Justin and Alan

By John McDonald

Published on May 25, 2011


The following story is completely fictional and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. However, if they ARE having this sort of fun in their lives, more power to them!

JUSTIN and ALAN - Chapter 6

Justin Bieber was rather mopey after his super lover, Alan, was taken away. He went through the motions of sexual antics with Nick, but it just wasn't the same. Alan had excited and pleasured him in a way that had no comparison. How could he face the remainder of his life without such ecstatic fulfillment?

Little did Justin know, he was about to have that world of enchantment reopen to him.

Leaving the studio after an all-day rehearsal for an upcoming concert tour, Justin was beat and ready for some relaxation. As he pulled into his driveway, he observed an unfamiliar Lincoln Navigator parked up against his garage door. Wanting to park his car inside, this obstacle ticked him off.

As he inserted his key into the lock on the front door, Justin noticed it was slightly ajar. He thought of immediately calling the police, but decided against it. How many guys had he given keys to for easy access? It could have been any of several, Nick being the most frequent visitor. The singer noticed the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. Letting himself in, he stared curiously at the outline of a man on the other side of the steamy shower door. Just then, the water was turned off and the shower's occupant opened the door while toweling his hair. Justin could see that his intruder was tanned and very muscular. Then the towel moved from head to upper body.

"Alan? Oh my god, you're shitting me!"

"Biebs!!! Come to Daddy, Baby Biebs."

Justin slid into Alan's open arms and commenced suctioning furiously on the model's lips. Alan responded with equal ferocity on Justin's mouth. The horny Mexican stud grappled excitedly with the blonde babe's tight jeans. As soon as they were around the singer's ankles, Alan hoisted him onto the sink counter. He'd earlier spied a tube of KY gel and figured he'd have use for it, so it was ready. As he continued massaging Justin's lips, Alan worked the gel into the teen's fuck chute. Justin squirmed happily as Alan's fingers invaded his inner pleasure area, then felt himself positioned on the edge of the countertop.

Alan's pole was dripping precum in his wildly aroused state. He pressed into Justin's opening, and the horny bottom boy relaxed his ring most willingly. Alan scooped under Justin's legs and positioned them atop his shoulders. Leaning in closely, his mouth again found the love-starved singer; his pole glided easily up the well-lubed chute until Alan's balls rested against Justin's butt cheeks.

This wasn't sufficient for the rapacious Mexican stud. He clambered onto the countertop, repositioned his fuck toy, and began hammering wildly into Justin for a quick first cum. The youth lost his breath while being power-slammed on the hard surface. Having a mouth clamped over his own mouth added to the rapid arrival at a state of breathlessness. Even as Justin began to go limp and into semi-consciousness, Alan fucked on like a wild animal. His vigorous thrusts brought him to a quick climax, after which he collapsed on top of his reclaimed bitch.

After Alan caught his own breath, he lifted the unconscious babe onto his shoulder and carried him to the main bedroom. He laid Justin on his side, made sure he looked comfortable, and then went for a cool washcloth. Alan dabbed the boy's forehead and neck until he began to stir. In a semi-stupor, Justin reached behind himself to check for leaking cum. Finding some, he put on a half grin and looked at Alan.

"Guess it was good for you, but I don't remember how it ended."

"Sorry, babe, I couldn't help myself. I was so horny for you after that separation."

"How'd you get free? I didn't think I'd ever see you again, or at least not anytime soon."

"It's a long story, but right now I want to fuck some more."

Alan leaped back onto his hot bitch boy and worked some more lube into him. Justin stretched his arms and legs, and then rolled onto his back smiling at his dominator. The super-horny Mexican stud slipped his arms under the teen's legs behind his knees, and he pushed those legs back as far as the muscles would stretch. Alan got on his own knees and aimed his furiously pulsing cock at the turned up entrance. The lube, warmed by body heat, enabled the stud to glide in like a knife through butter. The muscular Alan thrusted his hips to force the tip of his cock to repeatedly nudge Justin's pleasure button.

"Oh god, Alan......you're priming my pump for a gusher."

"When I feel your body tell me it's ready, I'll aim your hose at your mouth, Babe."

Alan continued plundering Justin's chute. The young blonde honey panted and moaned as his reproductive tract tensed up. The man on top felt his toy's love channel tense up, so he grabbed Justin's throbbing dick. At the last second, Alan bent himself improbably and took the boy's cock into his own mouth. Justin's spasms and shudders challenged the attacker to remain connected as he gulped the hot seed that spewed into his mouth. The younger man clawed at the bedsheets from the hyper-sensation of having his cock tip gnawed and licked just after shooting. He was held in place by his lover's iron grip. Alan then flipped him around and mounted him doggy-style without so much as a pause in the pummeling. Justin's hair whipped back and forth as Alan power-drove into the still vibrating tunnel. Grabbing Justin's hips tightly, Alan forced himself in another inch by compressing the boy's buns against rippled abs. The powerful

stud bellowed as his hot seed gushed into the captive youth. Jet after jet sprayed forcefully up Justin's intestines until he thought he felt a boiling sensation in his stomach. After the eighth pulse, Alan fell backward and pulled Justin on top him. Still deeply imbedded in the singer's ass, the studly model raked his hands along the teen's stretched out upper body. He especially worked Justin's pecs and adolescent nipples. Incredibly, Alan remained rock-hard and continued thrusting while sucking the side of his lover's neck with hot, hungry lips. With Justin spread-eagled on top of him, the natural outward curve of Alan's throbbing pole was directly stimulating the youth's prostate. By working his hips upward, the salacious body-builder expedited Justin's arrival at yet another climax. The fantasy babe's legs shot outward as his stiff post erupted forcefully. He then sank into Alan's erotic musculature, and his head

slipped between the model's jaw and shoulder. Like magnetism, Alan's lips latched onto Justin's exposed neck. While sucking and licking, Alan rolled them both over so that Justin was now on his stomach. He tightened his grip with arms and legs, initiating a quest for total domination.

Justin began to stir beneath him, so Alan snaked one arm under the boy's left armpit, up and around the back of his neck. The other arm worked its way under Justin's right side until Alan's fingers detected a nipple that was swollen from previous fingering. The Mexican hottie gripped that nipple with the nails on his thumb and middle finger. Justin struggled underneath Alan as the pinching grip grew painful. The super horny model drove his still stiff cock in and out of the exhausted singer. The more Justin squirmed, the tighter grew the various holds his conqueror had on him. When Justin began to scream from the painful nipple manipulations, Alan forced his face into a pillow to stifle the cries. Harder and harder the youth bucked his hips in a futile attempt to throw his rider off. In response, Alan deliberately slammed harder into Justin's sore ass.

"You are all mine, Baby Biebs. I feel like I want to fuck you to death."

Alan took a deep breath as he licked the boy's neck and earlobes with his long and talented tongue. Justin's pleading response was muffled by the pillow he was pressed into. The mostly one-sided battle continued until the teen quit all signs of resisting. As soon as Justin purposely went limp, Alan's fury subsided.

"Hey, you're no fun when you don't fight back, Baby."

Turning his head slowly to one side, Justin replied, "I'm broken, Master. I have no fight left in me at the moment."

In his head, though, Justin was working furiously on how to get even with the horny Mexican stud he had on top of his back. The sex was wildly exciting, but he objected to the absolute control that Alan was exerting over him. He quickly settled on a plan. A fellow performer he'd met in Las Vegas would be the perfect ally to exact a little revenge on the sex maniac that seemed unable to stop plundering him.

"Alan, I really need to clean up and get ready for a publicity shot. I'm an opening act at the Excaliber in Vegas next weekend. They'll be running a special video promo on several cable stations and web feeds starting Monday."

All this work talk was making the hot model go soft anyway, so he pulled out of his prey.

"Tell you what, Biebs, I'll let you go if you promise to take me to Vegas with you."

Justin smiled to himself and answered, "sure thing, stud. We'll have some fun while we're there."

Alan got up from the bed and slapped Justin on his ass cheek sort of playfully. The singer got up and stumbled to the bathroom since his soreness interfered with normal walking. Once inside, the boy left the door unlocked figuring that the sex-crazed muscleman would only kick it down anyway if he became aroused again.

Fortunately for Justin, Alan Valdez succumbed to exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep. When the teen returned to the bedroom, he observed a naked, muscular model on his side. His very shapely ass rested on the edge of the bed, and he was thrusting in his sleep.

"No doubt you're reliving your attack on me, and you certainly are hot, Alan. Tell you something, though- when we're in Vegas, you're going to get the surprise of your fucking life."

With that, Justin pulled on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, ran his hand over Alan's exquisite butt, and left to do his publicity video shoot. On the way, he made a call to a friend.

"Since you're performing near my hotel, I thought we might get together again.........Sure.......... And there's a situation you could give me a little help with if you're willing.........As it happens, it IS about that........Shut up.........Well, you're pretty hot yourself, for an old guy.........Ouch, my delicate young ears.........Seems to me you told me YOU were like that at 17 too......... I will owe you big time once this is over with........You, too, Houdini; ciao.

Justin smiled to himself as he drove to the worksite. He was still a little sore, but the hot shower and the healing lotion had helped.

Two hours later, Alan was awakened from a sound sleep by the ringer on his cell phone.

"Yeah? Speaking...... Hey, Steve, how are you?...........Return it? I thought the Lincoln was a gift from you........Geez, you have two others besides it..........No, you don't have to do that. I'm heading for Vegas sometime this week.......Yeah, I'll drop it off and catch a ride with a friend who'll be following me.......No, I don't think so. He's pretty high-profile and would attract too much attention if we did that. See you soon."

When he hung up, Alan muttered to himself for awhile.

"Ungrateful bastard. After the good time I showed him, you'd think one stinkin car wouldn't be such a big fuckin deal. Who needs him. My little Bieber Babe is going to be my ticket to the sweet life."

With that, Alan went for his second shower of the day and got himself squeaky-clean for when Justin would return. He then dressed in an outfit that accentuated his best assets, after spraying a little musk on himself. The tight, silk lounge pants and the equally tight, muscle t-shirt made the image in the mirror very stimulating.

"I wish I could have myself cloned. I am looking so good, I wish I could fuck myself."

Alan laughed out loud as he continue to examine himself in the mirror. He ran his hands over every sensuously sinewy part of his body. So as not to let the front of his pants get stained, he stuffed a folded paper towel in his bikini briefs to absorb the leaking precum.

When the video shoot was complete, Justin hung around the studio visiting with the crew. He was somewhat fearful of going home alone. He didn't want to let on that there was a problem he could not handle; he couldn't betray his famous Bieber fearlessness he always had on display. He needed to come up with a way to distract Alan for at least tonight, so his body had a decent chance to recover from the earlier assault. Then he hit on a plan.

"Nick, could you meet me at my place in about an hour? Great. Can you bring Joe with you? Super! See you then."

Knowing Alan's love for certain foods and drink, Justin figured he could buy a night off by taking them out to dinner. He'd get Alan really hammered, and then all he'd want to do is go to sleep at the end of the evening. Further, he suspected Joe Jonas could be an interesting diversion for the hot Mexican. Joe's sexual appetite ran similar to Justin's own, so he figured some serious flirtation might take place during the meal. Whether Alan went home with Joe or became too intoxicated for sex, either way Justin would get a full night's rest out of the deal.

On arrival at his place, Justin took on a somewhat cocky attitude as he walked through the doorway. Oblivious to the teen's manner, Alan scooped him up and deposited him on the living room sofa. As he made his first move for a make-out, a hand formed a barrier between their respective lips.

"What's up, Biebs? Don't want any?"

"Nick and his brother will be here any minute. I invited them to have dinner out with us. I was thinking of taking us to Outback or Black Angus. What do you think?"

"Well, they both have good steaks. Now that you mention it, I'm starving."

"Well, great! You know you need to keep your strength up, if your performance is going to be at its best."

"I sure don't want to disappoint you, Babe. A good steak dinner, followed by dessert at home."

He said that with a twinkle in his eye and a stiffy in his pants. Justin noticed the bulge and purposely kept his eyes directed elsewhere. The teen knew what a compulsive bottom he was, yet also realized he needed to let his body recover from the early romp.

The two Jonas brothers showed up at Justin's and they went to Black Angus in two cars. A hostess seated them at a corner booth for some privacy. Joe Jonas nearly collided with a waiter while following the movement of Alan's luscious ass under the silk lounge pants he'd opted to not change. Joe sat next to Alan and across from Justin. Nick was across from Alan. After ordering drinks, Joe excused himself to go to the men's room. About a minute later, Alan did likewise. The two remaining diners exchanged a glance followed by a brief giggle.

Joe had entered an empty washroom and leaned against the sink breathing deeply. Alan entered soon after and took Joe by the shoulders and pressed him against the wall.

"You want it, don't you. I could see you staring at my ass when we walked to the booth; there was a mirror in front of me and I was watching you."

"So what of it? Yeah, Alan, you're hot and I like to look at hot guys."

Alan released Joe's shoulders and took hold of his face with both hands. Looking deeply into Joe's glistening eyes, Alan pounced on his mouth like a demon attempting to extract life force. Joe kissed back earnestly until the Mexican stud pulled back.

"Listen, Joe- I want you to think of some excuse why you need to stay over at Justin's place tonight. When I'm finished with him, I'll give you a taste of what I really have to offer."

"Okay, Alan. I'll think of something. Better let me return to the table first."

Joe went back and was carefully studied by Nick and Justin.

"What? Do I have soap on my face or something?"

"We just figured Alan was going to make a move on you, and we were looking for evidence."

"Screw you guys. I'm not some whore who makes it with any hot guy in tight lounge pants that I meet in a men's room. Geez........."

"Sorry, bro. I know he's your type, so I just put two and two together......."

"Shut up, Nick. Read your menu."

Alan returned to the table with his hair freshly combed. He got the same stare down from the two younger guys at the table.

"In case you're wondering, I fucked four waiters and a busboy while I was in there."

Nick and Justin jerked their heads simultaneously towards each other and then laughed at Alan's joke.

Dinner was sumptuous and the boys all skipped dessert. Alan and Joe had split a bottle of red wine with their steaks; the younger guys had iced tea. The healthy portion of red meat slowed the processing of the alcohol, so the two who'd had any were still clear-headed. When it was time to leave, Justin had an inspiration.

"Nick, why don't we come by your place so you can show me that song you're working on?"

"You could, but I think Joe is tired of hearing me compose and change and compose again."

"Right you are, bro. Why don't I take Alan back in Justin's car, and you can come and get me when you're done messing around with that annoying song."

Justin angled, "we might be up pretty late. Will it be a problem if you have to stay the night?"

Alan pursed his lips at the older Jonas and shifted his eyebrows upward. Joe nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders at Justin and replied, "if it gets to midnight and you're not back, I'll just figure you're pulling an all-nighter."

Justin tossed his keys to Joe, who unlocked the car letting Alan get in. They drove off with the younger guys watching them depart.

"Shit, Nick. You're brother's going to be walking funny for the next two or three days after tonight."

"I don't know about that. Joe can take `em pretty big with no after effects."

"Really? Like with who?"

"We were doing a show at Lake Tahoe last month and he struck up a conversation with a baseball player from New York: Derek somebody. We were going to hang out there between weekends, and Joe was in the ballplayer's room for four days. Afterward, he said this guy had a cock like a beer can."

Justin's jaw dropped.

On the way to Justin's place, Alan suggested they stop at a liquor store for some beer. Joe happily obliged, and the two continued homeward.

Sorry for the delay since Chapter 5. Life happens, and diversions get put on hold.

Thanks to new reader Dan and long time correspondent David for kind words sent recently.


Next: Chapter 7

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