Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Jan 27, 2003


Warnings And Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions or suggestions can be sent to 'jtpoole9@cybersouth.com'. I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

============================== Justin and Chris -- Chapter 6b by JT Poole

// The Compound //

"Looks like everyone is here, wait...where's Lance?" Daniel, the guys new tour manager asked.

"I'm right here." Lance stated as he came running into the room.

"Why are you late? You should have already been here." Daniel stated.

"I had a long night, so sue me." Lance stated.

"Alright, everyone knows the agenda, let's get on the bus and move." Daniel spoke, "Lance, can I see you for a moment please?"

"What is it?" Lance asked, becoming angered at the man.

"Why were you late?" Daniel asked.

"I told you why I was late, I had a long night." Lance stated.

"I don't believe that Lance. Tell me the real reason why you were late." Daniel stated.

"Look, you are going to have to take my first answer, you are not getting another one, so there." Lance stated as he turned to walk away, as Daniel grabbed his arm.

"Don't you dare walk away from me Lance, you have ignored my advances for the last couple of months, why are you constantly teasing me like this." Daniel asked.

"I have done nothing to you. Leave me alone Daniel." Lance stated as he turned away and headed outside to the tour bus.

"You may walk away now Lance, but I will have you." Daniel spoke as he too walked outside towards his bus.

// 2 Hours Later //

"Guys, can I talk to all of you?" Lance asked walking into the lounge area of the bus.

"Sure Scoop, what's up?" Justin asked.

"Well ahhh, well..." Lance trailed off. "I don't know how to say this guys, but I am...ah...ah..."

"You are gay." Chris finished for him.

"Chris, be quiet." Justin stated.

"Well he's telling the truth Justin, I am gay. I just hope you two can forgive me for the way I have been acting for the last couple of weeks towards you two." Lance stated.

"Are you sure you are gay Scoop?" JC asked.

"After the things that happened last night, I am sure." Lance spoke, "I am not sure of anything else, but I am sure that I am gay."

"How so Lance?" Chris asked.

"The things I felt at the club last night. Talking to Randy last night and this morning, I am sure that I am not as straight as I thought I was." Lance stated.

"Well I am okay with that. Are you okay with it?" JC stated.

"Right now I am, I just need to change some of my ways, but hopefully you guys can help with that." Lance stated.

"Help with what?" Justin asked.

"Help me be more like you guys. Help me understand my feelings more." Lance stated.

"Lance we can't do that for you, you have to understand your own feelings yourself. All we can do is support you on your feelings and the actions you make based on your feelings." Justin stated.

"You have made some bad actions already based on your feelings. We will try to make sure you don't do it again." Chris stated.

"Chris, you said you wouldn't act this way." Justin stated.

"Well I am trying, but I just can't believe all of this. You guys are just letting him slide by on this. So he tells us he's gay, so what. When he found out about me and Justin, he had a hissy fit, now we are supposed to just automatically accept all of this, I just can't do it right now. I think Lance needs some of his own medicine back. Someone needs to treat him the way he treated us." Chris stated.

"Chris baby, I know he mistreated us, but sometimes we have to let things go. Because he gave us a bad time, that doesn't mean we have to do the same thing to him that he did to us." Justin stated.

"Well it just seems right to me, he gave us a headache, made us feel like dirt, someone needs to do the same thing to him." Chris stated.

"Come on Chris, just let things be the way they are. You are bigger than that." Joey stated.

"Stay out of this! None of this doesn't affect you in anyway Joey. You don't know how any of this felt when Lance was being mean and rude to me and Justin." Chris stated.

"No I don't know how it felt, but I do understand your point. Fair turn around is okay, but there is no need for that." Joey stated.

"Guys just forget about it. If Chris wants to make me feel like crap, then let him. I deserve any treatment he wishes to give me. I treated him and Justin like dirt when they came out to us, so I guess it's all fair." Lance stated, as he walked out of the lounge area crying.

"It's not fair. Chris if you mistreat Lance, you will be sleeping alone for a long time." Justin stated.

"What! You are going to punish me for wanting to punish him?" Chris asked.

"If I can forgive him, you can forgive him to Christopher. If you truly love me and want our relationship to last, then you will just let this go." Justin stated as he got up and left the lounge room.

"Justin come back here. Ok fine, Scoop you win." Chris stated as he followed Justin out of the room.

"Do you really think Justin would have broke up with him, if he didn't drop it?" JC asked.

"I don't know, but it seems to have worked. I am going to talk with Lance, how about you go check on Chris and Justin." Joey stated, as he got up to go find Lance.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E -Mail: jtpoole9@ cybersouth.com AIM: swainsboroguy1 Yahoo: swainsborogaboi ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 9

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