Justins Dream

By Curlybrok

Published on Aug 22, 1999


Justin's Dream Chapter 2 Written By: WK Email: curlybrok@bsbnsync.com

Couple things I want to cover, before I start with the story. 1. I'm going to slow things down, I felt I rushed to get the last chapter out, and it was also a bad day as my father had a heart attack that evening that I finished the story. So things will be slowing down in the coming chapters. 2. I'd like to hear your suggestions, and comments.

Chapter 2

Brian stirred lightly in his sleep, his thought on the events of the night. As he slept he held Justin in his arms. Brian began to awaken; he blinked his eyes open and smiled as he looked down at Justin sleeping in his arms. 'He was so gentle last night, and so loving.' Brian thought. Brian rubbed his hand on Justin's cheek before kissing Justin on the cheek. "I love you." Brian said. Justin smiled, but stayed asleep. Brian pulled his arms from around Justin, and stood from the bed. 'Oh, I'm sore.' Brian thought as he walked over to the couch and sat down. Brian turned on the TV, and put the volume low, he flipped through the channels till he came to MTV.

Brian felt a hand on his shoulder and he smiled. "Good morning Brian." Justin said. "Good morning, babe." Brian said as he looked up at Justin with a dazzling smile. Justin smiled back; he leaned down and kissed Brian's lips tenderly. "How are you feeling this morning?" Brian asked. "I'm just a little sore, how are you?" Justin asked. "I'm a little sore too, but I enjoyed it. You were wonderful last night." Brian said. Justin made his way around the couch and took a seat near Brian. Justin laid his head on Brian's shoulder. "Thank you for making my first time special." Justin said. Brian wrapped his arms are Justin, and smiled. "It felt the way I always dreamed it would, with you and your gentle hands." Brian said.

Brian rubbed his hand on Justin's tight, creeping up to Justin's inner tight. Justin closed his eyes and moaned gently, Brian rubbed his hand over Justin's hard penis. "Oh... Brian." Justin moaned out. Brian began to rub Justin's penis gently; he wrapped his fingers around Justin's hard penis and slowly began to jack Justin off. Brian held Justin as he increased the speed at which his hand moved on Justin's cock. Justin let Brian pleasure him, as he moaned quietly. "Uh, Bri... Brian... I'm almost... almost there." Justin moaned out. "Oh, Brian." Justin moaned out as he shot his load in Brian's hand. Justin relaxed as his orgasm fade. Brian smiled brightly at Justin as Justin opened his eyes, Justin reach up and kissed Brian's lips, Brian returned the kiss, moving gently with Justin's lips. Just as they were getting into the kiss there was a knock at the door.

Brian and Justin stopped kissing and looked at each other, they were both naked and the door wasn't looked. "Just a second." Brian said as he ran to the closet to grab a robe for him and one for Justin, Brian through the robe to Justin and pulled on his. Brian walked to the door and opened it. "Hey Brian, you and Justin need to hurry and get ready, were leaving to go to the arena soon." JC said. "Oh, ok." Brian said. "JC leaned in towards Brian and whisper, "You might want to wash your hand first, and tell Justin not to moan so loud." JC said. Brian looked at JC, and lost all color in his face. "Umm, maybe you should come in JC." Brian stuttered out. Brian stepped aside and let JC in, and closed the door.

"Come sit down." Brian said. JC followed Brian to the couch where Justin sat, watching MTV. "Good morning JC." Justin said, as he saw JC take a seat across from him. Justin looked at Brian, "Brian you look like you saw a ghost." Justin said. Brian sat next to Justin and didn't say a word. "So Justin how was it?" JC asked. "How was what?" Justin asked with confusion. "Justin..." Brian stuttered out. Justin looked at Brian, and saw the tears forming in his eyes. "Justin, JC knows." Brian said as he tried to control his emotions. Justin looked at JC, "Wh... What do you know JC?" Justin asked. "Justin, I heard you and Brian last night." JC said. "What do you mean you heard us?" Justin asked with fear. "Justin I heard you and Brian have sex." JC said. Justin looked at JC in complete fear; Justin looked at Brian, "I didn't say anything Justin." Brian said.

"Justin, don't worry I won't tell anyone." JC said. The tears were also building in Justin's eyes as he looked at JC. JC stood and walked over to Brian and Justin, JC wrapped his arms around Justin and gave him a hug, and Justin wrapped his arms around JC. "Your still my best friend Justin, I still love you the same, no matter what." JC said. Justin released JC, and JC hugged Brian, "Same goes for you Brian, yours still one of my best friends." JC said. Brian wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at JC, "Does Kevin know?" Brian asked. JC shook his head 'yes'. "What did he say?" Brian asked. Just then Brian felt a hand on his shoulder and Jump, he looked up and saw Kevin standing over him. "He says he still loves you Brian." Kevin said. Kevin leaned down and gave Brian a hug, "But now, we have to discuss some things." Kevin said.

Brian released Kevin and Kevin took a seat in a chair across from Brian and Justin. "Do you two love each other?" Kevin asked. Brian grabbed Justin's hand, "Yes Kevin, I love Justin." Brian said, with a smile. Kevin looked at Justin; Justin looked at Brian then at Kevin, "Yes Kevin I love Brian, with all my heart." Justin said with confidence. Kevin took a deep breath and smiled, "Now I suppose you two are both naked, under there." Kevin said with a laugh. "And I bet they're both sore too." JC said with a laugh, "Yes naked and sore." Justin said as he joined in the laughter. "So are you guys going to tell the others?" Kevin asked. Brian and Justin looked at each other then Kevin, "Not now, we will when we're ready." Brian said. "Ok, well we'll let you guys get ready to go." Kevin said. "I just hope now one else heard us." Justin said with a slight fear. "I don't think you have to worry, there is now one in the room on the other side of you." JC said. "Ok. Guys, Thanks." Brian said. "No Problem." JC said. JC and Kevin left; Brian and Justin sighed with relief.

"I'm going to go take a shower now." Brian said, as he kissed Justin on the lips. "Ok." Justin said. "Would you come with me?" Brian asked, Justin smiled and kissed Brian's lips. "You don't have to ask me twice." Justin said with a smile. They walked into the bathroom and Brian turned on the shower. Justin dropped his robe to the ground and Brian did the same. Brian stepped into the shower and then stretched out his hand for Justin. Justin gladly took Brian's hand and stepped in, Brian wrapped his arms around Justin, and he began to kiss Justin's lips. Justin parted his lips and allowed Brian to slip his tongue into Justin's mouth. Justin released Brian's lips and panted lightly, "We should probably wash up, we don't want to be late." Justin said. "Yeah, your right." Brian said. "We'll make up for it tonight." Justin said with a huge grin. Brian smiled and they began to wash each other.

The guys walked on to the stage, for the dress rehearsal. "Ok, NSYNC is up first." Fatima said. "Will you watch me practice." Justin asked Brian. "Yup, wouldn't miss it." Brian said, with a smile. "I want to kiss you." Justin said. "Me too, but we can't here." Brian said. "I know." Justin said. "But when your done practicing here, we can go to my dressing room and practicing kissing." Brian said with a huge grin. Justin smiled, "I'm going to go sit in the seats and watch." Brian said. "Ok, talk to you later." Justin said, and walked to the center of the stage. "Cue the music." Fatima said. The music started to play and the guys began their routine.

It was eleven at night when the limos pulled into the parking garage at the hotel. Justin lay asleep on the one of the seats. "We should probably wake Justin, so he can sleep in his bed instead of the limo." Lance said. "Actually I'll have Brian carry him up." JC said. 'Oh. Ok." Lance said. As the limo came to a stop, JC got out and asked Brian to bring Justin up. Brian walked over to NSYNC's limo and got in, he picked Justin up into his arms. Brian got out of the limo and carried Justin over to the elevators to go to their room. Brian laid Justin down on the bed, "He's so cute when he sleeps." Brian said to himself. Brian took Justin's shoes off, and pulled off Justin's pants, He pulled the covers over Justin. Brian then walked into the bathroom and got ready to go to sleep.

Brian walked back into the room, and got into the bed with Justin, he wrapped his arms around Justin's sleeping body. Brian kissed Justin's forehead, "Good night Just. I love you." Brian said. Brian closed his eyes and began to drift to sleep. Brian and Justin slept in each other's arms, as the night wore on.

Brian walked out of the bathroom; Justin sat on the bed putting his shoes on. "You ready to go to breakfast?" Brian asked. "Brian, when do we tell the others?" Justin asked. Brian walked over to Justin and sat next to him on the bed. Justin looked at Brian, "Brian I love you, and I want to be able to express my love for you." Justin said as his eyes began to fill with tears. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin, "I know how you feel Justin, I want us to be able to be express our love for each other too." Brian said, a tear slid down his cheek. Brian pulled Justin into a hug, "I love you Justin, and I only want us to be happy." Brian said. "Do you want to tell the others?" Brian asked. "Only if you're there to hold me." Justin said as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I'll always be there for you Justin." Brian said with a smile. "Ok, let's tell them." Justin said. "Ok." Brian said as he wiped the tears from Justin's eyes.

Brian called JC, and spoke with him for a few minutes then hung up. "Ok, let's go." Brian said. Justin stood and walked with Brian down to Kevin and JC's room. Brian held Justin's hand as they walked next door, "Ready?" Brian asked. Justin took a deep breath then looked at Brian, "Ready." Justin said. Brian and Justin walked into the room and took a seat on the couch next to JC. JC looked at Justin and whispered into his ear, "Are you ok?" "Yeah, just nervous." Justin said. "Don't worry, me and Kevin are here for you guys." JC said. The other guys started to trickle in one by one.

The guys each grabbed a plate and began to fill them with the different foods that JC and Kevin had ordered for Breakfast. Brian and Justin stayed sitting on the couch with JC. "Aren't you guys going to eat?" Joey asked. Justin shook his head 'No'. "Brian?" Joey said. "Not hungry." Brian said. JC looked at Brian and Justin, and Justin nodded. "Ok, guys we have some things to discuss, Nick close the door, please." JC said. Nick walked to the door and closed it, he then returned to his seat. "Guys, me and Brian have something to tell you." Justin said. The guys turned their attention to Brian and Justin. "Guys, you need to listen to them, and let them finish before you say anything." Kevin said. "I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to say it." Justin said. "I'm... I'm gay." Justin said. "YOUR WHAT!" Howie yelled. JC turned to Howie and gave him a look that could kill; Howie instantly shut up. Tears began to fill Justin's eyes. "I'm also gay." Brian said. "I'm also in love with Justin." Brian said. "And I'm in love with Brian." Justin said as he held in his tears.

The guys remained quiet fearing that if they said anything JC would go off on them. "Can I ask a question?" Nick said; JC nodded. "How did it happen?" Nick asked. "I don't know it just happened." Justin said as a tear slid down his gentle face. "Did you two, umm... you know... fuck?" Lance asked. "That's no one's business but Brian and Justin's." Kevin said. "The hell it's not our business." Howie said. "It none of your business Howie what Brian and Justin do in the privacy of their room, and if you don't like it that too bad." JC said with a sharp tongue. Tears flowed freely down Justin's cheeks, Brian wrapped his arms around Justin, he didn't care what the others said, he loved Justin and no one was going to stop him from caring for Justin. The guys continued to bicker, "ENOUGH, its not out there for debate, this is the way it is and if you to like it that's too bad." Justin said.

"I love Justin with all my heart, and I want to be with him. I thought that my friends would understand, I guess I was wrong." Brian said. "That's not true Brian, I think that it is great that you and Justin have each other." AJ said. "I say you two shouldn't be together." Lance said. "I don't remember anyone asking permission for them to be together and they don't need anyone's permission." Kevin said. "I'm with Lance on this you shouldn't be together." Howie said. "Who asked you." JC said. "Brian, Justin, If you love each other the way you say you do, then don't listen to us, do what makes you happy." Joey said. "He's right, if you happy together, who cares what the rest of us think." Nick said. "You're my best friend Brian, and I'll love you no matter if you straight or gay, as long as your happy." Nick said.

"Justin, I'm happy you found someone, because love is more important then anything else, I'll always love you as one of my best friends." Chris said. Howie and Lance stood and started to walk out. "We'll see you guys on the bus." They said as they left. Nick walked to Brian and hugged him, while Chris hugged Justin; soon all the guys were in a group hugged. "Thanks guys." Justin said. "There's no need to thanks us Justin, as long as you and Brian are happy, that's all that matters." Nick said. "Ok, guys lets get ready to go." Kevin said. "Kevin how long do we have?" Brian asked. "About and hour and a half." Kevin said. "Ok, we'll see you in an hour and a half then." Brian said as he and Justin left Kevin and JC's room.

"Brian why did you ask Kevin how long we had?" Justin asked. Brian leaned towards Justin as they entered the room, "Because I want to make love to you before we leave." Brian said. Justin smiled; he leaned forward and kissed Brian's lips. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin, Brian slid his tongue into Justin's mouth, and Justin ran his tongue over Brian's as they moaned in pleasure. Brian moved his lips to Justin's neck and began to suck upon the tender flesh. Justin roamed his hand all over Brian's body as he moaned in pleasure, "Oh, Brian." Brian picked Justin up and carried him to the bed; he then crawled on top of Justin. Brian pulled off Justin's shirt and began to kiss Justin's chest. Justin ran his fingers through Brian's hair. Brian moved back up to Justin's lips and began to tenderly kiss them, Justin pulled on Brian's shirt as he tried to remove it from Brian's body, and Brian lifted his arms to help Justin remove his shirt. Justin brought his hands back to Brian's back

. "I love you Justin." Brian said as he kissed Justin's lips. Brian then knelt over Justin; he moved his hands slowly down Justin's firm chest and abs. Brian unbuckled Justin's belt, he slowly unbutton his pants and lowered the zipper. Brian pulled Justin's pants off and smiled down at Justin. Brian removed his own pants and boxers. Brian slowly placed his hands on the waistband of Justin's boxers and pulled them down Justin's strong legs. Brian lifted Justin's legs slightly, he ran his hand slowly up and down on Justin's tights giving Justin even more pleasure. Brian laid back down on Justin and kissed his red lips. "Brian make love to me." Justin said. Brian smiled and placed the head of his penis at Justin's entrance. Brian slowly began to enter Justin's ass; Justin took a deep breath and exhaled as Brian entered him. "Are you ok?" Brian asked, with concern. Justin nodded; Brian smiled and continued to enter Justin slowly. Brian allowed Justin to get use to Brian being in him whence again. "Make love to me Brian." Justin requested. Brian smiled down at Justin, and began to slowly thrust in Justin. Justin closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Brian's penis thrusting in him. Brian began to kiss Justin again, as Justin wrapped his arms around Brian. Justin moaned softly as Brian made love to him. Brian brought his hand to Justin's penis and began to rub his fingers over the head, "Oh Brian... I love... you." Justin moaned into Brian's ear. Justin stuck his tongue out and licked Brian's ear, sending shivers up and down Brian's body. Brian increased his thrust in Justin as he continued to move his fingers on Justin's penis. "Oh, Brian.... Oh... ah... ah.... Brian... I'm..." Justin couldn't finish his words as he began to ejaculate in Brian's hand. Brian smiled down at Justin, "Just relax." Brian said, Justin nodded and closed his eyes as Brian continued to make love to him. Brian began to move faster and harder in Justin as he was close to cumming. Brian closed his eyes, "Oh Justin." Brian moaned. "I love... you..." Brian continued to moan. "Oh Justin, Oh... ah... Justin." Brian moaned out as he released himself in Justin's ass; Brian continued to fuck Justin's ass as he came. Brian slowed his thrusts and relaxed after his intense orgasm. Brian slipped from Justin's ass; Brian and Justin relaxed as they tried to recover after making love. Brian found the strength to roll off Justin's body; he lay along side Justin. "Thank you Brian, that felt incredible. I love you." Justin said. Brian smiled, "I love you too Justin." Brian wrapped his arms around Justin, and they drifted to sleep.

JC knocked at Brian and Justin's door, "Brian, Justin. Open the door its JC." He got now response. JC turned the knob and it was unlocked. He opened the door slightly, and called again, "Brian, Justin." "Go away." Justin said. "Justin, its time to leave." JC, Justin shot up in bed remembering that he was naked. He looked around thinking JC was in the room, "JC where are you?" Justin "On the other side of the door Justin." JC was about to enter when Justin said, "Don't come in, me and Brian aren't dressed. JC stopped and wait, well hurry up and get dressed the bus is leaving in thirty minutes. JC said. "Ok give me a minute to get dressed then you can come in." Justin said. Justin turned to Brian, "Brian wake up its time to go." Justin said. "I don't want to go, I want to sleep." Brian said. "Brian get your ass out of this bed and get dress if you want to make love to me again." Justin said laughing. "Fine, I'm up." Brian said. "Happy now?" Brian asked sarcastically. Meanwhile JC was rolling on the floor laughing his ass off. "Yes, now let get dressed." Justin said. Brian and Justin quickly dressed. "Ok you can come in now JC." Justin said. JC was still snickering as he came in, "Are you two ready to go?" JC asked. "Yeah, we just have to bring our stuff down to the bus." Brian said as he wrapped his arms around Justin. "Good lets go then." JC said.

Jason sat at the booth on the bus working on his laptop; he was updating the web sites for both NSYNC and Backstreet boys, they had forgotten to hire an Internet PR so he was pulling double duty. Howie walked on the bus and stormed by Jason, "What's up with him?" Jason asked as Lance walked by, "Ask Brian and Justin." Lance said angrily. "Ok, who left the plunger in the toilet again?" Jason asked sarcastically. JC walked on the bus and took a seat in the booth with Jason. "We need to talk." JC said. Jason looked up from his laptop. "Ok, let's talk." Jason said. "We have to wait for Brian and Justin, and the bus to leave." JC said. "Ok." Jason said and returned his attention to his laptop. Brian and Justin walked on the bus. "Have a seat guys." Jason said without looking up from his laptop. Justin looked at JC; "I didn't say anything I was waiting for you guys." JC said. Justin nodded and took a seat. The rest of the guys got on the bus, with Kevin being last, he took a seat in the opposite booth with Brian and Justin, as the bus pulled away from the hotel.

Jason saved his work and then shut down his laptop. "Ok guys what's up." Jason said. "Jason, me and Brian have something to tell you." Justin said. Jason nodded and sat back in his seat. "Me and Brian are... umm..." "Gay." Jason said cutting Justin off. "How'd you know?" Justin asked with astonishment. "I took a wild guess." Jason said with a laugh. "Actually, it was more like, you two never left each others side, and were always in your room, and when you walk down the hall and hear someone yell out 'OH BRIAN' you can pretty much put two and two together and get four." Jason said with a smile. "So you have no problem with it?" Brian asked. "Nope, none at all." Jason said. "Now I'm guessing that this is why, Lance and Howie are upset." Jason said. They all nodded; "Well my advice, give them a few days to calm down then they will be more reasonable to talk to." Jason said. "Oh and one other thing..." "BE CAREFRUL" Brian and Justin cut Jason off. "Well that too, but done be so loud when you fuck, you give people nightmares" Jason said with a laugh. They all cracked up laughing, "Ok, well I'm off to catch a nap." Kevin said, as he got up and left. "Yeah me too" JC said, he got up as he was leaving he leaned down and give Jason a kiss on the lips, "Sweet dreams babe." Jason said. JC left and Jason turned to Brian and Justin, who now had their mouths wide open. "Close your mouth you're catching flies." Jason said with a laugh. "You and JC?" Justin said with confusion. "Yes, Justin me and JC are going out." Jason said. "How... how long?" Justin asked. "It been three months now, every since the last leg of the last tour." Jason said.

"Does anyone else know?" Brian asked. "Only Kevin, JC felt he should know since JC was rooming with him this week." Jason said. "You were coming back from JC and Kevin's room when you heard us weren't you?" Justin asked. "For me to know, for you to find out." Jason said with a huge smile. "Have you two, you know..." Brian asked. "No, we want to wait and make it special." Jason said. Justin stood and got himself a bowl of cereal. "Well listen, when JC gets up later, we'll sit down together and talk, ok?" Jason said. "Ok, sounds good." Brian said. Jason started back up his laptop and started working on the web pages again. Justin took a seat next to Brian and began to eat his cereal, "So Jason what are you working on." Justin asked. "I'm working on the web page." Jason said. "I thought that was the Internet PR's job?" Brian said. "Normally it is, when you have an Internet PR, but for some reason management forgot to higher one." Jason said. "Oh, that sucks." Justin said. "Well its not that bad, it just a little more work then I would normally have to do." Jason said. Brian and Justin nodded.

Nick walked to the kitchen and grabbed a root beer from the fridge. "So what's up" Nick asked. "Just sitting here, enjoying the ride." Brian said. "I thought you were working on the web age." Justin said as he looked at what Jason was doing. "I was now, I'm having fun." Jason said. Justin giggled as he watched Jason chatting online. "Oh I have something you'll like Justin." Jason said. Jason opened up his web browser; he typed in a URL and waited for the page to load. Justin looked at the page it was a picture of Brian naked, "Nope not even close, I've seen the real thing and that's not even close." Justin said. Nick looked at the two with wonder, "What are you two looking at?" Brian asked. "A picture." Justin said. "A Picture of what?" Nick asked. "A Picture of Brian." Jason said. "Oh, is it a good picture of me?" Brian asked as he got up to look. Brian looked at the screen then at Jason and Justin, "Justin's right that not even close." Brian giggled. "What's Justin right about?" Nick asked still being confused about what is going on. "We're talking about bananas." Jason said as he tried not to laugh. Nick was even more confused now. Brian and Justin started to laugh; "Maybe you should show him." Brian said. Jason shrugged and turned the laptop to face Nick. Nick's mouth dropped open as he looked at the screen, Nick looked up at Brian, Justin and Jason, the back at the screen, and back up again. "You guys are sick." Nick said. Brian Justin and Jason started laughing.

An hour had passed and JC came back into the kitchen, He saw Jason Justin and Brian laughing and having a good time. JC took a seat on Jason's lap, "Sleep well?" Jason asked. "Not really, I miss not being able to sleep in the same bed as you." JC said. Jason leaned up and kissed JC's lips, "I miss that too." Jason said. "I'm hungry.' JC said. "We're stopping soon to eat." Jason said. "Great I'm starved." JC said. Kevin walked into the kitchen; "I've got a killer headache." Kevin said. "There's Aleve in the medical kit." Brian said. "Ok, Thanks." Kevin said. As Kevin downed the pills, the bus pulled into a Wendy's for lunch. JC got off of Jason, and took a seat across from him. The guys started to come to the front of the bus, "Ok, where here for about an hour, so get your food and enjoy lunch, then get back on the bus." Jason instructed. The guys all nodded then got off the bus.

Justin's Dream Chapter 3

The guys walked on the bus and each head their own way, "Let's go to the lounge and talk." JC said to Jason, Brian and Justin. "Ok one sec." Jason said. Jason turned to Kevin, keep everyone out of the back lounge for the next hour." Jason said. Kevin nodded and followed them to the back. They all entered the back lounge except Kevin who stood outside the closed door. Jason took a seat on the couch and rested his back against the corner between the arm and the back of the couch; JC took a seat on his lap resting his back against Jason's chest. Brian and Justin took a seat on the opposite couch.

"So how did it go when you told the others?" Jason asked. "Howie and Lance are upset." Justin said. "Did they say why?" Jason asked, as he wrapped his arms around JC. "Howie said we shouldn't be together, Lance didn't say anything, he just agreed with Howie." Brian said. "Well that explains why they are acting the way they are." Jason said. "Give them a few days and I think they will come around." JC said. "Anyway we have a couple other things do discuss." Jason said. "Ok, number one, I'm sure you know you won't be able to show any signs in public about you relationship." JC said. "Yeah we know." Justin said. "Good, Around the guys, you can show what ever amount of emotion you want. Most of them shouldn't have a problem with." Jason said. "Oh, before I forget, I'm suspecting that you two are sharing a bed, right?" Jason asked. "Well it is easier to have sex if you're in the same bed." Brian laughed. "Ok, so one bed for Brian and Justin." Jason said with a laugh.

"Ok, Now beside the guys and me who know that you guys are gay?" Jason asked. "I have told anyone else." Justin said. "I have told anyone either." Brian said. "Ok. That's it then." Jason said. "So how serious are you two?" Justin asked. "Well we've been going out for three months, ever since Denver." JC said. "We're serious, we take it slow thought." Jason said. "How did you guys keep it a secret from everyone, especially from me JC." "Oh that was easy, You never asked." JC said with a laugh. "We just keep to ourselves and no one suspected because we didn't do anything in public." Jason said.

There was a knock at the door; JC got off of Jason. Jason walked to the door and opened it a just enough to see Kevin there. "What's up Kevin?" Jason asked. "We just caught up with the stage crew, it seems one of the semis broke down, and we need another Truck to haul the trailer." Kevin said. "Ok I'm on my way" Jason said. Jason turned back to the others; "We have a problem one of the trucks has broken down." Jason said. "Well how about we go to supper tonight if we have time when we get to Atlanta." JC said. "Ok that sounds good." Brian said. "Yup good with me." Jason said. "Oh, double date." Justin said; they all laughed. "Ok I have to go attend to this." Jason said.

Jason grabbed his cell phone as he stepped off the bus and walked to the crew coordinator. So what's the problem Jon?" Jason asked. "The Truck over heated, and we blow a gasket." Jon said. "What mile marker are we at?" Jason asked. "Not sure we didn't check." Jon said. "Ok." Jason said. Jon followed Jason to the lead Truck; Jason climbed into the driver's seat and turned on the computer. "Dial triple A." Jason as he put on the headset. He had a short conversation with the lady on the other end, and she dispatched a wrecker. Jason then called the office to get another truck to haul the trailer. "We're about 45 minutes out side Daytona, and try to get that truck here as soon as possible Samantha." Jason said. "Sure thing Jason. It'll be there in an hour." Samantha said. "How long till she can get us a new truck here." Jon asked. "She said an hour. I'm guessing its going to come from Daytona." Jason said. "Ok, well lets get the one prepared for the wrecker." Jon told the guys. Jason jumped from the truck and walked back to the bus. He looked in and talked quickly with the driver, then head back to the broken down truck. As he got there a Triple A wrecker pulled up. "Can you get this truck back to our lot in Orlando?" Jason asked the driver of the wrecker. "Yes I can do that." The driver said. Within a twenty minutes the truck was hooked up to the wrecker and off on its way to Orlando. "Ok Jon, are you all set, till the other truck gets here?" Jason asked. "Yup, we should be all set." Jon said. "Ok you the computer in truck one has my cell phone number in the computer if you have anymore problems." Jason said. "Ok thanks." Jon said. Jason headed back for the bus and they continued on their way to Atlanta.

"So everything is all set?" Kevin asked. "Yes, another truck is on its way, and they should be in Atlanta about 45mins after us. Jason said. "Ok." Kevin said. Jason took a seat in the booth and opened his bottled water. JC came in and stood behind Jason, he placed his hands on Jason's shoulders and began to rub them. "Oh, that feels good." Jason said. "Your really tense." JC said. "I know its just because this is the start of the tour." Jason said. "Well we'll be sharing a room tonight, I'll give you a real good massage." JC said with a grin. "I love you JC." Jason said. "I love you too Jason." JC said. "Why don't you try to sleep for a while." JC said. "I want to finish up a few things so I can spend time with you later." Jason said. "Ok, I'm going to go watch a movie with Brian and Justin in the lounge, when you're done will you come join us?" JC asked. "Ok, I'll be there in a little bit." Jason said. JC smiled, he kissed Jason on the cheek then went to the back lounge.

Thirty minutes later Jason walked to the back lounge. He took a seat next to JC and rested his head on JC's shoulder. JC smiled, and wrapped his arm around Jason and rest him against his chest. Jason kissed the top of Jason's head as Jason snuggled up with JC's body. Jason drifted to sleep as he rested in JC's arms. "JC." Justin whispered and pointed to Jason sleeping. "He's really tired." Brian whispered. "Yeah he is." JC agreed. "Well I would be too if I was doing half the work he is." Justin commented. "Yeah your right, he's our PR, and taking care of our WebPages, and dealing with the on the road problems." JC said. "And he is trying to be your boyfriend." Brian said. "I know I just wish I could do something to help." JC said lowly. "You are, your holding him while he sleeps. That means a lot JC." Justin said. JC smiled brightly at Justin, "Thanks Just." JC said. They guys turned their attention back to the TV.

Nick walked in and took a seat on the only couch left in the room. He looked at JC and Jason, then at Brian and Justin. "JC, why are you holding Jason?" Nick asked. "Because he's sleeping Nick." JC said. "I know that but why isn't just laying on a couch?" Nick asked. "Because he wants to be held by his boyfriend." Brian said. "Oh, ok." Nick said. The bus continued its smooth ride to Atlanta as Jason slept in JC's arms.

"Jason, we're at the hotel." JC whispered to Jason. "Oh, Ok." Jason whispered, and continued to sleep. "JC, don't worry about it just get him upstairs, I'll get the keys and have the hotel staff bring up the our stuff." Brian said. "Thanks Brian." JC said. "JC if you even think about letting Brian get the keys your sleeping in the hall." Jason said as he kept his eyes closed. "Brian nevermind he's up." JC said. Jason stood, and stretched. "Oh, my back is killing me." Jason said. "Ok, lets get going Jason said. He grabbed his laptop and brief case and then got off the bus. Jason walked up to the front desk, "Excuse Ms." Jason said. "Yes, can I help you." The woman asked. "Yes I would need the check in package for NSYNC and Backstreet Boys." Jason said. "I'll need some ID." The Woman said. Jason hand her is Security pass and his Driver's License. "Ok, just sign here." The woman said with a smile. Jason signed the papers and took the check in package. "Thank you." Jason said as she hand him back his IDs.

"Ok, here are your room keys, You each have your own room or are doubling up if you requested it." Jason said, as he handed out the keys. The guys all went up to their rooms and settled in. "Ok, see you guys in twenty minutes." Justin said into the phone. "JC said that Jason's taking a shower then we can go out to eat." Justin said to Brian. "Did JC say what restaurant we were going to?" Brian asked. "Hard Rock Café." Justin said. "I want to change then we can go down to JC and Jason's room." Justin said. "Ok." Brian said.

Brian and Justin walked down to JC and Jason's room. Justin knocked and JC let them in. "Ready to go?" Brian asked. "Yup, let go." Jason said. They were soon at the restaurant and ordering their drink. "I'll have a Sprit." JC said. "I'll have an Ice Tea." Jason said. "I'll have the same." Justin agreed. "I'll go with a glass of water." Brian said. "Ok, I'll bring over your drinks." The waiter said and left. "So are you guys going to tell the others?" Brian asked. "Yeah we will eventually if they haven't already figured it out." JC said. "Well Nick must know by now otherwise he is really slow." Jason said with a laugh. "Yeah Nick knows." Brian said. "Well we'll see when the time is right." JC said. The waiter returned and took their dinner orders and left again.

"Oh, I thought Brian was going to piss his pants when I told him to wash the cum of his hands." JC laughed as the guys talked about how JC and Kevin found out about Brian and Justin. "I almost did, you scared me half to death." Brian said. "Well nothing beats the look on your faces when you saw JC kiss me." Jason said. "Well I thought the look on Nick face was kinda funny, when he saw the picture we were looking at." Justin said. "Oh the was kinda cute." Jason said, "But JC's face is cuter." Jason said. "I thought you were going to say his butt was cute." Justin said. "Shh... That too, but don't tell anyone." Jason laughed, everyone cracked up and started laughing.

The waiter came with the bill; Jason quickly grabbed the bill, and was taking out his wallet when JC snatch I from him. "Oh no you don't" Jason said as he tried to grabbed the bill from JC. JC held it out at arm's length from Jason, while Brian grabbed it from JC. Justin sat there laughing. "Gee, I've never seen people fight over who is going to for dinner." Justin laughed. While Jason, JC and Brian battle over who was going to pay, Justin stood and went to the cashier and paid for dinner. "Ok guys lets go I already paid for dinner." Justin said. "Oh, and remind me never to take you guys in public again." Justin said with a laugh.

The guys walked out of the Hard Rock Café and head to the limo, they got in and head for the hotel. "Now Justin you will let me pay you back for dinner right." Brian asked. "Good, how much was it?" Brian said as he reached for his wallet. "Oh, you ain't paying me back that way." Justin said. "Uh?" Brian said. "You'll see." Justin said. "Well will you let us pay you back?" JC asked. "No way!" Justin said. Jason and JC cracked up laughing, while Brian sat still confused. Justin looked at Brian, "And I thought I was the blonde." Justin said. "No you're the I want to be blonde." JC laughed.

"Good night guys." Jason said as he and JC entered their room, "Goodnight." Justin called back. Brian and Justin entered their room; Justin began to rub Brian's shoulders. "Wait here I have a surprise for you Justin said. Brian took a seat on the bed as Justin went into the bathroom and closed the door. Brian sat patiently on the bed and awaited Justin. Soon the door opened and Justin stood at the door completely naked; he smiled brightly at Brian. Brian stood from the bed and walked over to Justin, Brian kissed Justin's lips. Justin took Brian's hand and led him into the bathroom. Justin began to undress Brian. Whence Brian's clothes was removed, Justin took Brian's Hand as he stepped into the tub filled with water and bubbles, Justin sat down and helped Brian in. Brian took a seat between Justin's legs. Justin rubbed his wet hands on Brian's strong arms; He began to kiss Brian's back. "I love you." Justin said as Brian moaned.

Brian laid back against Justin, Justin reached his hands around Brian and began to rub his chest as they kissed passionately on the lips. Justin ran his hand down Brian's abs; Justin trailed his fingers to Brian's rock hard penis. "Oh, Justin." Brian moaned as Justin's fingers wrapped around his penis. Justin began a slow stroke as they kissed. Brian enjoyed the feeling of Justin's fingers on his cock. "Oh, Justin... that... feels so... good." Brian moaned. Justin smiled and increased his stroking on Brian's penis. It didn't take long before Brian was cumming in Justin's hand. Brian panted heavily and let himself cum in Justin's hand. Brian relaxed in Justin's arms as he recovered from his orgasm. "Justin will you make love to me?" Brian asked. "I'd love to, make love to you Brian." Justin said.

Jason laid on his stomach as JC massaged his shoulder, "Oh, JC." Jason moaned softly. JC worked the tension out Jason's shoulders; he gently rubbed up and down Jason his back. JC massaged the small of Jason's back as Jason moaned softly under him. JC moved his hands to Jason's lower back, "JC?" Jason said. JC leaned down and kissed Jason's neck and shoulder blades. "Oh, JC..." Jason moaned. "JC will... will you make love to me?" Jason asked. JC stopped massaging Jason's back and allowed him to turn over. "Are you sure?" JC asked. "Yes, I want you to make love to me." Jason said. JC leaned down and kissed Jason's lips, "I'd love to make love to you." JC said.

Justin laid Brian on the bed, and crawled on top of him. Justin began to kiss Brian's lips, and grind his hips to Brian's. Brian spread his legs and lifted them slightly. "Make love to me Justin." Brian pleaded. Justin smiled down at Brian; Justin led his hard penis to Brian's entrance and slowly pushed in. Brian tensed as Justin entered him for the second time. Justin stopped and looked down at Brian, "Are you ok?" Justin asked. Brian took a deep breath, and let the pain go away. "Go on Justin." Brian said. Justin continued to enter Brian slowly, allowing Brian to take him in inch by inch. Justin slid into the hilt and waited for Brian to adjust to having Justin in him again. Brian smiled up at Justin, and closed his eyes. Justin leaned down and kissed Brian's lips. Justin began to pull his cock out and then push back into Brian. Brian relaxed as Justin made love to him, allowing Justin to go further in his ass. "Oh, Justin." Brian moaned. Justin increased his thrusts as he made passionate love to Brian for the second time.

JC began to kiss Jason's lips and allowed his tongue to move slowly into Jason's mouth, as they explored each other's mouths. They moaned as the kiss went further. JC moved his lips to Jason's neck and began to suck upon the tender flesh. Jason roamed his hands on JC's back, feeling every muscle on JC's strong back. JC moved his lips to Jason's chest whence he notice he left a bright red hickey on Jason's neck. JC kissed Jason's brown nipples, causing them to become hard to the touch. Jason moaned as JC kissed his chest. JC moves his lips to Jason's hard abs, JC licked Jason abs with his tongue as he rub Jason's chest. "OH JC!" Jason moaned louder. JC pulled down Jason's boxers revealing Jason's rock hard penis. JC licked the head of Jason's cock. Jason's eyes were closed as JC's tongue ran on the underside of his penis.

JC lifted Jason's cock and took the head in his mouth; JC sucked on the head of Jason's cock sending shivers up Jason's body as he pleasured him. Jason moaned deeply as he felt JC taking more of his cock in his mouth. JC ran his tongue on the underside of Jason's cock causing Jason to feel more pleasure. JC felt he head of Jason's cock at the back of his throat, Jason gripped the sheets as JC pleasured him to the fullest. JC ran his hands up Jason's tights. "OH, JC... I'm... I'm going... to... to cum." Jason moaned. JC moved faster on Jason's cock. Jason gripped the sheets tighter as he felt his balls constrict and his juices shot into JC's mouth. "OH, JC!" Jason moaned out as he came in JC's mouth, JC drank all of Jason's cum. Jason relaxed as he finished cumming in JC's mouth. JC released Jason's penis and moved up to his lips. They kissed passionately, as Jason tasted his cum on JC's tongue.

Brian rubbed his hands on Justin's back feeling the drops of sweat that were forming on Justin, as they made love. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian as he kissed Brian's lips; Brian moved his hands down Justin's body to his smooth ass. Justin felt Brian rubbing his ass making Justin moan deeply as he fucked Brian. Brian felt Justin's penis reaching further in him with each thrust. "Oh Justin, I love you." Brian moaned as Justin fucked him harder.

JC kissed Jason's lips, as Jason recovered from his intense orgasm. Jason spread his legs, "JC make love to me?" Jason requested. JC smiled down at Jason, he kissed Jason on the lips then knelt over him. JC lifted Jason's Legs and placed the head of his penis at Jason's entrance. Jason took a deep breath and prepared for JC to enter him. JC pushed forward slowly as he entered Jason's ass. Jason closed his eyes as he felt JC's penis entering his ass. Whence the head was in JC stopped and allowed Jason to adjust to his size. JC stared down in to Jason's crystal blue eyes as Jason looked up at JC. "Go ahead JC." Jason said. JC continued to enter Jason, JC slid into the hilt and allowed Jason to adjust to having JC in him for the first time. JC leaned down and kiss Jason's lips. "I love you." JC whispered into Jason's ear as he released Jason's lip. Jason smiled and nodded; JC began to slowly thrust into Jason's ass. "Oh, JC..." Jason moaned.

"Brian... I'm... I'm close." Justin moaned. Brian wrapped his arms tightly around Justin, as they made love. Justin increased his thrusts moving faster in Brian as he approached his climax. "Oh Justin it feels so good." Brian moaned, as Justin continued to thrust in his ass. Brian felt himself getting close to cumming between their sweaty bodies. Brian closed his eyes as Justin rubbed his hand through Brian's hair. "Justin!" Brian called out as he came between them. Justin let Brian enjoy his orgasm as he fucked Brian's ass harder. "Oh BRIAN!" Justin screamed as he shot his load into Brian's ass. Justin continued to rock in Brian's ass as he released his cum into Brian. Justin clasped into Brian's arms as he finished cumming. Justin breath heavily trying to recover after their intense love making. Justin's penis slipped out of Brian, as Justin became soft.

JC kissed Jason's lips, as his thrusts became more intense in Jason's ass. Jason rubbed his hands on JC's back enjoying the feeling of JC long penis moving inside of him. JC fucked Jason harder as he felt himself getting close to cumming. "OH JC!" Jason moaned. "Jason I'm... I'm close." JC said. Jason kissed JC's lips, feeling JC's penis moving faster in him. "Oh, God, Oh, JASON!" JC screamed as he came in Jason's ass; JC let 5 shot go into Jason's ass as he came for the first time while having sex. JC relaxed in Jason arms. "Oh, JC that felt wonderful, Thank you." Jason heaved out. JC smiled and kissed Jason lips. JC rested his head on Jason's chest and allowed his penis to slip out of Jason's ass.

Justin slept in Brian's arms, as Edwin McCain's 'I Could Not Ask For More' began to play on the radio in Brian and Justin, and JC and Jason's rooms. The rain fell quietly outside the windows of their Atlanta hotel rooms.

Lying here with you Listening to the rain Smiling just to see the smile on your face. These are the moments I thank God that I'm alive.

JC held Jason as his dreams were filled with the love they shared, the times they spent together holding each other. Justin slept feeling secure in Brian's strong arms of love, as visions of him and Brian holding hands on the beach crossed his mind.

These are the moments I'll remember all my life I found all I've waited for And I could not ask for more

Brian looked at Justin's angelic face as he slept; Brian smiled as he thought of the love that he held for Justin. Brian kissed Justin's cheek and smiled more as he thought of all them times they shared together. Jason slept quietly in JC's arms dream of the times he and JC shared, the first time they kissed, the first time the hugged, and the first time they made love.

Looking into your eyes Seeing all I need Everything you are is everything to me These are the moments I know heaven must exist

These are the moments I know all I need is this I have all I've waited for And I could not ask for more I could not ask for more then this time together I could not ask for more then this time with you

The rain fell silently outside the hotel, as they held each other in love. The night wore on, as the love they all shared grew deeper as the love that held their bond became stronger.

Every Prayer has been answered Every dream I have's come true And right here in this moment is right where I want to be Here with you here with me

These are the moments I thank God that I'm alive These are the moments I'll remember all my life I've got all I've waited for And I could not ask for more

Jason and JC slept peacefully, as the love that they shared surround them. Brian and Justin slept calmly as their love was felt between them.

I could not ask for more than the love you give me 'Coz it's all I've waited for And I could not ask fore more I could not ask for more

To be continued...

This segment was a lot of fun to write I really enjoyed doing this one. I tried to show both the humorous and serious side of the guys. Well the fun has just started, in the coming chapters you'll began to get to know the other guys and see if these relationships can hold out...

Ok, now I have a few people I want to thank, First Dennis thanks for all the great comments and support with this story. JM thanks for all the great advice and for 'Brian & Justin' and 'Just beginning'. You a great friend and have helped a lot with getting me to write this story. Austin, thanks for all the support and being there when I need someone to talk to. Now this next person will kill me if he ever finds out I put his name here, that ok I'll send him a copy of the story. Jeff thanks for the support you have given me, the advice and the friendship we have. And thanks to everyone who I've missed I know that there are a lot more people, and it would take a while to name everyone but thanks to all of you.

Now on to chapter 4 and more fun... as always send your comments suggestions, questions to curlybrok@bsbsnync.com. "Oh and a side note my web site www.bsbnsync.com just won an award check it out its called 'Guys have Backstreet pride too' award and the song used in this story is available in mp3 format on my web site under http://www.bsbnsync.com/justins-dream/

Next: Chapter 3

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