Justins Body

By James Bernard

Published on Nov 5, 2010


All rights are to Diablo Cody and those who helped put "Jennifer's Body" together. I do not own any of the characters, except the one I have created as the equivalent to "Jennifer Check" I have mixed up the facts a bit. Please Enjoy and tell me what you think at * James17bernard@yahoo.com * Also this does not hold info on the celebs and their personal lives.

Justin's Body: Chapter 1 "Life's a bitch....and it made me one."

I have been best friends with Anita "Needy" Lesnicki, since we met. In the sandbox at a park, where else but Devil's Kettle. We were instant friends from then on. She has a boyfriend...Chip.... he's cute and sweet, but a bit too innocent for my tastes. I'm bi, but I prefer the guys sooo much more. It's just...I enjoy riding on a dick, or being slammed, sooo much more than I like doing that very thing to girls. I'm actually out and everyone doesn't care...I tend to attract, even the straight guys. So they figure if I can hold that much power over them, then I must feel really good. Anyways, Needy and Chip...they have been together for about a year. Even though I am a thousand times more popular then both of them, I don't care. I'm a flag boy, it was unexpected but they needed a boy to help out so I fit the role. "Justin! Wait up!" I heard two voices yell from behind me as I, do my usual slutty walk down the hall, to the lunch room. I turning to see two guys all I can remember about them is that they are pretty much straight, except they got curious when I came out....(Needy and Chip already knew, I told them when we first started high school).... As they approached, "Uh hey! ( slumping down and trying to catch their breathes. ) Uh ahem, Justin hi, how are you?" they both, started blushing abit at their hard breathing and sweaty appearance. Wondering if I was getting atleast abit turned on, who wouldn't one blonde with light chocolate brown eyes with the body of a football player, and the other a black hair dark grey eyes, and the body of a swimmer.

I just stood there watching, they started sweating a bit more out of nervousness, "Uh...I'm good. And, yourself?" I reply, not really in the mood to speak as I am starving. "Uh...great. Hey listen.." the blonde started, "Listening..." I interrupted, then he just chuckled alittle and continued "Hey do you, uh want to maybe go to lunch with me?..." he was interrupted by the dark hair, "...Uh or me?" I look at them as if they were stupid, and walked away. "Uh..so that's a no, then?" They both asked, I turned and smirked at them; "I'm extremely hungry, if you want some of my time....I suggest you hurry up. I'm waiting" I respond, and they just begin walking quickly with me. As soon as I'm in the lunch room I go for the line, and as I'm about to pay for my food; the dark hair puts money down, "I got it, don't worry about it." he just replies to my staring and blushes slightly. "My name is Derek by the way" the grey eyed one said, "And I'm Austin" the blonde said. "Justin..." I tried to formally introduce myself. "We know, we..uh..we have been wanting to know about you lately.." "Stalker-ish much", I can't help but quipe."Haha, uuuh...yeah. Um would you go out with me", they said at the same time and both went red in the face as soon as they said it. Wow, these guys are like robots...hmm... machines? I wonder if they can last that long. "Umm...sure I'm free, how about tonight." They look at eachother, and both have same resond...original. "Uhh...I have to work.." "So how about...after lunch...in the janitor's closet?" I suggest and they both go red in the face, yet nod. "See you after lunch then." walking away and find Needy at our usual table with Chip, "Hey Monistat" Yeah, I know we have weird and gross nicknames but it's a personal joke."Sup Vagisal?" she giggled, "I'm seriously thinkin of locking Chip up and just..whats up with you?" Rolling my eyes,"Not much, I'm just playing the field again" I respond, "Again? Jeez, You are a bit of a slut aren't you." Chip states, "Well, who's your victim now?" I gasp, and slap him in the back of the head. "Rude!" I respond, yet smirk at the same time. "For your information, I am fully capable of attracting people, unlike you who can't even get a pissed off snake to bite you." That'll show him, Sticking out tongue "Well, I can't see why that is an accomplishment." he retorts, "Whatever, at least I have fun." We start in our usual battle of wits. "I'm not fun?" he asks quickly in a tone of embarrassment and nervousness. "Not really you just seem to make me feel like I'd rather be tasered by da polishe instead of listen to you." I respond, "Your just mad, I can stay in a relationship, and not have someone just wanting the sex." He says to me thinking he's won. "Well I'd love to see from your point of view...but unfortunately I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass." Both Needy and Chip's jaws drop as if I spoke in tongue with an echo. "Nice try, but I will always win the battle of wits Chip". Getting up and walking away, Iv'e been on a diet recently. So I just took a bite of an apple, and left my food with Chip, he eats alot for a skinny person. Not that I need to diet, it's just that the wrong kind of food and too much of it can just cause fat to appear all over.

Anyways, I had to go to gym; the coach is perverted...he's like I don't know in his late 30's, hits on the school girls...he'd be fired and removed from the school if it wasn't on the fact that he caught the Principal fucking the school nurse. The Principal doesn't want his wife to know, that he's creeping. Not that I blame him, Iv'e met his wife;she found out about my liking guys and turned out to be a total Bible-Thumper! Just imagine if he got caught, with the nurse...she'd probably castrate him.

But, anyways..."Justin! MOVE YOUR TIGHT ASS!" Coach Jullian, yelled. "Im movin', I'm movin'." I respond, I'd like to yell at him.Too bad tho, he'd just take it as a challenge and eventually I'd wind up doing something I'll regret like last time...he made me wash his car and then wax it. Then he made me clean his house, will dressed in a very revealing french-maid outfit.Fish net and all, even some fake boobs and a wig, and makeup to make my appearance as a lady and he jacked off infront of me then came and made me like it up. I'd told the police, but since it's my word against his, and there was no way to pin the evidence, he got off scott free. "Asshole!" I say under my breath. "I heard that, LATER-DETENTION! MY OFFICE!" he yells to me with a smirk on his face. See Coach Jullian, he's supposedly straight...but loves getting off. IN ANYWAY POSSIBLE...yes that includes sex with young guys, aslong as he's top and gets to make us swallow. "What?!" No!" I begin, "Umm...Coach..." I say in a slutty tone, walking slowly to him in a seductive strut.Hips swirving and legs lightly getting knitted into a pattern, placing a hand on his chest and start rubbing his right nipple through his shirt.He stiffled a moan, it was obviously hard because of the cold air in the gymnasium, it's a good thing that we were alone...I usually get here about 50 minutes before everyone else, that way I can do my exercise and then go take a shower. Usually when I'm done the rest of the guys get in the locker-room and are just taking off their clothes. See where I'm going with this. "Does there happen to be any way I can...skip...detention as if, I never got in trouble?" Jullian is not ugly, no no no....far from it, he's like a taller version of Mario Lopez...yum, it's just that girls don't usually like the coach, even more so when he's all ass grabby. His bulge was big, and it seem to be growing and pulsating. "Ugh...I think we can find you something..." He started rubbing me through my jeans, and I did the same to him through his short shorts. He pushed me down on my knees, and rubbed his bulge in my face. The fabrics felt good on my face, pulled out his 12' monster.Swallowing it whole...I've done this before...I got use to it. "Oh my god, this is fucking amazing!" he says between moans, "You have a veerrry gifted mouth. Oh, fuck soo good." After about 10 minutes of this he tenses up, and I can feel him coming; as a huge sweet-salty load shoots out of his cock and goes down my throat. "Ugh..." he tries to get out, as his mind is coming down from the orgasmic high that clouded his mind. "Uhh..that was fucking amazing...you don't have to come in for detention...or gym" he finally gets out through his hard breathing, as if he ran a marathon. "Thanks! Oh, I have to go...toodles." I ran out of gym as some guys started filling in, I ran through them as if we were playing red rover. I headed to Needy's locker, with my long black hair went whipping past my face, it reached to my upper back. "Sup Vagisal?" She turns quickly around, "Hey Monistat", "You and me are going out tonight." I say, while leaning against a locker. "Uh, tonight.Why?" "Because Low Shoulder are playing at Melody Lane.They're this indie rock band from the city.I saw their MySpace page,and the lead singer's extra salty.Plus, there'll be lots of other salty morsels there for you.Come on, Needy." "I promised Chip that I would hang out with him tonight." she responds, "Boo. Cross out Needy." "What time is the show?" she asks abit curuously, "I'll pick you up at 8:30. My mom has a date with that guy who owns the ham store." "He seems nice." "wear something cute, okay?" "Okay."

(Justin's getting ready) As I got out of the shower, there was a knock on my door. "Hey mom, I'm going out tonight with Needy; were going to a concert at Melody Lane.I was wondering if I can borrow the car tonight....?" she looks as if she's thinking about it. "Sure, have fun and tell Needy I said 'Hi' ". "Okay, thanks mom!" After a quick kiss on the cheeck and hug, she leaves the room, and I look at myself in the mirror. 5ft. 10in. slender, lightly muscled. Straight black hair that goes to my upper back, clear baby blue eyes and straight pearly whites. Unusually full (for a man) pink lips, that just scream kiss me...you'll enjoy it, same color as my nipples. I look like a wet dream, in my black skinny jeans, dress boots, white long sleeve shirt, and a leather jacket, with a brown-ish red scarf loosely around my neck.

(Needy getting ready) '`wear something cute" meant something very specific in Justin-speak. It meant I couldn't look like a total zero, but I couldn't upstage him either. I could expose my stomach, and cleavage, but not too much...chest and abs are his trademark. "Those jeans are hella low. I can almost see your front butt." Chip says to Needy, who is trying on clothes. "It's a rock show. This is my rock look." she says turning around as if to show off. "Well, I can see, like, your womb, so--I've never even heard of Low Shoulder. which one is Justin stalking?" Chip and his usual curious self always asking questions. "The lead singer." "Girls like her don't go out with drummers." "He! He's a guy...." "I know, I know, it's just that he hits on all the guys, rarely ever girls.Sooo..." "He's bi you know that, and we've been friends for a long time why would it bother you now?" She tries to get answers out of him, "Nothing, it's....never mind, forget I said anything." "Anyway, this singer guy, Justin says he's extra salty, so-" she explains the mission of the night. "Salty?" he asks, thinking I have a weird, yet strangly attractive style. "Salty means beautiful." "Well, then you must be soy sauce, babe." "Justin's here." "How do you know?Needy!" he calls after her, but she's already in a jog to the stairs. "Quit tampooning yourself and get down here." I yell, thinking Needy was alone. "That's fucking weird." Chip comments, "Better hurry before she gets annoyed." [ Chip grunts ] "You always do what Justin tells you to do." "No, I don't. It's just that I like the same things that he likes.We have stuff in common.That's why we're biffs." Needy is always so slow, jeez. "You guys don't have anything in common." "Yeah. okay, Chip." I hear Needy say, and soon after she finally appears. "Guess who's got the whip until 11:30. A 2003 Chrysler Sebring, and it's all mine. [ I giggle ] oh, hi, Chip." [ Sniffs ] "It smells like Thai food in here. Have you guys been fucking?" I say, in a greeting tone. "You're gross." Needy respond and playfully pushes me, as we get in a 'Who's Grosser?' and pushing fight. "You're gross." "You're gross." "You're so gross. Fuck you. Let's go to the club." "Melody Lane is not a club. It's a bar. It's not even a bar. It's like a bingo hall with taps." Chip putting his 2 cents in. "Eat my ass, Chip.You're just Jell-O'cause you're not invited." I say, in a mocking tone. "I'm not jealous. That place is disgusting. Everyone in there has a mustache." "You're totally Jell-O." I grab Needy's arm and open the door and drag her to my car. "You're lime-green Jell-O, and you can't even admit it to yourself." [ Chip exhales ] "Stop kidnapping my girlfriend." Chip replies in an exhausted tone,

[ Ciara's "Gimme Dat" music video version is playing in the car ]

"You wish." I reply happily.

(At Melody Lane) [Chattering in the background]

"I cannot wait until I'm old enough to get wasted." I state, I really want to get wasted...it looks like fun. "Hey, Justin." Craig says to me...another bi-curious guy. "You look really pretty hot." he finishes. "What up, Craig?" [ Laughs ] "He thinks he's cute enough for me," I explain to Needy "And that's why he's in retard math." "Swing and miss." She replies, "Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy." Needy says all perky, and pushes her glasses back. "I wonder if he's circumcised." I say to mess with her. "I always wanted to try a sea cucumber." "Ew." She replies, "Justin Check." Roman starts with me....he's a hotty who popped my cherry, FYI it hurts like a bitch...he had all of the pleasure, on my first time, aka he took my virginity. "Shouldn't poison yourself with that shit." He says taking a cigarette I happen to snatch from my mom, before I could light it, then he lights it himself and starts smoking it. I roll my eyes in fusteration, I can never do anything. Someone always has to want my time and whats best for me. "Unless you want me to arrest ya for possession." "You're gonna arrest me? You're not even out of the academy yet, Roman." I reply with a smirk, but my voice obviously betraying me to my annoyance. "Two more months. Then I'm on the force for reals." He says, while walking up and pressing himself into me through my jeans. "Are you, uh--you're gonna cuff me?" I ask while grabbing his cock through his jeans, he was obviously 'happy' to see me. [ Groans ] "Don't do that." he responds to my actions by backing up. "Okay? Not here." I yet again mock him. "Hey, that's the band." Needy's voice is heard and breaks us out of or concentration. [ woman Laughing, Echoing ]

"Mmm. You can totally tell they're from the city." Some lady says, I can't help but grin at that comment."Yeah, 'cause they're wearing eyeliner. They look like a bunch of faygos."Roman says, acting straight...not alot of gay or bi people in Devil's Kettle. "Well, you would think that, Roman, because you're a small-time Gomer." I say to him, mainly addressing the crowd with how loud I was with that comment."I wish we had more guys like that in Devil's Kettle. All stylish and shit." I say to Needy.

[ Tuning ]

"I think they need two groupies." I say to Needy as I grab her and try to drag her to the stage. "No! No." she replies obviously nervous, "Come on. Don't be so J.V., Needy. They're just boys, morsels.We have all the power." I try to pump her up with my pep talk. "Don't you know that? We are the one who get on our knees, obviously if they want the hot and wet warm they need to get their acts straight." I grab her boobs, "These things? These are like smart bombs. Okay? You point them in the right direction, and shit gets real." she just looks stunned by my actions. "Wait if these are smart bombs for girls, where are yours?" She asks, in a bit of a quiestiony tone. "My pecs, duh!" I say as we reach the stage. "Hi" Introducing myself to the singer,."Hi" he says in respondce, seemingly getting curious."Uh-- [ Giggling ] we just wanted to meet you or something. I'm Justin Check, and this is my friend." "Hi. I'm Nikolai. This is, uh--These guys are my band." he says introducing himself personally and the band. "Low Shoulder.Yeah, we've heard--I've heard about you.You play your instruments really super good."As I am getting even more nervous just talking to him. "Thank you. We are professionals." "Sorry. Can I ask you a question? Um, why would you wanna play all the way out here in Devil's Kettle? You live in the city, right?" Needy doing her detective bullshit, "Yeah.But, you know, I think it's really important sometimes to try and connect with our fans...even in the shitty areas too." "That's amazing." I say just staring blankly at Nikolai, he's sooo mesmerizing. "[ Chuckling ] Can I, um-- Can I buy you a drink?" I ask, trying to flirt and use the works. "We'll actually I should be the one getting a drink for a cutie like you, but...Sure. What are we having?" "They have this really awesome 9/11 tribute shooter." (We suffered greatly on that dreadful day) "It's red, white and blue,but you have to drink it really fastor it turns brownish." I say thinking of the coolest drink they have. "All right.Well, we'll drink it fast." He says to me with a smirk, I can just feel my insides melt from his smile. "okay." I say abit nervously, "Okay." "I'll be right back." I leave to get the drink, but not before Needy stops me. "Hey, how- how are you gonna get alcohol?" She asks, "Um, I'll just play 'Hello Titty' with the bartender.

-Dirk, what about him?

  • who,Jan Brady? - No, man. Fuck you.

I'm talking about the one who went to get me a drink. The State Fair Butter Prince.

That's the one. I don't know. Are you sure she's-

Listen, I grew up in a town like this, okay?

There's always that guy. They love to show it off, but they do not give it up.

You told us you were from Brooklyn.

My point is, this guyl is definitely a virgin, okay?

  • I know guys like that. I've dated girls---hell I've dated guys. - I don't know.

Well, we didn't drive all the way out here for nothing, so--

Needy interferes after overhearing 'Low Shoulder' talk about me.

  • Excuse me. - Hey.

Hey. That's my best friend that you're talking about.

And you're right. He is a virgin.

And that beats sleeping with creeps like you.

[ I groan the drink wasn't full enough ]

"Tower One isn't full enough." I wanted to make a good impression, but thanks to the bartender being to distracted it wasn't poured properly. "Those guys are rank,Jus. Just forget about it." I couldn't think straight, as my mind was filling at an alarming rate of lust. "You know what? I think the lead singer wants me." I said, in a happy tone. "Only because he thinks that you're a virgin.I heard them talking." She says in a very weirded out tone.

"What?", getting weirded out myself, "I'm not even a backdoor virgin anymore, thanks to Roman." While holding the tray, making a funny face. "And by the way, that hurts. I couldn't even go to Flags the next day. I had to stay home and sit on a bag of frozen peas" lol I wasn't expecting pain when I did it, I heard at the time it feels, amazing the first time...well probably because they weren't the one getting rabbit-fucked. "Oh, my God." she says embarrassed, with her face turning red.

(Nikolai does and introduction, and the band starts to play) Needy and I, go up close and I was mesmerised by his voice. He stared at me during the whole song of 'Through The Trees' , I don't snap out of it until, something happens people start screaming and flames suddenly pop and crackle out of control from a busted amplifier and sets the curtains on fire. From there the curtains fall and the flame spreads to the alcoholic beverages and cause miny fires. I'm in total shock, that my mind can't seem to register...but Needy grabs my arm and pulls me to get out. We try to go through the front, but as we reach it the roof caves in a bit, crushing Ahmet the foreign dude. People are dieing right and left, but no body can really understand anything except try to get out even if you happen to push a few people in your way into the fire to get out. Needy drags me to the bathroom, the only place not on fire, and pushes the window out and as she sees I'm in shock she has me go first. As soon as we are out of the now completely encompassed by fire, bar, we take off running into a safe distance. When were free, I'm even deeper in shock, I can't register or think. All I see is Needy infront of me saying something, but I can't hear it. She just hugs me to help calm me down, and bring me out of shock. "Oh, thank God, I found you two..." Nikolai shows up out of nowhere, "Listen it's really not safe..here. Why don't you two come with us in our van, we can give you a ride." "Oh your in shock, here have some of that." I'm handed some bottle of rum, and I take a swig and completely snap out of it. ( coughing ) "Justin? oh my God, Justin." Needy gives me another hug. "I want to see your van. Needy let's go look at his really cool van." I say and am practically dragged into the van, as Needy yells in disapproval. We start driving off in, while I take one last glance of Needy standing outside sillohetted by the bright flames.

(Needy gets home by driving Justin's car; not before a huge explosion as the fires reached a gasoline dispenser, calls Chip, and tell what has happened form the band, the fire, the people who fainted got crushed by the stampeed hearing their bones breaking and the smell of burning flesh, then Justin leaving with 'Low Shoulder' in their 89' rapist looking van.) [Door bell rings] "Wait Chip, I hear something I gotta go, I'll call you back...." "Wait! Needy! ......." But she hangs up and is startled by a sound of something downstairs, specifically in the kitchen. She sneaks quickly to the kitchen looks around. "Okay so nobody's here, maybe I'm just going craz..." She turns to head back upstairs but is startled to see a blood-ied version of Justin. [Screams!] "Hi" Needy says, to me..."Jus."..."Jus?" I smile, and as I do a generous amount of blood leaves my mouth and drops on the floor. "Oh God! What happened?" I ignore her as I walk to the refrigerator and take out some chicken it drops to the floor and I just rip pieces off like a animal, and start chewing. "Uh--My mom got that from Boston Market, and I'm not supposed to----" She tries to get close to me and as her hand makes slight contact to my shoulder....[Demonic Screeching Roar!!!!!]....She backs away....[coughing/choking-vomits]....I vomit dark matter that is like black tar that gets on everything except it's like needles when you look at it, it shifts in a sharp manner. As I spill my guts, I can't help, but giggle. My giggling continues until finally she backs away from me to get the phone, but I move in a blinding speed and slam her against the wall, pinnin her there. "Are you scared?" Finally speaking, I let go after she nods and I walk out the door extemely hungry, with Needy calling after me.


" I heard Needy and Justin were there, and they had to fight their way out with a machete." "Look, she's not even moving." "It's called post-traumatic stress disorder. My dad was in operation Enduring Freedom, and he totally, like, stopped talking for, like, months." Two girls talked about rumors of what happened last night.

I showed up right behind her, in a new outfit, it was a silky type of shirt with a hoodie attached. That was black, and with a necklace that had a pendant that said "Demon" and there were demons on it and it was dark metal. with Black Skinny jeans, a fastening type belt it had no loops or anything it was just working it through the buckle and thats all. Also a pair of black boots, that fit like a glove they were sort of goth-ish, but at the same time classy steel-toed boots.

Where's it at, Monistat?

  • You're all right. - Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

'Cause last night at my house, you were--

You do have a tendency to over-react.

Remember when we were in Girl Scout camp, and you thought that there was an earthquake,

but it was just two guys with a ghetto blaster?

People died, Jennifer.

It's, like, all over the news. National news.

Anybody that we know? We know everyone.

Sucks to be them, I guess.

What is wrong with you?

What's wrong with you?

Besides the obvious surface flaws.

"Somebody step on your hampster and kill it?" I asked, knowing she doesn't even have a pet. I know it's real, I was up all night scrubbing the carnage off the linoleum. Needy thinking about last night where she had to clean up my super-natural vomit. "Shoot." Needy says, in thought. "Please don't talk to yourself.", She's doing her natural freak streak. "It's one of your more freakish Needy behaviors...and it makes us both look like total gaylords.", "You're bisexual...."She points out, "Ugh....yeah, but it doesn't mean I'm acting all.....flambouyant, and prissy with the 'Darling' talking." "Ew. Fuck. You need a mani bad." I say to her as she shows me her nails, and I pull out some chap stick and gloss up my lips until they are waxy and wet, and shiny. "You should really find a Chinese chick to buff out your situation."

[ Door Closes ]

" This is a dark, dark day...or Devil's Kettle. And believe me you,I have lived through some--some pretty heavy stuff. We lost eight precious students...including Ahmet from India, several parents...and our beloved Spanish teacher, Señorita Erickson." The teacher started telling us of events that occurred that we all know about. "No way. Erickson ate shit?" two girls gossiping again, "Now more than ever, put aside your teenage concerns...about who's a cool dude, or who's a ho. we can't let that damn fire win.:" The teacher continued, but I had to make a smart comment...."It already won." "God bless you kids."

[A football player in the front starts crying]

[ Bell Ringing ]

Needy and Chip are talking on a Terris...

There's no band practice today. There's no anything today.

It's surreal, right? When just one person dies in Devil's Kettle, it's like time stops.

Feel guilty just breathing.


Chip, I need to tell you something kinda weird.

It's about Justin. what?

You know how last night we were talking, and someone came to my house? It was Justin.

He looked like he had been beaten up or shot or something.

And then he barfed up this, like, disgusting, prickly stuff...

that looked like roadkill and, like, sewing needles mixed together.


Well, he probably just inhaled a whole bunch of smoke or something.

No, Chip. No, it was like--

It was, like, evil.

Needy, I think you might wanna talk to the school shrink.

I'm not saying that to be a dillhole.

Chip, I don't tell whoppers, and I'm not crazy.

I didn't say you were crazy.

It's just, everybody's a little messed up about this, and it's okay to feel--

Discombobulated? Yeah. Fucked up.

Hey, Needy.

  • Oh, hi, Colin. - I heard you were there last night in the fiery trenches.


Well, I'm glad you didn't die.

  • Thanks. - Seriously.

How are you friends with Colin Gray?

I thought Colin Gray only talked to the Dead Girls.

I just am. We have Creative Non-fiction together.

He's a really good writer. He's, like, all dark and emotional and stuff.

Oh. Well, I'm like that too. I mean, I can relate.

You know, I'm not all obvious about it like a poser.

Walk me home?

You know it, babe.


I walk out to a football field, to Jonas who's crying like a baby, about Craig. He sees me and look at the ground,but I shadow step behind him and startle him."Hi" "Hi Justin" "I'm sorry for your loss, I was the last person who talked to Craig last night....He said that you and I would make a totally banging couple..." I started playing with his emotions. "Really? Craig said that...." "Yes. Feel my heart Jonas....it's broken" "Mine is too." I grab his hand and lead him to the woods..."You come with me." We started making out in the middle of the woods, and the animals started surrounding us. "Mmm...Your warm...why are you sooo warm.?" "Shutties" "Wait, jus...justin." "What?" 'Look." [Giggles] "They're waiting ." {Birds are squaking and the animals are getting even more crazy} "Do you miss Craig?" "Of course" "Well you'll see your buddy, again soon" "What you mean like in Heaven some day" "Hahaha....Nope!" As I say that I push him hard against a tree and he lets out a grunt and stares in horror as my eyes shift to a demonic silver that seem to glow, as well as my features change into that with sharp teeth and my jaw widens and I let out a SHRIEK, and leap forward. Biting a huge chunk of flesh out of him...........As he SCREAMED BLOODY MARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I kept biting. {IN THE PARKING LOT THE TEACHER HEARD} "Let it out kids" But something didn't seem right...when he heard a dog bark....he went to the woods to check and see if everything was alright...........By that time, I was gone and was taking a swim in the lake too get off all of the blood. "OH DEAR GOD!!!!!!" He yelled as he saw Jonas's Corpse ripped open.....with a few animals chewing on some loose chunks of his body. Including a deer, raccoon, and a crows.

{LATER ON DURING THE DAY} (After a discussion with her mom , Needy gets a phone call of guess who...) Yeah? I feel so scrumptious!

Goody for you. You know when you kiss a boy for the first time,

and it feels like your entire body is on vibrate?

  • Yeah? - It's that good.

Well, that's nice.

Me, I'm still a little bit depressed about, you know,

the giant, smoldering funeral pyre in the middle of town.

[ Sighs ] Move-on-dot-org, Needy. It's over.

Life is too short to be moping around about some white-trash pig roast.

That's sweet,Jus.

You know, I tell it like it is.

And besides, you know what?

You should be happy for me because I am having the best day...

since, like, Jesus invented the calendar.

Jesus didn't invent the calendar.


[ Beeps ] other line. Hold on.

  • So blow it off. - It'll just be a minute.

Pooh. I'm crossing you out.

I pick up a lighter and flick the clip, which lets the fumes out and causes a spark to create a flame....As I wait, I decide to play around. Sticking out tongue and putting it in the fire.....doesn't hurt....the part of my tongue that was touched by the flame was burn into a cbarcole look. As reel in my tongue and then stick it out again...showing no injury as if I didn't do anything in the first place. Wicked sweet.

"I am a god." I say, to take joy in my new found wickedness.

Next: Chapter 2

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