Justin Story

By Michael

Published on Aug 8, 2023


Dear Reader:

  1. If you were not supposed to read Part 1, don't read part 2. To all those who've been waiting impatiently, I am sorry it took so long, but this is part 2 :) Enjoy.

  2. If you were disappointed that there was no sex in Part 1, that life. You will probably like Part 2 better, but if you're just looking for the sleazy parts, your opinion does not matter much. All other opinions are welcome :) via Email.

  3. Part 3 is coming soon.


Justin: the awakening

The shuttle service on Saturdays is always a mess. There are two shifts from 6:30pm to 10:30pm and from 10:30pm to 2:30am. Plus there is an overnight from 10:30pm to 6:30am. There's supposed to be a driver and a dispatcher for each of the four-hour shifts, plus there is the overnight driver. Like any other Saturday, no one wanted to work on this particular one.

It was one of those days when I felt like making a sacrifice for humanity, a mood difficult to describe. I basically volunteered to drive the whole twelve hours, pretending to be forced into it. My search for other volunteer-drivers was not very enthusiastic, I was hoping to be working by myself. And, I was.

Heavy clouds prevailed over the city for the past week, glomming my mood even further. It reflected on the passengers, as the Escort van made its regular rounds around campus. Thankfully, my job does not call for great deal of intellectual involvement. As I drove the van through South-Eastern hills of Pittsburgh, canvassing the neighborhoods, delivering passengers wherever they wanted to go, my mind wondered aimlessly, asking all the wrong questions.

It has been two weeks since I have seen Justin, when, amid hysterics on my couch, he told me that he loved me and wanted to have sex with me. I wondered if I made a terrible mistake by sending him home, drunk as he was. I wondered if I will ever see him again, and what I would say if I do. I wondered if I should make the first step and call him. My mind did not arrive at any conclusions.

It must have been 2:00 in the morning, when the Escort van pulled behind Morewood Dorms and I recognized Justin's car, parked in the lot. I think I broke a sweat, and thought about driving away, but that was an official stop, other people were waiting and I could not just drive away. Justin jumped into the front seat of the van. He wasn't smiling, but appeared to be content. He wasn't mad or angry, which I took to be the first good news. The second was that he looked and smelled completely sober.

There were a few other people on the van, and Justin didn't say a word as I drove them all home.

"Well, hello there, stranger," I said, as the last passenger exited the van. "How is it going?"

"OK," was all he replied, looking over at me. I was actually picking up more people, and didn't press him any further.

"I am driving till like 6am... You wanna stick around?" I asked, instead.

"Sure," he said somewhat dejectedly.

We spent the next three hours largely in silance, exchanging small talk from time to time. I wasn't in the mood for small talk, and Justin was not in the mood to talk at all.

It was almost 5:30 in the morning, when I dropped off the last passanger and got a minute to myself. I was determined to start the conversation right then and there.

"So, what's going on? I haven't seen you in two weeks. Something must be going on," I stated, rather determined to get the conversation going.

"Mike, I came to talk to you..." Justin said slowly. He stopped, and looked away now. I gave him about a minute, as the van made its way back to campus.

"That's nice, Justin. You're not saying much, though. I wanted to talk to you, too. Want me to go first?" I was taking my time getting back to campus. Taking people home wasn't my top priority at the moment.

"No. I want to tell you something first, before you say anything. It's about Friday night..." Justin stopped again, but I didn't say anything, wondering what he'd say next. I was half-expecting him to deny everything he'd said and tell me that he never wanted to talk to me again because I expressed interest in him that night. It never occurred to me that he could not remember any of what I have said.

Eventually, Justin continued: "Mike, I really meant everything I said. I wanted you since the first time we met. I wish I could have been more open about that part of my life with you... I didn't know if you'd understand. I can't deny it now: you know. I want you, and I can not run away from it. I guess, you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore. Just drop me off at my car... I'm sorry..." he sobbed and inhaled sharply.

I slowed the van to a crawl: "Justin?" I looked at his face, tears shining in the faint glow of the dashboard. I wanted to say something to make him realize how much I loved him. I wanted to share all my feelings at once. I wanted to tell him all those things I have thought of in the past two weeks, but all I could master was his name: "Justin..."

I put the transmission is Park, and he looked up to see what I was doing. I couldn't really see the features of his face, beyond two tear-trails running down his smooth cheeks and a slight shadow of his button-like nose. He kept looking at me, and I realized that if something dramatic wasn't done in the next ten seconds, he'll open the door and get out of the van. There was not time for words. I reached for his shoulder with my right hand, as I swung my legs over the engine cover, facing him.

Justin cringed away from my arm, as if he expected me to hit him. I held his left shoulder with my right hand, and my left hand went on the back of his neck, pulling him towards me. Our heads met smack in the middle of the van. His face, barely inches away from mine, showed puzzlement and surprise. I could smell his after-shave, his sweat, his breath. The streetlight reflected in his eyes. As I moved my face closer to his, the last though of wrong-doing crossed my mind. My lips found his, and I kissed him, full- open-mouth.

I thought he was going to pull away, when his neck muscles flexed under my hand. Justin braced his body on the engine cover, and tilted his head slightly. I ran my tongue over his lips, and they parted. I explored his mouth from left to right, pushing his tongue out of the way. He resisted and probed my mouth with his own tongue. I knew that I was fast running out of breath, but I simply could not pull away, did not want the moment to end. But nothing can last forever. I let go of his head, turned in my seat, put the van in gear and pulled back out onto the street.

"And what if I feel the same way about you, you still want me to drop you off at your car?" I asked.

The radio interupted whatever answer I was going to get: "Station to Escort!"

"Go ahead, Station," I said into the microphone, lifting my hand at Justin in the same motion, to tell him to hold his thoughts.

"Escort, you have a pick up at Wean Hall. How long?"

"Station, tell them to go down now," I replied curtly.

"10-4," the radio squeaked.

"So, we're going back to your car?" I reasked Justin. He was smiling.

"Well, I guess, I'll ride around with you a little while longer, if that's OK," he said, giving me a mischiveous look.

"It's 5:30 now, by the time we get that Wean Hall, it will be time for me to go home, you know..." I looked at Justin for the next move. He didn't appear to be about to make one. Oh, well, I thought. I wasn't about to drop the issue, and risk blowing another shot at him. "You want to go grab some breakfast, or something?" I asked.

"Ugh-h, sure, why not?" Justin answered.

As I was driving my last passenger home, I kept stealing glances at Justin. He was leaning back in the seat, right leg crossed over the left, hands folded on his lap, looking ahead at the road. I was looking at him too much for it to be really safe, seeing how I was the driver. The streets were empty, though, and nothing exciting happened. Justin's profile was clearly outlined by the passing street lights. No color, only a shadow; his hair was in disarray from hands being run through it, lips parted, chest slowly heaving under his sweatshirt. It was another chance for me to remind myself how I longed to hold him, to kiss him, just to be with him...

For the next 15 minutes we both kept quiet. I knew that the question of my sexual orientation and past experiences will come up at one time or another. I needed to decided on what to tell him and how. I was also wondering how far we should go, what we can do, and what would he be comfortable with. What Justin was thinking I don't know, but he was totally lost in thought.

I droped him off at his car, and he followed me up to where we park the vans. Then we returned to main campus, and I ran in to Campus Police office to drop off the keys. I jumped back in the car, and we pulled out of the lot.

"So, Mike, what now?" Justin asked.

"Now, we go to have breakfast and talk. Any objections?" There were none.

"Sounds good. Ritters?"

"Sounds good," I laughted.

"So, what do we talk about?" he asked, still laughing.

"Well, we talk about you and I. And, in case you thought otherwise, there is a lot to talk about," I said turning serious.

"OK. Let's talk about us. You go first..."

"Yio, not so fast, buddy," I interrupted him. "There isn't an us just yet." Justin sotpped dead in his tracks.

"What do you mean by that?"

"See, I told you we need to talk."

"Listen," he said, after a second's worth of consideration. "You suppose we can skip on breakfast?"

"You're probably right," I agreed. "Let's go to my house."

Justin turned around in the middle of a street, and headed north on Fifth Avenue, towards my house. We were there in another minute, parked, and I led him upstairs. I let him through my apartment door, following, and closing the door behind us. I grabed him by the sleeve of the shirt, before he had a chance to walk far into the room, or even say anything. I fell against the door, pulling him on top of me. We kissed, not questioningly this time, but lustfully, and with force. Our tongues thought for control. Neither of us willing to let go, unwilling to break our first embrace.

I ran my hands down his back, wishing that his shirt wasn't there already, thrilled with antisipation. I felt Justin's hands against my lower back, pulling me away from the door and towards his body. As we came into full contact, I felt distinct presence of life at about the hight of my stomach. By the time any of this has happened, I was already errect. To find Justin just as excited, sent shivers up and down my spine. With my upper back, I pushed against the door, and we fell on the floor, me on top of Jusin now.

As we fell, Justin turned to brace against the floor with this right hand, thus breaking the kiss, and almost loosing me out of his embrace. He landed hard on the floor, thankfully avioding the furniture. I landed firmly on top of him, trying to aviod furniture myself.

"I'm glad we decided to skipp breakfast," Justin said, kissing me softly on the cheeck.

"I happy that you're glad, and hope to keep it that way. But, you know where I'd rather be?" I asked, giving him a sideways look.

"Where?" he asked with genuine fright in his voice.

"About 30 feet that way," I said, nodding towards the bedroom. "And, you know who I'd rather have there?"

"Who?" by that time, I think he was starting to get the idea...

"You, but naked!" I laughed, and kissed him again.

There was just enough light coming from the outside to be able to see things arond the apartment. We got up, I took Justin's hand and led him to the bedroom. Shirts and shoes were quickly shed. I couldn't keep from staring at him as he undressed. I have seen Justin naked before. After all, we were good friends, and friends have no secrets, right? I have see him naked, but always from behind a line. I was never able to look forward to touching him, I only dreamed of crossing that line.

As Justin underssed, I lost myself in watching him, my pants unbuckled, half way down to my ankles. All six feet and six inches of Justin's hight stretched, as he pulled his t-shirt off, to expose a well developed, smooth 40" chest, crowned by two quarter-sized nipples. Although Justin weight nearly 250 lbs., his hight made his frame look lean. It was mostly musculs, anyway.

Justin frew the t-shirt on top of the dresser, and looked at me, looking at him. It was always that way with us: he always cought me looking at him. He always smiled when that happened, but never said anything. I used to pretened I didn't know what was going on, either. This time, I didn't:

"What are you looking at? I'm ahead of you, to catch up!" And I pulled my pants back up over my Jockey briefs. I looked Justin over up and down one more time. Honestly, often, I'd rather see a guy in jeans with a belt and no shirt on, then a fully naked guy. I guess a shirtless guy has some mistery to him, or something. The one in front of me definately looked gorgeus. I couldn't, just physically couldn't, stay away any more.

I droped my pants, steped out of them, and walked over to Justin.

Justin wore boxers. Mostly CK or Structure. Usually cotton, but often flanel. Whatever they were that night, they came off with his pants, so I never got to find out. I put my arms around his neck, bending him down and reaching for his lips with my own. Our bodies tangled together, like our tongues have ealier. Flesh pressing agains flesh, we fell on my bed, me on top of Justin...

I knew it must have been afternoon, from the way the sun was shining in my face. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, actually half-hanging off it, holding on to something. Something like a cat was tickling the right side of my face, waking me up, and distracting me at the same time. I was disoriented by sleep, and couldn't figure out what was going on for quite a while. I slowly turned my head to the right, and twisted my body back on the bed. The movement made me realize that I wasn't wearing any underwear. Then my face was stuffed with a mess of soft blond hair.

Blowing the air out of my mouth and nose to clear the hair out, I slowly remembered the events of the morning. Justin, kissing Justin, Justin naked, kissing naked Justin, and sex with Justin...

I looked at him, sleeping like a baby, and considered getting up. At the end, my natural urges won over any other considerations I may have had, and I moved his hand off my chest, sliding out of bed. I succeeded, and streched out in the middle of the room. After a stop by the bathroom, the first order of the day was to check my Email. I never shut off my computer, but the monitor was turned off. When I turned it on, the first thing that caught my eye was the date on the digital clock.

"Justin!" I yelled. "Justin!"

A lazy "What?" was all I got from the next room. I checked my appointment book just to make sure. Unfortunately, the computer clock was right. It was indeed Monday, 4:20 in the afternoon. Thank God, aside from a clac lecture, I had no other business scheduled for that day. Still, it was a first for me, to miss a whole day!

I walked back into the bedroom, and set down on the bed. "Justin?" I ran my fingers through his hair. "Come on, honey!"

"What?" he groaned in reply.

"Sweety, do you have anything to do on Monday?" I asked innocently.

"Well, no. I have to study, and I have a meeting in the evening, but that's all. Why?"

"What time is the meeting?"

Justin was all woke up now. "6. What are you masterminding?" he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Well, I'm masterminding for you to make it to the meeting, may be..." I bend down and kissed him. He kissed back, wraping his arms around me, and pulling me closer. He didn't let go, and I had to push up, to get a breath.

"What are you talking about?" Justin asked, when I broke the kiss.

"You ain't gonna believe me, but that meeting of yours is in like an hour and a half."


"It's Monday, and it's 4:30 in the afternoon."

"No, Mike, it can't be. No! There is no fucking way."

"OK, go look on the computer, if you don't believe me." He did. Slightly shaken by the revalation, he returned to the bedroom a few minutes. In the mean time, I decided that it wasn't worth my while getting up, so I crawled back under the coveres. Justin, naked as the he got out of bed, laid back down, but over the covers, his face outlined by the afternoon sun. I reached out and wraped my arms around his neck. He rolled over on top of me, and kissed me on the forehead.

"Can you tell me one thing?" he asked, moving his hand over the covers, down my side.

I smiled: "Sure, sweety; what would you like to know?"

"What have we been doing for the past oh... 32 hours?" Justin looked down at me, as his hand found my waistline under the covers, and just stoped there. Whatever we have been doing, my dick was rising to attention, as Justin's gaze turned from concerned to seductive.

"Probably the same shit we are about to do now, unless you're gonna to stop soon," I replied thoughtfully. Seeing no such thoughts in Justin's eyes, I moved my hands from under the cover and put them over his back. As we kissed, I moved them over his lower back, slowly reaching for the smoothness of his round globes, and then back up to his head to ruffle through his hair. He lifted his body off of mine, bringing his knees up to his belly, creating more space for our growing erections.

Not breaking the kiss, we rolled onto our sides, working the covers away from between us. Our bodies touched lightly sending an electric shock down my spine. I felt Justin's hardon pulsate, as he brought our bodies into closer contact. We rolled over again, me on top this time, still engaged in our kiss. By then, each of us must have known the other's mouth like his own as we explored every inch of both with our tongues. I ran my hands down the musculs of Justin's arms, as he rubbed all over my back, reaching, as I did before, for the lower portions of it.

I ran completely out of breath and had to break the kiss. Justin was always in a better shape than I, he could always outswim or outrun me, turned out he could also outkiss me. I moved my face a few inches away from Justin's and looked into his eyes. In a darkened room, they looked an unforgetable river-green with just a touch of twinkle in them. I smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

Slowly moving down his body, I kissed and studied every inch of his skin, like I never could before. I sucked on his neck, licking my way down his chest, over the tight pecks and the cherry red nipples. I kissed the left nipple, then the right, then suddenly moved back over to the left and sucked hard on the nipple left sensitive by my kiss. Jusin gasped for breath and bent his back upwards, pushing my head down on his chest.

I wersteled away from Justin's powerful embrace over my head, and continued my movement down his body. After I kissed his naval several times, I followed the treasure-trail down. The treasure bounced at my touch, hit me on the chin and levled off at 45 degrees to his belly. I looked up to see Justin lift his head and look down at me, wondering what I was going to do next. I didn't have to wonder about my next step for a single second: I had wanted to do that to Justin for a while. I just took a second to wonder if I had already done it over the course of the past 32 hours, or if that would indeed by the first time. I also took the opportunity to admire the erection not two inches away from my face.

Justin's cock was, I suppose, of an average size. At about 8 inches hard, it looked very big up close, and not so big when compared to the rest of his body. Justin's pubic hair was just a touch darker blond than the hair on his head. The rest of the hair on his body was even lighter, making it alsmost invisible. I don't know what he did to his hair, or if it was naturally like that, but it felt light and silkish, and I got this uncontrollable urge to burry my nose in it. That is exactly what I did.

I moistened my mouth and slowly ran my tongue up the lenght of the whole shaft, starting from the balls all the way up to the head of his cock. My tongue encircled the head, running along the cut of his foreskin. I cleared away any last thoughts or doubts and dove down, engulfing his penis in my mouth. I was swept off my feet right then and there: I loved it. I sucked on the shaft like a kid on a popsicle. My lips made an airlock that moved up and down, never quite hitting the pubes or going over the head. My tongue made circles around the base of the head, while my throat struggled to maintain a vacuume in my mouth.

Justin loved it. His hands ran through my hair, caressed my back and the back of my neck. They felt soft and warm, encouraging me to take more of his flesh into my mouth. As I picked up the pace of moving my head up and down, Justin begun to lift his hips, helping me along. We must have been going at it for a while, when I noticed his breathing getting heavier. I slowed down, putting my hands on his hips to restrict his fucking motions. Once he subsided, my hands moved up and over his belly, onto his chest, playing with his nipples as I continued to suck on his dick.

Justin took two deep breaths and slowly moved over to the side of the bed. He lifted his upper body, put his hands on my hips encouraging me to swing around. I didn't need much encouragement: not letting his dick out of my mouth, I rolled to the side and swang my body around. Seeing how Justin's good eight inches taller than I am, my cock, as hard as it has ever been, did not quite reach his mouth. Justin arched his back, pulling his head down towards my pelvis. He succeded, nibbling on my foreskin, liking the head of my cock, sticking his tongue under the skin, not quite putting the whole thing in his mouth.

My lover's manipulations of my manhood made me forget all about my intentions. I sucked hard on his cock, reaching again for his chest to play with his tits. It didn't take long. I felt Justin breath out hard, blowing air by my balls, making them shiver. On the intake of air, he also breathed in all seven inches of my cock, deepthroating me in one stroke. He came half-way through that, gushing his thick, white (that I found out later) juice into my mouth. I almost chocke to death, but not before I, myself, exploded down his throat.

We both laid there for a minute, untill I swung around again, bringing my face closer to Justin's. I observed him for a second, then kissed him questioningly on the lips. We both knew that the other had some cum left in his mouth, the only question was whether we wanted to share the treat. We did, in a way that only lovers can kiss after a passionate interleude. Each of us tasted himself in the other's mouth, and I think the issue of our relationship was settled. Many things yet needed to be said, but we shared something that could not be shared in words. I rolled on my back, hugged Justin's head to my chest and looked at the ceilling.

Justin walked to class, leaving me his car. After he left, I took a shower not only to clean my body, but to clear my mind. I really didn't know waht to think. As recent as three weeks ago I was wondering if coming out to Justin would totally ruin our friendship. A week ago, I was wondering if I had blown my shot at ever getting into his pants, detonated our friendship, all without saying a word about myself. Three days ago I was wondering if I'd ever see him again. And now...

As fun as that weekend might have been, I soon came to realize that we were pretty lucky. I did have a roommate, and it was only a chance that he hadn't come home till the following morning. My roommate was great, of course. He lived only about 40 min away from school, and had a high school sweetheart down there. Naturally, he went home every weekend. It was not only good for him, it was also good for me. But that was only on the weekend, and even then I didn't know when he was going to leave and when he was going to come back. And I didn't know where my relationship with Justin was going.

I tried to think of waht I should tell him about myself, as I got out of the shower and dried myself off. Not coming to any firm conclusions, I dressed and headed to campus.

As I started the car, it suddenly doned on me that I was entering this very familiar enviornment (I'd driven Justin's car with or without him many times before) in a very different capacity. That made me cringe and realize just how fragial the situation was, and how important the outcome was to me.

Justin paged me when his meeting was over. I was ready and picked him up in just a few minutes.

"You look good driving my car!" Justin laughed, getting in.

I looked over at him before pulling back into traffic as if to tell him to just get in the car and never mind the bullshit. He smiled.

"Where're we going?" he asked.

"Well, are you hungry?"

"Sure! I'm totally starved! We haven't eaten for two days!" he expressed, and I just couldn't contain my laughter in reply.

"So," I asked, when we stopped at a traffic light. "This is going to be a date, or what?"

Justin considered that thought for a little while. "Sure. I guess that'd be the right thing to do..."

It was readily apparent that I introduced an issue that Justin hadn't given much thought to. That made the time for our talk long overdue.

"How does Papa Razzi's sound?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Oh, that sounds great," Justin was not relaxing, but going along with the flow.

It being a Monday night, I had no trouble finding a parking spot on Carson street, and there was no wait at the restorant. Soon we were seated on the second floor, looking over Carson street, drinks ordered.

"Mike, I think we need to talk..." Justin started.

"I'm glad you think so. I was actually going to suggest we do it on Sunday morning, but it seems that both of us were otherwise occupied." I winked at Justin, looking for his reaction. "In any case, I have some things to tell you, and some questions to ask of you. I am fully prepared to answer all your questions, too. I want to fill you in on some histories, first, if that's OK?"

The waiter brought our drinks, and took orders. Justin noded his head and I started with my story.

"OK, so here we go..." I smiled akwardly. "For starters, I must appologize to you for not having told you all this before. In retrospect, I suppose it would've been a good idea. At the time, though, I wasn't so sure. Alright, the bottom line is that I'm gay. I am not bi, not confused. This is not a stage for me. I am not going to grow out of it. I will not meet "the right girl" and suddenly realize the sin of my ways, or whatever. I like guys, and that's the end of the story."

The waiter brough our food and we ate in silance for a while. I took a deep breath and thought over my experiences.

"I'm relatively new to the whole gay-scene, although I know it exists. I have never been to any gay clubs or parties in Pittsburgh, but I've gone to a few in Boston, so I know what they're like. I'm sure you want to know how experienced I am at the whole sex thing, right. Well, I'm not. No, I'm not a virgin or anything like that, but there have been a few others. Actually, only two.

"I met Steve on the internet, actually. And that was last year. We talked for a little while, but the only reason we were interested in each other was sex. I know, it's kinda pathetic to admit this, but I'm sure you can relate to a situation when you just really wanna do it. I was getting really frustrated with my sex life. I had no real way of meeting other guys in person, and that's the kind of sex I was yerning for. I jumpped at the opportunity of getting it on with another guy. I knew what I wanted, and it didn't very much matter what the other guy looked like.

"To my surprise, Steve actually wasn't that bad looking. He was about 5'10", kinda heavy-set, at about 180 pounds, real and natural blond with dark brown eyes. We agreed to meet one night in one of the academic buildings on campus. My roommate was home that night, and Steve had no place of his own either, so we wondered around for a little while. We decided that an empty bathroom in the basement of a building will do just fine, and it did. I got my first blow job from some guy whom I hadn't known more than 24 hours. And, I got to suck my first cock. I loved it, and was once again reasured that it was indeed my cup of tea.

"Steve and I got together a couple more times last year. On those occasions I ensured that my roommate would not be home, and Steve came over to my place. We experimented a little, getting undressed all the way, not just between the waist and knees, like we did in the bathroom. But none of it had gone anywhere further than just sucking dick. Don't get me wrong, I liked it just fine, still... it wasn't what I had hoped for. Steve was not very interested in hanging out with me outside my bedroom. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get him to go out to dinner with me, or even stay over. He wanted to get off and leave, and that was it. And, if that was the best I could get, that was fine with me, too.

"Then there was Mike. Mike and I actually knew eachother socially before anything transpired between us. I guess, he was a friend of some of my friends from high school, or something. I don't remember exactly what now. Mike is one of those rough Irish kids that grew up in New York, survived that experience with the best of them, and had gone to college to prove everyone wrong. He's my age, my hight, but a lot thinner, probably not even 140 pounds. I've always found him kinda cute, but I never said anything. Dark brown, curly hair, dark eyes, sharp facial features, eyes looking to cut you in half, pointed nose, always wearing this probing expression. We never hung out together, and I didn't even know if he was straight or what.

"Then, last summer, we both were at this boring to death party on the South Shore and that kinda changed things. I guess the kids who brought him there were into drugs and all the other shit that was floating around the house, but neither he nor I wanted anything to do with it. We talked for a little while and quickly realized that we both wanted to get out of there. I redirected the people that I brought there to Mike's ride, and we left. We had gone to dinner and drove down the shore towards Boston. Somehow our conversation went off the deep end, and Mike sheared a lot of personal stuff with me. I must honestly admit that his childhood was pretty rocky. I don't remember exactly when, but I realized that Mike was bisexual even before we left restorunt. I guess he said something about not usually going to bed on the first date, that made me think he might make me an exception.

"I filed that notion in the back of my head, as I listended to Mike's life- story. I think it must have been when he told me about his sister commiting suicide, I put my hand on his thigh, in a consoling and friendly gesture. Something caught my attention in the road, and my hand remained there. Mike didn't protest. I caught myself enjoying the feeling of warm denim against the palm of my hand. It kinda scared me, and I pulled away.

"Still, the more time I spent with Mike, the more I liked him. Not in so many words, but I dropped a few hints that I may not be disinterested. I guess we understood each other. Mike said something about liking me. And I said something about enjoying experimenting with all kinds of things, reading erotic stories and other stuff. And so it went.

"We found Mike's house in South Boston, and he invited me in, telling me that his roommate and her fiance were out of town for the weekend. We sat talking in the living room. I was on the couch and Mike set in an armchair accross from me. We talked a little about computers, continuing the conversation we were having in the car. We looked through his movie collection, but unfortunately there was nothing really suggestive there. Mike left to get the drinks from the kitchen. When he got back, he flopped down on the couch, instead of the armchair. I guess that's when I knew what was going to happen next.

"I drank some water, swallowed slowly and leaned over to Mike. We kissed passionately, hands roaming all over each other's bodies. There was no spark between us, just lust and passion created by hormones. Mike wore a lot fewer clothings than I did, and I made it work to my advantage. While he unbuttoned my shirt, I pulled his over his head, discovering a smooth milky-white chest marked with two cherry-like nipples. We pulled apart and underssed down to our underwear.

"I pushed Mike over, landing on top of him, pressing our mouths together. As we kissed, our cocks swiftly grew to full erection and pushed against our bellies. I moved down Mike's smooth chest and belly to the fly of his plain-white boxers. Probably the biggest surprise of the evening was waiting for me inside his shorts. For a little guy of 5'8" and 140 pounds wet, Mike's dick stood a good 10" straight out of his crotch. It was pretty wide, too: I couldn't encircle it with one hand. I also had difficulty putting it in my mouth.

"I was quite intrigued by the prospect of sucking a dick that I didn't think would quite fit in my mouth. I guess, it was purely academic. I held it at the base with my right hand, and moved it back and forth against my tongue. I licked up and down the bottom of the shaft, then around the base of the head, where the skin was cut, and then right over the top of the head. I slowly enhaled the head in my mouth, thinking that would be about the best I could do. I looked up at Mike. His shoulders were on the armreast of the couch, head haning down on the other side. I could tell his breathing was somewhat accelerated by the way his cheast moved up and down.

"I sucked Mike's dick for a while, alternating between licking it all over and sucking on the first 4 inches of it. When I was about to switch my tacktic once again, Mike pulled me up over himself. Somehow, we ended up side by side, sucking each other's face. He, then, moved down my body, returning the favor in much the same style. His wet mouth engulfed my nipples, sending electric shock through my body. His hands pulled on my dick slowly and gently. By the time his mouth was at my waist level, I was just about ready to cum. I guess, Mike felt that and instead of sucking on my dick, he started licking my balls, making me hornier than ever, but not bringing me any closer to an orgasm.

"He managed to put both of my balls in his mouth, and turn around on the couch without ever stopping his tortureus treatment. A purity point lost right there and then: change of position without the need for re-entery. Mike was on top and to the side of me: his chest over my stomach, his crotch just to the right of my head. I moved myself completely under him, head between his legs, completing the change of position into a proper 69. Mike stood on his knees and when my head was completely pressed into the couch, only about 2 inches of him was in my mouth.

"I sucked on his dick, moving my head up and down a few inches. Mike's dick in my mouth took my mind off my own orgasm for a little while, and he seized the opportunity to switch from my balls to my cock without me loosing my wad right there and then. What he did down there I can't exactly tell you, but it felt incrediable. Wherever my mind might have been, I realized that if I didn't stop him, I would be finished. That wasn't my plan, if I ever had one.

"I lifted Mike up by his hips, and moved him further down the couch, so his chest was on the opposit side armrest. He let my cock drop of out his mouth, and I breathed a little easier. I was determined to show Mike the time of his life: the heat of the moment completely took me over. I positioned my head between his legs, hanging my own legs over the opposit armrest of the couch. This provided me with the best access to his cock, and I worked well to suck as far into my throat as I could. I kinda surprised myself, when his brown pubes tickled my nose on my stroke down (or more technically up) his shaft. I relaxed myself as much as I could, and proceded to move my head up and down. It felt great, but got boring after a while. My neck muscules weren't used to all the exercise they were getting, I guess.

"I got up from under Mike. He was resting on the armrest, head down, ass in the air. His totally hairless balls were winking at me from between his legs and no one in my position could've resisted sucking on them, even if just a little bit. I roamed my hands over his back, feeling for whatever muscules were there. Moving under him, I fondeled his tits, making his whole body twitch. He pushed back slightly, pulling his balls out of my mouth. I licked them over again, then up and between his legs. As I licked the inside of his left thigh, his rosebud of an asshole was directly in front of me. Just like most of the rest of his body, his ass-crack was completely devoid of any visiable hair. I have no idea why I did it, but I swept my tongue accross his left thigh, over the smooth cheeck of his ass, and down the crack.

"By the time I reached his pucker, my tongue was dry and must have felt more like sand paper. It was clear that Mike enjoied it, though. He pushed back into my face, leaving me no choice but to stick my nose into his ass. I didn't think much about what to do next, it just kinda came naturally. My tongue drew a circle around his anus, and probed in the middle. The more I did it, the more we both got into it. Mike rolled his hips around a little, helping me probe even deeper. My hands roamed his body, twitched at his balls and nipples.

"Eventually, I turned around and got under him so he could suck my cock, too. He did, and the feelings I was getting in the pitt of my stomach made me really want Mike's cock all the way in my mouth. I scooted a little further under him, openning my mouth. Mike lowered his body onto mine, slipping his errection deep into my throat. I pretty much staied still, while he moved his body up and down, sucking on my dick and fucking my mouth at the same time. It wasn't long til both of us were on the edge. I wraped my arms around his back, and pulled him onto my body. An orgasm overtook us like a shockwave after a nuclear explosion. It must have been a few minutes untill either one of us was lucid enough to disengage our bodies.

"Mike and I met several more times over the course of the summer. We had some pretty wild encounters. As a matter of fact, most of the technique that I know of man-to-man sex I probably learned from being with Mike. That's not to say that he was any more experienced than I was, but practice makes perfect."

I smiled at Justin and took the second bite of my food. The immages of Mike and Steve flashed past my mind like a TV broadcase with niaration. I hadn't actually said a word since the waiter brought our food. The pause was rappidly becoming very pregnant, and it was clearly my turn to continue with the story. I relaied a much sensored, but essentially simialr story of my sexual encounters to Justin. He listened attentively, slowly eating his food, but not making any comments.

"Mike," he said, when my story was over. "I wish I knew this sooner. I think it would have helpped me come to terms with who I really am. I think I told you already," Justin smiled, "I now come to realize that I've had a crush on you ever since the first day we met. Numerous times I would be ... well, with a girl, and all I would be thinking was how it would be with you..."

Once again we were interrupted by the waiter. He brought our check, and we were all too happy to get out of there, and go somewhere were we could speak freely. Neither of us had any alcohol with dinner, but I never gave Justin back his keys, so I just got behind the wheel and started the car.

"So, where do you want to go?" Justin asked as I turned to look for traffic before pulling out of the parking space.

"I don't know. May be we just drive around or something? May be go to Ross Park Mall?" The car moved swiftly down almost empty Carson street.

"Sure. Let's head up north..." Justin looked out the window as we crossed the Mon river via the Birmingham bridge. Once we got onto I-376 to head towards down-town, he continued. "Mike, last night... or rather on Saturday night," we both gigled at the mistake. "you told me that there were no us yet. Is there now? What's going to happen next?"

I could see that he had given the issue some thought and was ready to discuss it. There would be no better time to address all of those issues that ruin relationships every day. It was either then or never.

"Well... I guess we're dating. At least, I think that's what it's called. Let's for a moment forget that people have sex..." Justin snickered like a kid and I smiled over at him. "Come'n, you perv! Let's for the moment suppose that people can be of a different gender. Then, what are we doing, but dating? We go out, socialize with people, have fun in public and behind closed doors. What do you want to call this?"

Justin laughed at my comment. "Mike, I have no idea."

"Here are some ground rules. Those are necessary, I suppose. Yes?" I looked at him again.

"Sure, if we must," he looked just so addorable, trying to be submissive and all.

"First, I want you to know that I feel the same way about you today, as I did yesterday, two days ago, two weeks ago, or two months ago. I love you, love being with you, and hope that you love me the same way."

"Of course, I do," he interrupted me.

"I know..." I was silent for a while. "I want you to know, something that you probably already know: I think no relationship will work without effective communications. I want us to be able to talk about anything and everything we feel like. Just like we have always done." I patted Justin on the knee. "Otherwise, I would really like for everything to remain as it has been... well almost..." I paused, changing lanes within a highway interchange and looking over at Justin.

"What do you wanna change?" I was happy that he was taking our conversation too seriously, rather than too lightly.

I gave him a goophy grin: "I don't want to give up what we had this afternoon, and, presumably, yesterday..."

Justin laughed out loud, leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you, Michael," he said, suddenly, very seriously.

I gave him a long look. "I love you, too, Justin," I mimicked his tone, beginning a new time in our existance, a time for us to write pages in the books of each other's lives.

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