Justins Angel

By Angel J

Published on Apr 20, 2007


This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to this story.

The following is a fictitious story with no real basis or credibility. It is solely for the enjoyment of the reader. Its all just fun. It does not imply anything about the sexual preferences or lifestyle of Justin Timberlake or any other celebrity mentioned in the story.


Justin got up walking the short distance to Paulo's room

When he opened the door he saw a sight that warmed his heart.

Michael was in bed, Paulo clinging to him, his head on Michael's chest.

Paulo looked up at Justin, seeing him in just his briefs.

"I'm sorry, Michael. You need to go back to your Jus."

Before Paulo could say another word, Justin had walked around the bed, climbing into it and laying against Paulo's other side, wrapping his arms around him.

"You need your family, Polo. You need your brother and me."

Paulo started tearing up again, Justin kissing his cheek.

Michael looked at Justin seeing his love for Paulo, for what he meant to Michael.

Justin started humming, Michael and Paulo listening to his beautiful sound.

Within a few moments, Paulo had fallen asleep.

Michael and Justin looked into each other's loving eyes.

Justin leaned over kissing Michael's lips.

"We're both here for him now, Mico. He has both of us here to love."

Michael sensed Justin's meaning, what they both wanted to do for Paulo.

Justin lay back down, snuggling up against Paulo's naked warmth.

Micheal pulled his brother against him, feeling Justin's hairy muscular arm wrap around them both.

"I love you, Timby."

"I love you, Mico."

The three fell asleep, three visions of beauty together.

Chapter 61

Paulo woke up seeing the bright sunshine making trails along the ceiling of the bedroom.

He felt a warmth against both sides of him.

He lay on his back in the middle of the bed, feeling a hot breath on his left nipple and a hot breath on his right cheek.

He turned his head slowly to the right looking into Michael 's beautiful sleeping face.

His body was pressed against him, Paulo feeling its warmth.

Michael's hand was on his shoulder holding him.

Paulo looked to his left, looking down a bit.

Justin lay against his body, his face laying on Paulo's chest.

His arm was stretched across him, his hand laying on Michael's hip.

Paulo was laying between two nearly naked visions of beauty.

Paulo felt Justin and Michael's hardness against his left thigh and his right mid section.

He felt his own morning wood trying to break free of his briefs.

Paulo blushed, feeling embarrassed.

He looked down at Justin and then at Michael, seeing their beautiful bodies.

They both were so beautiful.

Paulo gently pushed Michael onto his back, then gently turned his body to the left, forcing Justin to lay on his back.

Neither man moved or awoke.

Paulo quietly got up, climbing out of the bed, standing at the end, looking down at the two beautiful young men.

Their bodies were toned and sleek, muscular and beautiful.

Paulo could see that both men were sizable endowed. The evidence was plainly in sight.

Paulo felt that he shouldn't be looking at them like this, this was their private time.

Paulo watched as both men rolled back towards each other, coming together as one.

They wrapped their arms around each other, Paulo seeing a smile form on both their faces.

Then Justin moved around a little, laying on his back, Michael moving his head onto Justin's chest.

So many times Paulo had seen Michael do that.

Paulo could see the depth of their love, the connection they had.

They'd sought each other out, needing the comfort of each other's body.

Paulo had tears running down his cheek, seeing the love these two men felt for each other.

His new brother and his Justin.

They'd both comforted him last night, had both held him close, as brothers.

A smile formed on Paulo's face, remember the love Michael and Justin both gave him last night.

His new brother. That felt so great.

And Justin Timberlake. A mega pop star, now his brother too.

They were both so beautiful, so loving. They cared so much about him, they loved him so much.

And he felt he needed their love.

It had been missing in his life, that close brotherly bond.

Marco had been close to him, but they'd drifted apart for a while.

And Marco was younger.

Paulo was twenty three, younger than Michael and Justin.

He now had two older brothers.

Paulo smiled pulling on his shorts and t-shirt.

Michael and Justin still slept quietly.

Paulo looked at his watch, seeing it was almost seven.

He smiled.

I'm going to make my new brothers breakfast. To show them my love, Paulo thought.

Paulo quietly walked downstairs, going into the kitchen.

He started making breakfast, quietly going about his work, deep in thought.

Paulo was thinking about Jake.

In two days they would go out on their first date.

Could he be the man Paulo needed? The man he longed for?

Could he give him what Michael had given Justin?

His soul, his heart and his love.

Jake, the man, set Paulo's heart to racing. His eyes were so unbelievable. As was his beautiful face.

Paulo was sure the body matched the face.

Paulo smiled, going back to his work.

In about a half hour he had a hearty breakfast ready.

He sat down waiting for his biscuits to bake.

His mind going back to last night.

Paulo's mind flashed back to Michael and Justin.

Seeing their connection, their deep connection of love.

He hadn't had that kind of deep love since his mother.

Alberto loved him deeply, that was a grandfather's love.

Paulo need a real love, a true love.

He needed it so much.

Paulo closed his eyes, tearing up again, almost crying.

He felt an arm go around him, Paulo turning and opening his eyes.

"You okay, bro?" Michael asked standing beside Paulo in his robe.

Justin stood about two feet behind Michael in his robe.

Paulo started crying , Michael pulling him up out of the chair,taking him in his arms, hugging him close.

"It's okay, Polo, it's okay. Your brothers are here." Justin said, patting Paulo's back.

"I'm sorry guys, I've just got a lot on my mind." Paulo said trying to smile.

"We're here for you, Polo. Talk to us." Michael said, smiling at him.

"Can you grab the biscuits in the oven, I don't want them to burn." Paulo said sitting back down.

Justin went to the stove, pulling out the tray, smelling the luscious aroma of the baked biscuits. He set them on the counter, turning off the stove, walking back to Michael and Paulo.

"Thanks, Justin." Paulo smiled.

Michael sat down beside Paulo, Justin sitting on his other side.

"Thanks for last night, guys. Thanks for being there for me."

"Wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else, bro." Justin said, smiling at him.

Paulo's smile was brighter, Michael sensing his calming down.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking this morning, about different things." Paulo said.

"About love." Michael said, looking at him.

"Yes, Mikey. About love." Paulo said, Michael putting his hand on top of his.

Paulo blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed Paulo, what's going on?" Justin said.

Paulo felt he could talk to his two brothers about anything.

"I woke up this morning with both of you wrapped around me. It felt so good." Paulo lowered his head.

Michael raised his chin, looking in his green eyes.

"You liked that, didn't you? That feeling of closeness. You've never had that."

"Yes, Michael. I've never had that. I've always been so alone. That felt so good." Paulo smiled.

"What?" Justin looked surprised.

"A beautiful man like you, you must have had plenty of guys in your bed."

Justin looked at Paulo's downcast look, sensing he'd said something wrong.

"I'm a virgin, Justin. I've never had sex or a boyfriend." Paulo looked dejected by what he'd confessed.

Justin put his arm around him, Michael smiling at Justin's caring for Paulo.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of, Polo. I was a virgin when Michael and I first made love. A virgin to male sex."

"And I was a virgin also." Michael said, smiling at Paulo.

Paulo looked at Michael surprised.

"What happened with those three brutal men wasn't sex, Paulo. It was torture, plain and simple. The first time I made love was with my Timby. Justin was my first."

Justin smiled, tears in his eyes.

Paulo felt a sense of relief. They weren't making jokes, they weren't laughing at him.

"I'm proud of you , bro. To wait for that special someone, says a lot about your character, and your values." Michael said, smiling at him, hugging him.

"Thanks, guys. I thought you'd laugh at me. I'm twenty two and I've never had sex."

"That's your choice, Polo. That's your decision to make."

"I am really attracted to Jake, Mikey. I think I want him to be the first." Paulo said.

Michael smiled.

"You really do care for him. I could see it in your eyes when you talked about him last night." Justin said, Paulo smiling at him.

"Yes, Jus. Mikey, you were right. I want to take a chance with him. I want to see if he's the one." Paulo looked at his brother with determination and love in his eyes.

Michael smiled, patting Paulo's shoulder.

"Then take it, Polo. You won't know unless you try. "

"Is he my soulmate, Mikey?"

Michael looked at Paulo, staring into his green eyes.

"You'll have to discover that for yourself, bro."

Paulo smiled, hugging Michael, then Justin.

"Thanks, bros. I'm so happy right now."

Justin and Michael smiled, seeing Paulo's mood had improved.

"Okay, Paulo. Justin and I are going to shower and we'll be right back. Come on Timby."

Justin smiled brightly.

"It's not that kind of shower, sexy."

Justin pouted, Paulo laughing.

"I'll keep things warm. I think your man needs some special attention, Mikey."

Michael smiled at Paulo, then looking into Justin's blue eyes.

" Give us half and hour, Polo. Come on love, I'll race ya."

Michael took off like a shot, Justin running after him.

Paulo laughed, putting the biscuits back in the oven.

Justin caught Michael on the stairway, hugging him close.

They connected in a kiss of deep passion, Michael feeling Justin's desire under his robe.

"I think someone wants to play." Michael purred.

"I want to do more than play, I need you, Mico." Justin was licking his earlobe, whispering in his ear.

Michael smiled, pulling Justin upwards.

They walked into their bedroom, discarding their robes and briefs, Justin following Michael into the bathroom.

They climbed into the shower stall, Justin pushing Michael up against the wall.

Michael hit the shower knob, warm water falling over them.

They spent time kissing, licking and touching each other, Justin finally giving himself to Michael.

Michael made love to him, with a slow passion, both men releasing their pent up desires.

They held each other, coming down from their bliss, kissing sweetly and tenderly, washing each other's bodies.

Paulo was just reheating the pancakes when Michael and Justin walked into the kitchen fully dressed.

Paulo looked at his watch.

"Wow, Mikey. Twenty nine minutes. I'm impressed."

"Well, Justin was all worked up, I think it was his sleeping against you all night." Michael smirked.

Justin blushed deeply.

"I know he had a hardon this morning, it was rubbing against my leg." Paulo winked at Justin.

Justin almost died of embarrassment.

Paulo laughed, hugging his new brother.

"Relax, Jus. Michael's was just as hard."

Michael looked at him, smiling.

"And I bet Paulo was flaccid."

Paulo blushed.

Both men started laughing, Michael and Justin smiling at Paulo's obvious embarrassment.

"Paulo, it's a natural thing. Every guy wakes up with morning wood. Don't be embarrassed by seeing Justin and I like that. We're all young, vibrant , damn sexy men. It's the way our bodies react."

Paulo smiled at Michael, seeing his smiling face.

"I really wasn't looking, I'd never interfere with you and Justin."

"I know that Polo. You're my brother. I trust you with him, and he trusts you with me. And we'd never take advantage of you, bro."

Paulo smiled.

"So then a threesome is out of the question?" Justin said, pouting.

Michael looked at him.

"Jus, you can't even handle me."

Paulo burst out laughing, Justin soon joining him.

Michael's humor had brightened the room again.

"I love you guys." Paulo said, wrapping his arms around both guys.

"If ya love Jus, I suggest you feed him. It's the one sure way to his heart." Michael smiled.

Paulo smiled, everyone sitting down to breakfast.

They had a liesurely breakfast, laughing and talking , three brothers getting along famously.

Justin's cell rang, Michael taking it out of Justin's pocket.

Justin was in the middle of eating, Michael taking the call for him.

He hung up smiling at Justin.

"That was Lon, he's on his way over. He'll be here in five minutes."

Lonnie walked in a few minutes later, sitting down at the table, Paulo bringing him a coffee and some pancakes.

Lonnie handed Michael and Paulo each an envelope.

"That's your passes for backstage and photo ids. Wear them at all times when you're at the arena." Lonnie smiled, diving into his pancakes.

Michael frowned a little, Justin putting his hand in his.

"Justin are you sure you want me bothering you there? I don't want to interrupt your work."

Justin frowned, Lonnie seeing a little anger in his look.

"Dammit, Mico. You are not a bother. Don't ever say that."

Michael was surprised by Justin's sudden words.

"I love you Mico I want to show you off. I want you to meet everyone I work with. And I want you there because I need you there. You are my inspiration. "

Justin leaned in kissing Michael.

Michael smiled his special smile for Justin.

Justin smiled back.


"Okay, Jus. I'd love to watch my man work."

Lonnie smiled, chuckling to himself.

"And maybe you could do me a favor, Mico."

Mico smiled looking at his lover.

"Could you talk to Timba." Justin said, Michael seeing his concern for his friend.

Michael sighed a bit, looking into Justin's worried blue eyes.

"Jus, I'm not a miracle worker. I can't fix everyone's problems."

Lonnie and Paulo exchanged looks, wondering if they should leave.

"It's okay, guys. Stay put. Mico, you're so good at getting people to open up , to let their feelings out."

"I'll testify to that." Lonnie said, Paulo seconding him.

Michael blushed, lowering his head.

"I don't even know him, Jus. He's your friend, you should talk to him. He'd talk to you easier."

"Okay, Mico. But could you go with me, when I have to talk to him."

Michael smiled.

"Of course, sweetie. I'll follow you anywhere."

Michael held up the envelope.

"I'm a Timberlake groupie now."

Justin smiled, kissing him again.

"You're not a groupie, love. You're my main squeeze."

Justin deeply kissed him.

"Dynomite." Michael beamed.

Everyone laughed, Justin rubbing Michael's head.

Michael hair was still very short, it would be a while before Justin had his long locks to play with.

Michael smiled, Justin and him getting up from the table, heading into the living room.

Paulo stayed in the kitchen talking with Lonnie while he finished his breakfast.

Justin and Michael cuddled on the couch, Justin talking to him about his work.

After about twenty minutes Paulo and Lonnie came in.

"We should head down to the arena soon guys." Lonnie said.

It was almost nine thirty.

"Let's let Paulo get showered and dress and we'll go down together. Mikey, can come with me in the Viper and Lonnie and Paulo can go together. That way you have the car to drive back if you get bored."

"I'd never get bored watching Justin Timberlake. He's so dreamy." Michael made puppy dog eyes at Justin.

Justin laughed, Lonnie just rolled his eyes. Paulo walked out of the room to get ready.

"So what are you rehearsing today?"

"The last hour, it's all the techno, gyro numbers and my last slow song, "Another song."

"Oh, Jus, I love that song, it's so emotional." Michael laid his head on Justin's chest.

"I'll sing it just for you, babe." Justin kissing the top of his head.

Lonnie smiled, seeing their casual intimacy on display.

The three men chatted, Paulo finally returning fifteen minutes later.

"Let's get going, boys." Lonnie smiled.

Lonnie and Paulo arrived at the arena, at about five minutes to eleven.

Justin and Michael arrived right at eleven.

Michael and Paulo donned their identification badges and passes.

They were all ushered to the back stage area by a uniformed guard, who smiled at Justin and Lonnie, giving Michael and Paulo the once over.

Paulo was looking around, his eyes always scanning.

Michael knew he took his job seriously, even if Michael was family.

Justin went up to a bunch of people, whom Michael assumed were dancers.

"Everyone , this is my good friend, Michael, and his brother Paulo." Justin was practically jumping up and down.

Michael smiled at everyone, all the dancers greeting him and Paulo.


Justin whirled around seeing Timbaland walking across the stage.

"Where have you been. Rehearsal starts at eleven. It's now five after. We're paying for this arena, you know?"

Justin looked upset, Michael looking at Timbaland.

"That's my fault. I made Justin late." Michael said, looking at the man walking up to them.

"And who are you? What are you doing here?"

"This is my good friend, Michael. The one I told you about, Timba. From Chicago."

Timbaland looked at Michael, his face changing.

"Oh, yeah. The hero. Nice to meet you, Michael....?"

"Michael Tavarro." Michael offered his hand to Timbaland.

Timbaland smiled at him, taking his hand.

"Tim Mosley, but everyone calls me Timbaland or Timba."

Michael wasn't really hearing him, his mind was lost in Timbaland's soul.

Michael felt all his emotions, all his hurt and pain.

It was as emotional as Lance's had been.

Michael zoomed back to reality, looking into Timbaland's brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Tim." Michael smiled.

Timbaland couldn't believe the golden eyes on this young man.

They were so deep and brilliant, like two beams of sunlight.

He thought they were actually glowing.

Justin saw that they were.

Timbaland let go of Michael's hand.

"Sorry I yelled, Jus. It's just we got to get this day going."

"Okay, Timba. Lets get to it. Michael, have a seat over there and relax."

"Let's see your stuff, Timberlake." Michael smiled at Justin, Justin smiling back.

Michael knew Justin had seen and felt his emotions.

He'd have to let him know what was going on.

Michael sat down with Paulo and Lonnie.

Justin and the dancers got up on the stage, Timbaland joining the assembled band.

They started the music for Love Stoned, Michael marvelling at the dancers movements as well as Justin's.

Justin's rich voice filled the stage, Michael lost in it's beauty.

Justin kept looking over at him, smiling while he sang and danced.

Michael relaxed in the chair looking at Paulo.

Paulo was looking around, humming to the music. Michael smiled.

Michael looked up on the stage, looking at Timbaland.

He was looking directly at Michael.

Michael knew what was going on. He knew what Timbaland's problem was.

And his heart felt deep respect and love for this man.

And he knew what he had to do. And who he had to talk to.

Michael and Paulo sat there for an hour and a half listening to the music and Justin singing. as well as Timbaland.

Michael was amazed at the stamina Justin had. He'd gone through three runs of one song, never taking a breather. His skin glistened with sweat, Michael finding it highly arousing, shifting in his chair a couple of times.

Paulo picked up on it, smiling at him.

Justin finally took a twenty minute break, climbing down off the stage, dropping into the chair beside Michael.

"Well, bud, what do you think?" He asked looking at Michael.

Michael could smell Justin's scent, it was intoxicating.

"I think you're damn sexy, Jus. And I'm hornier than a she bear."

Justin laughed a loud laugh, Timbaland walking across the stage to them.

"What's so funny, Jus?" He smiled, smiling at Michael.

"I told Justin he stinks to high heaven. Do you have any deodorant up there."

Michael smirked.

Justin laughed, loving Michael quick mind.

Timbaland laughed, his smile larger.

Michael liked that look on him, and he was going to get that look back on his face.

"Yeah, it's pretty ripe up here, why do you think we have those big air conditioning units above us. It's to blow the Timberlake stink out of here."

Michael looked up seeing the large units over the stage.

Justin smirked.

"It's to blow my heavenly aroma out to all the screaming women to drive them wild."

Paulo started laughing , Michael holding his in.

"Okay, Jus. Whatever your pretty little head wants to believe." Michael said.

Justin smiled at Michael, Michael smiling back.

Timbaland looked at Justin, sensing something deeper in that smile.

He climbed off the stage, leaning against the stage it in front of Michael and Justin.

"So, Jus. What's the real story with you and your Michael."

Justin looked nervously around, Michael just smiled.

Michael looked at Justin, talking to him in his mind.

"Looks like the cat's out of the bag, babe. You might as well come clean."

Justin got up walking up to Timbaland.

"Michael and I are in love, Timba. I'm gay and I love Michael with all my heart. We've been together for almost six weeks. He's my everything. I was going to tell everyone here before we start touring. Michael will hopefully be coming with us."

Timbaland looked at his friend with a deep look on his face.

Justin was feeling nervous.

Timbaland broke into a big smile, hugging Justin to him.

"I couldn't be happier for ya, hombre. Couldn't be happier." Timbaland smiled.

Justin was beaming, hugging his friend close.

"Really, Timba?"

"Yes, Jus. So can I get a hug from your man?"

Michael smiled, getting up and walking to him.

Timbaland pulled him into a fierce hug, Michael smiling.

This was the man he wanted to know, the man who loved life.

"Michael, I'm happy for you too."

"How did you know, Timba?" Justin asked.

"How do you think, Jus. It's that damn poker face of yours." Michael smirked.

Justin blushed.

"Damn, everyone picks up on it."

Timbaland laughed, hugging him again.

"Jus, it wasn't hard to see. I watched you all through the rehearsal, your eyes were on Michael, really on Michael, if ya know what I mean. Wasn't hard to figure out."

Justin smiled, knowing he'd never really be able to hide his love for Michael.

"Michael, come on." Justin said grabbing his hand.

Michael wasn't sure what Justin was doing, but he followed him.

Justin lead him up to the stage, stopping in the middle of the stage.

"Everyone, everyone please. Can I have everyone up here on the stage." Justin said, Michael sensing his happiness and a sense of determination.

All the musicians, dancers ,roadies and technical staff walked onto the stage, Timbaland, Lonnie and Paulo all walking up beside Justin.

Justin smiled at Michael then turned to everyone.

"Everyone, I want to thank all of you for coming with me on this tour. You are all a family to me. We've worked together on the last tour and I know some of you from the Nsync days."

A lot of the people smiled, nodding their heads.

Michael sensed where Justin was heading.

"I want this to be a family affair. Each of us caring for each other. And to be a family we need to be honest with each other. You all know me, I'm a good, loving, decent person. I have been struggling with my inner feelings for a long time. I've carried a deep feeling inside myself, a feeling I now want to let out. It's because of one person, one person who's made me so happy, and made me see myself for who I am. I want to show the world my true self."

Justin put his hand in Michael, everyone looking at the two men.

"I finally realized who I am and who I want to be."

Michael noticed a lot of people were smiling at Justin, and he saw some tears also.

"I'm gay. Michael here, is my partner. We've fallen in love. He's the greatest person I've ever known, and his love fills my heart. So I just wanted to let all of you know. I'm not going to hide Michael, I love him too much to hide my love for him. Hopefully he'll come on tour with us, so I wanted all of you to learn this firsthand from me. Thank you all, and I love you all."

Justin looked at Michael, Michael hugging him, kissing his lips.

Everyone began clapping and shouting, a thunderous sound.

Justin and Michael parted to hugs, back slapping and handshakes.

It seemed a lot of people weren't surprised.

"Welcome to the family, Michael." Michael heard from dozens of people.

"I knew there was some reason Justin seemed so happy. " Norma the costume designer said, hugging them both.

"Congrats, guys." Tim the guitarist said, hugging Justin, then Michael.

"Welcome, welcome." The other band members said, shaking Michael's hands.

Michael was greatly surprised at everyone's acceptance of him.

This truly was a family.

"Okay, everyone. Let's get back to work. We're having our big get together saturday, we'll get to know Michael more then. Now it's back to the show." Timbaland said smiling, everyone going back to their jobs.

Michael sat back down in the seats with Paulo and Lonnie, not before Justin gave him a deep kiss.

"I love ya, Mico."

"I love ya more, Timby."

They sat there for another two hours, Michael lost in Justin's newfound exuberance. Justin's love was shining through on every note, and every movement.

Timbaland as well as everyone saw the change in him, he seemed more free with his vocals, more free with his dancing.

It was because his heart was more free, and his love was in the open.

It wasn't a complete openess, but it was a beginning.

At four o'clock Michael knew he had to go. He had to do what needed to be done.

Justin and Timbaland had stopped, discussing a song change.

Michael saw his chance.

"I'll be right back, Paulo."

Michael got up walking up onto the stage.

He walked up to Justin and Timbaland.

"I've got an errand to run, Jus. How much longer will you be?"

Justin looked at Timbaland.

"Probably be done around seven, Jus." Timbaland smiled.

Michael smiled at him.

"Okay cool. How about I meet you back at the house. We'll have a barbecue. Tim, would you like to join us? It'll just be myself, Jus, Lonnie and Paulo."

Timbaland looked at Michael hesitantly.

"Well, I was just gonna go home and crash." He said not looking directly at Michael.

"Well, you can crash at our place. Please? I'd like to get to know you better." Michael smiled at Timbaland, a sincere smile of friendship.

Timbaland picked up on that.

"Okay, Michael. I'll come."

Michael smiled, hugging Timbaland.

Michael searched his mind for what he needed.

He pulled back smiling at him.

Michael leaned in kissing Justin, Timbaland blushing.

"See you at home, babe." Justin said, patting his ass.

"Okay, sweetie."

Michael went back offstage, Paulo getting up.

Michael hugged Lonnie telling him he was invited to the barbecue. Lonnie accepted the offer.

Paulo and Michael left the arena, Paulo looking at Michael.

"What errand do you have to do, Michael?"

"I have to save love, Paulo. I have to save love."

Paulo drove, getting the directions from Michael.

Michael sat back in the passenger seat hearing Justin's voice in his head.

"Where are you going, babe? Why did you leave."

"I'm doing what you wanted me to do, Jus. I'm trying to help Timba."

"What do you mean, Mikey?"

"I know what's wrong with him, and I'm going to try and fix it."

"Babe, I love ya. "

"I know ya do, I love ya too. Thanks for getting me involved."

Michael felt Justin's heart soar.

"All you have to do is make sure he comes home for dinner. I'll talk to him when he gets here. And let me know, through this way, when you're leaving. I'll explain what's going on to you on your drive over here."

"Okay, babe. I got to get back. Love ya."

"Oh you'll love me, don't doubt that, Timby."

Michael felt Justin's desire.

"Later, babe."

"Later, my love."

Paulo looked at Michael, seeing his smiling face.

"So, what were you and Justin talking about."

Michael blushed, realizing that Paulo was picking up on their connections.

"I'm was just telling him that I love him."

Paulo smiled, winking at Michael.

Michael laughed, knowing Paulo wasn't that niave.

They pulled up in front of a four story apartment building in a trendy neighbourhood.

Michael took a deep breath and seemed to be centering himself.

"You okay, Mikey?"

"Yes, Paulo, I just need to get focused. I have to shock someone."

"Need my help?"

"No, Paulo. I have to do this myself."

Michael got out of the Viper, Paulo staying inside.

Michael walked up to the entrance, looking at the listing.

He hit a buzzer, waiting for a reply.

"Yes?" Came a female voice.

"Hi, my name is Michael Tavarro. I'm a friend of Justin Timberlake's. I was wondering if I could speak to you?"

"About what?"

"It's about your Timmy."

Michael heard silence, but he sensed some deep emotion.

The door buzzer went off, Michael walking inside.

He walked to the elevator, going to the third floor.

He exited the elevator walking down the corridor.

He knocked on apartment 3D.

The door opened to reveal a young woman, who Michael could see had been crying.

She was about five foot five, straight black hair, beautiful deep brown eyes.

Michael thought she was around twenty three or twenty four years old.

"What do you want from me?" She said, Michael feeling her emotions on edge.

"I want your happiness and Tim's. I know what's going on, Cassi."

The woman looked at Michael, breaking down.

Michael pulled her into his arms, feeling all her emotions.

"Then would you please tell me. I need to know why he walked away from me."

Michael walked her into the apartment, closing the door behind him.

Justin sat beside Lonnie in the SUV, Timbaland riding in the back seat.

It had been hell getting Timbaland to come, he'd tried three times to make excuses to back out.

Justin had finally played his ace card.

"Timba, please come. Michael means everything to me. He so wants to get to know my friends. He's had a hard life, an abusive one. He doesn't have many friends. I sensed his wanting your friendship. Please if not for me then please, for him." Justin had said, looking deeply concerned.

Timbaland had caved in to Justin's puppy dog look.

Justin secretly smiled to himself in the passenger seat.

"We're on our way home, Mico." Justin said in his mind.

"Good, babe. Everything's pretty much ready here. How long will you be?"

"How long before we're home, Lon?" Justin asked Lonnie.

"Well, Jus. Traffic's heavy, probably about fifty minutes."

Justin smiled, talking to Michael again.

"About an hour. What's going on babe? What have you found out."

"I'll tell you, Jus. But you can't react, okay. Timba can't see your emotions. You have to be strong for him and for me, babe."

Justin felt a sense of dread.

"Babe, I feel your soul. You need to be calm, okay?" Michael said to him.

"Okay, Mico. I'm ready, tell me."

Michael told him, Justin's heart stopping.

He turned and looked at Timbaland.

"You okay, Justin?" Timbaland said seeing the look on Justin's face.

Justin smiled a weak smile.

"Yeah, I'm okay, Timba."

He turned back, trying to hold in his tears.

"Justin, get ahold of yourself. I need you to be strong for him and for me. Here's what's going down."

Michael explained it all to Justin, Justin finally smiling at the end of the conversation.

"Michael, I love you so much."

"I know my love, I love you too."

Justin practically beamed, Lonnie picking up on his mood.

"What ya smiling at, Slim?"

"I'm just so happy I'm coming home to my man."

Lonnie and Timbaland both laughed, Justin turning and smiling at Timba, Timbaland relaxing again.

Michael checked everything, seeing all was ready.

The barbecue was on, Paulo cooking chicken and steaks.

They both had prepared the food, ceasar salad, garlic potatoes and other items.

Michael had changed into a black silk shirt and chinos.

He heard the SUV pulling up into the driveway, Michael going into the living room.

He smiled, nodding his head, then closing the doors to the living room.

He walked back across the hallway opening the front door.

Justin was in his arms, kissing him deeply. Michael felt all his emotions, all his concerns. Michael sent his love through him, calming him.

Lonnie and Timbaland were smiling at the two lovers.

They broke apart, Michael smiling at Timbaland.

"Welcome to our home, Tim. Please come in."

Timbaland nervously entered the house, Lonnie following and closing the door.

"Lonnie, Paulo's on the patio, why don't you go out an see him."

"Sure thing, Mikey." Lonnie smiled, certain that something was going on. Michael knew Paulo would fill him in. He'd told Paulo a short while ago.

"I'll head out too, Michael." Timbaland said.

"Please, Tim. Call me Mikey. All my friends do." Michael smiled a genuine smile at him.

"Okay, Mikey." Timbaland smiled, Michael seeing a lot of friendship in that smile.

"Actually, Tim, I'd like to talk to you privately first. In the living room, it's this way."

Timbaland looked at Justin, seeing concern and love on his face.

"What's going on, Jus?"

Justin just shrugged his shoulders.

"Please, Tim." Michael said.

Timbaland could see the deep love in Michael's golden eyes and he sensed something more.

"Alright, Mikey. If you insist."

Michael walked him to the living room doors, Justin following behind them.

Michael opened one of the doors, letting Timbaland walk in.

Timbaland walked into the large living room smiling then froze in shock.

Cassi stood in front of the fireplace.

"Cassi?" He managed to stumble out.

"Yes, Tim. It's me. We need to talk, my love." She said smiling at him.

Timba couldn't take his eyes off her.

She was stunning, dressed in a form fitting dress, her hair done back, beautiful jewelry on her neck and ears.

She wore the white Tazanite and diamond ring he'd given her on her right finger.

"Why are you here, Cassi?"

She walked up to him, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I know, Timmy. I know why you walked away from me. Michael told me."

Timbaland turned looking at Michael.

"I know, Tim. I know why you've been so frightened, why you walked away from her. Because of your illness.Talk to her, Tim. She loves you with all her heart and soul. You need her now, you need her love."

Timbaland had tears in his eyes staring at Michael.

"How did you know?"

Justin walked up to him.

"Michael has a special gift, he can see into people's souls. Why didn't you tell me, Timba? I would have be there for you in an instant."

Timbaland broke down, beginning to cry.

"How could I tell the people I love that I may be dying."

Cassi wrapped her arm around him.

"I love you, Tim. I will always love you. You didn't have to walk away from me, I wouldn't leave you."

"I thought it was better to just cut ties, save you the pain of seeing me suffer. Of all you seeing me suffer."

Justin was in tears, knowing now why his friend was so angry.

Michael looked at him, taking Justin's hand in his.

"Let's leave these two to talk, Jus. They have a lot to discuss."

Justin nodded, turning to go.

Michael went up to Timbaland.

"Love is about sharing the joy and the sorrow, Tim. Never forget that. Remember, love conquers all. Miracles have been know to happen."

Timbaland hugged Michael, Justin tearing up.

"Talk to her, Tim. She loves you, as much as I love Jus."

Michael broke their hold, walking out of the room with Jus.

Justin hugged him out in the hallway, Michael holding him as he cried.

"It's going to be okay, Jus. I've already healed him."

Justin looked up at Michael, looking into his golden eyes.

"The tumor's gone. I've already destroyed it."

"When? I didn't see a blue glow."

Michael looked at Justin.

"I've decided that it's time we kept my powers to just the family, Jus. I can do it now without any sign."

Justin hugged Michael again.

"Alright, Michael."

"He doesn't need to know, Jus. Let's let him believe that god gave him a second chance. Just like Cassi and Tim now have a second chance."

"I love you, Michael." Justin kissed him, Michael feeling all his love and joy.

"Lets go out and see Lonnie and Polo."

Justin smiled, taking Michael's hand and walking with him out to the patio.

Timbaland and Cassi walked out onto the patio a half hour later, everyone getting up.

Cassi walked over to Michael kissing his cheek.

"Thank you, Michael."

Michael blushed, smiling at Cassi.

Timbaland hugged him tightly, Justin smiling at the two men.

"I don't know how to thank you, Mikey. I feel so loved again. I was a fool for walking away from her, I now see I need her love."

Michael smiled, patting his shoulder.

"She'll be there for you always, Tim. Just take it a day at a time. Who knows, god looks upon true love with kindness."

Timbaland teared up, hugging Michael again.

"And your friends are here for you too, Timba." Justin said hugging him.

Timbaland smiled, seeing Justin's love for him.

"Thanks, JT." He said smiling.

"Hey, hands off my man. You have your own sweet little thang. " Michael said, kissing Justin, Timbaland hugging Cassi.

Everyone laughed including Timbaland.

Michael smiled seeing his wide smile.

Everyone but Timbaland and Cassi knew what Michael had done for him.

He had a second chance at happiness, and life.

Paul Richards, a.k.a Jackson Phillips, lay on the small bed, nursing his sore hand.

It was now over a week since the botched attack.

He hadn't heard a word from Fredrick.

That bothered him greatly.

He'd sewn his own finger up, not going to a hospital.

He'd downed a lot of pain killers, numbing the pain.

A large quanity of newspapers and magazines lay strewn around the room.

Pictures of Justin and Michael.

Articles about the big hero. Justin's saviour.

Paul sneered, taking another drink of vodka.

He'd failed in his assignment.

And he'd failed the Lord.

Paul stared at a magazine showing Justin in a shirtless pose.

The man was a vision of beauty.

Paul wanted him, wanted his beauty.

Deep in his heart he was kind of happy that it had failed, maybe he'd have a chance at Justin, at his gorgeous body.

A sharp rapping was heard against his apartment door.

He got up, pulling his knife off the nightstand.

He looked through the peephole, seeing his father.

He opened the door, letting Fredrick in. Fredrick turned, locking it.

"Hello, my son."

"Hello, father." Paul hung his head, kneeling in front of him.

"I've failed you, my lord. I've failed in my worthiness."

Fredrick looked down at his servant, smiling.

"Yes my child, you failed. But not entirely. This has shown me the power of the demon.

Michael has more power than I thought he had."

Paul looked up at Fredrick.

"Victor is dead. That in itself is a plus. He was getting sloppy. I don't like sloppy people. You won't be sloppy, will you Paul?"

"I will do thy bidding Lord."

Fredrick smiled.

"I think I want you to hurt Michael again, hurt him badly. Not death this time, but a more personal hurt. Take him and his lover and use them the way they liked to be used. Rape them , my son. Rape their souls."

Paul smiled, his heart soaring.

"Yes, my father. It shall be done."

Fredrick looked at him. Paul turning away from his evil eyes.

"You know you've wronged, don't you Paul?"

"Yes, father."

"And you know what thy punishment must be."

Paul swallowed, looking at his father's eyes.

He stood up removing his clothes.

Fredrick looked at his taunt trim body.

Fredrick loved male flesh, submissive male flesh.

Paul lay on the bed, face down.

Fredrick slowly removed his clothes, pulling off his belt.

He looked down at Paul's bubble butt, seeing the sweetness of it.

He'd taken Paul in prison, becoming his master.

Paul now submitted to him freely.

That pleased Fredrick the most. A butch male turned submissive.

Paul had raped Michael, and Fredrick had raped Paul.

That made Fredrick the master of both of them.

Michael would succomb to his master, eventually.

After his tortured soul and body were used, Fredrick would have it all.

The family, and the wealth.

He'd only made two mistakes in his life. He hadn't killed Michael when he was a child.

And he'd stupidly got caught robbing that bank.

That had put his plans on hold.

But now he'd have his revenge, his wealth and power.

He smiled a wide grin, bringing the belt down on Paul's ass.

Paul flinched, holding in the scream.

Fredrick beat him fiercely, feeling the sweat on his body, seeing Paul's trembling.

Fredrick threw the belt aside, turning Paul over.

He looked at the taunt, sweating body, seeing Paul's tears and fear.

"I am your father, Paul. I take you now as a sign from god for your evil heart.

Paul nodded, looking up at his father with love.

"Heal me father, show me the true way."

Fredrick lifted his muscular legs, sinking into Paul's tight opening.

Paul screamed, putting his damaged hand into his mouth.

Fredrick shut his eyes slamming into this submissive young man.

His servant, his tool.

Paul closed his eyes, seeing only one vision in his mind.

He was going to do the same to Justin Timberlake, then to that demon Michael Tavarro.

End of Chapter 61

Ominous tidings.

Will Paul succeed with Fredrick's plan?

Will Michael have the strength to take on Fredrick?

What did Adrian show Michael?

I hope people enjoyed this chapter, Michael can't stop helping people, his love for Justin guiding him this time.

Please stay with me, lot's more fun on the way.

Hugs, my avid readers.


Next: Chapter 62

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