shirt. His shorts were sagging, showing a good six inches of black GAP boxer briefs.

"Hey Tony," I said, returning his smile and patting his shoulder as I entered the house. "You're starting to fill out," I said, commenting on his developing chest muscles and the early hints of a six-pack. I don't remember the last time I saw him shirtless. "I remember when you were just a snot-nosed, scrawny little kid who barely came up to my chest. Look at you now. Looks like you've been putting on some muscle lately." He grinned broadly at this, puffing out his chest and straightening up his 5'9 frame. Tony's a good looking kid and knows it. He keeps his black hair perfectly styled and always dresses in the current trends. He's got smoldering brown eyes that, where I come from, would be called them 'bedroom eyes.'

"Did you bring the beer?" he asked, his face hopeful.

"Not a chance, buddy," I replied. "Get back to me when you're 21. We'll go out then."

We played video games for an hour or so and just shot the breeze. We popped in a DVD and afterwards watched Leno and Conan. It was a nice time. When Tony's around me he loses his tough guy, punk attitude and is actually a pretty decent kid.

I got up early the next morning and made some coffee before I drove to the gym. The building I work in downtown has a great gym, which makes it easy and convenient to workout every day. Even more so because my condo is in a high rise less than a mile away. I work out every morning and most nights after work. Like I said, I keep in pretty good shape and have been working out ever since I wrestled in highschool.

I worked out for an hour or so, went up to the office to finish up a few things, and was back to Tony's house before noon. He was still asleep when I went to his room, lying on top of his covers wearing a pair of yellow smiley-face Joe Boxers. Judging by the tent in them it was obvious he was in the middle of a good dream. I chuckled and remembered back to when I was his age. Back then it seemed like I had a perpetual boner. Of course, nothing much has changed for me over the years in that department. If I don't pull my pud at least once a day I'm a walking, talking hard-on. I swear, the slightest breeze blowing on the back of my neck makes my dork swells up like a fuckin' sausage.

"Hey... Tony," I called out loudly as I shook him awake. "It's almost noon, man. You gonna sleep all day?"

He rolled onto his side to face me, opened one eye and mumbled, "Gimme a break, dude." He was unaware that his cock had popped through the fly of his boxers and was staring straight at me. For someone his age his dick was pretty big and thick. He pulled the blankets up over his head.

"Sorry man," I said, "but I gotta go to the office for a few hours. Your mom doesn't want you here by yourself so you can either come with me or I can drop you off somewhere."

He poked his head out of the blankets. "Can you drive me over to Ricky's house?"

"Sure. We'll grab some lunch first and then I'll drop you off."

I dropped Tony off, ran a few errands and was in the office by 3:30 p.m. I stayed until just before 6:00 p.m. Afterwards I hit the gym again, went home to change and met Brooke for a quick dinner. Damn but she was looking hotter than ever tonight and I was boned up all during dinner. It totally sucked because she was taking the red-eye to Boston tonight for a conference next week. She was going a day early to meet some old girlfriends and shop. At one point during dinner she slipped her sandal off, ran her bare foot up my leg, and nestled it right in my crotch. When she started to wriggle her toes and knead my nuts I about creamed my jeans. Right there. In the middle of the restaurant. In public. I was nervous that everybody around us could see what was going on and would know that my dick was a slave to my girlfriend. For some reason the thought made me even harder. I'm glad my shirt was untucked because as we got up to leave I was still fuckin' hard and it wasn't going soft anytime soon. I'll be honest and say I was more than a little bitter as we drove to the airport knowing that she had to leave and I had to babysit Tony. But I'd promised Carmen and I couldn't go back on my word. Still, I'd rather be boning than bonding. I thought about a quickie in the back seat in the airport parking lot but there was no time. No Brooke for a week, which meant no sex for a week. Shit!

I got to Tony's friend's house about 8:30 p.m. and saw him on the front porch with two other kids. He ran up to my window.

"Hey," he said excitedly. "Is it okay if Ricky and Joel spend the night?"

I looked over at the two boys and back at Tony. They looked about his age and seemed pretty harmless to me. I wasn't sure Carmen would be cool with him having friends over, but since I was the chaperone, I figured why the hell not? "Sure," I finally said. "Jump in."

The guys tossed their bags in the back of the Range Rover and got in. As I drove Tony made introductions.

We were back to Tony's just before 9:00 p.m. and the boys unloaded their stuff. Joel's backpack was bulging. "How long're you planning to say?" I chuckled, pointing to his backpack.

"Just overnight," he replied. He picked up his backpack and held it close, almost protectively, which struck me as a little weird.

"It looks like you both packed for a week," Tony said.

"Just some games and stuff," he said. "I'll show you inside."

He was a hair taller than Tony, but slimmer. He had dark brown hair like mine and piercing blue eyes. A real pretty boy. He was polite and seemed nice enough but there was something about him that I couldn't put my finger on.

Ricky, on the other hand, was brash and loud. He was an inch or so taller than Tony and Joel and looked like he worked out. He had light brown hair and his eyes looked like they were hazel.

We went inside and the guys went down the hall to Tony's room. I pulled out my laptop and plopped down in front of the TV in the living room. I had a summary judgment motion to file next week and I figured with the boys otherwise occupied I could get some work done. After an hour or so I'd had enough so I turned on the TV. Being Saturday night there was nothing much on TV so I settled for a rerun of Friends.

Half an hour later or so Tony came tearing down the hall. "I'm gettin' something to drink!" he called behind him. "You guys want something?"

"Gimme a Coke!" Joel called out.

"I'll help you," Ricky said. He was coming down the hall and joined Tony in the kitchen.

Tony poked his head out of the kitchen. "You want anything, Jason?"

"Yeah, thanks," I said. "I'll try what you're having."

A couple minutes later he and Ricky came back through balancing a tray full of drinks and snacks. "Here," he said, stopping in front of me. "That one."

"What is it?" I asked, taking a sip.

"Cran-raspberry juice," he replied. "My new favorite."

I took a sip. "Tastes pretty good," I said. I took another drink.

The boys went back to Tony's room. After a few minutes I started to feel warm and I got up to check the thermostat. I stumbled and nearly knocked over my glass, spilling almost half the juice onto the coffee table. Downing the rest, I grabbed the dishrag from the kitchen sink and wiped up the mess from the table and the wood floor.

"Whoah," I said out loud as I stood up. Head rush! I tossed the rag back toward the kitchen and made my way over to the thermostat. The air conditioning was on. Mmm... must be me. I sat down again and yawned, starting to feel sleepy. I looked at the clock. Only 11:00 p.m. Friends had just ended and the news was starting. I yawned again, stretched, and slid down on the couch to get comfortable. Man, I could hardly keep my eyes open!

I closed my eyes for a second but when I opened them the news was ending and Saturday Night Live was coming on. Wow, I must've been more tired that I thought. I closed my eyes again.

"Is it working?" a voice asked, rousing me. It sounded like Ricky.

"Yup," Joel replied. "He looks out of it."

"Hey, Jason," Tony said softly, nudging my shoulder. I dragged my eyes half open to see Tony, Joel and Ricky huddled around me. I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

"What did you guys give him?" Tony asked.

What did Tony just say? Give him? What the hell..?

"Something we got from Jamie," Ricky replied.

"Jamie?" Tony sounded puzzled. "Jamie who?"

"Jamie from Juvie, dumbass," Ricky said. "That's who."

Juvie? Juvenile Hall? Were Ricky and Joel in Juvenile Hall with Tony? Shit, if I'd known that I'd never have let them come over!

"Who else?" Ricky said sarcastically. "He got out 'bout a month after we did. I was at his house a couple of weeks ago and heard him talking about it to a couple of his friends. It's something you slip in a girl's drink to loosen her up and stuff."

"It's called a roofie," Joel said matter-of-factly. "How many time do I have to tell you?"

"Yeah, that's what he called it," Ricky said. "A roofie."

Did I hear that right? Ricky and Joel, Tony's Juvenile Hall bunkmates, just slipped me fuckin' Rohypnol?

"Have you used it before?" Tony asked, his voice low.

"Uh huh," Joel said. "Last weekend. Me and Ricky roofinated Jimmy St. Onge."

"Whoah... Are you shitting me?" Tony asked, his voice rising. "Jimmy St. Onge? How? I mean... why?"

Jimmy St. Onge? Jimmy St. Onge... why did the name sound familiar? Then I remembered: Jimmy St. Onge was one of Tony's best friends. According to Tony, though, he'd avoided him since he got out of Juvenile Hall.

"We ran into him after the Homecoming dance," Ricky explained. "At Steve's house. He was with Todd Kangas and Mark Sellers. They were pretty lit so it easy to put some in his beer. Once it hit him we acted like we were just helping him home.

What the hell? This had to be some kind of joke.

Joel continued the story. "Ricky's mom and dad were out of town so we took him back there. Payback's a bitch."

"Whatta ya mean payback's a bitch?" Tony asked.

"Well, Joel and I decided to pay him back for being such a dick to you," Ricky explained. "So we made him our bitch. I mean, didn't you say he bailed on you once you got outta Juvie?"

"Yeah..." Tony said. "But what did you do?"

"You know," Joel said. "Goofed on him. Stripped him... did some stuff. He's pretty hot."

He's pretty hot? Is Joel a faggot? I knew there was something weird about that twerp!

"Yeah, Joel even made him suck his dick," Ricky laughed. "Then he shot his spooge on his face and took some pictures." He laughed again as he and Joel high-fived.

"Didn't he know what you were doing?" Tony asked. "What about the next day?"

"He didn't remember a thing the next day," Ricky said. "Nada."

"Wow," Tony said slowly, shaking his head. "That's crazy."

"Yup," Joel nodded. "We told him we passed out. He didn't think twice about it."

"Did you know he wears tighty whities under his boxers?" Ricky asked, changing the subject.

Now Tony started laughing. "Tighty whities? What is he, 12?"

"I know," Joel guffawed. "We got some pictures of him in them, too, stumbling around all dopey and shit. You shoulda seen him... he was so fuckin' out of it it was funny! You wanna see the pictures?"

"Yeah!" Tony said excitedly. "You got 'em here?"

"On my laptop."

Why was I getting the sick feeling that Tony and Ricky were queer, too?

Joel went to Tony's room and came back a few seconds later with a laptop computer. He put it on the coffee table and pulled up a directory. Through my half-open eyes I watched a slide show of Jimmy St. Onge, obviously drugged, in various stages of undress and then nude. One picture was a close-up of his face, dripping with cum. There was an erect cock next to it.

"What a dork," Tony said, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard... these kids were fucking faggot predators! All of them. Drugging unsuspecting guys and queering them. Now they fuckin' drugged me! I tried to say something but gibberish came out instead.

"And now it's Jason's turn," Joel said as he closed his laptop.

"Are you sure you gave him enough?" Ricky asked.

"It should've been enough," Joel said as he lifted my eyelid. "I mean, I thought I gave him enough, but he doesn't look as out of it as Jimmy did. I wonder if he'll remember anything tomorrow."

Damn straight I'm gonna remember this tomorrow, you fuckin' punks! I'm gonna nail all of you.

"Well, he looks out of it enough to me," Ricky said, rubbing his hands together. "If you ask me, he doesn't know what hit him!"

"You might be right, Ricky, but I don't know," Joel said, waving his hand in front of my face. My eyes just stared straight ahead, unable to follow his hand movements.

"Tm not sure about this, guys," Tony stammered. His voice sounded different and I wondered if he was having a change of heart. "I don't know..."

Ricky and Joel gathered around him and Ricky draped his arm around Tony's shoulders. "Come on, man," he urged. "We talked about this. Remember? We went over all of this already."

"Yeah," Joel agreed. "No turning back now."

"Well, I guess it's too late to stop now," Tony replied. "I mean, if he remembers this tomorrow I'm fucked. But if he doesn't remember anything..."

"He's at our fuckin' mercy!" Ricky interrupted. "I say we have some fun!"

This wasn't happening! Tony sat down next to me and put his hand on my chin and turned my face upward, facing him.

"How about it, Jason? How you feeling? Up for a little party?" I tried to respond but it was like I'd forgotten how to talk.

"Fuckin' goody-two shoes," he continued, squeezing my cheeks against my teeth. "Always treating me like I'm you're fuckin' charity project... Like you're my dad or something. In case you haven't noticed, I have a dad!"

Was that was this was all about? Tony always seemed to have a good time when we hung out. I had the feeling Ricky and Joel had something to do with this new attitude. Tony had never been good at resisting peer pressure. But this?

Joel must've stepped away again because he was walking up the hall, holding something in his hand.

"Guys," he said, holding up his hand to reveal a video camera. "I got it. We take some incriminating pictures of him, just like we did with Jimmy. Maybe sucking one of us off or something. This way if he DOES remember anything and tries to bust us we can blackmail him into keeping quiet."

"Good idea," Tony said. "He told me they're about to make him a partner at his firm. The right pictures'll should him quiet."

"Yeah," Joel and Ricky said together, quietly laughing.

Did I hear right? They were gonna blackmail me into keeping quiet? Before I could process the thought I was pulled to my feet and the short-sleeved shirt I was wearing was unbuttoned and slid down my shoulders and off.

"Wow, look at his chest!" Joel marveled. He traced a finger around my pecs and then down and over my six-pack. "His abs are cut!"

"Get a load of his nips," Ricky said. "They look like bullets!" He took hold of my left nipple and gave it a squeeze.

"Unngghhh..," I moaned, a low gutteral sound emitting from my half-open lips. What the shit? I had no idea my nipples were sensitive like that. Nobody's ever played with them before. Ricky tweaked it again and I felt a tingling below the belt.

"Look, Tony," Ricky said, plucking my nipple again and eliciting yet another groan. "I think he likes it!" More hands began to grope me and I almost fell.

The nipple play was working me up again and I felt my dick getting hard. This was NOT happening!

"His abs are so awesome!" Joel exclaimed, his hands roaming from my upper chest down to my abs and back again. His index finger traced my abs again and then I felt the waistband of my underwear, which were riding two inches or so above the waist of my jeans, being pulled out and snapped. "And check out the designer underpants. Polo Ralph Lauren. Ooo la la!"

"Not a bad body for an old guy, huh?" Tony said.

"How old is he anyway?" Joel asked, his pinky finger swirling in my belly button. I hunched at the sensation and twisted my body, but his insistent finger returned.

"I'm not sure, but I know he's in his 30's," Tony said. I felt a hand on my right back pocket and my wallet was pulled out of my pocket. "Let's see... 38."

"Not too shabby," Joel said. With his finger still poking at my navel, he licked my nipple. He fuckin' licked my fuckin' tit! To my surprise I groaned again. Louder this time.

"Let's get him back down on the couch, guys," Joel said.

"I wanna get his pants off first," Ricky said, reaching down and grabbing the waist of my Diesel jeans. "Hold onto him up a sec, will ya Tony?"

In one quick movement Ricky had my jeans unbuttoned and unzipped. "Well lookie here, guys," he said as he shoved my jeans down to mid-thigh. "Look who else wears tighty whities!"

"Awww... he wears wittle boy underwear," Joel said, mimicking a baby's voice, his mouth twisted into a mischievous smirk.

I wore briefs in high school, back in the '80s when everybody did, but switched to boxer briefs when the craze hit in the '90s. Recently however, at Brooke's prodding, I switched back to briefs. A move I now regretted. Six months ago I was in our New York office for a few weeks working on a class action suit when Brooke flew out for a week. Our hotel was near Times Square and a 50-foot billboard of some guy in tight white Calvin Klein briefs dominated our view of the city skyline. One night after work I came back to the hotel to find Brooke lounging on the bed in a sexy lace teddy, a pair of white Calvins dangling from her index finger. She goaded me into trying them on and then got me to pose for a few snapshots. Eventually she converted me back to briefs by stroking my male ego: saying how good I looked in them and how not many guys can pull off the look. I didn't argue with her because I DO look damn good in them. Plus, I think something about seeing me in little white briefs drives her crazy. There are many nights when we've had to postpone dinner plans because she basically jumps me as soon as I step through her door. But now... well... now I was being teased by three punk kids because I was wearing tight white briefs... tighty whities as they call them. And to make matters worse, they were distended with my growing erection.

The guys snickered and pushed my jeans down to my ankles and then laughed more as they plopped me down on the couch. I sighed deeply as my head lolled against the couch back.

"Looks like he's gotta stiffy," Joel said, sitting down next to me and grabbing my cock. He let the pad of his thumb graze over my prick tip through my briefs, almost like he was using the soft white cotton to buff the knob of my cock. I moaned again and my head continued to loll about as he continued his slow circular motion.

"Unngghh...." I moaned softly. "Mmmmmmm....."

"He's gettin' off on this," Joel said. "Check it out!" My dick jumped as his fingers danced across my crotch, his fingertips alternating between tickling and squeezing. I groaned again and pushed my cock out to meet the invading digits.

"Whoah!!!" Tony said. "He's loving this!"

Ricky was aiming the camera at me. "Move over guys," he gestured.

Joel let go of my cock and slid over on the couch, giving Ricky an unobstructed view of me. I blinked as the flash went off. Fuck! I was totally helpless, slumped on the couch and practically naked, drugged out of my mind, with three teenage homos fondling me.

Joel took hold of my cock again and picked up where he left off, kneading my balls like they were dough. Tony took the camera and started to snap pictures while Ricky bent down and slipped my sandals off. He lifted my foot and licked the sole of my foot.

"Ooooohhh.... iiiieeeeeaaaaa..." I giggled and cooed as he began to suck my toes. My feet are fuckin' ticklish and I tried to kick them out of his reach but he had a good grip and continued to suck my toe and tickle the sole.

"Nnnnoooo... mmmmmm..." I groaned as my hips thrust out at the same time I flexed my feet and pointed my toes.

"Shit," Tony said as he lowered the camera. "You're fuckin' lovin' this! Look at him guys! He's humping Joel's hand and he's gotta a fuckin' boner!"

My dick was hard as a rock now and was pushing my briefs out like a pup tent. It was twitching and I could feel the first pearl of pre-cum forming at the tip. Normally I wasn't a leaker unless I was really boned up.

Tony put down the camera and worked my jeans the rest of the way off. He slowly ran his hands up my legs to my inner thighs. Brooke does this and it drives me fucking crazy. My inner thighs are as ticklish as my feet and I continued to grunt and groan and thrust my hips. I was like a fuckin' dog, rutting and pumping my crotch into Joel's waiting hand.

Joel fished his hands down my briefs worked my dick through the fly. I was totally embarrassed but feeling way too fucked up to care, much less do anything about it. All I knew was it felt good. Joel was cupping my nuts with one hand while working my dick with the other, still lazily rubbing my prick tip with his thumb in a circular motion, basting it with my own pre-cum. Ricky was suckling one of my nipples now, sucking and nibbling at it while rolling the other between his index finger and thumb.

"Mmmnnn..." I moaned again. My head lolled once again on the back of the couch and my jaw was slack. Like I said, nobody's ever played with my nipples before and I had no idea how sensitive they were.

Joel tucked my dick back into my underwear and the guys started taking turns posing with me. They laid me out on the couch, pulling one knee up to lean against the back of the couch and half bending the other. With my briefs bulging and my legs spread wide, I must've looked like a hustler on the prowl. Ricky had the camera now and continued to snap pictures and Tony, totally emboldened now, slipped his hand into the fly of my underwear and pulled my dick back through. It was hard and straight up as a flagpole and as it twitched another dollop of pre-cum burped out. He grasped my shaft and began to roil the palm of his hand over my sensitive prick tip, my fuck sap not enough to soften the roughness of his palm. I howled and hunched at the sensation but was too weak from the roofie to put up any real resistance.

"This is so cool," Tony said, looking at the guys. He looked back at me: "You like this Jason?" he cooed softly, all the while jacking my cock. "Yeah, you like it, don't you? I can tell."

Ricky was still working my nips with one hand and now put the fingers of his free hand into my mouth and began to saw them in and out. Soon they were coated with my slobber and I just let him do it. Fuck... I don't know why, but I was getting so turned on by it!

As I sucked Ricky's fingers, Tony started to jerk off my glistening cock in earnest. "Ohhh... mmmmnnnnn... uuhhhhnnn..." I moaned loudly, thrashing about and thrusting my hips. I was so fuckin' horned up. Brooke and I hadn't fucked since Wednesday and I've been so busy with work I haven't even had time to rub one out. Needless to say, I was way overdue.

I was pulled back to my feet and I leaned heavily against Tony. He reached around and began to rub at my nipples and crotch.

"Unngghhhh....noooo," I whispered. We were slowly moving, backing up. We were behind the couch now and I felt my underwear being lowered. I felt a finger probe at my asshole. "Noo..." I whispered again, my voice a whimper.

All of a sudden a hand reached around me started to roughly jack me off. I was already hard, but now I swear it could cut glass! Joel got in front of me and bent over. He was wearing only his white Banana Republic boxer briefs. He pulled them down in the back and then stretched his arms out and gripped the back of the couch with both hands. Tony pushed me right behind him until I was practically on top of him. I felt my dick nestle into his ass crack.

The finger at my asshole drilled its way in and my eyes popped open. "Unggghhh!!!!" I screamed. Fuck, it must've gone up to the second knuckle! At that instant someone snapped a picture. The flashed blinded me.

"Did you get it?" Joel asked.

"Yeah," Ricky, looking at the LED screen on the camera. He showed it to Joel and Tony. "Looks just like he's fucking you."

"Excellent," Tony said. He let the front of my briefs snap back up. My rigid cock was poking out the top, trapped by the elastic waistband. His finger was still rooting around my virgin hole, though, and I was dancing and I tried to get away from him.

"Nggghh..." I moaned as the flash went off again. They had their blackmail picture now and I knew I was fucked.

END OF PART 1. Comments to smapdi@mindspring.com

Next: Chapter 2

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