Justins Love

By moc.loa@mrcsnlM

Published on Jul 27, 1999


Well, here is part 8. I am proud of it at least. ( I am happy to tell you that from now on my stories will be longer and the wait will be no more than a week and a half. I hate to keep some of you waiting. I got a lot of bad e-mail because of the delay last time. But, anyway, this way I won't get any more bad e-mail, and that is always good.) LOL Well, thanks to all of you that have been great friends. I have met a lot of the authors and most of them are great people. Shot out to JJ, Lep, Scott, Rob, and Rick. You all have been the best. And for this whole JC and Lance thing, it is about to be down played a little. No matter how things end with them, I am still going to write about them sure. But I am going to be concentrating a lot more on Chris and Justin. Now for the usual. Legal stuff we all know. Follow it. Thanks to Nifty. You are the best. I am glad you have this place where we all can express our talent, (or lack there of). And all comments go to mlnscrm@aol.com. So, now on with the story.

Justin's Love Part 8: Over before it ever started

Well, me and Justin had fun despite what had happened. JC had left early to go to his parents but called us that day just to say he made it and hey. Lance had stayed gone and hadn't gotten in touch with anyone. He never came back to my house, and JC said he never returned any of his messages. We would have to wait and hoped he showed up on Monday like he was supposed to. Now, the thing with JC and Lance was hard for Justin because he was both of their friends. Justin and I had gone out at first to try and get our minds off of everything, but we had a lot of fun. We went to all the clubs and such at night and the theme parks during the day. The first two of our three days left together were hectic. We opted to stay in bed the third day, tomorrow. I lay there on Justin's chest right before he shut the TV off and we went to bed. "You know, we will not be able to do this that often anymore." He stated as the TV went black. "Do what?" I said half knowing the answer. "This. Just lying in bed together at night holding each other. Not only do we have to worry about the guys reactions to us, but we have to make sure you can come with us, and even then_ we have to be extremely careful because a lot of people follow us on tours. It is going to be tough. I hate to put you through all that." He sighed heavily and I know he was worried. "Are you doubting us?" I asked scared at his words. He quickly sat up and looked down at me. "No, I would never. I have grown to love you in the past five months I have known you. And this has been the best week of my life. I would never have a reason to doubt us. I just don't want to end up hurting you with all this. I wouldn't be able to deal with it if I made us not be_ us. You mean too much for that." I smiled at his statement. He knew what to say. That was for sure. His words and his touch was all I needed to calm my worries and make me feel like life was finally going my way. I snuggled closer to him. "Listen, I feel the same way about you. I know that things are going to be difficult for us. I never said they wouldn't be. But that will only make are love stronger. And no matter what people say or do, I am not leaving you until you want me to." I said as I lay back down on his chest. I was tired and I knew that that would calm his worries as well as mine. "No matter what?" He said smiling at me. I moved up and kissed his soft lips. "No matter." I said as I pulled back. "Well, now that that is out of the way, I say we get some sleep. Not to mention that tomorrow is a Monday and will be crappy anyway, but we have to go and meet up with the guys." Justin said as he turned out the lights and scooted closer to me in the dark. After five minutes and I still had not fallen asleep I spoke up. "Hey Justin?" I asked making sure he was awake. "Yeah." He was trying to sound like I woke him up, but I knew he had not fallen asleep either. I wanted to ask what would happen if the guys didn't accept us. What if his family didn't. But I knew that I didn't need to worry. "I love you." I said smiling and I scooted my back closer to him as he held me. I could tell he was smiling too as he replied. "I love you too. Always."

Lance paced up and down his stairs. He had been thinking for three days about what had happened with JC. He was so confused and lost. He didn't know how he felt. He knew that it felt so right kissing JC that night. And when he awoke the next morning, it felt so good to have JC's arms holding him tightly. Then why did he leave? He could answer that. When he awoke he was scared to death. He had slept with JC. Well, sort of anyway. There was no sex, and not even another kiss, but it was still enough to make Lance run off as soon as he awoke. He knew he must have hurt JC so much. He was so wrong and he knew it. JC had poured his heart and confessed his love and what did Lance do. He denied he had feelings for JC three times, then lost him as a friend, got him back, upset him again, finally admits he was in love and stays the night with him, and then leaves the next morning with no explanation. JC must have hated him. He would have. He knew that. All this worrying was making him sick as he headed for the kitchen. Right as he reached the last step he heard a familiar voice coming from his room. "Lance, baby, where are you? Are you coming to bed?" A voice replied. Lance let out a sigh and a single tear fell from his eye. He turned around and started back up the stairs. "Yes, Stephanie, I am coming." He said as he found himself being pulled in his room by a half naked woman.

JC stared out his ceiling in his old room. All the lights were off, and it was pitch black, but he could still remember every outline of his old room. He was so surprised we he came in it three days ago to see that his parents had get everything the way he had left it. Not a single thing was not where JC had put it. But his room was not what was keeping him up and staring at the dark. That would be all Lance. JC was so confused. He didn't know what he had done wrong to make Lance leave, or even what he had done right to make him come there in the first place. All he knew is he had the night of his dreams, holding the man he loved, and woke up to his worst nightmare, being alone. How did thing's get so screwed up? JC didn't know. The only thing he felt like doing was standing up and screaming at the top of his lungs, 'WHY!' to anyone who could answer it. Everyone else had things going for them. Justin had fell in love with a great guy, Joey and Chris were straight so things were automatically easier, so why did he get so screwed. What had he done? He lay there until he finally cried himself to sleep, still trying to find a way to make things better. It seemed hopeless.

Monday morning. What a dreadful thought to most. We were no different. Justin had set the alarm for 8AM so we would have plenty of time to shower, eat, and even make out (which we always ended up doing) and make it to Universal at 11 when we were supposed to meet everyone. I thought it ironic as I got up, that Justin was the one who set the alarm, but I was the only one who every woke up to it. I smiled as I turned it off and lay back down with Justin in my arms. My stirring obviously awoke him because as soon as I got him in my arms facing me, his eyes opened. "Good morning beautiful." I said kissing his nose. "Is that all I am too you, beautiful? Is that why you love me?" He said joking around as always. I smiled back as I too could joke around. "Of course not_" I said and he leaned in to kiss me. However he stopped when I spoke up again. "You have a cute butt." I brought my hands up and grabbed his butt firmly. He just smiled at me. "If you touch mine, I get to touch yours." I said trying to reach my butt, however, me being on the bottom and him on top of me didn't help any. "Yeah, if you can ever get there." I said as he continued trying. "That is what you get for trying to joke around with me." I said starting to get up. "Well, if I can't touch your butt, then I will have to compensate." He said rubbing my bare chest. His finger ran up and down the middle of my chest and ran over my nipples. As I started to moan and his touch, he pulled away. "And that is what you get for trying to joke around with me." He said jumping up and running to the other side of the room. "You know_" I said slowly getting up. "If I didn't love you then I would have to_" I stopped as I watched him await my answer. "What the hell, I'll do it anyway." I darted off for him and he quickly was off down the stairs. I wasn't worried though. I was much faster than him. Thank God he gave us some extra time I thought as we continued to play around.

The alarm again went off, except this time, it would bother Lance. He heard it go off once, and he shot up and was wide awake. He turned it off and realized it was 8:30 in the morning. He was used to getting up early, but he had been slacking since his vacation started. He fell back down and sighed as he thought of every thing that could go wrong today when he met up with Justin, JC, and me. He knew we would be curious. Just as he started to think of excuses to give he felt an arm wrap around his chest. "Good morning, babe. Sleep well?" Stephanie asked. Lance looked at her and turned away. He couldn't look at her. `Why did I do that last night? It didn't change anything.' He thought as she continued talking. "What time are we meeting the guys?" She asked getting up. "Umm... 11. You are going?" She turned and smiled. "Of course silly. Don't you want me there?" She acted like she was pouting. "Of course." Lance said with not much convincing and he got up and walked into his bathroom to shower. He knew Stephanie coming would only make things worse. "What the hell have I done?" He said out loud.

"10:45. They should be here by now. I swear they are never on time." Justin said as we sat outside the gate to Universal. "And you are always on time?" I said knowing he was the one usually late. "Will you sit down. You are bothering me with that pacing." I said as he paced. "Why are you so nervous? You have only been away from them a week. I didn't know y'all were that close." I wondered what had got him so jumpy. "I am just wondering what am I going to say. I mean, this isn't like, I wanna ride Back to the Future and speaking about being gay, I am and I love Chris. It doesn't work that way." This was a change. He was fine all the way here and he was fine up until it hit 10:30. We had arrived there 35 minutes early despite the fact of our playing around at home. We were talking and then he just started pacing for 20 minutes. "It will be tough, but these guys love you. You said yourself that you are a family and you all mean the world to each other. If they are the people you have described, they will love you no matter what." I said giving him a little hug since we were in public. "No matter what?" He said repeating events of last night. I smiled and scooted closer. "No matter." I said as we sat and awaited the guys.

"Whoa, hold up dude. Isn't that Curly?" Chris said as he and Joey approached the gate. He had pointed straight to me and Justin sitting on the bench playing around waiting. Joey looked closer and nodded. "Yeah, but who is that with him? It looks like that Christopher dude from the Arena." Chris looked at him. "You mean the dude that ran off?" Chris asked as he had not really met me formally. Joey nodded and turned to face Chris. "I guess things got worked out." He said not knowing if they should go or not. "Even so, why did Curly bring him? We always meet up as just the group, well, unless one of us finds a girl." Joey said not even rationalizing that maybe this was Justin's lover. The thought never even crossed is mind. Chris was not as naive however. He didn't jump right to Justin is gay and him and Christopher are together, but he wasn't stupid. He knew some of what had happened at the Arena and before. He didn't get everything, but enough to become suspicious and seeing this only made him wonder more. "Well, come on. Let's go and see what's up if we wanna know so much." Chris said bouncing his braids as he hopping like a little kid.

"Well, thank you." Justin said as we stopped laughing. "For what? The joke?" I was confused if he was referring to the joke I just told or something else. "No silly. For making me feel better. I would probably still be pacing right now if it wasn't for you." He said putting his arm around my shoulder. My hand had fallen close to his leg as I found his hand coming on top of mine. "You know I love you right?" He said getting closer to me. "Yes, but you can keep telling me if you want." I said nearing his face. Just as our lips were about to meet we heard a loud voice from Chris. "Hey CURLY!!" He yelled across the street. Justin quickly pulled his lips, hands, and arms from me. He scooted back to the other end of the bench. I tried not to show it, but that kinda hurt me. I know we had to wait and tell the guys before we started kissing in their presence, but it still hurt just the same. Justin stood up and put on a smile for his friends, but when I looked at his face I saw his sympathy for me. He was sorry. I guess that would have to do. This is all new for him. I would have to learn to cut him some slack. "Hey Chris. Joey. Nice of you to finally get here. I have been waiting forever." He said slapping hands with Joey. "I think someone else was waiting too." Chris said pointing at me. I stood up and accepted the hand that Chris offered. "Chris right?" Chris said shaking my hand. I was a little surprised that he knew my name. "Yeah. Chris right?" I said jokingly as I retorted the question to him. He nodded and smiled as we let our hands drop. "You can just call me Christopher. That way, we will try and keep things straight." I said offering the best solution to the obvious problem. "So, where is Lance and JC? I am ready for some fun!" Joey said pumped as he removed his cap revealing his red hair. "I see you haven't changed yet?" Justin said pointing at the hair. "Why should I?" Joey said shaking his head no as he sat on the bench. "Gee, I dunno. Maybe it is the fact that you keep saying that you are tired of being a AJ wannabe... or NO! I got it. It could be the fact that management said take it out before the next video. Yeah, that's it." Justin's mockery caused everyone to smile a little as we waited. "Yeah, sure. Like they could make me doing something I don't wanna do." Joey said as we all laughed. Justin had found himself sitting by me as Chris sat down next to Joey. I pretty much stayed out of the conversation because this was a best friend/group moment but I caught Chris eyeing me a couple of times. I was not naive by any means. I was young, only months older than Justin, but already my life had put me through tremendous obstacles. I had grown accustom to knowing what was going on around me. And everything I was, told me Chris knew something. He didn't know everything, but I figured he was suspicious to say the least. "Hey look. There is JC!" Justin said jumping at the chance to see his friend OK. He would never let me see it, but like I said I wasn't stupid, he was worried about JC. I was glad to see him OK as well.

JC stepped out of his parents car as he grabbed his bag. "Thanks mom. We should be back around 10, but if it gets too much later I will just crash at one of the guys house." JC said with care as he shut the door. "Sure thing honey. You just be careful now. And tell Justin the family says hey and we expect to see him later." JC smiled as he thought about how Justin and his families were so intertwined. It was all like one big family to them. His mind was brought back as the car speed away and Justin came hopping a little too fast towards him. In essence, it was too fast as Justin tripped over himself and fell on top of JC causing both of them to spill onto the asphalt. "I missed you too, J." JC laughed as he got up and brushed the dirt and rocks off of him. Justin followed JC up with the help of JC's hand as Joey, Chris, and I came rushing over. "That's our Curly. Clumsy as ever." Joey said as he helped Justin gather his fallen stuff. "Yeah, yeah. Still, no one bets Lance." Justin replied as he joked over the only missing link to the group. "Speaking of Scoop, he is late. Scoop is NEVER late. What is up with that?" Chris said as I sensed he could tell something else was up. Now I know some consider Lance the business head of the group, and that is true. But from everything that I had seen so far, the older, founder of the group was the one who took on the responsibility to make sure everything was good. "I hear that! But maybe Lance has been slacking on his..." Everyone looked at Joey as he said the words of Lance and slacking in the same sentence. "Yeah, you are right. He must be on his death bed or something for being late. No slacking though. Never." Everyone laughed, with the exception of JC. As I saw this my smile faded as well. From what Justin had told me, and what I was piecing together as time went by, I knew Lance showing up after running out was going to be hard on JC. I wasn't sure what happened, but I had a feeling that everything was going to come out whether anyone liked it or not. `This day is far from over,' I thought as we all walked to the gate to wait for Lance.

"Will you hurry up. We are already late." Lance said as he shut the car door and started walking without his new friend.' Stephanie hurriedly caught up and looked at him. "You are right. The guys probably think you are dying or something. You are never late." She said smiling but Lance's face remained still. What will JC think? What will he say? Will he mention that night?' Lance thought as he was coming into view of the gate. Stephanie continued talking but Lance had become too worried too hear her. "Well, what do you think?" She said as she turned to Lance. "Huh, what? I mean, yeah sure." Lance said hoping that was a good answer. "Well, I am glad you think they will like me. I would hate to be an embarrassment to you in front of the guys." She laughed as if she thought that could never happen. Well, I know one that won't be too thrilled to see you.' Lance thought as his mind raced on JC. This will hurt him so much. That is the last thing I want to do. But after what I did last night, how can I still feel this way? How can I still love him? Why? That is all I want to know... why?' Lance finally saw the blur he had been staring at as five figures stood up from a bench. `They noticed me. Oh great, here it goes.' Lance thought as he tried to prepare himself for what was too come.

"Hey Scoop! Bout time you got here!" Joey boomed from across the road. "Yeah, I know. I am late. So sue me." Lance said as we all neared. We must have all been about 10-20 feet away before we all stopped dead in our tracks. JC being close to the front, wanting to see Lance no doubt, was the first to freeze right where he was. Lance noticed our shocked stances and knew why. He continued to walk up to us with one hand swinging to his side, and the other... entangled in a feminine hand. "So, guys. I see you have noticed my..." Lance was quickly cut off. "Girlfriend. My name is Stephanie." She said extending her hand to all of us. I turned to Justin as he turned to me. I know our thoughts were one in the same. When she got to me... the second to the last leaving JC, she was very apprehensive about accepting my hand shake. "And you would be?" She asked as she took her hand back rather quickly. "His name is Christopher. He is one of my best friends." Justin was suddenly defensive. I was touched by his reactions and he knew by the smile on my face. Everyone kinda turned in his direction due to his out burst but I was too busy looking at JC. I was touched by Justin's words, and I knew he cared, but JC looking so lonely overcame the joy. He looked so afraid and so lost. I couldn't help but want to be able to get him out of this. Stephanie finished her rounds as she came to JC. "Hi JC. I have heard a lot about you." Her hand was extended, however JC only stared at it. "Funny isn't it?" He asked with much sadness as well as anger filling his voice. She looked at him confused as she withdrew her hand. "What is that?" She asked. "Because I have never heard anything about you." JC said as he moved back to the back of the group. Her face became flushed as she was obviously angry at his remark. Lance's face seemed to be more of a focus for me and Justin. He looked at JC, but not with anger, and not with love. Sadness was the only thing that occupied his eyes as he dropped his head again. "So, what are we riding first? We have to check out that new roller coaster. And Back to the Future." I turned to Justin as I heard Joey mention the Back to the Future ride. We both smiled as we thought of the outing' comment placed around that ride. Not moments after Joey's question answers came pouring out from all of us trying to liven the mood. "Whoa, whoa. Hey guys." Chris said bringing order to the yelling as we all tried to think of things to ride. Justin and JC (well Justin had volunteered JC) to go ride Jaws, while I, wanting to go with Justin, wanted to ride Back to the future, which Chris was with me on that. I knew Justin needed time with JC anyway. Joey wanted to check out the new roller coaster, while Stephanie and Lance (he obviously had no say in the matter) wanted to go get something to eat. "I say that we all spilt into groups and go ride whatever we want and then meet up with Lance and Stephanie for lunch. It is still kinda early so the waits shouldn't be too long, and we should all be able to meet up for lunch before Lance and Stephanie even finish." Chris said nodding towards Justin and JC. Now, JC being older and Justin's best friend, I had learned that it always fell to JC to fix whatever was Justin's problem if they other guys couldn't. I could tell be Chris' looks that it was that same situation, except Justin's turn to take care of the problem. We all agreed to Chris's idea and began walking to the gate. Justin started to fall behind, and soon was taking me with him.

"Listen, I really need to talk to JC about this whole thing, but I say, after lunch, me and you go off on our own and.." I cut him off not wanting to make him feel guilty. "I know you and JC need time. That is why I didn't press the matter of me and you being together. Take all the time you need. Things needs to be settled." I said reassuring my faith and trust in Justin. I knew he needed that. He smiled and I knew he was tempted to lean in and kiss me, and I was fighting those same temptations, when we heard Chris's voice over our own thoughts. "Come on you two. We haven't got all day!" He had the best timing, I thought as that being the second time he interrupted our almost kiss. "We are coming." Justin yelled never taking his eyes off of me. We both grinned and parted to walk through the gates. "Just wait until after lunch." Justin whispered to me as we all walked our separate ways.

"Sorry, Justin and I were... talking..." Chris looked at me and laughed. "Yeah, I know what you were doing." I looked at him with shock as he said that. `Did he know? Was it that obvious?' was what ran through my mind as I tried to think of something to see. "What is that supposed to mean?" Chris looked at me and got serious. "I guess I always suspected about Curly. I mean, he is an 18 year old guy who has never had a girlfriend. Gay or straight, teenage guys are all horny, and as many women that throw themselves at Justin, he would have a girlfriend if he wanted." His words were all a blur as I let the shock set in. I hadn't realized anyone knew about us. Hurt was mixed in with some of those feelings I felt as he said the thing about Justin having a girl if he wanted. He could you know. That was plain to see. He could have any girl, and that meant he could pretty much have any guy too. What if he found someone better? "You OK?" Chris asked as he saw me starting to slow. "Yeah, I am fine. I just... I just don't know what you are talking about." I said hoping maybe he was only guessing and maybe now he would think he was wrong. "Oh, come on. Us five guys have been together for close to five years now. We are all best friends. We get on each others nerves sometimes, and we need a break from each other every once in a while, but we are all close. I love Justin. As a friend at least. I don't care if he is gay, and I am happy that he found someone if you and him are together. I feel a little hurt he thought he couldn't tell us yet, but I guess it was hard for him." Soon I found myself wanting to just open up and tell Chris everything. He was really calm and caring about the whole situation and I could tell he just wanted to help his friend. "Well, he didn't really know until we met, so I don't think him not telling you is all his fault." Even though Chris had guessed right, by the look of his face, I think he was sort of expecting himself to be wrong. "I probably shouldn't have said that." I said as I noticed his face. "No, no. I am glad I know. Maybe this we bring me and Justin closer. We are all close like I said, but we have pretty much became closer to some than others. JC and Justin were always close and Lance stuck with them. It is like the pretty boy group. And me and Joey have really clicked." He stated as I thought about how much that made sense and understood where he was coming from. "And then there is JC and Lance. They are really good friends. But something tells me that is not all it seems either?" Chris said asking more than stating this time. I debated whether to tell him everything or not. Was it my place? "Well, you could say there is something different there, but I don't really think it is my place to say anything. I don't even know all of it, just the jist." I said feeling very comfortable with Chris. I couldn't explain it, but even though I had just met him, I felt like we really clicked. Maybe it was the fact he could read everything about Justin and I, or the fact that he was caring and supportive of both of us, but I knew he would be a good friend to have around. For both me and Justin. Chris just nodded.

"So, do you wanna start or should I?" Justin asked as he and JC made there way through the small crowds. "I slept with him." JC finally let out. Justin stopped and just stood. JC noticed this and turned around quickly. "Not like that. I mean, that last night at Christopher's house when we were all together... Lance came into my room by accident. We got it straightened out and he went back to his room." JC said as he and Justin found a secluded bench to sit and talk. JC knew Justin would need to be sitting. "Right when I was about to go back to sleep after Lance had been there, there was another knock on the door. It was Lance again." JC was know beginning to tear up. "I started to ask him why he was there, but he kissed me. I mean, this was a kiss you always hear about, where it drowns out the world and then he just pulled away. I was confused, but I dared not speak. I waited for Lance to say something. Then he just came out and asked to stay the night with me. Nothing else happened though. We didn't even kiss again, we just cuddled. He was still in his boxers and a T-shirt and I was in my boxers. They stayed on the whole time." JC said and forcing out a weak laugh as he continued to cry and try to explain to Justin what had happened. Justin sat there and listened to every word intensively as he thought about our first moments together. "Then I put my arms around him and we feel asleep that way. It was the best feeling I have ever felt. And then, he was gone. By the time I woke up, he had taken all his clothes and his car and gone. I never did get a hold of him after that. Never saw him until now. With her!" JC added with anger about Stephanie. And Justin hated to say it, but he had the right. Lance obviously knew how JC felt about him. JC didn't say that, but it was self evident if Lance had kissed him and then asked to stay the night. And then he just leaves. After whatever fight they had when JC called Justin, he still kissed him. Justin was filling with anger before he knew it. "I cant believe him. I never would have thought that he..." JC looked up and put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "No, you can't hate him. Or be mad at him. You have to let him live his own life. He can make his own choices. He is a big boy." Justin was appalled by what he heard. "The hell I can't be mad. I am. And you should be too. He hurt you." JC let his tears dry as he replied to Justin. "You are right. I have ever right to be mad. He did hurt me. But I am not. I can't be mad at him and I can't let anyone else for what he has done. Lance is scared and confused and he needs time. And even if that time doesn't bring him to me, he still needs it. But the last thing he needs, is to lose a friend..." JC said pointing at Justin. "He needs our help. I honestly believe he isn't sure about anything anymore." Justin stared at his friend with respect has he thought about how differently he would have acted if the tables were turned.

"Come on Lance. Just try a little. You haven't touched your food, so you can share mine. I don't mind." Stephanie said smiling as she shoved a fork at Lance. Lance sighed and took a bite hoping it would shut his new found girlfriend up. He hated thinking that. His girlfriend.' He honestly didn't know hoe things had happened with her. After Lance left my house he went home. Logically, he felt that was the only place he would find shelter. But after a couple of hours he was lonely. He drug himself up, got ready, and by 6PM he was heading to anywhere with lots of people and even booze. Lance was not a heavy drinker. Or a light drinker as the case was. He grew up in a very religious family and drinking was not all that favorable to his family. But as he thought about his feelings and everything that had happened, pleasing his family seemed to be a wasted past time, and drinking would at least make him forget everything. He found a bar that was pretty busy, and sat himself down. There were tons of people, luckily no one noticing who he was, and he just sat and listened to their conversations. Before he knew it, 5 beers and 6 shots of Tequila later, he was balancing himself with a woman trying to find his car. The rest of the night seemed a blur to Lance, but he definitely remembered the next morning. He woke up to his arms around something warm and smooth and his mind was turning of images of JC. However, when he eyes opened he found a woman wrapped with him. He was sacred and ended up waking her to find out what happened. He soon found out how they met and how, luckily, Lance was too drunk to have done anything with here that night. He was tempted to tell her to leave and it was all a mistake, but he thought of the reasons he had gone out in the first place, and he thought of his feelings he might have for JC and knew this girl could change it all. So, he spent the next three days with her. They partied, and went out, and had fun. Well, she did. Lance was still trying so hard to bury the part of himself he tried to deny, he hardly noticed the woman who was supposed to be burying those feelings herself. Then there was last night. Lance hated the thought that he had did something as stupid as that, and it had not accomplished anything. What the hell was I thinking?' Lance thought as Stephanie continued to talk about her and Lance... together.

While Justin sat in silence trying to think about what to say to his dear friend, and his unusual problem JC knew he had to make it look like he was OK. He was tearing up inside, but he didn't want to be bothered and if Justin told the others that he was so sad about all this, he would never hear the end of it. "Well, I guess I shouldn't even be sad. I mean It is not like I lost a love. He was never mine to lose. It is the whole, why regret what could not be' thing. I just have to get over it." Justin quickly stopped him. "Josh, I know what you are doing. It isn't going to work. Listen, I am your friend, and I will be here when you need me to talk, or if you don't want to talk, I will juts be a shoulder to cry on, but don't act like this isn't killing you inside just to try and get out of talking it through with Lance, or whoever it is you want to avoid." JC cursed under his breath at Justin knowing him so well. "I guess you are all right. I can't believe I am getting advice from you. I am the adult here. It is supposed to be me with the answers and you with the problems." Justin thought about what he said and smiled. "But for once, I have no problems. Life is going good for me. Because..." JC looked at him with envy. "Because you found someone you love and someone who loves you in return." JC's eyes once again began to water. "Oh Josh, I am so sorry. I should have never said anything." Justin tried to comfort his friend while he chastised himself for saying something about him being so happy when his friend is so down. "No, don't be sorry. Don't ever be sorry because you found something we all want. Somebody else. You are lucky and having you find it gives me hope." JC said perking up himself as well as Justin. "I mean, come on. If you can get someone, I should be able to also. Right?" JC joked as he was too tired to go into anything and cry more. Justin laughed along with him and lightly punched him on the arm. "Thanks though Justin. I appreciate it. I guess I just needed to get it all out." JC gave Justin a hug and released him. "I guess we should hurry up and get to Jaws huh? We do have to meet up with the guys soon." JC said wanting to leave and clear is head for a minute. Justin smiled and stood. He offered his hand to JC as JC started to get up. "Well, thank you sir." JC said thinking his friend was being courteous. "Just helping my elders like a good boy." He should have known better. Justin joked as he started the way to Jaws. He knew JC needed time to have a little fun after going through everything all over again. This is going to be tough on him,' Justin thought as he wondered how things would go when they go back on tour and have to all be together non stop. Oh God.

"Well, that was fun. The ride and everything behind it." I said as me and Chris laughed when we stepped off the Back to the Future ride. "What is that supposed to mean?" Chris said as we turned the corner to the food court to meet up with all the guys. I laughed as I realized I let it slip about Justin's earlier joke. I wasn't going to say anything, but I ended up telling Chris everything about the joke. I had told him everything else. I couldn't help it. I felt for Chris what I felt for Justin when I first met him. I didn't fall madly in love the first time I saw Justin. He was cute, but love is more than looks. And even after we started to talk, it was about two months before I developed feelings for him. So, before those two months, Justin was the best friend I ever had. And Chris was becoming that. He was there for me and wanted to talk and listen and wanted to be friends. That was great. I knew Justin and I would need that. As we came in to view, I was hit with the question that had scared me often. "So, what happens after this week is up? When go on tour for another three of four months. Can you handle that time apart?" Chris asked genuinely concerned about Justin and my relationship. "Actually, we have talked about that. We will have to deal with time apart. I know that. And it will be hard, but hopefully, we won't have to deal with time apart quite yet." I said hinting that there was a way for us to remain us for a little while longer. He looked at me wanting to know more. "Well, see. This is how it is, I go to college in the fall. Well, I am supposed to. But I got a scholarship and it will be waiting for me whenever I go. So, that is not a big issue. And taking a year break before school starts is not that bad of an idea. Especially if... I was with Justin. Like on tour." I started to slow hoping that Chris wouldn't blow up and think it was stupid and would never work out. He just looked at me and thought. "He asked you..." I quickly stopped him. "Of course. I would never ask Justin for such a favor. That is too much." Chris nodded with a knowing smile. "Well, then, I am glad we will have some more time together." He finally said while placing a hand on my shoulder. "Anyway, we need a new face around." He joked as we finally got to Lance and Stephanie.

"Are you sure you are going to be OK around them? I would totally understand if you wanna just kick back with me and Chris when we split up in a minute." Justin said as he and JC neared the food court. JC looked at his friend with compassion and nodded. "Yeah, I will have to deal one way or the other. Might as well be now. Besides... I am OK with everything. Remember?" JC said lightly telling Justin that he didn't want anything said to the other guys. "I know. Mouth shut. I get it. But I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, Christopher and I are going to tell the guys about us. Hopefully they won't care. The only bad thing is I am sure it will end up being here that we tell them." Justin let out a sigh and thought about all the ways the next hour could go. "Why so you think it will be today?" JC asked his attention caught. He needed something to take his mind off Lance and he knew this was sure too. "Well, I know the guys will say something when I say me and Christopher want some alone time, and anyway. I need to do it now. Before next week..." Justin trailed off wondering if he should say something. He would have to sooner or later, but he was still hoping in his mind that no one would have a problem with it. "Why next week? That is when we go..." JC's head shot to Justin and he stopped. "You can't be serious. They would never... it would get out... what would we... you want him to come with us?" JC said showing he had caught on. He was not naive either as he put two and two together. Justin nodded shyly and dropped his head. "Bad idea?" Justin asked with tears starting to well in his eyes. JC thought about it and shook his head. "No, no. Of course not. You should be with him and if that is the only way to... then so be it. It is just going to be tough to explain and... everything." He saw Justin's hopes fading away. He knew he had said the wrong thing. "But we will work through it. We always do." JC said hugging Justin hoping his spirits would liven. "Thanks Josh. You are a good friend." JC was touched as Justin said those words. Justin had rarely used JC's first name. The only time he ever said it was in anger or in love. And it moved JC ever time he heard it. "Just like you are to me. Now come on." JC said smiling and walking into the food court.

"Well, look who decided to join us." Stephanie said as Chris and I approached them. Her voice telling Lance someone else was hear, caused him to raise his head in hope and fear. He hoped to see JC, but was scared what that meant at the same time. "Hey Scoop. Have fun with out us?" Chris said taking a chair and making room for himself as well as me. "Hey Lance. Stephanie." I said sitting not feeling to comfortable. "Hey Christopher. And you don't have to be so formal. You can call me Scoop or whatever the guys decide to call me now. We are friends after all." Lance said fading back into his own little world as fast as he had left it to talk to me. I smiled as I told myself how good it felt to have friends again. Real friends. "So, what are we doing now? Huh, huh, huh?" Joey came running up behind us all hyped up. We all laughed a little. "I take it the new roller coaster is.." Joey simply nodded. "And then some." He said finishing Chris's comment. "So, what are we doing now? I mean, cause here comes JC and Justin." Joey said pointing. We all turned and acknowledged the return of the last of the group. "Hey guys. Miss us?" Justin said walking towards me laughing. "Of course the did Curly. We always do whenever you leave." JC said coming up from behind. He was smiling... well, trying to smile. I saw his eyes avert from Lance's every time they went by him, but he still tried to put on the happy face. "So, what are we...." Chris put his hand up and stopped Joey. "We know Joey. You wanna do something else now. No need to repeat the question for the third time." Chris said bringing his hand down. We all looked and laughed as Joey hushed like a little dog being told what to do by his master. "So... what are we gonna do?" Lance said finally bringing his head up. "Well, I don't know about you guys... but I think me and Christopher are going to go check out that roller coaster now." Justin said standing up. They all looked at him as he tapped me to stand up now. I stood as we both got looks. "So, you are just going to ditch us? We haven't spent anytime together as a group, and that is why we meet up a week before we start back working. What is up with that?" Joey said getting a little upset. Justin looked at me with questions in his eyes. I knew his was wondering what to say. "So, Curly? What is up? You staying with us or not?" Joey said. "You guys. We have all week together. Today is not that big of a deal." Justin got out as Joey sighed heavily. "Well, we could all go to the roller coaster then. I don't mind riding it again and none of you have ridden it yet." Joey said not knowing he was the only one yet to know of mine and Justin's relationship. "NO!" Justin said instinctively. He stepped back after he said that receiving looks from everyone, including me. I wanted the guys to now, and I wanted everything out, and I wanted to show my love for Justin in front of the guys, but not like this. I didn't want them to find out like this. Not that it was all that big of a deal. JC and Lance already knew about us, and Justin didn't know it but Chris knew too. So, Joey was the only one finding out big news, but still. I knew this would be a problem. "What was that for?" Joey asked as he looked at Justin. "Ummm... maybe we should be alone..." Justin said pointing at Stephanie. She looked up and sighed. "I guess I will be over there." She said getting up. She didn't leave however, before kissing Lance on the cheek. JC had to turn his head away in disgust. That was a whole thing JC didn't want to deal with right now. "So, what's up?" Joey asked as they all huddled up together. "Well...."


OK, I know this isn't as long as I hoped it would, and it was a little weird but sorry. I had to get this out before I left. So, thanks to everyone who still reads, those who e-mail me, those who voted (whether it was for me or not), and everyone else I forgot. Also, e-mail me with anything that you think I am doing wrong and I will be happy to see what I can do. As for a preview of the next segment... lets just say that the idea of Chris going on tour with Justin... doesn't go so well and might not even happen. :) Well, c-ya next time.

Next: Chapter 9

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