Justin Biebers new direction

By Adz Sampson

Published on Sep 9, 2012



Some would say Justin Bieber is the ultimate dude. He has shitloads of money, women and girls throwing themselves at him daily and the love of a very supportive family. He is the owner of tons of awards, most voted by his adoring fans 'The Belibers', has more money then sense and his girlfriend Selena Gomez is not only equally as famous as him, but she's drop dead gorgeous to boot. Some would say that Justin Bieber is the luckiest guy on the planet. And they would be right. Justin loves every minute of his life. He loves waking up in stunning hotel rooms in different countries weekly, he loves going onto the stage and busting out a move whilst singing his latest autotuned song, he loves the fact that he could be walking to the grocery store to grab a sandwich and he will be papped without even telling anyone where he was planning to go. Some people would hate it. But Justin loves it. He thrives on it. Most celebrities do. Any that you they didn't would be fucking lying. Justin was probably the most famous 18 year in the old in world and he really didn't think his life could get any better. He was perfectly happy and content with his life at the minute. He could quit his job this second and be set for life. Justin was also easy on the eye. Yea, he probably wasn't the hunkiest bloke around and he wouldn't be topping the Sexiest Bloke Alive poll anytime soon, but he was cute and chicks digged that. Sure they probably also digged the fact that his underwear was probably more expensive then there house, but he knew he hadn't hit any ugly tree on the way down. So not only was he was rich, he thought of himself as handsome aswell. And whilst having Selena in his life was amazing, he couldn't help but think there was something missing. He done his daily day to day life and it was fantastic, he wouldn't change it for the fact. But he also wanted risk, he wanted danger. His life was becoming far too predicitable and dare he say it- boring. He needed some excitement. He needed a fucking rush. He needed to have some fun.

Zayn Malik is one fifth of probably Britain's most exciting boyband of the generation. Not only were all five memebrs incredbily goodlooking, but most of them could hold a decent tune and Zayn was no excpetion. He loved being on the stage with his four best friends, he loved hearing the crowds cheer his name as he performed and he loved the adrealine rush he got every single time he stepped on the stage. No one time has been the same, and that's amazing. At just 19, Zayn has achieved more in his life then he ever thought possible. He was always destined to become a mundane shopworker or perhaps something a little more exciting then that like a dustman or postman. Being part of One Direction was like a second chance for Zayn and it wasn't one he was willing to change anytime soon. Zayn was a stud. He knew that. He rocked that. He owned that. Boys wanted to be him, Girls wanted him inside them. He had a wonderful girlfriend Perrie and life was fucking great. He was winning award after award with One Direction aswell as hit after hit. His life has changed completely and utterly and there's not a single thing he regrets. Okay, perhaps there is just one thing he regrets. Looking in the mirror of his hotel room as his band prepared to woo America with a performance at the Video Music Awards which was such a big fucking deal. Zayn didn't get nervous thouhg. He could'nt explain it. The others all got petrified but to Zayn it wasn't that big of a deal. He loved going out and performing for his fans. Nerves were definetly not something he dealed with. Giving himself a wink in the mirror, his manager shouted 'Showtime guys!" and it was ready for Zayn and the one direction lad's to win the hearts of the American audience once and for all.

One Direction rocked there performance and won 3 fucking awards. They were in complete and utter bliss.

Justin Bieber didn't perform and hadn't won a single award despite being nominated for 3. He couldn't be bitter that he was beaten by a British boyband with only one single that was worth mentioning. It was there chance to shine. Justin, for fucks sake, had so many awards in his house that he now has his own awards room. One Direction don't have that, and they probably never would. They would be a flash in the pan.

Sipping on his beer at the afterparty, Zayn caught the eye of Justin Bieber. He'd never met the American hunk before. But he was even hotter in the flesh then in the many, many pictures that Zayn secretely has on his iPad. Zayn wasn't gay. But he also wasn't straight. He'd say he was bisexual but wouldn't like to label it. He's slept with girls, he's slept with dudes. It's all sex to him and it's all amazing. Of course, he has to put on the apperance of somewhat being a bit of a ladie's man for his adoring public, because God know's his manager would freak out if he found out that Zayn wanted to 'come out'. He hated living a double life. He hated the fact that he had to hide the fact that, yes, he does find guys hot. What kind of life is that? It's pathetic. He smiled at the singer and was pleasantly surprised when Justin responded to the smile.

Sitting on the stool of the bar where the first afterparty was held, Justin sipped on his pint of orange juice. He did drink, but he wasn't particuarly in the mood for the alcholic variety tonight. Maybe later when he moves onto the next party. He caught the eye of the hottest guy in that British band and was surprised when the dude smiled at him with the damn the hottest smile he'd ever seen on a guy. Damn it was the hottest smile he'd seen on anyone. Bar none. Justin fancied the pants of Zayn. Ever since he googled One Direction and found images of the band topless, his eye was immedatily caught to Zayn who just from looking at him, Justin could tell he could be trouble. With an angelic smile and a fuck all attitude, Zayn was defintly someone that Justin wouldn't mind getting to know on a personal level but he doubted the British hunk swang that way. Justin was gay. It was a fact that most people close to him knew and it was something that he somewhat relucantly kept to himself. Selena knew he was gay and whilst he did love the girl, it wasn't love love. It would never be love love. She just doesn't have the equiptment that Justin's mouth craves. Selena's his official beard, if you like, but she is also one of his best friends. He could tell that girl anything and he knew it would never see the public light. He smiled back at the singer and then somewhat foolishly winked at him.

Justin Bieber just winked at Zayn. Forgive him for having somewhat of a panic attack at the thought of THE Justin Bieber winking at him. And yes, it was more then likely just a friendly wink but fuck.. Justin Bieber winked at him. He was totally fangirling over Justin Bieber right now. Taking another larger sip of his ice cold beer, Zayn did something he would never usually do. But he was totally on a high after winning 3 awards and generally after having an awesome fucking night. He winked back and licked his lips at the unsuspecting american singer.

Taking another sip of his orange juice, Justin didnm't know how to respond to the fact that Zayn had just winked AND licked his lips at him. If it wasn't Zayn then Justin would totally think that the guy was hitting on him. But he was 99% confident that he was reading into things and that Zayn was just being friendly. Either way, the thought of Zayn licking his lips about him excited Justin somewhat and he definetly had a semi on thinking about Zayn's lips wrapped around a certain part of his anatamy. Taking it a bit further, Justin looked down at his lap and grabbed his bulge, then looked back up at the British lad to see his reaction.

The party was in full swing but Zayn's full focus was on Justin Bieber who had just grabbed his dick. He had a boner going on, for sure. And he wanted Zayn to know. Fuck. Zayn nearly cummed at the thought of Justin being on the same wavelength as him. He looked down to the floor for a split second and when he looked back up, Justin had gone.


He half drank orange juice sat at the bar, but the stool was now vacant. Damn.

Walking over to another bar, Zayn ordered another beer because damn he was pretty sure he had some eyesex going on with the Biebs but he must have been imagining it. But he couldn't imagine Justin basically showing him his erection, could he? Moments later, a tap on his shoulder nearly scared the shit out of Zayn. Turning around, a large black man in a suit was standing there. He leaned down and whispered.

"Justin Bieber would like to meet you in the hotel lobby in 10 minutes. Be alone".


Hope you all liked that first chapter. THE SEX will happen in the next part. Email me at swaggerjagger90@mail.com for feedback and suggestions.

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