Justins Journal

By Jamie Mitchell

Published on May 30, 2000


This is a work of fiction. I'm not really Justin Timberlake, nor do I know him. The dates and events depicted here have no bearing on reality and as far as I know, no member of Nsync is gay. This is all written for fun and I hope you enjoy it. Bye now.

September 11, 1996 I went to a movie tonight with JC and Lance. JC asked last night if I wanted to see a movie today and at first I thought it was just going to be the two of us. But it turned out that the whole thing was Lance's idea in the first place. He had some stuff that he wanted to talk to us about. We saw Bulletproof, which was really funny, and then afterwards we talked. Well, actually we listened to Lance talk. He's decided that it's time to come out to Chris and Joey, too, and he's really nervous about how they'll take it. I don't think they'll have any problems with it at all and I told Lance so. He's going to tell them tomorrow. It's kind of strange how things have changed. I was so used to watching Lance for signs that he was in love with JC that I kind of stopped seeing him as the person he really is. Once you get past his shyness, he's a really cool guy to hang out with. He's got a really great sense of humor but he only seems comfortable sharing it when he's really close to someone. It's like he's got to trust a person totally before he'll even open up a little. I guess maybe it's because he's always had to be careful not to let the wrong people find out he's gay, but it's probably pretty lonely for him. Once Chris and Joey know the truth, though, I think things are going to be pretty cool. We won't have any secrets from each other any more.

September 12, 1996 Today went well. We had a meeting this afternoon, just the five of us, and Lance told Joey and Chris he's gay. Joey was really cool about it, I was surprised. I mean, I didn't think he'd be bothered, but I expected him to be a little surprised at least! He was just like, Oh, okay. Chris acted more like I thought he would, he was surprised and I think a little uncomfortable, but he covered it with jokes in his usual way. Then we all talked about what it meant for Nsync. Chris pointed out that Lance was probably going to have to hide this from everyone but us and asked if he was willing to go through all that loneliness and the pain of never being able to be with anyone openly. JC pointed out that all five of us were going to have to go through that anyway, because guys in groups like ours are supposed to be single no matter what so the fans don't lose interest. Chris said it would be much worse for Lance, though, since he was really going to have to pretend to be someone he wasn't. Lance said he'd been doing that all his life anyway, so this wouldn't be much different. All he really wanted was to be able to be himself around us so that he wasn't pretending 24/7. We all told him that was fine, that we were family and he never had to be anyone but himself around us. I'm really happy that it all turned out well, but it made me realize just how difficult being gay really must be. No one would ever choose to go through all of that willingly. It seems funny to me now that I ever actually believed that it was a choice people made!

September 23, 1996 JC is on a date tonight. It's with a girl he met a few weeks ago who gave him her number. I feel like I used to when he and Lance would talk business, back when I thought Lance liked him, only it's worse. I don't know why I feel this way. I know that I love JC, but I don't think it's in the same way that Lance would love a guy. He just means a lot to me, that's all. He's my best friend. So why do I feel this way? He's out with a girl and I feel like I want to cry. I keep wondering what they're doing, if he's kissing her, or if maybe they're even doing more than that! I also feel kind of betrayed, which is so dumb. I mean, just because I haven't met a girl I'm interested in yet doesn't mean I should feel like JC shouldn't! I can't wait to go on tour again, so it's just the five of us together, with no time for dates.

September 24, 1996 I stayed up last night, waiting for JC to get back from his date. I don't know why, really. I didn't want to hear about it because I knew it would make me feel bad, but at the same time I felt like I had to know what had happened and how he felt about this girl. He didn't get back until a little after two this morning. I was still awake and I had my door open so he'd come in and talk. He seemed pretty happy and said he had a nice time. I tried to play it light and asked if she was a good kisser and he just smiled and said yeah, she was. I asked if he was going to see her again and he said he would if there was time before we left for Europe. He was tired, so he told me good night and went to bed after that. I wanted to know more about his date, but I couldn't exactly ask what he felt towards this girl, if he loved her, if he'd slept with her, if she meant something to him. He'd probably have thought I was crazy or something. I couldn't sleep for a long time after that, I just kept tossing and turning and thinking about JC and the girl. It scares me that one little date could affect me this way. What am I going to do when he finds a steady girlfriend? When he gets married? Hopefully, though, I'll have found a girl i'm interested in by then and it won't matter so much to me.

September 30, 1996 Lance came over to hang out today. We all had the day off and I didn't really have anything planned, other than some driving practice. JC had some stuff to take care of, so he wasn't around very much. Lance and I watched some TV for awhile and then I roped him into playing some b ball, but it's really not much fun playing him. He's so bad at it that it's like trying to debate with someone who speaks a different language, there's just not much point! It was a hot day so we went for a swim and laid out by the pool for awhile. I felt kind of self conscious at first, because for the first time since I found out he had that crush on me I was walking around in front of him without a shirt on. It was weird knowing that he was probably checking me out or something! But, after a few minutes I forgot all about that. It was just me hanging out with Lance, no big deal. We talked for a long time about random stuff, like movies and music. Typical stuff. Then I asked him how he first knew he was gay. He'd told me before that he'd been falling in love with guys since he was 13, but I asked him how he knew for the first time that he liked guys. He said that he couldn't remember one instance where he just realized he was gay, that it was just a slow process of figuring it out so that by the time he knew it, he'd already kind of accepted it. He asked how I knew I'd first liked girls, which kind of surprised me. I wasn't sure quite what to say, because the truth is that I've never really been that interested in girls, at least not yet. But I told him about kissing Britney back in the day. It's kind of funny when I think about my first kiss and what a mess I made of it! I practically broke both our noses! Lance about died laughing when I told him that, so I pushed him into the pool. He's really fun to hang out with. It's like what I used to have with JC, in a way. We could just hang out and talk and it was fun. We still do that but now that I have all these weird feelings for him, it's not as much fun any more. With Lance, though, i can just relax and not worry about anything.

October 5, 1996 Well, we're in Germany again, since this morning. It's always a shock to come back and find out how many people over here recognize us after being able to just walk the streets at home and not even get so much as a second glance. Lance's mom couldn't come this time, thankfully. Poor Lance, it must be hard having her for a mom! I mean, no matter what, you've got to love your mother, right? Anyway, it's cool to be back, even though we're going to be even more rushed this time. I can't believe the schedule they set up for us for the next few months! It's like they think we're robots or something. I'm surprised they're even letting us take time out to sleep. Still, I guess I shouldn't complain. I'm doing what I love, that is what's most important. Plus, I'm doing it with four really great guys.

October 17, 1996 It hasn't even been two weeks yet, but it seems like we've already done months worth of performances and interviews. There's very little time to even think about anything except what we're doing. I'm asleep as soon as I hit my bed at night and when I wake up it's off to whatever is scheduled first, with barely enough time to shower before we go. We're all getting pretty irritable with each other, too, even more so than we usually do. I think it's because we're just so tired. I'd kill for a day off, but we don't even have one in the schedule this month! The best we have is a few afternoons and some mornings with nothing planned, but that doesn't mean they won't be filled by the time we get to those days. Still, nothing comes without hard work, so other than writing this entry to vent I'm not going to be complaining. The interviews and photo shoots are boring, but the performances and working in the studio are always less of a job and more of just getting to do what I love, which is make music.

October 24, 1996 I don't think I can really deny this any longer. I had a dream last night about JC and it was the most intense dream I'd ever had. He crawled into bed with me and started massaging my back and kissing my neck and then I turned around to face him and we started to kiss. He started to touch me all over and I said I loved him. That's when I woke up. I can't keep lying to myself that what I feel for JC is love just because he's my best friend. I love him that way, yes. But I love him in another way, too, a much different way. I'm in love with him, I want to be with him, I want to touch him and kiss him and have him do the same to me. I'm in love with JC. There. I've said it, to myself anyway. I wish I didn't feel this way, but I do. I can't help it. What am I going to do? JC and I can't ever be together. I'm not sure if I'm gay or whatever, but I know he's not. There's no hope in this thing. It's just going to make me miserable. I wish I could just hit a button and make these feelings go away! But I can't. I'll just have to find a way to get passed them. I think the best bet is to just concentrate on Nsync and push everything else out of my mind. I'm very glad, suddenly, for the busy schedule we're on!

Sorry for the delay with this part. Some stuff came up so I didn't have as much time to work on it as I would have liked. I hope it's not too awful! you can write me at just_jamie007@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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