Justins Dream

By Curlybrok

Published on Sep 13, 1999


Justin's Dream Written By: WK (curlybrok@bsbnsync.com) or (bsbnsync@ctel.net)

This story will revolve around a relationship between Brian Littrell and Justin Timberlake, and around JC Chasez and a fictional character. This story does not imply the sexuality of any member of Backstreet Boys or NSYNC; this story is totally fictional. As always thanks goes out to Jesse, Dennis, Rick, Matt, Jeff, and Shawn, thanks for all your support you guys are great.

Has always if you have comments, questions, and/or suggestions email me curlybrok@bsbnsync.com or bsbnsync@ctel.net. Please let me know what you think, thanks.

Justin's Dream Chapter 6

"Randall, Its Lynn." Lynn said into the phone. "Lynn, what's wrong?" Randall asked. "There's nothing wrong, I was just wondering if you would come to see Justin, when were get in New York on Monday?" Lynn asked. "I was thinking about it. Lynn, what's up, you don't call unless something is wrong." Randall said. "I don't want to talk about it over the phone." Lynn said. "Is this about Justin?" Randall asked. "And Jason." Lynn said. "I gather you've told Justin." Randall said. "Yes we have." Lynn said. "So he didn't take it very well did he?" Randall said. "Justin took it fine, that's not the issue, its something else Randall." Lynn said. "Ok, we'll talk in New York. How's Jason recovering?" Randall asked. "He doing better, but I've noticed he has been have a lot of headaches, I just hope its nothing worse. I just got him back Randall I don't want to lose him again." Lynn said as tears filled her eyes. "Has he been to see a doctor?" Randall asked. "Not since we left Atlanta." Lynn replied. "He needs to see a doctor Lynn, make sure he sees one, I'll see you in New York." Randall said. "Ok, bye Randall." Lynn said. "Bye Lynn." Randall said. Lynn hung up the phone and wiped the tears from her eyes.

Justin walked to his mother's room and knocked on the door. Lynn stood from the bed, walked to the door, and opened it. "Good morning Justin." Lynn said. "Mom, what's wrong?" Justin asked. "Oh, its nothing Justin." Lynn said. "Mom, I know when something is bothering you." Justin said. Lynn walked away from the door and sat on the bed, Justin walked in and closed the door and sat next to Lynn on the bed. Justin wrapped his arms around Lynn. "Justin, I just have a lot on my mind." Lynn said. "Its okay mom." Justin said. "I've got an idea, how about me, you, Jason, Brian and JC have breakfast together in the hotel restaurant before we go to practice." Justin said. "That sounds fun." Lynn said. "Good I'll go tell the others." Justin said with a smile. Justin got up and walked out of the room to tell the others.

Lynn took a seat at the table and Justin and Jason sat beside her, Brian sat next to Justin and JC said next to Jason. The waitress came over and handed them their menus. "Can I get you something to drink?" She asked. "I'll have a coffee." Lynn said. "I'll have the same Brian said. "I'll have a large Orange Juice." Justin said. Jason and JC order the same. "I'll be back in a moment." The waitress said; she left to get their drinks. "Your father is going to be in New York for the Video Music Awards." Lynn said. "He is?" Justin and Jason said together with worry. Brian and JC started to laugh. "It's not funny." Jason and Justin said together; as Justin hit Brian's shoulder and Jason hit JC's shoulder. "I sure don't have any doubts." Lynn said with a laugh. "About what?" Justin and Jason said. Brian and JC continued to laugh. Justin looked at Brian; "Brian if looks could kill you'd be dead." Jason looked at JC, "And so would you JC." Lynn said.

The waitress returned with their drinks and took their orders. "So when is Dad going to be in New York?" Justin asked. "He'll be there on Tuesday." Lynn said. "Did you say anything about us?" Jason asked. "Only that you two knew about each other that's all." Lynn said. Jason and Justin sighed with relief. Brian and JC started to laugh again, "And I suppose you think this is funny." Jason and Justin said together. "They don't even know their doing it." Lynn said with a laugh." "Doing what?" Justin and Jason said together. Brian and JC just laughed harder. The waitress came over a brought them their orders; "Can I get you anything else." The waitress asked. "No that will be all." Lynn replied, with that the waitress left.

The guys all meet in the lobby to head to practice for the show that night. Britney walked towards them from the elevators. "Ok everyone's here so lets go." Lynn said. They all headed for the limos. The drive to the venue was quick, as they were only blocks away. "Ok Britney is up first for practice, NSYNC and Backstreet Boys need to get to wardrobe and make-up." Lynn said. Several hours of practice passed quickly and before long everyone was running about, "I need the song list for Britney." Jason yelled as he ran up to the stage. "Someone need to find Justin he needs to check out his outfits for the show." Trish said. "He's in hair and make-up." Brian said. "Lynn MTV is on the phone." Allison said as he came on the stage. "Tell them to leave a message we are very busy at the moment. "I still need that song list." Jason said again. "Here it is." Alexis said as she handed Jason the list. "Thanks." Jason said.

"Jason the fans for the meet and greet are arriving." Marc said. "Ok, the guys will be there in five to ten minutes. "Ok." Marc said. "Oh and make sure they stay away from the restricted areas." Jason yelled to marc. "Ok, Will do." Marc yelled back. "Alexis round up the guys for the meet and greet please." Jason said. "Sure thing." Alexis said. Alexis ran off to gather up the guys.

"Kevin, AJ and Nick, Jason wants you guys to head over to the meet and greet." Alexis said as she entered the Backstreet Boys dressing room. "Ok, but can you please knock first." Nick said. "What, its not like I haven't seen you in your underwear before Nick." Alexis said with a laugh. Alexis head for the NSYNC dressing room next. "Guys your need for the meet and greet." Alexis said quickly as she poked her head in. "Ok." JC said. They guys all head for the meet and greet to sign autographs and take a few pictures. "Britney you're up in twenty minutes." Lynn said. "Ok thanks." Britney said. Twenty minutes later Britney took the stage. "Guys lets hurry and get ready for a quick prayer." JC said. "Ok, give me five minutes I need to run to the little restroom." Nick said. "Ok, make it quick." Kevin said. The guys gathered together for a quick prayer, as Britney was finishing up her last song. "Alright guys lets go." Justin said as Britney came off stage. The show was a hit as the guys give an awesome performance.

Jason walked into NSYNC dressing room and sat on the couch. "You look worse then us." Lance said. "I'm just tired and I have a headache." Jason said. "You guys did great tonight." Jason said. JC took a seat next to Jason and wrapped his arm around him. Jason smiled and rested his head on JC's shoulder and closed his eyes. "You guys almost ready to go?" Lynn asked as she walked in. "Yeah just a few more minutes mom." Justin said. Lynn turned to JC and smiled. 'How is he's.' Lynn mouthed to JC. JC shock his head and frowned. Lynn nodded and waited for the others to be read to leave.

"Jason, its time to go." JC said as he shook Jason lightly. "Ok." Jason said. He lifted his head and began to stand, Jason became dizzy as he stood nearly falling over, and JC quickly grabbed Jason to steady him. "Are you ok?" JC asked. "Yeah I'm fine." Jason said. "Ok lets go then." JC said, he wrapped his arm around Jason and they walked out to the limo. After JC and Jason walked out Justin walked over to Lynn; "He needs to see a doctor." Justin said. "I know, will you talk to him?" Lynn asked. Justin nodded, "Come on let go." Justin said as he wrapped him arm around Lynn. Lynn smiled and walked out to the limo with Justin.

The guys got off the elevators and walked down to their rooms. "JC can I talk to you for a minute?" Justin asked. "Sure, what's up Just." JC said. "Follow me?" Justin said. JC followed Justin to Justin and Brian's room. "So what's up Justin." JC asked again. "I'm worried about Jason." Justin said. "So am I." JC said. "Then you agree we need to get him to a doctor, just for a check up." Justin said. JC nodded. "Will you help me ask him to go?" Justin asked. "Yes Justin, because I love him and don't want to lose him." JC said. "Ok, we'll talk to him tomorrow." Justin said. "Ok, goodnight Justin." JC said.

JC walked down the hall to his and Jason's room. JC entered the room and found Jason sound asleep in the bed. JC smiled and walked over to the bed, JC removed his clothes and crawled into bed next to Jason, JC wrapped his arms around Jason and closed his eyes. Jason snuggled close to JC; "I love you." Jason whispered.

Jason sat on the couch flipping through the channels looking for something to watch. JC walked out of the bathroom completely naked, JC walked over to his bags and started to search for something to wear, Jason stood and walked over to JC. Jason wrapped his arms around JC's body; "You look sexy." Jason said. "You just like my cute butt." JC said. "Yup, and this too." Jason said as he rubbed his hand over JC's penis. "I'm your getting me hard." JC said. "That's ok we can take care of that." Jason said. "We don't have time, Brian and Justin are coming over to watch the special on Disney, remember?" JC said. "Oh yeah, I forgot. I guess I should let you get dressed then?" Jason said. JC turned around and faced Jason; "We'll make up for it later." JC said as he kissed Jason's lips. Jason smiled, "ok." Jason said. JC grabbed some clothes and quickly dressed.

Brian and Justin knocked on Jason and JC's door. "Come in." JC said. Justin and Brian entered, "Hurry up guys, it's starting." Jason said. "Ok, were coming." Brian said. Brian took a seat in one of the chairs and Justin sat on his lap. "Gees, JC you had a lot of hair back then." Justin joked. "Your one to talk, did you see yourself?" JC said. Jason sat back on the couch as they watched the scene where Justin had a blind date with Rhona, and chased him around the set. "Hey Justin how are you paper airplane skills?" Jason joked. "Better then your corny jokes." Justin laughed.

"JC you've got a cute ass." Jason said. "How can you tell I'm sitting on it." JC said. "I'm looking at it on the TV." Jason sarcastically. "I think Justin's ass is cuter." Brian said, "I'm not going to comment on my brother's ass." Jason said. "Yeah I thought it was cute too." JC said. "You're sleeping on the floor." Jason said. "I still think your ass is cuter." JC said as he kissed Jason's lips. "Ok your forgiven." Jason said. "Anyone hungry, we can order room service?" Jason asked. "I hear the cat food is rather good, wouldn't you say JC." Justin laughed. JC through a pillow at Justin, "I think I'll have the tuna salad sandwich." Brian said. JC stuck his middle finger up at Brian. "I'm sorry I only do that with Justin." Brian said.

Just as JC was going to say something the phone rang. "I'll get it." Jason said. Jason walked over to the phone. "This is J." Jason said. "Which J?" Lynn said. "The cute one." Jason said. "Oh Hi Justin." Lynn laughed. "Ha, ha, Mom." Jason said. "I'm kidding Jason." Lynn said. "I know, so what's up?" Jason asked. "I check to see if you guys are packed, we live in an hour for New York." Lynn said. "Yeah we're packed and ready to go." Jason said. "Ok, well be at the bus in an hour." Lynn said. "Ok." Jason said, and hung up the phone.

"So what did mom want." Justin asked. "She wants us to be at the bus in an hour to head to New York." Jason said. "Ok cool." Justin said. "But I wanted to finish watching this." Brian said. "We can watch it on the bus." Jason said. "Ok cool." Brian said. Jason walked back to the couch and took a seat on JC's lap. JC wrapped his arms around Jason and nibbled on his ear lob. "Are you trying to get me hard?" Jason asked. "Maybe." JC said. "Well its working." Jason said. "Good because I want to have some fun when we get to New York." JC said. "Only if you're a good boy." Jason said. "But I want to be a bad boy." JC said. "You can be a bad boy when you get to New York." Jason said with a grin.

"Hey guys why don't we grabbed our stuff and head down to the bus." Brian said. "Ok, let's go." Jason said. Justin and Brian stood, and walked to the door, "See you guys on the bus." Justin said. "Ok, we'll be there in a few minutes." JC said. Justin closed the door and JC turned to Jason. "Jason, When we get some free time in New York, will you go see the doctor for a check up, please." JC said. "I'm fine JC." Jason said. "Jason please, for me." JC pleaded. "Ok." Jason said quietly. "Thanks." JC said with a smile. "Now can we go?" Jason asked. "Let's go." JC said as he grabbed his bags.

Jason sat on the floor in the entertainment lounge, JC took a seat behind him, and Justin and Brian shared one of the couches. The guys settled in for the NSYNC in concert special, Lance walked in and took a seat on the other couch. "Lance where did you learn to dance?" Jason joked. "I got free dance lesson in a Cracker Jack box." Lance laughed. "Hey guys want some pizza?" Lynn asked as she poked her head into the entertainment lounge. "Ok, were going." Justin said. They all head to the kitchen to grab some pizza and then headed back to the lounge. Soon enough all the guys were in the lounge watching the Disney special. "Hey Mr. Perfect, I think you messed up." Nick laughed. Kevin rolled his eyes at Nick. "AJ do you ever take off your sunglasses?" JC asked. "Are you still a virgin?" AJ asked. "That's none of your business but, Yes." JC said. "That shut him up." Joey laughed. "Fuck you." AJ said. "I'm sorry you're not my type, I like the ones that wear a bra." Joey said.

"You look really sexy." Justin said to Brian. Brian blushed, "So do you sweetie." Brian said as he kissed Justin. "Nick your such a flirt." Jason said as he saw Nick flirting with the girls during 'I want it that way'. "Hey what can I say the ladies love me." Nick said. "He just wishes they'd love him." Chris laughed. "Well that's a nice way to end the show." JC said as he listened to The Backstreet Boys end the show with 'The Perfect Fan'. "Ok, now that's done how about we get a Pay Per View Movie?" Nick said. "Yeah, But lets get something good this time." Brian said. "I hear Enemy of the State is really good." Justin said. "Yeah that one sounds cool." Jason said. "Figures, their brothers they would like the same things." Chris said sarcastically. "I have my own mind thank you very much." Justin and Jason said together. "Oh not again." JC said with a laugh.

It was going on midnight when the movie was ending. "I'm tired JC, can we go to bed?" Jason asked. "Yeah let's go." JC said. JC and Jason stood and walked to their bunk. JC got in and then Jason got in, JC wrapped his arms around Jason. Everyone slept peacefully for several hours, Jason awoke and rubbed his forehead, 'My head hurts.' Jason said to himself. Jason turned to JC and smile as he watched JC sleep. Jason got out of the bunk and placed his hands on the walls of the bus to steady himself, He slowly walked down the hallway of the bus to the kitchen, "I need some Tylenol." Jason said. Jason grabbed his head, "Oh, god." Jason whispered. "JC... JC..." Jason said as he blacked out, Jason felt to the floor.

Justin heard a faint thud, and got out of his bunk, as he did he looked down the hall and say Jason lying on the floor of the bus. Justin quickly ran down to Jason. "Jason... Jason..." Justin said as he tried to wake Jason. Jason moaned, "Jason! Jason!" Justin said a little loud. Jason blinked his eyes open, "What, what happened?" Jason moaned out. "I found you passed out on the floor." Justin said, as he helped Jason said. Justin helped Jason to the booth and sat him down. "Are you ok?" Justin asked. "My head is killing me." Jason said. "I'm going to get Mom and JC." Justin said. Jason nodded, and laid back in the seat. Justin went to JC's bunk, and woke JC up. "JC wake up!" Justin said. "What to you want Justin." JC said grouchily, "Its Jason..." "What's wrong with him?" JC said as he cut Justin off. "I found him passed out on the floor." Justin said. "Is he ok?" JC said as he got out of the bunk. "He said his head is killing him, he's in the kitchen." Justin said. "Does Lynn know?" JC asked. "I'm going to tell mom now." Justin said. "Ok, I'm going to the kitchen." JC said. Justin nodded and went to tell Lynn.

"Jason, are you ok?" JC asked. "No, JC." Jason said, as a few tears filled his eyes. JC sat next to Jason and wrapped his arms around him. "Its ok, babe." JC said. Lynn quickly ran down to the kitchen, "What's wrong?" Lynn asked. "He needs to go to the hospital Lynn." JC said. "Ok, I'll be right back." Lynn said and headed to see the driver. A few minutes later Lynn came back to the kitchen, "The driver said we are 20minutes from New York, and he called for an ambulance to meet us at the gas station next to the off ramp." Lynn said. "Ok." JC said.

The bus pulled off the highway and into the gas stations where an ambulance and limo were waiting. As soon as the bus came to a stop the paramedic boarded the bus. Brian came into the kitchen and stood behind Justin, as the paramedics checked Jason out. Lynn said down in the opposite booth with one of the paramedics and explained to her what had happened. The other paramedic took Jason's vitals, and checked him over. Whence Lynn had finished giving the paramedic the info she needed, they got Jason ready for transport to the hospital. "Will one of you be traveling with him?" The Paramedic asked. Lynn looked at JC and signaled for him to go. "Thank you." JC said to Lynn, and he got in the ambulance with Jason. Lynn, Justin, and Brian got in the Limo and they follow the ambulance to the hospital.

Lynn, JC, Justin and Brian sat in the waiting room, waiting for news on what was wrong with Jason. "JC please sit down, you're wearing away the carpet." Justin said. JC sat down and sighed, "He'll be fine JC." Brian said as he placed his hand on JC's shoulder; JC nodded. The doctor walked into the waiting room. "Hi, My name is Dr. Paige Morgan, I'm the doctor who is taking care of Jason Timberlake." Dr. Morgan said. "How is he Doctor?" Lynn asked. "He'll be fine. When he was hit back that car a week ago, he hit his head on the pavement, and his Brian swelled slightly, and the pressure built up." Dr. Morgan said. "Will he need surgery?" JC asked. "No, we have give him some medication that will bring the swelling down, and relieve the pressure, He'll need to stay here for about an hour, till the medication has run through his system. I'm prescribed the some medications that we just gave him to bring the swelling down. He'll need to take it for a few days." Dr. Morgan said. "Thanks Dr. Morgan." Lynn said.

"Dr. Morgan, When can we see him?" Justin asked. "You can see him anytime." Dr. Morgan said. "Thanks." JC said. Dr. Morgan nodded then left. "JC why don't you go spend sometime with Jason, we'll go see him in a bit." Lynn said. "Thank you." JC said and left the room to go see Jason. "Mom, did you call Dad to tell him Jason was in the hospital?" Justin asked. "Yes and he said he'd be here as soon as his plane landed." Lynn said. "Ok." Justin said.

JC walked into Jason's room; he paused as he saw Jason sleeping peacefully. JC walked over to Jason and reached for Jason's hand. "I love you." JC said. "I love you too." Jason replied. "How do you feel?" JC asked. "I feel better, especially since you're here." Jason said with a grin. "I meant how was your head?" JC said sarcastically. "My headache is going away." Jason said. "Why don't you get some sleep and I'll wake you when its time to go." JC said. "Ok." Jason said. JC brought a chair over, and took a seat next to Jason, and held his hand as Jason slept.

Randall Timberlake walked into the waiting room where Lynn, Justin and Brian were waiting to take Jason to the hotel. "How is he Lynn?" Randall asked. "Lynn looked up and notice her ex-husband standing in the doorway. "He fine Randall, he will be released in an hour." Lynn said. "How are you Justin?" Randall asked. "I'm fine Dad." Justin replied. "Can I see him?" Randall asked. "Not right now, JC's in there with him." Justin said. "Well I want to see my son, and JC can see him later." Randall said. "Randall, You're going to wait and that's final." Lynn said. "Lynn..." "I said that it was final." Lynn said as she interrupted Randall. "Fine." Randall said with a sigh. Randall took as seat across from Brian and Justin.

An hour and a half-later Jason was wheeled into the waiting room, by JC. Jason looked around and saw Randall sitting in one of the chairs. "Hi Dad." Jason said. '"Jason, how are you." Randall asked. "I'm fine, just want to get to the hotel and sleep." Jason said. "Well, as long as your feeling well, I have to go check in at my hotel. I'd also want to go to Lunch with you and Justin tomorrow if you have time." Randall said. "We'll call you tomorrow, ok Dad?" Jason said. "Ok, I'll be expecting your call." Randall said as he left, everyone sighed with relief.

Justin's Dream Chapter 7

JC and Jason walked into their room. "I'm going to get a shower." Jason said. "Ok." JC said. Jason walked into the bathroom and closed the door. JC sat on the bed for a moment gathering his thoughts, when he heard a knock at the door. JC stood and walked to the door, and opened it. Standing there was Justin, "JC can we talk?" Justin asked. JC nodded and opened the door to let Justin in, "What's up Just?" JC asked, as he closed the door. "Well, it's my dad, I don't know how to tell him about me and Brian." Justin said. "Have a seat Justin." JC said as he sat on the bed. Justin sat down on the bed next to JC. "How did you and Jason tell mom?" Justin asked. "Well, Jason is the one who told her, we went to supper together and then afterward we went back to the house and sat down with Lynn and had a long talk and that's when we told her, well Jason told her." JC said. "What did she say?" Justin asked. "Well at first she wasn't sure what to say, she just sat there. Finally we talked some more about it and she understood, and could see how much in love we are." JC said. "I'm just scared to tell him." Justin said. "Justin if you're not ready to tell him, then don't." JC said. Justin nodded. "Thanks JC." Justin said. "Justin don't worry about it, just tell him when your ready." JC said. "Ok, thanks JC." Justin said as he got up too leave.

"Well I leave now that you and Jason can make love." Justin said with a grin. "Who said we were going to make love?" JC said. "Let's see, well for starters, you two haven't done it in almost a week, second you're hard as a rock in those jean, and I took a wild guess." Justin said. "Well if you hear moaning tonight and its not coming from Brian then you'll have your answer." JC said. "Well in that case I'll have to ask you tomorrow, because I won't hear a thing tonight." Justin said. "Why is that?" JC asked. "Oh, because when me and Brian make love we only moan too loud to hear anyone else." Justin said with a grin. JC laughed, and Justin said, "I'll see you later." "Ok Just." JC said.

Justin left and JC locked the door, and the walked over to the bed. JC quickly stripped all of his clothes off and laid on the bed completely naked. Jason stepped out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around his waist before walked out of the bathroom.

JC sat back on the bed, and watched as the bathroom door opened, JC looked on as Jason walked out of the bathroom dripping wet with only a towel wrapped around his waist. JC smiled and stood from the bed and walked over to Jason. Jason looked up and saw that JC was completely naked and standing in front of him. JC placed his hands on the towel that Jason had wrapped around his waist and slowly began to remove the towel, "JC what are you doing?" Jason asked with confusion. JC looked up at Jason and kissed his lips. "I want us to make love." JC whispered into Jason's ear. Jason smiled and pulled JC closer to him. Jason began to tongue JC's ear; JC dropped the towel to the floor and pulled Jason closer to him. Jason closed his eyes as JC kissed the soft flesh of Jason's neck, both letting out moans of pleasure. JC moved his hands slowly down Jason's body, "Oh... Josh..." Jason moaned. JC slowly lifted Jason, and Jason wrapped his legs around JC's waist. JC wrapped his arms around Jason's back and carried him to the bed. JC gently laid Jason on the bed; JC then crawled on top of the bed and began to kiss his way up Jason's firm body, placing gently kisses on Jason's abs and moving slowly up to Jason' s lips. Jason ran his fingers through JC's hair. JC parted his lips and allowed his tongue enter Jason's mouth as they kissed passionately, and explored each other's firm bodies.

JC released Jason lips and panted as he tried to catch his breath. "Jason will you make love to me?" JC requested. Jason opened his eyes and smiled up at JC, "I'd love to." Jason said. JC kissed Jason's lips, as Jason moved his hands on JC's back. They rolled so that Jason was on top; "Do you want me to use a condom?" Jason asked. "No I want you to come inside of me." JC replied. Jason nodded, and kissed JC's lips, as JC ran his hands on Jason's back. Jason moved his lips to JC's neck and began to suck upon the tender flesh. Jason continued to move down JC's body.

Jason reached JC's rock hard penis, he ran his finger over the length causing JC to moan deeply, Jason then kissed the head of JC's penis, making JC moan more. Jason ran his tongue over the length of JC's penis sending waves of pleasure over JC's body. Jason the lifted JC's legs, Jason lick his middle finger and then brought it to JC's ass, Jason rubbed his finger over JC's ass and found JC's entrance and pushed his finger inside of JC. JC took a deep breath as he felt the finger enter him. Jason slowly moved his finger in JC's ass; JC began to moan as he enjoyed the feeling of Jason's finger in him. Jason inserted another finger inside of JC, JC continued to moan.

Jason removed his fingers from JC's ass and placed the head of his penis at JC's entrance, JC took a deep breath relaxed, as he awaited Jason to enter him. Jason slowly pushed forward into JC; JC gasped as he felt Jason enter him. Jason allowed JC to get use to have Jason inside of him, "Go ahead." JC said. Jason nodded and moved his penis further inside of JC; JC closed his eyes and pressed his head into the pillow. Jason stopped again and looked down at JC, "Are you ok?" Jason asked JC nodded and relaxed. Jason leaned down and kissed JC's lips; "If it hurts I'll stop." Jason said. "No I want you to make love to me." JC said. Jason nodded and slid into the hilt. Jason allowed JC to adjust to having Jason in him.

JC wrapped his arms around Jason, "Make love to me." JC said. Jason kissed JC's lips and began a slowly and gently stroke. JC began to moan as Jason made love to him, "Oh... Jason..." JC moaned. Jason kissed JC's lips and allowed his tongue to enter JC's mouth. JC moved his hands down Jason's back to his firm ass; JC rubbed Jason's ass as Jason began to thrust harder and faster in JC. Their moans filled the room as their fingers and hands moved all over their bodies. Jason fucked JC harder and faster making JC moan louder. JC's penis rubbed against Jason's stomach with each thrust.

JC tongued Jason's ear and moaned, "I love you JC." Jason panted. "I love you too." JC moaned. Jason continued to thrusts in JC for another twenty minutes, "I'm close." Jason moaned. Jason fucked JC harder and faster as he felt himself getting closer to cumming. "Oh... God... Oh... Josh..." Jason moaned as he shot his cum into JC's ass. JC felt himself coming between their sweat-drenched bodies. They both moaned and panted as the came. Jason and JC relaxed after their incredible orgasms. Jason slipped out of JC's ass and rolled off of JC. "Thank you for making love to me." JC said. Jason wrapped his arms around JC and they both drifted to sleep.

Brian awoke to the phone ringing; Brian reached over to the phone, "Hello?" Brian said. "I'm sorry I must have the wrong room, I'm trying to reach Justin." The person said. "Wait you have the right room, just a second." Brian said. Brian placed his hand on the receiver, and turned to Justin. "Justin." "Brian I'm trying to sleep." Justin said. "Justin, you have a phone call." Brian said. Justin sat up and took the phone, "Hello." Justin said. "Justin, it your father." Randall said. "Hi Dad." Justin said. "I'm calling because I wanted to know if you and Jason would join me for breakfast?" Randall said. "I'll have to check with Jason, but I'm sure that would be fine." Justin said. "Ok, I'll see you guys & your mom in the restaurant of your hotel in 30mins." Randall said. "Ok, see you in a bit Dad." Justin said, and hung up the phone. Justin called Jason and told him about the breakfast.

Justin handed the waiter the menu and the waiter left to get their order. "Justin, is there something bothering you, you've been really quiet." Randall said. Justin looked at Jason, Jason nodded and Justin took a deep breath. "Dad, both me and Jason have something to tell you, and we ask that you wait till we have finished before you say anything." Justin said. Randall nodded, and waited to see what Justin and Jason had to say. "Dad, I'm not sure how to say this, so I'm just going to say it. Dad, I've known for a while now that I'm... that I'm gay." Justin said. Randall sat back in his chair and waited. "Dad, I'm also gay." Jason said. Randall took a deep breath and exhaled. "Well, I still love both of you, but this is going to take sometime to get use to." Randall said. "There is more." Jason said. "You know Brian and JC? Well Justin is going out with Brian, and I'm going out with JC." Jason said. "How long have you been going out with them." Randall asked. "I've been going out with Brian for about 3 weeks and Jason has been going out with JC for about 4monthes." Justin said.

"Well, like I said it going to take some getting use to but, I still love you both." Randall said. The waiter brought over their order, they quickly finished their order and talked about the tour and made plans to meet again when they were in Memphis. Randall paid for the meal, and Jason and Justin said their good-byes to Randall and headed back upstairs.

Jason opened the door to his and JC's room and entered followed by Justin. "Jason, Johnny called and wants you to call him back." JC said. "After my coffee." Jason said as he walked into the bathroom to make a pot of coffee. "Umm, Jason..." Brian was cut off by Jason, "There's no more coffee." Jason said as walked out of the bathroom with the empty pot of coffee. "I can call down to room services and have some brought up." JC said. "Nah, I need to call Johnny first." Jason said, and he walked over the table. Jason put the pot of coffee down and took a seat at the table, Justin walked over to the couch and turned on the TV and put it on MTV. Jason picked up the phone and dialed the office. "Hi Samantha, its Jason can you get Johnny on the line, please." Jason said. "Sure just a sec." Samantha said.

"This is Johnny Wright." Johnny said. "Hey Johnny this is Jason." Jason said. "Hey Jason how are you feeling?" Johnny said. "Better now that my headache is gone, but I know you didn't call to talk about how I'm doing so what's up." Jason said. Jason and Johnny has a short conversations, "Ok Johnny I'll have the fax set up in a minute." Jason said. "Ok, talk to you later." Jason said. Jason finished his phone conversation with Johnny and hung up. Jason set up the fax machine and waited for Johnny to fax over the paperwork. "What's Johnny faxing over?" Brian asked. "Loads of paper work." Jason said. "JC use my cell phone and call all the guys tell them we need to have a meeting, and call my mom and tell he she needs to call the office." Jason said. "Ok." JC said. "Oh, and tell them is a going to be a long meeting so were are having lunch here." Jason said. "Ok." JC said.

The guys were soon all sitting around Jason and JC's room. "Alright guys, Johnny and The Firm just faxed over a bunch of paperwork and stuff we need to discuss for the tour." Jason said. "This sounds like it is going to take a while." Nick said. "Well that depends Nick on how things go." Jason said. "Ok, first issue, the next venue, is going to be Los Angeles. For two reasons, One we need to get in the studio for some remixes and NSYNC needs to finalize their album." Jason said. "And the second?" Kevin asked. "The video that Backstreet Boys will be shooting for 'Don't Wanna Lose You Now'." Jason said. "Now lets back up for a second, the studio session will include a few things, one NSYNC needs to finish the final song for the album then they need to pick the songs they want on the album. Then Johnny and The Firm want you guys to record a couple songs together that is going to be released as a tour CD. You guys can be creative with this one and if you want to write for this CD feel free too." Jason said. "Has a name for the tour CD been picked?" AJ asked. "No you guys get to pick the name, so if you have any ideas save them for when we get in the studio and we can discuss them then." Jason said.

"How long are we in LA for?" Lance asked. "We're there for a week, then we fly to Denver for a show and then its back to Orlando for 2 weeks of studio time and a little relaxation. We'll have a show in Ft. Lauderdale and Tampa during that time, then its back on the road for the second leg of the tour." Jason said. "When will the tour CD be released?" Brian asked. "Not till the tour is over so about 3months." Jason said. "Ok, now the video is going to be shot in the last two days that you guys are in LA, and the director will send us a cut of the video 2 weeks later." Jason said. "Who's the director?" Kevin asked. "Its Nigel Dick." Jason said. "When do we leave for LA?" JC asked. "Tomorrow after the show, we'll be flying out there." Jason said.

"Denver will be a short stop, its going to be one day, you'll arrive that morning by plane have the show that night and be on a plane to Orlando after the show." Jason said. "Do we have to stay in a hotel in Orlando?" Joey asked. "No, you can stay at your own place." Jason said. "Oh and before I forget, Starting in Orlando we will be having online chats once a week, if the schedule permits." Jason said. "Cool, I love chatting." Justin said with a smile. Lynn walked into the room, "I hate to interrupted, but I am leave to head back to Orlando and wanted to say good bye to everyone, especially my sons." Lynn said. Lynn walked over t Jason and Justin and hugged the both of them, and said goodbye, she then walked over to JC and the Brian giving both of them a hug and saying goodbye. Lynn said goodbye to the other guys, "I'll see you guys in 2 weeks." Lynn said. "Bye mom." Jason and Justin said together. With that Lynn left for Orlando.

"Well we still have a lot to discuss why don't we order lunch then we can continue." Jason said. "That's a great Idea I'm getting hungry." Nick said. "Your always hungry Nick." Brian said. Jason passed out the room services menu, and a pad of paper for everyone to write down their orders. Jason then handed the pad over to Allison, Allison, Hun, could you call this down for us." Jason said. "Hey JC your boyfriend is flirt with the women." Howie laughed. "You just jealous because I won't flirt with you." Jason laughed, Brian and Justin joined in laughing. "You not my type." Howie said. "Oh that's right you like the Hanson types." Jason laughed. "Oh fuck you." Howie said. "I only do that with JC." Jason said, causing JC to turn bright red. "Thanks but I didn't want to know that." Howie said. "Eww, and I'm sitting on their bed." Chris said. Jason turned and give Chris a dirty look, "And I think you're sitting on a cum stain too." AJ laughed. "And how would you know that?" Jason said. "I heard a lot of moaning last night." AJ said. "Well that wasn't us, He's he one that moans loud." Jason said as he pointed to Justin. Justin turned red and looked away. "Well I love it when he moans loud." Brian said. "Ok you guys, your going to make me lose my breakfast." Allison said.

"Ok I guess we should move on then." Jason said. "Ok room assignments. I need to know who you want to room with or if you want to room alone. Justin, Brian and JC don't need to answer I already know what they want." Jason said. "Me and Nick want to room together." Nick said. "Ok." Jason said as he scribbled on his pad. "I want my own room." Kevin said. "Same here." Joey said. "Same here." AJ said. "Same for me." Howie said. "Yup, same." Chris said. "Ok got it." Jason said.

Lunch was delivered, as they ate they continued to go over the material that Johnny had faxed them. "Ok, now the second leg of the tour will start in the western states, first stop will be San Diego, then on to San Francisco, St. Louis, Memphis, Lexington, Then on to Philadelphia, Hartford, Boston, then our first stop in Maine, which will be in Portland. Then on to Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and then Atlanta and Orlando to wrap up the tour, this will be about a month to a month and half of touring. We also have a TRL episode to do near the end of the tour, and a spot on the Rosie O'Donnell show at the beginning of the tour." Jason said.

The guys finally finished the meeting around five and decide to call it a day. Brian and Justin sat on the bed in their room just holding each other and kissing.

When we turned out the lights

The two of us alone together something's just not right

But girl you know that I would never ever let another's touch

Come between the two of us because no one will ever take your place

As the Chorus started Brian, began to sing to Justin. Justin smiled and listened to Brian angelic voice as Brian sang to Justin from his heart.

No one else comes close to you

No makes feel the way you do

Your so special girl to me and you'll always be eternally

Every time I hold you near

Always say the words I love to hear

Girl with just a touch you can do so much

Brian ran his hand gently over Justin's bare chest, and placed his lips on Justin's shoulders kissing them tenderly. Justin released moans of pleasure as Brian ran his soft hands on Justin's smooth body. Justin turned and straddled Brian's hips; Justin gently kissed Brian's lips as Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's waist.

No one else comes close

No one else comes close

No one else comes close

Justin moved his hands to Brian's firm chest, "Oh... Justin" Brian moaned. Brian moved his hands slowly up Justin's back, as he kissed the tender flesh of Justin's neck. "Oh... Brian... Baby..." Justin moaned. "Justin... baby... Can I make love to you?" Brian requested. "Yes Brian..." Justin moaned. Justin lifted his body slightly, then lowered himself on Brian's erect penis. "Oh, Justin..." Brian moaned as Justin's ass took in Brian's erect penis. Brian moved his hands to Justin's hips, as Justin slowly began to move his body up and down on Brian's cock.

And when I wake up to

The touch of your hand on my shoulder

You're my dream come true

And girl you know I always treasure every kiss and everyday

I love you girl in every way and I always will 'cause you're in my eyes

Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's neck as he moved faster on Brian's cock. Brian kissed Justin's lips; Brian moved his hands to Justin's penis and slowly began to jack Justin off. "Oh... Brian... Yes... baby..." Justin moaned. Brian and Justin rolled on the bed so that Brian was now on top, Brian continued to jack Justin off and make love to him. Brian began to thrust in Justin with move force.

Oh baby no one else comes close to you

No makes feel the way you do

Your so special girl to me and you'll always be eternally

Every time I hold you near

Always say the words I love to hear

Girl with just a touch you can do so much

Brian moved faster on Justin's penis, Justin yelled out as he came in Brian's hand. Brian smiled and kissed Justin's lips with more passion as he continued to thrust in Justin faster. "Oh... Justin..." Brian moaned as he made love to Justin gently. Brian slowed himself so that he didn't cum too soon. Justin felt more pleasure as Brian made slow love to him. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin and parted his lips. Justin slipped his tongue into Brian's mouth. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian, and enjoyed the feeling of Brian moving his long penis inside of him. Justin keep his eyes closed in complete pleasure.

Girl can't you see no one else comes close to you

No one makes me feel the way you do

Your so special girl to me, and you'll always be eternally, babe

Every time I hold you near

Always say the words I love to hear

Girl with just a touch you can do so much

"Oh... Justin I love you so, so much..." Brian moaned into Justin's ear. Brian moved his lips to Justin's neck and began to suck upon the baby soft skin as he made passionate love to Justin. "Oh... Brian... Oh... I... love you." Justin moaned. Brian closed his eyes and concentrated on pleasing Justin as he made love to him gently. Brian's thrusts were slow and gentle inside of Justin. Brian shook as he felt himself getting close to cumming. Brian licked the outside of Justin's ear before returning to Justin's lips. Brian breathe heavily as he approached his climax. Brian thrust a little faster as his body screamed for release. "Oh... God... Oh... Justin." Brian moaned out as he came inside of Justin's gripping ass. Brian continued to rock gently inside of Justin as he came. Justin savored the feeling of Brian shooting his cum inside of him.

No one else comes close

No one else comes close

No one else comes close

Brian relaxed in Justin's arms after his intense orgasm. Justin his hand through Brian auburn hair as Brian relaxed on Justin's smooth chest. Brian closed his eyes and savored the love making he and Justin had just experienced. "That felt wonderful Brian." Justin said as he kissed Brian's forehead. Brian rolled off of Justin and smiled. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's body and drew him closer. Brian and Justin kissed tenderly savoring every precious moment they had together.

Don't say a word I understand

You want know if I'm still you man

Girl can't you tell by the touch of my hand

I'm gonna please you every way that I can

"I love you Justin." Brian said. "I love you too Brian." Justin said. "I have something for you." Brian said. Brian stood from the bed, walked over to his bag, and pulled out a small box. Brian walked over to Justin; Brian sat next to Justin on the bed. "Justin, I know that we've been going out for such a short time, but I'm so happy when I'm with you." Brian said. "I love being with you too Brian." Justin said. Brian opened the small box, which held a small gold ring. Brian looked into Justin's baby blue eyes; "I know that we may not be ready to get married, but I want to make a commitment to you, that I will always love you, be there for you, no matter what happens, and that one day we'll promise to be together.

I'll hold you, Hold you,

Love you love you,

I'll never let your love go

Letcha ya go Letcha ya go

For always, For always

I'll stay, Just look in my eyes and you'll know

Baby I'll be there for you

Wherever you go, What ever you do

Girl I've got forever inside

For all of my life I'll be there for you

Brian took the ring from the box and slipped it on Justin's finger as tears filled Justin's eyes. Justin whimpered softly, "Shh... don't cry..." Brian said as he hugged Justin. "I love you Brian so, so much and I want us to be together forever." Justin said. "We will be." Brian said. Brian wiped the tears from Justin's eyes and smiled. "I love you babe." Brian said.

Don't ever doubt your trust in me

I'll give you my heart so honestly

Deep in my soul

Baby you'll find the truth

I'll never change girl I promise you

Brian and Justin climbed back to the head of the bed and pulled the covers over them. They kissed and held each other, just trying to be close. Brian and Justin snuggled closely, feeling the warmth of their love. Brian and Justin soon drifted to sleep.

I'll hold you, Hold you,

Love you love you,

I'll never let your love go

Letcha ya go Letcha ya go

For always, For always

I'll stay, Just look in my eyes and you'll know

Baby I'll be there for you

Wherever you go, What ever you do

Girl I've got forever inside

For all of my life I'll be there for you

'Justin smiled as he looked into Brian crystal blue eyes of love. No words were spoken as the two stood hand in hand, before all their friends and family. Brian smiled brightly as he slid a gold ring upon Justin's finger. A small tear graced Justin's eyes as he looked down at the ring.'

Nothing and no one can tear us apart

Tear us apart

You'll always be here inside of my heart

Inside of my heart

And just as sure as the stars shine about

No matter what happens you can count on my love

'Brian looked at Justin's angelic face as Justin spoke his words of love to Brian, tears filled Brian's eyes as he felt Justin slid the gold ring upon his finger. Justin wiped the tears from Brian's eyes as he leaned in to kiss Brian.'

I'll be there for you

Wherever you go, What ever you do

Girl I've got forever inside

For all of my life I'll be there for you

Brian and Justin slept peaceful, both smiling as they shared the same dream.

I'll be there for you when the morning comes

Wherever you go when evening falls

What ever you do I'll be there baby, girl

Girl I've got forever inside

For all of my life I'll be there for you

I'll be there for you

Wherever you go, What ever you do

Girl I've got forever inside

For all of my life I'll be there for you

The phone rang a 4th time as Brian and Justin slept. Brian heard a familiar sound but was too much in a deep sleep to recognize it. "Brian are you going to answer the phone." Justin said in his sleep. Brian groaned but stayed asleep. The phone rang again. "Brian! Answer the phone." Justin said. Brian groaned again and stayed asleep. Justin reached over Brian and picked up the phone. "Hello." Justin said grouchily into the phone. "Good morning to you too." Kevin said. "You woke me up from a great dream, so I'm not saying good morning." Justin said. "Fine then, tell my sleeping cousin to get up, and you two come down to my room for breakfast in 30mins." Kevin said. "Fine, but you better order cereal this time." Justin said. "Ok, see you guys in a bit." Kevin said.

Justin hung the phone up and looked down at Brian who had a huge grin on his face. "Your wake aren't you?" Justin asked. Brian keep his eyes closed and nodded his head. "You heard the phone didn't you?" Justin said. Brian nodded and grinned wider. "Well just for that you can't take a shower with me." Justin said. Brian opened his eyes and pouted, give Justin puppy dog eyes. "But if you give me a kiss, I might let you." Justin said with a smile. Brian smiled and quickly kissed Justin's lips. "Ok, Lets go." Brian said as he stood from the bed. "You call that a kiss." Justin said. "Well if you come into the shower with me I'll show you a real kiss." Brian said seductively. Justin jumped from the bed and head into the bathroom with Brian.

Brian and Justin were soon dressed and walking down to Kevin's room. "Come on in guys." Kevin said as he saw Brian and Justin at the door. Brian grabbed a plate and filled it with different foods Kevin order. "Where's cereal?" Justin asked. "Right here." Jason said. Justin walked over and grabbed a bowl of cereal. "Ok, guys we have to head over to the Arena for a rehearsal, sound check, wardrobe, and then a show tonight. We'll be having supper at a restaurant and you'll have two hours for that." Jason said as he finished his cereal.

"When is the plane leaving tonight?" Lance asked. "We're using the Backstreet Boys' Jet and it will leave at 1am." Jason said. "Cool!" Lance said. The guys carried on several different conversations as they ate. Joey and AJ battled on the N64, while Nick looked on. Nick walked over to Brian who was talking with Justin. "Brian, could I talk to you for a minute alone." Nick asked. "Yeah sure Nick." Brian said. "I'll be right back." Brian said as he kissed Justin quickly.

Nick and Brian walked out of Kevin's room and down to Brian and Justin. "What's up Nick?" Brian asked. "How did you know when you and Justin were in love?" Nick asked. "Umm... I'm not sure we just did." Brian said. "Why?" Brian asked. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" Nick said. "You know you can trust me Nick." Brian said. "We'll I sorta have a crush on someone, but I don't know if they feel the same way." Nick said. "Have you asked this person?" Brian asked. "No." Nick said softly. "Can I ask who it is?" Brian asked. Nick too a deep breath, "Brian I think I'm falling for Lance." Nick said.

To be continued...

FINALLY, I'm done! Sorry this one took so long, but I had a bad case of writer's block. I have to thank JM for helping me out of it; He gave me some great Ideas which, I'm going to be using in future chapters. Also thanks to all my readers, and all my online friends, JM, Dennis, Rick, Matt, Austin, oh and of course If I don't mention this person I'll be shot... hehe... Thanks to Jeff for being a great friend.

Now, A reader/Author suggested that I have Nick and Lance become a couple, weather or not that happens is still undecided but the stage is set. If I do add another couple the story will be a little further apart as it will take longer to write, at the moment I'm going to be concentrating on Brian and Justin, and JC and Jason. Any other suggestion or Ideas can be emailed to me curlybrok@bsbnsync.com.

Next: Chapter 6

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