Justin and Zack

By Zeco

Published on Jan 2, 2002


Hello again, here I am again after 3 months, I didn't stooped my story cause I'm not going to stoop... it seems that 2002 gave me inspiration to write this so, here it is this chapter, I think that it is longer than the others...: I want to thanks all the people that e-mailed me about this story, Thank you and don't stoop, e-mail me to zeca_p@netc.pt. There isn't sex in this chapter, so anyone that just want to have a good time with his hand, can start hiding it... I'm really sorry for don't write sooner, but I couldn't make it, I just couldn't write... Sorry:

Again, I still don't know NSYNC, I don't know anything about them, and everything that is written in here is fiction, if you shouldn't be here than don't be here... and sorry again

Justin and Zack 5

3 months and a half had passes since my return to Orlando. A lot of things happened during those 4 months, but the most important was that I and Mr. Prince Charming broke up, yeahp, after 3 months of a wonderful relationship; he decided that we couldn't be together. Why you ask, well, some stupid reporter published some stupid rumor saying that Justin was dating someone from the tour crew. Well, Justin was really afraid and tough that someone could discover our relationship, so he ended it. That was 2 weeks ago, and since then I've been a wreck, I mean I had fallen in love with him, really in love, and he ended everything... You must be thinking that I left the tour, but no, I had a contract that said that I had to participate in at least 2 tours, and I still had to do the summer tour.

Well, I haven't seen Justin since the break up, and luckily I had Lance to support me, during those months I had become friend of most of the crew, but Lance and I had become good friends, and he was the one that was next to me in the car

-Look, it will go ok, relax, it will be only us and the dancers, you won't have to talk to him, or he to you...-he said for the 5th time

  • I know, but I don't want to see him- I said sighing - it still hurts...

  • I know, but you have to move on....

  • I just can't....- I said sadly

He looked at me worriedly, he was a great guy, and he was dating my sister too... but that doesn't matter... after I said that, we both stayed quiet, and that silence lasted until we arrive at our destination

  • Now, we are just in time, so you won't need to talk to him- he said in the elevator- you just stay quiet and next to me during the meeting, ok?

  • Ok- I said

When we arrived at the floor for the meeting we saw everyone entering the room, I didn't saw Justin,, maybe he didn't come or maybe he was already inside, but I doubted that, it was really rare Justin be on time....I was interrupted by my thoughts by someone hugging me

I turned around to see Miss Britney Spears standing right there smiling like a fool,

-Zack, it has been so long- she said hugging me,

True, it had been 4 weeks since I saw her" Britney what the hell are you doing here?" I said hugging her back

  • I managed to have a free week- she said smiling-Lance you never change...

He just smiled, they hugged, and I noticed that Lance seemed a little more tired than usual, in fact he seemed like he hadn't slept for a week, I must have been so worried with my problems that I hadn't noticed how Lance was...

I come back to Earth with someone calling us" Well Britney, we have a meeting now, but if you'd like, you could come with us." Lance said smiling

  • No thank you, I'm sick of meetings- she said always smiling- I'll see you guys later

-Ok- I said

Now was the moment of the truth, I entered the room and looked for a chair, it seemed that the rest of the NSYNC and the dancers were there, there were also some guys that I never had seen before, I continued looking for a chair, until I saw two of them, but there was a small problem, they were in front of Justin, dam... Lance must have notice and just whispered" Relax, everything is going to be fine", I sighed, I sated, trying really hard not to look at Justin.

  • Welcome, I'm glad that everyone could make it, in this meeting we are going to discuss the upcoming tour , I'm Colin Morris, and I'm the tour manager, if anyone has any questions please save them to the end and I'll try to answer them

The meeting was pretty boring, like all meetings, during the meeting it seemed that only 4 people were talking: Colin, Lance, some guy named John and another called Max. I spent most of the meeting avoiding looking at Justin and try to focus on Colin

  • In this tour NSYNC and dancers will chare one floor, the rest of the permanent crew will have other floor- Colin said

  • Will we choose our roommate? - I asked, speaking for the first time

  • Well, since in the last tour all the room arrangement were the same, in this tour we already established roommates- Colin said smiling- but questions are in the end of the meeting

Oh no, in the last tour I had shared my room with Justin, this was a problem, I looked at Lance, he just looked at me with a face that said "Later". I was doomed, I couldn't spend 3 months sharing the same room with Justin, thinking of this, I looked at Justin, we was like Lance, he was a wreck, he seemed like he hadn't slept and he was looking really sad (me, Lance and Justin, probably looked alike!), his eyes were red and he seemed like he didn't know what shaving was... and precisely at the same time that I looked at him, he lifted his head looking at me, I tried to look away, I mean I wanted to look away, but something made me stare at Justin, making us stare at each other. Staring at his eyes, I started remembering the good times that I had spent with him, the arrival at Orlando, the first night in here, the pool party... and remembering all that only did worse, I felt a tear escape, and roll down my face. Justin probably noticed that, and I think that it only did worse, cause he looked away immediately. Next to Justin, was JC, and strangely he was smiling at the two of us.

I haven't talked to the guys since we all met at Lance's house, they all went there (except Justin) to see how I was holding up...

  • Now, does anyone have any questions? - Colin asked

Everyone started speaking at the same time, and I was starting to have a headache, I whispered to Lance that I was going to get some fresh air, and that I would be right back, he just nodded. I exited the room, with a lot of stares, and went to the first window that appeared. I opened it and took a deep breath. God I hated the way things were now, and the tour was going to begin in one week... I had to talk to Justin, I couldn't continue living like this, I had to move on, but I was in love, and it would be very difficult to move on...

  • Are you ok? - I heard someone behind me ask

  • No, but I'll be ok JC- I said turning to him

  • How did you know that it was me? - He asked

  • Your reflection in the window- I said pointing to the window

He nodded "I need to talk to you..."I nodded" And you probably know what this is all about..."

I sighed "You two have to talk, you both are miserable alone, and if you two don't talk you won't move on"

"And you think that I should be the one to talk first?" I said "He was the one that wanted to break up, not me; he was the one afraid..."

"I know that, but you know that Justin isn't very good at express his feelings by words, he doesn't like to take the first step..."

"So you are saying that since Justin can't come to me and start talking, I should be the one to take the first step?"

He nodded" Well I don't like to take the first step either, but when I need to I take it..."

"I understand, but if you two don't talk the tour will be really hard to both"

Why was he saying things that I already knew? "Tell me about it, but thanks JC..."

"No problem... how are you holding up?"

"Well, if it wasn't for Lance I probably would be worse...he is a great guy..."

"Yeah, but he doesn't look very good..."

"I know, but we probably should go to the meeting.."

"Ok" he said" but just try to talk to him.."

I rolled my eyes, he never gave up...

We entered the room, and Colin was answering some questions from Chris, I sated next to Lance " We need to talk" I whispered, he nodded, I looked at JC and he was talking with Justin really low, and it seemed that Justin wasn't liking it very much..

  • So, we have to always take our body guards with us, when ever we go out?- Chris asked

  • Yes, even if it is just to buy popcorn- Colin said smiling

I was starting to get bored again with the meeting, when I felt someone tapping my shoulder, I looked at him and he gave me a piece of paper (it looked like we were back in school), I grabbed the paper and opened it

"Be in our place at 4.00, please "

It could only be Justin (of course), I looked at him, and he was looking at me with pleading eyes, I tough about it for a second and nodded at him, he smiled and whispered a Thank You, I smiled back

  • Well, I think that that's it, again thank you for coming and I wish everyone good luck for the tour- Colin said smiling

Thank God the meeting was over, it was really boring, and if it wasn't for the paper I probably would felt asleep. Me and Lance went over to Joey and Chris

  • Zack, good to see you, where have you been- Joey said hugging me

  • At Lance's place, he has been helping me out- I said smiling

Chris was trying really hard to hold what he wanted to say about my answer" I missed you too Chris" I said smiling" If you say what you are holding up, I'll kill you" I whispered to him

"I'm really afraid Zack" he whispered back

I just smiled" Well, how have you guys been?"

"Good, just doing our job of being superstars... you?- Joey said

"Well, I'm trying to just relax, but it's hard..." - I said sadly

"You two still haven't fixed things up?"- Chris said


"I'm sorry; you'll see that everything will be alright..." Joey said with a smile

"So.. do you guys have any plans for lunch?"- Chris asked

"Actually we have, me and Lance are going to have lunch alone." I said smiling" But you guys can come over at Lance's house and have dinner, he said that he would love to cook to us"

"Sure we would love to" Joey said

"OK" I said

"Dam, I forgot some papers in the room, Zack could you come with me and help me finding them?" Lance asked almost making me say yes

"Sure" I said unsure" I guess we will see each others at dinner"

"Ok, bye "they both said

"Bye" I said

While I was saying goodbye Lance dragged me to the meeting room" What were you doing?"

"Inviting some friends to come over to have dinner" I said simply

"Without asking me first?"- Lance asked

"Lance you need to have a night of rest, you don't look very good, you are very tired. "I said looking into his eyes" And you are not going to anything today, today is your day off" I said smiling

He looked at me for some seconds, then he just nodded" OK, but you will cook"

"I'll cook, but if any on the guys dies of food intoxication, don't blame me..."

He smiled" Where are we going to lunch?"

"I don't know, surprise me"

He nodded, the room was almost empty, Colin was grabbing his stuff and two Justin and JC were talking in a corner, I looked at Justin and he seemed better, he looked at me and smiled, I smiled back, I don't know why but I had a feeling that things were going to be better...

  • So, I don't like to ask you this Lance, but how are things with my sister? -I asked eating another slice of my pizza

He blushed a little" Well, your sister and I stooped seeing each other, we couldn't handle the distance and we are better as friends!"

  • Oh, OK- I said surprised

-So, what did the note said? - Lance asked me

Now it was my turn to blush" Well we are going to meet at 4.00 in our place..."

"Do you want me to go with you?" he asked worried

"No, this is between me and him... But you could give me a ride..." I said smiling

"Sure, where is that special place?" he asked

"It is a secret, but you just leave me in your house, that I'll go on foot..." I said

"Ok, I'm not going to push" He said eating another slice of pizza

"So, anyone has caught your eye?" I asked smiling

This time he really blushed "No..."

I looked at him, he was hiding me something" Liar..." I said with a evil smile "I'm not going to let you go away with this you know?"

He sighed "I know, but I'll tell you, relax..."

"Ok, oh and you have to promise me that you'll sleep during the afternoon.."

"Why, so that you and Justin can go to my guest room and..." he said smiling

I blushed" No, dirty minded, not that, you look pretty tired, you look like you haven't slept during the week..."

He just continued eating the pizza "And like you haven't ate in a week, you are hungry aren't you?"

He nodded" So you promise me?" I asked

He just nodded; he was really hungry, he was almost finishing his pizza "If you want you can have mine" I said, seeing him eat made me loose my appetite...

  • Are you sure that you don't want me to go with you? - Lance asked me again, but this time he was almost asleep

  • No, you just get some sleep, I'll wake you up in time to dinner...- I said pulling the sheets over him

He just nodded, in record time he was sleeping; he probably was more tired than what he thought, and he looked pretty cute sleeping, but I hadn't time for that, I looked at the clock and saw that I had 15 minutes to the meeting.

I grabbed my keys, and started walking towards the meeting place, our place was next to a lake, a lake that by coincidence was near Lance's house, it was a small lake, but it was really beautiful, I discovered it while I was having a walk, it was when I had my first discussion with Justin, I think that we were arguing about me buying a house, he wanted me to live in his house, and I just wanted to have a place on my one, we argued and I decided to walk to calm down, I discovered this lake and stayed here for a long time, it seemed that Justin also had the same idea, cause he appeared at the lake a little later, we talked there and made up... Those were happy times...

I walked towards the lake, and found out that Justin was already there throwing stones at the water, he was sated and was nervous, cause he didn't stooped playing with is shirt's buttons, I smiled, I walked towards him and putted a hand on his shoulder, God I missed that

He jumped and immediately looked to me" God you scared me, I'm glad you came.."

"Me too, I guess we better start talking huh?" I said looking at the ground

"Yeah" he said, he lifted, my face, making me look at him" But it's better if we look at each other"

"Ok" I said simply

"Jack I'm sorry..." he started


Well, I was never good at cliffhangers... But I promise that I'll continue writing this story, it can take months but I'll never stoop... As usual, e-mail me to zeca_p@netc.pt

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