Justins Way with Words

By Alex Wellens

Published on Dec 9, 2021


Justin's Way with Words by Alex Wellens

TRIGGER WARNING!!! If you are uncomfortable with coercion, manipulation and degradation, I suggest you stop reading this story. This series is about an "alpha male jock" manipulating his best friend into thinking he's gay. If this premise upsets you, do not read further. For the record, I would never want anything like this to happen to anyone in real life.

For everyone else, enjoy! Oh, and donate to Nifty.

Chapter Two

It's been a week since I jerked Justin off. I've felt weird about it for days, but Justin doesn't seem to think it's a big deal. So I've slowly started to relax again. I've been hanging with my best friend all evening and it feels like there's no elephant in the room. Hopefully, Justin has forgotten what he said last week.

"If you're stayin' the night, you might as well get ready for bed. You can borrow a pair of shorts. And you can get the shower first." He's watching the TV intently as he speaks.

I figure he's right, so I get up and walk toward his bathroom. "I'll just be a minute." He nods as I pass him. I turn on the water and strip down. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I shirk my underwear. I'm not short, but Justin is definately taller than I am. My skin is kinda fair. Justin always has a nice, tan complextion. My muscles are toned from doing sports, but I'm still lythe. Justin does sports too, but he also works out twice a week. So he has a little more definition. At least my ass is pert. It's not exactly a bubble butt, but it's firm and sticks out a little. Justin's ass and legs are long and firm, like a runner.

But my musings on my ass are cut short when I look down at my dick. That's the one place Justin DEFINATELY has me beat. Up until last week I had always thought I was average. Now I know I'm less than average. I was so disappointent when I realized. It still kinda stings to think about.

Shit. I've been standing here looking at myself for a few minutes now. I told Justin I'd only take a few minutes to shower. I hop in and start rinsing my hair. Deciding I should wash it, I squirt some shampoo in my hand and start lathering my hair. The suds are leaking down my face, so I close my eyes and step into the stream. Suddenly, I hear the full length shower door open and wet foot steps. "Dude..."

"Hey man, you were taking too long. I didn't want the hot water to run out by the time I took mine."

Once the shampoo is rinsed from my hair and face, I look over at him. Obviously, he is naked. His big dick is hanging out and his balls are hanging low in the hot shower. When I look up at him he has an incredulous look on his face. "C'mon, lil man. Are you seriously checking me out again?"

"What? Fuck, dude. No!"

"I figured you'd had enough of looking after last week. I figured those homo thoughts would be outta your head now that you've touched my big cock. Guess I was wrong. Guess you really are a fag."

"For fucks sake, Justin! I'm. No. Fag!"

He stands there shaking his head, smirking. "You really don't see it, do you?"

I look at him like he had two heads.

He chuckles as he starts talking to me like I was a kid who didn't understand something very siple. "Alright, look. Here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna cash in that favor right now, right here. If you're really straight, you're dick is gonna stay soft and small like it is now. But if it gets hard, you admit you're a homo.

Pissed, I grit my teeth and nod. There's no way I'm gonna get hard this time. I only got hard last time because I'd been drinking and Justin had been talking about the action he got. It was inevidible I'd pitch wood that night. Tonight is nothing like that. I'm sober and I hadn't thought about sex for a couple hours.

Justin takes another step toward me, his large genitals swinging like a pendulum. I reach out and grasp my best friend's dick. It's thick and warm and growing. Within seconds Justin's mostly hard. His cock feels heavy as it throbs in my hand. I start to slowly stroke his meat. Justin blows air out between his teeth and closes his eyes, a look of serenity on his face. "That's it little buddy," he says gently. "Stroke your buddy's cock. Stroke his donkey dick and make him feel good. It does feel good, Jakey. It feels real good. You have no idea how good it feels. You're dick is half the size mine is. It can only ever feel half as good for you, bud. Does it at least feel good to stroke my cock? You can at least enjoy that, can't you? Feel how thick and heavy it is? Your arm is probably gonna tire out quicker jerking me than it normally does for you. I'll try not to last long. I'll try to bust quick so your arm doesn't get tire. I can do that for you, buddy."

Justin is being so considerate right now. I'm starting to feel bad. After all, I did technically owe him this. Now he's doing me a favor AGAIN. I can't keep owing him like this. I decide to take his balls in my other hand and massage them so he feels even better. That'll make up for it.

"Woah, dude! That feels amazing. Chicks never play with my balls. They always say they get in the way. It's kinda weird that you grabbed them when I didn't ask you to. Don't get me wrong," he says when I start to pull back. "It feels fuckin' great. It's just a little faggy if you ask me. Keep going, though."

I continue to stroke Justin's monster cock and massage his sizable balls while trying not to listen to him. I can feel the blood start pumping to my blushing cheeks and growing dick. I redoubled my effort on my best friend's big dick in an effort to take my attention away from my soon-to-be boner. Justin groans deeply as my hands worship his genitals. It's working. My dick deflates as I focus soley on Justin's pleasure.

His eyes are stilled closed when he starts talking again. "Oh man, J. What you're doin' feels so good. I haven't ever had a handjob this good before. You're a natural. Keep it up. Good boyyyyy --" I feel Justin's cock throb in my one hand, and his balls pull up in the other. He opens his eyes and leans into me, grabbing my shoulder with his hand. His mouth opens and he let's out a muted gasp as his load shoots out onto my leg. I keep a firm grip and slow down as his cock keeps throbbing and spraying thick strings of cum down my side.

"Fuuuuuck... That was fucking amazing, bro. You made me feel so good. Best handy EVER!"

I smile and pull my hands away to rinse under the stream of warm water. "Glad you liked it. Guess we're even now."

A thoughtful look is on his face for a moment before he looks down at my dick. "Huh. Guess I was wrong. You're not a homo. I'm glad. Can you imagine?" Justin laughed. "Okay, dude. You're straight. But you're wrong about not owing me anymore. I usually jerk off for an hour or two at a time. I busted in just a few minutes just now. I coulda had you stroke my cock for another hour, but I didn't. No, I didn't want you to get tired stroking my big, heavy cock. And because you're my best friend, I did you a favor buy finishing quick."

I can feel my heart sink. I really don't wanna have to jerk him off again. I'm not gay after all.

"C'mon, little Jakey. Let's call it a night." He turns off the water and steps out of the shower. He grabs a towel and quickly patts himself dry. "Here," he says as he tosses the damp towel to me. I roll my eyes, but I wasn't in the mood to argue. I use the towel my best friend had just used on himslef to dry my hair.

Next I bring it down and start drying my face. As the clothe brushes against my nose I pick up his scent. It's musky, so it's probably where he wiped his ass. He must keep clean down there, becasue it doesn't smell terrible. It actually isn't bad smelling at all. It smells like the musk of an active teenage boy. I unconsiously take another whiff of my best friend's musk. It has an immediate reaction on me. Suddenly, my dick starts to chub up. I try to bring the towel down quickly to my crotch to hide it, pretneding to dry my pubes. But, Justin isn't fooled as he grabs the towel and exposes my stiff dick.

"No fucking way... Did you just bone up because you smelled me on the towel? The fuck, dude! I can't believe you're actually a fag. My best friend, a fag!" He brings his hand to his face.

"It's not like that!" I try to lie. "Justin, please! It's just that I haven't jerked off today. Sometimes it happens when I haven't cum in a while."

He shakes his head and locks his jaw. "Dude, I can't do this right now. This is heavy. Let's talk about it in the morning." Justin turns around and walks out into his bedroom, his tight ass swaying behind him.

When I walk into the room he's already pulling on a pair of gym shorts. I open the drawer where he keeps his shorts, but he stops me. "Nah. You can sleep in your own or go comando. I don't want you thinking about your dick rubbing against the same place mine has been." He turns to the bed and gets under the blanket.

I stand there thinkng for a moment. We had been playing basketball eariler and my clothes were all sweaty. I had just showered and I don't want to get dirty again before bed. Naked it is.

"I'll still let you sleep in my bed, J. I'll risk you touching up on me while I'm sleeping, because you're my best friend. I'm not about to make my best friend sleep on the floor, like I should..."

I start blushing again. Justin really is my best friend. Here he is thinking his best friend is some fag, but he's still willing to share a bed with him. I really should be thankful for having such a good friend.

Next: Chapter 3

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