Justins Dream

By Curlybrok

Published on Aug 29, 2000


Justin's Dream Written by CurlyBrok curlybrok@bsbnsync.com

Hey All. The story is about N Sync, specifically Justin Timberlake, Joshua (JC) Chasez, Lance Bass, Nick Carter and Brian Littrell of Backstreet Boys. This story is not meant to imply the sexual orientation or preference of any person(s) portrayed in this story. This is a total work of fiction is that is of the Author imagination.

I'd like to hear from the readers on any ideas you have or suggestions you'd like to see added to the story, I try to include as many of those ideas as I can. I love to get your input and ideas.

Now on to the story :)

Justin Dream Chapter 24 When the cat is away the mouse will play By Curlybrok

Johnny was sitting in his office when JC, Jason, Justin and Brian arrived. "Come in guys." Johnny said. They walked in and took a seat in the chairs in front of Johnny's desk. "Johnny, we are very careful not to get caught so I don't know where they got those pictures from." JC said. Johnny passed out the pictures to Jason and JC. "These are from when Justin was in the hospital." Jason said. "The reason I called you here is so we can stop this in its tracks." Johnny said. "Well that is easy to stop this with these pictures, they are from the hospital so we release a statement say that this JC consoling Jason while Justin was in the hospital." Brian said. "Ok I like that idea, I've also called the manager at KISS FM and he will make a retraction on the issue and the DJ has been fired for misleading their audience." Johnny said. The guys nodded. "I only have one other thing, please be careful." Johnny said. "We try very hard to be careful Johnny." Justin said. "That all I ask for, you guys can go now." Johnny said. "Thanks." Jason said. Johnny nodded and they guys left.

A new day brought about new task to complete. It had been a week since the earlier announcement from KISS FM and the guys were finally able to put it behind them. They need to concentrate on the up coming tour. Another group meeting was underway as the guys need to go over the price list of the equipment and other things need for the show.

"Ok, the stage with all the features we want, lighting elevators, etc. will cost us about $900,000.00." Jason said. "What does that include exactly." JC asked. "Ok, that includes, the rigging, lights, pyrotechnics, lasers, elevators, rolling stages, treadmills, the stage itself, stage supports, and the props for the difference scenes." Jason said. "That sounds good then." Lance said. "Next is the sound system, were looking at 150 speakers, 50 microphones, ear pieces, and so on. Total cost is $750,000.00." Jason said. Costumes come up to $250,000.00." Jason said. "I think they need to come down on that." JC said. "Yeah but if it works, its worth the price, JC." Lance said. "Ok, that's true." JC said. "So are we all set on the costumes?" Jason asked. "For now." JC said. Jason nodded and moved on. "Allison is still working on hotel rooms. Right now we are looking at roughly $400,000.00 for a total of 31 days." Jason said. "That's not too bad." Joey said. "That's for a complete floor, but we are taking two floors so that price will double." Jason said. "That's still a good price." Chris said. "What's left of the list?" Justin asked. "Bus, Truck, and fuel expenses, which Susan is working on." Jason said. The guys nodded and stretch. "Ok, next we have to start choreography rehearsals. Wade and Tony are in the dance studio warming up." Jason said. "So we're heading over there to practice?" Justin asked. "In a bit, first I have a couple things I need to go over with you guys." Jason said, and then waited for everyone's attention. "Ok what's up?" Lance asked. "I'm leaving tomorrow for a meeting at Jive Records for your next album, I'm leaving with Johnny. So both of us will be gone for about three to four days. I'll call JC when I know when I'm coming back." Jason said. "So what do we do in the mean time?" Joey asked. "Well you'll be working with wade for the next two days then you'll work with Tony the following day, and then you'll have to autographs some stuff and review a few things for the tour." Jason said. "So we are on our own then?" Justin asked. "No, Allison and Tim will be around the last day to go over the stuff with you and help with the autograph stuff." Jason said. "What about the other days?" Lance asked. "Normally I'd leave either Lance or JC in charge but both of you will be really busy with tour stuff so, Johnny is having a new guy work with you guys till we get back, his name is Troy McNeil." Jason said.

Brian looked up upon hearing the name. "You mean the guys who use to work for TransCon?" Brian asked. "I think so." Jason said. "Find someone else Jason, he's going to give them a real hard time, especially Justin, JC, Lance." Brian said. "I have no say in it Brian, it was Donna and Johnny's decision, everyone else is busy." Jason said. "Keep your cell phone handy then." Brian said. "Johnny assured me there would be no problems." Jason said. "Johnny doesn't know him." Brian said. Jason lifted his hands in defeat. "If there is any problems call me and I'll deal with them." Jason said. The guys nodded and then Jason continued. "Troy will meet with you guys every morning and go over the daily routine of what's to be done and so on." Jason said. "That's all I have, I'll see you guys in about four days." Jason said.

The guys all headed over to the dance studio and Jason headed out to his car to go to Wright Entertainment and leave with Johnny to go to Jive Records for meetings. "Hey guys, how you doing?" Wade said as he turned to see the guys enter the dance studio. "We're cool." Chris said. "Great, now its time to get warmed up and will get started with some new choreographies to the new album." Wade said. "Cool, can't wait." Justin said. "Just drop your stuff over there and we'll get started." Wade said.

The guys had spent about an hour learning the first part of verse one to "No Strings Attached." Justin sat on the floor his head resting against the wall as he held a bottle of Poland Springs water. "I'm exhausted already." Chris said. "Want me to get your rocking chair grandpa?" Justin said with a laugh. "I'll show you grandpa." Chris said as he jumped up and started to run towards Justin. JC and Brian stepped between Justin and Chris, however Chris couldn't stop in time and fell into JC and Brian causing them to fall over and Chris to fall onto Justin.

"Fuck." Justin scream. Brian quickly rolled off of Justin. "Are you ok?" Brian asked. Justin shook his head and grabbed his left wrist. JC stood and Chris got off Justin. JC knelt down next to Justin, as did Brian. "Justin what's wrong?" JC asked. Justin didn't speak but tears were being to escape his eyes. JC noticed Justin holding his left wrist. "Justin let me see you wrist." JC said. Justin slowly moved his left arm towards JC, he bite back the pain as he let JC look at his wrist. JC looked at Justin's wrist and notice it bruised and quickly turning black and blue. "Justin I think your wrist is broke or fractured." JC said. "I fucking know that JC, get me to a hospital." Justin yelled at JC. "Ok, ok." JC said. "Brian help me get him to the car." JC said. "Jason is going to love this." Lance said. "I know he's gone a whole hour and we've already got one injured." Joey said.

Brian and JC each grabbed Justin under his arms and lifted him up to his feet. Wade quickly returned with a large towel wrapped around two Ziploc bags of ice. "Justin let me see your wrist." Wade said. Justin held out his wrist so that wade to place the ice on it to keep the swelling down. "That hurts." Justin said. "Sorry Justin." Wade said. "Ok, let get you to the hospital." Brian said as Wade finished putting the ice on Justin's wrist. Justin nodded and walked out with JC and Brian. "We'll wait here for you guys to get back." Lance said. JC nodded and he and Brian quickly had Justin in Brian's car and were driving to the hospital.

Justin took a seat with Brian as JC walked up to the admittance desk to have Justin admitted to the emergency room. "Excuse me, Ms." JC said. "Can I help you?" The Nurse said. "Yes my friend injured his wrist, we think it might be broken or fractured." JC said. "I need you to fill these forms out while he is seeing the doctor." The Nurse said. JC took the paperwork and the nurse had Justin follow her to see the doctor. JC sat down in the waiting room and filled out the forms, quickly while Justin was seeing the doctor.

"Ok, Justin from the looks of the x-ray you have a bad fracture." The Doctor said. "So what we are going to do is put your arm in a cast for a week, so the bone can start to heal with out further injury." The Doctor said. Justin nodded. "You can't put any stress on your wrist for at least two weeks." The Doctor said. "Thanks Doc." Justin said. The doctor nodded and finished up with Justin and then gave him a prescription of painkillers for the pain. "I'll see you in a week, Justin." The Doctor said.

"So what happened?" JC asked as Justin and Brian came out of the Emergency Room. "I've got a bad fracture so I need to have this cast on for a week and can't to much of anything for two weeks." Justin said. "So much for practicing." JC said. Justin nodded. "Hey look at the bright side you'll get an autograph from everyone now." JC said with a laugh." Justin and Brian laughed as well; know that JC was referring to everyone signing Justin's case.

Justin filled in the other guys on what happened and Wade decide to end practice for the day so Justin could rest the remainder of the day. "Hi Guys, I'm Troy." Troy said as he walked into the dance studio. "Hey Troy." The guys said. "I gave the guys the rest of the day off because Justin got injured a while ago." Wade said. "Well you need to check with me about those things." Troy said. "I checked with Jason, and he said to let them have the rest of the day off if I thought it was needed. And I do think its needed so they have the day off." Wade said. "Fine." Troy said. "Well I'll see you guys tomorrow then." Troy said. "See you tomorrow." The guys said. Troy waited for everyone to leave then turned to the young man that stood near him. "Follow them around tonight and make sure they don't do anything they aren't suppose too." Troy said.

At JC and Jason's house, all the guys gathered together to decide on what they wanted to do that night. "Hey I've got an idea, lets go to a club." Lance said. "We've been to every club in Orlando." Joey said. "We'll I know one that is really cool, that we've been too before and its guys night." Lance said. "Guys night?" Chris said. "He means its gay night. Right?" Brian said looking at Lance. Lance nodded. "I don't know what if we get caught?" JC said. "Don't worry about it, then we say we didn't know." Lance said.

"Alright, I guess that would work." JC said. "Cool then we're going?" Lance asked. "Yeah were going." Joey said. "Awesome." Lance said with a smile. "We'll we should get ready to go then." Brian said. "Are you going to come Justin?" Brian asked. "Yeah but not for too long." Justin said. "Ok we can come back here and cuddle when you get tired." Brian said as he and Justin walked up the stairs to their room.

Within, an hour the guys were at the club dance and having a good time. "Can I get you gentlemen anything?" the waitress asked. "I'll have a coke." Justin said. "Same for me." Brian said. "I'll have a Long Island Ice Tea." Joey said. "I'll have a Coke and Rum." Lance said. "I'll return with you drinks in a moment." The waitress said.

The waitress returned with their drinks, Justin rested his arm across his abs. He felt a dull ache in his wrist. The meds were beginning to wear off. "Lets hit the dance floor." JC said. The guys all quickly went to the dance floor except for Justin and Brian. "You coming?" Brian asked as he stood from the booth. Justin nodded and followed Brian out to the dance floor.

"About an hour and half later Justin was sitting in the booth he was holding his arm, his wrist was hurting and he need to get back home. "Is everything alright?" Brian asked as he sat down next to Justin. Justin shook his head no. "What's wrong?" Brian asked. "My wrist hurts a lot." Justin said. "Do you want to go back home?" Brian asked. "I don't want to ruin your night." Justin said. "You'll ruin my night if you stay here in pain all night." Brian said. "Who'll be in pain all night?" JC asked. "My wrist hurts." Justin said. "If you want to head back to the house you can take my car, I'll get a ride back with Lance." JC said. "Thank JC." Justin said. "So you want to go?" Brian asked. "Yeah lets go back." Justin said.

Justin and Brian left the club and headed back to JC and Jason's home. Whence they had left a gentlemen walked into the club searching for certain people. He carried a small camera and wore a baseball cap to hide his appearance. He spotted he people he was looking for and quickly snapped a few pictures then walked around the club to see who else was there.

An hour had passed the man had left with a roll of pictures and the guys of N Sync were getting ready to head out. "Hey Lance can you drop me off at home?" JC asked. "Yeah sure." Lance said. "Cool thanks." JC said as they all left the club and headed home.

The next day was going to be a rough day for N Sync as they had to make up for missing a day of choreograph practice. "Are you guys ready to start?" Wade asked. "Let start." The guys said. "Ok lets practice 'No Strings Attached'." Wade said. The guys nodded and they got into their spots. "Lance step out a little more on that move." Wade said as he looked in the mirror. "Good." Wade said. "Move in a little closer Joey, more towards Justin." Wade said. "Ok, good. Lets take it from the top." Wade said and they started again.

Allison walked in for a few minutes to talk to Tony, and then left just as quickly as she came. After they finished practicing for another hour Tony gave the guys a break and went to talk to wade in private. Wade and Tony walked over to a corner and whispered back and forth. "What did Allison want, I thought she wasn't going to be here." Wade said. "Something came up yesterday, She needs JC for about and hour. They need to review something." Tony said. "What do they need to review?" Wade asked. "I don't know but she said the guys were followed last night." Tony said. "Do you think Troy is up to his old tricks again?" Wade asked. "I think so, and Jason nor Johnny are here to deal with it." Tony said. "Ok, but I thought Allison was going to be gone this week, so why is she back so early, beside the fact that they guys were followed, Lonnie or Mike could have dealt with that." Wade said. "I don't know but if she is back that means that Jason and Johnny probably know what is going on." Tony said. "I don't know maybe she's back for another reason." Wade said.

The guys returned from their break and Wade and Tony turned to face them. "Guys, we're going to keep going, but JC Allison needs to see you." Tony said. "Ok, where is she?" JC said. "Lonnie is waiting in the hallway for you." Tony said. "Oh, JC's in trouble." The guys cooed. JC laughed yeah right, "I've got a thing going with one of the managers I don't have to worry." JC joked. "I'm related to him." Justin said. "Yeah but I take care of his "special needs"." JC laughed. "Ok guys we don't need to know this." Wade said with a laugh. JC headed out to meet Lonnie and go see Allison.

The guys practice for about an hour before JC came back to the dance studio. "Ok guys that's it for now, we'll break for lunch and get back to work on this afterward." Tony said. Justin and the guys walked over to JC, "What took you so long?" Justin asked. "Nothing, its not important." JC said. "Well took you a long time for something that's not important." Joey said. "If you must know I was talking with Jason." JC said. "Aw isn't that sweet, you two miss each other." Justin said. "Yes I miss him, and I wish he was here right now." JC said to the guys. 'Then I wouldn't have to lie to you guys' JC said to himself. Justin knew something was wrong, JC was acting strange, he had known JC too long to let anything pass him by.

"Lets go grab lunch I'm hungry and we have a lot to do this afternoon." Lance said. The guys headed to the dinning room to each lunch and chat about the normal everyday stuff. Justin grabbed JC's arm as they were walking out the door. "Can we talk?" Justin asked. JC nodded and followed Justin down to Jason's office. Justin pulled out his key and unlocked the office; only Justin, Jason and JC had a key to the office. Justin let JC in and closed the door behind him and locked it. "Ok JC, tell me what's going on." Justin said. "What are you talking about?" JC said hoping Justin hadn't picked up on anything JC had said or did. "This is me JC, tell me what the fuck is going on, why is Allison back from her meeting and why were you gone for an hour?" Justin said. "I don't know what you're talking about." JC said. "Don't give me that Shit JC, I know something is up, now tell me what the hell is going on." Justin said. JC sat in Jason's chair and covered his face with his hands. "Justin please there is nothing going on." JC said. "JC tell me or I'll call Jason myself." Justin said. "No, you can't." JC said. "Josh I'll do it." Justin said. "Ok fine, but you can't tell anyone not even the guys." JC said. Justin nodded, "I promise." JC began to fill Justin in on what was happening.

Justin and JC walked into the dinning room and each grabbed a plate and began to fill it with the different foods the kitchen staff had prepared. "So where did you guys go?" Lance asked. "Justin had to go the bathroom, and he didn't want to go alone he was afraid the toilet monster would get him." JC said. The guys started laughing. "Ok who took all the Pepsi?" JC asked. All the guys looked at Lance. "What? I don't even like Pepsi." Lance said. "Why do I bother asking?" JC said.

The rest of the afternoon went by fast, whence practice was over the guys headed home. "Hey I'm going for a swim, in the pool you guys coming out?" JC asked. "Yeah but I can't swim with my cast." Justin said. "That's ok we can lay on the lounge chairs." Brian said. JC headed out to the pool while Brian and Justin sat on the patio soaking up the sun's rays. Brian leaned in towards Justin. "You know you look really hot. So hot I'd like to kiss you." Brian said. "Well what are you waiting for?" Justin asked. "For you to get your cute butt over here." Brian said with a smile. Justin smiled and got up and sat down on Brian's lap, and slowly leaned down and kissed Brian's lips. "You two are always at it." JC said from the pool. Brian and Justin looked up at JC. "Oh, and I suppose you and Jason aren't always at it." Justin said with a laugh. The guys laughed, JC stopped laughing when he heard a ruffle in the bushes. Brian and Justin both looked at JC as he got out of the pool. "What's wrong?" Justin asked. "I thought I heard something." JC said. "I didn't hear any thing." Brian said. "Me either." Justin said. "Must have been my imagination." JC said.

Justin's Dream Chapter 25 Truth be told Curlybrok

The following days had been busy with practices and other tour work that had to be done. They guys had gotten off early, and where all at JC's house for a cookout. "Justin your mail is on the table." JC said. "Cool thanks I'll have a look." Justin said as he came down the stairs. Justin picked up his mail and began to sort throw it. "Bill, bill. Junk, oh you may have won a million dollars, yeah right. Junk, more junk. Oh what's this?" Justin said to himself. Justin placed his mail on the table except for the large manila envelope. Justin quickly opened the envelope, and pulled out its contents. Part of the contents fell to the floor, as Brian was walking by he picked them up as Justin read the letter. Brian looked at the photo that had fallen. "Nice picture, hey isn't this from..." Justin cut off Brian. "It is." Justin said. "But wait who took it?" Brian asked. "Who took what?" JC asked as he walked in from the patio. "This." Brian said as he handed the picture to JC. "Isn't this from..." Brian cut off JC. "Yes it is." Brian said. "Justin what's going on?" Brian asked. Justin handed the letter to Brian and ran off crying. Brian looked at the letter.

"Brian what's going on?" JC asked. "We're being blackmailed." Brian asked. "What?" JC said. Brian handed the letter to JC. JC quickly scanned the letter, and looked at Brian. "Call, Jason." Brian said. JC nodded, "Go see Justin, he need you right now." JC said. Brian left and went to see Justin. Lance walked in from the patio. "JC where are those burgers?" Lance asked. JC was sitting at the breakfast bar, looking for Jason's cell phone number. "JC did you hear me?" Lance said. "Huh? Oh sorry." JC said. "No problem, is something wrong?" Lance asked. JC took a deep breath, "I'm not sure, looks like Brian and Justin are being blackmailed." JC said. "Oh fuck. You calling Jason?" Lance said. JC nodded and put the phone to his ear.

"Ok, I got it. I'll call Brit, and have her pick you up at the airport." JC said. "Ok, not a problem. We can handle that." JC said. "I love you too. See you soon." JC said and hung up the phone. "Call all the guys we need to have a quick group meeting." JC said to Lance. Lance nodded and went to get all the guys and get them in the living room for a quick group meeting. The guys all sat down, Brian sat on the couch holding Justin in his arms, and Justin had his head resting on Brian's shoulder burying his face in the crock of Brian's neck. JC stood from his chair and passed out the picture to Lance. He took the letter and passed it to Chris. "Read the letter and look at the picture then I'll tell you guys what Jason wants us to do." JC said.

After about 5mins, JC got back the letter and the picture after everyone else had looked at it. "I spoke to Jason, He'll be back late tonight. Britney will pick him up, but know one but Britney and us are to know he is back in town. So to keep the illusion that he is out of town and to help with what he has planned we are going to a club tonight." JC said. "Well, that sounds like fun. It'll give us a chance to unwind." Joey said. "Well, wait its not just any club. It has to be a gay club." JC said. "Why?" Chris asked. "Because we need the person who is following us around to try and take pictures of us at the club." JC said. "Ok, I suppose it'll be ok." Joey said. "Look we'll go to a bar that is for both guys and girls. "But, first we should eat and play as if nothing is going on, and we don't know about the letter or the picture yet." JC said. The guys all agreed, and Brian and Justin sat in the living room, while the other when about getting supper ready. JC came and knelt in front of Brian and Justin. "Justin, Jason told me to tell you something." JC said. Justin lifted his head from Brian's shoulder. "He told me to tell you, that he's your big brother, and he's going to make sure that nothing bad ever happens to you." JC said.

The guys had all finished eating and were ready to leave for the club. "So who's driving?" Lance asked. "I am. We're taking Jason's Mercedes." JC said. "We get to ride in style tonight." Chris joked. "Just don't get sick in his car or he'll never let me drive it again." JC said. "Okay daddy." Chris said. The guys got in Jason's Mercedes and head to the club.

A black Dodge Intrepid sat waiting are the tarmac for a jet to land. A woman sat in the driver's seat waiting patiently for her friend. A jet finally touched down at the end of the runway. It began to taxi towards the car. Britney step out as the engines on the jet came to a stop, and the captain opened the door. A young man of twenty walked down the steps towards her. "I'm so glad to see you." Britney said. "Hey, how's my favorite girl." The young man said. "I'm great, but your brother isn't doing so hot." Britney said. "I've heard, we can't stay here long." The young man said. "Ok, JC told me to bring you back to your place." Britney said. "How is my man doing?" Jason asked. "Your man is doing well, he's been really great helping Justin." Britney said as they stepped into the car.

The drive back to Jason & JC's home was quick and uneventful. "Thanks for the ride Brit." Jason said. "No problem anytime." Britney said. Jason walked into his and JC's home and went up to his office. He left the lights off and turned on a small dimly lit lamp. He began to go through all the paper work and folder he had in his briefcase. Jason pulled out the first folder. He opened it and began to read the report that lay on the top of the stack of papers below it.

The report read: 'As a result of our investigation into the matter outlined in these reports and evidence included, that we conclude that the members of N Sync and their management are being watched and photographed as a means to blackmail them.' Jason read. He continued to read further. 'It is also the finding of this investigation that lead us to believe that, a Mr. Troy McNeil, hired by Wright Entertainment Group as a part-time manager dealing with N Sync's affairs is involved in the blackmailing process. It is also the findings of this investigation that leads us to believe that action must be taken immediately to stop these people who will cause problems for N Sync if they continue to blackmail them people involve. This investigation also found out that the recent new of Mr. Joshua Scott Chasez and Mr. Jason Justin Timberlake was a result of picture take by the company hired to follow them.'

Jason place the report on top of the file, "Tomorrow, will be the end of this." Jason said as he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Jason slowly drifted to sleep fatigue and exhaustion had taken over his body and he wasn't able to stay awake much longer.

JC picked Jason up into his arms and carried him to the master bedroom. He laid Jason down on the bed and began to undress him. Jason stayed asleep, JC smiled down at Jason as he pulled off Jason's sneakers, "My baby." JC said, with a glowing smile. JC removed Jason's socks and then worked on removing Jason's shirt. JC slipped Jason's shirt off, then began to unbutton Jason's pants. "Don't get to frisky down there." Jason said softly. JC jumped, "Don't do that I though you were asleep." JC said. "Well I'm awake now." Jason said. "Well, then I can get frisky down there now." JC said with a smile. "Don't start something you won't be able to stop." Jason said. "Who said I'd want to stop." JC said as he pulled off Jason's pants. "Well in that case, come here and kiss me sexy." Jason said, as he pulled JC on top of him.

Jason and JC's lips met, their lips gently touched, as the felt the heat radiate from their lips. Jason began to part his lips allowing JC to slide his tongue into Jason's mouth. Jason gently sucked up JC's tongue, as he wrapped his arms around JC's body. Their kiss ended, with a small peck. JC smiled down at Jason. "I missed you so much." JC said. "I missed you too, I couldn't sleep without you next to me." Jason said. "JC smiled, we'll we can sleep next to each other all night." JC said. "Are you sure you only want to sleep tonight?" Jason asked. "Yes, I just want to hold you all night long. I miss doing that; we can make love tomorrow night, all night long. I want to feel you inside me and I want to make love to you." JC said. "I'd like that, and tonight I want to be held by you." Jason said. JC smiled. He kissed Jason's lips, before rolling off of Jason and getting undressed. JC lifted the covers and Jason and JC laid down under the covers. JC wrapped his arms around Jason, and they snuggled closely in the center of the bed. "I love you Jason Timberlake." JC said. "I love you Joshua Chasez." Jason said. Both young men slept peacefully in each other's arms, the worries of the recent events left to bed dealt with at another time. This time was for them, for their love.

The members of N Sync were back to practice on the last day of the week. They had practiced all week, and were tired, but need to get the last song down before the weekend. No one spoke about Jason coming back early, no one was to know he was back. He hoped it would be to their advantage, what he need was for Troy to try something. He had left early in the morning to get to the office before anyone go their, he went with JC so as not to arouse any questions as to why his SUV was in the parking lot. Jason sat in his office, with the door closed and locked, as well as the lights being off. Only light that came into the room was from two windows facing a small pond off to the side of the Compound.

At nine in the morning all the guys were in the dance studio practicing. Troy came into the dance studio to inform the guys of a meeting in 20mins in the conference room. The guys said they'd be there in a few minutes. Troy left and JC walked over to Wade. "Wade I need to be excused for a few minutes I need to take care of something." JC said. Wade looked at JC, "It's important, I wouldn't ask otherwise." JC said. Wade nodded, and JC quickly left the room through a different door then Troy. JC quickly walked down to Jason's office, and used his key to unlock the door, and slip inside. He made sure no one saw him, and he relocked the door as he entered.

"Jason." JC whispered. "Over here." Jason whispered back. JC followed the voice over to Jason's desk; he was sitting facing the window looking out at the pond. "He's called a meeting in 20 minutes." JC said. "Its time then." Jason said. JC nodded, and placed his hand on Jason's shoulder. "I hope this works." JC said. "It will, I know it will." Jason said. "Who do you think is behind all this?" JC asked. "I can only think of one person." Jason said, JC nodded knowing full well whom Jason was thinking off.

"You should get to the meeting." Jason said. JC nodded and walked out the office, making sure he wasn't seen. Jason gather up his folders and put them in his briefcase. JC took his seat at the conference table, closest to the end, which Jason always sat at. Troy walked in and sat at the opposite end of the table, with the door to his back. "Lets get start." Troy said. Troy removed a packet from his briefcase and handed a copy to each of the guys. "The top page is the letter Justin received yesterday." Troy said, the guys all looked at the letter. "I've discussed the matters with the lawyers, and as of right now it is in the best interest of N Sync, for Justin and Brian to follow what the letter says and end their relationship." Troy said. "The lawyers don't control my life nor do they or you have a right to tell me who the hell I am going to have a relationship with." Justin said. "You will do as you are told Mr. Timberlake or you will find yourself no longer a member of N Sync. Moving on, if you turn the page you'll see pictures of you guys from a club last night. Those pictures arrived this morning, at first I thought nothing of the pictures till I read the letter, and they were taken at a gay night club." Troy said. "So what we went to a gay night club big fucking deal." Lance said. "It is a big deal Mr. Bass, what would you have done had you been spotted. Correction you were spotted, you guys are not to go to another one of these clubs or I will recommend to Johnny that Wright Entertainment Group drops N Sync from their list of managed Musical Acts." Troy said. Jason had been standing outside the door since the meeting began, now was his time to intervene. Jason smiled towards JC and nodded. Jason held his briefcase and took a deep breath before entering the room. Jason walked by Troy and headed towards his seat near JC. Jason pulled out the chair as Troy sat there, waiting to see what was going to happen. "Don't let me interrupt continue." Jason said. "To wrap up, Justin and Brian will end their relationship and N Sync will no longer go to any clubs afore mentioned. Finally, if N Sync does not follow this, they will be dropped from Wright Entertainment Group." Troy said. The guys all looked at Jason. Jason stood from his seat he walked in between JC and Justin and placed his hand on both their shoulders. "Justin, Troy has made a validate point." Jason said. Troy smiled thinking Jason would be on his side. "A point that he is a complete asshole!" Jason said. "Second, he did something stupid. He attempted to hurt two people who I love dearly, my brother and my boyfriend." Jason said.

Jason walked back to his seat and pulled out a micro tape player and walked to the center of the table and pushed play before placing it on the table. Two voices could be heard one male one female: 'You'd better not screw this up Troy. I expect to have those two broken up and for N Sync to follow what we say.' The female voice said. 'Don't worry Leigh Anne; they'll do as I say. Jason is nowhere insight so they have no one to help them.' Tory said.' Jason pressed stop and picked up the tape recorder. He walked back to his seat pulled out to packets of paper. The first he slid across the table to Troy. "That's your contract. Its state that you are not to disclose any information about N Sync or any other act that you work with here at Wright Entertainment. Second it state that you will be terminated should your services no longer be welcomed by any act that is managed or hires Wright Entertainment to manage them." Jason said. Troy sat there completely helpless.

"Based on the investigation of N Sync's security staff, you have four options available to you. The first is that I take you out back and kick the fucking shit out of you. Two, I fire you're ass, and make sure you don't get hired anywhere on this planet. Three you resign, with certain conditions or four, I call the cops and have your ass hauled off to Jail for blackmail." Jason said. "I myself like the first option." Jason said. "What are the conditions of the me resigning?" Troy asked. "You will have not interaction with N Sync, or anyone in the Music Industry ever again. You will also tell Mrs. Wallace that if she tries to contact anyone in N Sync or BSB. She will have her ass hauled of to court for blackmail. Finally, I want all pictures, negatives and film that was involved in this blackmail." Jason said. "Agreed." Troy said. Jason slid the second packet down the table to Troy. "Sign that. It's your resignation." Jason said. Troy signed the papers, "The pictures negatives and film are in my office." Tory said, he then left and the guys all sighed with relief.

Jason sat in his office; he got off the phone with the lawyers. They had called Leigh Anne's lawyers and threatened to file charges if she did not leave N Sync, and Backstreet Boys alone. Jason placed his elbows on the desk and rubbed his temples. He was tired and exhausted from a long day of work. He hated having to deal with this type of crap. A knock at the door averted his thoughts from the day's events. "Come in." Jason said. JC opened the door and walked into the office. Jason looked up at JC. "Is something wrong?" JC asked. "Nothing, I'm just tired of this place and of work." Jason said. "Well, what do you say to us going home, relax in out hot tub, then lay in our bed cuddling and making out till we fall asleep?" JC asked. "Sounds good to me." Jason said as he kissed JC's lips. "Lets go home." JC said.

"JC can you stop off at the mall for a few minutes I need to pick up some things." Jason said. "Yeah sure." JC said. JC drove into the mall parking lot and parked near the food court. "Wait in the food court for me, I'll be only a few minutes." Jason said. JC waited in the food court for Jason. Jason made several quick stops at the mall shops, he knew just what he need, and had already ordered several items before hand. Jason walked back to the food court where JC was waiting, "Ok, I'm ready to go." Jason said. "What did you buy?" JC asked. "You'll see later." Jason said. JC pouted, "It'll be worth the wait." Jason said with a seductive grin.

Jason and JC placed the dish in the sink. Jason took JC's hand and started to walk towards the stairs. "Where are we going?" JC asked. "To get desert." Jason said. "The ice cream is in the other direction." JC said. "I don't want ice cream." Jason said. JC walked with Jason up the stairs to their room. Jason led JC to the king size bed and had him sit down. "Don't go anywhere I'll be right back." Jason said and disappeared into the bathroom.

Jason emerged from the bathroom, dressed in a black silk robe. He walked over to the entertainment center and pushed play on the CD player. Jason then walked over to JC and placed a small yet meaningful kiss upon his lips before stepping back. Jason extended his hand to JC. JC smiled up at Jason and took his hand. Jason slowly led JC to the bathroom, as the lyrics to Baby be there came flooding through the speakers.

I lay beside you in the warmth of the night

I can feel you breathe, I can hear you sigh so softly

Tell me now, baby, this feeling won't change

That it's a lasting love, not a passing phase, darling

As they entered the bathroom, JC noticed it was lit with the soft light white candles; each surrounded by red and white rose pedals. Hot tub was filled with bubbles, with a bottle of champagne on ice sitting on the counter beside it. JC was about to speak, but Jason placed his finger upon JC's red lips. "No words, lets just enjoy this night." Jason said with a gentle smile and touch. JC nodded and let Jason take control of the evening.

I need to know I can depend on you

I need someone who's gonna see me through

Jason placed his thin pick lips upon JC's thin red lips, slowly trailing his hands to JC's shirt. Jason rubbed JC's chest through the fabric of his shirt, JC released soft moans during the kiss. The touch of Jason's hands sent sparks of pleasure through his body. Jason slowly began to undo the buttons to JC's shirt one by one, as he kissed JC's warm lips and caressed JC's tongue with his own. Jason placed his hands on JC's bare chest, he moved his hands gentle over the firm chest, as he slowly worked his way up to JC's broad shoulders so that he could remove the shirt that JC had on.

(Baby be there) There when I need you

Tell me you care

Make me believe you

Promise you will stay by my side

Through the good times, through the bad times

If you just swear, that you'll be there

JC closed his eyes and let the pleasure run through his body, the touch of Jason's smooth hands sent shivers through his body. Jason removed the shirt from JC's shoulders and worked his way down JC's back as he pulled JC close to him, till JC's chest was touch the soft material of Jason's black silk robe. Each muscle was felt as Jason's hands moved down JC's smooth strong back. Their eyes were closed, their lips locked, their hands feeling each other's firm bodies, their hearts and mind were one.

Bring me your kisses for the rest of my life

JC's shirt feel to the floor as their bodies molded to one another. Jason released his hold on JC's tongue and moved his lips to JC's chin, feeling the roughness of JC's face, his hands moved to JC's shoulders as his lips worked their was to JC's baby soft neck. Jason lips moved lower, tasting all of JC's firm body. Jason rubbed his hands down JC's chest as he moved his lips to JC's left nipple and began to suck and lick it tenderly with his tongue, leave soft gentle kisses. JC could feel the tightness of his boxers confining him. JC rubbed his hand over JC's taught abs, as he trailed his lips to JC's right nipple after causing JC's left nipple to become hard and erect. JC's eyes remained closed as his hands moved through Jason's hair. JC released moans of pure please as he was overcome with all the please he was feeling.

Baby feel my face, as we lie in the nights, with your love

I'll always be, will be there for you

So won't you tell me now

That you'll be there too, darling

Jason knelt before JC and brought his hands to JC's belt. Jason undid the belt and then began to slowly unbutton JC's kakis as he laid small kisses on JC's abs. JC's body was being racked with pleasure like never felt. Jason unzipped JC's pants and let them fall down JC's strong legs. JC opened his eyes places both his hands on Jason's shoulders as he stepped out of his hands. Jason smiled up at JC before moving his hand to the waistband of JC's white boxers. JC took a deep breath as Jason's fingers slipped into the waistband. Jason's fingers circle JC's waist slowly causing more sparks of electricity through JC's body.

And every morning when the sun will rise

I wanna see love shining in your eyes

Tell me you'll still be mine

Jason very slowly began to remove JC's white boxers. Jason's hands rubbed JC's thighs as the boxers slowly began to move down from JC's waist. Finally passing over JC's growing manhood, the boxers fell gentle down JC's legs like a soft feather. JC's eyes were closed again as he felt Jason's hand rub his smooth ass, and work their way towards his hard shaft. Jason's smooth hands caressed JC's hard rod, gentle as Jason's soft red lips place tender kisses upon the head of JC's stiff penis. Small cries began to escape from JC's lips as he felt the gentle touch of Jason's lips. Jason parted his lips and allowed his tongue to caresses the head of JC's penis. JC's moans began louder with each touch. Jason licks the head and soon, took it into his warm mouth, sending shivers over JC's body.

(Baby be there) Be there when I need you

Tell me you care

Make me believe you

Promise you will stay by my side

Through the good times, through the bad times

If you just swear, that you'll be there

Jason slowly works his way down the length of JC's penis, feeling each vein as he take more of JC into his mouth. JC's hand moved through Jason's hair, as move of his penis was engulfed by Jason's warm mouth and tight throat. Jason moved his hands to JC's firm ass checks, very slowly Jason moved his fingers between JC's ass checks, slowly working his way down to JC's tight hole. Teasing his hole with the tips of his fingers. JC began to shake with pleasure. He had never felt so much pleasure in all his life. His breathing became heavier as he tried hold back from cumming.

Be there, be there, of your love I can be sure of

I have all I need baby

As long as I have your love

I wanna be the one you reach for each night

So every night till the end of time

Baby be there

Jason's middle finger slowly and gentle worked his way into JC's tight hole. JC began to gasp for air as he shook more with each touch and each new sensation. Jason had taken all of JC's penis into his mouth and began to rise up to the head, running his tongue on the underneath of it very slowly making sure to give JC all the pleasure he could. "Oh... God... I... I... I'm so... so... close." JC gasped Jason smiled as he back to go down on JC's long thick penis again. Jason's finger reached the first knuckle as his lips reached JC's pubes again. JC's eyes were closed tight, as he began shook, "I can't... Can't... hold... out." JC gasped. Jason pushed his finger completely into JC hitting JC's prostate causing JC to thrust his penis deeper into Jason's mouth. Jason pulled back slightly and felt JC cumming in his mouth. Jason quickly swallowed every last drop of JC's precious cum. JC shook as he came in Jason's mouth, his hole clenched around Jason's middle finger tightly as he released several large shoots of cum down Jason's throat.

(Baby be there) There when I need you

Tell me you care

Make me believe you

Promise you will stay by my side

Through the good times, through the bad times

If you just swear, that you'll be there

Jason slowly removes his finger from JC's tight hole, as he moves up JC's thick penis, Jason lick all the cum from JC's penis before standing up and place a gentle kiss upon JC's lips. "Oh that was the best." JC said as Jason released his lips. Jason smiled, "Only the best for my baby." Jason said.

Just swear

(Baby be there) There when I need you

Tell me you care

Make me believe you

Promise you will stay by my side

Through the good times, through the bad times

If you just swear, that you'll be there

Jason stepped back from JC and began to undo the tie to his silk robe. Jason allowed the robe to part and slowly let if fall from his naked body. JC smiled, Jason stepped back into the hot tub and then took JC's hand. JC stepped into the tub and allowed Jason to sit down; JC then sat between Jason's legs and rested his back against Jason's chest. Jason reached over to the counter and pull down to glasses and the bottle of champagne. JC took the glasses and held them as Jason poured the champagne in the glasses. Jason returned the bottle to the ice buck and took a glass from JC, before kissing JC's lips.

Both young men sat in the warm water of the hot tub and relaxed allowing the jets of water to massage their bodies as they just cuddle together enjoying the touch of each other's body. Jason placed soft kisses on JC's shoulders, "This feels so good, just the two of us." JC said. "This is the way I always wanted it to be." Jason said. Jason took a sip of his champagne, before placing it on the counter. Jason reached behind the ice bucket and picked up a small blue velvet box. "Josh, I love you with all my heart." Jason said as he handed the small box to JC. JC opened the box and inside he found a gold right, carved into the ring's outer band were small Leos. "Joshua Chasez, will you marry me?" Jason asked as he looked into JC's crystal blue eyes. "Yes, I will marry you Jason Timberlake." Jason and JC kissed passionately. Their lips moved as one, their kiss was passionate yet pure. It was a sign of their love. They released each other's lips and looked into each other's eyes.

"Read the inscription on the inside." Jason said. JC took the ring from the box and looked at the inscription. 'This I Promise You, Joshua and Jason forever.' The inscription read. JC smiled, "Thank you." JC said then placed the ring upon his finger. Jason smiled, "Lets go to the bed room I have more in store for us." Jason said with a look of love upon his face. JC stood from the hot tub and give his hand to Jason to help him out of the hot tub.

Jason pick up a towel off the rack and began to slowly dry JC's firm body, He began by rubbing the towel over JC's chest collecting all the small droplets of water, as he worked the towel over JC's chest and abs. He moved up to JC's arms and shoulders collected the droplets that had been left behind. JC turned so that Jason could dry his back. Jason finished drying JC, taking special care of JC's important areas.

Jason and JC walked into the bedroom, and Jason brought JC over to the bed, he had JC lay on his stomach on the bed and Jason straddled JC's butt and reached under the pillow and pulled out a bottle of massage oil. Jason poured some of the oil on JC's back. "Oh... That's cold." JC said. "Not for long." Jason said with a grin. Jason closed the bottle and placed it on the nightstand before beginning to rub his hand in the massage oil. Jason moved his hands to JC's shoulders and the lower part of his neck and began to rub the oil into his JC's softy skin. "Oh..." JC moaned. The touch of Jason's hands was sending sparks of electricity through his body. He could feel a stirring in his crotch. Jason's fingers began to move gentle over the tender flesh, working out the tense muscles relaxing them. Jason worked his way down JC's back slowly kneading the muscles in JC's back as he released soft moans of pleasure.

Jason moved his body lower on JC so he could work his hands over JC's smooth firm ass. Jason slowly began to rub his hands over JC's ass, working the remaining oil into the soft flesh. Jason then moved himself lower and spread JC's ass Jason ran his fingers over JC's tight hole, causing JC to shiver with excitement. Jason the move his hands to JC's ass cheeks and slowly lowered his head to JC's hole. Jason stuck out his tongue and gentle touch it to JC's hole. The feel of Jason's tongue on his ass surprised JC, however he quickly began to enjoy the pleasure.

Jason lick JC's tight hole as JC began to moan wildly, JC quickly grabbed the blankets in his right hand and held them tightly. The pleasure of Jason's tongue on his hole was unbelievable. Jason continued to work his tongue around JC's tight hole causing JC's ass muscles to relax and become overwhelmed with pleasure. Jason worked his tongue so it slipped partly into JC's tight hole. "Oh god..." JC moaned. Jason continued to rim JC being urged on by JC's moans. "If... Oh...God... you keep... that up I'm... I'm... go... going... to cum." JC gasped. Jason stopped rimming JC and moved back up to straddle JC's butt.

Jason placed his hands on JC's shoulders and had JC roll on this his back. Jason moved down so that he was straddling JC's waist. He leaned down and kissed JC's lips with a small kiss. JC smiled up at Jason, "That was amazing." JC said. "We're not done yet." Jason said with a smile and took the oil from the nightstand. He opened the bottle and poured some of the oil onto JC's chest. "Oh..." JC moaned Jason smiled, and closed the bottle returning it to the nightstand. He began to work his hands over JC's chest rubbing the oil into JC's skin, as he moved his hands down JC's body. Jason moved lower so he was straddling JC's thighs. JC moaned as he felt JC's hands move to his abs trailing their way down to JC's hard penis.

Jason teasingly ran a finger over the length of JC's penis. "Oh god..." JC nearly screamed. His body had become extremely sensitive to Jason's touch. Jason smiled, and then began to slowly massage JC's aching cock. Jason moved back up to straddle JC's abs and he leaned down and kissed JC's lips. They kissed passionately, but the kiss remained pure.

Jason stood up on his knees, taking a hold of JC's rock hard penis, he slowly began to lower himself onto JC's cock. "Oh... uh... mmm..." JC moaned as Jason began to take his cock into his ass. "Uh..." Jason moaned as he moved lower onto JC's cock. Jason moved slowly down JC's manhood, till he felt JC's pubes rubbing against his ass. Jason placed his hands on JC's chest and slowly began to move up till JC the head of JC's penis was in him. "Oh... mmm... Oh.... So tight... Oh... I'm... Oh..." JC moaned. Jason began to slowly go down on JC taking JC completely into his ass. "Oh Josh...." Jason moaned. "Jason... I... I am... so.... Close..." JC said.

Jason laid down on JC and kissed JC's lips before continuing to ride JC's hard penis. JC closed his eyes and let the pleasure overcome his body. With each movement downward JC's penis would rub against Jason's prostate sending shivers of pleasure through his body. Jason's penis was hard as a rock and began to leak pre-cum onto JC's abs. JC opened his eyes as and looked into Jason's their eyes locked and both men slipped into a world where only they were, where the only thing that mattered was them. JC reached out and took Jason's hard cock into his hands and began to slowly jack Jason off.

Jason moaned and moved faster on JC, "Oh God... I'm... going to cum..." JC moaned. Jason laid down on JC and they kissed passionately. Jason's penis was now being rubbed by JC's abs as they moved as one. JC wrapped his arms around Jason as they made passionate love together. They began to roll about the bed as they kissed and made love. They finally came to a stop with JC on top. JC began to thrust his cock into Jason's ass quickly, as he approached his climax.

JC wrapped his arms tightly around Jason as he came closer and closer to orgasm. Jason suddenly tense, his ass muscle tightened around JC's penis, causing JC to scream in pleasure. "Uh... oh.... God..." JC scream, he thrust completely into Jason as he felt Jason cumming between them. JC tense and began to shoot his cum into Jason's ass. Both men where incomplete pleasure, "oh god..." Jason screamed. JC shook as he let his cum flow into Jason, before clasping on to Jason's chest. "I love you." JC said, "I love you too." Jason said. With in a few seconds both Jason and JC had fallen asleep in each others arms covered in cum, sweat and each other.


Now isn't that a nice way to end the story? Ok, here's a poll, how many of you made it all the way through the sex scene? Now be honest! LOL... ok just having fun there, so what did you think? Email me with what you thought of the story and any ideas or suggestions you have. I love email.

Now an important note to authors: please make sure you return your surveys for the Boy Bands Story Awards to the bbsa@bsbnsync.com as soon as possible so we can review them and make changes to the awards to make them better and more fair for everyone.

Thanks for reading.

Curlybrok email curlybrok@bsbnsync.com

Next: Chapter 16

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