Justins Angel

By Angel J

Published on Jan 18, 2007


This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to this story.

The following is a fictious story with no real basis or credibility.It is solely for the enjoyment of the reader. It does not imply anything about the sexual preferences or lifestyle of Justin Timberlake or any other celebrity herein mentioned in this story.


Justin's eyes teared up,Michael taking one of the rings out of the box. "They are what I call faith rings,Jus.Read the inscription inside." Justin took one of the rings from Michael looking inside the band.


"I call them faith rings,Justin,because I want us to have faith in each other.If we accept to wear them then it will represent our faith in each other,our love and hope for each other. Justin's eyes were full of tears now.a small sob racking his body. His fingers trembling. Michael took the ring from Justin,looking deep into his moist eyes. "Will you wear this ring as a symbol of that faith,Justin?" "Yes,my love,today and always." Michael slipped the ring on Justin's right hand ring finger, kissing him deeply on the lips.The ring fit his finger perfectly. Justin pulled back,looking into Michael's golden eyes. Then he looked down at the ring that his Michael had placed on his finger. That Michael chose this symbol of their love,overwhelmed Justin.Everytime he'd look at this ring it would remind him of Michael's golden eyes,and most importantly,of his unending love for him. Justin took the other ring out of the box,taking Michael's right hand in his.He could feel the scar on the back of his strong hand,a symbol of Michael's old pain.This ring would be a new symbol,a symbol of Justin's love. "I have unwavering faith in us,Michael.I love you with all my heart.Will you wear this ring as a symbol of that faith?" Michael let out a small sob of his own,his eyes filling with tears. "Yes,my love.Today and forever." Justin put the ring on his finger,kissing him deeply,feeling Michael's emotions. They held each other for a while.Lost in the moment.This had sealed their love. They both knew it wasn't a marriage proposal,or a engagement ring.It was a uniting of their souls,a pact to love one another. It was their first committment to each other. A committment of faith.

Chapter 28

Justin and Michael walked back into the living room arm in arm. Everyone picked up on the large smiles on both their faces. Vicky smiled at them,getting up to give them the couch to sit on together. Josh didn't like the look on Justin's face.It was as if he had the world by the tail,he looked so happy. He felt that something good had happened between the two of them,that only meaning more trouble for him. They thanked Vicky,as they sat down together on the couch,Justin snuggling up against Michael's chest. Vicky sat on the piano bench. "Show's about to start Mikey.Turn the television on." Vicky smiled. Michael picked up the remote off the coffee table,flicking the tv on and found the right channel. He let Justin snuggle up against him again,all of them relaxing as the show started. They all sat quietly watching. Vicky cheered when Justin came onstage,he started laughing. When Becky and Christina came on Nana started clapping. "She's such a precious litte angel." Vicky smiled at seeing Justin's interaction with the little girl. "You'd make a great dad,Justin.She loves you." Justin beamed,Michael kissing him on the nose. "I'd second that." Josh sat back,not saying anything.He thought the same,but didn't want to voice his opinion. They watched the show unfold,Christina telling Michael's story. Then Justin bringing Michael onto the stage. Vicky cheered loudly. Michael blushed. Josh watched it all,hearing Christina's story.How Michael had given her hope.This man truly was unselfish. It made Josh look at Michael differently.His emotions were fighting inside him.On one hand he hated him for taking Justin away from him,and on the other,how could he hate such a giving,caring man. Josh looked over at Michael,seeing his reluctance to be idolized,even by his friends. He was different. Vicky was crying by the time Justin sang his song to Michael,his hero song. Nana sat down on the bench,hugging her,both of them looking at Michael. Josh could see the love and pride in their eyes for this kind young man. Josh lowered his head,his emotions too much for him to show. The show ended with Vicky jumping on top of Michael and Justin crying and hugging both of them. "Justin,what you did for him,oh what you did for him." She said with tears still flowing. Justin saw Vicky's love for Michael,and now her love for him.He soon had a few tears in his eyes. Nana hugged them both after Vicky got off. LOnnie gave both of them thumbs up. Justin turned looking at Josh. "What did you think,Josh?" Josh lifted his head,all of them seeing his red eyes. "YOu did a good thing,Justin.Michael deserved that praise,and that acknowledgement.Your a giving man,Michael." Justin smiled at his friend,knowing how hard that had to be for him to say. "Thanks,Josh.That means a lot to me."Justin said,smiling deeply at his friend. "Yes,thanks for saying that,JC." Michael smiled at him too. "Babe,you looked so hot on television.You should be a movie star,with those dashing looks." Michael blushed. Justin leaned in kissing him deeply. This resulted in big awwws from Nana and Vicky. Even Josh had to smile at the tenderness of the moment. The peace in the room was shattered by the ringing of the phone. Vicky picked it up. After a few words she pulled the phone away from her ear,looked at Michael. "Your slightly screaming,erratic Zacky needs to speak to you." Justin started laughing,knowing what Zach was calling for. Michael picked up the phone. "Oh,my fucking god,Mikey.Are you for real.You know Justin Timberlake personally!!!!" Michael pulling the phone away from his ear,Zach's screaming a bit much. "Calm down,Zacky.Calm down,deep breathes.And I'm so glad thats the most important thing you can think to say.Thanks." Justin was rolling around,holding his stomach.He was really enjoying this. "I'm so glad you think this is funny,Timberlake. Here,you talk to him." Michael threw the cordless phone at him,Justin catching it. Justin sensed Michael had been hoping for something more from Zach. "Hi,is this Zach?" The phone went deadly quiet. "Who's this." "Don't you recognize the voice? I though you were a fan." Justin winking at Michael. "No,no way!" "Yes way.Hi,I'm Justin." Justin heard the silence again. "Its an honor,Mr.Timberlake." Zach said,Justin sensing his awe in his voice. "Hey,it's Justin,okay.Your Mikey's best friend.Thats more than enough reason to call me Justin." Justin got back on the couch beside Michael. "Wow,I can't believe skinny Michaelangelo knows you." "Yep,believe it.Your buddy's now my friend.That makes you my friend too,Zach." Michael smiled,he so wanted them to meet. "Well,I should let you talk again to Mikey.And Zach,tell him your proud of him.He's more than proud of you." Justin handed the phone back to Michael. Michael knew what Justin was trying to tell Zach. "Mikey,I'm sorry.I should of told you that first.I am proud of you.You did an unbelieveably heroic thing,Mike.You put someone else ahead of yourself.I love ya,man.You've always been my hero." Michael teared up. "Thanks,Zacky." He talked for a few minutes to Zach,telling him about the fight and his meeting Justin. He didn't tell him about their love affair,he wanted to tell him that in person. He finally said his goodbyes,jumping on top of Justin on the couch. "Thanks for loving him,Jus.He's going to really love you." Michael kissed him tenderly. Justin broke the kiss,looking at Michael with so much love. He put his head on Michael's chest,looking down at the ring on his right hand. The smile on his face could of lit the room with its brightness. "You look like you've just opened the best christmas present in the world,son.Your practically glowing." Nana said smiling,looking at Justin. Justin's grin grew even larger.He looked at Michael. Michael smiled knowing Justin wanted to tell everyone. "Go ahead,I know your eager to tell them." Michael smiled blushing. "Look what Michael gave me,what he gave both of us!" Justin said holding his hand out,showing everyone. Everyone looked at the silver ring on Justin's finger. "We both have one.Michael calls them faith rings." Josh's heart stopped. "Michael says that if we wear them it means we have faith in each other.Faith to be true and to love each other.I'm never taking mine off.I have complete faith in our love." Justin looked at Michael with tears in his eyes. Michael smiled at Justin,at only him. Nana and Vicky got up walking over to them to look at the rings and to hug both of them.Michael showed them the engraving on his,reading it out loud. "Looks great on you,Just.Thanks a touching gift, Michael." Lonnie smiled from his chair. "Yeah,thanks Lon.There are two stones,a blue one and a gold one,the colour of both our eyes." Michael smiled at Justin. Josh's emotions broke. He lowered his head, the tears starting to flow.He got up excusing himself to Lonnie, heading down the hall to the washroom. Lonnie watched him go seeing the tears in his eyes. No one else had seen him leave. Nana and Vicky both had a lot of tears in their eyes. "That gift took a lot of caring and love,Mico."Nana smiled. Justin looked at Nana shyly. "Nana,I have something to tell you." Nana sat down beside Justin. "I've started calling Michael,Mico.I hope you won't be upset.Its just such a beautiful version of his name.I know that your the only one whose ever called him that." Nana smiled at Justin,hugging him again. "Its time,Justin.Its time that you alone carry on that name.Your right,Mico is a beautiful name.Its always meant love to me,my love for my grandson.I always called him that because he needed so much love.Now he has so much love from you,you and you alone now deserve to call him that." Justin kissed her,loving his new grandmother. "Thank you,Nana.I will always call him my Mico,because he does have my love now.And you are now my special grandmother." Nana started tearing up,Justin hugging her again. Michael looked on,seeing Justin's love for his only family. Michael looked around the room,at his friends suddenly realizing that Josh was gone.

Josh stood in front of the mirror in the washroom,looking at himself. What can I do now.He's given him a ring.He's branded him his. That bastard.He knew this would destroy me. He's rubbing it in my face. He's telling me he's won. Josh wanted to kill him.He banged his fist against the wall. Josh looked at the man staring back at him from the mirror .He didn't like the image that looked back at him. It terrified him. He saw anger,jealousy and he saw hate.Hate for Michael. How had he become this terrifying man. How had he allowed his soul to become so corrupted.For hatred to run through his veins. He'd always been so loving,caring. Why couldn't he see himself as that loving man again. Josh felt so alone.He felt his real self was lost. He thought of his Justin. They had always been close,so close. Best friends. But their careers had seperated,and they'd grown apart.Justin had moved on,to a new life,and on to Michael. Josh remembered all the good times they'd spent together,friends from the moment they'd first met.So many night he'd been there for Justin when he was scared.When he'd had bad dreams. He'd been his older brother,always looking out for him. Hadn't Justin said that himself.That he'd thought of Josh as his brother. Because Josh had always been there for him,to protect him from his fears,his dreams. His bad dreams. Josh froze in front of the mirror. His minded flashed with a vision,a vision of a young man standing on a cliff.The young man turned and looked at Josh,so much hurt and pain in his eyes.As if his soul had been destroyed.The life dying in his deep golden eyes. This man had been tortured,abused and defiled.Josh could feel his pain burning in his own soul. Michael was pleading for someone to save him,to save him from himself,from his soul crushing pain. Josh slowly sank to the bathroom floor,his eyes full of tears. He saw it all again,this time seeing the truth of what had happened. Of what he should of done. It was Michael standing there on that cliff.A younger Michael,but definitely him. He was going to kill himself. To end the pain. Josh looked around the forest clearing and saw his four friends standing looking at Michael also. Joey,Chris,Lance and Justin. Justin was crying,his arms reaching out,wanting so desperately to save this young man. Everyone else was standing still.Justin was the only one trying to approach the young man.Justin was struggling against an invisible barrier,trying to reach this tortured man. Josh realized why. Because he was the one who would love this young man,he was the one who would save him. To save him from his pain,so that he could love him. Josh heard Justin's voice echoing through the trees,singing to Michael,trying to reach him in the only way he could. With his music,with his love. That dream that all the other guys had had that night was about Michael and Justin. It was about the destiny of their souls. That Justin needed to save him,so that one day their souls could join together,and become one. Josh hadn't had the dream that night.He was the only one who hadn't. Somehow deep in his heart he knew why. Josh looked deep into himself and he found the reason there. He hadn't been worthy enough to feel their love. That was what the dream was in essence. Michael's love reaching out that day,reaching out for someone to save him from his pain.Somehow knowing that this was his final desperate attempt to find love.The love he'd always been denied. And he found it in Justin. He saw it in all their eyes in that clearing.He saw love.In his friends eyes and in Justin's,so deeply embedded in Justin's. Josh knew that all his friends would some day love this man.And that Justin,he alone was the one who would save him. Somehow Michael's love had reached out over a great distance to draw them to him.To draw the one who could save him.And in the process of calling out for his soulmate, he drew his friends also. Josh cried,holding himself,realizing that he had failed Michael that day.That he hadn't had enough faith in him to help him.To love him. That he'd only finally seen the vision was due to his own friends love for Michael filtering through into his mind. He'd touched Justin in that recording booth,that was when the vision came to him. Not on his own,but with Justin's help. Oh,god,What had he done. He'd been so involved in what he wanted that he hadn't realized what he'd almost destroyed. He'd almosted destroyed true love. Josh felt ashamed,he'd let Michael and Justin both down. Josh crawled back to his feet,looking again into the mirror. The disgusting image of himself he'd seen before was gone.Only the real Josh stood there now. "I'm sorry Michael,I'm sorry I hated you.I didn't love you enough to help you that day." Josh said in almost a whisper. He clung to the sink,weeping. A knock on the door brought him to his senses. "You okay,Josh?" Lonnie said from the hallway. Josh wiped the tears from his eyes. He looked again into the mirror. "I'm okay.From now on I'm going to be okay." He smiled at himself. He opened the door,looking at Lonnie. Lonnie saw the tears in his eyes. "Josh,whats wrong? I heard you talking to yourself." "I'm okay,its nothing that I can't fix by being honest." Josh smiled at Lonnie,hugging him. Lonnie hugged him back not sure what was going on. Before Josh could do anything,Lonnie hawled him into Vicky's room,shutting the door. "Now listen to me,Josh.I know what you've been thinking.And there's no damn way I'm letting you destroy what Justin and Michael have.Got it?" Josh looked at Lonnie,the tears still in his eyes. "Hit me Lonnie,hit me please.I deserve it." Lonnie looked in shock at his friend." "I'm sorry Lonnie,I sorry that I almost fucked this all up.I think I've lost both of them now." Josh clung to Lonnie,crying into his chest. Lonnie hugged him,unsure what had happened to Josh. "I need to fix this,Lon.I need to fix what I've done." Josh walked back out into the hallway.Lonnie followed him. Josh walked down the hallway into the living room. He looked at Michael sitting on the couch talking with Justin. Michael looked up at him sensing something was different with Josh. Josh looked deep into Michael's golden eyes. All the pain and hurt he'd seen there in his vision was gone.They were only now filled with love. Josh realized that Justin had indeed saved him. Michael got up crossing the room to Josh. Justin got up,walking behind him, preparing to intervene if necessary. Michael stopped in front of Josh. The room was dead silence. Josh looked into Michael's eyes.Seeing again that friendship and caring. He broke down,starting to cry. "I'm sorry,Michael.I'm sorry for hating you.For not seeing what Jus really meant to you." Josh fell into his arms,sobbing. Michael hugged him,not sure what Josh was talking about,but feeling that Josh had come to terms with his feelings. When Michael hugged Josh to him he realized that the painful thoughts were gone.Josh didn't love Justin the same anymore. Josh cried on Michael's shoulder.Michael held him,not sure what had happened. He looked back at Justin,Justin not sure what was going on here either. Everyone stared at the two men,Michael and Josh. They all knew what had transpired between them.Why now was Josh asking for forgiveness? After a few moments Josh got his emotions together,pulling slowly away from Michael,looking again into his golden eyes. "Can you forgive me Michael?" "I want so much to be your friend,Josh.I just need to know what your asking me to forgive you for." "For not helping you.For not trying to save you like they did." Michael looked at Josh. "Save me from what?" "They all wanted to save you,they all tried.But I stood there and ignored you.I didn't feel your love,Michael.I didn't try to save you." Justin came up beside him,putting his arm around Josh. "Your not making sense,Josh? What are you talking about? What did you have to save him from?" Josh looked at his best friend.He felt his love for Justin,his brotherly love. Yes,he felt in his heart that that was what it had been all along.His love for a brother.And he'd failed that brother when he'd needed him the most. But now he had to make this right.He had to show them their past.To make them have their future. "It was the dream,Justin.That dark dream you had that terrifying night six years ago.When were were promoting in New York.All you guys had it the same night." Justin froze, the color going out of his face. "Michael was the boy,Jus.Your love,your Michael,he was the boy standing on the cliff." Michael's own color went out of his face. Justin was staring at him. Justin's mind was drawn back to the past,back into that terrifying dream.

He'd walked out of the forest into a clearing. He looked out on a starry night,so many stars in the sky.So many angels glowing.Thats what his grandmother had called them when Justin was a boy. Angels glowing. He scanned the clearing and laid his eyes upon a young man,his back turned to him. He was standing on the edge of a cliff. The man turned to him,his moist golden eyes staring into him. Justin saw so much pain,so much fear.So much hurt and anguish in those beautiful haunting eyes. This breathtakingly beautiful man had been destroyed. The young handsome man turned back,looking down. His pain had screamed out to Justin,to bring him here. but Justin sensed something else had brought him to this young man. Justin saw what he was going to do to end that pain. "No,please no.Don't leave me.Please stay,my love." Justin heard his own voice. Where had those words came from? Justin thought .He knew they came from his heart. The young man looked up into the starry sky,searching for that voice. Justin sensed what he needed to do. He sang,a special new song.A song for this angel. For his angel.

Justin returned to the present,seeing Michael before him,backing away from him. Michael backed up and sat down on the couch. Everyone was staring at Michael. "No,it can't be,thats impossible." Michael whispered,putting his head in his hands. Justin turned looking into Josh's tearing eyes. "It was Michael we saved that night,Jus.It was your soulmate we saved." Josh sat down,tears falling freely now. Nana walked up to both of them. "You had a group vision,Justin?" Justin nodded his head slowly. He told them all what had transpired that dark night,how all the guys except Josh had seen the same scene in their dream. "I didn't have faith in Michael,I didn't sense his loving touch.I didn't try to save him." Josh said,visibly distraught. Justin put his hand on his shoulder. Josh looked up at him. "I'm sorry,Jus.I almost tried to destroy two souls destined for each other.Please forgive me." Justin hugged his friend,not needing to say anything else.Josh felt his forgiveness in that hug. Everyone sat there, staring at Michael. This truly was unbelieveable. Justin slowly walked to Michael,squatting down in front of him,lifting his head out of his hands. He saw tears falling down his cheeks. "No one was suppose to know,Jus.No one was suppose to ever know what I almost did." Justin kissed his forehead. "My baby,my angel." He closed his eyes,just feeling Michael's soul beside him,feeling his life flowing into him. He sat beside him on the couch,taking his hands in his,feeling the connection immediately. "How can you love me,Justin.When I didn't have the strength to save myself." Michael got up walking over to the window,looking out on the darkening street. Justin walked up to him from behind,putting his arms around him. "Daniel told me in my dream that I was your strength,that I had to save you from yourself.Remember?" Michael turned around looking at him,seeing his strength there. He looked at everyone. His grandmother,his friend Vicky,Lonnie and Josh. They all believed in him. "It was a week after I was released from the hospital.About three weeks after my rape." Josh let out a gasp. "Yes Josh,I was raped.By my boyfriend and two of his friends.Everyone here is aware of it but you.I told them all.The three of them raped,beat and tortured me for almost three days,Josh.They finally threw me in a gutter like trash.Leaving me there to die." Josh started crying,suddenly realizing all the pain Michael must of endured. "I'd gone downtown with Nana,it was my first real excursion back into the real world after it had happened.I walked around town with her,and everywhere I saw people I knew,my friends,staring at me with these looks on their faces.I thought it was disgust on their faces.Disgust at my allowing that to happen to me.That day destroyed me more than the rape did." Nana had tears in her eyes now. Justin still held on to Michael. "That night I drove out to our summer cabin.My grandfather owned a private lake,about twenty five miles from our home.To me it was the most beautiful place on this earth. On the left shore there is a large hill,and when you climb it you come out onto this small clearing,it overlooks the whole lake.The view from that cliff is breathtaking.That place was always my sanctuary.My escape from my tortured life. I sought that place out that evening.Going there to face my fate." Justin hugged him closer. "I went there that evening to kill myself." Everyone looked at Michael with pain in their hearts,and love.Knowing how hard that was for him to say. He turned looking into Justin's wet eyes. "Forgive me,my love.FOrgive me for not being strong enough.I couldn't take any more pain,the fear and the hurt.It had consumed my soul.All I had in me was pain.I wanted to end that pain.I didn't believe I had anything to live for." Justin hugged him,wrapping his arms around him. "YOu have nothing to be forgiven for,Michael,my darling.You were beaten,destroyed and alone.All you needed was hope,my love." Michael pulled away from him,staring at him. "I stood there looking down on that water,seeing a way out.But I heard someone.A distant voice.I'd brought a radio up with me,music had always soothed my soul there.I used to sit for hours just listening,being one with nature." Justin looked at him,now sensing what had happened. "But the radio was off,Justin." "Then I heard a voice,a beautiful voice,carrying across the lake.It said: "No,please no.Don't leave me.Please stay,my love." Justin looked at him,hearing his own words said back to him. "It was you wasn't it,Justin?" "Yes,my love.I'd said those exact words in my dream." Michael lowered his head. "I felt a need to hear music at that moment,to hear some small sign of life.To cut through the silence of my heart.So I picked up my small radio and turned it on." Justin watched Michael,lost in the past. "I heard your voice coming out of the radio,Justin."

"Well, I feel there is someone out there who is feeling low. He is down on his luck,needing a hand to follow the right path."

Josh looked over at Michael at the same moment that everyone else did. "And then I heard your voice,Josh."

"He is hurting so badly, he needs to know that someone cares, someone will be there to help him, all he needs to do is take a leap of faith in the right direction, not the direction that stands before him. The next few moments will be the hardest in his life. There is a new song on our new album, that says what he needs to know. Listen to the words, and you will find the right path."

Everyone looked at Josh,tears flowing down his cheeks,remembering his own words.

"Then we sang to you,Michael.We sang a song to give you hope.To show you that there was something out there for you,you just had to wait and it would come to you." Justin said,touching Michael's cheek. MIchael looked deep into Justin's eyes,finding there what he had waited so long to find. "Yes,Jus.I only had to have hope.To wait until you came into my life. You and your friends saved me that night.You made me step back from that edge.YOu made me go on with my life. You gave me that hope that someday,somehow I would find him,that man who would sing his love into my heart.My soulmate." Michael kissed Justin,the two united by their past. Justin parted from him,walking over to Josh.He hugged him,feeling his love for his friend as deep as it ever was. They looked at each other,Josh smiling,nodding his head. Justin turned around looking at everyone,seeing everyone smiling at him. Then he turned looking at his Michael. At his soulmate. He stood still and started to sing.

When the visions around you, Bring tears to your eyes And all that surrounds you, Are secrets and lies I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope, Keeping your faith when it's gone The one you should call I'm standing here all along....

And I will take You in my arms And hold you right Where you belong Till the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you

Justin walked to Michael,pulling him into his arms. Josh sang with Justin.

I've loved you forever, In lifetimes before And I promise you never... Will you hurt anymore I give you my word I give you my heart This is a battle we won And with this vow, Forever has now begun...

Just close your eyes With each loving day Know this feeling won't go away Till the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you

Over and over I fall When I hear you call Without you in my life baby I just wouldn't be living at all...

And I will take You in my arms And hold you right Where you belong Till the day my life is through This I promise you baby

Just close your eyes With each loving day Know this feeling won't go away Till the day my life is through This I promise you

Every word I say is true This I promise you Ooooh,I promise you

Michael was sobbing,seeing the love in Justin's eyes,feeling the love in his voice. The voice that had saved him so many years ago. And here that man was standing,giving him his love and his life. No more words could be spoken,no more could be sung. They were one,for this time and forever. Everyone was crying,realizing the depth of emotions between Justin and Michael. They had been destined to find each other. Josh had realized the truth before he'd done anything to destroy that love. Michael and Justin were oblivious to those around them. There destinies had been joined,their love had survived to find one another. This was the beginning of their hopes and dreams. They joined together in a kiss that would echo through their lives. No one noticed Michael's right hand. His smooth scarless hand.

End of Chapter 28

Another piece of the puzzle solved. I am sure you'd all figured that connection out. I couldn't leave Josh as a bad boy.He's too sweet to be anything less that a kind friend to Justin and Michael. I'd thought for just a moment about ending the story here,but I've had an inspiration. A burst of creativity if you please. So there's definitely lots more to come. My passion has been recharged. On with the story.


Next: Chapter 29

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