Justins Way with Words

By Alex Wellens

Published on Feb 5, 2022


Justin's Way with Words by Alex Wellens

Don't read this if you're not into manipulation, domination or name calling. For the rest, enjoy. And donate to Nifty.

Chapter Four

It's Wednesday morning. Four days since I jerked off my best friend and slobbered up all his jizz. Meanwhile, it's been FIVE days since I'VE cum. I'm starting to go crazy. It's so hard to focus in class. I can't stop thinking about sex. Not just sex, but my best friend Justin's cock, too. Every time I would start thinking about his thick dick throbbing in my hand, my dick would start to bone up. But the cage around my dick would stop me from getting hard. It also got super uncomfortable every time my dick would squeeze against the cage. Between being horny and being in pain, it's no wonder I can't pay attention to math problems.

As soon as the last bell rings, I ran down the halls to Justin's locker. I see him emptying books into the cubby and quickly make my way over to him. "We need to talk." I say, urgently.

"Oh hey, man. What's up?" He's acting just like he always has. Like he doesn't even remember he's got my dick locked in a cage. But why would he? It's not like his dick is locked up. He can jerk off or get laid any time he wants. It's not him going without cumming for days. So, why would he ever think about my dick? Oh man. I just realized I've been thinking about his dick all day. Why had I been thinking about his dick all day? Why wasn't I thinking about big tits and tight pussy all day... This cage is fucking with me. It's fucking ruining my life!

"Not here. Can I get a ride home with you?" Justin drives to school in the car he bought last year. I take the bus half the time. I keep failing my driver's test. Normally, it's not a big deal. Justin and I are always together, and he is able to drive, so I just ride with him everywhere.

"Of course," he smiles. "Let's go."

As soon as I closed my door I turn to him. "You've gotta unlock this thing, dude." I look at him, pleadingly.

He scrunches up his face in sympathy, but shakes his head. "No can do, bud. I meant what I said the other day. I don't trust you to not nut while you're thinking of me. That thing is on for LIFE."

"Or if I get a girlfriend," I quickly corrected him. "You said you'd take it off if I'd ever get a girlfriend."

He snorts. "I really doubt you'll ever have a serious girlfriend, dude. I'm 100% sure you're into guys."

"That's not true! I'm always checking out chicks and thinking of fucking their tits off!"

"Oh, really? So the last few days you've been thinking about girls? You haven't cum in, what, three days?"

"FIVE!" I correct him again.

"Right. You've gone five days without nutting. You must be the horniest you've ever been, right?"

"Right!" I agree with him.

"And all this time - the horniest time of you LIFE - you've been thinking about girls?" He brow curves in a curious way.

"Well..." I don't want to tell him what's been on my mind. Because I actually HAVEN'T been thinking of girls the last few days. I've been thinking about dick. My friend's dick. Justin's dick. Justin's big, fat, throbbing cock. But how could he know what's been on my mind lately?

"Well, what? Have you been thinking about me?"

I nod slowly.

"About my dick?"

Again, I nod. My mouth hung open slightly as I realized what he was saying.

"Were you thinking of stroking my monster cock? About licking up my jizz like a thirsty whore?"

"No!" I protest, honestly. I haven't given mush thought to when I licked up Justin's load. "Not the cum part..."

"But you have been thinking about stroking my cock, right?" His voice sounds slightly condescending.

"Yeah... I guess..." I look down at my feet and blush profusely. "I've just been so horny. And your dick is so big. And that was the last sex I've had in a while."

"Whoa!" He looks shocked. "You think we had sex?! That wasn't sex, dude. That was just jerking off. It's not that you've never jerked off a dick."

"No, but it's the first time it wasn't MINE!"

"So what? You get to know what it's like to stroke off an ACTUAL cock, and I get my nut. We both win. Plus, you're really good at it. You really know just what my dick likes. It feels awesome when you jerk me off." He smiles at me again.

There're butterflies in my stomach from listening to him praise my skills at stroking his cock. I'm glad I can make my best friend feel so good, but at what cost? I don't want to have to do it again. "Please don't make me do it again," I mumble.

"Listen, I don't like having a guy touch my junk any more than you do, but it feels better than when I do it myself. Sometimes I can go a week or two without some chick slobberin' on my knob or riding my cock. That's waaaay to long to go without nutting. Well, you know. It's been four days since you've cum and it's driving you crazy."

"FIVE days!" I correct him again, very annoyed.

"Right, right. Anyway, my point is that I need to nut at least once a day to tame this beast." He grasps his hardening hardon through his gym shorts. "And since you do it so well, why not have you jerk me off between chicks? Why shouldn't my friend - who thinks about dick all day long - be stroking my donkey dick every chance he gets?"

I sit in stunned silence. Every word of what he said seems logical, but it doesn't make it sound any more appealing. As I tackle these strange thoughts and emotions, I look over to see his dick sticking out through the leg of his shorts. It's as big and hard as ever. It bounces with his heartbeat and bumps in the road, iterating it's heft.

"How 'bout you give me a few strokes right now?" His voice is flat and his gaze is fixed on the road. "C'mon, bud. Help your bro out. I haven't cum for three hours."

"What?" I ask, surprised.

"Study hall. Went to the bathrooms by the gym. No one ever goes there - except to jerk off. I've heard guys jerking off in the stalls a few of the times I've used it. I just stood at the urinal and whiped it out. Started stroking off right there in the open. Anyone could've walked in. If anyone was walking by the door in the hallway, they probably heard my balls slapping against my fist. Only took a few minutes. It was HOT thinking someone could walk in at any second and see me beating my meat." His dick throbs as he tells the story of his afternoon hijynx. "Here." He reaches his hand over and grabs mine. He quickly brings it back to his hard cock and releases me.

Instinctively, I wrap my fingers around his substantial girth. It's warm and hard and soft and pulsing. Suddenly, I catch a whiff of his crotch. It's been spending all day locked up in Justin's boxers. Not locked up like mine, that is, but kept in the tight confines of his bulging shorts. I don't think he showered after gym class, because his musk is laden with the scent of teen sweat and - I suppose - the precum he leaked while jerking off during study hall... Fuck. I'm starting to bone up again. I wince.

"No way," he says, noticing my discomfort. "You already boning up from stroking my dick? It's been, like, ten seconds! Whatever... Feels nice, what you're

doing. Don't stop. Just try to focus on my cock instead of your lil dick. Maybe that'll stop you from getting hard.

My dick is starting to deflate, but I'm not sure if it's because I'm focusing more on Justin's dick than my own, or if it's because I'm pissed about him

talking about my dick like that. I decide I'll yell at him later for that. Right now the only thing keeping my dick from hurting in it's cage is focusing on Justin's

cock. I decide to fully commit to making him feel good. It firmly stroke faster up and down the length of his shaft. When his precum starts to leak, I use it to slick

his dick and twist my wrist as I jerk him off. The wet sound of my stroking is filling the car, adding to the odor of teen musk. I start to go into another trance. The

only thing I'm thinking about is making Justin feel good with my hand.

"Mmmm... yeah, bud. That's feels super good. You really know how to stroke a cock. And it's hot knowing someone can see you stroking my big fuck stick as they

drive by. Better hope no one thinks to look over while their going by. Yeahhhh... Go faster. Mmmm... Fuuuuuuck... I'm close to busting my load."

That makes me happy to hear. I was starting to get anxious about getting caught. I don't want this to be drawn out.

"I don't wanna get jizz all over the seat. Stick out your tongue and catch it."

What... No. Hell no. No fucking way am I gonna let him jizz in my mouth. I would probably puke.

He senses my hesitency. "C'mon, do it. Quick! You better not fuck up my car with my jizz. You started this, you're gonna finish it. I'm so fucking close. It

feels so fucking GOOD. If you let my jizz go all over my car I'll NEVER unlock that pathetic dick you have between your legs. You'll never get to cum again in your

whole LIFE. Just catch it on your tongue, so it doesn't make a mess."

I don't know what's going on in my head right now. I feel like I'm outside my body. I can't think staright - literally. I can't go the rest of my life without

touching my dick. Without getting my nut on a regular basis. My primitive instincts take over as I lean over my best friend's hard cock. I keep stroking fast and hard.

His balls are bouncing off my fist with every thrust. My tongue is inches from his swollen cock head. The scent wafting from between his legs is over powering.

Whatever chemical that makes you horny with lust is flowing into my brain at an incredible rate. I want him to shoot his load into my mouth. If I don't do it, I'll

never get to jerk off again. Of course I want him to shoot his load into my mouth. It's the only way I get to cum again. I let out the tiniest whimper.

That sets him off. Suddenly, the car slows down raipdly as his foot leaves the gas pedal and stretches as far forward as it can. He groans, gutterally. I feel

the first hot load hit my tongue. I instantly pull back my tonuge and swallow, then stick it back out in time for the next volley. I do this six more times with every

blast of hot cum that hits my tongue. When he stops shooting, I close my mouth and savor the taste. It's actually a lot better than last time. Like, a LOT better. Was

it because it was still warm when it hit my tongue? Does the taste of cum change when it cools down? I guess it must, because this time it tastes really good. Wait. I

don't mean it tastes good, it just tastes better than last time I swallowed Justin's jizz. That's all.

I sit back in the passenger seat and avoid looking at my best friend. I feel ashamed. I just swallowed a guy's jizz, AGAIN. What straight guy swallows another

guy's jizz? Let alone TWICE. All the primal urges I had a few minutes ago quickly leave my mind as I sober up. What the fuck is happening?

After a few moments Justin breaks the awkward silence. "Uh, dude... I didn't tell you to swallow it.... I told you to catch it on your tongue. I was gonna let

you spit it out the window after I was done. I never thought you'd swallow my jizz like that. I can't believe you decided to have my warm load slide down your throat.

What were you THINKING? How the FUCK am I supposed to believe you're not a fag, huh? No straight dude would EVER do that." He's shaking his head the whole time he's


"I'm sorry..." I mumble. "I don't know what I was thinking. I guess it was just insticnt..."

"Instinct?! Your first instinct was to swallow my hot load as it shot into your mouth? How would that be your first instinct?! My first instinct would be to spit it out the first chcance I got. Not that I'd ever let a guy jizz in my mouth in the first place," he said in disgust. "Did your dicklet at least go down?" He looks over at me as I sit there humiliated.

"Y - yeah... You were right. When I focused on you it went away."

"Not on me, lil J. On my big fuck stick. You were focused on my cock. Well, at least we took care of both our problems. I got my nut and you got rid of your boner. But I still can't believe what you did. How you swallowed down my load like a greedy bitch in heat. I've never even had a chick get THAT into my cock. I guess I'm helping you. Helping you realize you're a fag, while you help me get my nut. I'm glad I can help you, but it just goes to prove my best friend is a homo."

"I'M NOT A GOD DAMN HOMO!" I yell, folding my arms and staring out the window.

"We'll getcha there, bud. One day soon you're gonna realize it. I'm gonna help my best friend realize he's a cock hungry, cum guzzling faggot."

Next: Chapter 5

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