Justin and Wade

By Adam

Published on Nov 27, 2005


I was very glad to get a response from some people in regards to the first chapter. If you enjoyed reading than I'd love for you to check out some stories that I've written before....although a long time ago, lol. These are hard to find in the archive since most are from 2001, but if you liked the first chapter and need something to hold you over between chapters look for: Southern Couple, Pop High, Loneliness Unmasked, Almost Torn Apart, Variation Participation, Justin's E True Hollywood Story, Justin and Pharell, and Tattoos and Curls. They range from 2003 to 2001, and since then I haven't written much til now....and not to keep you waiting any longer chapter 2.

"So I hear that you and Wade are about to hit a whole year...plans?" Britney turned to Justin with a smile, at first Justin tried to ignore her, acting like he was intent on doing his homework, but even she knew that he never did homework in study hall. "Well"

"I don't know, he hasn't mentioned anything yet." Justin said without looking up, he wasn't in the mood to strike a conversation about it becuase he was kind of pissed at the idea. Wade had yet to mention any special plans or even bring it up. Justin had hinted at the kind of gifts he would want, but Wade had mentioned nothing to him. He was beginning to think that Wade had forgotten of the occasion.

"Why does he have to mention anything? Can't you bring it up?" Britney asked with confusion. She always had to remind Nick of special arrangements and occasions.

"I have hinted towards him but he isn't getting the hints." Justin replied, shutting his book after realizing that Britney would not give the arguement up.

"Well I always tell Nick, if I want anything that's the only way I can get it."

"I just want Wade to remember on his own, it's one year, that means something...ya know?' Justin asked, disappointment showing clear through his voice. "Anyways, he has the big Homecoming game and then the dance, so we're gonna be really busy this weekend."

"Don't brush it off, I'm sure he's got something up his sleeve. So what did you get him?"

"I haven't yet." Justin admitted sheepishly. "I've been looking but I can't figure it out, he has everything he needs, I mean, his parents handle that for him. I've thought about things he's pointed out, but nothing stands out clearly in my head. I've still got three more days to figure out, so I'm not worried."

"Yeah, take your time, make it special. And then of course tell me what he got you, or didn't so that I can be in on it. Ya know, cuz I wanna comfort you if he forgets and I wanna be there to see your silly face if he remembers and sweeps you off your feet." Britney said with a laugh.

"Ha Ha, very funny. You wanna go to the mall and the stores with me after school today, the guys have practice anyways." Justin asked, referring to the fact that the boyfriends both had football practice.

"Pretty sure that I can do, although I kinda had plans with Lance and Christina." Britney replied.

"You are gonna hang out with Lance when Nick isn't there?" Justin asked a little taken aback.

"Yeah why not?" Britney asked innocently, although she already knew the reason for his question.

"Because Nick and Lance hate each other and because Nick doesn't trust Lance. You remember what Lance did when Nick was dating Becky?" Justin asked, but did not wait for a response. "He fucked her in Nick's car during a football game, Nick will kill you if he finds out."

"Christina's gonna be there, and so are you." Britney said in response for herself.

"No way, I'm not hanging out with you if he's going out. I don't have any personaly problem with Lance, but through Nick I do. There is no way I'm gonna get into a huge fight with you two, then drag Wade into it before a game and our anniversary, that would be a great way to ruin my week and his." Justin said and reopened his book for studying.

"You've got to be kidding me, you'd rather go to the mall by yourself then with me?" Britney asked staring Justin down.

"I'll just ask my mom to go." Justin said with a smile and put his head into the book. Britney made a shrugging noise but Justin ignored it, she wasn't mad, just annoyed. She knew what she was doing was going to get her in trouble with her boyfriend and was mad Justin had brought it up before hand.

Bring Bring Bring.....

Justin grabbed his stuff and stood up, not having realized that it was so close to the next period. "I'll call you tonight Brit, check in." Justin said as he left the study hall room heading for last period. He had Phys Ed, which he loved, last period was great because he didn't have to rush to shower up after the class to get to his next one.

As he entered the locker room he noticed that most people were already changed, a few of the kids he normally didn't hang out with were left in the room changing at various lockers. He set his stuff down on the bench and undressed, reaching in his locker for a pair of shorts and a shirt. He pulled out his stuff and threw it on, barely making it into the gym before the late bell rang.

"Alright guys, today we are going to play ultimate frisbee...Greg...Sharon you're team captains pick boy/girl alternating. Greg you're pinnies....Sharon your shirts." Coach Mead hollered out and walked to the corner of the gym where he normally resided at all times. He hardly coached anything at all.

Justin found his way over to his friends and stood by them, waiting to be called. He was normally picked farely early on for the sports, but today he seemed to be getting passed by, finally he was picked to Sharon's team with most of his friends and made his way back to their side again.

Gym class was fairly normal, the game getting intense at some points, but for the most part boring and mild. Justin had a few good assists in the game but not much else, not really feeling like overexerting himself today. As the bell rang for the end of class he made his way back into the lockerroom.

The lockerrooms were always crowded after class when everyone merged into shower and change. Justin pulled off his gym clothes and went straight to his locker in his boxer briefs. He had no interest in showering because he did not exert himself enough to really work up a sweat, and after all he was only heading home after this.

"Hey Justin, tight assists out there." Brad Williams hollered at Justin across the locker room. Brad was one of the main jerks around school, the few who openly taunted Justin about being gay. Justin ignored his comment as he threw his clothes in the locker and pulled out his school clothes.

"I was talking to you Justin, I said nice ass...ist out there." Brad emphasized ass as he stood there, barely a towel hanging on his body. Justin would have normally thought a person of Brad's appearance was hot, afterall looking never killed a relationship, but Brad's personality made him one of the ugliest guys at school. "Maybe next time you can be on my team and give me a hand."

Justin shrugged off the comment and the hand gesture as he pulled on his shirt. "I don't think it's cool that you're ignoring me." Brad said and walked away, always being the end result as Justin never resorted to egging him on.

"Sorry Brad." He screamed across the lockerroom as he pull on his pants and headed out of the lockerroom.

"Hey baby." Wade grabbed Justin by the waist and swung him around, kissing him as he let him come to a still. "What took you so long?"

"You know Brad." Justin laughed and started walking." So, any big ideas of things to do for this weekend?" Justin asked with hope Wade would start ticking the brain away and realize the event ahead.

"You mean besides the game and homecoming?" Wade asked with a confused face...in reality he knew what Justin was hinting at, and what he had been hinting at for the past few days, but he didn't want Justin to know that.

"Nah, those are pretty big." Justin said disappointed.

"Cool, cuz I'm gonna be dead tired this weekend, so after the party over dance party I think I'm just gonna wanna chill you and me at my place, sleep the night away." Wade replied, continuing his ploy, he knew Justin hated surprises and would be mad at him up until the last minute but he had the perfect night planned.

"Okay, what every you want honey." Justin said with lack of enthusiasm. "Um, well, you should be getting to practice so I'm gonna get going, I'm gonna have a mom/son day I think. Call me when you get home though."

"K babe." Wade said as they pulled together for a quick kiss. "Have fun."

Justin walked away to the car sulking, disappointed that his boyfriend still wasn't aware of the anniversary ahead. Wade walked back into the school with disappointment himself, hating to see Justin obviously upset but not wanting to blow his own cover, he hadn't even told the others about his plans yet, not wanting them to let it leak to Justin on accident.

As Wade walked into the locker room he noticed that Brad was still in there with some of his buddies finishing getting dressed.

"Hey Brad." Wade said as he walked up and shoved him into the wall. "I hear you keep on bugging Justin, and I know that I asked you about that before."

"Justin must not know what he is talking about." Brad said with a smirk. "I just tease him, ya know, nothing but a friendly banter."

"Well, I think we should keep the banter to ourselves from now on." Wade said with another shove, without a word he walked to his locker, no fear of Brad doing anything to him back.

Brad shook his head and he and his friends left, leaving Wade in the locker room alone, the rest of the players already outside on the field probably. Wade stripped down and stood against his locker. He was dead tired, working three nights a week, school, football, all trying to prepare for college and keeping it together with Justin. This week was the last week of work, he had gotten all the money he needed for his surprise for Justin and then he was going to quit.

He had never realized how tough it would be to have four major committments, none of which he could sacrifice, but his parents could pay for him to go out once he quit his job, after all he was going to get a free ride through school and he was doing half decent in his classes this year so he figured they owed him one off the bat. He just hoped that he'd be able to keep Justin intact for the next few days so he didn't have to work at that.

He threw on his practice gear and made his way out to the field not wanting to spend more time idlly thinking of what could, but he knew wouldn't happen.

Okay, this chapter was kind of like an interlude to set up for chapter 3 which will take place at the football game and afterwards. Hope you enjoyed it, although I know it was short and more of a filler, sorry about that.

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