Justins Body

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 9, 2010


All rights are to Diablo Cody and those who helped put "Jennifer's Body" together. I do not own any of the characters, except the one I have created as the equivalent to "Jennifer Check" I have mixed up the facts a bit. Please Enjoy and tell me what you think at * James17bernard@yahoo.com * Also this does not hold info on the celebs and their personal lives.

Justin's Body: Chapter 3 "So...you caught me, oh well."

(Needy went home, thinking of a way to kill me. But she wasn't sure if they were doing the right thing.)

Needy drove home in her mom's car. Thinking what in the world was she doing....really?! Kill her best friend since like FOREVER! She kept thinking in her head, 'It's not Justin, it's just a demon...really? how stupid is that sounding. I'm blameing everything on my friend, and I'm going to wind up a murderer.'

As she started speeding up to get home faster, she started having one of her weird feelings, as if something bad was about to happen. Then in a half second she saw it...me...covered in blood walking out of the woods.(No I didn't eat Colin. He left after 'feeding' me some more, but I had the taste for blood. So I ate a pirate, or a...dockworker, yeah that's it.) I walked into the street, with her about to hit me. She turns the wheel instead and causes it to almost flip, from the speed she was going.(Drive safely people!) as she stopped, and looked through the glass dizzily from the turn. I jumped on the car, smile at her, and make a huge dent she screams and drives off. Making me fall off of her car and she quickly turns and drives away. I can't help,but feeling the need to go after her. I take start running in a speed that if was in a car, would cause someone to get stopped by the police for speeding.

(As Needy gets home.) She tries to forget what she saw...entering her room, as the lights are off and goes to bed. "Hiya!" [ Gasps ] [ Screaming ] "God, Needy, enough with the screaming! You're such a cliché." I say trying to calm her down. "Get out!" She tries to say in a commanding voice, but is failing greatly. "But we always share your bed when we have slumber parties. I'm not gonna bite you." I say getting closer to her, grabbing her arms. "Is that my Evil Dead T-shirt?" [ I kiss her, making her moan in the process ] "What the fuck is happening?" Wow that language? From Needy?[ Laughing ] "My God, Needy. I have never heard you drop the F-bomb before." I'm more surprised to hear her say this stuff. "I saw you! I saw-I saw- I saw the--"[ Imitates Stammering ]"Slow down, tardy slip.You sound like a sped." "I'm gonna call the police." "okay." "Why don't you narc me out?"Duh, it's obvious."I have the cops in my back pocket, Needy. I'm fucking a cadet. Remember?" Jeez, she can be such an airhead sometimes. "What do you want from me?" She asks giving in, knowing she can't win. "Just want to explain some things to you." I smirk, "Besides, best friends don't keep secrets. Right?" She lays down with me, thinking I won't attack her. "So, you remember the night of the fire? I got really messed up. And those guys from Low Shoulder- totally evil. They're basically, like, agents of Satan...with really awesome haircuts. "See the took me to the falls, and beat me and tied my hands and feet to a log." She, seems to get into the story as I continue, "So anyways, I get to think that they were just going to have some kinky bondage...but it gets more hardcore than I wanted. Started mocking me and singing a song, then Nikolai brings out this old crusty paper that, looks like it came from an old gaudy book." I wave my hand in the air then to a stabbing motion. "Anyways, after he said whatever the words were on the page...I don't speak chinese, or whatever it was. He stabbed me repeatedly, with me screaming like a little bitch." she started tearing up a bit. "So anyways when they were done...I do not know really, just that I woke up and had to see you. I couldn't get myself to kill you, but I was just soo hungry. So....remember Ahmet...the foreign dude. " "Yeah, he died in the fire." "Nope, turns out he got out...found him walking on the street." "I was like....'Ahmet, you made it out, does your host family know you survived, does anyone know your alive?' He just shook his head though, so basically...'You come with me, and well sort this all out.' I grabbed his hand and had him follow me. Where...I had my first meal." She just stared at me in shock. "Wait, but I thought Low Shoulder killed you?" "Jeez, yeah they tried. I mean they totally went ape-shit on me, with that bowie knife. But I...I don't know I just woke up and found you." "And ever since then I knew what I had to do to stay strong, and when I'm full, like I am now; I'm like unkillable." "Check this out..." Grabs a letter opener from the dresser and slices arm open. "Look closer, see...that is some X-Men shit right there." As my wound quickly heals. "Wait! Colin...Colin what did you do to him." She demanded tearing up abit, "Jeez, Chillax! I didn't kill him, and before you say anything, I ate a dockworker. I...I'm kinda having a relationship with Colin...I couldn't help it, I needed him. But it turns out that...." "I don't want to hear it...Get out! " "But Needy!" "No! get out, I don't want to deal with this." "Fine" "Wait, what are you doing?" She acts as if I'm trying to kill myself. "Duh, just what you said, I'm leaving...See you at school." I say then leap out the window, with Needy after me...but I wasn't there. She just goes to bed, not wanting to deal with the situation. (A month later, Needy had a chat with chip) "So...where is he?" "I don't know, I talked to him last, a month ago...I thought he was going to kill me. But he said he wouldn't. " "Yeah, but I'm sure that'll change as soon as he finds out your trying to kill him." "I know, but he said that he's inlove with Colin...but I think he was going to mention something about another way of feeding...maybe from semen." "Ewww. TMI, I don't want to know about it." "What? Oh grow up." "I am grown up, its just that I don't want to think of Justin and Colin, having sex." "Oh and I got the tickets for the Prom, tonight." "Chip, there is more to worry about than the flippin-prom." "Ok look fine, I'm going...heres your ticket." He hands her a professional ticket with gold gilded letters. "If you happen to want to go with me still, I'll be there, hoping you'll be there." (Later at the Prom) Needy had gotten there early hoping to catch Chip and apologize to him, and hope to dance. She caught Colin instead, walking around with a White rose tipped blood red petals corsage, "Hey Colin!" "Oh hey Needy, have you seen Justin?" "Uhh...No, Have you seen Chip?" "Nope, sorry." "Oh well thanks anyways." She walks away wondering where we both were. She gets a vision, instead... "Chip, you and Needy make a cute couple...you know who'd make a cuter one....You...and...Me." "What? Go away Justin" "She doesn't love you Chip, she hurt us both. She loves Colin...They love eachother. Why do you think that she kept her knowing him a secret? She didn't want you to know." I say placing a gentle hand on his frozen cheek. "You're warm?" I smirk, this warm thing is what brings in the guys. "Yeah...hahaha...I been told" "Stop! I know what you are...." he says backing away, he looked so cute in his tuxedo."And I know that you know, what I am...." "What?..." "Hahaha, I know what you and Needy been up to. Do you really want to kill lil' o' me?" I twirled around in my white dress shirt that was part hoodie and robe, sorta like buffy's shirt from when she went on a date with the black principal, except its white. and it went down past my legs, but not enough to cause me to trip. Plus, being and Incubus, it gives you amazing balance. My black leather pants, and volatile black leather combat boots, that were for men, and they had gothic straps. I was abit pale, because I haven't fed, in awhile...Colin started getting tired after alot of sex...so he could't satisfy me at the moment. I had a shiny large tear-drop crystal around my neck, that had many colors in it. I lean in and kiss him, but he doesn't pull back. He actually matches my movements..."Come with me." Grabbing his hand I drag him to an old pool, that is so sick it was dark green and all that from lack of chlorine changes and chemicals. [Moaning....] "Justin..." "wha'? kinda busy" I say around his cock, as I deep throat it and use my tongue to swirl around the head. Making almost cum. "I... I, need you..I need to be in you." he said in a pain-filled, almost agonizing voice from unable to cum. All of the cum in his balls was boiling and bubbling just waiting for the moment to explode in a volcano like fashion. "Coming up" placing my hand on his shoulders, I lower myself until I feel the head at my entrance."Please, Justin! I need you" He can't last any longer so he grabs my hips and pulls me down hard and starts jack-hammering me. "Oh dear fuckin' God! Your even better than Needy!" He exclaims, not before I hear a multiply gasps as Needy, Colin, Derek, Austin, and Jullian came rushing in and seeing us fucking. "Get off him you bitch!" Needy yells running at us and pushes me off Chip and into the pool. "Needy!" "What's going on?" "Justin! He must've lured you here with his lust abilities." "What!" All the other people exclaim, as Colin calmly explains the whole situation. "Oh...Wait so..." The guys started, "No, he was not an Incubus, until a few months ago." "Oh" They said, agreeing happily. Colin calls the police. I feel a force in me and I feel myself pulsing then I push back and I shot straight out of the water floating. "What? He can fly..." "No he's hovering. It isn't that impressive." "God, do you have to undermine everything I do?" I ask, throwing out my hands, flicking my wrists. Sending everyone into the water, besides Needy. "You're such a player-hater..." "And your a jerk," "Yeah...nice insult, Hannah Montana." "So your trying to stop me?" "I'm not going to try I'm going to FINISH YOU!" "Okay...You can't even finish gym class." "Coming from someone who isn't socially relevant." "I am still socially relevant" "Riiiight, before you needed laxative to stay thin." I get pissed off cracking my neck in a sickly bone cracking nose. "I..am..going, to eat your soul....and shit it out, Lesniki!" As I charge, Chip comes out of nowhere and shoves the sharp end of a broken pool skimmer into my stomach. ".....Okay....Ow, Ow" I pull it out, and it tries to heal but since I haven't eaten in awhile its not going so well. I tear up abit, looking into Needy's eyes "I guess I was never really a good friend.[gasp] I will miss you. You got a tampoon?" She shakes her head, "Oh, I only asked cause' it looks like you were blouchin' it" Backing up, waving my hand in the air, then pointing it to the pool water, where the rest of the guys were; flames shoot out and engulf them, even in the pool water as they tried to hide from it, they get slightly burned form the heated water but not from the flames, so they still live and get out before it gets too hot. Chip runs at me with the pool skimmer, but I'm ready for him. I grab it and side step him, and shove it in his back. [Screams!] "CHIP!!!!!" "See, never should've fought me." I send a few broken tiles that were lying around and with my mind send them flying into the stomachs and chests of the rest of the guys. "That's for betraying me!" but when I'm distracted Needy comes at me with a sharp tile shard. "Die!" grabbing it, and lifting us into the air, we wrestle for control in the air as I wrap my legs around her and we flip side to side in the air over the pool as the police rush in and see this...I send out a shock wave from my mind that breaks tiles, and sends the metal in a high frequency enough to cut straight throw cemente. It cuts the police in half and as I'm distracted again Needy takes off my necklace and we have a flash back of our child hood together, but she can't handle it, In a last attempt, Needy finally stabs me in the heart, and I take one snap at her shoulder and my powers flow into her. And we drop from the air in a huge splash. Blood splattered walls and corpses everywhere...as back up comes inside...thinking Needy was the killer that everyone was talking about..they never said features, besides it was a small figure with long hair. They took her to jail that day. Her being a minor technically, meant she couldn't go to jail, and since she went on about what really happened. With no one believing her, she was sent to an Asylum. With my powers, though, she learned how to control them...escaped, and payed Low Shoulder a little visit and butchered them with the bowie knife she found on her way to Low Shoulder's hotel room.

THE END. (I know not what you would've thought, but thats somewhat how the story went. Diablo Cody, wrote it, I only made a story off of it. No I am not as twisted and mean as Jennifer or Justin...I had to think like them in a slutty, mean, cruel, popular, bisexual highschool girl/boy.) Plz tell me what you think, I want to write more stories and would like it, how I'm doing and if i need to make any changes. I will be writing more stories, sooo be on the look out for em'. Thank You, and GOD BLESS!

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