Justins New Boy

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jun 7, 2004


*~*Queer as Folk and all characters are copywritten and trademarked material of Showtime Networks. ~

If you're not eighteen and you're not gay... don't read this. There's gay sex in it! (Who woulda guessed?)

::Justin's New Boy Part 2::

I stirred in the sheets, sighing quietly. I had a slight hangover type headache, but it wasn't bad

enough to bother me. "Glad to see you're awake,"

I rolled over and saw someone leaning over me. It was Justin, halfway laying down, propping himself up on one elbow. "Morning to you, too, Sunshine,"

He furrowed his brows. "What did you call me?"

"Sunshine," I repeated. "Why?"

"Because that's what some of my friends call me," he explained. "How did you know about that?"

I shrugged. "I didn't. It just. fit. I mean, you radiate this. light around you and I just thought

that Sunshine was an appropriate nickname. If you don't want me to call you that-"

He laughed. "No, it's fine. From you,"

I know I blushed. "Did you have a good time last night?" he asked me, sitting on my waist. I nodded. "How could I not? I mean... you and Brian are studs. I'm lucky that I got both of you at the same time. It was heaven. Speaking of which, where is Brian?"

"Off to work," Justin replied. "Which leaves me and you to have a little one-on-one time,"

Justin slid his hand between us, grabbing my quickly growing member. I smiled. "What did you have in mind?"

"A shower,"

"Sure, Sunshine,"

I slowly climbed out of bed, still a little asleep. Justin was still nude, like myself, so I took the short walk to the shower to look him over. His body wasn't excellent, but he certainly had a cute little bubble butt that I wouldn't mind getting into. The bathroom was amazing. It was barely enclosed at all and everything was composed of darker colors, predominantly black and hunter green. There was a standing shower that Justin quietly slipped into, turning on the water. Justin stopped me before I entered the shower. "Grab a condom. They're in the medicine cabinet,"

I did just that and hopped into the shower only to have Justin pounce on me. While he kissed me, his hands roamed down to my crotch, taking my erection in one hand and my balls in the other. Justin was a tad shorter than me, so I placed my arms on his shoulders and leaned into the kiss. He backed away and asked, "Are you a complete bottom?"

"No, I top sometimes,"

Justin took the condom out of my hand, opened it and rolled it down my shaft. "Good,"

He turned his back to me, leaning up against the glass. I placed my hand on his lower back, making him stick out his ass and gently pushed into him. He groaned quietly, hands pressed onto the glass. I grabbed his shoulders and shoved all the way in.

"Oh, fuck yeah," Justin sighed. "Fuck me,"

I held my position, giving Justin the pleasure he denied me. When he began pushing back into me, I figured he was ready. I pulled back, then slid back in slowly, making Justin squirm. It was hard for me to hold on to his shoulders, so I did just as Brian did the night before and pulled Justin back into my chest. I held him with one arm and jerked him slowly with my other hand. I kissed him on the nape of his neck, licking the droplets of water away. "How big are you?" Justin asked, panting heavily. I chuckled slightly. "I dunno. Eight and a half. Nine, maybe,"

"You're bigger than Brian,"

"Um... thanks?"

Justin turned his head. "Believe me, it's a very good thing,"

We left it at that and just resumed fucking. I leaned forward and pressed Justin against the glass. He turned his head sideways, resting his cheek on the fogged up shower wall. It felt so good being inside of him. He had an insane degree of control over his ass muscles, which he was using to drive me nuts.

"I'm close," I told him, god knows how much later.

"Fuck me harder," he demanded. I did just that, pushing as hard as I could into him. Right before I came, Justin began groaning loudly. Just as I started my orgasm, Justin hit his at the exact same time. I tightened my grip on him, pulling him close. "FUUUUUUCK!"

Justin buckled under me and would have fallen, had I not been holding onto him. I held him up until I was sure he would be all right, then removed the condom, throwing it into a trash bin outside the shower. "I don't think I've had an orgasm like that in forever," Justin grinned, pinning me to the tile wall. "And I have you to thank for it,"

He kissed me passionately, pushing his upper body against mine. My stomach growled so loudly

that we could hear it over the sound of the water. I looked down, then laughed sheepishly. "Sorry. I haven't eaten since... yesterday,"

"Well, let's go eat then. I know just the place,"

About half an hour later, Justin and I were at an interesting restaurant called the Liberty Diner. The entire place was decorated with rainbows, musical posters and other gay memorabilia. "Debbie! I want you to meet someone!"

"Who is it, Sunshine?" a voice replied. "Another one of your boy toys from college?"

Justin laughed and nudged me in the ribs. From the back of the diner emerged a rather eccentric woman with bight red hair, hundreds of gay pride pins and a huge smile. "Debbie, this is Keiran. Keiran, this is Debbie."


I reached out to shake her hand, but she pulled me into a deep embrace. "Don't be shy, Red. We're all family here!"

I looked at Justin who shrugged helplessly. Debbie held me back at arm's length and looked me over. "He's definitely a cutie, Justin. Where'd you find him?"


Debbie rolled her eyes. "Of course. You don't go anywhere else. Well, Red, you know you have some major competition for Sunshine here, don't ya?"

"Who? Brian?" I asked, taking a seat at the counter. Debbie nodded. "How'd you know?"

"Well. he already met Brian," Justin informed, taking a seat next to me. I blushed, thinking of the circumstances of our meeting. Debbie obviously caught me. "Aw, don't tell me he fucked you, too,"

"That's kinda how we met," I laughed.

"That's how both me and Brian met him," Justin elaborated. Debbie leaned on the counter and stared me down, chewing lewdly on a piece of gum. "You let those two fags rotisserie you? You must be aching for some trouble, Red,"

My jaw dropped, but I couldn't help but laugh. I liked this Debbie. She was a fun character. "All right, girls. What do you want to eat?"

I realized, at that point, that I didn't have my wallet. I was wearing some of Brian's clothes that Justin let me borrow and my wallet was in the pants I had on last night. "Um. Justin?"


"I... as cliched as this sounds, my wallet is in my other pants,"

Debbie chuckled. "Don't worry, Red. This one's on me,"

We ordered and Debbie disappeared, leaving me with Justin. We moved to a booth because Justin said some of his friends we probably going to join us. "So, what does she mean that I'm looking for trouble?" I asked, taking a sip of coffee. Justin shook his head. "You must be new to the city,"

"That I am,"

"Well. Brian's a bit notorious for his promiscuity. And. for getting jealous of guys who... I get involved with. Not that we're dating or anything. We're more... friends with benefits,"


"Deb, hun! Bacon, eggs and coffee please!"

I was interrupted by a tall slender figure plopping down in the seat next to me. He looked at me and I recognized him as Emmett from the club last night. He smiled brightly. "Hey, hun! What brings you to this lovely dining establishment?"

"He does," I said, indicating Justin. Emmett raised an eyebrow. "So I take it that you two had a pleasant evening together?"

"Of course we did," Justin replied. "Myself, Keiran and Brian all had a lovely night,"

"And Brian? Oh, my. Smells like trouble brewing,"

I was getting somewhat worried, to be honest. When Debbie said that I was looking for trouble, it was funny. Now that Emmett was warning me, I was a little wary. Thinking back on it, Brian did seem a tad touchy.

"Keiran? You there?"

I shook myself out of thought. "Yeah. Sorry,"

"Tell me about yourself, Mr. Keiran. Friends, family, sexual history," Emmett smiled, taking a sip of coffee. When I looked to Justin, he was watching curiously, expecting an answer. "Um... well, I just moved here on Monday, so I don't really have any friends in the area. I..."

I paused, unsure if I wanted to continue. Emmett stared me down, causing me to give in. "I'm a foster child and I left my home at sixteen. I've been working in different towns, supporting myself. So, I don't really have a family either. And, sexual history is... lengthy,"

"How lengthy?" Emmett asked.

"Emmett, come on," Justin interrupted. "Let's just leave it at that,"

"It's fine," I said. "A lot of my jobs required me to... do things with people. I was a stripper for a while. I was sort of an escort. Things like that,"

"So, you supported yourself with sex?" Emmett queried, looking upset. I nodded. "I didn't have anything else going for me,"

"Where do you live now, hun?"

"Vaseline Tower,"

Emmett sighed. "That shit shack. Well, do you have a job here yet?"

I shook my head. "I'm looking though. It's a little hard when you don't have your birth certificate or your high school diploma,"

"You didn't finish high school?" Justin interjected.

"I did. But, the degree was sent to my foster parents. And, I have no idea where they are. As if I would ask them for it if I did,"

"Hey, Justin. Em,"

"Mikey!" Emmett jumped up. "Just the person I was looking for! Come with me. You, too, Justin. Be right back, Keiran,"

With that, the three of them stepped out of the restaurant, leaving me by myself. I looked to the window and I saw that the three of them were outside conversing. Emmett and Mikey seemed to be deep in argument. Mikey looked at me through the window then placed his face in his hand. "Where'd everybody go, Red? I hope you don't plan on eating all this by yourself,"

Debbie began placing our orders on the table, smiling. "No. Um... Emmett and Justin took this guy Mikey outside to talk,"

Debbie looked out the window and shook her head. "That's Michael, Red. That's my baby boy,"

"He's your son?"

She beamed. "Sure is. Love him with all my heart. He's my pride and joy. He owns a comic book shop, ya know. Best damn comic book shop in town, if you ask me,"

"Ma, are you bragging again?"

Debbie grabbed Michael in a deep hug as Emmett and Justin sat down. "Can't I brag about the world's best gay son?"

It was a little saddening to see such a lovely scene between a son and his mother, something I knew nothing of. Yet, I tried not to let it show. "The usual, please," Michael said, joining us in the booth. Debbie nodded and disappeared.

"Keiran, this is Michael," Emmett introduced. "He's a friend of ours,"

I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you,"

"You, too,"

Michael was cute. He was a little short for my liking, but made up for it in looks. He had dark hair and equally dark eyes and slender lips. He was wearing a tight shirt and some simple jeans, but he looked amazing. "So, Keiran. Michael has an opening for a job at his comic book shop," Emmett said subtly. "And, the two of us are kinda looking for another roommate. Well, not looking. But, it would make paying the rent less of an ordeal. Plus, the only thing we use that room for is. nothing. I mean, the computer, but that could easily be moved. Although I do enjoy the privacy while I'm-"

"Thanks for the gesture," I chuckled. "But, you guys don't even know me,"

Emmett rolled his eyes. "Look, I didn't want to get queeny on you, but you live in a shitty little rat hole and have no income. You're taking the job and moving in with us, period,"

Justin laughed and shook his head. "You might as well take him up on the offer, Keir. He's not going to let up."

"I wouldn't feel right,"

"Well, how about this: you let both me and Michael fuck you and then you can take the job and the housing," Emmett suggested. "Would that make you feel better?"

Justin's jaw dropped. "Emmett!"

He shrugged defensively. "I'm just saying. If it'll make him feel better about it,"

"I'll do it,"

"What?" Justin yelped. He basically pushed Michael out of the seat and grabbed me, forcing me to follow him out of the restaurant. "What do you mean you'll do it? Emmett was just joking,"

"I might as well, Justin. I'm not going to just-"

"Keir, listen to me," he interrupted. "You don't need to use sex to get what you need, okay? God, if I fucked every person who had something I wanted, I'd have had sex with so many people by now. You have more going for you than sex. Okay?"



I blushed. "Okay,"

Justin smiled, leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on my lips, embracing me. At that moment, I felt a little awkward, realizing that Justin was not only interested in me, but Brian as well. And, god knows how many club tricks he slept with weekly. "What's wrong?" he asked, looking into my eyes. I shook my head and forced a smile. "Nothing. Just a little hungry,"

"For what?"

"For food, of course. What else could I." I stopped myself, realizing what other event he could be talking about. "Is that a sexual invite?" I asked, smiling.

"Only if you want to,"

I raised an eyebrow. "That seems kinda contradictory. I mean, you did just tell me that I didn't need to use sex to get what I want,"

Justin rolled his eyes. "You don't have to use sex to get me when you already have me,"

"Ah. So, that means sex is validated?"

"Pretty much,"

I nodded. "Well, before we get to that, I would like to finish my food,"

Justin smiled and we headed back inside. As I sat down, I noticed Michael and Emmett staring at me. "I'll take the job and the room,"

"Great!" Emmett chirped. "There are a couple of rules I think we should lay down. First off-"

"Emmett, he just agreed to live with us," Michael said. "Let him move in before you become General Whore-a-lot and start mandating all these rules,"

Emmett looked at Michael challengingly. "Did you say `General Whore-a-lot'? Is that one of your superhero fantasies or something?"

"Very funny, Em,"

I smiled at Justin who just rolled his eyes as he started on his meal. I did the same, observing my two future roommates. Emmett was a flamboyant, but sensitive character. He looked like the stereotypical gay man on the outside, but he was so much more. He had an amazing personality and an aura about him that was very inviting. Michael seemed a bit more reserved and shy. He would pop in and out of the conversation, usually defending himself against one of Emmett's playful insults. They were an interesting pair indeed.

"So, Justin, found a new job yet?" Emmett asked. Justin shook his head. "Not since I left Babylon. It's not like I haven't been looking though,"

"You worked at Babylon?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. As a go-go dancer,"

I slipped into thought. I had been a stripper before so why couldn't I be a dancer at Babylon? Basically, it's the same principle, but keeping the clothes on. I decided to give it a try.

"What are you thinking?" Justin asked. "Not about getting a job there, I hope,"

"No, I was actually imagining you in one of those skimpy get-ups shaking your ass," I lied, grinning. "Besides, why can't I get a job there?"

"One, because of that conversation we had outside," Justin said firmly. "And, because I don't like the guy who manages the dancers. He's a total asshole,"

"And, why should I believe this?"

"Believe him," Michael cut in. "Sap's bad news. He uses his dancers for his own purposes. And, by purposes, I mean sex,"

"I'm sure it's consensual," I replied.

Justin rolled his eyes. "If by consensual, you mean drug induced, then yes. It is,"

"Well, I will be sure to avoid him then,"

"You better. Here. Try this,"

Justin held up a fork of his hash browns. "Deb made them. They're the best,"

As I took the food into my mouth, Michael cooed. "Aw, that's cute. They're feeding each other now. Like a couple. Brian would be jealous,"

"Jealous of what?"

All of us looked up to see Brian standing over the table. "Nothing," Justin said quickly. He stood up and kissed Brian, causing me to look away. My feelings of jealousy took over. "Um, Justin. I'm going to go back to my apartment and get some stuff together for the move. I guess I'll see you later,"

"You didn't even finish-"

"I'm full,"

I walked outside and began down the sidewalk. I kept walking even though I heard the door open behind me. "Hey! Keiran! Hold on!" I didn't slow my pace, but Justin ran up to me, turning me to face him. "What's up with you? Why are you leaving?"

"I told you. I have to go pack,"

"You're the worst liar," Justin laughed. "This is about Brian, isn't it?"


He shoved me playfully. "Liar!"

I began walking when Justin wrapped his arms around my waist and began kissing my neck. "Look, don't worry about Brian. He's a good guy,"

"Yeah, I bet,"

"He can be a little pushy sometimes, but he's really nice when he wants to be,"

"Which is when?"

Justin sighed. "Not often enough,"

There was a period of uneasy silence before Justin kissed my ear. "You're coming back tonight, aren't you? To Brian's?"

I shrugged. "I'm not really sure. I mean it doesn't seem like he wants me there. Plus, it seems a little weird. I was just a one night stand,"

"To him,"

"To you, too, Justin. Just. a multiple night stand,"

He spun me around and furrowed his eyebrows. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You have Brian. What do you need me for? I'm just another club fuck,"

Justin took my face in his hands and kissed me passionately. "No, you're not. You mean more to me than that,"

I pushed him away, smiling. "I doubt that,"

"Where are you going?"

"I told you. I'm going to my apartment to pack so I can move in with Michael and Em. I'll be back later, okay?"

He smiled back at me. "Hey, are you going to Babylon tonight?"

I shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not,"

Justin started to say something, but I was already halfway gone. Once I was sure that he was out of sight, I headed towards Babylon. Regardless of what Justin thought, I had one thing going for me: my looks. I had never been good at anything but sex. I wasn't athletic. I couldn't act or sing or do complex math. My ability to fuck was it. And, I planned to use it to my advantage while I could.

Someone in the club directed me to the man who handled the dancers, Gary Saperstien. I found him upstairs at one of the DJ booths. He was about my height with wavy brown hair and not particularly attractive. "Um. Mr. Saperstien?"


"My name is Keiran Bremen. I'm here about a job,"

He was buried in some records. He hadn't even looked at me. "Doing what?"


Now he looked up. "Take off your shirt and pants,"

I didn't hesitate for a second and stood before him in nothing but some bikini briefs and socks. He stood up and circled me, eyeing every inch of my body. Without notice, he roughly grabbed my ass, squeezing tightly. "Nice,"

His hands ran over my arms and chest. "Good arms and pecs," His hands slid lower over my stomach. "Suitable abs,"

He stood in front of me for a second, staring me in my eyes. Then, his hand was in my briefs, fondling my cock and balls. "How big does it get?"

"Eight and a half. Nine. Somewhere in there,"

"Ever danced professionally?"

I nodded. "Stripping. I thought I might be able to get on the bar,"

Saperstien bit his bottom lip. "You know, it takes some time to get onto the bar. Usually six months or so. Although, I might be able to help you if you really want it,"

During this entire conversation, he still had his hand in my briefs, slowly stroking me to hardness. "What do you want?" I asked.

His eyes wandered down my body to my crotch. "Do you want the job?" I nodded and he slowly slid down to his knees. About fifteen minutes later, I pulled on my clothes as Saperstien wiped off his mouth. "When can you start?"


"Good. Be here at ten," he said, returning to his records. "I'm partnering you up with Avery. He'll be here at eleven. I want you here early so you can get costumes fit for tonight. Bring all the makeup and hair products you own,"

"Thank you,"

"Thank you," he replied. I left the club and debated what to do next. Since I was moving in with them, I decided to return to the diner and talk to Michael and Emmett. It only took me a minute or two to get back to the diner, but I found that the entire group was gone. "Hey Red! Looking for Sunshine?"

Debbie winked as she placed a plate down on the counter. "He and the others left a few minutes ago. Did you forget something?"

"No. actually, I was looking for Michael and Emmett," I replied, sitting at the counter. "I thought I might get to know them a little better since I'm moving in with them,"

"Oh, really? Since when?"

"Since today. They don't want me living in Vaseline Towers so they gave me the option of living with them. And, I get to work at the comic book shop. During the day,"

Debbie's eyebrow went up. "I take it that means that there's a night job?" I nodded, fidgeting with a packet of sugar. "You gonna tell me what it is, Red?"

"You have to promise me you won't tell Justin,"

"As long as you're not selling body parts or cloning celebrities, I promise,"

"I'm dancing at Babylon,"

Debbie's smile dropped. "Aw, Red. Come on, you can do better than that,"

"It's not that bad," I replied. "I can make money. I enjoy being at clubs. It's a win-win situation. And, as long as Justin doesn't know, it'll stay a win-win."

Debbie held up her hands in surrender. "I won't tell him, Red. But, as much as he goes to that club, he's going to see you,"

"He won't recognize me," I said firmly. Debbie shrugged. "If you're sure, hun, you're sure. But, I'm just letting you know, Sunshine won't like it if he finds out,"

"I know, but I really need this job,"

She shook her head, laughing. "You have a job with Mikey. Why do you need to dance at some club for money?"

"That's the exact reason. I need money,"

"You make it sound like my baby's not paying you," she said, resting on the counter. I let out a quiet sigh. "Working in a comic book shop is not my idea of good money. At Babylon, I can get my paycheck and the tips I get from customers. Enough to pay my share of the rent and support myself,"

"Well, whatever you feel is necessary, Red,"

"Thanks. Do you know where Michael and Em went?"

Debbie chuckled. "Most likely back home. I'll give you directions,"

"Can I just get their number so I can call them?" I asked. "I'm not too sure that I'm going to go over there right now,"

"Of course. Anything for you, Red,"

I took the number down on a napkin and placed it into my pocket. "Thank you so much, Debbie,"

"Call me Deb. And, you're welcome,"

I headed out of the restaurant, turning to face Debbie. "And, don't tell Justin!" She gave me a thumbs up as I walked out and went back to my `apartment'. I thought about going to see Justin, but the shadow of Brian loomed over me. Justin was so attached to him, but he didn't seem intent on letting me go either. I didn't understand why Justin would want to see someone like me, poor and unstable, when he had a person like Brian, well-off and apparently in control. And, in addition to that, I didn't understand why Brian was cool with it. Justin said they weren't dating, but. I couldn't grasp the circumstances.

I opened the door to what some people would call hell. It was my apartment, really. Not big by any means. It was probably smaller than some people's closets. I didn't have any furniture. There was no kitchen. The closet was practically non-existent. The bathroom was tiny. I didn't complain though. When I had come into town, this was my only choice. Now, I was happy to go. I didn't have anything to pack, even though that's what I told Justin. I had a duffel bag and one medium size box full of clothes, a small box of toiletries and makeup and a backpack with two pairs of shoes, a CD player and my small booklet of CDs. That was it. Everything that I owned.

I laid down on my makeshift bed: my duffel bag pillow and a coat for a blanket. It didn't take long for me to get to sleep.

To Be continued...

<<<<Hey guys. Sorry it took so long for an update. I got lost in my own world. Please feel free to send me feedback at MoonDawgy99@excite.com , I'll much appreciate it. Chapter three is already done and Chapter four is in the works right now. I've got a lot planned, so hold on tight. MWAH!>>>>

Next: Chapter 3

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