Justin and Jared

By StoryFan

Published on Oct 28, 2020


Justin sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed. After much struggle he was finally moving into his room and ready to start his Freshman year of college. It had been a difficult road to get here. He was accepted late to school, and by that time the dorms were all full, forcing him to find off-campus housing—not the easiest task without support from his parents, which they were unable to provide. He found a few small grants, look out some loans, and finally found a place that he could afford.

The apartment was not far from campus and was shared with a Senior named Jared. Jared had said that he'd had trouble renting the spare room, so it was available at a price Justin could afford. It was a nicer apartment than Justin had expected to find, and it was furnished. It didn't take Justin long to discover why Jared had struggled to find a roommate. As much as Justin wanted to be positive, it was clear that Jared was a bit of a prick. He sat on the couch drinking beer watching Justin carry in his things, never offering to help. He simply made snide comments about how much easier a time Justin would be having if Justin were built like he was

Simply put, Jared was opposite of Justin in most ways. Justin was white, 18, 5'10", and 160 pounds. He didn't care much for sports but did exercise to stay in shape. He was polite, helpful, and unassuming. Not shy, but certainly not boisterous. He studied hard and his grades were solid. He always had a good group of friends and usually found a nice girl to date.

Jared, on the other hand, was nothing but swagger and cockiness. He was black, 21, 6'2", and 220 pounds of solid muscle. He bragged about being a starter on the wrestling team. His tank-top and small athletic shorts clearly showed that he was incredibly well developed. He seemed to have muscles on top of muscles. School wasn't a priority for him—the coach made sure he was given good grades so he could wrestle. His entire demeanor oozed casual, jock superiority. Justin had no doubt that Jared got all the girls he wanted. He just hoped that Jared wasn't so wild that it made studying difficult.

"Hey, Frosh," Jared yelled from the living room. "Do you want a beer?"

Justin sat on the edge of the bed and thought for a moment. As much as Jared had gotten on his nerves Justin knew it was best to get along with him. He got up and walked into the living room. Jared was sitting spread legged on the couch watching football. "Sure, thanks," said Justin.

Never looking up from the television, Jared said "Grab me one, too." It wasn't hard for Justin to see how this relationship was going to go. But hey, at least Jared had offered the beer. He grabbed two from the fridge, sat down on the couch, and passed one to Jared.

"Thanks for the beer, man," said Justin.

"Sure, no problem. You call that a fucking pass?" Jared yelled at the television. "Shit, man, how do these people make the team! You watch football?"

"Not really," replied Justin. "Sports aren't my thing"

"Too bad for you, man. If you were on a team and jacked like I am," Jared said, flexing his enormous biceps, "you'd be dripping in pussy. Look at me—I have a different bitch every day bouncing on my dick." He slapped his crotch. "Most of them can't handle all ten inches on their own, but I make them take the whole thing, anyway. They cry that it's too big, that it hurts, but who cares about a bitch, right? They all end up with my nut on their face and then I shove `em out the door." Jared laughed and chugged some beer. He burped loudly and rubbed his groin. "Fuck," he growled in his deep voice, "I need to get laid. Let's see who's got a hole I can use tonight." He picked up his phone and started texting.

Justin sat quietly. He had been raised to be respectful to women, and this level of open misogyny disturbed him. It was probably best to keep some distance between himself and his new roommate. He quickly finished his beer, thanked Jared again, and then went back to his room to finish unpacking.

Later that evening Justin was reading at his desk. Several of his professors had assigned chapters for the first day of class, and he was working his way through his Psychology text. Now unpacked, Justin had changed into a pair of comfortable shorts and a tee-shirt. It felt great to be sitting in his own room studying for class. He had been looking forward to going away for college, and finally it had happened. A little earlier he had heard the front door open and close and had heard Jared's voice as well as a girl's voice and laughter. Justin assumed that Jared had found his `hole to use.' He ignored them and went back to studying.

A bit later Justin was distracted from his studying by a noise. It was quiet at first, but rapidly got louder. The sound was a blend of a rhythmic squeaking and deep grunts, overlaid with short, higher pitched cries and yelps. Justin realized that Jared was fucking the girl. From the sound of things, he wasn't being gentle. Justin sighed and fervently hoped he didn't have a full year of listening to this ahead of him.

He tried to focus on his work, but the sounds kept increasing. The grunts were coming faster now, and the girl sounded more and more like she was in pain. The tempo increased again, and suddenly Justin heard the girl yell "Fuck you, I said not that hard! That fucking hurts you son of a bitch!" There was a flurry of sounds in the next room as the girl exclaimed "Where are my fucking shoes? Take your hand off me! I'm leaving, asshole."

"What the fuck you dumb cunt! I haven't cum yet," screamed Jared. Justin heard feet running down the hall, and the next moment the front door opened and slammed. "Fuck. FUCK!"

Justin didn't know what to do. Should he stay in his room and act like nothing had happened, or go out and try to talk to Jared? A minute later, though, the decision was made for him when Jared bellowed "Frosh! Get out here!"

Justin slowly got up, opened the door, and walked out into the living room. Jared was standing in the middle of the room nude except for a pair of boxer shorts. He was covered in sweat and every muscle stood out. His smooth pecs bulged. His waist was tapered, and he had an eight-pack. As he paced around the room the light reflected off his sweat, picking out the definition in his shoulders, back, and calves. From the tent in his shorts he clearly hadn't lost his massive erection. He looked at Justin. "That fucking cunt! Can you believe that shit? Grab me a beer." As Justin went to fetch it Jared continued his rant. "I told her it was fucking big. She said she could take it, the lying bitch. What is wrong with these girls? Why can't they just lie there and take it. What the fuck if the point of them if they don't make me cum!" His eyes were filled with angry fire. "Goddam fucking cock tease!"

Justin stood quietly, unsure of what to say. He wasn't comfortable with what he was hearing any more than he was comfortable seeing Jared's giant cock tenting his boxers. "Now what the fuck am I going to do," continued Jared, "That bitch will probably tell her friends and scare them off. I hate when women don't know their place."

"Uh," replied Justin, "maybe if you were a little gentler with them this wouldn't happen. I like making my girlfriend feel as good as I do when we make love."

"Make love?" sneered Jared, "What the fuck are you talking about? Bitches are there to get men like me off. That's all they're good for." Jared was clearly getting more agitated now, making Justin feel nervous. "Make love? You sound like some sort of prissy-fuck faggot to me when you say that."

Justin flushed and started to respond, but Jared had a look in his eyes that stopped him cold. Justin had never seen anyone show that much intensity and anger before. He suddenly felt afraid of his new roommate and what he might do. Just breathed deeply and started again, "Well, I'd better get back to studying. I hope—"

"You know what I think?" interrupted Jared. "You don't like sports and you don't talk like a man. I think you really are a faggot. Yeah, that's what you are—a pretty faggot right here for me to use. And you're going to help me out right now, faggot. You're going to make me cum."

Justin backed away, trying to get down the hallway to his room. Jared stripped of his boxers and held them in his hand. Now released, Justin could see Jared's enormous dick clearly. It was long, thick, and black as night, and seemed to pulse and throb with Jared's heartbeat. Jared smiled an evil grin that stretched from ear to ear. He started advancing down the hall toward Justin, who turned to run away.

In a flash Jared covered the distance between them and pinned Justin to the ground. Justin struggled, trying to escape, but Jared forced him down, kneeling on Justin's back. Justin started to scream for help, but Jared used the moment to shove his boxers into Justin's mouth, silencing him. Jared yanked down Justin's shorts and underwear, exposing Justin's firm, bubbled, white ass. "Fuck yeah, that pretty ass is going to make me feel so good." Using one hand to hold Justin down, Jared kneed apart Justin's legs, exposing the tight, virgin hole. Justin's eyes rolled white with terror. He struggled and thrashed, but Jared was much too strong.

Jared spit on Justin's hole, and lined up his cock. Justin could feel the heat of the mushroom head pushing against his pucker. He tried to clench, to twist away, but Jared simply dropped his body onto Justin's back. In one sudden motion all ten inches of black cock forced their way into the tight, virgin ass. Justin's world exploded in pain. He could barely see, and only the boxers shoved in his mouth stopped the whole neighborhood from hearing his screams.

Jared wasted no time. Repositioning his legs on either side of Justin, he began to thrust. Over and over again Jared long dicked his new hole, pulling his bull cock almost all the way out and then slamming it in again balls deep. Each time he buried his cock his huge, pendulous balls slapped against the creamy white ass. Justin screamed through the cloth with each thrust, but Jared showed no mercy. The room was filled with the sound of sweaty flesh slapping together mixed with cries of pain and deep, animalistic grunts.

Justin was completely at the mercy of this muscled black man. Jared's weight was fully on top of him, his arms in a pushup position on either side of Justin's head. Justin's nose filled with the raw scent of masculinity like he had never experienced before. And that monster cock was deep inside him, ripping him apart. He could feel Jared's dick in him, hard and thick, thrusting again and again. Tears of pain and humiliation rolled down his face. He tried to beg Jared to stop but could only manage inarticulate whimpers of pain through the gag.

Jared liked to fuck long, and Jared liked to fuck hard. All over his body muscles rippled as Jared drilled his new bitch. The tight hole felt incredible wrapped around his God cock. He didn't even need to pretend to be gentle with this one. This was a faggot, and a faggot's only use was to serve his Master. Sweat shone on his body as he pummeled Justin's ass, breaking him in. Jared knew that Justin belonged to him now. This bitch was his to use however, whenever he wanted.

He wrapped an enormous bicep around Justin's throat and began to fuck harder, and harder still. Justin had passed beyond the point of screaming now and was simply submitting to the punishment in a pain-filled half daze. All he could hear was the sound of flesh on flesh and Jared's ever quickening grunts. It was like Justin's entire world had become Jared. Jared's arm around his throat, Jared's pecs and washboard abs on his back, Jared's breath on his neck, Jared's scent in his nose, Jared's cock in his ass. His whole universe was this man who was conquering him.

Jared increased his pace, rutting against Justin as hard as he could. His beefy thighs and ass flexed as his cock dominated and destroyed Justin's will. The pounding reached its peak, and Justin felt all of Jared's muscles tense up. He felt enveloped by this black muscle God. He hated what was happening, but knew he was powerless to stop it. Jared thrust once more as deep as he could into Justin and let out a bull roar. Justin felt a warm flood filling him. He could feel the cock buried deep inside him twitching as it fired rope after rope of hot cum into his guts. It seemed to last forever, the feeling of hot seed pouring into his body.

Jared collapsed on top of Justin, his mouth next to Justin's ear. His breath was harsh and hot on Justin's neck. He slowly ground his crotch into Justin's ass, his cock still buried deep within. "You're mine now, bitch. I own you," growled Jared. "You'll do what I want when I want and give me anything I demand. I'm your Master now, and you're a worthless fag who only exists to make me feel good. You understand?"

Justin nodded mutely. Jared ripped the gag out of Justin's mouth. "Answer me!" he said. "What are you?"

Justin whispered, "I'm your bitch, Jared."

Jared smacked him, bouncing his head off the floor. "I'm your bitch, SIR!" roared Jared. "You'll call me Sir, or you'll call me Master, or you'll regret it. Now, who are you and what are you going to do for me?"

Justin was crying hard, tears of shame pouring down his face. "I'm your bitch, Sir. I'll do whatever you want to make you happy, I swear. I'll make you feel good."

"That's fucking right, you useless fag. Now, I'm sweaty. Clean me up."

And with that, Jared abruptly yanked his cock out of Justin's ass, stood up, and walked into the living room. Justin lay on the floor quivering and crying, feeling more pain and humiliation than he ever knew was possible. He could feel Jared's cum leaking out of his abused ass and down his thigh as he lay his head on the carpet and wept.

Next: Chapter 2

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