Justins Angel

By Angel J

Published on Feb 17, 2007


This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to this story.

The following is a fictious story with no real basis or credibility.It is solely for the enjoyment of the reader. It does not imply anything about the sexual preferences or lifestyle of Justin Timberlake or any other celebrity herein mentioned in this story.


"Lance, Chris. I have something to tell you."

Both men got up walking up to him.

"I'm gay, Lance. I'm just like you."

Lance looked stunned. Chris looked laid back.

Chris hugged him first.

"I knew it. Fatone, you owe me twenty bucks."

Justin looked shocked. Joey was laughing, pulling out his wallet.

Lance just stood there, not saying anything.

"And I want you to know Michael and I are a couple. We are deeply in love with each other."

That broke Lance's silence.

He hugged Justin to him, crying.

"That's wonderful, Justy. I'm so happy for you, I'm happy you can be yourself."

Justin smiled, hugging Lance back.

Then Lance turned and looked at Michael.

"Welcome to the family, Michael. I'm sure you must be special for Justin to love you."

Michael smiled at him with a tear in his eye.

Lance hugged him, Michael gently hugging him, not touching his back.

Chris was next to hug Michael, expressing the same sentiments.

Justin was ecstatic. All his friends still loved him.

Reichen came up next hugging Justin.

Michael caught his prolonged hug, as if he was feeling Justin up.

"Welcome to the team, Justin." He laughed, but Michael could see the lust in his eyes. The lust for his man.

Then before Michael could do anything Reichen was hugging him. Michael could feel his hands on his ass, he was actually kneading one cheek.

"Welcome to the group, Michael. I'm sure we will be real good friends."

Michael wanted to punch the man in the face.

But he did nothing.

He stepped back a bit while everyone chatted, Justin putting his hand in his, smiling at him.

Michael smiled back, trying to bury his feelings deep inside.

Trying to not let Justin feel what he'd felt.

For if Justin did, he'd beat the crap out of Reichen.

And he'd stop Lance.

Stop him for what he was going to do.

Lance was going to kill Reichen.

Chapter 42

Paulo walked into the room, dressed up in a black suit, Michael seeing him, beckoning him over.

"Lance, this is Paulo, he's my new bodyguard. And our new friend."

Paulo smiled, shaking Lance's hand.

"Sorry I'm late, Michael, I had some work to check out."

Michael and Justin smiled, offering Paulo a glass of wine.

He refused politely, stating he was technically still on the clock.

Paulo started chatting with Josh and Lance.

Everyone sat around chatting with the new couple, Lance asking Justin and Michael all sorts of questions about their meeting.

Justin told Lance that Michael was the one he needed Anna's number for.

That made Lance's face change to concern.

"You okay, Michael?"

"I'm fine Lance, Anna helped me a lot. As did this man of mine." Michael kissed Justin's lips, Lance smiling.

Lance looked finally deep into Michael's eyes.

And he was floored.

He'd never seen such golden bright eyes. He really hadn't noticed it before, more concerned with being around Justin again.

"Jus, another boy bander is smitten with me." Michael smirked.

Lance blushed.

"Relax Lance, my damn strange eyes have that effect on everyone."

Justin frowned, not liking Michael putting himself down.

"Your eyes are beautiful and unique, just like you, Mico." Justin smiled, Michael blushing back.

Lance really liked this guy, he seemed so nice.

Lance looked over at Reichen talking to Josh.

Why couldn't he have a man like Michael.

But he knew he'd gotten what he deserved.

Michael picked up on Lance's changing mood.

"Hey Lance, Justin tells me your thinking of going on TV again." Michael asked, trying to lighten his mood.

"Yes, Joe and I are selling a reality show based on the odd couple. Joey's the slob, I'm the gay guy."

Michael laughed.

"Truth mirroring fiction." He said.

Joey came up behind Michael smacking him on the back of the head.

"Ow.Dammit Joey, what was that for?"

"Thats for calling me a slob."

"Sorry, geez. I'm going to have to start wearing a hat."

Justin and Lance laughed.

Lance looked at Michael again.

"Have we met somewhere before, Michael? Somehow you look familiar to me."

Michael blushed, Justin realizing Lance didn't know that part yet.

"Everyone, could you all come here for a moment, please."

Everyone got up, Michael sitting down on the piano bench, Justin putting his hand on his shoulder.

"There's something you all need to know about Michael."

Michael sat back, hating being the center of attention.

"Lance, Chris. Do you remember that dream we all had six years ago?"

Lance tensed up, he remembered the dream. It haunted his soul a lot.

"Michael was the boy in the dream, the one on the cliff."

Chris and Lance looked stunned.

Kelly looked totally confused, as did Paulo.

Michael caught their looks.

"Sweetie, I think you should start from the beginning, Paulo and Kelly don't know any of it. While your doing that, I'm going to check on dinner."

Michael got up, kissing Justin quickly, Justin putting his hand on his cheek.Everyone watching their tenderness.

While Michael was gone Justin told them everything.

From his first clumsy meeting with Michael up until today.

Lance was crying deeply, Reichen holding his shoulders. Chris had a look of anger on his face.

"Man, thats fucking terrible. Pardon my language." Chris said in reference to Michael's tragic life.

"How could he survive after all that pain and hurt."

"By going on one day at a time. By living life, and never giving up." Michael said in the doorway.

Everyone turned looking at him.

Lance got up walking to Michael.

"God, Michael. You have such courage, such strength."

Lance hugged him to him, Michael feeling for this lost soul.

"Life is about going on, Lance. About hope and love. I never gave up on that."

Lance pulled away smiling.

"And you shouldn't either." He said quietly, only Lance hearing.

Lance stepped back looking at Michael with surprise.

Michael walked past him to stand beside Justin.

"Now that your all here, I want to say thank you. To all of you. You all saved my life that night on that cliff. I would of killed myself if you hadn't been there for me, all of you. That song saved my life."

Everyone was opening tearing up.

Chris got up hugging Michael, as did Joey, Josh and Lance again.

The all told him they were happy they'd helped.

Justin hugged him tightly, no words needed between them.

Paulo stood back staring at Michael.

He'd read what had happened to him, his rape and life, but he hadn't heard the truth. The emotional, physical and traumatic things that Michael had endured. And to have turned into this loving, giving man, Paulo found totally unbelieveable.

"He who shall be giving of love and tortured of soul"

That line from the prophecy rolled through his mind.

It had to be Michael, this proved it.

Reichen also sat back in a chair looking at Michael, deep in his own thoughts.

Man, this guy is a piece of work. He's got them fooled, all this crap about gifts and such. Justin must be a sucker for a pretty face. And this guy has that. Man he's hot, I could go for him. Maybe I can convince Lance to do something with him. Or even Justin. Pretty boy Timberlake must be a hot fuck.But Michael is fuckin hotter. Man, after being raped, he must be able to take it pretty rough. Yeah, definitely , I want some of that.

Reichen smiled a killer smile at Michael, Michael turning away to look at Justin.

After a little more discussion and more conversation Michael announced that dinner was ready.

Everyone talked while they filed into the dining room.

There were a lot of ooh's and ahs at the laid out table.

Michael had outdone himself.

The table was exquisitely decorated with a large christmas floral centerpiece and lavish crystal and dishes.

Justin sat at one end of the table, Michael at the other end.

Josh sat on Michael's right, Paulo on his left.

Lance was on Justin's left, Reichen on his right.

Everyone else was seated on the sides.

After everyone had been seated, and Justin had clinked a glass, silence settled on the group.

Justin stood up smiling at Michael.

"I want to thank everyone for coming this evening to our new home. Michael and I want to wish all of you our best wishes for a wonderful holiday season, and we want you to know that our home is a home for all of you, from today and always."

Everyone cheered and raised their wine glasses.

"But I think we should here from the boss of the house." Justin smiled at Michael.

Joey whistled, Michael blushing.

Michael stood up smiling at everyone.

"Well, I'm not very good with words." Michael said shyly.

Josh and Lonnie laughed, knowing this was a joke.

"Life is about family, love and happiness. I look around this table and I see Justin's family, for that's what all of you are. A family of kindred souls. Each of you are a brother to the others. Five parts of the same heart. Your music lifted the hearts and souls of a generation, and your friendships lift your own hearts.

Justin and I have now begun our life together, and all of you are now part of our family. I wish all of you happiness and love, and I want all of you to think of me as another brother.

This is all new to me, having so many wonderful people in my life. I feel truly blessed and I want to know all of you as friends, and brothers.

Too many times we go through life not seeing what we have. Not appreciating what God has given us. I see all I've been blessed with, and it overwhelms me.

So I'd like to make a toast to friendship, love and happiness. For god loves us all."

Michael raised his glass, everyone stood, tearing eyes most evident.

"Here's to our happiness, to love and good heartedness. May we love each other always and be blessed with god's happiness."

Everyone cheered, clinking glasses and taking a drink.

"Now that I've said my peace, lets eat. Paulo can you help me in the kitchen with the food."

Michael and Paulo left, returning quickly with large bowls of vegetables, salads and platters of food.

Everyone started talking seeing the rich dishes that were being laid on the table.

Once everything was laid out, Michael looked at Justin.

"Jus, will you say grace."

Justin smiled at his lover then his friends.

Everyone bowed their heads.

"God, we're here again in your loving arms. Please bless all of us with happiness and love. Thank you for this heavenly bounty we are about to feast on. Thank you for bringing all my friends here together, to share in my happiness, my happiness with my Mico. We will love each other with all our hearts and your love. Amen."

"Amen." Everyone said in unison, Michael looking into Justin's teary eyes.

Everyone began passing the dishes around. Large bowls of potatoes, salads and vegetables. There were platters of chicken and roast beef, as well as a hearty stew, Michael's own recipe. There was also a large basket of Michael's rolls.

"My god, Michael this is so delicious." Kelly said after tasting his stew.

"Yeah, Michael, who catered all this, its fantastic. I need their names." Lance said, smiling at him, Lance again lost in those golden eyes.

"I cooked it all, Lance."

Everyone looked stunned.

"No way, Mikey. This is too much for even you, your jerking us." Joey said, a large grin of mirth on his face.

"Yeah Mikey, even your not this good." Josh laughed, smiling.

"Good one, Michael." Reichen laughed, Michael looking at him then lowering his head.

"I forgot the gravy, I'll be right back." Michael said, getting up, leaving the table.

Paulo knew Michael was hurt. He knew Michael had cooked all this.

Justin looked at Michael leaving, knowing something was wrong.

He sensed Michael's hurt, hurt at not being believed.

"Excuse me guys, I need to get something." Justin got up walking down into the kitchen.

He saw Michael at the stove, nonchalantly pouring gravy into a boat.

"You okay, Mico? What's wrong?"

Michael looked at him quickly, Justin seeing a tear in his eye.

"I'm okay, Jus. I was just dissappointed that they didn't believe me. I worked so hard on all this."

Justin looked at all the bowls and pots sitting on the counter and in the sink.

"I wanted everything to be perfect. I guess I made it too perfect."

Justin smiled at him, hugging him, and kissing his cheek.

"It's beyond perfect, love."

Michael smiled.

"Then that's all that matter's to me. Your believing that is what's most important. I'm glad I made it everything you hoped for." Michael smiled at him.

Justin hugged him close. Michael brushed away his tears.

"Now get back in there with your friends, I'll be in in a moment once I have this gravy set."

Justin smiled walking back down into the dining room.

He sat back down at the table looking at everyone around him.

Everyone saw his serious look.

"Everything okay, Justin?" Lance asked looking at his friend with concern.

"No, Lance. Everything's not okay." Justin said in a determined voice.

Everyone stopped talking, looking at Justin with concern.

"I'm really dissappointed in all of you. Michael cooked this wonderful meal for you all, he spent all day in the kitchen, making sure it was perfect.

He did all this for me, and for you, his new friends. And you had to sit here and not believe him, to laugh about his wonderful cooking.

Why couldn't you believe that he'd do all this for you? If you knew my Mico for the loving person he is, you'd know it's second nature for him to do this.

He wanted all of you to be happy, to enjoy a wonderful meal that he prepared lovingly himself.

He's in the kitchen feeling dissappointed. Not in you, but in himself.

And that makes me dissappointed.

You all owe him your thanks for this, for all this. It was his idea to get us all together again, to unite our love again. He knew how much all of you mean to me, and he brought this about.

But I can't sit here and allow you to laugh at him, at my Mico.

I think you need to show him how much you appreciate what he's done.

That's all I wanted to say."

Justin went back to eating his food, not looking at anyone.

Everyone was silent, looking embarrassed and ashamed. Embarrassed at themselves.

Michael came back into the room carrying a gravy boat and a plate of cheese.

Justin got up quickly smiling at him, taking the boat from him.

"Thanks, sweetie."

Michael sat down again, looking at everyone staring at him.

"Something wrong, guys?"

Kelly got up slowly, and began clapping.

Everyone else got up and started clapping too.

Michael looked at Justin, seeing him smiling.

Michael's tears began to fall, he lowered his head.

After the clapping had died down and Michael had regained his composure he looked up at everyone.

"Thank you, everyone, but that wasn't necessary."

"Yes it was, Mikey. Justin told us this all was your idea. Our being together again." Josh said, putting his hand on top of Michael's.

"And he told us how special you wanted this meal to be. To think that you cooked all this for us, to make us happy. It makes all of us appreciated how wonderful you are, for Justin and for all of us." Chris said, looking at Michael with a tear in his eye.

"we all want to apologize for doubting your abilities, Michael. Justin made us all see how loving you are and how much you want to make him happy." Lance said, Michael seeing sincerity in his face.

Everyone threw their own apologies into the conversation.

"Thank you everyone, thats very sweet of you."

Justin smiled at Michael, Michael smiling back, Justin sensing his love directed at him, and him alone.

"Now everyone keep eating, it's getting cold."

"Okay, Mikey." Brianna said smiling at him.

Michael laughed, smiling at the little girl.

Everyone went back to eating, the conversation returning to fun topics.

Michael kept looking at Reichen talking to Justin.

And Michael saw Lance looking at them too.

Reichen on several occasions put his hand on top of Justin's.

Michael continued to smile, but he didn't like what he saw.

After an hour of quiet conversation and lots of eating, Justin and Josh helped Michael in the kitchen.

It took them about an half an hour to get everything loaded in the dishwasher and coffee made.

"so, tell me guys, what do you think of Reichen?" Michael asked in a non committed way.

Justin kind of tensed up, Josh and Michael both sensing it.

"Jus, what's wrong?"

Justin looked at Josh and Michael.

"I don't know, its just weird. He keeps saying things to me.About helping me come to terms with my new life, helping me understand gay sex. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was coming on to me."

Josh laughed, Michael remained quiet.

"He hasn't come on to me, Justin." Josh smiled.

"How about you, Mico?" Justin asked.

"No, he hasn't come on to me." Michael said, smiling at Justin.

"I just don't trust him, thats all." Justin said to himself.

"Me either, Jus." Michael agreeing with him.

Josh didn't say anything.

They all felt troubled for Lance.

But the two singers didn't know how troubled Michael was about him.

They brought the coffee into the living room, Michael dissappearing back into the kitchen.

Shortly he came back in carrying a large cake.

Everyone could smell the rich flavors emminating from it.

"This is an old secret family recipe. My grandmother taught me how to make it."

Don't be shocked by the name, but it's called "Blood Cake."

Everyone looked surprised at Michael, who laughed.

"So much for not being shocked." He smiled.

He cut the cake into slices, handing everyone a piece.

Everyone tenatively tasted it, shock registering on all their faces.

"My god, Michael. This is a piece of heaven." Justin chirped, devouring his slice.

Michael smiled at him.

Everyone agreed with him.

"Man this is the sweetest, richest dessert I've ever tasted." Lance said.

"Michael please, you've got to give me this recipe, my mother will flip over it." Joey said, grabbing another piece.

"Sorry, Joe. This is a secret recipe. My grandmother would hang me by my heels if I ever gave it away."

Everyone looked crestfallen at that remark.

"But don't worry. I'll always make it for my friends." Michael smiled.

Everyone smiled, including Reichen, who leered more than smiled.

Michael looked at him now, seeing the red glow around him. Michael felt all his secrets, all his lies.

The cake had done it's job.

He looked at everyone else, seeing their blue auras, he smiled widely. And he saw Lance's green glow. That didn't surprise him.

But something surprised him. He didn't see a blue aura around Paulo. His was golden.

Michael was stunned.

Michael stared at Paulo, Paulo sensing his staring at him.

Paulo smiled back at him, Michael smiling back in return.

Michael looked away, feeling his stomach lurch. How could this be? How could this be?

Michael regained his composure.

One mystery at a time, he thought.

Michael sighed deeply and sat down beside Justin.

Everyone chatted and talked for a while, all of the cake dissappearing.

Michael kept looking around seeing all the blue glows and the one golden one. And the one red one.

He'd have to thank his grandmother when he talked to her again.

She'd showed him this recipe, actually it was more a potion. Blood cake was an ancient family recipe. It was a devious cake.

It showed how much love was in a person. Blue light meant a kind soul. Red meant a cheating, lying soul. Green meant a hurting soul, a despairing one.And gold, well Michael knew that only meant one thing. That's what troubled him about Paulo.

Justin was sitting beside Michael waiting for his reply.

Michael didn't answer him.

"Mico? I'm talking at ya." He said touching his shoulder.

Michael jerked, looking up at him.

"Sorry, Justy. Was deep in thought. I didn't hear you."

"I was saying that your remarkable." Justin leaned over kissing him. Michael didn't return the kiss.

Justin sat back staring at him. He saw a tear in his eye.

"You okay, Mico?" His face changed to concern.

Michael sighed deeply.

"It's been such a wonderful night, Jus. But there's something I have to do, something thats not going to be pleasant."

Justin looked at him with deep concern.

"What's wrong, Michael? What are you talking about."

"Justin I need to speak privately with you."

Michael got up excusing himself and Justin and they both walked out of the room.

Once they were behind the closed door of their office, Michael hugged Justin to him. Justin felt Michael's fear.

"Whats wrong, Mico, I feel your scared about something."

"Oh, Justin. I have to do something to someone but for a very good reason."

"What is it Michael? Who are you talking about."

"It's Lance, Justin."

"Lance, what do you have to do to him?" Justin was confused.

"I have to save him, Justin."

Justin was stunned.

"Save him, from what?"

"From making the biggest mistake of his life. And I have to do it now, tomorrow will be too late."

Justin looked at Michael seeing his eyes full of hurt and fear.

"Do you trust me, Justin?"

"With my life, Mico. With my own life and heart."

Michael hugged him close.

"Then please don't interfere with what I'm going to do. Just try and keep everyone calm and quiet. I have to do what I have to do to force this.Okay? Please trust me."

Justin held him, then pushed him back, looking into his eyes.Justin saw the determination and reluctance in Michael's golden eyes. And he saw a faint glow.

That meant only one thing. Michael's gift was on.

Michael and Justin walked back into the living room, everyone quietly talking.

"Hey Mikey, its getting too boring here. How about a game? " Joey asked.

Michael looked at him intently, Joey thought he saw his eyes glow.

Joey stayed still.

"Where's Brianna, Joe?" Michael asked.

"She fell asleep, Michael. I've laid her down on the bed upstairs." Kelly smiled.

Michael nodded, then looked around.

"Everyone, please sit down, I have something I have to say and do." Michael said, everyone picking up on the seriousness of his voice.

Lonnie and Josh looked at Justin. Justin just shook his head.

Joey, Kelly, and Chris sat down on one couch, Lonnie, Josh and Justin on the other.

Lance and Reichen took the two wing chairs.

Michael went up to Paulo, talking to him briefly.

Paulo walked over to the doorway leaning against the wall.

Michael stood in front of the fireplace looking at everyone.

"First off, I want to say that this has been a remarkable day. I've met all of you guys now, and you Kelly, and everyone of you is special in my heart."

All five guys smiled, Kelly also.

"Secondly, I want to apologize. I've unfortunately deceived you all tonight."

Everyone looked at him puzzled.

"I lied to you about the cake. Well sort of. It is called a Blood cake. But it started out as a Love cake. My grandmother is gifted also, and this cake is one of her gifts.

When you eat the Love cake, someone who's gifted, like myself, can see how much love is in each of you. I'm sorry for not telling you that."

Everyone looked shocked.

"Why did you give us this cake, Michael?" Josh asked.

Michael sighed.

"I needed to see the truth, to see that my feelings were correct."

"What feelings?" Justin asked.

"My feelings about one of you. One of you who is in trouble."

Everyone looked at each other, Lance tensing up in his chair.

Michael didn't look at anyone in particular.

"I changed the cake from a love cake to a Blood cake because a Blood cake shows more."

"What does it show, Michael?" Lonnie asked, looking around at everyone. He saw Reichen and Lance were looking strangely at Michael.

"It shows a person's love aura. Blue means their a kind soul. Green means their hurting or in pain. And red means they've cheated or lied to their loved ones."

"And you saw all of our auras, Michael?" Joey asked.

"Yes, Joe I saw all of them. And I felt the thoughts of the red aura and the pain of the green aura."

Michael turned and looked at Lance and Reichen.

"This is totally fucking stupid." Reichen got up glaring at Michael.

"Is this some kind of parlor game. Are you some kind of freak?"

Michael continued to stare at him.

Reichen felt an unease settle over him.

"Lance, let's go, this is getting too fucking weird."

Reichen turned to walk out.

Paulo stood in the doorway blocking Reichen's exit.

"Tavarro, do you mind asking your goon to move so I can leave. Lance come here right now." Reichen barked at him.

"I wouldn't advise that, Reichen." Michael said, everyone picking up on his angry tone.

Michael looked at Lance, who'd been silent throughout everything.

"Because if you walk out that door with Lance, you'll be dead in the morning. Isn't that right, Lance?"

Everyone gasped.

Michael's gaze never left Lance.

"What the fuck are you talking about. You threatening me, asshole?" Reichen said coming back to stand in front of Michael.

His hands were turning into fists.

Justin was ready to pounce on him. As were Paulo and Josh.

Michael turned and faced Reichen.

"No, I'm not threatening you. I'm stating a fact. By the morning you'll be dead. And Lance will be the one who will murder you."

You could hear the deathly silence in the room.

Everyone was staring at Lance with unbelievably large eyes.

His head was down and he was rocking back and forth.

Reichen's face had gone white with shock.

"Lance, whats he talking about?"

Lance looked up at Reichen, everyone could see the tears in his eyes.

"He's telling you the truth, baby. I want to fucking kill you."

Reichen stared at him, then anger crossed his face.

"You fucking bastard."

He made a lunge for Lance.

Michael threw Reichen against the farthest wall with a blast of air.

Everyone jumped up, seeing it, but not believing it.

"Don't you fucking move, you bastard." Michael shouted, pointing at Reichen.

Justin got up, putting his hand on Michael's shoulder.

Michael turned looking at him, Justin seeing his eyes glowing.

Michael put his hand on top of Justin's.

Justin nodded his head.

"Everyone sit down, Michael isn't finished." Justin said.

Everyone reluctantly sat back down except for Lance who'd stood up also.

Reichen was pinned against the wall, he couldn't move. He couldn't understand what was holding him down.

He focused on Michael who turned and looked at him.

His golden eyes were glowing.

Reichen became afraid.

He felt trapped.

Michael looked at Lance.

"Why do you want to kill him Lance?"

Lance stood still looking into Michael's golden eyes.

He couldn't look for long. All he saw there was love, love he didn't deserve.

Michael walked up to him slowly.

He put his hand gently on Lance's shoulder.

"Forgive me Lance, forgive me for what I have to do." Michael had tears in his eyes.

Lance looked at him, not sure of what he was alluding too.

In one quick movement, Michael grabbed hold of Lance's shirt, and ripped it off his back.

Everyone got up staring at Lance's naked torso.

There were bruises everywhere, and slash marks.

Joey and Chris sank down to their knees, looking at their hurt friend.

Justin and Josh were starting to cry.

Kelly was shaking her head back and forth.

They all moved as one towards Lance, Michael putting up a wall of air to stop them.

"No, Stay where you are." He said, looking at all of them.

They all fought against the wall, but stood still when Michael looked at them.

He turned back to look at Lance.

Lance's face was a mask of horror, his hands trying frantically to cover his body.

Michael walked up to him, touching him gently.

"It's alright, Lance. I'm sorry, but it's out in the open now. You don't have to hide this anymore."

Lance looked into Michael's golden eyes.

"Tell us what happened, Lance." Michael said, his voice now kind and soothing.

Lance looked at all his friends.

"I fell in love with him." Lance pointed at Reichen.

"He did this to me, and even worse. I loved him with all my heart and he's done nothing but hurt me.

Why, Reichen? Why?

All I ever wanted was your love. And you used me, you gave me to men like a whore.

You fucked other guys in front of me, and let them use me.

He brought two men home yesterday, they did this to me. He let them do this to me, he didn't stop them."

Lance was sobbing, Michael holding him gently, but firmly.

Everyone was in tears.

They couldn't believe that sweet, gentle Lance could have this happen to him.

They'd all thought he was happy, that he'd had such courage in coming out.

"Yesterday was the final straw, I couldn't take it anymore. So tonight, if he was going to bring someone else home again with him, I was going to kill him before I'd let anyone else touch me."

Everyone stared in shock, hearing Lance confess his desperation.

Michael could feel the anger and hurt in Lance, he needed to stop that.

"Lance, violence wasn't the answer. Courage is."

Lance looked at Michael seeing the courage in his golden eyes.

"I was in the same place as you Lance, on that cliff looking down in desperation, knowing only one way out. But I was wrong there is another way.

It involved having courage. Courage to go forward, to turn your back on the pain, and to walk away a free man. Walk towards a new life, free of your hurt and pain."

Lance looked deep in Michael's eyes, seeing the truth in them.

"You are a man of great courage, Lance. A giving, loving man. You were manipulated and used. It's hard to accept, but it's not something to be ashamed of. All you need is to face the truth. To face your own fears. All you need is to find hope."

Justin and Josh were looking at Michael, hearing his words of truth and hope. They knew he was laying his own life in front of Lance to give him a chance at life.

"Life is about living, Lance. About going on when the world is crushing you, about never giving up. You have a soul of unending love, and it will be healed by someone who'll love you for you, not by someone like him." Michael pointed at Reichen.

Lance stared at Reichen, seeing him against the wall, trapped and helpless.

He walked over to him, facing him.

"How does it feel, Reichen. To be trapped and unable to do anything. That's how its felt every day for me, for a long time. How could you treat me like that? Why?"

Michael stayed back letting Lance release his hurt.

"Because your mine. Your mine and I own you."

Lance looked into his eyes, seeing nothing that could be salvaged.

"I am not yours. I am my own person, I am me. The me that you never saw. I loved you and showed you that love, and you twisted it around and turned it into nothing more than sex. I hate you so much, so much that I wanted to kill you. I've never been that way, I've always believed in loving someone, in being a good person."

Reichen spit in his face.

"You'll never be nothing but someone's whore. Everyone laughs at you, Lance. Your nothing more that a little faggot."

Lance began crying, his anger showing again. Reichen knew how to manipulate him.

Everyone felt helpless to help Lance.

Michael wasn't allowing them to help.


Because Michael knew that Lance had to do this on his own.

Lance stopped crying, looking into Reichen's eyes.

"Your wrong, Reichen. Your nothing more than a hateful man. I'm free of you. I don't ever want to see you again. Because if I do, I'll tell the world exactly what you are."

"Who will believe you, Lance. Your a whiney litte faggot. Who'll believe you?"

"We will." Everyone said in unison.

Lance looked at all his friends. Seeing all of them their for him.

He broke down, crying again.

Michael released the wall of air, Josh and Joey going to their friend, Josh gently taking him in his arms.

"It's okay, Lancy. It's going to be okay." He said, feeling love for his friend. Everyone crowded around the two, lightly touching him, so that he'd know they were all there.

Michael turned toward Reichen.

Justin saw him standing facing the man. He went to Michael's side.

"You heard Lance, Reichen. Stay away from him." Michael said. His words spoken with finality.

"If you come near him, or any of us, I will make your life a living hell." Michael said.

"That goes for all of us." Justin said, anger evident in his voice.

Michael put his hand of Justin's shoulder. Justin calmed down feeling Michael's love.

"Got that right." Said Joey and Chris, standing beside Justin now.

"Ditto." Lonnie and Paulo, as well as Kelly said from behind them.

Michael released Reichen from his trap.

Reichen got up from the floor, fear evident in his eyes.

Michael put his hands on his Reichen's shoulders pushing him against the wall.

"I hate you, and what you represent. I should kill you for what you've done to him, you bastard. But that would make me less than you are. We all have something you've never had. We all have love in our hearts. Don't ever come near us again, or I will hurt you like you've never been hurt. And here is just a taste."

Michael sent a blast through his hands, Reichen screamed falling to the floor.

Michael backed off immediately.

Reichen stuttered and gasped.

Justin and everyone looked shocked at Michael. They'd never seen him hurt someone intentionally.

He looked at them all with tears in his eyes.

"Get out of here, Reichen."

Paulo picked the man up, ushering him through the doorway.

Everyone turned to look after Lance.

Josh was sitting on the couch, Lance had fallen asleep in his arms.

Michael looked at the two of them, smiling.

Michael felt an arm wrap around him, looking up to see Justin's tearing eyes.

"What you did here, Mico. For him, what you did." It was all he could say.

Michael wrapped his arms around him.

"I did it all for love."

End of Chapter 42

There you go.

I'd like your thoughts please.

Sorry, I'm deeply moved after that.


Next: Chapter 43

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