Justins Angel

By Angel J

Published on Feb 8, 2007


This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to this story.

The following is a fictious story with no real basis or credibility.It is solely for the enjoyment of the reader. It does not imply anything about the sexual preferences or lifestyle of Justin Timberlake or any other celebrity herein mentioned in this story.


Justin woke up, looking around.

Michael hadn't moved from against his chest.

He lay back taking a deep breath.

What did Daniel mean. What green eyes?

Justin or Michael hadn't green eyes.

Justin knew the glowing power had to be Michael's gifts.

Lonnie quietly walking into the room, seeing Justin awake.

"Your awake, Jus. Did you get some sleep?"

Justin looked at the clock, it was twelve thirty. Lonnie had let him sleep a little longer.

Justin smiled at him, seeing his caring.

"Yeah, I'm better, thanks."

"Lunch is ready."

Justin carefully lifted Michael's arm, he didn't move much. He really was exhausted.

He walked into the kitchen with Lonnie.

Justin saw that they'd cleaned the living room up, it was almost back to its original state, but he did notice a few things missing, some of it had been broken.

Zach gave Justin a hug before he sat down at the table.

Justin looked at them both and let it all out.

He told them all about his dream with Daniel.

They listened to it all, not talking.

"What do you think Daniel meant about green eyes?"

"I assume its someone's eyes. Do any of you know anyone with green eyes? Does Michael know anyone, Zach?"

Zach and Lonnie both shook their heads.

"It must be someone new who we haven't seen or met." Lonnie said.

"The glowing power of redemption must be his gifts." Zach said, Justin agreeing with him.

"Oh shit. Lance! He has green eyes." Justin jumped up.

"Lance? You mean Lance Bass?"

"But Jus. It can't be Lance, Michael hasn't met him, Lance has no involvement." Lonnie said.

Justin sat down again dejected.

"It was just a thought."

Lonnie put his arm around him.

"Only time will tell Justin. Only time will tell."

Chapter 37

Michael woke up looking around, the room was darkening with late day shadows.

He looked to his right, not finding Justin there beside him.

He jumped up seeing someone in the doorway.

"Evening, Mikey."

Michael nodded at Zach, laying down again.

"How long have I been asleep, Zacky? Where's Jus? "

Michael got up out of bed, looking around.

"He's okay, Michael. He's gone to SNL remember? His rehearsals."

Michael nodded, still not feeling comfortable without him here.

He walked out of the bedroom looking around, Zach sensing his being uncomfortable.

"Justin told us what happened, Mikey? About your nightmare."

"I don't want to talk about it, Zach."

Michael walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge.

He was still looking around, and Zach knew he was looking for Justin.

They walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch.

Michael looked around seeing missing items.

"I'm sorry, Zach. I'm sorry I wrecked your place."

Zach put his arm around Michael.

"Mikey, do you think I give a shit about furniture. I'm just glad your alright.

It worked Michael, what you though would happen, did. the power was completely dissapated."

Michael nodded, still fairly quiet.

Then he tensed up.

"I'm a freak, Zach. A fucking freak."

Michael started crying, Zach wrapping his arms around him.

"God dammit, Mike. Your no such thing.This was just a reaction to deep fear, you were prepared for it this time."

"Justin must be terrified of me, how can I look him in his eyes."

"Justin is head over heels in love with you. That hasn't changed. He didn't want to leave you today, but I told him what you'd think about that."

"I don't want him changing his career committments for me."

"Bingo. Right on the money."

Michael smiled, weakly.

"He'll be back soon, they were rehearing till eight, its seven thirty now."

Michael smiled, looking towards the door.

"Michael, we need to talk about this. Justin told me about Paul's death."

"I know Zach, Nana told me, it must be true, but I somehow can't believe it."

Zach rubbed Michael's shoulders, feeling the tension.

"The dream was so real, it felt so real."

"It's just a dream, Mikey, the dead can't hurt you." Zach smiled at him.

Michael smiled back. But he still looked up towards the door.

Zach knew he still was disturbed about this, that he still wasn't back to his usual self.

"Can you feel Justin, Mike?"

Michael reached out with his heart and soul.

Michael smiled. " Yes, I can feel him, he's laughing and talking to some people. But his mind is on me.

I can feel his heart is sensing out for me."

Zach smiled, these two were really in tune with each other.

"Lets get you a coffee or tea, bud. You'll feel better. And I want to hear all about

Justin's and your surprise date last night."

Michael smiled remembering that magical evening.

They went into the kitchen, Zach fixing him an herbal tea.

They talked for over an hour, Michael going over the whole night.

Zach was amazed at the beauty and romantic soul that Michael had.

"Michael, your amazing. To have done something that romantic for him, to make him feel so loved, thats so amazing."

"I love him Zach. I love him so much."

Michael actually smiled more.

Zach felt Michael's old self was coming back.

He knew that when Justin came home, Michael would be his old self completely.

As if on cue they heard the front door of Zach's condo open and Lonnie and Justin walking in.

Michael was up in a flash walking out into the living room.

Justin stopped looking across the room at his Michael.

Justin and he were in each other's arms kissing within a heartbeat.

Zach and Lonnie smiled at each other, nodding.

Justin felt so happy having Michael in his arms again, the rehearsal had been agonizing, he hadn't been able to concentrate.

Michael was in heaven, his lover was safe in his arms again.

Everyone saw the change in him, the tension was gone in him. He was back to his loving self again.

He smiled when their kiss parted.

"I missed you babe, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to see what happened here today."

Justin pulled Michael down onto the couch.

They were in their usual position.

"Michael, its alright.Don't feel sorry for something you couldn't control.It's not your fault."

Michael looked at Justin, seeing his love shining through.

"I'm a freak of nature, Justin, I'm not normal."

Justin was shocked at this admission.

"Your not a freak, Michael.I can't believe you'd think that. I don't think that, why should you.

You've been blessed with unbelieveable gifts.

I only saw a small part of it today, and I am in awe of you. But I felt so helpless, I didn't know what to do to help you.

I felt like I failed you."

Justin's tears were falling, Michael seeing how helpless he must of felt.

Michael hugged him close, Zach and Lonnie remained quiet not wanting to interfere with the two lovers.

"Oh, Jus. please don't get upset. It's my fault for not telling you about that, I never thought I'd have to experience that terror again.

I never thought I'd be that frightened again, I thought I'd always be happy because of my new love for you."

Justin hugged him back, understanding what Michael was saying.

"But you need to know the truth, the truth about this one powerful gift I carry.

Its an energy, Jus. A form of immense power, its inside me, always.

I've learned how to control it, how to master it, but it bursts forth on its own when I'm terrified or emotionally exhausted.

I can use it as a weapon when I need to, though I've never needed to.

And I don't think I could.

I'm a peaceful man, Jus. I'm not a seeker of violence.

Even when Christina and Becky were attacked I didn't use it.

I am afraid to unleash it like that, because I'm afraid that if I ever did, it might change me, it might destroy my soul."

Justin rubbed Michael's shoulder, seeing the depth of Michael's control and his fear of what he could do when tested.

"It must be so hard to balance it, to keep it controlled."

"Actually it very simple, he taught me well."

Justin looked at Michael.

"What did you say, Michael? Who taught you?"

Michael looked at all of them.

He'd have to tell them about Adrian.

"He said his name was Adrian.

He told me he was the caretaker of knowledge.

At least that's what he called himself.

I'm not sure what that entailed or what it meant.

I didn't question him.

He came to me in my dreams, or visions, when I was eight.

Thats when the gifts first appeared, when I'd recovered from my coma.

That first night after I'd healed the little bird, he entered my dreams.

It was almost like he knew I needed his guidance.

He looked old, ancient almost, but his voice was so gentle, his words so calming.

He was so nice, so understanding. He explained all my gifts to me and what they were used for.

He taught me how to control them, and what to expect from them.

And then as quickly as he'd came, he was gone.

I haven't seen him since.

He said he'd return to see me when the time was at hand.

When the choice had been made and I had learned my final truth.

I don't know what that means, Jus.

God, Justin, why me? Why do I have to carry this power? I just want to be normal, to be with you and have you love me."

Justin hugged him close again.

"I do love you, Mico. Never doubt that. And you are normal, this doesn't change who you are inside Michael.

Your you, the you that we all love."

"Justin couldn't be more right, Michael." Zach said smiling at him.

"Damn straight." Lonnie echoed.

Michael smile at them all, seeing their truth and caring.

"So you really are a super hero, Michael, with super powers. " Justin beamed.

"Yeah, you should see me in my tights, real hot man." Michael smiled.

Everyone laughed, seeing Michael's humor shining through.

He was back, the sweet caring man was back.

"Man, that would be so hot, I'll have to buy you a pair." Justin smirked, leaning in and kissing Michael's moist lips.

His hands began roaming over Michael's body, getting a little more passionate.

Zach and Lonnie blushed seeing the two being intimate.

"Jus, we have an audience, I think you should cool it."

Justin blushed and pulled away, casually adjusting his pants.

Zach laughed, Lonnie following.

"Hey, I won't apologize for Michael's turning me on.Deal with it guys."

Now Michael blushed.

"Your a horndog, thats why I love you." Michael kissed his cheek, sneaking a quick grope.

Justin beamed lustly at him.

Michael loved this man so much.

Michael sat thinking for a moment, looking at Justin with determination, feeling he should say something more.

Justin saw that look of determination in his golden eyes.

"Justin, I don't know whether this nightmare is a vision or not.But if it is, if by some tragic fate that it does happen, I will fight to my last breath before I'd let anyone hurt you. I'll give my life to see you safe."

Justin looked into Michael's golden eyes seeing his soul speaking the truth.

His words entered his soul.

"And I will do the same, my love. You mean more to me than my own life."

They kissed again, sealing their love with their deep dedication to each others safety and love.

Everyone relaxed now, knowing Michael was back to his usual self, although they knew it still was bothering him.

Hopefully Anna could help him deal with his insecurities and fears.

Justin told Michael about talking to her and her stopping by the next day.

Michael smiled, knowing Justin was doing this for his benefit, because he loved him.

They chatted for a while, Zach ordering pizza for supper, no one feeling like cooking.

After the pizza had arrived and they'd consumed their fill, they sat around talking about different things.

"So, Mikey, you and Zach have to come to the show on saturday, its going to be the bomb." Justin smiled.

"I wouldn't miss it, babe. A chance to see my sweetie act funny, wow."

Justin stuck his tongue out at Michael.

"Don't show me that unless your prepared to use it." Michael smirked.

Zach laughed, Lonnie just shaking his head.

The phone went off, Zach answering it.

"Yo, Mikey. Vicky, the tramp from hell wants to yell at ya."

Michael smiled brightly getting up to take the phone.

"Hi, Vicky, hows my sweet bitch?" Michael smiled at Justin.

"Don't give me that crap, how are you?"

"I'm okay, why do you ask?"

"Because your worried boyfriend called me today, telling me what happened.Are you okay, sugar?"

Michael looked at Justin, he lowered his head.

Michael smiled, seeing that Justin cared enough to call his friends to let them know Michael needed their support.

"I'm doing okay, Vicky. I'm back to normal, as normal as I can be."

"That's great to hear, Michael. Justin was really worried, and so am I."

"It's okay, Vic, I'm dealing with it, I can't stop what might happen, I have to go on with my life."

"Yes, Michael. I know it was frightening and scary, but it had to of been a dream.

He's dead, Michael. I can't say I'm not glad, he hurt you greatly.

But you need to get past him, get on with the happiness you have with Justin.

He loves you so much, Mikey."

Michael looked at Justin, smiling his secret smile for him, Justin beaming.

"I know he does, Vicky, and I feel the same."

Michael talked with her for half an hour, then he talked with Nana for another half hour, she calling right after Vicky.

Justin had called them both.

After he was finished with Nana, Christina called.

Justin hadn't called her, she was just calling to talk to Zach.

Michael smiled when her voice came on the line.

"Hi, Christina. How ya doing, girlfriend?"

Zach's head shot up, getting up, making a grab for the phone.

Michael wouldn't let him near it.

Zach was climbing all over him trying to take the phone from him.

"Sorry, Christina, some horny monkey is trying to climb me."

Justin and Lonnie laughed.

"Zacky, yah he's here, he's in the toilet crying, he misses you so much.

Either that or he's doing something else in there." Michael said, sticking his tongue out at Zach.

Zach was blushing deep red, trying to get the phone away from Michael.

Justin was laughing , holding his sides.

"Sure thing, Christina. Just a sec."

Michael put the phone against his chest, knowing she could still hear him, and yelled.

"Zach, pull your pants up, your sweetie is on the phone."

Then he handed the phone to Zach, his mouth hanging open.

Michael walked over to Justin, falling down beside him laughing his head off.

Lonnie was wiping his eyes trying to calm down.

Zach was still blushing red, staring at Michael.

"Hi, Christina. No I wasn't in the washroom. Thats my knuckleheaded friend's sick twisted sense of humor. He's just being Michael."

Michael smiled, seeing Zach smile back at him.

Michael whispered in Justin' ear.

Michael got up walking past Zach a few feet, then turning around and yelling.

"Zacky, what's all this white creamy stuff on the bathroom floor?"

Lonnie and Justin were on the floor laughing themselves silly.

Zach almost died, his face bright red.

"Christina , why are you laughing?" Zach said into the phone, that setting Michael off, his laugh filling the room.

"Your ass is mine, Tavarro." Zack staring at him.

That got Michael laughing even louder.

Justin looked up from the floor smiling, Michael's laugh filling his heart with happiness.

Michael looked at him and sat down on top of him,sitting on top of his chest.

He leaned down kissing Justin deeply.

"So happy your laughing lover." Justin said when their lips parted.

Michael smiled at him.

"Hey Zach, take it into the bathroom and clean your mess up. " Michael yelled, Zach giving him a salute before heading out of the room.

Lonnie got up laughing, telling the guys he was going to bail, and head back to the hotel.

They started to get up off the floor but he told them to stay put, he leaned down high fiving them both.

"See you at seven, Justin. Night, Mikey."

"Night Afro Sally." Michael smiled up at him.

Lonnie laughed walking out the door.

Michael leaned back down looking into Justin's blue eyes.


"Early shunt tomorrow, Mikey. Have to be there for nine and its all day rehearsals. You okay with that?"

"Yes, Justin. I'm okay with that. Anna will be here to see me at ten, and then I'll be with my editors and publishers all afternoon, remember?"

"Your sure, babe? I can get Lonnie to come back."

"I'll be fine Justin, relax. I'm dealing with it, it's going to be okay."

Justin smiled at him, leaning up to kiss him.

"Let's hit the hay then, Mikey. I want to fall asleep lying against you."

"You horn dog."

Justin smiled but continued to stare into Michael's golden eyes.

"Mikey, you didn't say that you loved me this morning. Will you say it to me twice before we fall asleep."

Michael teared up, kissing him again.

"I'll say it right now. I love you, Jus."

"I love you more, Mico."

They got up, walking into Zach's room, he was still on the phone.

They both waved and mouthed good night to him, he mouthed it back.

Michael and Justin removed all their clothes, climbing into their bed again.

Michael was in his favorite spot instantly, Justin feeling his heat against him.

They stayed close to each other for a few minutes, then their passion began to take over, their lips finding their centers, their moans and heavy breathing filling the room.

Justin made love to Michael, Michael seeming to be insatiable, his needs large and frantic.

Justin sensed he was trying to take Justin into himself, as if he needed everything he could get from him.

And Justin thought he knew why.

Michael's fears needed to be buried, buried in Justin's love.

They fell asleep together, Michael last words were " I Love You".

And so their week in New York flew by, Justin rehearsing, Michael shopping and relaxing.

Anna showed up on Tuesday, spending three hours with Michael, going over the nightmare and the aftermath.

She made him realize that it was his deep fears resurfacing again.

That Paul's death had made his mind reject that fact.

He's been abused and hurt by him, he couldn't forget that.

She talking him through all his fears, his insecurities.

After their meeting, Michael felt a lot better.

But he still couldn't shake the feeling that there was some truth or premonition surrounding this dream.

Michael spent the afternoon with his publishers, going over a tour schedule, it wouldn't start until the new year and not until Michael cracked the top twenty.

Lonnie had dropped by that night with his report from his security team.

He sat down with Michael and Justin going over all of it.

Paul had died in a car crash, his mother and father had donated DNA samples that were matched with a piece of

skin found on the charred body. Ninety five percent of the body had been burned beyond identification.

Lonnie was hesitate about telling Michael the full report, but Michael wanted to hear it all.

He heard all about Paul's destructive life.

After leaving their home town, Paul had worked as a stripper in LA.

He'd turned to prostitution after.

He'd become a drug addict and was eventually sent to prison for attempted murder and robbery.

He beaten a trick almost to death.

He'd been in prison for three years, where he eventually found god.

The last six months of his life he'd worked as a UPS delivery man in San Diego.

Michael listened to it all, sad that Paul had sunk so low in his life.

But he was sure that maybe, maybe at the end he'd found peace with his soul.

Michael told that to Lonnie and Justin, both looking at him with wonder.

"It's time I forgave him, Jus. I know he hurt me bad, it took five years out of my life, but I don't hate him anymore. I forgive him. I can now go on with my life, my life with you."

Justin couldn't believe the depth of forgiveness and kindness in this man.

To forgive someone who hurt him so much was inspiring.

"Your one hell of a remarkable man, Michael." Lonnie said.

Michael smiled shyly, both men feeling his warmth and love radiating off him.

The rest of the week went by fast, Michael relaxing, reading books, sleeping and talking with Zach. Their friendship was as strong as ever, two brothers together.

Justin marvelled at the way they tried to top each other with their twisted sense of humor.

But Justin soon realized that Michael was top man, king of the one liners.

Nothing shocked his man, he could come back with something that would blow your mind.

Thursday night, Justin just sat back listening to the two of them.

He looked at his man, sitting their deep in conversation with Zach, and he just sat back and analysed Michael.

To Justin he was beautiful, flawless face and skin, killer smile, soft wavy black hair.

The man was caring, kind, good natured. Honest, a fantastic lover.

Justin knew he wasn't a saint, Michael could get pissed off easily, but his heart was full of love.

He'd been watching him lately, and a few things stood out.

Michael didn't like to be the center of attention, he always steered the conversation towards someone else, putting the spotlight on them.

That showed his giving heart.

Michael didn't like to lose an argument or heated debate.

His tenacity was unending.

When Michael felt he was right, he voiced his convictions openly, but he would concede if he felt the discussion was getting too heated.

Michael didn't like confrontation.

Michael could also get melancholy quickly, his silent moods troubled Justin.

He knew deep down he still thought about Paul and his nightmare.

But Michael would snap out of it after a few minutes cuddling with Justin, as if he knew Justin was his answer.

That made Justin happy.

And Michael's sense of humor was infectious. He knew how to release tension from a room.

He was a master at it.

Justin couldn't remember when he'd laughed so much, the man made him smile constantly.

Justin also realized that it had been less than three weeks since he'd met him, but every moment had been pure happiness.

Justin looked forward to a lifetime of laughing, loving and happiness.

Friday rolled around and Justin called Michael with a bit of a surprise.

Cameron was in town, Justin wanted to go out to dinner friday night with her, and he wanted Michael to come along.

This surprised Michael.

He didn't know what Justin and Cameron's feelings were now for each other.

Being together with someone for almost four years must mean something.

Michael didn't want to search Justin's soul for those feelings, he was afraid what he'd find.

But Justin seemed really keen of the outing, he wanted Michael to know her.

Michael reluctantly agreed.

So here they now were, six o'clock on a friday night walking into a restaurant in downtown New York, Michael meeting his lover's ex girlfriend.

Talk about bizarre.

They were seated at a table after the maitre'de fawned over Justin.

Michael watched Justin's star persona take over.

He could turn like that at the drop of a hat.

Michael marvelled at that.

But he understood Justin was a seasoned pro at it, it becoming second nature.

The minute they were alone the real sweet Justin was in full bloom.

And Michael instantly picked up on Justin's nervousness.

"Are you okay, Justin? You seem nervous."

"It's just I'm a little nervous about you meeting her. We haven't talked much since we broke up, she doesn't know about us.

She and I had a relationship, Mike, there's no getting around that.

But I want to tell her, Mikey.

I want her to get to know you, she's still my friend.

I hope your not upset that we're still friends."

Michael put his hand on top of Justin's under the table.

"I understand, Jus. I want to get to know her too.

If you still want her in your life as a friend, I am fine with that.

I'm not the jealous type, I have total trust in you, sweetie."

Justin smiled his special smile, the one Michael now knew was only meant for him.

They chatted quietly for a few moments, Michael picking up on the fact that several different people were looking over at them.

Michael realized that Justin was in the spotlight again, in public he couldn't hide.

Justin didn't seem to notice, but Michael noticed his somewhat distance from him.

He knew that Justin had to act discrete in public, there would be no signs of affection.

Michael was okay with that, it was the private, real Justin he loved.

He could deal with this charade.

They both looked up as they heard someone approach the table.

There stood Cameron Diaz, accompanied by Drew Barrymore.

"Cammy! Drew!" Justin said, getting up quickly and hugging her, then he hugged Drew.

"Hey Justy." Cameron said with affection, kissing him on both cheeks, then the lips.

Drew kissed him also, but only on the cheek.

Michael caught Cameron looking at him strangely.

Justin turned and smiled at Michael.

"Cammy, Drew. This is my good friend, Michael. I wanted you to meet him."

They both smiled at him, with big smiles, almost grins.

Michael got up, pulling a chair out for Drew. Justin did the same for Cameron.

"It's a pleasure meeting you Michael. Justin told me all about you this morning." Cameron smiled.

Michael looked at Justin, wondering what he's divulged.

"Oh yeah, cool. I remember you from the Oprah show and the papers. Your the hero." Drew smiled at him.

Michael shyly smiled back.

"I'm not a hero, just a good samaritan." Michael said quietly.

Justin picked up on his shyness.

"Don't let Mikey's quiet shyness fool you, he is a hero." Justin smiled at him.

Cameron and Drew both smiled as the waiter came to the table.

They all ordered drinks, Justin ordering a bottle of wine to accompany dinner.

They settled in talking about Michael's heroics. Justin related a lot of the story, Michael adding his own viewpoint.

Michael sensed that Cameron was watching him, this making him nervous.

Did she know what was going on between them?

Had Justin told her?

Michael tried to play it calm and relaxed, not wanting to put Justin in a difficult spot.

Michael tried to get the talking directed towards Justin.

"So your in town to see Justin on SNL."

"That and meetings with agents." Cameron said, her eyes directly on Michael.

"Cammy's going to introduce my songs on the show." Justin said, a little nervousness showing in his face.

Michael picked up on his feelings.

"So, Michael. Justin tells me your a writer."

"Yes, the tortured eccentric writer, thats me." Michael smiled.

Everyone laughed lightly, Justin beaming at him.

"I've actually read your book, Michael. After I saw the show I wanted to read it." Drew said smiling.

"Really? Could you tell me what you thought of it." Michael was genuinely interested in knowing.

Justin knew Michael always needed to know what people felt about his passion.

"I found it riveting, a real page turner. The characters were so real and genuine. I read it in three days. The story was very moving. It really touched my heart. Please tell me that your going to continue it."

"Yes, I already have the second novel completed, it will be released in the new year. I'll be sure to send you a copy when its ready."

Michael smiled at her, genuinely liking her.

"Great, thanks so much, Michael." Drew smiled at Michael, then turned smiling at Cameron.

Michael saw the smile she gave her back.

Michael sat back thinking about something.

He then smiled a secret smile at Justin.

Justin picked up on it immediately, seeing the love in Michael's eyes.

The waiter stopped by giving them their drinks.

After he left, Michael felt it was time to open this night up, to tell the truth.

"So, Cameron. How long have you and Drew been together romantically?"

Both women gasped, looking at Michael with shock.

Justin nearly choked on his drink, Michael patted him on the back.

Cameron and Drew looked at each other tenatively.

Cameron was blushing, Drew was deadly quiet.

"It's okay, relax. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shock you."

"Almost two months, Michael. " Cameron smiled at him.

Justin looked shocked.

"I'm sorry Justin, I have been meaning to tell you." She put her hand on top of his.

"I'm totally in love with her, Justy. She's the best thing in my life."

Cameron and Drew looked at each other, Michael seeing the love in both of their eyes.

Justin smiled at her, kissing her on the cheek.

"Congratulations Cammy, and Drew. I'm glad you found each other."

Justin then looked at Michael.

"I have found someone special myself, Cammy."

Cameron smiled back at him, waiting for him to tell her.

Justin smiled at Michael.

"Michael's the love of my life."

Both women stared in shock at Justin and Michael, seeing the wide loving smiles on their faces.

"Well ain't that the drag queen calling the butch dike sister." Michael said a serious look on his face.

They all looked at each other, then burst out laughing. People around them looking over.

Michael had broken the quietness of the moment with humor.

When everyone had calmed down, and the stares had lessened, Justin smiled at Michael.

"We've been together almost three weeks."

Michael felt Justin's love deep in his heart.

Justin told them all about their chance meeting, and their time together.

He looked over at Michael, Michael sensing he wanted to tell them everything.

Michael nodded quietly, Justin touching his hand under the table.

Over their dinner Justin told them the story of Michael's life, Michael remaining quiet but calm.

Then Michael told them about meeting Justin and what he'd done for him.

Cameron and Drew both had tears in their eyes listening to both of them telling their story of love.

After dinner and their story had ended Cameron got up walking over to Michael hugging him.

"Your quite a man, Michael. To have gone through all that and still love life, your remarkable."

Drew agreed vocally with her also getting up and hugging him.

"Thanks, I've always been a firm believer in living life." Michael smiled at Justin, seeing a tear in his eye.

They spent the next hour just chatting, Michael getting to know Cameron and Drew.

They all parted as friends, Cameron hugging Justin last.

"Michael is wonderful, Jus.You seem happier than I've ever seen you.I wish you only happiness, Justy."

Justin smiled , hugging her again.

Michael knew he had nothing to fear from her, they could be great friends.

All the way back to Zach's Justin kept looking at Michael, smiling shyly.

Michael didn't say anything, he just held Justin's hand.

When they walked into Zach's condo, Justin pulled Michael into a tight hug, and kissed him tenderly.

"Your unbelieveable, Mico. How did you know?"

Michael smiled.

"I have a touch of Nana's gift, Jus. I can see when someone's in love, I saw it in Cameron's eyes and smile when she looked at Drew."

Justin smiled, kissing him again.

"I must have a bit too, I see it when I look in your eyes. Wonder who your in love with?"

Michael purred as JUstin licked his lower lip. He wrapped his arms around Justin's waist.

"I think his name is Justin, do you know him?"

"Yeah, I know him, he's a real horn dog."

Michael laughed,

"Got that right." Michael kneaded Justin's ass cheeks.

"Ahem!" Came a voice from the living room.

Justin and Michael looked into the living room seeing Zach and Christina sitting on the couch, their arms around each other.

"Oh my god!" Michael ran at them, Christina standing up.

Michael grabbing Christina and hugging her tightly, swinging her around.

Justin laughed at Michael's enthusiasm.

When he released her Justin hugged her also, kissing her cheek.

"What a wonderful surprise, Christina. Why didn't you tell us, Zacky?" Michael smiled hugging her again.

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise, Mikey." Zach laughed.

"Great to see you, Christina. Did Becky come with you? " Justin looking around.

Michael smiled, knowing Justin's love for the little girl.

"Yes, Justin, do you think I could keep her away from Uncle Justin."

Justin beamed, his smile lighting the whole room.

"Uncle Justin? Wow, I'm an uncle.Yahoo!!!!"

They all laughed at Justin's happiness.

"She's sleeping in Zach's room, you can wake her up, I have to get her ready for bed. She wanted to see you as soon as you got home."

Justin practically ran into the bedroom.

Michael sat down on the couch beside Christina, Zach sitting on the other side.

They all heard the laughter and squeals coming from the bedroom.

"Look's like the kids are out of bed." Michael said, Zach laughing loudly.

Justin came running out of the bedroom, Becky on his shoulder's squealing loudly.

Justin deposited her in Michael's lap, she immediately hugging him.

"Hi ya, Michael"

Michael smiled, he too had missed this little angel.

"Hi, Becky."

She kissed him on the cheek.

"Santa's comes next week, Michael. Are you going to help him again?"

Michael was surprised by her question, shocked actually.

Justin grinned, Becky had made Michael speechless.

Then Michael smiled.

"No, Becky. Santa has his elves to help.I'm going to spend Christmas with Uncle Justin."

Justin beamed at that realization.

He'd be spending Christmas with his lover.

He'd already picked up a lot of gifts for Michael, and he had one more to buy.One special one.

They sat around talking for a while, Becky beginning to nod off in Justin's lap.

Justin picked her up carrying her to Zach's room again, Christina following.

"Michael, I have something to tell you." Zach said, looking at him.

Michael smiled, knowing what Zach was going to say.

"Christina and I are in love, Michael. We want to be together.

Becky is so sweet, I really love her.

And I am moving to Chicago. I have a new job at a new hospital in Chicago, junior head of surgery."

Michael jumped up hugging his friend.

"Zacky, thats fantastic. I am so happy for you." Michael started crying, tears falling from his eyes.

Zacky held him close, concerned for him.

"What's wrong, Mikey?"

Justin came rushing out of the bedroom, followed by Christina.

He'd sensed something was going on.

He saw Michael crying and was at his side in a flash.

"Mico, whats wrong, babe?"

"I'm happy Jus, so happy. Zach and Christina are in love. Zach is moving to Chicago to be with her."

Justin smiled, hugging Zach, then Christina.

"Your vision was right, Mico."

"Vision?" Christina asked.

Michael blushed.

"I had a vision two weeks ago that the two of you would get together and love each other."

Zach looked at Christina, shocked.

"Mikey, two weeks ago we didn't even know each other."

"I know, god and love always finds a way."

Zach and Christina both smiled.

"Welcome to the family, Cricket." Michael smiled.

Christina looked stunned.

Michael smiled at her.

"My father used to call me Cricket." She said tears in her eyes.

"I'd like to call you Cricket, if that's okay?" He said, lowering his head.

She smiled, grabbing ahold of him.

Michael hugged her, she hugged him close.

"I'd like that, Mikey."

"Well, I'm beat, lets hit the hay lover, you have a long day tomorrow." Michael put his hand in Justin's.

Everyone hugged, Zach turning down the lights.

The two couples parted, Justin and Michael going to their bedroom, Zach and Christina settling down on the couch for some quiet time.

A short time later, Michael lay against Justin, feeling his body against him, smelling his scent.

"I love you, Jus."

"Love ya more, Mico."

Michael sighed happily, drifting slowly off to sleep.

Justin lay awake thinking about everything that happened today.

Cameron was happy, that made him happy.

Zach and Christina were together, Becky was about to gain a dad.

And his Michael, his sweet Michael was going home with him in two days.

Justin's world was going to change.

Justin's felt his world would never be the same.

And that made him smile.

He fell asleep with a smile on his lips, Michael snuggled against him.

End of Chapter 37

Well things are lining up for Michael's and Justin's future.

I hoped you liked the part about Cameron.

I wanted it to be different, a finality to it.

Now Justin and Michael could be together.

Next chapter coming soon, on to LA.

Special hello to Exel.

Thanks for being a friend.

Keep loving, Angel.

Next: Chapter 38

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