Justins Body

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 5, 2010


All rights are to Diablo Cody and those who helped put "Jennifer's Body" together. I do not own any of the characters, except the one I have created as the equivalent to "Jennifer Check" I have mixed up the facts a bit. Please Enjoy and tell me what you think at * James17bernard@yahoo.com * Also this does not hold info on the celebs and their personal lives.

Justin's Body:Chapter 2 "So...you know what I am, and what I do."

(After Needy blew me off...I went to bed.)

"Chip what's the matter? Why are the police at your house..." Needy started, a bit freakin out all of the stuff going on in Devil's Kettle, and now this....this is just soo fuckin great!. She goes and sits down with him, on the curbed wall to his property. "They aren't at my house...there at Jonas Kozelle's house." "Why did he try to sell fake peyote to the 8th graders again?" She asked, in a relieved tone, as if hoping that was the only thing wrong.But no, there had to be something else wrong. "No, Needy." He starts in a sad and depressed tone that didn't even begin to show how he felt.He and Jonas have been good friends for a long time. "He was murdered. Someone ripped him limb from limb and ate the pieces, the pieces that were left of him...they were hard to even identify." He, had to see the body to help tell who it was and it freaked him out to think he had talked to Jonas, earlier today. "What?!" She starts freaking out in her Needy fashion. "No one's even supposed to know yet, but my dad just went over there and talked to the cops. His mom is, like, catatonic. She's just staring out the front window like a zombie mannequin robot statue." He says in his best way to describe Jonas's mother's condition due to her son's death. "This can't be a coincidence." She said, finally understanding and putting the pieces together alittle bit more. "What are you talking about, Needy?" Chip says grabbing her and pulling her into him. "A fiery death trap last night, and now a cannibal psycho takes down the biggest guy in school? Come on. It's freaktarded." She says trying to convince him that something else is going on here. "Well, the bad luck's gotta be over, right? I mean, it can't get any worse, right? It can't. I mean, you agree, right?" He says trying to convince her back, that it was just a series of unfortunate events. "You're shaking." Needy says to Chip, "Well, I'm cold. It's very cold out here." "You want my hoodie?"

(The days marched on as usual, but most of them were to numb to enjoy themselves. Needy felt like something wasn't over,that it was only starting.)

I got up and got ready for school, I been feeling all achy lately, [Sigh] I think it's wearing off. I look at myself in the mirror, and see I'm extremely pale, my skin is so white and pasty; it would put Edward and the rest of the Cullens to shame. And my hair is lifeless. It's acting like if I wet it and it would just droop, and not work with me, it lost all of its bounce. I was 'hungry' I put on deo for my b.o., but thats all I didn't feel like putting on my 'DARK TEMPTATION' AXE BODY SPRAY. I just grabbed a dark blue long sleeve sweat shirt and matching sweat pants, and tenni-shoes. As I brushed my hair to droop on the right side of my face, I could tell that today was just going to be another shitty day...doubly so in my condition.

(In Class)

"Before the period ends, I'd like to make an announcement. As you all know, today is the one month anniversary... of the tragedy at Melody Lane... and the murder of Jonas Kozelle..." The teacher tells the class, it's funny because he has a hand missing and it's replaced with a metal claw.

"Boring" I say, as people look at me in shock. "Justin, please." He says to to me, in a gentle yet pleading tone. "Jeez, what a bitch" "Totally..." Two girls behind me say, Needy just stares at me, and I give her a death glare with a 'GET OUT OF MY FACE' look. She just turned her head a bit shakily as if still stunned by my attitude. "I finally have some good news to share with all of you." The teacher, taking the attention back. "The members of the rock and roll group Low Shoulder...have decided to extend a helping hand to our community. As you all know, their song, `'Through The Trees," has become our unofficial anthem...of unity and healing. [Needy Sighs ] And they have decided to release it as a benefit single. Three percent of the profits will go to local families...who have been affected by loss." The teacher finally got out, but Needy had to go and be 'Needy', "And what about the other 97%? I mean, that's just crass, right?" She says and turns to Chastity, a girl who happens to hate Needy, because Needy is smarter than her, even tho the girl is an egg-head herself. "``Crass." It means greedy,exploitative, scummy." She says to Chastity, "Low Shoulder are American heroes." Needy and Chastity get in another of their nerd fights. "No, they're not! I was there, Chastity." Needy argued,"They didn't help anybody escape the fire. I don't even know how that rumor got started." "Rumor? Rumor?" Chastity and the girl next to her say, they are best friends, who happen to hate me for being cool, they think that others should be praised for the brains they have....while I couldn't give a shit and told them to 'Fuck off, eat dirt and die.' And my personal favorite, 'Eat my ass, fuckin' horny nerd pussy lesbo bitches from hell!' . "It's true. It's on the Wikipedia." Chastity gets out before Needy is back in her face, "We wouldn't even know who they were if they hadn't been playing that night. They used us." She finally says, but Chastity has always got to be a bitch and can't accept when she's lost the fight. "You take that back, Needy Lesnicki." Chastity says in an angered voice, she apparently is an idiotic psycho bitch from hell who doesn't know when to shut shut the fuck up. "Girls--" The teacher said, finally trying to stop the arguement before they get in a fight. They never had one, except this one time where Chastity said that 'Bisexuality just like Homosexuality is a sick immoral life style, and those who are deserve to be burned at the stake like in the "Salem witch trials".' Where she then pointed at me and said "You! Are an abomination, sent from HELL to drag other down with you!" And before I could reply, Needy ran at her and decked her right in the face causing a nose bleed...Chip seen the whole thing, it look like he was waiting for the shirts to be ripped off so he could see there titties, but they were stopped before anywhere near that part. Yet, Chastity to this day still thinks she can take Needy; she just got lucky, and she happened to slip on the linoleum. Where I said, "What were you dick-matized, that you didn't see the reality of some shit? She didn't hit you that, you're just walkin' righ' inta the punches and shit? Just walking right into the punches" All I can say is lol that was a great fight."We need them now more than ever."

The bell rings, and we all get up and leave. "I'm already sick of that song." Needy says out-loud, "Yeah, it's really poorly produced."Needy looks at my like if I wasn't suppose to hear that, but she wouldn't stop me from speaking. " And could the bass be any lower in the mix?" I don't really like 'Through The Trees' It's all gawdy and a song only fit to induce vomiting, well I guess if someone wanted to lose weight they could just listen and throw it up. Needy looks at me concerned, "No offense, but you look really tired." I take a glance at her then roll my eyes and she continues, "Is everything okay?" She asks in a total annoying way, "No. I feel like boo-boo." [Yawn] "My skin is breaking out, and my hair is dull and lifeless.God. It's like I'm one of the normal guys.", "Are you P.M.S.-ing or something'? whatever guys can have?" "P.M.S. isn't real, Needy.", I say in annoyance as we continue through the halls to our lockers. "It was invented by the boy-run media to make girls seem crazy." We stop and she tooks at me, as if staring and looking for something. "Don't look at me like that! It's just wearing off or something." She gets curious to how I'm acting. "What's wearing off?" Thank God, we were interrupted by Colin. He is pretty cute, for a goth. I have to say that I have wondered what he 'tasted' (NOT IN AN EATING SENSE EITHER-BUT WHEN I'M DONE WITH HIM...I MIGHT BE IN THE MOOD FOR ALITTLE SNACKIN'!)

"Hello, Needy." He greets Needy, "Hi."

"Justin." "Hi, Colin." He looked at me with a look of desire...yummy, but he hides it well, alittle nervous he turns to Needy to ask her, "Can I borrow your English homework again? I forgot to read Hamlet." "Is he gonna fuck his mom?" I asked, obviously not interested...wanting to talk about 'You and Me, two against the world, baby.' Lol I loved that part, from IDK where. He looks at me a bit weirdly because I actually said something to him, than just a greet. "No-- I don't-- I don't--I don't think so." He says as he seems to get nervous; "Um, I actually wanted to ask you something." "You wanna know if I'll go out with you?" I asked, trying to speed things up. "No!Yeah. What? I--" he asks, confused. I don't g-- How'd you know?" "Just go ahead with the pitch." he asks as if he is stunned, "okay. Um-- Well, we've been having a lot of fun in class, you and I, and I thought that maybe you'd like to go see a movie or something." he's pitching his line, and I just stare at him emotion-less. "There's a, uh, midnight showing of Rocky Horror at the Bijou next weekend." he says trying to get to the point and avoid looking like a rejected loser. "I don't like boxing movies." Its true, I do not under any circumstances. "Yeah, but it's no--" he tries to say, but I interrupt him, I love doing so. "It's not a... fucking boxing movie?" "Um, fuck it.Okay. Forget it." He says chickening out faster than the poultry in Mickie Dees, as soon as they see the butcher knife about to slash their heads off. He walks away a bit in a fit. "That was random" Needy says in a matter of fact tone. "I'm used to boys asking me out, Needy."

"Colin's really nice."She says, trying to get me to think differently. "He's into maggot rock. He wears nail polish. I prefer to be the BOTTOM in the relationship, but, My dick is bigger than his. (Saying he seems like a whimp.) "I think he's really cool." What?! well if Needy thinks so, then maybe he is worth my time. "You do?" "Yeah." I turn around, hoping he's still around...he's talking to some of his goth friends. "Wait. Colin." He turns around to see me right behind him...as I start putting the moves on him. "Why don't you just come by my place tonight? I just got Aquamatine on DVD. It's about this girl who's, like, half-sushi. I guess she has sex through her blowhole or something." People like me can say the filthiest things and people will eat our shit like its fuckin candy. "Okay. [ Colin Chuckles ]Great, yeah." He says excited,"Okay. I'll text you my address." "Cool." While I'm asking him out Needy and Chip are having their own personal conversation...

Hi. Hey.

Mmm. Hi, Chip. [ Chuckles ]

Hey, hey. "Ugh."

"Get a room." I can't help, but want to puke.

So, talking to your mysterious pal Colin Gray again.

No. He was asking Justin out on a date. That's weird.

So are you gonna come over tonight? Sure, I'd like that.

I went to SuperTarget and picked up more condoms, so--

Thanks. Not that that has anything to do with--

Oh, no, I didn't assume that. Well, I'm--

Okay. I'll see you tonight then.


(Later that on tonight.)

I got ready, picking a very salty outfit. Complete naked-ness, except for my light blue silk boxer-briefs. The type that a skinny gay dude, would wear that just hugs his ass oh so lovingly. And a white-grey hoodie, that didn't have any signs or symbols on them, but I did alittle tampering and drew in the word 'Devil' on the back and the word 'Lust' on the front that that was separated evenly by the zipper. It was pretty long it went to my thighs, I was wearing my flag shoes(The freaky ass ones they have the front ball and the back balls of your feet covered, while it has a flexible middle...they're partial to ballet shoes.) Hearing someone come up, the stairs, of the unfinished house, I picked out to 'play' in. It looked like an actual house, except when you went inside, you'd realize it's actually out on the docks in the lake. And that it isn't even real as the walls were only plastic covered, not with drywall or concrete, or whatever is in the walls of a house. I had a bunch of candles set up, this place didn't have any electricity and I thought it'd be way more fun if it looked romantic. I set up a few blankets, because it was a bit chilly...well I'm demonic, so I don't think it'll matter, I'm always sooo warm. The better to draw others to me...with warmth. (no offense I love the Twilight Saga, but if Edward and the other vamps are as cold skinned as I read, then I'm surprised Bella-n-Edward's tongues and lips didn't get stuck together. Tho, I wouldn't mind I would love to just suck Edward's 'popsicle' lol pun intended...comeon who can blame me, have you seen him, He is extra salty as a vamp, So Is Jasper and Emmett. Yum.) I turn as I hear creeking and I hear cawing. "Hello" someone says, it's Colin's voice... "Justin? Justin? Jus." He calls out as a crow flies in his face and scares obviously the shit out of him. "Jeez, what was I thinking?" His voice is coming closer. He then comes into view seeing the candles and rose petals that I spread around the room and the blankets, and pillows. A grin comes to his face as he sees this, mmm he looks even cuter in the candle light. I come from behind him, and his neck, which he tenses as my warm lips touch his soft cold skin. He turns, but I shadow step behind him, and grab his belt and pants and pull them down revealing is boxers. "Whoa?!" He yells, a bit alarmed, and happy to see me, and in a hoodie without pants showing off my legs, they were hairless, actually most of me is; except my head, and my under arms, and pubic area. But I alway keep both my underarms and pubic area pretty well trimmed. No one likes sucking on flesh, that has hair falling off of it and they happen to get stuck, then you have to pike them out of your teeth. "This is uh- this isn't really your house is it?" He asks a bit amused, and slightly curious. "No, baby." I respond getting alittle closer to him, "It's OUR home...you and me, we can play mommy and daddy." I smirk, seductively and it seemed to work, all the blood in his body seemed to rush out of him and into his dick, it just grew from soft to hard that I could see the pink head poking out. Time for the kill...un-zipping my hoodie and just standing in my boy panty-shorts... "Do you like what you see?" Uh...um...ugh!" he responds, alittle to short of breath having it hard to breath let alone think. Walking up to me, he puts his hands on my hips and, rubbing my back then lowering them, until they reach my butt. He slaps it once. "Uh..Sorry..I've always wanted to do that to you...just to feel how smooth and firm you are. But I never wouldve guessed you'd be soft, and warm too. I could just cuddle into you forever." [Giggles] he's soo cute. "Care to join me, daddy?" he blushes and his face is so red, it'd make a tomato cry from being out done. "Sure...mommy." [making-out] My body felt so alive, his touches were melting my cold, dead heart and bringing it back to life. "Mmmm...you like that, baby?" 'panting' I can only nod. At some point I don't remember from the pleasure in clouding my mind, I ripped off our clothes and his 8in.long 2in.wide, cock was poking at my inner thigh. I flip us over so I'm on top and I start from a deep kiss to the lips, then I licked down his chin, and the crook of his neck,he starts moaning and pushing my head down. "More, oh God! Please,more baby" his pleading voice only made me even more eager to perform better. I went straight for his cock, that has gotten purple-ish red from the fusteration of the want to release. [Moans, Gasps, Groans] "Stop," He pulls me up, "I want to make you feel good." "Oh yeah, Colin, give it to me." I've never felt such pleasure, and want for and from someone. Roman, only wanted to get off in me, same as coach Jullian. He flipped me over, and I was on my back with my legs in the air, he put them over my shoulder and went for my hole. [licking, sucking, and gurgle sounds] "Mmmmm, oh fuck, Colin, Colin" I push him in and he quickly understand sticking his tongue into me I felt it's warm and slippery-ness on my hole. "This is the first hole, I've ever tasted that was this pink and sweet." he says in joy clearly enjoying the moment, but wanting something else. "Colin...pant...pant...Colin, I need you, in me. I'll die if I don't feel your love in me." He sticks a finger in me, I thought I would just blow from that...but then he started finger fucking me, and hitting my prostate, while sucking my balls. As I was about to orgasm, he stopped, and climbed on top of me and snuggled into me, giving me a deep kiss. Exploring my mouth with his tongue, then our tongues collided and fought for dominance, but he won...I let him win, I'm super strong now...I need to be careful. "You ready for a fuck that you'll never forget...." [panting] I couldn't seem to form words, only nod. "Alright, here we go baby." he whispers into my neck. I thought I died and went to Heaven when I felt him enter me...slowly at first, then he pushed in all the way. [both grunting, then moaning] He started a steady pace at first then finally let himself go wild. Pounding into me as if, if he didn't release soon, he'd just die; from his cock exploding in a not so pleasurable way. He started hitting me in places I didn't know capable and the pangs of pleasure completely sensored the pain. And then....[squeals]...."Looks like I've found someone's G-Spot..." He humped me hard and faster, then gave me one last deep kiss; as we unloaded together in a yell! Both of us, in a sweaty mess...that's when I realized I feel amazing, again...but I didn't eat Colin, and I seriously don't want to anymore infact I want to be with him. Like Together. [Both Panting and Gasping for air as if we been running marathons, then fucking all in one.] "That...that was just pure amazing...." "yeah" I respond, "Whoa...no way..." He's looking in my eyes and I can feel them changed...they were all demonic, and scary. "Uhh...what's.." [Crying] "Please don't hate me, Colin, just please don't hate me." "Why would I hate you...(cuddling and kissing me deeply)...because you're an Incubus?" I suddenly stop crying, "What? I'm a what?" I ask my face, red and my eyes still demonic. "An Incubus....in the library, I looked for a book on demons, to know which one would look cool in a tattoo, and I came across the 'Incubus'." I looked at him questioningly, "An Incubus is a demon, it's created from a none-virgin human, when they are sacrificed to Satan" "Well...remember the 'Left Shoulder' band...from Melody Lane?" I asked, him, he just nodded, "Well, that night after the fire...I went with them and they took me to the woods, of course I didn't know what they were going to do. Turns out their really agents of Satan, in a way, I'm their monster...monsters aren't born their created." I was rambling, "And they created you?...oh God, Jus..I'm so so so sorry, you had to go through that." I just cried as he held me. "It's not all bad, your soul is just attached to your body...and a demon, seems to be a powerful one to be able to give you abilities, as well as just making you go crazy. You still have your free will I see, and This must've been a ploy to lure me somewhere dark so you could eat me, to sustain yourself. Which by the way, your looking alot better. It turns out that blood and flesh are life, semen creates it...so it's stronger and everyone lives." "So...I don't have to kill you?" He shook his head 'no'. "There is just one thing I want to ask you, Justin Check......" He got nervous, "Will you be my girlfriend..I'm mean boyfriend...sorry. You're the first and only guy I have ever been attracted too. But none the less the offer is still good, right?" I smirk, warmingly "yeah...it is...and I would love to be your boyfriend, Colin." "I love you, Justy" ? He just gave me a nickname. "I...." I couldn't say it, "It's alright...you don't have to feel the same way...just yet" A tinge of sadness appeared in his eyes, but he shut them and layed back on the pillows and sheets. I grab his head and pull him into a kiss, that was so hard that our lips turned purple and when we broke off he was breathless, and dazed..."Wow" was all he said, "I love you too." I said happily laying my head on his chest, and cuddling into him more. "Whoa...can you, through one hell of a date or what?" [giggles and chuckles] "You're not so bad yourself."

(Needy and Chip, seemed to have the same idea as us....somewhat.)

During the middle of their love-fest...Needy had a vision about me.We have like a psychic link to one another. "Wow, who'da thunk it that you'd to be here, knocking boots." Needy hears, then turns her head and see's me and Colin fucking, and then me in a demony form. [Screaming] "Am i, Am I too big?" Chip asks Needy, obviously amused, since the time I told him 'I wouldn't even try to go for you, you probably have an ugly, smelly, small dick?' and was worried that it was true. NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER....NEVER EVER!!!!!! joke or comment badly about a man's cock. He got in my face and almost got broken up, because Needy only saw him yelling at me, and so he realized it wasn't the best way he should've handled it but that he couldn't take it back just apologize. He did and we are on a middle friendship, we know eachother and trust eachother if we need to but we won't be having any hugs and such.

(The next day, in the library.)

[Pages turning quickly] Needy was finding stuff on monsters and demons, and bad thing that happen to virgins, not everyday stuff. It led her to so many naughty books, when she found a glimmer of hope, found an aisle of where the book she wanted was at, but when she got there, the book was gone....so she kept looking, but wasn't watching where she was going and ran into Chip, who had a book about "Sexual Enhancement" He hid it from her and they just started talking and walking looking for the book Needy needed lol. When finally they just found out that the library lady still had it, and after begging for her to scan it into the system quickly and then re-scan on to Needy's library account. They sat down, and looked through it until Chip found something that sounded funny. "Incubus? No way! I love that band, they're awesome." Chip just playing around got the library lady and Needy to both shush him. "Sorry" he whispered, "Uh...please tell me what this is about Needy." He had to be honest he wanted to know what would have her so much more bothered then fuckin' usual. "I think.....that Justin, is an Incubus...They need human flesh and blood to sustain their lives...except, there are rumors that semen can sustain them aswell, but it is never proven; Incubi and Succubi alike are the same thing, they just have different needs...the males are much more sexual, and the females tho they are said to seduce males. It is mainly to feed off their flesh. They can usually have a vast amount of abilities, from...fire manipulation and generation, telekinesis, the ability to manipulate emotions. Animals recognize them as Top Predators, and can tell that they are different since they have a 'Sixth Sense' for the paranormal. The prescence of one, can only mean trouble an death, and it will not go away...it needs to be killed. Families and friends have been torn apart due to different of ideas of what to do, but eventually either you kill it or it kills you, and your forced to think that's no longer your friend. It is your better, ihat t is pure evil rolled into a being of beauty.It must be killed, to do so, you should wait for when its weak, which is when it's hungry. " "Wow, that doesn't sound to good." Chip says, "Wait you believe me?" He seems to think about it for a moment then conceids..."Yes, if you believe it then...I will too. So is that all?" "Umm...well the only thing that I didn't say is, that if bitten you just might get some of the demon's abilities." Well what do they do with that info..."Well, how long do Incubi live?" Chip asks, "Umm...oh, here it is...."She looks at him grimly, "They can live forever aslong as they have a source of energy to sustain themselves." "Damn!"

"What now?" Chip asks, "I believe....we kill him."

Next: Chapter 3

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