Justins New Boy

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jun 14, 2004


*~*Queer as Folk and all characters are copywritten and trademarked material of Showtime Networks. ~

If you're not eighteen and you're not gay... don't read this. There's gay sex in it! (Who woulda guessed?)

::Justin's New Boy Part 4::

I woke up and immediately stumbled to a bathroom. My knees hit the floor and I began vomiting forcefully into the toilet. This was the worst I had ever felt. My stomach was cramping with every heave, causing more and more pain. The more I chucked, the more my pain took over. I couldn't help but start crying. I felt like shit.

"Oh, god, Keiran... I'm here,"

I felt Avery's hands on my back, gently rubbing up and down. I literally had my head inside the toilet, unable to move from that feeble position. I lifted one arm, flushing the mess down the pipes. Avery stayed with me for the next couple of minutes as I rested my head on the porcelain, sniffling like a wimp. "Come on. Let's get you back to bed," Avery said quietly, helping me stand.

"I need to go," I replied, turning on the sink. "I... have someone I need to talk to,"

"Look, I should have warned you about Saperstien last night," he spoke as I washed my face and rinsed out my mouth. "I thought he might react a little harshly and I should have stuck up for you. I mean, I should have even gone up there with you. Told him-"

He stopped when I stood and faced him. "Told him what? That I give good head? That I have a tight ass? Or maybe that I look good covered in cum. It wouldn't matter what you told him. He was going to use me regardless. He knows I'll do anything to keep the spot on the bar. He has the trump card, Avery. And, until I'm the one calling the shots, he'll always have the upper hand on me,"

I turned back to the mirror and was a little shocked to find that all my makeup was gone, hair and face as well as body. I guess Avery caught me looking. "I... I took the liberty of giving you a bath last night. By the time we got here, you had worn yourself out between the dancing and the crying. You passed out as soon as you got in the door. I gave you some of my stuff to wear for the night, just so you wouldn't have to sleep in anything dirty,"

"Thank you,"

I walked out into the main room. Avery had a loft apartment, something I had always wanted. It was a little smaller than Brian's, but just as nice. The predominant colors were off white, red and blue. Almost patriotic. I quickly found my clothes, changing into them and packing up my stuff. "Are you okay?" Avery asked. "I don't want you to go out if you don't feel well,"

I brushed a lock of hair out of my eye. "No, I'm not okay. But, I have to go,"

Avery approached me and began to kiss me, but I moved back. "Sorry," I whispered. "I have to go. I just... I need to go,"

I left in a flurry, emotionally disoriented. In a period of forty eight hours, I had sexual encounters with Justin twice, Brian, Clint, Avery and Saperstien twice. I had been fucked three times. I had fucked once. I had sucked someone off three times. I had been sucked off twice. Four loads had entered my body, condom clad or not. I felt like a complete and utter slut.

I sped walked to the Liberty Diner, hoping to find Justin. Upon entering, I spotted Emmett, Michael and a guy I didn't know sitting in one of the booths. I rushed over. "Um, Em?"

"Keiran, baby, you look like shit. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I lied. "I just need to find Justin,"

They exchanged looks. "We haven't seen him since last night at Babylon," Michael answered. I bit my lip. That meant he was probably still passed out at Brian's. "Oh, by the way, Ted, this is Keiran, our new roomie. Keiran, this is our porno producing friend Ted,"

I shook hands with him, but I wasn't paying attention. I was remembering how to get to Brian's. "Nice to meet you. I guess I'll talk to you guys later,"

"Take this with you, Keiran," Emmett called, holding out a key. "It's to the apartment. So you can move in whenever,"

"I think I'm going to come today,"

"Need some help moving stuff?" he asked. I shook my head. "I'll manage,"

With that, I left the diner and took off for Brian's. Thankfully, it didn't take long. I knocked on the metal door, breathing heavily. It slid open revealing a half dressed Brian. His hair was tousled in every direction and he only had on a pair of unzipped jeans.

"Is Justin here?" I asked. Brian shook his head. "He left a few minutes ago for the diner. Why?" I sighed heavily. Just my luck. "I need to talk to him."

"About what?"

"About something very important,"

"Like working at Babylon?"

I froze. "How did you know about that?"

Brian laughed and walked back into his loft, me following curiously. "I've fucked just about every dancer on the Babylon staff, okay? I know who's new and you were most certainly up there dancing on the bar last night,"

"Please don't tell Justin," I pleaded, a little upset that now three people connected to Justin knew my secret. Brian walked into his bedroom and laid back on the bed. "Why not? If he's fucking you, I think he has a right to know,"

Before I could respond, the door slid open. "Brian, I forgot my wallet. You would think that-"

I didn't let him finish his sentence. I ran up to him, throwing my arms around his neck. "I have to talk to

you," I whispered.

"What? What's wrong?"

I looked into his eyes which were dripping with concern. "I did it. Again,"

"Did what, Keir?"

"I used sex to get something. A lot of sex,"

He paused, then looked past me at Brian, who walked towards the door, fully dressed. He said nothing as he slid out the door. Justin and I sat down on Brian's couch. "Tell me what happened,"

"I can't exactly tell you, but... it was bad, Justin. I... I had sex with three people other than you yesterday. I walked out of Babylon-"

"You were at Babylon last night?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. I could see the gears in his head churning. He might remember seeing me if I didn't throw him off. "I came to see Emmett and stayed for a little while. We had to talk about me moving in and I didn't have any other way to find him,"

"Oh. Well, what happened?"

"I left and... I realized what I had been doing and I started to wonder if... if I was making a mistake with my life,"

By this point, I knew I was going to cry again, so I closed my eyes, hoping that it would prevent me from doing so. I was fine until Justin pulled me into his arms. That's when I collapsed. I couldn't explain what was going on. Here I was with the guy, loving, sweet, attractive and attracted to me. But, there were so many strings attached. He was with someone. I was with plenty of someones. I had done exactly what he didn't want me to do and now I was paying for it. But, I couldn't tell him or else I might lose him. Despite the fact that I didn't have him, technically speaking. So many problems.

"What are you doing this Saturday night?" he asked. I thought for a second. "Why?"

"I thought you might want to go see this movie at my school. It's a foreign film,"

"I can't... I. got invited to a party,"

"By who?"

I shrugged. "Some guy,"

"Oh. Maybe Friday, then,"

"Maybe." I sat up and wiped my eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come here with such a load,"

Justin chuckled. "I don't mind. I mean, I'm glad you felt you could tell me,"

" I had to tell you Justin," I replied. "You're the reason I feel so shitty,"

He scoffed. "How so?"

"Because you're the one who told me that getting head to get ahead was wrong!" I laughed. Justin laughed slightly, but looked at me strangely. "What?"

"Nothing," he said. "Let's go eat,"

"Go ahead," I told him. "I'm gonna go back to my place and change. I'll meet you at the diner,"

Justin kissed me and smiled. "I'll see you there,"

I felt a lot better as I left Brian's, but I still felt like a pile of shit. I had gotten part of the problem off my

chest, but there was still the fact that I was working where Justin had warned me not to. And, I was proving him right. I pushed the issue out of my mind as I came round the corner to my apartment. The sound of a violin lingered in the air. I thought that someone was playing it in a stereo but I was pleased to see that it was an actual person, playing for money.

The player was very cute. He had dark eyes, dark wavy hair and a tiny goatee, just like Avery. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I pulled some money out of my tip roll and placed it in the violin case. I walked off, towards my home. "Hey, buddy. Wait up!"

He ran up to me. "I think you made a mistake. You put three twenties in there,"

"I know," I said, smiling. "You're good,"

"Thanks. I know,"

"Cute, too,"

"You are not exactly harsh on the eyes yourself." He held out his free hand. "I'm Ethan,"


"Would you like to go get some coffee?" he offered, holding up the money. "It's on me,"

I grinned. "As much as I would love to, I can't. I have to meet someone. A certain, special someone, if you catch my drift,"

He nodded. "Ah. I see. That's too bad. You look like you could benefit from some good classical violin music. Maybe I could call you sometime. Just to have coffee. Fully platonic, of course,"


"One cup. That's all I ask. And, if you don't like me, or the coffee, I'll never bother you again,"

"That's a bold risk you're taking," I laughed. "Do you feel that confident about your chances? Or are you clairvoyant or something?"

"I just believe that someone willing to put sixty dollars into a street corner musician's case is a little more interested that he's initially willing to let off," Ethan replied, raising an eyebrow challengingly. I shrugged. "What can I say? Helping out a fellow musician,"

"You play?"

"Piano. Going on fourteen years,"

"See?" he chuckled, holding out his arms dramatically. "It's destiny. Piano and violin. Ethan and Keiran. It's a sign from above. Come on. One tiny latte. Espresso, even. I'll settle for a lemon square,"

I couldn't stop smiling. This man would not let up. But, it wasn't like he was harassing me. He was just very hokey. Hokey to the point that it was cute. "Fine," I caved. "But, it's platonic. It's not a date. We're just..."

"Two musicians going out to talk,"


I pulled a pen and paper out of my bag, wrote Emmett and Michael's number down and handed it to him. Then, unable to resist, I placed a small kiss on his lips and began walking away. "Was that platonic too?" he yelled after me. I turned and nodded, waving to him. I couldn't believe how cute he was. There was something so attractive about that dark and mysterious look. Although, I enjoyed Justin's blonde and blue eye combination as well.

I reached my apartment and quickly changed into some button up track pants and a tight white tee shirt. I began to leave, then grabbed all my stuff. Every piece. I might as well get out of this shit shack as soon as I could. I dumped my box of toiletries into my backpack, eliminating that box. Now, all I had to do was put my duffel bag and my backpack on my shoulders and carry the box. Fantastic. I headed back to the diner, meeting up with Justin, Michael, Ted, Emmett and Brian.

"Hey guys,"

"Moving already?" Justin asked, taking the box and setting it on the floor. I nodded. "Figured I might as well get it over with,"

"Well, we're all here," Michael said. "We can help you get the rest of your stuff,"

"Um... this is my stuff,"

There was a period of silence before Emmett clasped his hands together. "Well, that's just... great. Less is more,"

"I don't understand," Justin said. "How is this all of your stuff? What did you sleep on?"

I pointed at my duffel bag. "I got by. But, that's okay. Things are changing. I'll be fine,"

"Take a load off, darling," Emmett invited. I looked around. "Um, Em?"

"Yeah, Ted?"

"The booth is full,"


"It's okay," I said. "I guess I'll take this stuff to the house and come back later. If one of you could tell me how to get there,"

"I'll go with you," Emmett offered. "I'm done anyway,"

He scooted out of the booth and took my duffel bag. "Follow me," he chirped. I waved goodbye to the guys and did just that. Once outside the diner, Em turned to me. "So, tell me. What's up?"

"What do you mean?"

"Obviously something is going on or else you wouldn't have looked a mess earlier," he replied. "And, don't try to tell me that you looked okay. Your hair was messy, your eyes were red, your clothes were wrinkled and all-"

"I get it, Em,' I laughed. "I just have a lot of stuff on my mind,"

"And, I suppose you think you're not going to tell me,"

"I didn't plan on-"


I looked at Em, hoping that he would let me get away with not telling him. Didn't work in the least. "It's about Justin,"

"Of course it is,"

"And me,"

"I knew all this, hun," he informed. "Tell me why you're upset about Justin,"

"It's more me being upset with myself. For working at Babylon,"

Emmett nodded and I continued. "All of you warned me about Saperstien, but I took the job anyway. I knew I could make good money. So, I got on the bar by doing what Justin has been trying to get me not to do,"

"Getting head to get ahead?"

"Giving, too," I said, trying to laugh. "The worst part is, I can't tell Justin because he'll get mad that I went behind his back and got a job at Babylon anyway,"

"Justin won't get mad. He'll just not talk to you for a while,"

"That classifies as `mad' to me,"

"Well, look. You have to do what you have to do," Em argued. "It was your decision. You felt as if it was necessary for you to work at Babylon, so you did. If you're suffering for it, then you have to deal with that as well. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. You just have to suck it up,"

"I just don't want to cause Justin grief,"

Emmett laughed, turned and walked into a building, me in tow. "You cause Justin grief? Not likely. If he can deal with Brian, he can deal with you,"

I don't want to lose him, Emmett," I told him as we climbed some stairs. "He's the first person that I feel actually cares about me,"

We walked out into a hallway and Emmett scoffed. "I seriously doubt that, of all people, Justin is the first person who cared for you. I don't doubt that he has some kind of feeling for you, but I don't think he's the one you're looking for. And, I'm certain that you shouldn't be worrying about what he thinks of your profession,"

I absorbed Em's words, but I didn't agree. I thought Justin was everything I was looking for. "Well, what do you think about me and Babylon?"

He opened one of the doors and ushered me inside. "Hun, you were doing your thing and I think you should do it as much as you want. Hell, you'll make good money,"

"Yeah. I sure did last night,"

"Well, this is the place. It's not the Waldorf Astoria, but it's home. That's Michael's room. That's my domain. And, this is your new room. We're going to move the computer out into the living room and you can use the futon as the bed. The dresser holds a lot more than it looks like it would. Phone jack, sockets, everything you could ask for,"

"Thank you so much, Emmett,"

He placed my bag down and rested his hands on his hips. "No problem, babe. And, if you want to have sex late at night, make sure you don't make too much noise. The neighbors don't like that,"

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind," I laughed. Em smiled. "Hey, let's not keep the boys at the diner waiting,"

<<Thanks for reading my long, long, long, long, long stories. Feel free to give me feedback at MoonDawgy99@excite.com and make sure your subject is "Justin's New Boy'. Thanks a bunch! MWAH!>>

Next: Chapter 5

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