Justins Friends

By Perry Ratliff

Published on Sep 16, 2019


At 45, an unmarried white man, I live with my 16-year step old son, Justin. I've always appreciated when Justin brought over his friends to hang out with, play basketball, sit by the fire at night, or do whatever. My son is straight and knows I'm gay, as do all of his friends. Justin is a good-looking boy. Dark long black hair, a little short and nice body. His friends, whether male or female, are all super cute. At my age I guess anyone that age is beautiful. I don't mess around with his friends or make forward remarks to them, as I don't want to be the old gay guy who hits on his son's friends.

There is a pond on the property and a favorite fishing spot for Justin, me, and anyone else who happens to be around. Justin is the kind of person who sees the best in everyone all the time. I enjoy meeting his new friends and it made me feel great becoming one of the guys. Arriving home from work one day I saw Justin and a stranger on the dock. I went down to see how the fishing was and Justin introduced me to his friend who he met at school. His name is Christopher. Christopher was a tall, muscular 17-year-old black boy with the largest afro I've ever seen. He introduced himself to me. He was beautiful. He wore the traditional basketball shorts which do nothing to show if he was hung or not. He has a big broad grin and is shy. I could see the rippled chest through his sweaty t-shirt. I asked him what his hobbies were, if he was into drugs, you know, the regular things you ask when your son has a new friend. I was careful not to look directly at his beautiful body. He is smart as anything, reads every day, an A-B student at Justin's school, and very quickly became Justin's best friend. I was happy with this because they each watched out for each other and spent all their free time together.

Christopher started hanging around a lot, and I knew Justin was very fond of Christopher. He ate over three nights a week, at least, and was a big fan of video games like Justin is. It's nice when they are both laying down on Justin's bed with just their boxers on bubble butts high playing Grand Theft or someother game.

Christopher was having some family problems with staying with his mom, and Justin thought that since school was so close and Christopher was around so much anyway, would it be okay if Christopher moved into Justin's room? I told him that I didn't mind, as I also enjoyed having Chris around too. They both were around to do yard work, fix things, and help whenever they are asked. I took every opportunity to watch Christopher and fantasize about what I could do with him.

They graduated high school together and we had a big party at the house. There were about 20 of Justin's friends, both male and female, and we had a great time playing pool, swimming, cooking out, and siting by the fire. Justin had a girl he just started dating, and that took some time away from Christopher. I could see that Christopher wasn't happy with the situation and we talked about it regularly. Christopher and I became very close. When Justin was out with his girl, we would sit by the fire at night and talk about anything at all. Everything was in the open between us. I thought I knew everything about him and he about me.

I was surprised one cool evening by the fire that he was asking me everything about liking guys instead of girls. I enjoyed the questions and answered everything the best I could including very intimate details about my sex life. I told him black guys were my favorite, that I loved to get fucked by them and I could see he was becoming interested especially about why I like black men.

I thought, and still do, that Christopher is not gay.

After realizing I had done all the talking, I asked Christopher if he had any experiences before with guys.

Christopher explained that he would hang around the front of the local library just to see what was happening, and said that sometimes he saw hot guys that he wouldn't hesitate to get to know them more, but he, being the shy kid he was, would never have the balls to do that. Some of the guys he sees returned Christopher's glance with a wanting stare.

He went on,

"One evening I was out on the steps reading when a car pulled up and a white guy asked me if I was doing anything special or waiting on someone."

"No, just hangin" he answered.

The guy (who looked to be about 30 and cute), replied that he was heading over to the Depot to pick up some wood and could Chris help for a half an hour help him load what he was getting. He told Christopher he'd give him $10.

Cristopher thought and replied after a few seconds,

"Sure. Got nothin better to do."

Christopher continued, "So we were off. We picked up the guys plywood and a bunch of nails and some other stuff and headed back to the library. On the way back the guy told me that he liked dick. He liked to suck black dick."

"This made me quiet and I didn't say anything for a couple of miles. The guy apologized to me and said he didn't want to do anything that would upset me. He told me that he was just horney and thought he could give a quick blow to a young kid."

Christopher paused, looked at me intently as I stirred the fire, and asked what I would do. I told him that I wouldn't hesitate to get my pants down as fast as I could, but that was me, and I wouldn't expect him to do anything like that. (I was getting a little stiff as Christopher went on).

"Well," said Christopher, "I did". "I pulled my shorts down and showed him my cock".

I almost fell in the fire. I was really hard now and had to sit in the dark a little so Christopher couldn't see my precum leaking through my jeans. I stuttered

"Did he suck you? I mean, was it good?"

"Yeah, it was cool. It felt really good too because he went down on me almost half"

"Damn", I replied. "How big are you anyway?"

"Wanna see?" Christopher said with a huge smile as he stared to stand up.

I wasn't sure what to do at this point. Christopher was such a good friend of Justin's I had no idea how to move forward, or even if I should.

"Chris, I don't know. What would Justin say?"

"I've been suckin Justin off every night till that bitch girlfriend came."

I kind of knew that but wasn't sure. I pretended that I didn't know all along.

"Well, show me yours and I'll show you mine."

No problem with that I thought. He agreed.

Christopher pulled up his shorts and showed me the most beautiful cock, half hard and looked to be 8" so far.

Coming into the fire light I pulled my jeans down and Chris mentioned the big wet spot on my jeans. I laughed and didn't reply. He just grinned at me with his big beautiful grin.

He walked over to me, squeezed my hard cock, put his hand on my shoulder, pushed down and told me to get on my knees and suck it.

"I know you want it. Be my bitch tonight since Justin's with his bitch."

I replied "Okay, I'll do whatever you want."

"I know you have wanted this for a long time" Chris said quietly.

"Yeah, I have" I replied as I licked the top of his rapidly growing cock. Damn it was getting big.

"Suck my balls first, bitch"

"Umm hummm!" I mumbled as I took each ball in my mouth one at a time.

"Open yo mouth and suck my rod into your throat bitch."

I did what he told me. I couldn't believe this shy kid was ordering me to suck him off. I went further down on his throbbing un-cut cock tasting every drop he was leaking. I was in heaven and Christopher pulled the back of my head harder and deeper onto his now giant cock. He pulled my chin up, spit in my face and asked if he liked his big cock.

"Yeah! hell yeah" I responded.

"Well keep it in your sweet mouth daddy. And call me Sir when you talk to me".

"Yes Sir" I said as I went back to his cock letting him slide and push his cock deeper and deeper into my throat.

"Yeah, ummm, I like it. Sweet. Keep it up bitch and you'll get what you wanted all along".

Chris then lightly smacked my on my cheek, not hard, but hard enough. He was telling me who was in charge.

I licked, stroked, and took his big cock into my widening throat and he pounded away hard into my face. It hurt my throat and I felt like gagging but kept it up. I thought I actually had Christopher in my mouth. Damn. This is something I have wanted for along time.

"Daddy gunna like my cum in his throat?" Chris said as I mumbled approval.

Chris pushed and pulled in and out of my throat for what seemed ten minutes. His cock was fully enlarged now and was probably 10 or 11 inches long and thick.

Christopher: "Fuck yeah daddy, I'm gunna blow. Take it all bitch".

He shoved deeper and started to really work his hips double speed as I grabbed his bubble butt and really tried to pull his cock completely in my mough. At least as much as was possible. I wanted his cum, badly. I worked like a champ on his whole cock, balls, and the sides of his big cock. Every once in a while sucking his balls my toungue went just a little further than his balls and Chris would gasp. I wanted to please this beautiful black man. Make him tingle all over, make him want to fuck my mouth again and again whenever and wherever he decided.

Chris let out a yell and he came in my mouth and I tried not to let a drop go anywhere except down my throat. He shuttered as he came, then shot again with lots of thick sweet cum now dribbling down my chin. I licked, swallowed, took it deep in my mouth as he came hard.

He kept his cock in my mouth as I sucked out the last drops licking my lips. Chris took the top of his cock and with it wiped my chin telling putting it into my mouth me to get everything. I did as he told me with happiness and thoughts of what's next.

If you like to read more about Christopher, and other friends of Justin's please let me know. Email me at perry.ratliff@mail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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