Justin and Jared

By StoryFan

Published on Oct 30, 2020


Part 2

Justin lay in stunned disbelief on the carpet. His new roommate had just fucked him on the hallway floor. No, not fucked him, raped him. Justin's asshole was swollen, and any small movement caused pain to shoot through his body. It was a wonder he wasn't bleeding. He could feel Jared's cum seeping out of him. His head hurt where Jared had bounced it off the floor. He didn't know what to do. He lied there, gasping for breath, trying to make is mind work again. After shooting his load Jared had grunted in his ear that Justin was his fag now. That Jared owned him. He remembered his own voice sobbing that he was Jared's bitch, and that he would do whatever Jared wanted. What happens now? Should he run, try to get away? Or would he be lucky enough that Jared would go back to fucking girls and leave him alone? Only moments went by before the voice came from the next room.

"Faggot! Get your sorry ass in here. Now!" Wincing with pain, Justin pulled himself up. His head was swimming. He steadied himself against the wall, then walked into the living room. Jared was sitting on the couch with his legs spread. His feet were flat on the floor, raising his ass up slightly, jutting his crotch forward. His dick wasn't hard now, but it didn't seem to be much smaller for being soft. It lay, thick and meaty, on his right thigh, stretching most of the way to his knee. It still glistened with ass juice and cum from the fucking moments before. He was gripping his giant right pec, slowly rubbing his nipple.

"Now, faggot, here's how it's going to be. You're mine now. What I say, you do. As far as you're concerned, I am your God. You will serve me and worship me. From now on you will keep this apartment spotless. Laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning is all yours to do. And I'd better not run out of anything. You'll be doing my schoolwork as well as your own. When you aren't doing those things, your proper place is sitting on the floor between my legs, waiting to serve me. I know how this goes: you hate me right now, but it won't be long before you can't live without this dick." He slapped his semi-soft cock against his thigh. The sound echoed in the room.

"Don't think that you are the only one who will be getting this dick, no matter how much you come to beg for it. You're a fag and I'll use you when I want. But I'm a real Man and I need pussy. Expect me to be fucking some girl every day. When they come over you disappear. Go into your room and wait until they're gone. I get sweaty when I fuck. It's your job to clean the sweat off my body and the cum and pussy juice off my cock as soon as they leave."

"From now on all you will wear here is a jockstrap. I don't want anything slowing me down when I want that hole. And I expect you to stay looking like you do now. Don't think you can make yourself fat to turn me off. All that will do is make me mad, and that would be a very stupid thing to do. I expect you to pay attention to what I like and learn to anticipate my needs. If you fail you will be corrected, and you won't like how."

"Oh, and don't even think about telling anyone. Everyone knows that there are just as many guys on this campus as girls who want on this cock. No one will believe that you didn't move in here just to try to get with me. And my coach will cover up any complaints—he's done it before. The wrestling program is important to this school, and I'm the star. You have no way out of this. You belong to me. Do you understand?"

Justin felt completely trapped; he couldn't think of any way to get out of this. He knew Jared was violent and wouldn't hesitate to follow through on his threats. For now, it seemed safest to submit. He couldn't even raise his eyes off the floor. He shuddered as he breathed in, and whispered "Yes, Sir."

Jared smiled broadly. "That's good, fag. That's very good. And don't worry. As long as you behave and please me, you'll be fine." He laughed. It wasn't a nice sound. "This cock and I are going to take good care of you, I promise. Now like I said, I'm sweaty. Clean me up."

Jared nodded "Yes, Master," and started to walk toward the bathroom.

"Bitch, where the fuck do you think you're going?"

"To get a washcloth from the bathroom, Sir."

Jared laughed again. "You aren't going to use a washcloth. Get over here and get down on your knees. When I say `clean me up' I mean use your tongue. Lick the sweat off me like a good fag. Show me how lucky you are to get to taste this body."

"You w-w-want me to l-lick you, Sir?" stuttered Justin. Disbelief made him forget the earlier warning. Did Jared really expect Justin to lick his body?

In one quick motion Jared surged up off the couch and punched Justin hard in the gut. The breath exploded out of him and he collapsed to the floor, red faced and struggling to breathe. Jared walked over and stood next to Justin's head. "Faggot, I told you what to do. I told you if you failed, you'd be corrected. Now you have been. Don't push me, or I swear to god you'll be sorry. Now open your mouth and start cleaning me. Start with my foot."

Still gasping for breath, Justin moved his head over Jared's foot and stuck out his tongue. He tentatively touched it to the top of Jared's right foot. Justin was grateful that Jared had been barefoot all day—all he tasted was sweat. He reached his tongue out further and began to lick. He could feel Jared's eyes burning down on him, and he began to lick faster. He dragged his tongue across Jared's black, meaty foot, working toward the ankle. "How does my foot taste, faggot?" asked Jared.

"I-it tastes wo-wonderful, Sir," gasped Justin.

"Good boy," replied Jared. "And, what else?"

Justin thought hard and fast for a moment. "Uh, thank you, Master, for letting me lick you?"

Jared laughed low in his throat. "That's right. What a good bitch you're going to be!" Justin's tongue was now beginning to work its way up Jared's calf. Jared could feel Justin tracing the outline of the muscle. "Now, boy, take off your shirt and hug my leg. I want you to know how your God's body feels against your pathetic little bitch body. Rub against my muscles. And keep licking. Make me believe you love worshiping me."

Justin took off his shirt and did what he was told. He wrapped his arms around Jared's tree trunk of a leg, pushing his body against it. The heat against his skin was incredible. He began to rub up and down on Jared's leg, contorting his body against it, massaging the muscles with his hands. He knew that if he didn't please Jared things would get ugly, and fast. His tongue was moving nonstop, licking the sheen of sweat from Jared's thigh. As he licked, he kept up a steady stream of "Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Master. Thank you." He could hear Jared beginning to moan in pleasure. He glanced up to see that Jared's cock was rising, lifting hard into the air again.

Jared abruptly pushed Justin off him. He walked over and sat back down on the couch in the same spread legged position as before. Except now his raging monster cock was standing straight up. "You're doing well, bitch. Your God is pleased." He pointed to the floor between his legs. "Now, get over here and do my left leg."

Just crawled over between Jared's legs and did as he was told, starting on the foot, slowly and thoroughly licking his way up the calf and onto the thigh. As he began running his tongue over Jared's inner thigh, he suddenly felt Jared's legs close against him. He was once again encased in solid, black muscle. The musky smell of Jared's body was almost overwhelming to Justin. He could feel Jared's enormous balls dragging on his forehead, leaving a trail of sweat. The small hairs on the ballsack, the only hair on Justin's new God's body, lightly tickled him. He felt slightly faint but, fearing punishment, he continued lapping at sweat and muscle.

"You feel that, faggot? That's what a real Man's body feels like. Jared squeezed and rubbed his thighs together, practically crushing Justin between the two slabs of meat. "You like that, don't you, bitch? You like when I'm your world. When I'm all you can see and smell and taste."

Justin's face was smashed into Jared's thigh and his response was barely audible. "Yes, Master. I love your body. You're my God and I love serving you."

"You learn quickly, boy. Good. Start on my arms."

Justin stood up and leaned down to lick Jared's arm. "No, bitch, not like that. Get up here." Jared lifted Justin and made him kneel over Jared's right leg. Justin had to grip Jared's leg with his thighs to keep stable as he knelt on the couch cushion. His soft, bare dick was now pressed into Jared's thigh. He could feel the intense heat coming from the muscle God. Jared flexed his right bicep. It looked like a hill rising on the horizon. Using his left hand, he grabbed the back of Justin's head and shoved it into the flexed muscle.

Justin opened his mouth and began to lick. The salty, black flesh felt like hot steel beneath his tongue. He could feel the veins protruding as Jared dragged his head back and forth across the bicep. At the same time, Jared began slowly and rhythmically to rock his right thigh forward and back along Justin's dick. It wasn't long before it started to swell.

Jared looked over and saw a deep, red flush cover Justin's face and neck. He was clearly ashamed that his cock had gotten hard. Jared's cruel laugh sounded again. Jared continued stimulating Justin's cock, growling in his ear, "See, your body understands even if you don't. You're a fag and you get off on me. Jared closed his right arm, crushing Justin's head between forearm and bicep. Justin couldn't move, but he kept licking what he could reach with his tongue.

Jared continued his assault on Justin's dick, until Justin involuntarily moaned. "God, what a faggot you are—getting all hard and moaning while you lick and rub my body." Jared picked Justin up and settled him down over the other leg in the same position. "It's ok, fag. You can rub your little pussyboy dick against me while you worship me. Start with my fingers."

Justin suddenly had two fingers in his mouth. He began sucking but otherwise remained still. Jared shoved his fingers deep, choking Justin. "I said hump my leg, bitch. The only time you'll ever feel pleasure is when you're with me. The only time you'll ever cum is if I let you."

Justin sucked Jared's fingers and resumed thrusting his dick against Jared's meat slab of a thigh. His flush became deeper, his shame intensifying. He didn't want to be hard; he didn't want to be turned on. Not like this. A few drops of precum leaked out of the tip, lubricating the thigh, and increasing the sensation. Jared moaned again, louder.

Jared yanked his fingers out of Justin's mouth. The sudden movement made Justin pitch forward. His face landed next to Jared's armpit. He instinctively put one hand on Jared's pec and the other on Jared's bicep to support himself. Jared raised his arm a bit and Justin's face slid down into the armpit. Justin lowered his arm again, trapping Justin in the massive, hairy space.

Justin felt confused and disgusted. His face was shoved into a man's armpit and covered in sweat. His ass was bruised and sore from being raped by ten inches of black cock. And somehow his dick was hard and leaking precum. He had never wanted out of a situation so badly in his life, but the strength of the muscles holding him in place left him no choice but to continue. He opened his mouth and began licking Jared's cavern of an armpit.

Instantly his mouth filled with the acrid taste of sweat, nearly chocking him. The smell of Jared filled his nose. It was the scent of masculine domination; the smell of an Alpha Man. Justin knew he could never smell like this. He wasn't a man in the way Jared was. Justin kept licking, feeling the armpit hair, coarse against his tongue.

"You're such a sick little freak!" sneered Jared, the sound muffled to Justin by Jared's own enormous muscles. "Licking out my armpit while your hard cock drips on my thigh. What a fucking faggot." Justin blushed harder in shame. It was true. He was doing his best to lick up every drop of sweat in Jared's pit, and his hard dick was now leaking a steady stream of precum. He hated it, but the hot, hard muscle felt so good to rub against that he really didn't want to stop, for all that he was trying to convince himself otherwise.

Jared grabbed Justin's hair and yanked Justin's head from his armpit. He moved Justin's body so that he was now straddling Jared's waist. Jared's ten-inch beast was running along Justin's ass crack, while Justin's own hard dick was pressed against Jared's eight-pack washboard abs. "Pecs and abs, bitch. Now."

Justin immediately latched his mouth onto Jared's right nipple, rubbing the left between his fingers. He was terrified that if he didn't show enthusiasm Jared would shove his cock in and fuck him again. Jared's nipples became instantly hard, and he groaned with approval. He began smacking Justin's ass. Each smack caused Justin's cock to slide against the hard ridges of abdominal muscle.

Justin hated himself for how good it felt. The truth was, he was beginning to lose himself in the sensation. He thrust his face between Jared's meaty pecs and began licking with more enthusiasm. He moaned each time Jared smacked him. Soon the room filled with Justin's steady "Ugh, oh, ugh, ugh," as he lost himself in the moment, bending to Jared's superior will.

Jared tucked his cock beneath Justin and said, "Slide down and lick my abs, bitch." Justin did as instructed, secretly hating the loss of pressure against his dick. He tongued each muscle, and the valleys between them. Justin tasted something else blended in with Jared's sweat and maleness. He realized he was licking up and tasting his own precum. He had leaked all over Jared's abs, and down was being made to clean up his mess. He kept licking, rubbing his face up and down Jared's abs. It felt like a massage against his cheek.

Without warning a length of hot, thick flesh pressed against his exposed cheek He realized that Jared was shoving his cock against his face. The heat was incredible, like molten flesh against his skin. Jared rubbed his hand back and forth along his huge, hard cock, causing his precum to drip onto Justin's forehead. "Do you feel that, boy? Do you feel that cock on your face?"

"Yes, Master," Justin replied, still licking Jared's abs.

"That's a real Man's cock you feel. Not a little bitch dick like yours. When its soft mine is still bigger than your pathetic hardon. Hear me good: don't EVER touch my dick without permission. You have to earn it. You have to be worthy of it. Do you want to know how?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Ask your God properly, bitch."

Justin took a breath. "Please, Master. Teach me how I can be worthy of your God cock."

Jared smiled. He knew it wouldn't be long before Justin would beg for it for real, instead of responding out of fear. He stroked Justin's hair. "Good bitch. That's exactly how you ask your Master for something. Very good."

The sudden act of pseudo-kindness was a balm on Justin's nerves after all the terror. He felt a rush of gratitude toward Jared, immediately followed by a wave of revulsion and shame. How could he feel good about any of this? He hadn't studied enough psychology to realize that he was being conditioned. Like a dog, he was being trained to both fear and love his Master.

Jared pushed Justin onto the floor. He scooted forward so that half his ass was hanging off the front of the couch. He left his legs spread wide and pointed between them. "You see my nuts, boy?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Get your tongue on them. Now." Jared leaned back into the couch and put his arms behind his head. He knew this showed off his muscles to good effect. He knew that soon Justin would beg to see the sight. Justin sat down on the floor and rested his back against Jared's mammoth right leg. He looked at Jared's balls, huge and pendulous, dangling down between those solid black thighs. He knew that they held a massive amount of cum. He had felt just how gigantic a load earlier when Jared had bred him.

He leaned forward and swiped his tongue up Jared's ballsack. It didn't taste much different than the rest of Jared's body, though the crinkly skin was softer on his tongue than the rock-solid muscle had been. He lapped at Jared's balls, dragging his tongue all over them. He opened his mouth and gently sucked in one nut. He heard Jared's groan of approval as he rolled the ball around in his mouth. He felt Jared's leg muscles tensing and relaxing behind him, and he knew he was doing well.

This emboldened, he switched to the other nut, swirling his tongue around it in his mouth. Jared's groans became louder. "That feels good, bitch. Now get your tongue up under my nuts." Justin did as he was told. His slid his tongue behind Jared's balls, hitting the spot right under them. Jared's body twitched like and electric current had run through it. "Oh, FUCK yes, faggot! That's my taint. Get your mouth on it now. Nibble and suck on it. Get on your knees so you can get in there better."

Justin switched to kneeling. Jared lifted his legs and rested a thigh on each of Justin's shoulders. The weight pressed Justin down, leveling him with his Master's crotch. Jared lifted his balls out of the way. "Go on, boy." Justin latched his mouth onto Jared's taint and started sucking. He used his teeth to lightly graze over the flesh, hearing Jared groan louder each time.

Jared grabbed Justin by the back of his head and began rubbing his taint all over Justin's face. Justin gave up sucking and simply stuck out his tongue, letting Jared rub himself across it. Slowly, inexorably, Jared moved Justin's head downward. The moment had come. Somehow Justin had known this was going to happen, although he hadn't let himself think about it. He was about to be forced to lick Jared's ass.

With one final downward push Justin found his mouth level with Jared's exposed hole. The scent of man-musk was stronger here. Not bad, just...overwhelming. That testosterone-laden odor that Jared seemed to emanate from every pore. Thankfully, the hole looked clean. Whatever else, Justin felt lucky that Jared seemed to have good hygiene. Small favors.

Jared's voice sounded from above: "Now, faggot, you're going to lick my asshole. You're going to do it with enthusiasm and care, like you licked the pussy of some bitch girl you fucked in high school. Make love to it with your mouth. Make my hole happy and I'm happy. If you fail... oh, and if you ever put anything other than your mouth against my hole, I'll beat you within an inch of your life. Got it?"

"Yes, Master."

"Not good enough. Tell me what you want. What you're going to do. Beg for it."

Justin stared at the smooth black hole puckering before him. He had to get this right. He couldn't take another `correction'. "Please, Master, may I lick your asshole? It looks so beautiful. I have to put my mouth on it. I need to shove my tongue into it and make you feel good. I know I'm just a worthless fag and you are my God. I know I'm not worthy. But please, Sir, may I lick you?"

Jared's laughter boomed out. "VERY good, faggot. You beg well. Go ahead. Lick my asshole. You've earned it. Justin licked across the hole a few times, tying to work up his nerve. "Are you stupid, bitch? I said EAT MY ASS!" Again, Jared held the back of Justin's head had forced himself against Justin' face. He brought his thighs, still on Justin's shoulders, directly on either side of Justin's head. Justin was again surrounded by hard, black muscle. Only this time Jared's hole was pressing insistently against his mouth.

He gave in. He had no choice. In a moment Jared would hurt him, and badly, if he didn't comply. He opened him mouth and began to eat. He went a little crazy, driven by fear and desperation. He licked and sucked Jared's hole with abandon. He ground his face into it, He tongue-stabbed in as deep as he could. His face was smeared with sweat and spit and ass juice.

He began mumbling while he worshiped, almost unconsciously. "Oh, Sir. Thank you, Master. Your ass is incredible. Thank you for letting me taste you and please you. I love your hole, Master." These words, these prayers, mixed with Jared's grunts and groans. His Master was obviously enjoying the warm, wet assault on his hole. Justin kept licking and sucking Jared's hole like his life depended on it. It did.

Jared said, "Stop." Justin instantly froze, his tongue still partially inside Jared's ass. "Back away." Justin scooted back, and Jared stood up. "Sit with your back against the couch and lean your head back." Justin did as he was told, and immediately Jared straddled him, his ass pointed at Justin's face. Jared squatted down, shoving Justin's face firmly between his ass cheeks. Justin wrapped an arm around each of Jared's legs for support and resumed his worship.

Jared began grinding his hole as hard as he could on Justin—sometimes in circles, sometimes sliding forward and back so one Justin's tongue traveled from hole, to taint, to balls, and back again. Jared was riding Justin's face like it was a mechanical bull, bucking and grinding, bouncing on the tongue for all it was worth. This is why he used faggots. No sorority bitch would lick his ass. Only a little fag boy put in his place did this.

Jared grabbed his cock and began to stroke up and down the length of it while Justin deep-tongued his ass. Every vein on his cock and arms stood out as he stroked. Precum began flooding out of his tip and running down the shaft, lubricating his hand. Jared put more and more weight on Justin, trying to get the tongue in deeper. He rode Justin's face like man possessed as he beat his 10 inches faster and faster.

"Oh, fuck yes. Tongue-fuck my hole you filthy faggot. How does your God taste? Oh, fuck that feels so good. You're...ugh... my bitch and I'm going to... fuck yeah, that's it... use you whenever I want. Shove your tongue in there you worthless bitch. Christ, that's good. Fuck, that's going to make me cum. Keep it up, boy. You're going to make your Master shoot his load."

Jared was in a frenzy—his hand flashing up and down his thick rod, which seemed to be getting longer, thicker, and more engorged by the moment. The mushroom head swelled as precum continued to gush. "That's it, bitch. I'm about to cum. I'm going to turn around and shove this cock your mouth and you're going to swallow every drop that shoots out."

Justin felt Jared lift off his face. He began gasping for air. It had been almost impossible to breathe with Jared sitting on his face. He gained little reprieve, however. He managed a few breaths, then Jared plunged his cock deep into Justin's mouth. Once, twice, three times Justin felt the massive dick pump into his face. Then, Jared tensed every muscle, let out his bull roar, and began to cum.

Hot jizz flooded into Justin. The engorged cockhead in his mouth grew even larger, blasting rope after rope of hot cum down Justin's throat. He began choking, his face red, tears streaming down his cheeks, but he kept swallowing. Justin could see Jared's body twitching and convulsing, could feel the monster cock throbbing in his mouth as Jared continued to drain his balls. Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen jets of cum fired down Justin's throat into his gullet.

Jared collapsed, breathing hard, once more crushing Justin into the couch. Jared pulled out of Justin's mouth and began to hump his cock on Justin's face, the spit and cum lubricating it. "Yes, fag, you made me cum so good. Your God is pleased with you. Very pleased. Fuck, boy!" Jared slowly stood up. He held out his hand to Justin. "See this?"

Justin looked, and saw that Jared's hand was coated in precum from jerking himself. He quickly began licking it off, cleaning the palm, the back of the hand, and sucking on each finger until Jared was clean. Jared shoved Justin out of his way and sat back down on the couch.

"Damn, faggot. You made me cum so hard. I haven't shot like that in a long time. You did very well. Your Master is proud of you." He reached out and petted Justin on the head. "I think you've earned a reward. You made me cum hard, I think I'll let you cum, too. Would you like that, bitch?"

"Yes, Sir.

"Yes, Sir, what, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir, I'd like to cum. Will you please allow me to, Master?"

"I'll do you one better, fag. I'll help. I felt your pussyboy dick hard against me. The way you humped my abs I know you loved it. Climb back up here."

"God, no!" thought Justin. This man had already raped him, sat on his face, and filled both his mouth and ass with seed. Now Jared was going to force him to cum by rubbing himself against Jared? It was almost more than Justin could bear. He looked at Jared's face and found no reprieve. He knelt again over Jared's lap, sitting down on Jared's thighs, feeling the now softening cock beneath him. Jared wrapped his left arm around Justin and pulled him close. "Go ahead, boy. You know you liked it. Thrust that little dick on my abs."

The overwhelming man scent filled Justin's nose as before. He felt the heat of Jared's body beneath him, and the rock-hard ridges of muscle. He began sliding his dick up and down. It only took a moment or two for him to get hard. "There you go. Hard as a rock the moment you touch my body. Good boy. Now, fuck my abs with it. And while you do, tell me how much you need me. How much you want me. How much you love me."

Justin felt shame and flushed like before. He didn't want to be hard; he didn't want to cum. Not like this. Not because Jared demanded it. But it felt good, so good. Against his own will he began to thrust, rubbing his cock over and over against Jared' steel abs.

"Oh, Sir, you feel so good. You're such a real man. I'm just a fag here for your use. I need you so badly. I'm nothing without your body, your lust, your cum." He hated every word coming out of his mouth. But Jared's testosterone-infused scent and the feeling of his cock rubbing against hard muscle was overwhelming him, making him feel dizzy and out of control. As before, he felt himself slipping away into a semi-orgasmic haze, taken over by everything that had happened, was happening, to him.

Jared sensed the breakdown of Justin's resolve. He could feel Justin surrendering to the sensations no matter how badly he fought them. Jared wrapped his arm tighter around Justin, squeezing him closer, increasing the pressure between cock and abs. With his right hand be began to spank Justin hard, each blow timed to Justin's thrust.

"Please, Master... ugh, oh god... I... ugh... need you. Fuck me every day. Fill me up with cum. Make me... ugh, ugh, oh fuck, that feels so good... choke on your cock. Make me feast on your ass. Please use me, I'm yours!" Justin was so close to cumming. He could feel it welling up inside me. He kept thrusting until an extra-hard smack from Jared sent him over the edge. He began firing his load onto the muscle God beneath him screaming, "I LOVE YOU, MASTER!"

He collapsed onto Jared. He involuntarily wrapped his arms around Jared's neck and began kissing and licking it, still firing out cum. While nothing compared to Jared's load, it was still the most that Justin had ever cum in his life. His body shuddered as the last shots fired. He exhaled and lay still on Jared, gently kissing Jared's neck, and shoulder. "Thank you, Sir. Thank you. Thank you." He was close to tears. No one could withstand the emotional turmoil he had experienced over the past several hours.

"You're welcome fag. You did well today. I will use you; I promise. You're mine now, and I'm going to use you every day. You'll never get away from me. Never. Not for the rest of your long, faggoty life. Now, you know what to do next."

Justin nodded slowly. Without a word he slid own out of Jared's lap and on to the floor and licked his cum off Jared's body. "Good boy. Good slut. Good fag. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. I get up every morning at five-thirty to go work out. You will wake me up. Think of a nice way to start my day. You don't want me to get off on the wrong foot, right? I'll be home a bit after eight. You'll meet me at the door, strip me down, and then wash me in the shower. If you're a very good boy, I'll fuck you in the mouth or the ass. Maybe both. Then you'll cook me breakfast, do my laundry, and clean this apartment. You got that, faggot?"

"Yes, Master. I understand."

"Good. I'll see you in the morning."

And with that, Jared walked out of the room. Justin sat on the floor. How had this happened? How could his life change so much in just a few hours? He could taste Jared's cum, still feel it occasionally leak from his ass. His chest was covered in his own spunk from his soul-draining orgasm. He didn't want to believe it, but he knew it would all happen again tomorrow. And the next day. And the one after that. He was owned now. He was Jared's faggot.

Next: Chapter 3

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