Justins Angel

By Angel J

Published on Apr 3, 2007


This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to this story.

The following is a fictitious story with no real basis or credibility. It is solely for the enjoyment of the reader. Its all just fun. It does not imply anything about the sexual preferences or lifestyle of Justin Timberlake or any other celebrity mentioned in the story.


Michael was in Justin's arms, sobbing against his chest.

Justin held onto his lover, feeling Michael's deep emotions from their singing for him.

"That song was written a long time ago, Mikey. But in my heart I believe we were thinking of you when we wrote and sang it. You have been a part of us since that day we walked into your dreams. And you'll be a part of us forever." Josh said, his hand resting again on Michael's shoulder.

Michael looked up at the four friends standing beside his bed. Each one had tears in his eyes, looking down at a man they'd come to know and love with all their hearts.

"I love you guys so much, you're in my heart and soul. My love will be yours for always."

Each one hugged him, Lance hugging Michael the longest. Michael felt his special bond with Lance.

"We'll talk later, Lancy." He whispered quietly in his ear, Justin the only one hearing it. He didn't say anything.

Michael looked at these five beautiful men, seeing their friendship and love.

Michael felt more loved than he's ever known.

And Michael sensed he'd need all that love on the journey ahead.

Chapter 57

Michael wiped his eyes, looking at everyone smiling at him.

Michael looked at Justin, seeing his lover smiling at him, his blue eyes filled with love.

"I have something I want to say to you, Mico."

Justin took his hands again, gently, looking into Mico's eyes.

"It's time, Mico. It's time I told the world what you mean to me. I'm not going to hide my love for you, for what you mean to me. I love you, I love you with all my heart."

Michael looked with deep love into Justin's blue pools of love.

"Justin Timberlake is gay and he's in love with the most beautiful, wonderful, caring man in the whole world. You are my life, Mico. You are the most important part of my life. I won't hide you away like someone I'm ashamed of. I love you, completely, and I want the world to know that."

Michael looked shocked at Justin's declaration.

"Are you sure, Jus? Are you sure that's best? I love you, you know that, but is it worth risking your career for? I don't want to interfere with your success and your happiness."

Justin leaned in, kissing Michael deeply.

"You are my happiness, my love. I only have success when I'm in your thoughts and dreams. You have never interfered in anything I've done. You are not an interference, you are an enhancement. You make me feel alive, you make me feel that I can succeed at anything. I love you, Mico. With you at my side I can face anything, especially my own doubts and fears."

Michael hugged Justin to him, Justin feeling safe and loved in Michael's strong arms.

"Then I will be by your side, my love. I will face everything with you, together."

They kissed, everyone silently watching.

The love between the two men could be felt as if it glowed, as if it radiated off them, for everyone to bask in.

Justin felt Michael sigh a bit, and he felt a small tremble run through him.

Michael laid back against the pillows, Justin looking into his golden eyes.

"The tiredness is settling in again, love." Michael said, Justin seeing his energy had been slowly sapped again.

"Then rest, my love. I'll shoo this posse out of here." Justin said, winking at him.

Michael smiled a tired smile, looking around at his family.

Everyone smiled at him and began to get up and leave quietly.

They filed out, gradually emptying the room.

Michael knew they'd be back, separately or in small groups.

He felt their need to let him rest, their want to let him get better.

Michael felt his soul had healed and his body was now healing also.

Within a few minutes, while everyone left, Michael fell asleep again.

After everyone had left, they all divided into smaller groups in the hallway.

Some heading off for lunch, some going back to their hotel rooms.

They'd all agreed to come back to see Michael at different times, to give Michael some space and not to tire him out as much.

Justin stayed, Josh staying with him. Lance went with Joey and Kelly back to their hotel for lunch.

Josh sat down on the couch again in Michael's room, Justin sitting beside him, once he'd checked on Michael's sound sleeping.

"Man, this has been a rough couple of days, Joshy." Justin said leaning against the back of the couch, his head relaxing against Josh's shoulder.

"And you've shown a lot of courage, Jus." Josh smiled at him.

"Thanks, Josh. But it's been hard. I thought I had lost him, and it tore me apart." Justin was on the edge of emotion again.

"I don't ever want to feel those feelings again."

"You won't, bud. He's back and we'll keep him safe." Josh put his hand on Justin's knee.

Justin smiled at his friend, seeing something different in Josh's blue eyes.

Justin smiled. He knew what it was. Love, deep love.

"How are you and Lance getting along, Joshy?" He asked, smiling at his best friend.

"He loves me, Jus. He told me he loves me." Josh had a tear in his eye.

Justin hugged Josh tightly, kissing his cheek.

"That's fantastic, Josh. He's finally seeing what we've all seen."

"What's that, Jus?"

"It's your love for him, we have all seen it, Josh. We've seen the way you care for him, the way you hold him and kiss him, and even the way you look at him."

Josh smiled.

"He said he loves me." Josh said again to himself.

Justin put his arm around him, Josh feeling Justin's love for him.

"Isn't it amazing, Josh. A short month ago we were lost. We walked around without any deep love in our hearts. And now look at us. We have two of the most beautiful souls to love. Our hearts have found our soulmates. Two men who bring out our love and happiness. Did you ever think we'd be this happy, this complete?"

Josh smiled a large bright smile.

"Never in my wildest dreams, Jus. Never."

Justin smiled just as largely as Josh.

"I'm going to ask Michael to marry me, Josh. And I need your help, all of you guy\rquote s help for me to do it."

Josh looked at his best friend, seeing his commitment to do this for Michael, and for himself. Josh could see Justin's love for Michael, his complete devotion.

"We'll help in any way we can, Jus."

"Good. I want all of you to be a part of that special moment. I want it to be something Michael will cherish forever. And I know what I want to do and when I want to do it."

"When, Jus?"

"On our birthdays. On the day that meant so much pain to him, Joshy. Now that he's received his mother's love, that he's healed that part of his soul, I want that day to mean so much more to him. I want it to mean love and happiness."

Josh teared up, seeing the love Justin wanted Michael to feel.

"I think that would be beautiful, Jus. But it could be an emotional day for him, have you thought of that, it still may be a painful day for him."

"I know Josh, I know. I'm going to talk to him, to find out where he went all those years, now maybe he can get past that."

Josh smiled at Justin.

"You love him so much, Jus. I'd never thought I'd see you so deeply in love, Jus. To be honest, I didn't think the great Justin Timberlake would ever fall that far from grace."

Justin smiled, knowing his former self.

"I've changed, Josh. Michael changed me for the greater. I love him so much."

Josh hugged his friend, smiling at Justin.

The two friends settled down, discussing quietly Justin's plans.

"So this week's going to be hectic. Your tour starts next week doesn't it?"

"Yeah, rehearsals start Tuesday. Two days from now. I'm postponing it until Mico's well enough."

"You know he'll flip if you do that. He just told you he didn't want to interfere with your career."

"Yes, but he's more important to me. He needs to know that." Justin said looking over at Michael sleeping.

"He knows that now, Jus." Josh said looking at him.

Josh stayed with Justin the rest of the morning, Michael waking up around lunch time.

Justin fed him some food from a tray delivered at lunch time. It was mostly liquids only, Michael eating everything.

He felt refreshed and alert, Justin smiling constantly at him.

"That was just plain crappy, Jus. I want some real food." He said, Zach then\b \b0 came into the room.

Zach looked at the tray, smiling.

"Good boy, Mikey. You ate it all." He smiled.

"I'm not a dog or a small child, Zacky. I want some real food, this was crap."

Zach and Josh laughed, Justin holding in his own laughter.

Michael crossed his arms, pouting.

"Okay, Mikey. I'll see what I can scrounge up for supper. Maybe something a little meatier."

Michael smirked.

"Why, Zacky. Are you my pimp now?"

Justin and Josh burst out laughing, Zach turning two shades of red.

"Ha ha. Very funny, Mikey. That's the last thing you need right now."

"It's tempting with such a beautiful man beside me." Michael gazed at Justin, Justin seeing the lustful desire in his golden eyes.

"When you\rquote re well, lover, and out of here, I'm going to make love to you for hours." Justin said, kissing Michael tenderly, Josh and Zach blushing.

Michael pulled Justin further down on top of him, Justin trying to keep his balance.

Zach pulled Justin back, Michael's face frowning.

"Sorry, mate. He's off limits in your bed till you\rquote re strong. Understand?" Zach said, smiling at him.

"You\rquote re such a bitch, bitch." Michael sneered.

Josh laughed, Justin joining him.

Zach stared at him, then started laughing, causing Michael to laugh.

Justin loved hearing his melodic laugh echo through the room.

His Mico was on the mend.

"So, Justin, the tour's next week. You all set?" Zach said changing the subject.

Michael looked at Justin when he saw him frown.

"Yes, but that's not important now. Michael is my biggest concern." Justin smiling at him, then seeing Michael's stare.

"Okay, Justin. What gives? I can sense your feelings, you know that."

"Rehearsals start on Tuesday, Mico. And I'm not going. I'm rescheduling the start of the tour dates."

Michael stared at him, then pulled him down to sit beside him.

"It's too late for that, Justin. You're going." Michael said, everyone hearing the determination and finality in his voice.

"I'm not leaving you, Mico. Not when you're not well."

"Can you guys excuse us, please. " Michael said, looking at Zach and Josh.

"It's okay guys, stay right there. Mico, you are my most important concern right now. Your health and happiness."

Michael kissed Justin's cheek, running his hand down his back. Justin felt the thrill of Michael's loving touch.

"I can't be happy, Jus, if you're not doing what's important to you. And I know that this tour means everything to you. You've worked too hard to change it. It's not fair to your crew or the fans. I already told you that I would not interfere with your work, and I mean it."

Justin pulled back, staring at him.

"My God, Michael. Do you think lying here in a hospital bed is interference. You're hurt, Michael. How could I rehearse knowing you're laying here."

"I'm going to be fine, Jus. In two days you'll be in L.A. rehearsing. I should be out of here by then."

"That's for me to decide, Mikey." Zach said.

"No, Zach. That's my decision." Michael said.

"Like hell, Tavarro. I'm your doctor and I decide that."

"I'm the best to judge my own health, Dr. Warren. And I'll not interfere with your career, Justin. That's final, for both of you." Michael's anger was simmering.

Josh could see this was getting out of hand. He also saw Michael's angry, determined stare.

Josh knew it was time to take charge.

"Alright, that's it. Enough. Michael, lay back and relax. You two come with me." Josh's voice loud and forthright.

Josh got up walking to the door, Zach and Justin staring at him in shock.

"Now." He said, waiting.

Michael lay back, still staring.

Justin got up walking beside Zach, Josh ushering them out the door.

"We'll be back shortly, Mikey." He, said, not waiting for an answer.

Once outside in the hallway, Josh looked at his friends.

He saw Lance and Paulo walking towards them.

"Both of you sit down, now." He said.

Justin and Zach sat down on a couch against the wall.

"I'm disappointed in both of you." Josh said, staring at them.

They both stared at him in shock.

Lance and Paulo stopped, seeing the look on Josh's face. He looked like a father about to give a lecture.

"Zach, I know what you're trying to do. You're using your position as a doctor to keep Michael safe, to ground him in one place. To keep him where you can keep an eye on him. Because you're scared he's going to get hurt again."

Zach hung his head, knowing Josh had seen through his plan.

"Justin, you're scared to let him out of your sight. You're postponing your own life's work to keep him with you, to keep him safe. Am I right?"

Josh stared at them both.

"I'm scared, Josh. If he gets well and walks out of this hospital, he'll be vulnerable again. Those bastards will be after him again." Zach said, everyone seeing his tearing eyes.

"And I don't want to leave him, I need to protect him, to keep him safe. "Justin was breaking down now.

Josh sat down between the two men, putting his arms around both of them.

"I want to ask both of you something. Did you see Michael's look of determination? Did you see his eyes?"

Both men had seen the determination and conviction in Michael's eyes.

"No matter what you say or what you try to do, Michael will be Michael. He is going to do what he thinks is best for him and for all of us. He loves you Justin. He knows what music means to you. And he wants you to go on with your rehearsals. He won't flinch on that. I saw that in his eyes, and so did you. And you, Zach. He saw right through what you're trying to do for him, that's why he's fighting you. Because he wants you to see that he can take care of himself. And he can. I saw that in his eyes. His determination and strength has grown even more since this happened. Michael is a special man, a man destined to succeed at anything he puts his mind too. I know that now with all my heart. And what he's determined to do is go on, as he's done everyday of his life. His resolve is hardened and his fear is under control. I actually fear for those bastards, for now they have someone who's deeply resolved to defeat them. To not let them make him cringe in fear and terror. That's gone from Michael's eyes. I'm sure you've both seen that. Michael is a new Michael. He's still the same loving, sweet, caring man, but a tougher, more determined man. I think you understand what I'm trying to say. All I'm asking you is to give Michael his freedom, his freedom to love you and to be the man he wants to be. That's all I had to say."

Josh let go of both of them, standing and walking over to Lance.

Josh saw the tears in Lance's eyes, tears of love.

He hugged him, then leaned against the wall looking at Justin and Zach.

Justin and Zach got up looking at Josh. Both men nodding to him.

"You're right, Josh. All I can do is be there for Mikey. I love him, and I'll be there for him." Zach said.

"You need to tell Michael that, Zach. And you, Justin?" Josh looked at his best friend.

"He's everything to me, Joshy. How do I stop worrying about him?"

Josh hugged him, feeling for Justin's pain.

"You will never stop worrying about him, Jus. That's a part of love. All you can do is be there for him and love him. And have the faith that he'll be okay. He loves you too, ya know."

Justin smiled, looking at Zach.

"Come on, we need to talk with Mico."

Justin looked at Josh.

"Thanks, Joshua. Thanks for being our friend."

Josh smiled, patting both on the back.

Both men walked back into the room, followed by their three friends.

Josh and Lance sat down on the couch with Paulo.

Michael looked at Justin and Zach, smiling.

"I know what's going on. It's okay guys. I love you both so much. But you can't smother me with protection, it's not who I am. I'm determined to live my life. To do what I want to do. And what I want to do is go on, stand by my man and hear his beautiful voice fill so many people's hearts with happiness. Your voice thrills so many people, Jus. You can't deny them that. And you, Zach. I know you love me and want what's best for me. But you have to let me live my life. I can't be happy if you're worried constantly about me. I won't let anyone dictate how I live my life, I need to live it myself. All I'm asking is that you let me live it in my own way. And that way is to love all of you, to be there for you, and know that you'll all be there for me."

Zach was crying, Michael pulling him into a hug.

"Okay, Mikey. I love ya too, and I'll let you live your life. I'll always be here for you."

"I know, Zacky, I know."

Justin looked at Michael, Michael staring back at him.

"I love you Mico. And I'll do as you ask. But promise me you'll never leave me again." Justin was tearing up.

Michael knew the depths of Justin's insecurity.

Zack moved and Michael hugged Justin to him.

"I promise that I'll never purposely leave you, that I'll love you to my final day."

Justin smiled, knowing Michael believed that completely.

"Alright, Mico. That's good enough for me."

Michael smiled, sensing Justin's acceptance of his love and committment to him.

"So, how does Thursday sound?" Michael looked at Justin smiling.

"Thursday?" Justin looked puzzled.

"You said when I was well again you were going to make love to me for hours. I'm free thursday." Michael licked his lips.

Everybody started laughing, Michael's humor breaking the tension as usual.

"You got a date, stud." Justin licked his own lips.

Michael laughed, Justin snuggling up beside him, taking his hand in his.

"So what's the plan for tonight, guys? It's New Year's Eve." Michael said looking at his friends.

"You and me are staying right here, babe." Justin kissed his cheek.

"Wouldn't want it any other way, sweetie." Michael kissed him back.

"Vicky's invited all of us to a party at Vito's. " Josh said.

"I'm staying here. I won't be discharged till tomorrow morning. Jake said he might stop by later." Paulo said not looking at anyone in particular.

Michael smiled.

"Sounds good. Give my love to Vito." Michael said, resting his head against Justin's shoulder.

"We will Michael." Josh smiled.

Michael looked at Lance sensing his need to talk to Michael.

Justin picked up on Lance's quietness too.

"Hey, Josh. How about you and I walk Paulo back to his room and see if Jake's there." Justin said.

Michael knew what Justin was doing.

Lance let Josh get up, Josh kissing his cheek.

"We'll be back shortly, Lance. You stay and chat with Michael." Josh smiled at him, Lance smiling back.

The three men walked out of the room, Lance sitting down beside Michael on the bed.

"How goes things, Lance?" Michael smiled at him.

Lance looked at him with moist eyes, his tears falling.

Michael hugged him to him, holding onto him tightly.

They remained together, Michael quietly letting Lance come to terms with his emotions.

They sat together for a few minutes, Michael giving Lance time.

Lance looked up at him, his eyes looking deeply into Michael's golden ones.

"I thought you were dead, Mikey. I thought my best friend was dead."

Michael remained quiet, sensing Lance's need to talk.

"I thought I'd lost the one person who could be my saviour."

"Saviour, Lance? Saviour from what?"

"From my fucking up my new love for Josh."

Michael wasn't surprised.

"You love Josh."

"Yes, Michael, I've finally realized that. And it scares the hell out of me."

Michael looked at Lance, deciding what he had to say.

"You're scared, Lance. And I think I know what's scaring you. You've watched Josh love you, care for you and be there for you. And your own feelings are coming out now. His love has entered your soul, hasn't it?"

"Yes, I feel his love so much, and I now have those feelings for him. But I'm scared."

"You're scared that it won't be like Justin's and my love."

Lance looked shocked, seeing Michael had sensed the truth.

Lance sighed.

"I saw the deep love, the pure love the two of you share. He was lost when you left, his heart was destroyed. And his heart soared when you came back. You sacrificed yourself to save him. God was in both of you, you both have been blessed with true love."

Lance looked towards the door, looking for Josh to come back.

"I'm afraid that my love for him will never match yours."

Michael pushed Lance away from him.

"Holy fuck, Lance. Are you that insecure and lost?? Are you that pathetic??"

Lance was shocked, as were Josh and Justin, who had just walked into the room hearing Michael's last words.

"Michael, what's wrong?" Justin felt Michael's anger.

"What's wrong? Blondie here is being beyond irrational. Josh come here." Justin heard Michael's agitation in his voice.

Josh walked up beside Lance, looking at him, then at Michael. He was concerned for both of them.

"Tell him what you just told me, Lance."

Lance looked down, not meeting Michael's stern gaze.

"Your boyfriend here is terrified that his love for you won't match Justin's and my love. He's comparing our relationships. He's being a total fuck up."

"Michael!" Justin said, shocked at Michael's candidness.

"Justin, Lance needs to realize that his relationship is just as special as ours."

Lance looked at Michael.

"That's right, Lance. You and Josh are just as much in love as Justin and I. And you want to know how I know?"

Lance slowly nodded, Josh also looking into Michael's golden eyes.

" I saw the two of you kiss beside my bed, Lance. I saw the moment your true love burst forth. I saw your two auras unite in the bluest glow of love. I saw it all, and it was as moving and beautiful as any moment I've had with Justin's love."

Michael put his hand in Justin's, looking at him with love.

Lance looked at Michael, and he felt Josh put his hand in his.

Lance turned and looked at Josh.

"Lance, our love is that, our love. Yours and mine. It's a pure love, made by our feelings for each other. I don't ever want you to compare it to anyone else's. The only love that matters to me is your's. I'm happy for Justin and Michael, they have true love. And I'm happy for you and I, we have it also."

Josh kissed Lance, Lance kissing him back. He suddenly feeling a new feeling, a feeling of openness. He felt Josh's love soar through him, he felt all of Josh's emotions.

What he didn't feel or see, was Michael's hand touch his arm.

Michael was giving Lance a special gift. A gift he sensed both men needed, especially Lance. He gave him his soulmate's true love.

And Justin saw Michael do it.

Michael was allowing both men to feel each other's soul, as he and Justin had always been capable of.

It was a gift he easily was able to give them. By touching Lance he gave Lance and Josh his devotion connection. And through it he connected with both men, but kept separate from them. Their love was for them to share, no one else.

He let their love flow through that connection and through each other, both men lost in their love. And when they'd made that connection, Michael let go.

Justin saw him lean back, the energy sapped from him again.

They eventually separated, Lance looking again at Michael.

"That was you, wasn't it Mikey? You did that for us?"

"Yes, Lance. I wanted both of you to feel what your love was really like, what both of you feel for each other. And now, you'll always feel it, ever time you kiss, or hug, your love will be there, for both of you to feel. You now have the connection of true love. "

Lance teared up, hugging Michael again.

"I'm sorry, Michael. I'm sorry I didn't see the real thing. And that I doubted it."

"Don't chide yourself for having doubts, Lance. Josh is there for you, to love you, and to talk to. Understand?"

"Yes, love. Please understand that." Josh put his arm around Lance, kissing him again.

"If you ever have doubts or insecurities, talk to me." Josh said, pulling him closer.

"I'm sorry, Josh. I'm sorry for not talking to you first."

Josh smiled at Michael, Michael seeing his thanks.

"It's okay, Lance. I forgive you, but don't let it happen again. Okay?" Josh smirked, slapping his ass.

Lance jumped, laughing.

"Understood." He smiled, kissing Josh again.

Lance turned and hugged Michael.

"Forgive me for upsetting you, Mikey?"

Michael slapped Lance's ass too.

Lance jumped again.

"Forgiven, cutie." Michael laughed, Justin laughing also.

"As touching as all this is, I need to use the washroom. Jus, can you help me, I haven't gone in four days, I'm about to burst."

"I'll get Zach, he said you were to use the bottle."

"Lose the bottle, Jus. I'm using the john, I'm not an invalid."

All three saw Michael's determination.

"Okay, Mico. But I'm holding you the whole time."

"Mmmm, nice."

Lance and Josh laughed. They watched Justin help Michael get out of bed.

He kind of staggered a little, Justin holding onto him tightly.

Justin walked with Michael across the room towards the washroom.

Lance and Josh both saw Michael's open hospital gown, both catching a revealing view of Michael's naked rear end.

"My ass is beautiful isn't it?" Michael said, not looking behind him. Justin turned, seeing both men blushing.

Justin looked down seeing Michael's ass in full view.

He blushed, quickly closing Michael's gown.

"It's damn fine, Mikey." Josh said smiling at Michael's turning face.

"It looks delicious." Lance said, Josh looking shocked at him. Lance blushed deeper.

"Maybe I'll give both of you a taste sometime." Michael smirked.

All four men burst into laughter.

After a few moments of wonderful laughter, Michael was on the move again.

Justin walked him into the bathroom, their friends waiting.

After a few minutes, Justin and Michael walked back out, Michael had a huge smile on his face.

"I think I just lost two quarts." Michael smirked.

Josh and Lance laughing.

Justin helped Michael back into bed.

"Come on, Lance. Let's go and leave the other lovebirds alone. We'll have a quiet supper, then go to Vicky's for the party."

"Okay, Josh. Happy New Year, Mikey and Jus." Lance said hugging both of them.

"Happy New Year, guys." Josh hugging both of them.

"And thank you, Michael. For what you've given us."

"No problem, Josh. It's my gift to both of you. Happy New Year guys."

Lance and Josh hugged him again, tears in both their eyes. They both hugged Justin again, then slowly walked out of the room.

Justin looked at Michael, seeing his love for his friends.

"Justin, I need to get out of this damn gown. Are their any pj's or clothes I can wear?"

"Yes, I got Dad to pick up some clothes this morning, hang on."

Justin went to the closet, pulling out some clothes hanging there.

He helped Michael put on some briefs, a pair of lounge pants and a t_shirt.

"Man, that's a lot better, I feel human now."

Justin smiled, kissing him. Justin climbed into bed beside him, Michael purring.

"I love you, Mico."

"Love ya back, Timby."

Justin kissed him, Michael laying against his shoulder.

Justin and Michael fell asleep beside each other, Justin waking up about two hours later.

He looked at his watch seeing it was almost six o'clock.

He quietly got up using the washroom.

When he came back out Michael was awake, sitting up, smiling at him.

Zach came into the room carrying a large tray.

"Soup's on, Mikey." He smiled.

"Tell me it's not soup. If it is, you'll be wearing it." He leered at Zach.

Zach laughed pulling off the cover as he laid it down on Michael's table.


Michael looked down at a tray full of hamburgers with fries and soft drinks.

"There's a Burger King just down the block." He laughed.

Michael was practically beaming, his hands wrapping around a Whopper.

"Mmmm, thanks Zacky. That's exactly what I've needed."

"I felt as much. But don't let the other doctors know. I could lose my license for feeding you the wrong food."

Michael chuckled. Then he downright starting laughing.

Justin smiled, wondering what Michael was laughing at.

"I just realized it's been a while since I had a big whopper." he winked at Justin.

Zach didn't see why that was funny, but Justin did.

"But Zach, you forgot something though." Justin said baiting him.

"What did I forget."

"You forgot the creamy sauce. I can't have a whopper without the creamy sauce. Half the fun is squeezing out the sauce."

Justin was on the floor laughing his head off.

Zach just stood there\b ,\b0 still looking totally lost.

He watched Justin crawl back up and sit beside Michael again, still laughing.

"I don't have a clue what you\rquote re talking about, Michael." He said confused.

Michael broke down laughing again.

"Okay, Zacky. Let me explain."

Michael put his hand in Justin's lap, squeezing his crotch.

"This is the whopper I need, and it has the best tasting creamy sauce."

Michael was laughing his head off, Justin was beaming, then laughing with him.

Zach blushed deep red, shaking his head.

"Michael, you are one sick, twisted fuck." He said then burst into laughter.

"And I'm one stupid fuck."

Michael laughed, hugging Zach.

"Yeah, but you're my stupid fuck. Don't ever change sweetie."

Justin smiled, seeing Michael's deep connection with Zach.

Everyone dove in, grabbing burgers and fries.

Michael ate two burgers and two packs of fries.

He lay back stuffed, full of quiet satisfaction and renewed energy.

"I've arranged for you to stay tonight, if you want, Justin." Zach said, smiling at him.

"I'm seeing the new year in with my baby. Thanks Zach." Justin beamed.

Over the next two hours, all their friends and family paid short visits, Michael talking and laughing with everyone.

Justin quietly sat watching him, and laughing with him.

He saw Michael's renewed energy, his strength had returned.

By nine o'clock, the two men were again alone, the two relaxing in each other's arms.

"Mico, I can tell you're re_energized, I'm so happy you're getting back to normal."

"Justin, I'll never be normal. I'm not like other people. I'm gifted, remember." Michael sighed.

"But you're you, the man I love. And you're back to your sweet self."

Michael smiled, kissing Justin's cheek.

"Can we talk for a while, Mico."

"Okay, Jus. I've sensed there is something on your mind. I've seen how you've been watching me."

"How do you feel now, now that you've talked with your Mom and Dad?"

Michael smiled, knowing what Justin wanted to know.

"I feel totally healed, Justin. I now feel their love flowing through me. I know they always loved me, and continue to love me. They'll always love me. That's the greatest gift I've ever received."

Michael had tears in his eyes, looking at Justin.

"Next to your love, Jus."

Justin teared up, Michael kissing him deeply, now returning to his favorite position, his head now on Justin's chest.

Justin hands ran across his head, missing the long black curls. The bandage just didn't feel the same.

"Where did you go all those years, Mico. All those birthdays."

Mico sighed, knowing he now could tell Justin.

"I went back to see her, for penance."

Justin remained quiet, not saying anything. He hugged Michael a little closer.

"Every year I drove back to our home, back to where she had died. When I was sixteen, I showed up on the doorstep of my old home. An older couple live there now. I talked with them that first time, explaining my story. Both of them took me into their hearts.

Every year they went away from their home for three days. A sort of mini vacation for them. And it left me alone in their home. It gave me three days to walk around that lonely house. To sense her out, to try and feel her again. To let her know I still loved her and that I was sorry. I stayed for three days, never sleeping, in the hope that maybe I could feel her, just once. Feel her love again. And on the last day I visited her grave, to be with the real her. For three days every year I asked for forgiveness. And I never received it, until now."

Justin was in tears, feeling for Michael's deep grief at that time. How hard it must have been for him to long for love and never receive it.

"I now know I never have to go back there, Jus. I have her love in me now, I know she always loved me, she'll always love me. I'm whole, Jus. I'm finally whole."

Michael sobbed into Justin's chest, Justin holding him tightly.

The two lovers just held each other tightly, no more words to be said, or needed.

For two hours they gently held each other, stealing small kisses, touches and caresses.

Both men knew what they'd almost lost, what they'd gained also.

Their love was intact, complete.

Justin had fallen asleep, Michael looking at his beautiful face.

"I love you, my love." He said smiling.

Just before midnight he woke Justin.

Justin smiled at his man, kissing his warm lips.

"It's almost midnight, my love. Time to see the new year in." Michael said, kissing him back again.

Justin got up retrieving two glasses of ice water.

"It's not champagne, but it'll have to do."

Michael smiled taking his glass.

Justin looked at Michael, their eyes meeting as one.

"Here's to the new year, my love. May our love grow each day, may happiness see us fall asleep in each other's arms each night. I love you, Mico. Happy New Year my love."

Michael teared up, not losing his gaze with Justin.

"Here's to the best years of our lives. To our future together, to our unending love. I love you so much, Timby. You'll always be my everything. Love ya, and Happy New Year."

Both men kissed deeply, as the clock hit twelve.

The room was quiet, the two alone.

But in their hearts, minds and souls, fireworks were going off.

End of Chapter 57

Another one finished.

I feel so fullfilled, like it's all coming together.

I've got all of the rest of the story planned out, now just to write it.

Lots more to come, my friends.

Next on the agenda, Justin' tour.

Then some surprises in store for Michael.

Keep reading dear friends and keep giving me feedback.

Hugs, Angel.

Next: Chapter 58

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