Justins Angel

By Angel J

Published on Jan 5, 2007


This is a sexually explicit story (at times) involving homosexuality. By continuing to read, you affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to this story.

The following is a fictious story with no real basis or credibility.It is solely for the enjoyment of the reader.Its all just fun. It does not imply anything about the sexual preferences or lifestyle of Justin Timberlake or any other celebrity herein mentioned in the story.


Both looked at each other,love still shining in their eyes,then both stepped out,grabbing towels,drying themselves off. Both took turns looking at the other,then they started drying each other,feeling the wet skin against the towels. When both were satisfied that the other was dry,they picked up their clothes,throwing the towels in the hamper. Justin followed Michael out of the bathroom watching his butt as he walked down the short hall. It looked so beautiful,he couldn't keep his eyes off it. Michael opened the bedroom door walking over to the bed.He put his clothes on a nearby chair,Justin following suit. Justin picked up his boxer briefs preparing to put them back on. Michael slapped his hand away,letting the briefs fall onto the clothes. "We don't need them,Jus.I want to be naked in bed with you.Nothing seperating us." Justin smiled,sensing Michael's newfound exhibitionism. Michael walked over to the bed,pulling down the covers and getting in.He turned over looking at Justin standing there naked. He had never seen a more beautiful man,and he was his,for tonight,and hopefully forever. Justin walked over to the bed,climbing in beside Michael. Within seconds Michael was against him,in his familar spot,his head on Justin's naked chest,with Justin's arm around him. Justin could feel his naked body against him,his cock rubbing against his hip. He felt utter peace,utter happiness. Michael raised his head,kissing Justin on the lips lightly. "Goodnight,my man." "Goodnight,babe." Justin replied. "I love you,Jus." Michael settled back in against his chest. Justin's face show the greatest look of happiness. "I love you too,Mikey."

chapter 19

Michael stirred a little,opening his eyes.The light of day was shining through his bedroom window. He felt warmth against him,a heat that soothed him. He looked up into Justin's sleeping face. His man was there beside him,holding him close. Michael could feel Justin's warm naked skin against him,and Michael remembered what had happened last night. He didn't know where he had found the courage to do what he had done last night,to tell Justin that he loved him. Or how he had found to trust Justin enough to shower, then sleep with him nude. He rose his head a little looking down at Justin's nude body beside him. The covers had slipped a little revealing Justin's naked chest.To think that he had slept against it all night. He felt the smoothness of Justin's skin,the softness yet firmness of it.And the heat. He looked at the two small nipples,pink and surrounded by deep pink circles.They looked so tasty and Michael wanted to suck each one,to feel them in his mouth. Michael's already hard cock stirred and throbbed even more. He shook his head. Was this really happening? Was he wanting this man that much. Michael couldn't remember the last time he'd wanted someone this much. Sure he had dreams like that,desires that he always shook out of his head. Michael couldn't ever remember the last time he had masturbated. Ever since Paul he couldn't imagine himself like that with someone,someone he wanted and needed to fullfill him. But here this morning,laying against this beautiful sleeping man,Michael felt those desires in him,desires lost for so long. He remember Justin's moaning and gasping in the shower last night.It was him, he had made him do that.Justin had been turned on by him,so much that he had come without stimulation. Michael couldn't believe that he had that affect on Justin. Michael found himself pressing against Justin more,laying his head back on his chest,his fingers running down his chest,feeling the smoothness. His fingers lightly touched Justin's right nipple,it felt so smooth and round.Perfect in every way. As Michael continued to touch it he felt it beginning to harden in his fingertips. Justin stirred a little,moving his head a bit,a small smile coming to his lips. Michael sensed he could feel what Michael was doing. Michael stopped. "Don't stop,Mikey.It feels so good." Justin's blue eyes opened,looking deep into Michael's beautiful eyes. "Why you horn dog, how long have you been awake?" Michael slapped his chest lightly. Justin smiled,showing his beautiful teeth. "Actually about a half hour,I have just been laying here watching you sleep against me.You looked so beautiful,I didn't want to move you,even though I need to use the washroom." Michael smiled, a small chuckle escaping his mouth. "Go ahead, I don't want ya to piss the bed." Justin laughed,blushing a bit. Michael seperated from Justin,Justin getting up out of bed heading down the hall. Michael watched his naked form as it left the room,his eyes glued to that perfect butt,both cheeks bouncing lightly. Justin turned at the door,smirking. "Keep those beautiful eyes on my butt,it will be back shortly." Michael blushed,realizing he had been caught. "If you make it back quick,maybe I'll kiss that hot little butt." It was Justin's turn to blush,Michael seeing Justin's cock beginning to rise. Justin walked out of the room,Michael leaned back into the bed. Wow,that man is so breathtaking,Michael thought. He's here with me,naked and mine.He wants to be here with me. I think he would let me do anything I wanted with him,he's so comfortable with me. But what do I want to do?Do I trust him enough to let him make love to me?I know I want to make love to him. His body makes me forget myself,its so beautiful. But he hasn't touched me,physically he hasn't touched me. Does he want me as much as I want him. Michael got up out of bed,strolling over and looking out of the window. What he saw shocked him. The world was covered in a blanket of whiteness. It must of snowed all night.Everything was white and so bright. All the deadness of the world was gone,sleeping under a blanket of whiteness. Michael stared out into the white wonderland,lost in his thoughts. He didn't hear Justin return. Justin stood at the bedroom door,looking at the man standing at the window.His naked form took Justin's breath away. His skin looked so smooth,clean and muscular. His eyes followed his sleek back,down to his bubble butt. But one thing caught Justin's eye,as it always did.That scar,that ugly scar on Michael's back.That sign of hatred,that sign of destruction. Tears formed in Justin's eyes again,he felt his emotions take hold of him. Michael,who was staring out the window,sensed something was wrong.Something was wrong with his Justin. He turned quickly,seeing Justin standing still,crying in the doorway. Within a heartbeat Michael was across the room,pulling Justin into his arms,letting him cry on his shoulder. "What's wrong,Jus?" Michael said,his hands rubbing up and down Justin's naked back. "Oh,Michael.Its you.It's you that affects me this way.I saw your beautiful body standing in the light,and it looked so beautiful,so breathtaking." Michael held Justin,his last doubts silenced by what Justin had just said.The words Michael longed to hear. That Justin thought him beautiful. Justin pulled back,looking at Michael. "And then I saw your scar,that scar on your back,Michael." Michael tensed,knowing what Justin wanted to say.He turned his eyes away from Justin's gaze. Justin slowly put his hand up,turning Michael's face back to his. "I know it's ugly,Justin.I know it shows my ugliness,just how common and ugly I really am." It was Justin's turn to tense up. He saw that Michael had tears in his eyes. "No.Now you listen to me.I never want to hear you say that again.You are not ugly.You are the most beautiful man I have ever looked upon.You can see how your beauty affects me.You saw last night how it affected me.To these eyes you are god's greatest gift,your beauty as beauty is meant to be seen." Justin kissed him on the lips,showing him he meant what he said. "What I see when I look at that scar has nothing to do with ugliness,Michael.To my eyes it's a symbol of all the pain you've endured.It makes me feel that I have failed you,Michael,that I should of been there to stop that pain. Michael was stunned by what Justin had said. "I'm sorry Michael,I'm sorry that I couldn't save you then,from that pain.I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." Justin began crying again,sobbing into Michael's shoulder,Michael holding him again. Michael held him until he stopped crying,just standing there until he had calmed down. Michael thought of what he needed to say,what he needed to show Justin. "Come with me,Justin." Michael pulled slowly away from Justin,linking his hand in his.He guided him over to the window. "Look out there Justin,tell me what you see?" Justin looked out on the whiteness of the world. "I see snow,Mikey.Wow!It really snowed last night.Everything is covered." "Thats right Justin.Its a symbol of something too." Justin looked into Michael's eyes. "All the deadness of the world has been covered in a blanket of white,Jus.Its all hidden from our eyes,all the deadness and emptiness of the world.That whiteness represents hope.It's the hope that spring will come,that the world can be born again into beauty and life." Justin listened to all that Michael was saying,captivated by the deepness of Michael's insight. "It means something else to me,Justin." Michael put his arms around him,gaining Justin's undivided attention. "Justin,listen to me.All my love,hope and my desires were buried under a blanket of deep pain and hurt.I thought that I would be lost forever in a winter of pain and loneliness. But then you came into my life. You are my spring,Justin. You've wiped away the blanket covering my love.You and you alone exposed me to a new world,a world of love and hope." Justin wrapped his arms around Michael,resting his head on Michael's hairy chest.Just could see now what he meant,what he was saying from his heart. "You don't ever have to feel any guilt for what happened to me.Jus.You weren't there,it was a long time ago. I know in my heart that if you had been there,at that time,that it would never of happened.You would of saved me then,as you've saved me now." Justin looked up at him then,seeing that special love in his eyes,the love he only had for Justin. Michael kissed Justin deeply,that connection of love more evident between them.Both men could feel their desires lengthening between them. That kiss turned into something more.It turned into a new want,a new desire for both of them. Michael broke the kiss,lightly kissing Justin's neck with his lips. "I love you Justin,I have never felt these feelings for anyone,the way I feel for you right now." Justin's heart was full of Michael's love, and he wanted his body to quench Michael's desires. "I want you Justin,I want to show you how much I love you." Justin looked into Michael's deep golden eyes. "Yes,Michael.I want you too,my love.I need you to show me how much you love me." Michael gently pushed Justin backwards, until his legs were against the bed.Michael pushed him back down onto the bed.Their contact never breaking as Michael pressed his body on top of Justin's. Justin felt Michael's hairy chest against his smoothness, he felt their heat igniting. Their lips found each other again,kissing deeply,exploring each other's mouths with abandonment. Michael's lips pulled away,kissing Justin's chin,his cheeks,then sucking on his right ear,feeling his beautiful skin.His lips continued working their way down his neck. Justin lay still,feeling the sensations of Michael's lips on his neck.Then he felt Michael's hands on his chest,his fingers rubbing his nipples,making both of them stand up,erect for the world to see. Michael's mouth sucked on Justin's neck,feeling the moist tasty skin.Justin started shaking underneath him,vibrating with desire,with lust,and most of all,with love. Michael continued his trek down Justin's nude body. His lips finally found his right nipple.That beatiful nipple that Michael had so fallen in love with.Michael didn't know what made his right one more special that his left,it just felt that way to him. And Michael showed Justin how special it was to him.He took it gently into his mouth,feeling its hardness,feeling the silkiness of it.He started sucking on it,tasting the moisture surrounding it,Justin's sweat and smelling the scent of his intoxicating skin. If Michael was in heaven,Justin was in ecstasy. Justin started moaning ,his tongue licking his lips,his hands running through Michael hair.His muscular arms flexed with every movement Michael made. Both of his nipples were hard as rocks,Michael lips on his right one,his fingers tweeking his left. Never in all his experiences with women,with his love making,had he ever felt this electricity,this passion. His cock was standing up on its own,throbbing with desire,with want.Precum was leaking out of it,pooling on his chest. Michael brought his lips off his right nipple,moving to his left,giving it the attention it deserved.The feeling of wetness on his nipples made Justin gasp. He moaned out Michael's name. Michael moved back up to him,kissing him again on the lips,his tongue darting into his mouth.The kiss was so heated with passion,Justin could feel Michael's erection against his own,the two members together in their own embrace. Michael felt them rubbing together also, feeling their warmth. Michael knew what he wanted,what he needed to fullfill him. He broke the kiss,staring into Justin's love filled eyes. He could see Justin's want,his need,what he needed from Michael. "Oh,Michael,my love." It was all Justin was able to say. Michael pushed his own body down,licking his way down Justin's chest again,kissing both reddened hard nipples,licking a trail down between them until he found a pool of liquid just about Justin's belly button. Michael tasted the liquid,it tasted sweet and rich. Michael devoured it all, tasting the sweetness of Justin's love. Under his chin he could feel Justin's center,that hard,hot erection rubbed against his chest. Michael looked up into Justin's eyes,they had been watching what Michael was doing. Justin saw the love in Michael's eyes,saw what Michael wanted to do.What he was going to do for him,to show him his new found love. Michael turned down looking at Justin's erect cock. He put his hand around it,feeling its warmth,its hardness,yet softness.He had never felt something so alive and throbbing in his hands. It looked so beautiful,smooth,hard and topped with a large round pink head,precum dripping out of it. He could see it was now fully erect,much bigger in thickness that his own,about eight inches in length.It was surrounded by soft blond pubic hair. To Michael it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen,that he had ever felt. He knew what it contained,what was inside it and he realized that he wanted what was there so much. It was Justin's essence,Justin's liquid love. Michael wanted it, he needed it. In a single movement he brought Justin's cock head into his mouth. He was shocked.It wasn't what he had expected.His mind flashed back, remembering what Paul and his friends tasted like,rank and musky. But this tasted totally different.This was delicious.This was the taste of love. He sank deeper onto it,taking more into his mouth,wanting more,needing more. Justin who had been watching what Michael was about to do,wasn't prepared for what happened. When Michael enveloped his cock,the doors of Justin's mind flew open. He was in total rapture.The feeling of wetness,the senses that were ignited on his cock,and through his body,sent Justin into heaven's bliss. Michael started taking more of him in,devouring his cock until it was all down his throat. Then Michael did an amazing thing,he sucked in,forming his mouth around his cock,making Justin's cock expand larger,making it become a part of Michael. Justin had had oral sex from women before, but this wasn't anything like that. This wasn't just sex,this was the two of them coming together as one.Both were connected with their mate's passion,with each other's hidden desires. Michael started moving up and down his shaft,his tongue teasing and licking his cock,Michael never removing his mouth from it. This was sending bursts of electricity through Justin's body. One of Michael's hands were attached to his right nipple,rubbing it,tweeking it. The other hand had cupped his balls,stroking them,pulling on them,while his mouth went up and down,taking him deep inside. Justin was lost,lost in the world of two lovers,him and Michael,alone together in love's center. A trembling started in Justin's center,vibrating out into every inch of his body. His head was visibly shaking,moans escaping his lips. Michael knew he was close,close to releasing his secret love. Michael moved his hand down,allowing one finger to sneak down between Justin's legs,finding the pink center of him,rubbing his finger gently against it. Justin screamed out Michael's name. Gushes of liquid erupted from him,shooting down Michael's throat,filling his throat and mouth. Michael swallowed it all,every drop,tasting Justin's soul,tasting his love. He didn't stop until it was all expelled,hungrily sucking all of it out of him. Michael had never tasted anything so sweet, so rich and loving.He wanted more,he needed more.He needed to have it,to make him feel alive,to fill his soul entirely. Justin' erratic breathing was starting to settle down,his body still trembled,still lingered on love's edge. Michael licked and cleaned all the wetness from Justin's cock,until he was satisfied that he had gotten it all. Then he slowly released it from his mouth,slowly licking his was back up to Justin's face,starting new smaller tremors through Justin's body. He snuggled against him,kissing his chest again,then looking into his closed eyes. His eyelashes were so long and beautiful,the face of an angel.It seemed to have a new glow. When Justin opened his eyes,he was looking into two bright golden suns. He pulled Michael to him,kissing him,tasting himself on Michael's lips. The kiss was a kiss of love. Michael layed his head on Justin's chest again,their closeness soothing both of them. After a few moments of silence he felt Justin trembling again,and he raised his head. Justin was crying,tears flowing down his cheeks. Michael leaned back in the bed,reversing positions,pulling Justin to him,Justin now in his arms,his head laying on Michael's hairy chest. "Oh god, Michael.That was totally amazing.I never expected it to be so soul awakening,so moving." Michael held onto him,letting him feel his connection to him. "Michael,I've had relations before with women,with Cameron,but this means something more.Its real to me now,darling,its real love,I believe in my heart that I finally am complete.Your the first person who ever really made love to me.The only person who will ever make me feel that again." Justin ran his fingers through Michael's soft chest hair,amazed at its softness. He looked up into Michael's eyes,seeing tears there also. "Justin,I don't know what to say.That you feel that way makes me so happy.I wanted this to be so special for you,this first time with me." "It was beyond special,Michael.It was life changing.I never knew I could experience those feelings inside me,that you could make me feel that way.I want that every day and every night for the rest of my life." Justin leaned up kissing him again,deeply. Michael smiled at him. Staring into each other's eyes, seeing what was there for each of them. Justin loved this silence between them, but he sensed that Michael was struggling to make a choice. Justin blushed a little,nervousness evident on his face.He started looking down at Michael's naked body. Michael lifted Justin's head up,looking into his blue eyes. "I hope that you can understand this is enough for me right now,Jus.You've made me so happy right now.You just made all my dreams come true.I know that this is your first time,and you want to please me the same way. But I need to be ready for it,and I don't want you to feel obligated to do it.I sense your nervousness, your wanting to please me. Well guess what? YOu have pleased me,in ways that I will remember for all my life.Your love is inside me Justin.I'm not just talking about your fluids,but your real love also.Thats all I need right now,your love. I know when you make love to me it will be just as magical,just as special as what I gave you today.I love you,my love." Justin looked into Michael's loving eyes,feeling his words,knowing he understood Justin's feelings.And Michael sensed that Justin would wait till Michael was ready. All Justin's nervousness and apprehension dissappeared.He could wait.He could wait to make this as special for Michael as it had been today for him. Justin lay his head back down,feeling Michael's hairiness against his cheek,closing his eyes. "Thank you Michael,thanks for understanding.I want you that way,I know that in my heart.And I want you to be prepared for it too.I want you to trust me just like I trusted you today." Justin looked back up at him. MIchael sat up, pulling Justin up beside him. "I do trust you,Jus.I also want my first time to be with you." Justin looked confused. "It will be my first time,Justin.What happened to me with Paul and those other two guys wasn't love.It wasn't even sex.It was torture,plain and simple.They didn't give me a choice,Jus.They took it from me,they didn't let me give it freely.They used me and threw me away." Justin felt Michael had finally accepted what happened. "Today,here with you,I feel a new beginning.I am a virgin,Justin,a virgin to true love.I want you to be my first.I want you to be my first and only lover,Justin?" Justin's heart filled with Michael's love again,he hugged him to him,kissing him. Justin knew that today wouldn't be that day, that they needed a little more time with each other,that Michael needed more time. They held each other for a while,tenderly kissing each other, touching here and there,no real sex play. Justin felt a shiver down his back,the coldness of the room finally entering their warm bed.Michael felt him shiver. "But right now, my Jus is turning cold.How about we get up and wash.My baby must be starving,let me make breakfast for you." "Yeah , you've given me quite the appetite." Justin smiled at him,winking. Michael just shook his head,a small laugh filling the room. Justin got up out of bed,Michael following him. "I think we need to take seperate showers though,or we will never get to breakfast." Michael winked back at Justin. Justin's famous pouty face came back in full force. "Not gonna work,sexy." Michael said,slapping Justin on the butt. Justin jumped,his face blushing red. "Go take your shower."Michael handed him a robe out of his closet. Justin put it on,tying it around the waist. Michael turned to pick up his underwear off the chair,Justin promptly slapped Michael on his butt. "I couldn't resist,lover boy." Michael folded his arms staring at Justin.Here he was standing naked in his bedroom in front of one of the sexiest men in the world. Justin smiled,a boyish smile,looking down, scanning all over Michael's hairy body. He walked closer to him,running his hand lightly across Michael's exposed stomach.Then he slowly wrapped his hand around Michael's cock,it started rapidly growing in his hand. Justin had never felt such warmth and softness in his hands before. "Sure you don't want to join me in the shower,sexy.Pretty please?" Justin's eyes tried their best to lure Michael with him,but Michael wasn't biting. Michael removed Justin's hands from his body,turning him around and marching him out of the room. "Get on with it,and I will start breakfast." Justin kissed him lightly,looking down at Michael's still erect cock,winked at him,then walked into the bathroom closing the door behind him. Michael stood naked in the hallway,leaning against the wall,hearing Justin start the shower. Michael thought for a moment, a small smile appearing on his face. He opened the door,walking into the bathroom. He could see Justin in the shower,hearing him humming loudly.He sounded so happy. Michael opened the shower door stepping in. Justin turned just in time to see Michael enter. "I thought you said..." Michael put his finger to Justin's lips. "Yesterday I said I would do everything in my power to make your dreams come true.Think of this as one of your dreams." Michael then kissed his lips and Justin smiled as Michael began soaping him up,washing his chest. "It is a dream Michael,every moment with you is like a wet dream." Michael shook his head,loving Justin's cornyness,continuing with the task at hand. They spent twenty minutes just washing each other,lightly kissing.They felt so at ease with each other's bodies,so relaxed. After they had dried off and walked back into the bedroom,getting dressed again,they headed out and into the kitchen. Michael set about making breakfast while Justin went and picked up the newspaper at the front door. He sat down at the kitchen table reading the paper while talking to Michael. "It's snowed almost 12 inches last night.Looks like we may be shut in here for a while." Michael nodded, winking at Justin. "As long as we don't have to turn to cannibalism to survive." Justin laughed. "Well I know I could survive on you for a while." Michael turned,folding his arms. "You calling me fat,Timberlake?" "No, I'm calling you delicious." It was Michael's turn to laugh,and he laughed heartily. JUstin loved the sound of Michael's laugh.Almost as much as he loved his beautiful voice. Justin thought about what he had heard last night.Michael's singing voice was nothing short of astounding. Why couldn't Michael see what a gift he had. But then Michael had many gifts, many surprising gifts.Justin was sure there were more gifts as well. This beautiful man never ceased to surprise him.And he had his whole life to discover them. Justin sat there,at that table,realizing suddenly that this was what had been missing in his life.This feeling of being with someone. It was totally different than when he was with Cameron. It wasn't all about their careers,their own seperate lives. What he had here with Michael at this moment was about the two of them,the two of them together. He got up,Michael wondering where he was going. He didn't go far.He walked right up to Michael,hugging him again,kissing him again. Michael smiled when Justin pulled back from his lips. "What was that for?" "I just realized at this moment that this is what I have always wanted." "What have you wanted?" "This,you and I, together here in this kitchen.It feels like a home.Like its what's been missing in my life.I feel grounded,I feel that there's more to me now,that I have you also.I have always been alone, just myself. Now I have someone to care for,someone to take care of me.I feel loved,Michael." Michael smiled. "I know the feeling." "I want this Mikey,I want this every day for the rest of my life.I want you with me.Will you be with me,Michael?Will you love me always?" Michael felt Justin's loneliness,he felt his fear of being alone. "I understand what your saying,Jus.But for me,this is happening too fast,its too soon to make that kind of committment.I love you,never doubt that.You know how hard it was for me to say that.I will love you always.But you have a career,a demanding one.Your leaving me in three days.Your starting a tour next year,you will be away from me for a long time." The realities of the world were trying hard to sink into their minds. "Then come with me, be with me always." Michael couldn't believe that Justin wanted him to go with him,to go on tour.To be with him. Justin sensed Michael's doubts, his fear of changing his life for him. "You don't have to answer me today,Michael.I love you too, I know its a big decision,a life changing decision.All I want you to think about is that we love each other,we can make this work.Can't we?" Michael fell into Justin's arms again,resting his head on his chest. "I want this to work,Jus.I need you in my life." Justin smiled, that was what he needed to hear. They parted,Michael returning to his work.Shortly they were sitting down to a hearty breakfast,Justin beaming at what Michael had prepared. There was a bowl of cereal for Justin,as well as toast, bacon,eggs,sausages and pancakes. Michael was truly amazing. The relaxed and enjoyed a quiet meal together,just being in each other's company. After breakfast,Justin helped Michael clean up and within half an hour they were back in the living room snuggled up on the couch. They sat that way,just being together,lightly chatting,tickling and kissing. "Well its after eight,I need to call Nana,I want to check in with her.You should call Lonnie,too." Justin agreed,calling Lonnie on his cell phone,Michael calling Nana on his home phone. Justin was the first to finish,Michael had a lot to tell Nana. While Michael was on the phone Justin walked over to his stereo,looking through his CD collection. He easily figured out which were Michael's and which were Vicky's. Vicky's were mostly goth rock,some heavy rock,and a few punk rock CD's. Michael collection on the other hand was a mix of everything. He had all of Josh Groban's CD's,Justin's own CD's as well as *NSYNC's,Marc Anthony and Matt Dusk.But there was also a large collection ofjazz,hip hop,country,classical and rock. His taste in music was much along Justin's same line. Michael finally hung up the phone,getting up, and walking over to Justin. "You have great taste in music,babe.This is quite a collection.Johnny Cash,Elton John,lots of different artists." "When I hear an artist I like,I try to listen to all their music,so I can find out what their trying to say with their music." "Oh yeah,cool.I see you have all my music,as well as *NSYNC's.What were we trying to say,what am I trying to say?" Michael's smile faultered a little as if what Justin asked surprised him. "Well, your first album was about you striking your independence.It was your first album,you were trying to distance yourself from NSYNC." Justin smiled, feeling Michael knew him so well. "A lot of the songs on that album were very moving.They dealt a lot with your insecurities,your hurt at being used by Brittany." Justin bowed his head. "She was your first true love,wasn't she ,Jus?" Justin looked up at Michael.His eyes were moist. "She was important to me,Mikey.She was the first person I gave myself to completely.But she hurt me,a lot.I was deeply hurt that someone could make me feel so good,then hurt me so bad.It took me a long time to forgive her,but I have.I feel so bad that she has had such a rocky life since then.We haven't been able to become friends again.But she wasn't my true love,Mikey.You,you my love,are my first and only true love." Justin hugged Michael to him again,feeling his warmth and love against him. Michael felt Justin's pain,as he had felt in his music. "Your new album is something completely different.Its a different edge,a different you.It more confidence,more of your self awareness.Its refreshing and upbeat,almost like a new beginning for you.As if you've found yourself and want the world to hear that new self." Justin smiled, Michael was really in tune with him. "Your right, my love.It was a new beginning for me,I had become aware of my true self,and you have made me complete." Michael smiled,continuing to hold him,to feel him there with him. "What about *Nsync?" Justin felt Michael tense a little bit,and looking into his face he could see Michael carefully weighing his words. "To me,your music, the music you all sang together was uplifting.You have to remember that all of you were singing when I was dealing with my disasterous relationship with Paul.I was feeling so alone,so lost.I heard your music and it seemed so uplifting so positive.It helped me through some dark times,through some great pain." Justin smiled, so happy that his music had helped Michael,had been there when he himself couldn't be. Justin and Michael stood together holding onto each other.They felt totally comfortable with each other. Michael had never felt this connection with another soul.It was as if he had been waiting all his life for this man. And that Justin felt the same way as he did,that he wanted and needed him, made Michael hope that his life could now have happiness. He thought about what he had done that morning with Justin,and a large smile spread across his face. It had felt so special,so exciting,his body had responded to everything that Michael had done,and Michael had loved every moment of their intimacy. His smile grew larger,Justin seeing it and staring in awe. "Wow,Mikey,I have never seen you smile like that,its unbelievable.What's making you so happy?" Michael looking into Justin's eyes. "Its you,Jus.I was just remembering what happened between us this morning." Justin smiled a large smile also,thinking about what had passed between them. "You were incredible,babe.I can't describe the way you made me feel.God,what you did to me,how you took me to a place I have never been.I think I was in heaven,thats how you affected me." Michael blushed,feeling that he didn't deserve that kind of praise. Justin sensed Michael's reluctance to accept his compliment. Justin knew that Michael didn't take well to praise,that he had always felt he didn't deserve it. But Justin wouldn't back down on this,he needed to let Michael know how he made him feel. "Don't be embarrassed by what I have told you,Michael.I meant it all,you deserve to be praised,I need you to know how you make me feel.You are my boyfriend and now, my lover." What Justin said made Michael feel alive, feel loved. He hugged him again,just wanting to have him close to him.Their hugging turned into a kissing session again,their thoughts and feelings bonding together. Michael put a cd into the player,soft music filling the room. They walked back to the couch,snuggling back into their favourite position,Michael laying against Justin's chest. "So,how's Nana?" "She's her usual lively self.I told her all that happened yesterday,Just.About my meeting with Anna,about last night,what we discussed.How I told you my true feelings." Justin smiled remembering every word Michael had said last night,and up to this moment. "She was crying by the time I finished.She said to tell her new grandson that she loves him." Justin beamed,he was starting to really love that special lady. "She says she's going to cook you a special dinner tonight,all of my favorite dishes,so you can learn to cook them for me." Justin lifted an eyebrow,staring at Michael. "Of course,I didn't tell her you could probably burn jello." Michael started laughing,breaking away from Justin. Michael ran from Justin,Justin chasing him down the hall,tackling him just before he made it to the bedroom door,both men falling down on the floor,Justin starting to tickle Michael. Michael all of a sudden started wincing in pain,Justin's laugh leaving his throat.He bent down,concern evident on his face. "Is it your ribs again,babe?" Before he could say another word Michael flipped him over him,pinning him down on the floor,straddling him. "Your too easy,Timberlake." Michael started his onslaught of tickling,Justin practically screaming. Michael slowed it down when he saw Justin breathing heavily. "My old feller all tuckered out.Do you need a rest ,gramps." Justin started laughing again,Michael loving his melodic laugh. He leaned in kissing him again. "SO, what would my sexy singer like to do today?"Michael asked. "I want to stay like this all day,with my sexy writer." "Well, we should do something,I know I'd get bored of looking at your pretty face all day." Justin rolled Michael off him,both of them starting to laugh.Justin got up,putting his hand out to help Michael up. They both got up,heading into the bedroom. "Well first thing,I should do is clean up in here,air out all these Timberlake farts." "I thought you loved the smell of me."JUstin winked at Michael. "I love everything about you,Mr.Timberlake." "Why sir, are you trying to flatter me." "Is it working?" "Nope." Justin laughed,helping Michael make up the bed.Their bed. After that was done,Michael started cleaning up his desk,putting some papers back into binders and doing light cleaning. Justin sat at the desk in the overstuffed chair,looking at all the papers. "So you've finished the second book.Whats next for the great American writer?" Micheal leaned against the desk top,thinking. "I am not sure,Justin.I have a few ideas for some new books,but nothing seems to be grabbing hold of me,like the last two did." "You'll think of something,someone as talented as you always succeeds." Michael beamed at Justin's faith in him.This man could make him feel so good about himself. "So when do I get to read the new book? Any chance your new boyfriend could get a sneak peak?" "I should have an advanced copy when I meet with my publishers in New York shortly.I'll let you read it then." Michael sat down in Justin's lap,kissing him lightly on the lips. "I want you to be the first to read it,Jus.I want your honest opinion." Justin smiled,feeling the confidence that Michael felt in him. "I would be honored." Michael smiled back at him. Justin looked up at a row of picture frames lining the top shelf of the desk hutch. "Is that a picture of you,Mikey?" Michael looked up, taking the small photograph down,handing it to Justin. "Yes, I was seven when it was taken.Thats my mom and dad with me." Justin looked at the picture,seeing a young woman,with black shoulder length hair,her face a picture of classic greek beauty. The man standing beside her was the spitting image of Michael.Same build,same size of body.Black curly hair,dark features,same rugged face.But his eyes looked totally different.Justin sensed if he had looked into them at that moment they would of been empty.Just looking at the man gave Justin a feeling of unease. He turned his gaze away from him,looking at the small boy clutching his mother's hand.He was the picture of childhood innocence.His face was beaming with a large smile,his eyes sparkling with glee. Justin had never seen that look in Michael's eyes,and he realized why.This picture was taken before the abuse,before Michael's pain. Justin felt he would give his soul to see that look in Michael's eyes again. He looked up at Michael,seeing a look of pain in his eyes. "That's the only picture I have of her,Jus.Thats when she was so happy,before...." Michael's eyes started tearing up,Justin pulled him close letting him feel his presence.They stayed like that for a few moments until Michael took the picture back from him,placing it again in the same spot,as if thats were it always belonged. Justin felt for his lover,felt for his pain. He rubbed Michael's back, soothing him until a small smile returned to his face. "Thank you,Jus." "Anytime my love."Justin kissed him again. "Well,how about a nice walk outside.There's a big shopping mall about 4 blocks from here.On this kind of day,snowing and cold,it should be pretty deserted.You could risk showing yourself in public.Feel up to some shopping,my clothes whore." "That's just a myth,Michael.I don't buy a lot of clothes." Michael smiled."Sorry Jus,I guess I was feeding into the hype." "Well,actually,I didn't bring any clothes with me ,I should change out of these,I have been in them since yesterday." "You can call Lonnie and he can bring some clothes over,you don't have to go and buy new ones." "Whats the fun in that.Besides,I want to buy something special for my new boyfriend." "Justin,I don't need material things to know you love me." Justin kissed him again. "I want to do it,besides I know exactly what you need." "Oh,great one.What do I need?" "Its a surprise." "Fine,be that way." Michael got up out of his lap,Justin started rising out of the chair,taking one last look at the photographs on the desk. When his eyes fell on the last one on the shelf,he froze in shock. Michael looked at his,seeing the shocked look on his face,all the color had dissappeared from his face. "Justin,what is it,you don't look well." Justin continued to stare at the picture. Michael followed his gaze to the last picture. "What's wrong,Justin?" Justin pointed at the picture. "Who is that with you in that picture,Michael." Michael pulled the picture down,looking at it.He saw the young man beside him,his smiling face flooding Michael's memory. "That was a good friend of mine,Jus.His name was Daniel." Justin looked into Michael face. "Was?" Michael's eyes lowered,Justin saw sorrow building in them. "He died,Justin." Justin sat back down in the chair,his head lowering.Michael becoming concerned for him. He knelt down in front of Justin,taking his hands in his. "Baby,whats wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Justin's head came up slowly,his unsure eyes staring back at Michael. "I have Michael.I saw him in my dream." Michael's breath caught in his throat,he started trembling. "Daniel,is your guardian angel,Michael.He's the angel from my dream."

End of Chapter 19

Surprise, Surprise. An interesting turn of events. Just wait till the next chapter. Sorry its been so long between chapters,had a bad cold for over a week.All better now,so the writing should be back in full force,hopefully at a more regular pace.

Keep the faith,Angel.

Next: Chapter 20

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