Justin & Mike

By kent jackson

Published on Oct 25, 2011



Mike entered his favorite bar, Trax, after a long week where the work had piled up and clients had been uncooperative. He needed some relaxation and maybe some company to work off the tension of the week. He had wrangled the clients into seeing everything his way but it was a lot of effort and had taken a lot out of him.

Mike didn't expect to have much trouble hooking up. Oh, he wasn't the best-looking guy in the bar, or the most muscular. He couldn't claim that every man he sought out had ended up in his bed. But he knew he was above average in looks; masculine and with a good body and a confident air that allowed him to approach almost anyone that attracted him. So, while not everyone he approached ended up in his bed, a good number of them did, with their legs raised high and an acquiescent attitude toward his needs.

And this was a night when there seemed to be a lot of men to choose from. That short muscular guy in the tight tank top was hot. The full brush of hair peeking out the top of the shirt promised a hairy ass, which was always fun to pump from behind while reaching around to play with his pecs. The way the man kept looking Mike's way indicated he was open to the possibility of hooking up. An Asian man just a little bit shorter than Mike's 5'11" also looked interesting. An open, friendly face; cute dimples; broad, well-developed chest in a tight t-shirt; talking and laughing with a group of friends. Or the tall, thin blond with messy hair and a wispy beard. He looked like the type who was thoughtful, liked to discuss things. Fun in bed and then fun conversation over breakfast. Mike wished the dilemmas he faced at work had such attractive possibilities to choose from.

He turned his attention back to the muscular guy and felt the familiar stirring in his dick. Nothing set off a nice ass better than a tight pair of jeans. Mike leaned against the wall and enjoyed watching the man's back as he moved slightly to the music. The guy must have noticed Mike's cruising because he turned halfway toward him, adopted a more butch stance and stopped moving to the music. He started flexing his triceps so that Mike would be sure to notice him. Mike sighed wearily. Truth be told, Mike enjoyed being somewhat dominant with his tricks. He liked telling them what to do, watching them submit. It wasn't that he didn't think he could dominate muscle-man. In fact he was quite sure he could. But muscleman was the type to make you earn it. He'd fight you for top, use his muscles as leverage before giving in. Mike had played that game with these boys many times before and often enjoyed it. The game made winning more fun. But he wasn't in the mood tonight. He was tired, worn out by his week. He needed easy game. Save the adventures for another night.

There was a twink leaning on the wall next to him who seemed to be vying for attention. Cute, blond, skinny, fashionable. Not really Mike's type. And maybe TOO easy. The kind who starts calling him "Sir" before they even leave the bar and then lies immobile waiting to be told every little move. No. jerking off would be more fun.

Bearded guy was still at the bar, smiling shyly to himself. You could tell he was the kind that never noticed he was being cruised but was easy to talk to if you stepped up to him. And he looked like he'd accept Mike's authority without being a wimp.

But the Asian guy... nice looking, cute ass... and that big smile. Yep. That's what Mike wanted tonight, so he strolled over to that part of the bar, smiled, and prepared to lay on the charm. It wasn't as necessary as he had anticipated. Jason, for that was the Asian guy's name, was just as intent on a hook-up tonight, and was attracted to Mike. Jason, as a matter of fact, was the one who brought up nudity and how he hated wearing clothes in the house.

That fit so nicely with one of Mike's kinks. He was really aroused by stripping a guy down while staying clothed himself. After all, who doesn't enjoy looking at a hot naked guy? More importantly, it fed into the power games mike liked to play.

Put two guys in a room, one dressed, the other standing in front of him naked: who do you think has the power? The naked guy is usually a little uncomfortable, a little less aggressive. The situation recalls images of Roman masters and the naked slaves from conquered lands standing before them with bowed heads. At least that is the image Mike always had.

Mike loved giving orders. He enjoyed seeing how far he could push it. Would the guy be resistant; even start to get pissed off? Or would he go along with Mike's more dominant personality? Some take to the submissive role quite quickly and can be ordered to do all sorts of degrading things. One guy –handsome, outgoing, athletic- turned out to be completely pliable once he was gotten home, servicing Mike's dick beautifully and going over his lap for a long, hard spanking. He wasn't allowed to get dressed in the morning either, being ordered to make and serve Mike breakfast in the nude. Mike's dick got hard every time he thought of him. Whatever his name was.

Mike put his hand on the small of Jason's back to steer him out of the crowded bar. This should be one of the easy ones. This boy should be the naked on his knees in no time at all. Mike's apartment wasn't far and they both seemed anxious to get started...

They entered the foyer of Mike's apartment with Mike leading the way.

"May as well get roles clear right from the beginning, he thought.

"No pants for you from here on in. Take them off and hand them over." Mike said it without a smile and with an aggressive tone of voice so that Jason would understand who was going to be in charge this evening.

"Just the pants?" Jason asked with a huge grin on his face. He pushed them down and quickly pulled them off before also pulling off his t-shirt.

It wasn't the reaction Mike was used to or, truth be told, that he wanted. Making a guy strip right away usually made the guy feel a little intimidated. And if he got defensive it allowed Mike's attitude to become even more aggressive. But this guy didn't seem intimidated at all. Actually he seemed like an exhibitionist who couldn't wait to get his clothes off.

Okay, it wasn't the way things usually started. But looking Jason over as he stood in the hall, Mike had to admit it was a pretty hot view. Jason had broad shoulders, good biceps, tiny brown nipples and a small waist. His light tan skin was smooth and velvety, except for the slight trail running from his belly button into his briefs. He was wearing a small pair of light blue briefs which seemed to indicate a nice-sized cock, and definitely showed a round sexy ass. When he smiled, which he seemed always to do, he showed dimples that made him even more attractive.

Jason knew he was being stared at and seemed to revel in it. Rather than be intimidated by being almost naked in front of a fully-dressed man, it seemed to make him happy. He tugged at his briefs, adjusting them in a way that exposed a little pubic hair. He seemed anxious to throw them on the pile with the rest of his discarded clothes.

Actually, Mike was anxious to get rid of those briefs too. He needed to get this party started. Mike knew Justin was a sub; he just LOOKED like one. But Mike felt a little off his game tonight. He was staring at this boy instead of getting him to start servicing his dick.

"C'mon, boy. You've got some dick sucking to do." Mike cupped the back of Justin's neck and led him to the bedroom. He was feeling better now, as he always did when he took charge.

When they reached the bed, Mike put his hands on Justin's shoulder's, pushing him to his knees, then swung around so he was sitting on the bed with his crotch at Jason's face level.

"Go ahead, boy. Get it out and make it feel good."

Jason's fingers worked swiftly, unbuckling the belt, popping the top button, and pulling down the zipper. He pinched Mike's jeans at the thighs, tugging them down to his ankles with the assistance of Mike lifting his ass off the bed for a bit. Then hooking his fingers in the sides of Mike's briefs he dragged those down as well.

Mike's 7 ½ inch dick was already hard, waving a bit above his thick pubic bush. Yes! This is what he had been waiting for all night. A hot man kneeling in front of his cock, ready to suck it.

The first contact was Jason's tongue sliding from the bottom of his dick to the top. Mike immediately shuddered as a surge of excitement grew from groin and shot up into his chest. All of a sudden the hot mouth closed over his dick head and fingers played with his balls. Jesus!

Jason's mouth started a slow descent to the base of Mike's prick, tongue flicking all the way. His fingers rolled the balls around, stretching them, collaring them at the bottom.

Jason's head started bobbing up and down on the dick as his hand mimicked the motion. Mike's head was thrashing from side to side on the bed as intense sexual feelings were churning inside and his dick got even harder.

Now Mike's mouth was on his ball sack, pulling Mike's left nut into his mouth for a tongue bath while his fist continued to pump Mike's dick.


This guy was amazing. An incredible sex machine. A mouth designed to drive Mike crazy with lust. The other ball was sucked into his mouth and the tongue was working overtime on them.

"Keep going, boy. Worship those balls. Fuck!"

His mouth was open, his eyes closed as he felt Jason tongue licking beneath his balls, nipping at the skin down there. Jason's shoulders pushed further under Mike's legs, snagging them on his shoulders. When he then raised himself up a little, Mike's legs spread and he could feel Jason's tongue, flattened out and pulled up the length of Mike's hairy crack.

"Oh god, ohgod, ohgod, ohgod..."

Mike loved being rimmed but he didn't often find guys who were into it. Because he was so dominant in the bedroom he occasionally ordered some guy to rim him. But their lack of enthusiasm was always evident. This guy was anything but unenthusiastic! He was rimming Mike like a crazy man, his tongue racing around Mike's pucker and pushing in as far as a tongue can go.

Mike was having a hard time catching his breath. This guy was taking him places he hadn't been in years! Man! He should keep Jason chained to the bed for a few months!

Mike was massaging his dick, spreading the precum over its head as Jason's tongue sent electric shivers up the length of his body. His cock was rigid; harder than he remembered it getting in a long while. The hand playing with his balls, the tongues lapping everywhere, the teeth nipping his thighs, the finger sliding up his hole...

Wait, what?

Mike struggled to sit up while he started giving orders: "No! No, man. No fingers. Your tongue is hot but that's all that goes up there."

Mike always believed in clear definitions and strict delineations on who does what to whom. And any assplay was something Mike did to the other guy. Except of course rimming (which was still keeping his cock excited.)

Unfortunately Jason didn't seem to hear anything; he was so involved between Mike's legs. His mouth was sucking on Mike's hairy balls, flicking them with his tongue. His finger playing with the prostate he had just found.

"C'mon, man. Suck my dick now. "

"Jesus, what's wrong with you? You deaf? Get up here, boy!" Mike tried lifting Jason's head and pulling it up but he wasn't at the right angle to gain much leverage. And those broad shoulders and big biceps he had admired earlier were now frustrating him. This dude was strong. And he was using two fingers in there! Stretching Mike out, punching his prostate.

This flew in the face of everything Mike thought about himself. The image he presented to the world and even to himself, was a total top; dominant, a little cruel. And yet here he was with his legs spread, some man fingering his hole, and his dick was hard and he was writhing with lust.

Finally, suddenly, the fingers were withdrawn. Slowly Jason's head worked up Mike's body, kissing and nibbling, licking. Jason's arms, spread wide under Mike's legs, moved up too, spreading Mike's legs further and doubling back Mike's body. Until finally Justin's face was just above Mike's and he was smiling.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch." And then, bam! Justin's cock was sliding all the way in.

"Fuck! You're a tight little bitch. You must not be getting this enough!"

Justin's dick was filling him up. Sliding out for a second, and then pounding his hole. Fast and hard.

Mike was completely confused. He knew he was supposed to hate this. But his dick was still rock hard and he didn't want Justin to stop. He enjoyed getting fucked! He wanted to submit to Justin. He needed Justin to be the man. He just didn't want anyone else to know about it.

"That's right, boy. Spread your legs wide. Take your man all the way in your tight little hole." Justin's cute face was still grinning. He was having fun. But obviously there was a strong masculine presence there. He liked to be naked. And he liked to get his way.

Being top, being aggressive was such a big part of Mike's self-concept that he didn't know how to take this in. The best he could do was to let his mind go blank and get off on these intense sexual charges. Letting Justin take over and make them both happy.

He felt Justin's cock swell up in him as Justin's words turned to mere grunts. The pounding was faster and harder and sexier. Until finally Justin shot into the rubber and slumped down over Mike's panting body.

After taking a couple of minutes to return to normal Justin sat up, grabbed Mike's briefs and wiped his dick with them before throwing them on the floor.

"How about a washcloth, dude?' he said, slapping Mike on the ass.

Mike jumped out and went to the bathroom, warmed up the water, thinking how usually the boys clean HIM up. Okay, don't think about that. Just wipe him off and think about your own dick.

Justin was lying back on the bed, the pillows scrunched up as a resting place and his arm behind his head. He still had that beautiful grin on his face so he must have enjoyed himself too.

Gently Mike ran the cloth over his thick pubes, the long cock, still tumescent after its work out, the low-hanging balls, the tight stomach. Justin gave a quick laugh as his cock twitched from the touch of Mike's hand.

Mike settled next to Justin on his back and started to get his mojo back. He grabbed his dick and started slowly to stroke it; squeeze it. Until Justin slapped his hand away.

"Nah, we're done for tonight. Gotta get up early."

He spooned Mike from the back, his arms across Mike's stomach, and soon fell asleep.

In the morning, Mike woke to feel his nipples being pinched and squeezed and his dick once more (still?) erect.

"I like my breakfasts to be on the healthy side, Mikey."

"Sure. Um, I think I've got stuff."

"Cool. Well, you better get going. I've got a shitload of stuff to do today."

Mike moved to the end of the bed and picked up his briefs to put on but they were snatched out of his hands and tossed to the other side of the room.

"Nah, you don't need those. I like you bare."

As Justin headed off for the shower, Mike went to the kitchen to see what he could do with egg white, some vegetables and whole wheat toast. He felt awkward being naked in the kitchen. In the bedroom, fine, but here it just seemed weird. Especially as he passed in front of the window over the sink. And why was he naked anyway? Because the boy in there took his underpants away? WTF? What happened in there last night? And why did it seem to STILL be happening? He should go in there, pull that boy out of the shower, throw him across the bed and fuck the shit out of him!

But...somehow he wasn't doing that. He was walking around the kitchen like a naked slave, preparing to serve the guy. And he was still hard. Every time he thought of Justin he got a charge in his gut. Maybe...maybe he could let this guy fuck him again? No one else of course. He'd still be a Dom out there. Or should he just throw the guy out and pretend it never happened. Maybe he was way drunk last night? Although he didn't remember drinking that much.

Mike shook his head and went on cooking. There was too much to think about and too little of it made sense. Later. He'd figure it out later.

When Mike brought the plates to the table he was surprised to see Justin already there, flipping through a magazine he had grabbed from the living room. He was shirtless and barefoot but wearing his jeans. Because Mike was staring at the smooth brown chest and pointed nipples, he tripped a little on the way over. And the jeans seemed to emphasize his own nudity, bringing a flush to his cheek.

"Great! This looks fantastic, man!"

Justin grabbed the back of Mike's neck and pulled his head down for a long lingering kiss that invaded Mike's mouth the way it had invaded his hole the night before.

After a few moments the pressure was back on and Mike's head was being pulled lower, down into Justin's lap.

"Wish I had more time for this, man, but I've really got to get moving soon."

Mike's resistance automatically kicked in and his head started to rise but Justin's tight grip kept it in place near his crotch. Justin's other hand was pulling down his zipper and digging out his dick, already starting to harden.

Mike was still trying to pull back his head, but at the same time his tongue was sliding out toward the fat cock in front of him.

"There you go. Sweet. Be a good boy for me."

Justin scooted out his chair a little so Mike could squeeze by him and crawl under the table to get a better angle for the cock that was brushing his face. He wanted it. He wanted to lick it, swallow it and give it pleasure. He put the big head in his mouth, swirled his tongue around it and found a drop of precum to savor. Truth be told, Mike wasn't that good at giving blowjobs, having more experience at receiving them, but he was determined to suck it down until his was in this man's pubes.

There were intrusive thoughts at the edge of Mike's mind... wasn't it HIS turn to be sexually serviced?... he was kneeling naked under his own damn table... and, what the fuck, the dude was eating breakfast while he was getting blown! Mike could hear the fork scraping across the plate!...

But Mike pushed all thoughts aside. He was completely caught up in this man. He didn't WANT to think about anything but pleasuring this cock. Making it shoot. Which it seemed it was about to.

Justin grabbed Mike's head, pulled out and almost immediately started shooting a good-sized load in Mike's face and hair. Mike was pleased to hear a contented sigh come from Justin as he wiped some remaining cum on Mike's cheeks.

"Thanks, man" Justin said as he patted Mike's head and left for the bedroom. He returned a few minutes later completely dressed.

Mike scrambled to get off the floor, trying to exhibit a little bit of dignity. As much dignity as he could muster while being naked and having another man's cum all over his face.

"Well, um, I don't know if I'll see you around or not..."

"Oh, we'll see each other again.

"Oh. Okay. Well I don't have your number or... I usually...

"Don't worry. I downloaded everything I need off your phone while you were making breakfast. I'll let you know when I want to see you." Justin had that big grin of his and gave a quick wink before he left.

Mike finally sat at the table and started eating his cold eggs. And thinking.

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