Justins Angel

By Angel J

Published on Jan 26, 2007


This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to this story.

The following is a fictious story with no real basis or credibility.It is solely for the enjoyment of the reader. It does not imply anything about the sexual preferences or lifestyle of Justin Timberlake or any other celebrity herein mentioned in this story.


Justin was shedding many tears by the end of the letter,Josh hugging him gently. Josh didn't need to read the letter to know what Michael had written, he could see it in his best friend's eyes. Michael loved him.And Michael would be waiting for him. Justin looked out at the passing clouds. Ten days. Ten days until the love of his life was in his arms again. He thought they would be the hardest days of his life.

Chapter 31

Alberto sat in his garden looking up at the morning sun.It would be another hot day.He'd been up since the late darkness had given way to light. He'd had another restless night.He hadn't been sleeping well lately,the demons from his past calling out to him. So many nights of unsettling sleep. The boy had visited him again last night,talking to him in his dreams.The beautiful boy in white with the glowing smile. His angel calming his life. Alberto lifted his broken body slowly out of the chair,walking slowly to the rose bushes smelling their morning dew. He'd love flowers, ever since he was a child. He had spend hours out here with his Ramone before the evilness of the world had taken him away. Watching the flowers bloom was like watching the world being reborn. They were his life now, his passion. To the left of the beautiful rose garden was the path leading to a sheltered quiet spot. The spot that Alberto visited every day. The place where his beautiful wife and his son slept forever. He cut three delicate red roses from the branches, putting them in a small basket. Paulo walked out of the villa,walking over to him quietly. He watched the young man approach. "There is news from america, dear papa." Alberto looked at the young man.He was beautiful,young and handsome.He was also his favorite. Paulo was his crutch,his eyes and ears at all the family gatherings. As patriarch Alberto was revered and respected.But times had changed as of late,the past wasn't respected or honored as greatly as it once had been. Alberto didn't attend the gatherings much anymore.He tired of the arguing and the constant vindications. But Alberto felt a change coming. A change that would unite his family as it had never been before. The angel of destiny would walk among them again. "Well,don't stand there gawking,my dear child.Tell me what has occurred." The young man pulled a newpaper from his leather briefcase, pausing a moment, then giving it to him quietly. Paulo hated what this might do, he sensed what the reaction would be for the older man. Alberto opened the paper looking at the front page. He felt his knees grow weak,Paulo sensing his distress immediately. The man swayed,Paulo guiding him to his chair. The basket of roses fell to the ground. "Its him, Paulo.Our angel.The blessed guardian had been right." The man began crying,Paulo holding him,he himself beginning to cry as deeply as the older man. "Oh, my Ramone.My lost child." The newspaper fell between his legs, opening, facing up beside the roses. The roses almost seemed to glow beside the paper. Michael Tavarro's smiling newspaper photograph shone brightly in the burning sun.


Michael got back to the apartment in a state of deep tiredness.He'd begun yawning on the trip back. Zach caught him yawning again when they entered the apartment. "How much sleep did you get last night, Mikey?" "Maybe two hours at tops." "Geez, Mike.You need to crash." Michael smiled weakly, knowing that Zach was right. "Where do you think I'm heading? My soft pillow awaits." He took his boots off and headed down the hallway. "Let me sleep for a few hours, I'll grab some food when I get up." "Okay, Michael." Nana smiled, hugging him. He'd just gotten to the doorway of his bedroom when Michael's new cell phone went off. He smiled, a tired smile, but a smile nonetheless. "Hello?" "Hi, I'm looking for the most fantastic man in the universe." "Sorry , Justin left about an hour ago." Michael smirked. "Thats sweet, babe." Justin smiled. "You too sexy.So why do I get the honor of talking to the sexiest man alive." "I missed my Mikey." "Justin, its only been an hour, are you going to call me every hour." "Would you like that?" "I would prefer you sleeping beside me, not a voice on the phone,no matter how beautiful it is." Justin smiled, knowing he felt the same. "Thank you for the deeply moving letter,Michael.What you said touched my soul. I've reread it three times." Michael smiled,and blushed a little. "When its hard for me to put into words how I feel, I find it easier to write it down.I meant it all, my love." Justin smiled through his tears, he knew the words had come for Michael's heart. "I'd love to hear you read it to me, so I could hear your love." Michael smiled, Justin was such a romantic. Michael tried to stifle another yawn. "Your tired aren't you, babe? Thats kinda why I'm calling.I could feel your tiredness in my soul." "Yeah, someone tired me out last night. I was just heading to bed to lay down for a while." "Guess I'll have to take it slower on my old man." "Jus, we are the same age, remember?" Justin smiled, Josh was looking at him wanting to talk to Michael. "I think Josh wants to talk to you? Hang on, babe." Justin handed him the phone. "Hi, Michael. I wanted to let you know I've started reading your book.Lonnie had finished it and I've been reading it here on the plane." "Cool.I hope you like it.Please let me know what you think, and I want an honest opinion, no bullshit!" Josh laughed, liking Michael's direct approach. "You got it, old man." Justin started laughing. "Hey, I know for a fact that your older than me." Michael said seriously, not liking their joke. Josh smiled. "Chill out Mikey. We's just joshing ya." "Yeah well, next time we're together I'll show you both who's old." "Ah, a challenge.Bring it on Mikey." Michael smiled, he was really getting to like Josh. "Josh can I ask you a favor, seriously?" "Yeah sure, Mike." "Will you look after him for me, I know he's putting up a brave front, but I know he'll be down and probably moody this week." "Sure thing, Michael.And thanks for having trust in me." Michael smiled. "Hey why would I be threatened by a little shrimp like you." Josh laughed.Then he thought for a moment. "Michael, would it hurt to tell me who he is?" Michael knew who he was referring to. "Sorry Josh, half the adventure is being surprised." Josh knew Michael's wouldn't tell him. "I'll let you get back to Mr.Wonderful here.Take care, buddy." "You too, Joshy." Josh smiled handing the phone back to his best friend. Justin smiled at him. "So babe, what did you ask him to do?" "I asked him to protect my little wall flower, keep him safe and happy." Justin couldn't believe how trusting Michael had become.It was as if his faith in Justin was complete. "I don't need Josh to take care of me, I need only you." Michael started tearing up, knowing that Justin still loved him. "I love ya, Jus." "I love ya more,babe." "Listen, Zach has the charger and everything for the phone.He'll teach you how to use it." "Listen,Timberlake, I think I can figure out how to use it.I already know you've programmed your numbers into it." "Awww,my little genius." Michael laughed. Then Michael yawned again. "Get some rest babe, I won't call you again till the morning ,unless you call me if you get up again tonight." "Love you,sweetie." "Goodnight my love." Michael hung the phone up.A tired smile on his face. Zach and Vicky were standing at the doorway making gagging noises. Michael smirked at them.Then his smile faded a little. Zach ran into the bedroom jumping on the bed beside Michael. "You got it bad, tiger." Michael let Zach hug him, his friendship there, and needed. "I miss him already." Vicky sat down beside him, smiling at him. "Wow, Mikey.Justin Timberlake.The sexiest guy in the world, and he's yours." Michael blushed. "He's not mine to own, Vicky.He isn't a toy to be played with.He's a beautiful caring person whom I've fallen deeply in love with.I don't give a damn what he does.His fame doesn't complete me, his love does." Vicky teared up, Michael's words so full of love. "I'm your friend, Michael.I need to say something to you." Zach said, concern on his face, but love also showing there. "Okay,Zach.Get whatever's bugging you off your chest." "I love you, Mikey.And I know what kind of person you are.Thats why this surprised me a little.You've always been open about yourself, about your lifestyle, your choices.You've never hidden your life.I can't see you hiding in secret with him, because of his career." Michael knew what Zach was saying, he understood his concern. "Thanks for being honest with me, Zacky.And thanks for caring.I know, this surprised the hell out of me too.I love him so much, but I understand his tricky situation.His need right now for privacy. He's at the top of his career, I would never risk ruining that for him.I hope you understand that. I never intended to fall in love with him, but its happened. And now I need him, I love him, and I'm going with him.He's asked me to live with him, to be his soulmate.And I told him yes." Zach and Vicky both looked at Michael, smiling. "I've never felt this deep love before, never with Paul or anyone else.It's healed my soul.He completes me.I have to give this a shot.I just ask that you be happy for me, and as always, just be my friends." They both hugged him tightly. "We are happy for you, Mikey.We want you to be happy.And we both believe that Justin loves you just as much as you love him.So congrats, Michael.We wish you all the best." Zach said, tears in his eyes. Vicky echoed the same sentiments. Michael smiled knowing his friends still would always be there for him. They just sat for a while, all three just holding each other. "Okay, as much as I love the lovefest, I need some major sleep." Michael lay back on the bed, smiling at them, and then closing his eyes. VIcky and Zach gently got up, kissing him on the cheek. "Have a good night's sleep, Mikey." They walked through the door, knowing they wouldn't wake him until morning, he was exhaused. Michael was sleeping in moments, Justin walking with him through his dreams.

Justin walked off the plane, Josh and Lonnie in tow. With a somewhat shocked look on his face, he saw his mom waving her hands from the lounge. He ran up to her, hugging her tightly.she hugged Lonnie and Josh also. "Momma, this is a real surprise.I thought you were in Orlando." "I was, Justin.I finished up early, so I came up here a day early.Thought I might as well meet you here.Come on, lets grab your bags and things and head home." Justin smiled putting his arm around her waist. She sensed he was really happy, which surprised her. "Your full of life today." "Life is good, mom." He smiled a wide smile at her. After retrieving the luggage and going to the parking lot,they said goodbye to Josh and Lonnie, Josh going to pick up his jeep and give Lonnie a ride home. "See you tomorrow, Just. Don't forget the recording session at ten, I need my bud to give me props." Justin thumbed an affirmative, and hopped into the SuV beside his mom. "So you enjoyed Chicago? I hear its been pretty cold up there." "Yeah, they had snow.Look at the sun here in LA, shining and warm.Mico would love this weather." Lynn looked at Justin. "Who's Mico?" "Michael, remember mom? You talked to him on the phone." He had a nickname for him already, she thought. "Ah, yes. Your new friend.I saw the tv show Justin.That was a sweet thing you did, letting him have the spotlight." "He deserved it mom.He was the hero, not me.I've never met anyone like him.He's so caring, honest and giving.He's become great friends with the girl and her daughter." "Thats great, maybe he will fall in love with her and get married.Wouldn't that be a nice ending." Justin tensed a little at her saying that.Lynn picked up on it. "No, I don't think so.They are just friends.Michael is actually trying to set her up with his best friend Zach." Justin laughed. Lynn smiled, liking Justin happy like this. It had been a while since she'd seen him this happy.Oh, he had always smiled and laughed, but there had always been a kind of sadness in him, that only a mother could pick up on. "You seem to have taken a real shine to this young man." "We've become really great friends, momma." Lynn smiled again. Good, Justin needed a real good friend.Especially if he makes him this happy. "You'll have to invite him down to stay for a few days.I'd love to meet him." "Cool, mom.That would be awesome." They chatted about family matters on the ride home, Lynn filling him in on his brothers and his dads. Justin owned a small mansion in Los Angeles, but he didn't think of it as home. To him his home was in Orlando. This house was more a pitstop,a place to park it when he was in town. It had been his and Cameron's. It didn't feel the same anymore. His cousin Rachel was living there permanently, looking after the house as well as being his personal assistant. His mom lived there also when in town,staying there with Rachel. They pulled through the gates and drove up to the house. Justin looked at the large house, he sensed Michael wouldn't be too impressed by it. It didn't seem like his kind of house.Even Justin felt now that it was too big for him. He thought about buying a new home with Michael, they'd talked about that briefly. He carried his bags up to the door, his mom fishing out her keys. The minute she opened the door, Justin was assailed by two large flying objects. He landed on his ass, laughing when his face was covered with wet kisses. Buckley and Brennen, his two boxers were all over him.He loved his dogs like children. They finally calmed down enough for him to get back up, Lynn laughing beside him. "I guessed they missed me." Justin said, laughing himself. "They sure did, as we all have." She kissed him on the cheek, Justin kissing her back. Rachel greeted them happily, hugging Justin. "Been a few week cuz.How ya doing, Cameron was in last week picking her things up.So sorry, Justin." Justin hugged her, loving his cousin dearly. "Thanks,Rachel.Life goes on, new beginnings." Justin smiled widely at her. She was surprised he was so happy.She'd talked to him last week and he'd seemed quiet and moody.Something seemed to have brightened him up.Or was it someone? "If its okay with you guys, I'm beat.I'm going to crash upstairs for a few hours." Justin hung up his jacket in the closet with his mom's. "Okay, Justin.I'll wake you when supper is ready." Lynn said walking into the kitchen. Justin climbed the stairs walking into his bedroom, dropping his bags, both dogs following him. He climbed onto the king size bed, both dogs laying down beside him. He hugged Buckley. "Sorry, bud. Your not the same as Michael." He laughed, rolling over, sleep overtaking him quickly.

Michael slept right through the night.Twelve hours straight. He woke up at five thirty. He'd about three hours until he had to pick up the moving van. He thought about calling Justin, then cancelled that idea, realizing the time difference. He knew Justin needed sleep also. He got up starting breakfast for everyone. At seven he woke everyone up. Everyone had a hearty breakfast, and within an hour Michael was driving a large truck through suburban Chicago, Zach and the ladies following him in Michael's car.Within twenty minutes they were at Christina's mothers' apartment. Christina introduced them all to her mother, Nancy. She looked at Michael with awe, her first reaction being a huge hug, then lots of tears.Michael instantly liked the woman. "So this is Christina and Becky's guardian angel." She said with sincere respect. "Please, I'm no angel." "More like a horny devil." VIcky said, under her breath. Zach caught it and started laughing, Christina shyly smiling at him. Zach beamed back. Oh lord, this is going to be too easy, thought Michael. "Zach why don't you help Christina with the kitchen stuff, and I'll start taking these boxes down. Zach followed Christina and her mom into the kitchen. Vicky sat on the sofa, Becky sitting in her lap.She stared at Michael. "What are you up to, sneaky?" She said looking at him with an intense look. "Lets just say I'm love's pusher." "Love's pusher?" "Yes, I'm giving two people a push towards love." Michael smiled at her. Vicky started laughing. "Unbelieveable.Your so unbelieveable." She smiled tenderly at him. Michael smirked and began carrying boxes to the elevator. After two hours of heavy hauling, boxing and stacking, the truck was loaded and everything was ready to go. Michael and Vicky road in the truck, everyone else riding in Michael's car. Becky rode with Michael and Vicky, never seeing such a big truck. On the way, Michael new phone went off. He smiled. "Bill's taxidermy shop and restaurant.You kill em, we grill em." Justin laughed loudly. "Yeah,Hi. I landed a big one and I need to get him stuffed and mounted." "I think your pretty good at taking care of that yourself?" Michael quipped. Justin burst out laughing, Lynn looking at him from across the kitchen table. "Yeah, MIchael its my specialty.How ya doing buddy?" "Doing great, we're all loaded up and on our way to Christina's new place." "Ah, cool.Wish I had stayed to help." "Yeah me too, but we'd probably still be in bed, lover." Michael's voice seductive. Justin felt a warmth in his lower regions.He looked at his mom who wasn't watching him. "Someone wants to say hi, Justin." Michael handed the phone to Vicky, she helping Becky to talk into it. "Justin, its Becky.I miss you." Justin smiled, a tear in his eye. "I miss you too, Becky.I hope to see you soon, okay." "Okay, Justin.Love ya." "Love ya, Becky." Lynn smiled from across the table, knowing it was the small child. Michael came back on the phone. "So how long did you sleep last night?" Justin asked getting up and walking into the living room, wanting some privacy all of a sudden. "Twelve hours.Slept right through." "Great, you needed it, Mico." "Are you free to talk, Just.You seem a little concerned about something." Michael could sense some uncertainty in Justin's voice and his inner self. "My mom is here, she met me at the airport.She's been asking me a lot of questions about you, I think she'd trying to figure out what's going on." "Most people are trying to figure out whats going on with me." Michael smiled. "I'm thinking of telling her, Mico." Lynn stood outside the living room. She hadn't mean to stand there listening, but she had been heading into the living room to get her briefcase and didn't realize Justin was still on the phone having a private conversation. She slowly backed out of the hallway back into the kitchen. What was he not wanting to tell her? What was going on here? Did Justin have a new girlfriend and Michael knew about it? She felt she needed to have a talk with her son. She needed to find out what was going on here.

It took them three hours to unload everything, taking their time, making sure everything was in the right room. Zach and Michael carried all the heavy furniture, couches, tables, dressers and beds by themselves. They spent another two hours re-assembling furniture. By the time everything had been set up and in its place it was five thirty. Nana and Nancy had been busy, once the kitchen was in place, cooking a nice supper for everyone. They all sat down for the first meal in Christina's new kitchen. Christina had requested the honor of saying grace, it being her new home. "Lord, we thank you for all that you have given us on this day, our new home and all our new kind friends.Their help and love means so much to us on this special day.My family, momma, Becky and myself owe all our happiness to one man, a true friend, our special angel.He has captured our hearts and our love.Take care of Michael, dear lord, let him find his hearts happiness with his new love, for he has given us our own hope and happiness.Amen." Everyone joined in the amen, then looking at Michael. Michael was in tears, the sentiment filling his heart.He excused himself from the table. Everyone was moved by Michael's open emotions. Michael stood out of the balcony breathing in the fresh air, the coolness sinking into his bones. Christina walked out, looking at his face, seeing his emotions still there. "Your food will get cold, Michael. Please come back in." "I just needed a moment to get myself together.Your words were very moving, Christina.You know I don't take well to being thanked." He shyly smiled at her. "I know Michael.That doesn't mean that I can't say it." Michael smiled at her, seeing she meant all she'd said. "Michael, I've never met anyone like you, my dear friend.Your kindness of heart and soul makes me believe that god does walk among us.He's sent you to take care of us." Michael smiled, liking her reasoning. "I'm just an ordinary guy who saw you needed help.I'm no different than Zach or Justin." Christina smiled, and also blushed. "Did I say something sweet?" Michael looking at her. She looked back into the kitchen area. "Can I ask you something, Michael?" "Sure.Anything, Christina." "Does Zach like me? I've been getting these feelings from him." Michael smiled, this was going to be so easy. "Shouldn't you ask him that, I don't want to speak for my friend." Christina blushed, still looking into his eyes. "I like him, Michael.He's so down to earth, and fun, and he seems to really like Becky." "That's because he's a kid at heart, him and Justin are so alike." Christina smiled. "You miss him, don't you?" Michael smiled, looking away, tears still in his eyes. "I'm lost without him. I feel like I'm walking in my sleep, expecting to hear his voice.It's only been a day and I need him." Christina hugged him, feeling for his new found love. "I was like that for months after James died.I thought I was walking alone, I heard his voice everywhere.I thought I'd never be able to live again.But then I thought about what I'd had with him, and I know he'd want me to go on, that he would always be there with me, in my heart." Michael smiled at her opening up to him. "Its been three years since he died, Michael. Becky doesn't remember him very much. I get so lonely at times, and there are times I feel so lost." Michael hugged her back. "I can't speak for Zach, but he's a great guy, Christina.He's got a tender heart, he's honest and he'd get along great with Becky." Christina smiled. "Go with your heart, Christina.Take a chance on finding happiness again, my heart tells me you won't be dissappointed.I know from experience how hard it is to trust you heart." They hugged again, Christina not saying anything else, both walking back into the kitchen to finish their meal. They had a wonderful meal, lots of laughter and smiles. After supper, Michael begged off staying, wanted to just go home and vegetate. Zach, Nana and Vicky stayed, everyone wanting to play cards. Michael took the truck back to the rental office, then walked home from there., a short trip of a couple of blocks.Zach would drive his car back when they were ready to call it a night. Michael got home shortly after eight, to a quiet house. He took a long hot shower, cleaning up and then relaxing on the couch in sweatpants and a t-shirt. He was just beginning to nod off when his cell phone rang. "Hello, babe." "This isn't your babe.This is your bitch." "Josh, you knucklehead." Josh laughed. "Hi, old man.Hows it going?" "Tired actually, I was dozing off.Moved Christina today and I'm exhausted." "You old guys have to take it easy.Hope you didn't strain anything." Michael was getting tired of this old man routine. "Listen, Chasez.I can take you at anything.You name it and I will whoop your ass.Then we'll see who's the decrepid one." Josh laughed again, loving the fact Michael didn't like to be called old. "Chill, Mikey. Don't get your panties in an uproar." "Yeah, you'd like to have me wearing panties.Your a sick perv." Michael now laughed. Josh laughed with him. "So, Josh why the call?" Josh hesitated a bit, trying to find the right words. The silence had Michael's back up. "What's wrong, Josh? Is it Justin?" "Now calm down, Mikey. I knew you'd get worked up.I just thought you'd like to know he's been crying." Michael sat up, sensing for Justin.He could feel him, he though he might be moody. He'd been so busy all afternoon that he'd zoned out of their connection. "Oh man, whats going on, Josh? Why's he been crying?" "Calm down, Michael. If you don't calm down, I'm not going to tell you." Josh knew Michael would become agitated. "Okay, Josh.Sorry,I'm calm.Tell me whats going on." "We really don't know, he came to the studio this morning chipper and happy.All day he'd been laughing and smiling.Then he got moody all of a sudden.Joey came over and we hung out together.That helped for a while until Joey made a smart ass comment and Justin went to pieces. "What did JOey say?" "He said Justin needed to go out an get laid now that he wasn't with Cameron.He needed to get his juices taken care of." Michael knew that would upset him. "Whats he doing right now, Josh?" "Joey and him are playing basketball.They are here at my place." "I'll call him shortly.Thanks for calling,Josh.I'll try and find out whats going down and let you know.I should of picked up on this, I should of sensed it." Josh wondered what Michael was talking about. "What do you mean, Mikey?" "Justin and I have a connection, Josh.We feel each other's feelings, we sense when we're sad or angry.I guess I was too damn busy today to pick up on in." Josh sat there in shock.He'd known the two were close and in love, but he'd never thought it went this deep.To be that connected shocked him. COuld he find someone with that much of a connection. "Thats unbelieveable, but yet, It sounds right, Mikey.I now know the two of you have something special, don't ever lose that,Michael." "I don't plan on it, my friend." Josh smiled. "I'll let you go,Josh.And again, thanks for being a friend and letting me know." "No prob,old man." Michael smiled. "Your ass is mine,smart ass." "Is that all you want.I have so much more to offer." Josh smirked. "Yeah, and you'll find out soon who wants it." Josh smiled brightly.Hopefully real soon. "Later, Mikey." "Later, Joshy." They ended their call. Michael immediately dialed Justin's number.It rang six times, Michael just about to hang up, when a gasping voice came on the line. "Yo, Joe here." "Hello, you sound out of breath Joe,you okay?" "Doing fine.Just playing ball.Who's this?" "Hi,Joe. I'm Michael Tavarro.A friend of Justin's.Is he handy." "Nah, he's pretty useless actually." Michael laughed loudly. "I'll get him for ya.Just a sec." Michael waited, feeling for his Justin.He felt his smile before he even picked up the phone. "Mikey,how ya doing.You ok? I sense your worried about something." "I'm worried about you, babe.What's going on? Why have you been crying?" Justin sat down quietly on the bench.Joey looked at him, seeing the sadness in his eyes again.He'd been surprised when he met his friend earlier today.He was happy to begin with then the moodiness set in after he'd talked to this Michael guy.Who was he anyway? Sounded nice on the phone, but that didn't mean anything. And now here Justin was talking to him again and the sadness was back.If this guy is upsetting his friend he'll nip this in the butt. "How did you know that, you sensed it didn't you?" Michael felt shame in him. "No, Jus.I didn't.Josh called me a few minutes ago.I should of been feeling you out, instead I was too damn busy.I'm sorry." Justin felt Michael's shame immediately. "Mikey, its okay.Don't be sad.You've had a busy hectic day.You shouldn't feel that you should be tuned to me all day.Thats not how its suppose to work.We have our own lives to run,but I know your there for me." Justin was trying to keep the conversation quiet, Joey wasn't leaving. "What's going on, sweetie.Why were you crying?" "It's because of you, Michael.I talked to you this morning and when I hung up I felt this loss, like I needed you here beside me.I guess I really miss you." Michael felt his love for him.He wished he was here now. "I know, sweetie.I felt that last night and again this morning.I miss you too.God its only been a day,Jus.How are we going to survive nine more." "All I know is that when I see you again I'm gonna ki....." Justin looked up seeing Joey looking at him, listening in on his conversation. Justin lowered his head, turning his body. Joey caught the body language, sensing Justin wanted to talk in private. Who was this guy? Why was Justin acting so funny? "Joey's here, Mikey.I gotta go.I'll call you when I have some free time alone." "Okay, Justin. And like you said, if your feeling blue, if your feeling lonely, I am only a call away.I don't mind if you call me ten times a day, day or night.If my voice can ease your loneliness, I will talk to you for hours.I love ya, sweetie." Justin felt the tears flowing again.He turned away from Joey. "The feelings more than returned,babe." He said quietly. "Get back to your friends, Jus.Their your friends.Let them in.They will support you, no matter what." Justin smiled, Michael feeling his love shining through. "Bye, Michael." "Hugs and kisses,my Jus.Love ya." Justin's tears were still falling. He hung up, brushing the tears out of his eyes. Joey stood looking at his friend.To Joey it appeared that Justin was deeply upset, he didn't realize it was the total opposite.Joey had no possible way of knowing it was deep love that Justin was feeling. "Okay, Curly. What the hell's going on.Your visibly upset.Why did that guy make you so upset? Who is that guy?" Justin looked at Joey sensing his concern, and sensing his anger. "He's a good friend,he's my best friend." "Fuck that shit,Justin.He's not much of a friend if he upsets you like this.I think he's being a real prick.You don't need that kind of friend." Justin tensed up, staring at his friend.His anger flared. "How can you say that.How can you hurt me like that.You don't know him.You don't know anything about my Michael." Justin was openly crying now, his rage on the edge of release. Joey stared at his friend, shocked at his sudden change. "Justin, I'm sorry." He went to hug his friend.Justin backed up. "Leave me to fuck alone." Justin turned and ran into the house. Joey chased after him. Joey searched around and found him in Josh's living room sitting on the sofa.He had his hands between his legs, looking totally dejected. "Justin, whats going on.I've never seen you so hurt, what's wrong." Justin looked up at him, Josh entering the room and seeing them. "I don't want to talk about it, okay." JOsh looked at Joey. "He's flipped out Josh, he broke down in tears again when he got of the phone with some Michael guy.I'm sorry Justin, that guys not much of a friend to treat you like this.You deserve a hell of a lot better." "Now you hold it right there, Joey, Michael is Justin's closest friend.He'd never ever do anything to hurt him.He's the nicest guy in the world." Josh stated directly and firmly. Justin smiled, seeing Josh defend Michael. "Then would someone tell me what the hell's going on.Justin is upset about something." Joey looked between his two friends, knowing something was not right here. "It's time you told him, Jus.He's your friend, trust in him." Joey looked at Josh now with concern.Then at Justin. He walked over and sat down beside his friend. "Come on, Curly.If somethings upsetting you, tell me.I'm your friend. Let me in.I will support you no matter what." Justin smiled, Joey had just said Michael's exact words. His Michael was so damn incredible. "What are you smiling at?" Josh asked. "Michael just said those exact words to me." Joey looked at Justin quietly. "I met Michael in Chicago, Joe.He's the most incredible man you'd ever meet.Right, Josh? " Josh smiled."Yes, Jus. He's incredible, alright." Joey still kept quiet, waiting for Justin to go on. "I need to tell you something, Joe.I've struggled for a long time with this and I need you to know.Your a good friend, and I value your support and love." Joey put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "Out with it, Curly.Tell me what's bothering you." Justin looked into Joey's eyes.He saw his friend's love there. "I'm gay, Joe." Joey still kept his hand on his shoulder. "And?" Justin looked at him with surprise. "And? Isn't that enough?" Joey smiled a big grin. "I've suspected for a while Justin.And it doesn't change the way I feel about you.I just didn't say anything.Actually, this is going to sound crazy, but I have felt it ever since we had that dream a long time ago.Remember?" Justin and Josh looked at him in shock. "I didn't tell anyone at the time but I saw more than I let on in the dream.I remember we were all standing in that clearing and you,Justin,you alone, were trying to save that young man.You kept calling out that you loved him,begging him to please not leave you.I kinda took that as a sure sign." Joey blushed. Justin looked at Joey and Josh with wonder. "Even then, he was guiding us." Joey looked at both of them. "Who was guiding us? What are you talking about, Curly." "Michael was the young man we saw in the dream.He was going to kill himself that night.He'd been badly beaten and raped.We really did save him that night." Joey looked at them in shock. Justin and Josh both began to tell Joey everything. Justin told him all about meeting Michael, how destiny and faith had brought them together. Joey could see the love and happiness in Justin's smile when he talked about Michael. Justin told him everything, all the pain and hurt in Michael's live.And how they'd saved him that night. Joey felt deeply for Michael's pain.No one deserved that kind of abuse.To have survived that made Joey respect the man. "So we saved him that night, so that he and you could meet one day and fall in love.Wow, man thats some deep spiritual stuff." They all smiled at Joey's honesty. Justin smiled widely, seeing that his friend was true to him still.All his friends had stood by him.It gave him courage to face his greatest obstacle, his family. Justin talked long and detailed about Michael and himself, Joey realizing that this wasn't just a fly by night affair.Something deeper was at work here.He sensed that this was indeed true love. And he told Justin that. That got Justin crying again. Joey hugged him tightly in one of his famous bear hugs,he now realized what Justin had been crying about before.He hadn't been upset, he was in love and missed his boyfriend. Joey hugged him telling him they'd be there for him until he could meet Michael again. Justin felt happy again. Josh's phone rang, he got up to answer it. "Oh, hi Lynn.Ok, yes I will tell him.Sure thing Lynn.Are you sure you don't....Okay." Josh hung up the phone,turning and looked at Justin. "Man, Justin. Your mom is really upset about something.She wants you home now.No ifs or buts.Now." Justin felt a sinking feeling in his chest. "Did she say whats wrong?" "No, Jus.Just for you to get your ass home now.Come on, I'll drive ya." "I'll go too, Curly.Then after we can go get some eats." "Joey, you'll never change." Josh laughed. Justin didn't say anything, he felt a sense of impending doom. They all hopped into Josh's jeep, and in a few minutes were pulled up in Justin's driveway. They all walked into Justin's home, walking into the living room. Lynn was standing at the window looking out. She turned and looked at the three men. Justin right away could see that she'd been crying. "You alright, mom?" The guys all knew something was wrong. "We need to talk, Justin.Your friends need to leave." Josh and Joey turned to go, but Justin stopped them. "No guys wait.Whats wrong, mom? What's going on that you have to talk to me alone." "Ok, Justin. If this is the way you want it, then fine.Let your friends find out too, then." She walked up to him, looking into his blue eyes. "Can you explain this to me and what it means?" She pulled out the letter she'd been holding behind her back. Justin stared at it seeing the familiar writing.His heart stopped.Michael's love letter from his jacket pocket, where he'd carelessly left it. "Can you explain to me why my son has destroyed my heart."

End of Chapter 31

Oh,oh.Looks like the cat is out of the bag. What will happen? Will his mom come around? Who's Alberto? What has he to do with Michael? More questions than answers. Keep reading lots more to come.


Next: Chapter 32

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