Justins Way with Words

By Alex Wellens

Published on Dec 11, 2021


Justin's Way with Words by Alex Wellens

TRIGGER WARNING!!! If you are uncomfortable with coercion, manipulation and degradation, I suggest you stop reading this story. This series is about an "alpha male jock" manipulating his best friend into thinking he's gay. If this premise upsets you, do not read further. For the record, I would never want anything like this to happen to anyone in real life.

For everyone else, enjoy! Oh, and donate to Nifty.

Chapter Three

The sunlight streaming in through the window wakes me up. I start stretching and yawning under the covers of my best friend's bed. But I notice something. Reaching down to my crotch, my hand hits something metal. I throw the blanket off me to see what the hell is on my dick. It's some kind of cage. A cage with a tiny lock on it. Wtf. What the hell is it, and where did it come from.

I must've woken Justin when I had suddenly sat up and ripped off the covers. He turns onto his back and lets out a loud yawn as his long body stretches. "What's up, dude?" He asks, rubbing his eye.

"Dude, do you know what this is?" I ask urgently, pointing at my caged dick.

"Oh, that." He sits up and looks me in the eye. "I put it on you last night while you were asleep. It's a cock cage. Well, more like a dick cage to you. I bought it after what you did last week. You know, getting hard while you jerked me off, I mean. It made me really worried you were a fag. Think about it from my perspective. I can't have a best friend who's secretly lusting after my huge cock, having him jerk off every night thinking about stroking my big fat cock. But you're still my best friend, J. You're still my bro. I didn't wanna lose that either. So I came up with an idea. I decided I'd have you jerk me off again. Maybe the last time really was because you were a little toasted. Maybe you getting hard really was just a coincidence. Maybe my best friend isn't a faggot. But what if he was? I couldn't just lose my bro like that. No, I decided that if I made you hard again, I would just make sure you couldn't do anything about it. This way you can't rub your lil dicklet after every time you see my impressive cock. I'm not gonna lose my best friend, but I'm sure as hell not gonna let him jerk off thinking about me."

I stare at him in absolute horror and embarassment. "Justin... I swear to god I've never once thought of you while I was jerking off. I barely ever imagine guys at all!" As soon as I said it I knew it came out wrong. "You know... like, when I watch a guy fuck a girl. I don't JUST think about guys."

"Uh, dude? Straight guys NEVER think about others guys while they're jerking off. We just pretend WE'RE the guy in the video. We don't actually think of him as another GUY!" He looks like he can't belive the things he's hearing come out of my mouth.

Wait. Really? Do straight guys really not look at the guy in pornos? I mean guys. Do other guys really not look at the guys in pornos? I thought we all did that... I guess I was wrong. Justin says he doesn't look at the other guy, so that must be normal. I guess my jerk fantasies aren't that normal...

"But... but what the hell am I supposed to do with this!?" I grab the cage. "I can't be in this forever! I have to jerk off at some point. I do it every day. Sometimes twice a day!"

"Sorry, bro. I can't trust you to not jerk off to me. You'll just have to deal with it. Maybe if you ever actually get a girlfriend. It'd be hard for you to be thinking of me while you rub your dicklet in some chick. No way you could think a tight, smooth pussy is THIS bad boy." He grabs his morning wood proudly.

"What!? Dude, the longest I've ever gone without nutting is, like, three days! There's no way I could do that!"

"You'll have to. This is non negotiable." He says, flatly, turning on the tv.

I can't believe this is happening. I feel like I'm going to cry... No. I can't do that. I can't sit here crying while my best friend calls me a fag and controls my dick. I stare at him, stonefaced and in a daze. How am I ever going to survive?

"Stroke my cock." He leans back with his hands behind his head, staring at whatever's on the tv.

Hypnotically, I scoot next to him and grab his thick cock in my hand. I slowly start to stroke up and down the two-toned cock. I never really noticed that before. I mean, I've seen Justin hard plenty of times before, but I never really cared to notice stuff like that. Why was I noticing it now? Was it because, out of the two dicks in this room, the only one I could focus on was Justin's?

"Hah. I knew you love staring at my cock. Take a good look. It's the only cock you'll be getting a good look at for a long time. Unless you stare at guys in the locker room. DO you stare at other guys in the locker room?"

I think for a second before realizing I HAVE checked out guys in the locker room. I never really thought it was a big deal. I figured every guy does it once in a while. You know, just to compare.

"Well, I guess that answers that! I don't know if I'll EVER be able to unlock you." He shakes his head again. "Faster," he demands. "There ya go. That's better... you're starting to get the hang of jerking off a big dick. Must be way different from how you jerk off. Or USED to jerk off, I should say. Yeah. Keeping going. Keep making your best friend feel fucking great! Look at how much precum you're making me leak. You're doing that. Why don't you taste the fruits of your labor."

He stares at me as I look up at him. "What?" I know he isn't suggesting what I think he is.

"You heard me. Dip your finger in and take a taste," he says. "It's pretty fuckin' rude for you to make me leak like this and not appreciate my grade-A precum. That's like telling someone you don't like the food they cooked for you.

That wasn't really how I was looking at things. I wasn't trying to be rude. I just really didn't wanna taste his jizz. That's super gay. I've only ever tried my precum once before. I hated the taste and immediatley regretted trying it. "No way, dude. Not gonna happen," I flat out refuse.

He looks pissed. "Stop stroking," he commands. I stop. "Look me right in the eye. Good boy. If you EVER want out of that cage, you'd better do what I say - when I say it..." He says, seriously.

It's hard holding back the tears. I think he can see my eyes watering, but he takes no pity on me. I reach down and dip my finger in my best friend's precum, which is flowling generously from his dick hole. I look at him as I bring my wet finger to my lips and slide it into my mouth. Immediately, Justin's look softens. He smirks at me as I taste his precum. It's actually not that bad. It tastes way better than mine did. Well, maybe not better... but it isn't as bad as mine was. It's actually kind of sweet and... I dunno, manly? Mine was more runny and sour. I decide it's not the worst thing he could make me taste.

"Yeahhhhhh... I can tell you like it. Try some more," he nods down at his leaking cock.

Once again feeling hypnotized, I dip two fingers into his copious precum this time. I stare at him again as I press my slicked fingers through my parting lips. This time I actually savor the taste. Somehow, it's even better than the first time. I start to feel dazed again. Blood is flowing to my penis. My CAGED penis, I remember as the cold metal squeezes my boner. I suck in air as the discomfort grows.

"See? Told you, you're a faggot. You're sittin' here strokin' my cock, tastin' my sweet precum, and getting turned on. No other excuse.

I'm terrified as I follow his flawless logic. Everything he's said makes sense, but... but it just isn't true! I didn't get hard because I'm stroking his cock and tasting his precum. I got hard because it's been almost two days since I last jerked off, and because what guy WOULDN'T get hard stroking his friend's monster cock? "Whatever, dude. Guess you'll never believe me," I pout.

"Well, seems pretty obvious to me, but I'm sure you'll figure it out sooner or later. Now... stroke me harder," he commands. I do as he says and grip his shaft harder as I speed up the stroking. "Thaaaat's a good boy," he coos. "Keep stroking my big fat cock. Make me feel good. Make your best friend feel like a god. Yeahhh..."

I'm glad his eyes are closed, because I'm finding it hard to keep my eyes from watering. Fortunately, my dick has softened. So I'm not feeling the discomfort

of it pushing against the cage.

"Almost there, buddy. I'm glad you're taking pride in stroking my cock. Only someone who really wants to make his buddy feel this good would do as good a job as you are now, stroking my meat. Fuuuck, yesssss... You're gonna make me cum, dude. Be a good boy and keep stroking like you are now. Don't stop stroking my mammoth cock, or I'll kick you're ass."

I'm not about to test him on that.

"OH, MAN. Here it comes. Here comes my hot load. Don't stop. Don't you dare stop. Yeah. YEAH. YEAHHHHHH..." Thick torrents of boiling hot cum spew from his

throbbing cock. I can feel each load pass through my fingers with every burst. His stomach and chest are drenched in his pearly white jizz. "Ughhhhhhh..." He finally grunts and catches his breathe. "That. Was. Amazing... Thanks, J. You really made me feel great. I wish you could know how good it felt. Too bad your dick is so small. It couldn't possibly feel as much pleasure as mine can. Besides, you're never gonna know what it might feel like with that cage on. No more cumming for you, right bud?"

I decide now isn't the time to argue with him. Justin has just humiliated me AGAIN. I don't have the energy to convince him I'm actually straight.

"That's what I thought. Now, clean it up."

I go to grab my t-shirt off the floor, but he stops me. "You know what I mean," he stares into me again.

No. No, please no. I can't do it. I won't do it. "Please... Please, Justin. Don't --" I see the back of his hand swing at me and feel the twinge of the slap. It wasn't a hard slap. It was just enough to shut me up and make me understand I had no choice.

"I'm not gonna repeat myself," he whispers.

I close my eyes and tell myself to count to three. One... Two... Three! I quickly dip down and smash my face into the puddle of cum collected on his belly. My eyes were still closed and I overshot it. It's cold now. It surprises me. Next, I stick out my tongue and start slurping up my best friend's cold cum. It tastes different now. It has a stale taste to it, and it's starting to taste bitter. I grimmance at the taste.

After a minute I finally finish cleaning the cum from Justn's body. I look up at him to see a look of utter shock on his face. What did I do now? Why is my best friend looking at me like I'm an alien?

"I meant, scoop it up and lick it off... You fuckin' dove on that shit like a bear to honey. Like you wanted to bathe in it. Then you proceed to slide your tonuge all over your buddy, licking up his huge load. The load YOU made him shoot. Because YOU were stroking his big fat cock. Tell me again you're not a fag."

"I'm not a fag..." I whispered, defeatedly.

"We'll see."

Next: Chapter 4

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